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Other urls found in this thread:


>that cheeky jab at the bottom


cross platform?

Why didn’t they add in Halo 5?

Because it's shit.

MS was the group saying it wouldn't come to PC

Better question why did they add Halo 4? Do they actually think people want to play that shit?

Fucking Reach campaign is so fucking manly it makes my BALLS ache. God fucking dammit. Makes me want to sign up to the goddamn army and protect my loved ones. Not liking the Reach campaign is my litmus test for whether or not you’re a spineless liberal millennial pansy.

You're a few weeks late.

I don’t see what’s bad here

>Title by title rollout
So, again, they're releasing an incomplete collection.


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t. someone with hair on his balls.

Good man. I’m saluting you, soldier.

Only initially.

i didnt think H4 was that bad, it had some refreshing aspects. But as with every sequel, there are things that it's predecessors did better

Millenials mostly grew out of Halo by Reach you zoomer

You as well, you sexy fucking cunt. You get it. You motherfucking get it.

Do we have an actual release date for anything yet?

They probably will down the line desu

>haven't played a Halo game since 3
I loved the campaigns. Are the games after 3 worth playing for story?

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Guess how I can tell you’re a multiplayer focussed little faggot? Some of us have real friends and relationships so we only have to immerse ourself in a testosterone fuelled symphony of based homeland defence. Go be a pubeless cunt somewhere else.

Based as FUCK

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Well ODST is

They said they won't. barrelrolled.com/343-has-no-plans-to-include-halo-5-for-the-master-chief-collection-on-pc

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hell yes.

holy fuck this is gay, please realize how fucking gay this sounds

>Blood Gulch multiplayer in high definition
>Flamethrower included

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Because the controls were too complicated.

Because it has a better campaign than Reach.

Just like they didn't have any plans for Halo to come to PC?

>title-by-title rollout
what's that mean, release one at a time?

Cringe. Liberals love Reach, kill yourself, gayboy unless you want us to come after you again

Interesting but it'd still be weird if it didn't at least come to PC after the Infinite comes out. They probably want the desperate lorefags to keep buying on xbox/buying xbox itself

Imagine being this much of an easily impressionable faggot. Looks like the army propaganda worked nice on you, now go die for Israel you stupid idiot.

Will reach actually get better textures and the same treatment as halo 2 for example?

Yep, but as long as they don't start with 4 it won't even matter to me in the slightest.

Nope, option to remove blur has been confirmed but that's about it

It'll just be the same game with 4K resolution support, 60FPS and the new lighting engine. It'll be the same as what they did for Halo 3.

Here's hoping I get a code for the beta or however that works.

Which Halo did Libertarians like most?

>y-y-you’re gay

Son, you’re outclassed and outvoted here. Grow a big boy spine and just get your pathetic final (you) in and close the thread. This one is for real men no matter their sexuality. Real men protect their fucking planet and their loved ones. Who they bang in private is their business.

holy based

>new lighting engine
source or fuck my ass

yes, in chronological order aka we get reach first

But Halo 3 got better textures too

Halo was always a casual beginner intro to FPS. The game built upon itself nicely up until 3 where they had a fully fleshed out experience, amazing custom games for a console, and functional matchmaking with good rotating playlists. Halo 3 was the definitive console FPS.

Then reach changed the entire balance of the game and turned it into a giant shitheap.

they will

good firefight first I like this

This doesn’t make a scrap of sense, you chinless wonder.

Imagine having no better retort than “lol, Jews”. Poor quality bait and pretty much an admittance of how much of a little bitch you are. Ever thrown a punch in your life? And your bedroom door when your ma wouldn’t let you go out on a school night doesn’t count.

ODST and Reach


Go to resetera and reddit, gays and trannies love the game and say that ODST and Reach are the best game, liking both more than any game in the series makes you a liberal.

no firefight is later

reach campaign + multiplayer then Halo CE campaign + multiplayer.... Halo 4 campaign + multiplayer then firefight last

wtf i love israel now

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Why do you even want it, its not Halo

Imagine thinking you're protecting your loved ones when all you're doing is bringing more oil to the ZOG machine while killing innocent people who are simply trying to defend their homeland.

Also faggots who fantasize about joining the army are the biggest pussies around and are simply compensating for their lack of actual masculinity. Kys faggot.


pretty based, but also sad that devs are so desperate they have to resort to releasing remakes/remaster because they're too incompetent to create something that matches the quality of games released almost 2 decades ago.

Good lord, 343's armor design is so fucking shit. Jesus.

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Remember the last time they rolled these all out at once?

t. jew obsessed incels with no concept of masculinity

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Reach, isn't Halo yet you fucking shill that pile of shit, to make matters worse you're trying to call Reach some conservative game when liberals love that pile of shit over any Halo game that isn't ODST. Anyone outside that mental illness bubble mostly hate both games.

The post he quoted was American as fuck and there is nothing more American than putting the safety of the legitimate nation of Israel before yours.

because halo 5 wasnt part of the master chief collection.

oh so nothing about Israel you're just butthurt


Lmao just forget everything I've said and go ahead and enlist. Oh wait, you won't because you're a role playing pussy.

Fucking double digit IQ retard.

The gameplay is closer to what I read in the books and breakout was fun.

Can't talk about the gunplay cause I'm not so interested in that kind of thing.

The game was bad but It'd be weird on their part to include 4 but not 5. The MCC is a collection of Chiefs story.

MS wants to strengthen bonds with Steam. There are rumors that Steam is coming to the Xbox.

>MS is making friends with both Nintendo and Steam
Kinda curious of where it's gonna go.

Best MP in the franchise

They shouldn't have added ODST and Reach since those aren't Chief stories.

How much will they charge for this?
or will they milk the FUCK out of it since they know we have been waiting for god damn ages and set it to like $100?

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The videogame megazord

>protect your loved ones by dying in the middle east for the petrodollar
based goy

hahah fucking called out and can't handle it! Fucking poetry right there, holy shit. Look, man, it's ok, you know? Being manly isn't for every guy, it's genuinely cool as long as you own that and you're honest about it. It's this tryhard tough guy attitude that you can't even pull off in TEXT that outs you. You like pressing flowers and comparing textiles? It's grand, son, just be honest.

