"You actually believed a direct rumor? Wow you're so stupid"

"You actually believed a direct rumor? Wow you're so stupid"


Attached: GayXplain.png (270x260, 118K)

Other urls found in this thread:


does anyone believe "rumors" nowadays anyway

why are nintendofans so gullible?

To be fair, you are.

They waited till after to post this?
Why do I get the feeling they weren't so sure themselves?

When did Gamexplain get so full of themselves?

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Seems like they waited so they could finger wag and act holier than thou about it. Fuck them, that's some pretentious shit right there.

>spend years making 2 hour long videos of photoshops on Yea Forums and when someone finds the word 'braaaaaaaap' in update code
>be wrong most of the time
>wtf why are you calling us out

Why does the fact that these Soi-chugging butt fuckers call you stupid bother you so much? Half of Yea Forums hates direct hype threads because of faggots sperging out over literal advertisements, and calls you autistic retards, etc. And I agree, despite how much I want Joker info.
This. Did they not make a video about the rumor? They address all rumors, do they not. Seems like they wanted to make a vid for today, and they went with this just to be safe, regardless of outcome.

Reminder that Gamexplain BTFO all of you when they said the Grinch leak was fake and you called them stupid.

My second point was poorly-worded. I meant to ask if they did not address this rumor, because it is my understanding they address ALL rumors, and I meant to say that had the rumor been right or wrong, they waited this long to play it safe and make the "right" video; in other words, rumor was false, they made this. Had it been right, they would have made "OMG Rumor was right!? Direct HYPE!"

I wish they would shut the fuck up. Andre on his Twitter was roasting people for trusting it at all and it pisses me off. They’re so full of themselves. Just let people enjoy things.

You're a little bitch lmao. This literal who rumor about a fucking game ad that goes on for 15 mins is causing as much butthurt as the Grinch leak. I love it

>Rumours are connected to gamexplain crowd
>"Lol we believe this has a chance of being real *wink* *wink*"
>Rumoars are from an outside source
>"lol you people are stupid for believing rumours that aren't connected to us"

This. They want to act like they knew better and are smarter than the internet. It's pretty obnoxious.

I don't get it either, almost every single rumor churned out on Yea Forums, twitter, or retardera is obviously fake as fuck.
>inb4 the few real leaks Yea Forums actually had outweigh the plethora of fake leaks

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i dont care if a direct was announced or not. im just annoyed by how sure of themselves these bitches are.

because is full of money.

because they have influence and when they do stupid shit all the time. ignoring it has never worked

After all of the shit people threw at them for not buying the Grinch "leak," they're kinda justified in making this.

That's me after the grinch leak

Oh my god, literally who the FUCK cares? I agree with them that believing this literal who rumor, just like the P5 Switch is fucking brain-dead, mouth-breathing retarded. So what? You can still "enjoy" it. I think it is fucking imperative to own a PS4 and a Switch this gen. Yea Forums "board culture" thinks Snoy is the devil and for soibois and blah blah blah. Who the FUCK cares? I am still having more fun than this parroting faggots

whats most annoying is they had an out planned if they were wrong. they posted something like, "im not saying a direct isn't happening, im saying don't trust this source." like i get it, you want all of the credit for rumors that turn out to be true and also the credit for debunking fake ones. how about you just be wrong sometimes fags.

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57 minutes left bros

Yeah that makes sense
Still though, why are any of you paying attention to gamexplain? It's so lame.

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John Cartwright is a coowner of Resetera.

Wait you retards actually watch their videos? I just use them because they autistically comb for Nintendo news and put up trailers on their channels. Nobody here actually listens to what they have to say about video games, right?

who said anything about sony and board culture? i think you're the one who's butthurt buddy.

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>what a bunch of passionate fans
>wouldn't it be funny if we got their hopes up during a news drought and then laugh at them?

He isn’t wrong. There are constantly threads about direct speculation, with non-stop “leaks” and rumors. You people have no patience.

Holy shit really?

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>Neither post being quoted mentions the leak, just how annoying Gamexplain is being about this

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They covered many leaks, both fake and real, but didn't cover the grinch leak because they said it became "too toxic" for them and wanted nothing to do with it.

No wonder Gamexplain has such cutting edge news and insight into the gaming industry.

I just want something to make me feel again. nintendo directs are the only thing that pick me back up after a long stretch of nothingness.

Maybe this picture will cheer you up

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They didn't get shit for not buying the Grinch leak at first, they got shit for giving it almost no coverage despite it being one of the biggest 'leaks' ever. Their handling of the entire situation was dumb as fuck.

It was never about them not buying the grinch leak it was about them not covering it, they knew it was fake but keep the proof to themselves and they probably knew there was no direct this week because they basically work for Nintendo. The point is they shouldn’t act like they are speculating alongside the rest of us when they already know.

>Gamexplain is Nintendo fanboys
>Resetera is Sony fanboys
Does not compute.