Based and Reachpilled

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You are most likely millenial yourself.

I was gonna say this but was afraid of the ravenous replies. Also ODST was pretty cool so I'm not mad, but it plays with my autism that they wouldn't just release it separately.

what the fuck
what does politics have to do with liking a campaign or not

>Being manly isn't for every guy
Go back to Plebbit then, you basedboy.

Remember reach

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how about fucking Gears of War 2 ...

This isn't Power Rangers??

based as fuck

all based and manly. Good for you, lads. Unapologetically masculine.

This is for you - from the Lays of Ancient Rome:

>And how can man die better
>Than facing fearful odds,
>For the ashes of his fathers,
>And the temples of his Gods.

faggots - and apparently proud of it.

faggot that can't distinguish video games from reality. You're in a faggotry league of your own. lad. Well fucking done.

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Have sex

jesus what a complete faggot, kill yourself also
>main trilogy and odst done on legendary
talk more shit nigger

I'm ready for 343 to fuck this up and downgrade the graphics.



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Master chief is in Reach and ODST slots in neatly in the middle of 2 with everyone living and fighting in his shadow. Stop being a pedantic little pussy and grow a pair.

Cause they can sell halo 5 remastered at a full price in the next couple years

what kind of litteral embodiment of aspergers brags about "manliness" A. thru a video game B. on an anime board, holy fuck taste a vagina please

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>y-y-y-y-y-y-you're STILL gay

Fucking hell. How often did you get beaten up in high school with retorts like that? C'mon, it's all anonymous - you can be honest.

Go the fuck back

any chance they'll remove forge item limit?

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have sex please

Not him but do you play Master Chief, no, then neither is part of his story so they shouldn't have been in the MCC.

t. don't get it and never will

Fucking times like this I wish we DID have usernames so I can go see just what other worthless crap you spin on a day-to-day basis.

He's not a main character in those games. Saying they belong over 5 is silly. And grow a pair of what?


please have sex.

>faggot that can't distinguish video games from reality
>Makes me want to sign up to the goddamn army
just larp back on reddit please

I really fucking hope so. There's no reason not to on PC

Can't believe leddit/retardera fags like you are still coming here trying to convert this place into another version of your shit sites.

>how Halo begins isn't part of the story
>how Halo 2 continues isn't part of the story

Thank fuck you aren't in charge of the games, boy, or Halo 4+5 would be even WORSE. Go be stupid somewhere else.

Suck the shit out of my ass, fag.

All the way to the bank

their seething cause noone cares they beat a video game

Once a day is plenty for me. There's work to be done.

>I don't understand hyperbole on Yea Forums
>tells others to reddit
Irony, thy name is this guy

Except they've confirmed eventual crossplay.

Consoles hold everything back once again.

>>you just dont get it man, only us true GAMERS will understand
please cope

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t. couldn't beat Reach on Legendary
We can ALL tell user, holy shit.

>what are brazilians

Is Reach coming out this month or is it a beta test?

Literally confirmed my point. Out-fucking-standing.

Thank God himself this thread proves there are some good quality men out there who understand that the world needs them now and again. The sad consequence is that many will fall and we're left with ... you. Oh god. On the plus side, low-t specimens like you are less likely to breed thank fuck.

MCC: the MASTER CHIEF collection
Not the HALO collection
Reach cut out the actualy chief related bits of that story, if those were in then sure it would belong, but it didn't.

Can we just mod maps? Modded gametypes and mods weren't that uncommon back in the Halo 3 days.

t. incel screeching about toys


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Art Books:
>Art of Halo 3

>Art of Halo 5

>Art of Halo (Original)

>Art of Halo (CE to Wars/Reach)

>Art Compilation from CE to 4


>Halo Books

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>I can't handle the truth so I'm going to reject the reality of someone better than me calling me a faggot online and substitute it with one of my own creation.

ok, user, whatever helps you get through your pansy ass day

i dont member liking it back in the day

The problem were the new forerunner enemies introduced. Most of them were okay to fight but the big guys were absolute cunts, they can snipe your ass and oneshot you on legendary and they soak bullets like crazy. Good thing the forerunner LMG is an absolute beast at slaying them. Also it feels like they made the AI a bit too accurate, entering vehicles are almost always a death sentence on legendary.

How's it fucking feel to have some anonymous twat online confirm that you're manly as fuck and also a little bit based? Good? Good.

Doing God's work, son.

>says theirs no men left
>jacks off to a supersoldier in a video game
it helps to not out yourself as having done nothing exciting in your actual life

onions boy

How do you guys think the 343 staff handle the fact that their most hyped up product is literally just a tweaked version of someone else's games. Hell how do you think they'll feel when they see the stats for the people playing every single game except 4

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Halo CE is the beginning of the story, Halo 3 continues Halo 2's story, ODST and Reach aren't needed nor are they important.

>reach is the manliest thing ive ever seen

just to have every halo game on pc. play once then forget about it. i don't understand people who say something shouldn't be available to purchase just because it is shit.

>censoring names

>still hasn't enlisted

What's the matter pussy? Too scared?
All your words are meaningless unless you enlist right now.

You already do a good job doing that yourself, faggot.

We need a wordfilter for based
Something really japanese to put them off

can you do anything fucking right, you little scrotum? Jesus, you can't even convince the board you've got book-smarts.

Since they are completely reworking forge for pc we can hope so. Otherwise modders will just fix it.

I'll be doing the Essential Visual Guide, Enclyclopedia, and At of Halo 4 sometime. I just need the motivation and time. I can add the soundtrack as well, but I want you all to support Marty.

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I beat the game, it just wasn't worth replaying.


so does that mean odst before halo 3 since odst takes place just after the battle on earth where chief and company slipspace out of the city and follow the covies? halo 3 was like way after that.

The beta

Fuck off, soja poster.


what an amazing opinion. Thankfully no one of any actually consequence shares it.

343 literally only exists to jerk off some other group's creations, right down to their studio name.

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Based and manlypilled

too busy having sex and being manly to spell, sorry it triggers you little high schooler

They better accept they are cucks and simple custodians to Bungie's great work. They have a good thing going and they shouldn't fuck it up by trying to do their "own" thing using someone else's work as a basis to destroy.

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Let it be a lesson.

sure, I believe you. Thanks for posting.

this is the most zoomer thing ive ever fucking seen

The last level is getting the last sparten and cortana off reach you dong. I get what you're saying and noone can take your shitty opinion away from you, but you're advocating NOT getting a great game. You're what we call round here: stupid.

Phil, Gabe and whoever's in charge of Nintendo storming and massacring Sony and Epic's HQs.

I'm fairly sure that's already the case when the head of 343 admits that halo 4 and 5 were a blunder.

>whoever's in charge of Nintendo

>release games one by one
>hype dies by the time they get to h3
>h4 releases with lowest players
>well i guess nobodys interested in halo anymore

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how bluepilled

its to destablise regions resulting in the creation of refugees that can be shipped to europe in order to destroy the hemogenity of the white race and to empty out the countries around israel for their eventual takeover

Did any humans mate with cutie Sangheili women?

t. hasn't played Reach (acceptable if underaged and ready to become a man)


t. millenial faggot trying to fit in (unacceptable, please leave)

>Yea Forums thinks Reach is the manliest Halo game
>the game where you're the weakest Spartan and get buttfucked by aliens all day and in the end accomplish nothing
>over the games you play as the best Spartan in a power fantasy of curb stomping alien trash, saving the galaxy, and getting all the bitches with your massive genetically enhanced cock
I question this myself man, that guy must seriously have some mental issues.

Only one thing, and that's D-Day.

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>the industry is such shit that people are actually excited to replay Gaylo

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The amount of ass shots must’ve been done on purpose with the inclusion of form fitting suits

>muh white race

how bluepilled

the aryan race has to disappear to make way for a new sub-race, with no ethnic background, without a race, with limited intellect, with no nations. this new mixed race will have psychic abilities and will be able to trigger a new golden age.

they release the first 3 missions of halo 2. wait a week. release ODST. wait a week. release the rest of 2. wait a week. release 3

zoomer projection reaching unheard of levels

>germans are evil for bombing civilians
>the UK did it first
fuck the UK

>Hell how do you think they'll feel when they see the stats for the people playing every single game except 4
Funny that you asume that because 4 was actually more played than CE and H2A in TMCC. That might change with the PC playerbase though.

No. There was an elite that wanted to fuck Palmer, though.

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You are missing point altogether, holy shit. Seriously, there is NO helping you at this stage. Assuming you're 18+ (a stretch on this site now) you're a lost cause.

Hint: it's about sacrifice. But that's all you're getting. I don't think it's worth trying to educate you beyond that.

Something doesn't have to be a powerfantasy to be manly thought, not sure why you think that.

The germans are the niggers of europe, and would kill you regardless of your feelings for them.

$60 or more wouldn't make sense.
it's been out for years on xbox and costs $30 for the entire mcc on the microsoft store. it would reasonable to expect it to cost about the same or something like $20 per game. if it's reasonable to expect them to be reasonable is another story.

fuckin BASED

>can't, or won't, deny either accusation
very telling

In Halo Reach you're fucking other Spartan III with big asses.
In the other games you're some autistic incel that's obsessed over some digital waifu.

I have many fond memories being a 12 year old boy playing Halo during those long summer breaks. I can't wait to do it again now that I'm a hopeless NEET.

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Not deeply, not without official mod support. Assets in Halo 3 and onward are map-specific. I.E. you couldn't have the frigate from Sandtrap on any other map.

As long as you appreciate that Reach is a game that makes even women be men in a non-millenial tranny way then you're still based, you lonely little bastard.


>Hint: it's about sacrifice. But that's all you're getting. I don't think it's worth trying to educate you beyond that.
The problem is that I didn't give a fuck about anyone in the game, how the hell am I'm supposed to care about sacrifice if all the characters couldn't even make me care for them even once? I felt more sorry for Jacob Keyes than I ever did for Noble Team. I literally forgot Noble Team existed after Halo: Reach, they never felt like they fitted Halo even though both Cortana and Keyes are in the game.

Reach wasn't manly though, it was gay, why do you think so many faggots loved it. I was made to TRY and make you feel, when there just wasn't anything there to feel.

-masculine as fuck

Makes sense since there are rumors of Sony putting their games on EGS next gen.

In Reach, you're a weak ass bitch who doesn't amount to anything in life and just die like worthless trash with your worthless team. In Halo games you're a badass mother fucker that make aliens shit themselves in terror and have a harem of bitches waiting for you.

It was one of the Halo 5 data logs from Sanghelios.

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Holy shit I pity you zoomers
The fact that the characters aren't on the same superhuman level as Chief and the Spartan II's but still fight tooth and nail to the very bitter end making the ultimate sacrifice is exactly what makes it a manly and heroic. Do you understand that word little zoom zoom or is your only understanding of heroism from capeshit?

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Of course I appreciate Reach like that
3 is still better though

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Cringe and unmanlypilled.

>The problem is that I didn't giv-
Literally no one but you reads beyond this because you've nothing worthwhile to say for not understanding what it means to be a man. I'm not saying this to hurt you, user, please understand that. It's just placating you helps noone. There's just a slim hope you'll man up and that slim hope is better than none. It's that slim hope that might let you


shhhh user, let the manbabies have their moment!

>Master Chief Collection
>Reach and ODST


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So will they inflate the system requirements or will i be able to run it on my toaster like its supposed to?

Your opinion is yours, my man. The claim isn't that Reach is the best game - just the most manly. Although ODST is up for debate because the character isn't a Spartan.

all of these games are over 10 years old, hell even the remasters are over five years old or so, it should work on literal toasters

Those games are better than half the other games, fag.

i've seen a lot of based and redpilled posts on this site but this one takes the fucking cake

doesn't seem like it will happen that way but i'd give them props for trying to be accurate

That's not exactly shocking. CE is a zoomer repellant and 2 has the shitiest weapon sandbox with the BR objectively outclassing every non-power weapon in every situation.

My only concern is not enough people will play online to keep it alive

>with your tiny, mutilated, possibly sterile cock
Fixed that for you. If his dick even works, it's unlikely chief has a sex drive at all.