Yeah they sure were dumb for not covering a vague rumor that was completely fake.

not him, but that kinda did cheer me up. thanks

For once Gayme explain is correct. You faggots are retarded as fuck if you think we're getting a general direct 60 days out from E3 or Smash anything before April 24/25

>vague rumor
The Grinch Leak was a vague rumor?

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Go away Andre no one likes you and you look weird

When they covered damn near every fake leak that ever happened? Yeah.

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it did make me feel better. thanks friend.

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>i can't parse a simple comparison of how people saying shit I don't agree with doesn't hamper my enjoyment of something
I am sorry you were born stupid, and that Gamexplain makes you mad.


Get over it fags

Retards don't like to be called retards, surprise surprise.

Gamexplain is literally in NIntendo's pocket, you'd be dumb not to believe their word at this point. If they say there's no direct, there won't be a direct.

>You faggots are retarded as fuck if you think we're getting a general direct 60 days out from E3
They've done it before. They've also had general directs in May, including one less than two weeks before E3.

it would help if it was a good comparison

The absolute state of Nintendo shills

>GameXplain capitalizing and shitting on everyone for wanting news
I swear to christ these people are absolutely awful and I hate them so much for sucking themselves off, and dear god their fans are worse

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>Grinch Leak proved that with today's technology and talent "leaks" can look more and more authentic and still be total bullshit
>Morons in Yea Forums still fall for this shit
You guys legitimately deserve to be shit on.

Resetera is nintendogaf. Yea Forums just tries to say THING I DONT LIKE IS SONY

Because they're one of Nintendo's biggest insider cocksuckers and thus know practically everything in advance.

What I really don't understand is why, when click bait like GamingIncel and attention whores like mystic got so much wrong during the pre-release cycle and during Grinch shit, they continue to listen to them and forget how much they got burned in the past

everyone in the comments like "HAHAHA I KNEW IT, NO WAY THERE'S A DIRECT NOW YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. THANK YOU FOR KEEPING US IN LINE GAMEXPLAIN." i guarantee if they had announced a direct, it would've been like no one ever said anything.

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You should have learned after the NX controller and Grinch leak not to trust internet rumors. In fact, you should have learned well before.

Because Yea Forums is stupid.
I rarely every side with the soulless vidya """"journalists""" that only exists to suck corporate cock but this is the rare case where they are actually in the right and Yea Forums and anyone else who bought this 100% deserves the mockery.

it's only ok to get excited when one of resetera's anoited give you permission, user-kun

neogaf was infamously a super sony fanboy site though.

>Make a video like this days after the Direct leak
For what purpose?

>ignores all the countless times internet rumors turned out to be true

"HAHAHAHA! We were right and you were wrong!"

>LMAO, you idiots ACTUALLY THOUGHT that was REAL? Get the FUCK out of here! Only REAL inside- I mean geniuses like US know what's legit and what isn't!

When Smash Ultimate was announced.

I agree.

Control of gaming news online. they knew there was no direct this week so they are shitting on gamingintel for saying there would be one, and shitting on everyone who dares to trust anyone other than gamexplain. They’re just gloating about being right and acting like it’s somehow moral superiority.

we've found our savior

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Ok, so if you didn't believe the leak, explain how they are being annoying, why you decide to voice this particular annoyance, over half of Yea Forums shitting on these type of threads and calling people that believe a baseless rumor stupid.

>Don't get led on by fake rumors
>Except the ones we put out every day, since that's how we get paid
Fuck off.

>ignores all the countless times internet rumors turned out to be false
You, too :^)

only direct we might before e3 get is Mario Maker 2

>do we even need a marketing campaign to launch joker
>yeah we know joker has 0 gameplay but like do they really need to do that
>it's kind of exciting not knowing anything about your 6 dollar purchase, it's like going back to melee
jesus christ these people are actually retarded

>screencapping your own cancerous twitter shitposts
kill yourself

So why do we hate Gamexplain? I think they're alright except for that one guy's voice. Is it Twitter crap?

because they act holier than thou and usually have shit takes on stuff

When they got a million subs.

>they act holier than thou
No more than Yea Forums does.

This is the Atlus way. It'll be different for the other fighters. But you aren't getting any news until the 25th earliest

What’s the origin of this photo? I always use it but I have no idea where it’s from.

basically twitter crap
yesterday, they started to shit on the Nintendo Direct rumor that was going around and they posted this video after no Nintendo Direct was announced today

a pretty shit thing for them to do, especially since the talk about different rumors on their youtube channel desu

good guess but you're wrong

Legit how is the biggest gaming news channel run by a guy with permanent phlem in his throat, like seriously there isn’t someone better out there to give the subscribes and views to so we don’t have to listen to that shit.

Which is a Yea Forums lie once again because they shitposted vita to the point mods banned vita discussion and actively banned people from defending it.

When that faggot John joined them.

What will it take for Nintendo fans to quit believing every rumor they hear. Do they not know what a rumor is? Just because a few turned out to be true doesn't mean every single one will be. But they seem to think otherwise.

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But yet they bought the Star Fox F-Zero rumor. baka

Vita was literally an eroge and VN machine though.
Of course they would hate it

They were insufferable during the Grinch shit, but this rumor and the people that actually fell for something that came from Gaming Incel deserve to be shit on

I somehow do not believe this. Gamexplain doesn't seem like they're tying to force sjw bullshit down our throats

Didn't they fully buy into Star Fox Grand Prix being a thing that exists

Yeah but on Yea Forums i can just call them a faggot and move on with my day, without worrying about them sending their fanbase after me or some shit

How they acted during the Grinch shit made sense, since people were shitting on them. This just comes off as shitting on people they don't like and acting all smug about it.

Have you even seen Andre's Twitter. He is a pretentions leftist Trannie thinker that forces his child to be tranny

But we KNOW there's going to be a Smash direct though. Joker comes out this month iirc.

“Lol you all are retards”

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Actually they invented that fake leak just to see if it would spread and they could call bullshit on any leakers who heard it. Don’t ask me how I know this but it’s true.

Yeah. But not until the 25th at the earliest

I wish I were that hamburger...

Yea Forums hates Andre, not GX as a whole.

This Nintendo Direct hype/leak shit reminds me of when Kanye's on the verge of releasing a new album.

That guy is going on into a tangent of how gaming INTEL leaks were wrong. I understand that you want to shit on a rival gaming news website, but that’s fucking petty.

I doubt it but he is a mod there.

Joker has a female with a ponytail as a costume. This was datamined before the Royal was even revealed. We still know nothing about her. P5S is being unvealed on April 25th. They won't show her in Smash before Atlas talks about her, and they won't make two separate Joker videos to reveal his gameplay ahead of time and reveal his female alt later. You have to wait.

I remember people were angry because nintendo didn't deny the grinch leak and so it was basically their fault they hated the last smash direct according to them. If you believe any leak you are retarded.

Stop crying zoomer. You lost, take the L.

They can easily not mention the Jane alt though and leave that for Atlus to discuss.

I still think there's a direct this month despite these rumors not being true. I think there's more to reveal on Super Mario Maker 2 and they won't just drop a major Smash update without talking about it. And they have plenty of smaller titles to update on that aren't E3 worthy. I personally would have guessed the end of the month. But Gamexplain are faggots for making a video like this considering they make half hour long videos on "rumors" all the damn time. Honestly any opinion of theirs that isn't strictly video games is terrible.

>they probably knew there was no direct this week because they basically work for Nintendo

They knew because it was fucking obvious. Fuck.

This, pic related plus Joker’s model are all we have right now. No moveset, no stage, no music, practically nothing.

How Jon can say something so dumb and take it seriously is beyond me.

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I don't understand where your anger is coming from, all I said was that the way they said this and how they're acting like they totally knew and didn't fall for it is being really stuck up and acting as if they're so much more mature than the internet when we all know if the leak had been real, they'd also act like they knew all along. Why do YOU care so much about this? Are you from Gamexplain?

if you think GameXplain is full of itself wait until you meet these two faggots.

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>le ebin captain falcon joke in the comments
is gamexplain's community just toddlers?

I don't like either of those faggots but they're right in this case.

they might, but this is not the first time that they throw shades to something they didnt report first.

Pretty much everyone is expecting a Direct this month. But there's this aching feeling I have that the Direct, regardless of how it'll happen or how they'll deliver Joker, in case they ever hint at Brave, I think Brave might in fact be related to Easter in some fashion. It wouldn't surprise me if Atlus delayed Joker's game play (and possibly Jane's as well while we're at it) so it can match their reveal as well, but it also wouldn't surprise me if this delay was by Nintendo's hands by any means for something to 'match'. I'm not even saying Erdrick, Banjo or any of those whatever names, I mean in a more general way and Brave helping promote the holiday somehow. I could definitely be wrong though, so, don't hold my words as preaching either. If we're lucky, we might get it before the 20th, but I'm not sure.

I don't understand how these faggots acting the way they do bothers you so much. That's what I don't understand. Because they call the leak believers stupid? I mean, get over yourself, dude.

no because they're all wishlists

statistically someone's going to get it right though

that is true
fucking hate how insufferable they can be
especially pushdustin, since you can't just ignore him since he does translate shit

There's a few times they've been real, and it's only because they leaked a few hours before a physical event where someone who posts on Yea Forums was one of the people in charge of setting it up. (See the Switch reveal)

I think the only other time a leak has been completely on the money was the DSi.

>whatsup guys its andlehflomgamesplen here with

Someone here leaked Piranha Plant.

he's just verified

yep, remember how one of them knew every final fantasy that was going to be announced the day before the direct? or how other always post pictures of Otters before a Direct?

Oh I know of them, user. I know of them too well.

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itt: smashfags coping with their own stupidity after falling for another obvious fake leak yet again

someone here was posting Piranha Plant everywhere on November 1st before the Nintendo Direct too

You're the one bitching that people in here can't let it go and you refuse to do the same yourself about people complaining. The only one needing to get over themselves here is you.

that was reddit

Pokemon Lets go Pikachu was leaked on april fools and no one believe it.