>people ITT excited for Reach
>Invasion was unplayable as Elites if the Spartans weren't braindead
>weapon redundancy out of the ass made some weapons completely useless
>headshot hitboxes were completely broken
>cosmetic effects cluttering fights
>half of the campaign is literally pointless
I was gonna complain about Firefight too but most of the technical issues in that will be fixed by virtue of it being on PC

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They're all cardboards, you don't even get to know any of them. Carter is the leader, Kat is the smart annoying bitch, Jun is the motormouth who doesn't shut the hell up, Emile is the so-called badass, Jorge is the big nice guy with a heart of gold, you are an autistic faggot who thinks he can fight alone but get your shit pushed in when your retarded teammates ain't there to back you up, what's complicated about this?

You mean based and manly, beta bitch.

now this is based

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>nitpicky bullshit

I can't see what they could possibly do to make these games not run on systems equivalent that of the 360, except maybe for Halo 2 Anniversary since that one was made for the Xbone.

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Yeah but the big spaceman blowed himself up the whole planet to save master chef and it made me sad.

>Rechfag calling anyone a zoomer
I didn't gimping gameplay was a feature. You Reachfags eat anything up, don't you?

Since you can clearly see the samefagging from the unmanly side, I dare say this thread has a manly, redpilled bias. I'm very happy about this.

Let's embrace the overture as a jumping off point for shared manliness.


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Not an argument.

5 was the worst halo, theyll probably still get it but even if they dont they arent missing much, I barely consider it a halo game.

Reach is only better than 4 . I'll give you ODST tho.

But that's basically a Reach Spartan, they even die like a tranny.

>continues to miss the point
Like I said, son: If you don't get it, you don't get it. Being manly isn't for you. It's fine! Live your best life, for what little it's worth.

>Invasion was unplayable as Elites if the Spartans weren't braindead
Unironically get good. The Needle Rifle was the superior ranged weapon, they got the Banshee, they got access to significantly more powerful map weapons etc.

What an angry jew lol

This but unironically

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based reach chad

Not him but you mean Bungie trying to force Reach into the better Halo Trilogy storyline?


And let's add
>Every single Forge map looks the same because they just slapped a single texture on every single Forge model and made the gigantic map the only place where forge is usable
I'll hold on to the hope that they'll change smash the assets of 3 and reach's forge together or at least give us a new map to play around in.

brainlet posters should be shot

B-B-But Reach is ta best.

Try reading a thread before you post. It's not about the best game - that's down to personal choice. It's about which is the most manly which general consensus Reach.

>2 > 3 > Reach > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 4
>Reach > 3 > 2 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4

>made the gigantic map the only place where forge is usable
This is the biggest sin of all. The base maps are so poorly made with random invisible walls and deathbarriers everywhere.

That would be retarded.

True example of a Reach fan

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No mater chef is the hero of HALO: COMABT EVOLVE (the 1st one) so its importatnt to the lore tha reach spacemen have to save him and his freinds!
too bad they die :(

You can't force anything into a trilogy when there's already three, you dip. You either treat Reach as a prologue to CE and ODST as a mid way point to 2 or you can just, well, not. Hence "collection".

>The Needle Rifle was the superior ranged weapon
No, the needle rifle is just the DRM but without the ability to do vehicle damage, that alone made the Elites have a harder time in most missions because Spartans could focus down Elite vehicles while Elites were forced to rely on their inferior explosives weapons or hijacking. I played with a group of 3 friends and our approach to dealing with the Banshee was just focus fire it with our Sniper and DRM for 15 seconds and it would drop right away.

No one reads the books, Reach was bad because it was shit.

So first you mock a playlist for supposedly being unpopular and now you say a low playerbase is cool and better? Man you got the changing opinion of them gender fluid fags i keep hearing about.

>I'll post the same meme...but in reverse! That'll show 'em!
Typical virgin response. Best I can throw you is a (you) for being the first to at least try.

Reach is for literal faggots.

god i wish that was me

Other than Jenga, nobody used any of the other maps for forge in Halo 3. It was always foundry.

I was forced, the entire second half felt forced.

>playing spinoff halos


You're outvoted in this thread. Outvoted and outclassed. But points for effort... maybe.

So Gabe and MS finally made peace?

>$60 or more wouldn't make sense
>costs $30 for the entire mcc on the microsoft store
>it would reasonable to expect it to cost about the same or something like $20 per game
>6 games x $20 = $120
>$60 = not reasonable
>$120 = reasonable
Are you fucking stupid?

Ha I remember that, Sarah is such a prude.

I don't give a shit, I'll take all of you mother fuckers on.

It CAN be you. PLay it again and see if you feel hairier and stronger. I bet you, AT THE VERY LEAST, your voice gets deeper and you start signing off your phone calls to your parents with "user out".

I dont play Halo 4 or 5 though

>No, the needle rifle is just the DRM
Horribly, horribly incorrect if we're talking about the base game and not 343's butchered game balance. The Needle Rifle has significantly less bloom per shot which made it the superior ranged weapon and has a consistent kill shot count thanks to the explosive needle effect. The DMR required far more pacing at a large distance which was common on Invasion maps.

Of course, then 343 decided to listen to retards on the forums and reduce the DMR bloom by like 50% which made the Needle Rifle redundant.

>internet tough guy
ok, that's a new level of sad. No more (you)s for you my boy - you're overstimulated.

No microshit bent the knee when they realized all the halo fans jumped ship after 3/reach to pc.

This, you don't play mainline games, why are you calling yourself a Halo fan.

Pretty sure you revoke your fan license when you played Halo 5 after the atrocity that was Halo 4.

Bring it, bitch



343fags don't even fucking (you) me.

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gave enough of a shit to reply, you little bender, hahah

Gee, who named you the Halo Fans King to instate such a rule?

>2 at the fucking bottom for SP
>2 in third for MP
Absolute unbelievable trash taste. 2's story is the only one worth paying fucking attention to, and to this day 2 still has the best MP maps in the series.