>now if you'll excuse me i have 20 minutes of analysis footage regarding this 6 second bing bing wahoo trailer to edit

I want the leak to just suddenly be real just so Gamexplain can eat shit. I mean other shit, they already get off on eating their own shit.

Let it go, you little faggot. Let it go.

thank you bulborb :)


The one thing I will always find crazy is how that one dude on gamexplain correctly predicted a Kirby's Epic Yarn 3DS port

Grinch Leak was their big turning point I feel.

>tfw nobody believed it because one thing was off in the end
It's like the guy who was setting up the booths before the Odyssey reveal who thought the logo had a plane.

the guys at gamexplain know when directs are happening. a lot of people know in advance actually. if they hint that it's not happening, it's not happening.

These fucks are insufferable and I've only known about them for about 4 months.

all smashfags are insufferable what did you expect from the most autistic ones?

He also “predicted” a lot of other things in that video too

There’s a difference between a leak being “obviously” fake to us and gamexplain having “Nintendo literally tells us about directs before they publicly announce them So we know 100% this is fake”. Fact remains they shouldn’t play both sides, being essentially inside Nintendo and acting like they are speculating with the rest of us about leaks and stuff. They are essentially liars that gloat like they are smarter than everyone when they have the fucking answer sheet.

>a leak being “obviously” fake to us
like the direct "leak" we are talking about

he didn{t predicted shit, he knew before hand, he also knew exactly which FF games were going to be announced. This is why their "discussion" videos are full of shit, whats the point of larping about a bunch of things that are not going to happen when you already know what exactly they going to announce?

Anyone here ever done a white poo? Fast responses please.

i was gonna ask why only nintendo has really insufferable personalities like gayexplain and pushdustin but then i remembered the nintendo part

Is Jon legit retarded? He works for Gamexplain, an outlet that reports mainly Nintendo news, and he doesn't know anything about their games. He didn't know Isaac had earthquake attacks. He thinks Joker doesn't need a direct. All DLC characters in the past had directs with details about their movesets, and he'll be coming with 3.0.0 which has new modes. we need a presentation about all of this by the end of the month because that's when Joker will release. That's not to mention Mario Maker 2 is releasing in 2 months and we know almost nothing about it despite the fact that the first one was hugely popular on the last console and this one will likely be very popular too. why wouldn't they promote it more before releasing it? animal crossing will probably wait until e3. but those two games alone could require a 20 minute direct.

what was so obvious about not having a direct this week even when nintendo said that more info about smash is coming this month? For what we know a smash direct, mini direct or a full direct could happen any moment between april 1st to 31th

Yes, exactly it was obviously fake but even then we don’t know for sure where as gamexplain literally has Nintendo on speed dial and can just ask “hey is this real should we cover this?”

nintendo will just release a trailer on youtube

You don't have to watch them. If you don't like them, then don't watch them.

They have many fans who enjoy their hard work, and it's clear they have links to the industry which is invaluable to listen to.But only only that but they are also huge fans, which is reflected onto the fanbase.

If you think they should remove all the aspects that make them likeable, then you're seriously advocated for a small, independent group with a dedicated fanbase to basically disband. This isn't right.

did I touch a nerve Jon? or are you Andre?

they're awful, but Stealth is worse since he's a full on Nintendo bootlicker

haha, that dude seems to have serious emotional problems sometimes

Actually Nintendo will give gamexplain exclusive footage to release on their channel, but they are totally just like us speculating blindly about when things might happen they are just such good guesser! I’m so thankful they had footage of incineroar and still made speculation videos on which Pokémon newcomer we might get, that was totally honest of them and we are assholes for demanding they gamexplain why they know the grinch leak is fake! It’s not cause they knew the roster the whole time nope it’s just cause they are such good leak busters!

>we only cover rumors that have proof to back it up
>if a rumor turns out to be false, we delete the video

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I suspect Stealth is clinically autistic, I don't think I have never read a twit from him that doesn't include the word "nintendo". However, I have never seen him being a dick to anyone, so I think its ok for him to have fun being autistic.

>we report on anything
>we cover up our mistakes when we've been proven wrong so no one knows how unreliable we are

Nintendo based YouTubers do nothing but report on rumors every fucking day. It's tiresome.

Andre go home, but seriously they can make content and people can enjoy it all they want but they are essentially liars for having industry ties while acting like they are just so good at guessing, easy to call things fake when you literally know for sure cause Nintendo told you. That’s lame enough but to then float about it is fucking worse than gamingintel putting the “leak” out In The first place.

>they only ever talk about nintendo

It goes against everything Nintendo and Sakurai did in the past 4 years for smash
In the november smash direct Sakurai went in great detail about all of Incineroar, Ken and even Piranha Plant moveset
In the August smash direct he again went in great detail about Simon and Richter moveset and Dracula Castle stage, as well as listing every single Castlevania song in the game, even pointing which were the new remxes among them
At E3 he did the same for the Inklings
During the Smash 4 DLC, he again went over all 4 DLC newcomers (Ryu, Cloud, Corrin and Bayonetta) talking about their moveset and stages (if they had one).