What's funny about this is I bought the Halo 5 XboxOne and still haven't even INSTALLED 5 because you cunts shat on it so much, precisely because of this and how much I hated 4 and the books around it. I'm starting to think I'm also actually pretty manly now - I showed remarkable restraint. Although bad finacial management.

Attached: 1507295326867.gif (291x400, 3.18M)

you shouldnt fling shit when your taste is that bad user

Halo 2's campaign is a let down, bizarrely difficult compared to the other games, and the dev's regularly admit it was rushed garbage

>better than anything
>game that literally murdered Halo MP
>better than anything

Attached: 1533073673752.jpg (475x417, 47K)

I believe you.

There were a lot of maps on Sandbox too, the (insignificant) map variety coupled with a higher variety of models made 3's forge more interesting, that's all, the lack of visual variety in Reach mostly ticks me off because the community maps themselves were pretty great but all looked too samey.

>less bloom per shot
This was completely irrelevant. Especially in Invasion where the maps were already designed to cover players from long ranged confrontation and the objective based gameplay reinforced a close combat style gameplay. And again since invasion had a lot more vehicle gameplay the DRM was the superior weapon.
>consistent kill shot count explosive needle effect
This was also irrelevant, you could burst down an enemy shield's so quickly and then pop a headshot with both the DRM and Needle Riffle that the explosive effect just didn't matter unless you were having a particularly bad aiming day. I'd sometimes forget the effect even existed just because of how unimportant it was.

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ODST is very atmospheric. Think of Halo 3 but on a smaller scale and your Spartan has a handicap. Very comfy, bit slower paced.
Reach is ok, plays like sort of a larger scale Combat Evolved with no Flood.
4 plays like some generic hollywood blockbuster
5 has the most unfun campaign yet. The plot is also complete ass.

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>le faggot contrarian

I just spat some facts famslice.

>I don't know how to do button combos and get my shit handed to me

>Halo 2's campaign is a let down
It's a let down if you're an autistic queer who can't go five seconds without playing Chief, sure.

You guys know this - why do you hate on the refugees who get their shit fucked up because of faggots like who kill innocent civilians and people defending THEIR homeland? You think people want to be in a country far from their people? No.

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You revoked yours when you tried calling ODST and Reach some of Bungie's best.


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>This was completely irrelevant. Especially in Invasion where the maps were already designed to cover players from long ranged confrontation
Outed for shitposter, move along guys. Spawn camping was the name of the game on invasion.

In his defence he spouted opinons and you're doing the same. The overall thread theme is about Reach being manly.


1.00 in and it gets manly as fuck

Will it work on Win 7?

>Especially in Invasion where the maps were already designed to cover players from long ranged confrontation
Did we play the same Invasion maps?

Elites are literally on the high ground spawn camping the Spartans. In fact this map was so horrendously in favour of the Elites that I'm pretty certain it was removed from the Invasion rotation of maps.

First phase has the Elites on the top of a rising series of rocks, once again having a huge range advantage over the Spartans.

Second phase has Elites controlling a huge ass tower watching over the whole battlefield.

The factual truth.

Attached: star wars comparison.jpg (3068x1252, 1.02M)

>ODST and Reach that fucking
Oh my god, just buy a shotgun and kill yourself, already.

Go to /pol/ and be a faggot pacifist there. Jesus christ it's a video game where you have to pull a trigger a few hundred times. If you're that fucking sensitive to the world find another hobby, jesus christ. The internet isn't ACTUALLY serious business.

Probably not right away since they want people to use Windows 10 but betting a hack will be made so it can

Literally quote where I said this. Because I'll have you know that was my first post in this thread.

you know it brother

>be bad at invasion
>let yourselves get spawncamped
My original post literally had "if the spartans aren't braindead" line in it, if you're bad at this game then that's not my fucking problem. My personal experience with the spartans on the spire is that you rush down the first point and wipe the elites camping the spire with the sniper. The solution to your bitching and thinking a sub-par weapon is good is literally
>git gud

That's pretty accurate.

>soi wars

you're really not

>invasions spawn locations weren't so limited and you couldn't just remember spawn times and cook grenades to instakill people when they spawned

Attached: 1553744485098.jpg (811x506, 230K)

t. Halo 5 cuck

I really like this image

Why do the people who do these shooting always look fuckign ugly as fuck?

Pretty certain I was really good at Invasion.

The Needle Rifle was the superior long range starting weapon. The DMR was for midrange spam shots. Spawn camping was the name of the game like the other user said.

Attached: invasion stats.png (814x350, 400K)

>defends literal bullshit
Why does Reachfags do this?

>ryan gosling

YOu ok there

They also speak proper English too. What a bunch of tryhards.

You can skip like halo 1 and 2 since theyre on pc and skip halo 4 since its shit, so you would only have to pay around 40$ for reach + 3. Odst might be cheap who knows

>is so bad that he lets the opponent spawn camping
Have you tried not being trash? I had plenty of problems with Reach but spawn camping was never one of them.

Is this supposed to prove something? You're clearly trash if this was ever a problem to you, this is the first time I even had to discuss spawn camping on Reach unless you count the times a Spartan would grab a banshee

Mate I was the one doing the shitting on Reach in the first place, the discussion has done a complete turn around because these shitters are too dogshit at a game to understand just how badly the weapons were balanced

Wrong. They announced it will be available for Windows 7.

>Ryan Gosling doing any shootings
Holy shit you're retarded.

>Reach as Rogue One
>not Revenge of the Sith

Not him but at least H5 had redeemable factors as a whole, unless that pic is strictly comparing plot.

Khazar aren't real jews. White people are more jewish than modern "jews".

Gentlemen you're all slipping into shitposting and being unmanly. Knock it off. You're better than this.

>falling for my bait hook line and sinker

Attached: 1527997919635.jpg (6144x3456, 1021K)

Not sure how I feel about title by title rollout.

I just want to play reach, only reason anything prior to 3 is there is for campaign nostalgia.

>I never experienced this game winning tactic that a five-year-old could figure out
>Therefore YOU'RE trash, not me
Sounds more to me like you played three games of Invasion if you never once experienced spawn camping in a mode where the spawns are fixed. If you didn't spawn camp, you'd get spawn camped. It guaranteed victories and you'd have been retarded to not take advantage of it.