Yes, maybe Sakurai is dying and can't do something like this ever again, but even if no one will go over Joker's moveset or stage, or the Persona remixes, even if they don't talk about stage builder at all, even if they won't talk about the second dlc character until E3 or later there is still something coming because every time a big numbered update comes for Smash they always announce it at least a week before so that players can backup their replays, and the 3.0 announcement has to come by next week's end since the update is supposed to be out before April ends

lol he said he was glad that the channels that posted Ultimate OST rips early got taken down what a faggot

>Just let people enjoy things.
as soon as you just let people hate things

get a fucking hobby

That's not true. There are a bunch of people that genuinely think there won't be a direct until E3. After the February direct I figured they would have to do one between that direct and E3 and the perfect time is April considering it coincides with Smash. I suspect it would be a general direct with a Smash focus as opposed to a full Smash direct. And they would have to tease Brave. They said they'd be finished by early 2020 but they wouldn't even make that if they didn't tease anything, considering Joker was teased over 4 months before release.

>tease Brave
I kinda think they won't announce any future DLC characters until a week or two at most before they launch. just my speculation though. I think they only announced Joker to show what the DLC would be like. There isn't much point hyping things up for so long when there's nothing new to announce because people just forget about it gradually. also, the next DLC won't release until late June at the earliest

Why is their banner so hideous?

probably because they or someone they know made it and they're too attached to it despite it looking the way it is

The Canadian member who never appears in anything but their E3 coverage and the occasional indie game review did it.

That was actually me. Fucking hate trannies infesting video games.

thanks for your service

>literally 'don't trust anyone else but us and other (((respected))) people

fuck off trannyxplain

What's this about?

>Make a completely random guess
>If it's wrong, call people stupid for believing in it
>If it's right, smugly let everyone know you told them so
Ban people who do this

Damn near every insider in the industry acts like this. Everything surrounding "leak and insider culture" is a shitshow, will it ever end?

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holy shit this video just keeps getting more and more retarded

"they don't need to market JOKER before he launches"

uh? no...

"everyone who wants joker already has the fighters pass"

uh.. no

these people are so fucking devoid of any fucking business sense yet they seek to lecture us about business sense? holy fucking shit

say the guy who thought they were gonna announce 7 characters in one direct

>Retarded Grinchfags attempting to defend their OBVIOUSLY fake retarded leak
Never makes me fail to laugh. I love how they all went into hiding whenever they got eternally btfo'd by the November direct

You really shouldn't be trusting GamingIncel though

>makes hour long videos hyping up rumors/analyzing 1 minute of video to illicit hype/etc.

no self reflection at all, they must be leftists

>bringing politics into it
this is just as cringe as when Andre brought up Trump supporters during Grinch week

andre has already brought politics into it both with trump and parading around his mentally ill nephew for woke points

except all you see in this direct is speculation over when the direct will be and hatred for gamexplain

what rumor

GamingIncel, a clickbait website they reports every rumor they hear, claimed a direct was on April 11. Retards on Yea Forums ate it up

i want to ask why do they eat up shit so easily, but i remembered that i also work with a guy who is literally retarded and they are probably like him in their inability to understand things like how to use shrinkwrap on a palette, or what shrinkwrap is in the first place
god Yea Forums you are the idiots

What's hilarious is how GamingIncel literally made claims like November having two directs, and that Incineroar was for sure not in the Smash direct. And even back then, their track record was shady. They report literally anything they get told. And yet Yea Forums stills follows them and still eats their shit, because they tell them what they want to hear. It's the same thing with ecelebs like mystic distance, or virginben. Horrible, horrible track records for several games and very damning statements just in Smash alone, and yet they continue to receive attention

Reminds me, what happened to him now? Is he still posting or fucked off after getting things consistently wrong?

Honestly I'm not sure lol

And people still think P5 will come to switch.
If you idiots were this easily fooled about a direct how can anybody take you seriously when you proliferate fake news as facts like this.

Attached: 1554881214100.png (151x210, 58K)

"We don't even need new information cause there are so many games coming out until June....Like Labo"

Attached: r6mnwB8.png (393x393, 169K)

the only thing i can agree about those hypocrites is that this speculation is hurting people and their love for smash.

Also, as obviously expected. its 6pm EST now, and WHAT A SURPRISE! no announcement!

just to remember, there wont be any direct this week, or any announcement.

and minidirects are out of the question because something as important as 3.0 and joker has to be announced, something minidirects dont do.

Reminder that there won't be a direct next week either. It's in two weeks

if nintendo had denied the grinch leak that would've made it more legitimate in Yea Forums's eyes, that's how up its own fucking ass this board is

I fail to see how they are being "insufferable"

lol ya'll guys are so mad, because they are right and you guys where wrong

This is false

Name one good vidya news tuber
they don't exist

None of the other previous DLC characters had to deal with Atlus bullshit though.

Well you ARE fucking stupid if you believe vidya leaks.

There is no Atlus bullshit, user.

dont remind me about the grinch leak!

that fucker is still on the loose, the fact that baguette dick got away with such a complex plan and no one has access even to the fake images he did is irritiating to say the least.

Their hands are probably tied by Atlus this time.

theres that P5 concert in april 25 with the announcement of P5S (stage show).

Atlus has always been a bunch of arrogant inflated egoistic assholes, and them forcing nintendo to not show news even related to their games until they do them first is easily something i can believe them doing.

P5R next news is 4/24. p5s.jp counts down to it's reveal on 4/25. Joker in Smash isn't happening until Atlas has done whatever they are showing

Wasn't the rumor it would be tomorrow?

and just for the record, given how their exclusivity policies work, P5S is not gonna be switch related, its gonna be a stage show, just like the ones P4 and 3 had.

P5R is only Ps4 exclusive and thats it.

>P5S (stage show)
also, you're retarded if you think Atlus didn't plan around Smash Bros, since they're announcing everything late in April which was when Nintendo said Joker would be released

just take a look around on Yea Forums. yes, there are plenty of gullible retards who believe every "rumor" they see on the internet.

if the direct is tomorrow, then it should have been announced today, and something as important as the 3.0 update and Joker HAS to be announced, minidirects arent watched because no one expects them.

theres no way theres gonna be a direct tomorrow.

sounds pretty based to me. grinchfags were annoying retards and their "leak" was obviously fake to anyone who's seen enough other blurry image "leaks." why bother wasting any time on it?

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>still denying it even after it literally showed up in best buy's systems

>its gonna be a stage show
Why would it be a stage show?

it's literally just because they've made a cottage industry out of telling nintendo fans what they want to hear. it works because, for some reason, nintendo fans are the only fanbase gullible enough to keep falling for it over and over again, no matter how many times they're made to look like fools.

at least kanye fans are getting hyped for another genre-redefining masterpiece. nintendo fans go through this whole routine for literal advertisements.

it doesnt make sense for atlus to make 2 completely different expanded versions of P5 for 2 different platforms.

logic dictates that if were to be multiplatform then P5R should be the game, not P5R for ps4 and P5S for switch, if anything, it just implies the game will be like freaking FFXV pocket!

We still don't know what P5:R. P5:S might include P5:R in it. But claiming that P5:S is a stage play with no evidence is retarded.

The general lack of self awareness is amazing.

I thought she was gonna flash them from the thumbnail.

Gaymxplain is guilty too, falling for Star Fox Grand Prix, and still eating out of Laurant K.Dale and Emily Rogers and Lee Robertson's bowls

while i can agree the stage play is just sudden, it doesnt make sense that the switch version has a different name than the ps4 version.

and much less sense than the ps4 version is just a part of the switch version.

tldr: if P5s is a switch version, it cannot have P5R as part of it, and it can only be an inferior version since P5 THE ROYAL is clearly being set up as the flagship version of the game, a flagship version made only for the ps4.

>if P5s is a switch version, it cannot have P5R as part of it
if you say so, user

the most retarded thing is him saying that nintendo "doesn't need to market" the Joker DLC or even the 3.0 update because "everyone bought the fighters pass already" like how big of a fucking retard do you have to be think that a business wouldn't or shouldn't market a new product available...

It's his nephew but still.

Consider the following
P5R is a sequel

Given it's pretty obvious Nintendo's holding back for Atlus and it's already known theres going to be some e-shop updates the 25th (the Mario and Zelda VR patches) there may well not be time for a direct if they launch it on the 25th.

The only thing Nintendo needs to hold back is Joker's female alt. Atlus isn't holding anything back besides that part of Joker.

The fact Gamexplain is SO dismissive of a direct all together when they're clearly in bed with Nintendo pretty much guarantees we ain't get one next week either.

They're gonna wait all the way till the concert.

Go back to whatever shithole you came from

And if that's the case, then it's a result at Nintendo being incompetent rather than Atlus. All Nintendo had to do was release a short video with Joker that didn't show off his alts.

It's wierd too since they said it wouldn't make sense to throw out joker at the concert
Even gayexplain knows atlus are a bunch of faggots

For all we know it could have been part of the terms of his use.

Atlus is infamous for liking to string their fans along with announcements of announcements after all.

Gamexplain is in bed with Nintendo, not Atlus.

If Atlus is doing something at the concert, they wouldn't know.

>there may well not be time for a direct

Bruh...now that Stage Builder's been leaked in the latest Smash Bros ad, there's no way Nintendo doesn't announce a direct by this time next week. Not to mention they can easily cover Joker without getting into his "Jane" alt.

>For all we know it could have been part of the terms of his use.
That's definitely bullshit. Especially since the P5 designer is a pretty big fan of Smash Bros. Unless Joker has something incredibly spoilery in his moveset (Arsene redesign maybe) then it's Nintendo's fault for being incompetent as fuck with showing off Joker.