>prequel with a bunch of characters that die delivering a package to the main protagonists

No point trying to deny it: this is a very even mixture of based and redpilled.

So why didn't you spawn camp? You keep arguing from the perspective of "it never happened to me" but it's a tactic you yourself could have used.

>it was hard to spawn camp
Dude I was spawn camping. You could shoot people as they spawned on boneyard from the other spawn area. You could sit right here on boneyard and shoot elites in the back and the always spawned looking the other way.

Attached: Reach_MPBeta_Boneyard.jpg (1920x1080, 1.41M)

Halo 4 is an underrated gem. The campaign is one of the best in Halo.

nigga, you so based. I nearly teared up at the end when I realized it was my turn to sacrifice. manly death is the only honorable way off this planet.

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fuck me, that's aged well

I enjoyed Reach

Assuming you're not being sarcastic? You're based and manly.

Even if you ARE then you're a little it based because you're fucking good at it.


Attached: 1554739488355.png (204x154, 49K)

faggot alert.


Remember Reach.

Attached: 1552837316906.gif (256x274, 3.26M)

Guess what then you fucking piece of shit? Guess fucking what? I'll tell you what to your fucking FACE because this thread has been a minimal tolerance haven for bullshit. You ready for a cold hard piece of truth, fucker?

You're based and manly.

I had never played Reach, but I had a strange feeling best described as a premonition about playing the level New Alexandria, specifically piloting the Falcon with night vision on. At the time, I had no idea Reach even had a level like that or night vision as an option, so I didn't know what it was, just a sensation of the level. About two weeks later I said fuck it and picked up Reach. When I got to that part I was hit with such an intense wave of deja vu I had to pause the game and take a breather.

What do you call that anyway? Getting deja vu over an experience you've only had before as a premonition?

Too bad they removed it from the playlists

lmao what is this, Haze?

>falling for my bait
Heh... you almost had me there. That post was a hologram.

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t. roastie

I've repeated myself so many times and you people have repeated yourselves plenty of times as well so you can just keep reading the previous posts over and over again if you want to keep arguing. I'm glad that at least we clearly all agree Reach was a pile of shit as far as balancing goes :)

what is egs?
some trannie agenda

based as fuck

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loved reached. actually played through it with my uncle, who happened to be pretty good for a man in his late 40s.

MCC will be the first game in a long time that I buy day 1.

>i wont admit that I'm wrong, instead I will just agree with you and pretend I was right all along
Get away from me inbred

Epic Game Store

The thing about H4 is that it wasn't desperately trying to be CE like TFA was trying to be SW. But overall it fits well. I also think both 5 and TLJ had good potential and by an attempt to give us a good "misunderstood character".
I hope we get a 3D clone wars equivalent, though.


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What happened with MS and Nintendo?

Reach campaign was so shitty Bungie didn't even properly code Scarabs. They didn't even properly code Brute Chieftains to be able to use their gravity hammers.

Existed almost 20 years ago, baby doll

To be fair Microshit forced them to shit out three Halo games in three years. Halo 3 alone got 3 years of development

>have real friends
>not play vidya with them

It really is something else watching gameplay from reach 9 years after release when everybody playing is a braindead mexican.

Uncannily accurate

>specific title rollout
so i dont have to buy reach?
awesome possum!

>I can’t read but I’m going to chime in anyway!
Well done?

>5 was the worst halo
What are Reach and Halo 4? Also Halo 5 is one of the best FPS of this gen and in the top 3 for the series.

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I vehemently disagree.

>halo5 best fps this gen
>literally dead game
ok 343 employee niggerman

t. not manly


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>watch reach gameplay
>armor lock had latency compensation and would protect you before the animation started

Why can't you just disagree and move on?

>literally dead game
The fuck are you on about? I found matches in Halo 5 like nothing
>Also popularity means a game is good.
Titanfall 2 is also among the best FPS of this gen and that game is actually dead meanwhile Destiny 2 and and CoD is still lively.
Kill yourself

Attached: 15654367890.png (625x626, 65K)


Yeah it was so good it got gobbled up and dissolved by EA

it's still there lmao

Don't bother, Reachfags are mentally ill, I wouldn't be surprised if they're Sonyfags.

What's the likelihood of Halo 1 supporting custom maps like Hugeass and Chaos Gulch? Or supporting brand new custom maps?


Based retard with shit taste.

Attached: laughingchefs.jpg (1024x576, 82K)

>censoring the name so I can't find him and shitpost his comment

They said they're interested on "official mod support" or something along those lines so i'd say it's unlikely but not impossible.

>this new mixed will have psychic abilities
If you think low IQ behavior and autism is the equivalent of telekinesis then it’s no wonder you post here

I bet your dick is cut as well

Stop doing this fucking shit

Reach is the least manliest game
>Armor lock for pussy niggas
>Jet pack for pussy niggas
>Sprint for pussy niggas
>Hologram for pussy niggas
>evade for pussy niggas

meanwhile on Halo 5
>Spartan Charge for Chads
>Spartan ground pound for Chads
>Thrusters for Chads
>Halo 1 pistol and Halo 2 BR for Chads

In all seriousness when did Reach become well liked? Back when it launched, everyone I knew hated it and went back to 3 after a week.

>Makes me want to sign up to the goddamn army and protect my loved ones
If fucking only, majority of the time it’s just destabilizing the Middle East because the US government has a hardon for Israel.

Thrusters are literally just Evade with a new coat of paint.

>I don't need to read threads before I post in them!
Fucking idiot.

1000X better than ">Do this >Game does this What game anons xD"

Attached: SOYBOY.webm (426x240, 2.93M)

>tfw too INTELLIGENT to spot when hyperbole is used to drive a point on Yea Forums
lurk moar

>tfw you’re so autistic you can’t immediately distinguish the real point from the hyperbole

Spartan IV aren't chads.

Thrusters is completely different than evade.
Evade had a very bad recovery and ironically left you wide open while thrusters had a quick recovery and can be done in the air.

I've read these threads and all that I've gathered is that Reach fan are people that started with reach.

You know you can't really argue with this. High skill Reach play revolved around running away like a bitch. It's why competition died out. It was so pathetically boring to watch.
Meanwhile H5 is all about going balls in like a maniac.

This. Except for Buck, Olympia, and Sarah

Credit to you for admitting it, I guess

Meanwhile at Halo 5 competitive level...

Attached: 3211243-1965746633-briUE.png (427x571, 455K)

My dude just lobbed an incendiary grenade

I like how even after carefully spelled out for you, you can’t recognize when someone is talking directly about you.

Well yeah, Reach murdered it and nothing managed to resurrect it.

>Reach starts off with Spartans getting their ass kicked
>meanwhile H5 starts with Spartans manhandling the enemy like its nothing

IIRC it was first posted on leddit that's why they blacked out the name. If they don't it'll get removed for """"""""""""doxing"""""""""""""

extremely based

Is this a bug or did they seriously include butt jiggle?

and an ooh-rah to you too my man

I imagine it's quite easy to manhandle the Covenant when they all became mutts. The Elites went from quick and agile to Brute-like retarded. Guess they were hit with diversity after the Prophets died and the pure genetic history of the sangheili was tainted with monkey filth.

Found it

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-10 Halo The Master Chief Collection Launch Trailer [Official] - YouTube.png (1241x120, 13K)

the story is good, the campaign as a whole is not that good, it had good things, like the first time when you use the mantis, or the covenant vs forerunners sections, but the level design isn't that good,

>still no odst firefight

Attached: 7d1.jpg (200x216, 13K)

This, been saying this the entire thread.

Yes they are. They're the classic portrays of Chads.
They're not the brainwashed child soldiers like IIs.
Nor are they PTSD induced suicide cannon fodder like the IIIs.

They're literally top soldiers and they all act like your average high school football playing bully. Remember that one scene where Team Majestic are in the chopper and they're boasting about fucking tons of women in Brazil? They're Chads lad. It hurts to admit but it's true.

Attached: Majestic_-_2.png (897x379, 692K)

This was before the event.

Spartan IVs are literally just IIIs with more advanced armor and a few kinks worked out of the genetic modifiers. They're barely any different from the IIIs that Noble Team were composed of.

They seriously included it and it's dynamic at that. Reacting to bullets from different sides.

>tfw no Sangheili gf

They lack the discipline and honor of the IIIs.

>this was before the event
>there were less seats than there are for elementary sporting evens in literally whoville towns
Damage control

This, it's a good reason why they're so boring just like the IIIs.

Is that per capita industry?
how many gamers were there in 2001 and 2004?
How many in 2012?

>Power Rangers with guns doing Marvelshit choreography

Attached: Halo_5_Intro_Trailer_Halo_5_Guardians_Intro_Cutscene_1080_HD.gif (400x225, 3.32M)

that's hilarious

Fake news.

Attached: HCS 2018_Twitch.jpg (1097x575, 179K)

Aren't spartan 4's just regular people on steroids and the suits do all the work? That's why there's no charm.

removing music and setting a pointless sandbox section between short and lacking missions you've seen done better before in better games is not atmospheric or immersive, user. ODST sucked. spin-off DLC for Halo 3 at best, should have been released as such

its that thing big franchises do when they're desperate for cuck money so they create a little spin-off with a new cast of characters, from which to sell merchandise about

to be fair this is the kind of dumbass shit they do in the books all the time

The hell are you talking about?

Is the covenant evil?


based dmcchads bringing autists back to reaility

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>Bungiefags think people want classic Halo
>more people play and like watching Halo 5
>Bungiefags think MCC on PC will be popular
Looks like the Bungiefags are a minority.

I didn't say they were good, I got tricked into reading that shit

Besides Linda's upside-down sniping and when Chief deflects a rocket, when were feats like those ever described? Speed and strength are mentioned. But never is there an instance of shit like this. Hell, they even job to Elites at times.

As expected of a DMC tranny.


Yeah, just like IIIs. Although IIIs were specifically modified to go into berserker rages, and were pumped with so much adrenaline they'd still keep fighting even when they took severe fatal wounds. This was to make up for the III armor being glorified tissue paper made as cheaply as possible.

I don't know if you noticed, but the gaming industry GREW between 2004 and 2012. If you want to compare copies sold of Halo 2 and copies of Halo 4 sold, you have to inflate the number of Halo 2 copies sold so that if it had the same market share in 2012 that it did in 2004. Basically, it's the concept of inflation applied to old games.

What episode is this?

Now this, this is BASED as shit!

It's called being retarded. Clean it up user

>Most popular playlists in Halo MCC are Halo 3 and 2A
>4 is more barren than CE

>complete disregard for tactics, strategy or danger
>just muscle it down and brute force the entire threat that's been set up by the previous game in a single mission
>no casualties even
Yep. Chads.

Attached: 1496415044693.webm (853x480, 2.67M)

POWERFUL and BASED commentary

Christ, that looks fucking awful. Comical even.

Oh sorry, let me post a screencap about the 2019 tournament that never happened (pic related).

Halo Online had more viewers than those Microsoft twitch bots.

does it get any more based than this, lads?

Attached: 1544466021922.webm (960x540, 700K)

I'd rather have this than the trainwreck that was the MCC on xbox. Plus it lets the community focus on each game as it's released instead of everyone just flooding the halo 3 playlists right away

>4 is more barren than CE
No it fucking isn't. I wish it was but it isn't. 4 is up there in population. CE is turbo dead.

Again, the hell are you talking about? I clearly said "more played in TMCC", """TMCC""". Before the recent patch, playlists were ordered by population with Halo 3/BTB at the top and CE at the bottom with H2A and 4 following after.


I used to be like you, but I grew up. Good luck with stuff, buddy. It's also 2019 and it's ok to be gay so tell your parents and stop taking your frustrations out on this board.

>El Dewrito ate the viewership count during the 3 days it took for Microsoft to put the hammer down
>sah dood, nobody gunna care about le haylo three mayne kakooo!
Do you realize how ignorant and stupid you sound?

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I agree with you that Halo 4 is bad game, but if you accounted for inflation, Halo 2 would have sold exponentially more than Halo 4, thus Halo 4 should have been seen as a commercial failure.