The 3.0 update will make the current replays unplayable. With all the other major updates Nintendo gave a week of warning to save replays into videos, thus by the end of next week at maximum Nintendo will need to announce the release date for 3.0 and it's content if Joker is supposed to "come out before the end of april" like they said in the previous direct. Even if Joker comes out after the concert they still need a weeklong notice, and next week is the last before the concert

If there is nothing next week it doesn't mean Nintendo is waiting on Atlus to release Joker, it means Joker and 3.0 are not coming before May

Nintendo can still announce an update is coming without talking about whats in the update.

They did make a rumor video. GameXplain is just full of prententious cunts.

>Believing """""""Inside sources""""""

Wow, I can't believe someone thinks I'm an idiot just because I fell for the same shit over one hundred times in the past few months

How's derrick compared to the rest of the group- last time I checked he wasn't too bad. I haven't really watched or looked at anything gamexplain related in a while.

he's never on anymore because he's not an unhinged tranny

Isn't Derrick the fag from Serebii?

I would prefer it if you didn't use a picture of Kyle to justify you being a fucking retard next time, thanks

Of course they can, in fact they did it already in the February direct almost 2 months ago
This is the problem: everyone knows the 3.0 update is coming, and everyone knows it's supposed to be released soon together with Joker. It was an announcement of an announcement, it's completely redundant to, for example, post on twitter next week and saying "the 3.0 update is coming soon, remember to save your replays". It adds nothing, it explains nothing, it changes nothing

no retard, that's joe who's equally as stupid as the rest of gx

How did Nintendo advertise 2.0?

oh, thats' right, Merrick and Derrick sound kinda alike

GameXplain and Sourcegaming are right 99% of the time. Sourcegaming correctly predicted that the box theory was correct while also saying Grinch leak was fake and they took a lot of shit for that. You would be smug too if you were constantly correct most of the time while taking vitriol from autistic Nintendo fans who believe in fake leaks.

Joe gets a pass for making /vp/ seethe.

This, the fucking grinch autism wouldn't have gotten nearly as out of control as it did if it weren't for them going out of their way to be quite about it and being fags on Twitter when people got suspicious over it. They covered fake leaks with far far FAR less effort put into them

P5R is not Golden P5, retard

It's an IF game like SMT IV A

To be fair, that Gaming Intel site is 50/50 right about SOME of the Nintendo Directs in the past i.e. the one in September IIRC.
>P5R is a sequel
Come to think of it, that's possibly the most logical outcome because of how secretive Atlus is with Royal. Plus, Atlus did something like that in the past i.e. SMT4 Apocalypse where that game is kinda a sequel of SMT4 but it continued from one of the ending from SMT4.

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the grinch was related to mariotehplumber somehow, right?

I keep hearing this shit about his nephew. What's the story?

IIRC, they sent a reminder on Smash Bros news tab to register your copy of Ultimate before the end of January if you wanted Pirahna Plant for free along with a general "save your replays" announcement.

Wouldn't they send a notice on Smash Bros news tab the week Joker and 3.0 gets announced for a release date to save your replays instead of Twitter?

Well they were correct, they knew they were correct and a mob of rosterfag retards were against them.

>Cover 5 billion photoshopped images spammed on Yea Forums and a couple of fake renders
>leak with at least one solid month of preplanning, a highly detailed mockup of the roster, and a fuck ton of other convenient bullshit that happens to make this leak sound more likely than any other leak before
>Oh that, never heard of it. We don't need to talk about it anyway :)

It's almost as if they knew something in advance and were doing really shitty damage control user

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>"It's not real. We know it's not real"

Yeah no.

not a nincel but the more i read about gamexplain and sourcegaming the more i believe they're even more autistic than some of the faggots in this thread

ResetEra doesn't like videogames, they're a political "activist" site larping as people who like videogames. Why do you think they have an allergic reaction any time the words gamer or gameplay are used around them

all gamexplain had to do was do a long analysis on the leak and then say to wait for official confirmation

why did they fuck up so bad
they didn't even say that they knew it wasn't real, they pussyfooted around the issue pretty badly

We've actually had quite a couple leaks be real, the fact of the matter is though is that Yea Forums never likes the real leaks and doesn't want to accept them so they're deemed fake.

A week before they said it was coming, and a week later it released
The 2 main differences with the 3.0 are:
1) The 2.0 added nothing to the game apart the Piranha Plant, every other change was focused on rebalancing the characters already in the game. This is not the case for 3.0 because, even ignoring the stage builder leak, in the direct they already showed 2 new options in the menu so players know it will be a "bigger deal" compared to the previous update (the second will most likely be homerun contest since it was datamined together with Stage Builder)
2) The 2.0 update came out of nothing, no one was expecting it, no one was hyping it. But this time Nintendo did hype it, and the players have been expecting it for almost 2 months. It's true, this situation is ocmpletely Nintendo's fault, but if they were not going to say anything they could have just cut the middle man out and announce Stage Builder in the direct while saying "tune in for the Persona concert on April 25th to learn when Joker will release"
But they did nothing of sorts, that's why all these stupid "predictions" and "leaks" are running rampant

Well, of course they'll do that, I was just making an example for the user I was quoting. I used twitter because of all the people that are saying "they announce everything with shadowdrops on twitter"

A 16 minutes video on a non-event?...

Derrick > Ash > Jon > Andre > random guest

There were a couple of things that pointed towards him, but nothing concrete if I recall correctly. I certainly don't doubt the possibility of it though. If he's autistic enough to buy god knows how many Rosalina amiibos just so nobody else could have them, I could see him at least partially being behind the fake.

>Thread is full of people acting like they weren't probably hyping themselves up for the direct and just want to seem smart and superior to the others who aren't ashamed to admit they were wrong.
It's just like the Grinch leak all over again.

same, what a let down


I didn't really hype myself up since gamingintel is like 50/50 with directs.

Kinda what I expected from them. Remember this shit?

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when is he going to butch i mean cover another queen song
like i wanna break free

GamingIncel is only 50/50 because they report literally e v e r y rumor they get told. You can't trust them at all, especially when they are the only ones saying it. Everyone else was like, "I dunno who their source is on this one" even Papa fucking Geno's didn't buy into it like Yea Forums faggots did.

Of course I remember Chairy Potter

>2 completely different expanded versions of P5 for 2 different platforms
We don't even know what P5R even is, you retard. Same with P5S so what two expansions are you blabbering about?

of course Yea Forums has a problem with gamexplain, fucking nazis... I bet you LOVE TheBitBlock tho!

What kind of minor sidegame is labeled THE ROYAL in big shiny golden letters?
P5R is the golden edition, hell the logo IS FUCKING GOLDEN!

>Yea Forums liking diaper fags

At least they'll actually get BTFO over something this month when pic related isn't revealed


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Nah they 100% think Erdrick is getting in which means he's practically confirmed

I dont know who else could "Brave" be

Honestly it's incredible that TheBitBlock is an obnoxious whiny diaperfag and the Gamexplain people still manage to be less likable than him.

He's not getting announced this month.

Because nothing is. Character 2 won't be announced until E3 and released at the same time.

The thing with Erdrick is that despite Dragon Quest having the history and popularity (in japan at least) to justify a rep, DQ is a licensing shitshow when you have pic related being notorious for being an asshole over music rights, Toriyama, and Squeenix technically not even owning DQ. If Cloud was a nightmare to get back in then I don't even want to imagine the shit they'd have to go through to get DQ.

All for a character nobody outside would recognize and wouldn't even bring anything new to the table as a fighter.

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>muh feMC even though it makes no fucking sense for the story's protagonist to be a girl and would need to be rewritten from scratch and heavily rework all the confidants

on thee other hand, Sakurai is the Moises of developers, he have stated that no company or person have said no when asked about permission to use a character of their property.


hell that girl speaking already disqualified her as being a FeMC unless we get some weird "P5: The Answer" shit. If Persona was to have a FeMC again it'd have to be planned from the start.

P3P says hello

Joker talks. Joker talks a lot.

P5's story is literally written around a male protagonist, unlike P3's

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P3P was a gutted port that turned the whole game into a glorified visual novel + Tartarus. It was pretty easy to add something like a FeMC as opposed to P5 which would entire story arcs rewritten and nearly every cutscene reanimated.

It's a lot easier when it's a DLC deal, because they can easily negotiate some royalties arrangement where they get x% of all sales of the DLC. That's why they got Cloud for SSB4 but he was such a nightmare to get back for Ultimate, they couldn't just give SE a cut of every sale of the game just because of 1 character.

and if Erdrick is in they'd have to pay royalties to like 4 different fucking places.

if we take tansut at his word and cloud was "a pricey fella" i dont even want to know how much erdrick would cost

who? and how did he know that?

More like shitting on spamming babies who need a constant stream of toy commercials.

The fuck are you on about? The only part of the game that gives a shit about Jokers gender is romancing the girls

they're getting back at the people who got mad at them for ignoring the grinch leak.

I remember Liam being a real defensive whiny cunt during his early youtuber days and tried to slander me in the comments of a video.

Kamoshida and Shido's arcs would have to be rewritten

I want to fuck that mommy.

>he tried to slander me
story on this one?

Ah yes, P5, the story of a girl that got into a fight with a drunk man, got sued and expelled from her high school and became a trouble girl, who befriends a trouble kid named Ryuji and is his best bud.
The entire game is happening in an interrogation room after she was brutally assaulted and beaten by two detectives.

And you, a girl, hired your teacher's maid services because you're a raging lesbian who is into that sort of thing too

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My memory is fuzzy but he made an incorrect statement in a comment and went on a complete tangent calling me a retard and tried to get the rest of his fans in the comment to attack me saying I believed something completely unrelated.

whats the point of this thread? Impatient fucks got sad about not having a stream? Just turn your switch up and play some games

People on Yea Forums just love making hype threads and flooding the board with nonsense

What do you mean ?

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You know he once claimed those tweets were photoshopped

Shido's doesn't need to be re-written. Kamoshida's just needs a few lines of him eyeballing you that's it.
None of that is gender dependant but the romance end of the maid thing.

They tried to branch out long ago but their audience only wants Nintendo

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