>4 is more barren than CE
You wish that were true.

Is it time bros? Are we really going home?

Attached: 1552621290790.jpg (1024x576, 165K)

It's fucking great.

based as fuck

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That's 4

This scene and the Chief vs. Locke scene will continue to piss me off to my grave. 343 loves to fellate extended canon and include the book lore, yet here we see Spartan IVs manhandling Elites like they're nothing in melee combat. Why is this a problem? Spartan IIs, confirmed countless times over to have the greatest physical strength of all four Spartan groups, could barely go toe to toe with an Elite in physical combat.

They're the only Spartans capable of operating the Mjolnir suits to their maximum output. Everybody else would have their limbs torn off from rapid hyper rotation of the servos.

Jesus christ dude, you're playing with me aren't you? You can't be this dense. This isn't about the games being good, their sales or how popular they were at the time. I'm clearly as water saying that in Halo: The Master Chief Collection™, there were more people playing in the Halo 4 playlist than in the CE one.

Going to wait for Halo 1 and play them order of release. I feel like starting with Reach will make the rest feel aged as fuck.

We all know Halo 2 had the best core gameplay and the only thing needed to improve it was less corridors and balancing weapons/enemies in Legendary. Halo 2 is just more fast paced and satisfying than Halo 1, 3 and Reach.

man that's a lot of boring characters I don't care about

that looks really bad, very stiff

Today I will remind them
3 > 2 > 1 > ODST > Reach > 5 > 4

where's mister chief?

These Elites are bitch made though.

best post to ever come out of a halo thread.

Attached: 1553426197174.gif (300x300, 1.24M)

Your point in regard to the MCC is fucking irrelevant and useless. It is a waste of brain power to even consider it.


And it died very fast.

Goes to show you that people don't want classic Halo.

hanging out with his buddies on the Autumn

Halo 2 needed to improve that campaign.

1>3>2 MC missions>4>2 Arby missions>>ODST=Reach

>Kat loses her arm
>UNSC just produces a prosthetic limb that was as strong as a genetically modified Spartan
Why didn't the UNSC just amputate limbs and replace them with prosthetics?

Attached: 1554578721032.jpg (529x359, 121K)

>MC missions above arbiters
You're not fooling anyone, Demon.

whens the beta

I literally finished Reach's campaign on legendary 3 days before I shipped out for basic, it was pretty motivating

Because they want to sell it separately, obviously.

Unless you mean why aren't they bringing Halo 5 to PC. That's a good question, they could have done that instead of bringing MCC. Maybe they thought that MCC would bring greater revenues than Halo 5. Who knows.

Yeah, because all of the streams showing El Dewrito were DMCA'd by Microsoft, but good work at moving the goalposts, you unbelievable fucking faggot.

>getting every nintendo game on steam
>playing all the said nintendo steam games on my big screen tv using my xbox one x

YA ME VOY!! (I'm coming)

>leftsoys and spineless cucks seething at this post

Attached: 1551465177248.png (888x894, 520K)

Is it gonna be $60 or more?

I remeber this, this was after Ninja's host, Halo 5 don't even hit 2k viewers during the events, few months ago UGC streamed a Halo 3 tournament the peak viewers amount was 5k it's a 2007 game

This is one of my favorite posts of all time

are they easy to make? cheap? would everyone be compatible with them? if anything they should have made A.I's like cortana earlier in the war given how she raped entire ships in first strike.

Haven't read enough about the IVs but they do have the latest armor and the IIs probably get less funding now that the cats out of the bag on the moral issues behind them. I while heartedly agree that Locke's team should have gotten their asses kicked, and Holly should have almost died only to be saved by Fred.

I only brought it up because of what this guy said Here's an advice for using this site, try to actually read and understand what people are saying in a conversation before jumping in.

this is almost as based as the original post

No. Fuck you and your stupidity.

Imagine being excited for fucking Halo.
What are you, 25?

Game was never shut down though, so why doesn't anyone plait anymore?

What's your excuse for the year before?

Attached: halo5 wc 2017.jpg (949x602, 198K)

wait how does a Roman poem also rhyme in English

I love Reach btw

You're still moving goalposts. You posted the Twitch viewer count for Halo 5, Halo Online had more, now you're scrambling to divert from that because your own "argument" was turned against you.

They are very careful with AI to avoid them being captured, there's been a few times when Covey AIs were captured and abused so it's a legit concern.

powerful user is powerful

>Halo Online had more
Where's your proof?

Why did they rerelease Kilo-Five without glossy covers? I just want a full sized copy of Glasslands that fits in with the other two!

This is the only good part of Halo 5 because it perfectly highlights the contrast between Chief's class and the new faggots:

With 5 343 got multiplayer right

343 is only just starting to get into the good graces of folks who don't know better, re-releasing Halo 5 on PC would squander all of that, It's also the biggest reason why Halo 6 is called infinite, Because they are directly targeting the nostalgia-boners from the bungie era.

Did anyone else hate how big MLG got in Halo and how it was catered to? Like aside from H1 I don't really like anything other then ODST and Reach because they were geared to single player and I really enjoyed them. Not that I didn't like Halo 3s campaign. But I just hate how the series got so focused on courting the E-sports MLG pro crowd. Same shit for Starcraft. I get it, it moves the brand around, gets people interested in it. But I still hate it.

Halo 1
Halo Reach
Halo 3
Halo 2
Halo 4
Halo 5

Also holy fuck after playing Halo mod on ARMA 3 with some autistic clan I can say that id fucking kill for a marine focused tactical game set in halo. Where you need overwhelming firepower and tactics to take on elites, in the style of reach in terms of serious war story. Like a mixture of ArmaIII/RSV2/FSW

>so why doesn't anyone plait anymore?
Because it was shut down and unable to be advertised. Not to mention its updated were halted by microshaft.

I still hate their retarded armor variations.

I loved 4. Glad it's in.

Me too, it would be perfect if they were in matching green armor with different helmets and maybe shoulders.

Based and Reachpilled.

I'm just glad 343 has confirmed that Infinite is going to have Reach-style armors and customisation. Doesn't matter what you think of that game in particular, it had the best suit aesthetic and choices.

Good to see you here lad