What is Yea Forums's opinion on Susie?

What is Yea Forums's opinion on Susie?

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cate wurtz is based

There needs to be more porn of her.

I miss her

I like her a lot
I hope Toby doesn't give her a sad ending

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not real

she is going to fuck the deer

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I think you should go back to /utg/

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she's gonna get undyne'd and paired with an awful charecter

shes cool.

>/sus/ - Susie (and the Romances of Hometown) Thread #220

Is this the power of autismo?

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40k fags and furfags are just as autistic as each other, prove me wrong

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Anyone who doesn't desire this archetype of woman is weak.

Fuck yes user. Good autism, its rare to see wholesome vanilla, shits a gold mine.

Both are autistic, sure, but furrys attract way crazy fucking people and do way more fucked up shit. You never hear about a 40k fan breaking into a house, murdering a family and eating their faces, or raping animals / children.

>purple dinosaur
Outta here with that barney shit.

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I've never heard a story about a furry eating someone's face. I think you're projecting.

Susie is a lanky loser who hides behind her baggy clothes, not some wide muscle woman.

This thread just got a whole lot more interesting.

Do tell.

Is Susie pegging on right side?

I don't give a fuck about mecha equivalents to furrsuits or whatever 40k is. Why would I be projecting?


He's making shit up, ignore him.

What is Yea Forums's opinion on Ralsei?

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Cope harder furry.

oh hey jim

"Dude they ate their faces"
>Posts article about some random, non furry dude
There he goes, there he goes again.

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honestly i hate furries but don't you think that all communities of the same scale have the same scale of degeneracy?

>it's actually real
>They worry that the tragedy will become a joke to the general public, like a 2014 chlorine gas attack at Midwest Furfest did, when MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski was unable to keep a straight face after she learned, on-camera, about furries. The reporter had to rush off set, unable to contain her laughter – despite reporting on a terrorist incident that left 19 people hospitalized.

This fucking timeline we're living in holy FUCK

Projected version of Kris's lonelyness, entirely fictional, darkworld is nothing but actual play pretend area, he is just a pair of plastic pink horns.

Throw away the note. Spare nobody. Fun fact, you Chara eyes from sparing literaly nobody and mass killing dudes after you are done with the combat area. Go to a long vertical stretch and walk down, youl see it.

Enormous faggot. The biggest even.

You tell me.

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as a bisexual switch the deltarune party members are very appealing to me

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This has to be the gayest character to ever exist.

No. Big named people in the furry community are all degenerate as fuck and are into sick shit like YMS, owners of those furry porn sites, ect.
Its because furry shit IS a degenerate fetish thing, no matter what mental gymnastics they preform for you.

>1659 files

why are they tickling each other

Deltarune has generate more porn in 5 months that any new videogame released in the past 5 years.

not him but it's not like it's unheard of from furries, or do you need to be reminded of the kero leaks

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I don't like her because she's mean and reminds me of my middle school bully

Pretty positive, overall. I can't help falling for bad girls.

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that's hilarious

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Do we know anything about progress on the game at all? Feels like it'll be hard to reignite the hype for this after another 5 years of waiting.

Typical tough guy character except it's a female. Deltarune as a whole feels like a cheesy anime you'd watch on Fox Box back in the day. I'm looking forward to how the battles play out though, they were fun.

Where the sanctified shit do you even get 1700 different pictures, of atleast half decent quality? Thats fucking impossible, unless the dude had 0 standards.
Dont you go and smug on me bich.

Damn, who knew liking Anthro made you into a pedophile? Crazy world.

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bull dyke that everyone has a crush on for no reason, but she's ok at the end
Too sugary of a character, makes me want to bully him

I wanna fuck that goat.

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Undertale too was a cheesy shounen anime, never understood where people get all that 2deep4u shit from.


He likes Ralsei so that show how low his standards are.


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1. My nigga
2. Can't wait for one secret boss per chapter. No way jevil will be the only one.

susie isn't a furry she isn't based off an animal

Dragons are animals

Susie the Cutie

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she's a fucking anthro

Just accept that you want to fuck an anthro animal. God damn.

no they aren't they aren't real
no she isn't what is she an anthro of?

Hate her.

She cute
I would actually be upset if she actually pairs with that deer. Feels like she's reduced to a yet another lez quota, especially since undyne and that dino appears too
Straight tomboy is like a unicorn in vidya lately

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Tumblrite bait character calculated to be appealing to little faggots who are daydreaming of Homestuck characters making out.

It doesn't matter what she is, she isn't human and by definition that makes her anthro, that said she's obviously an animal like 90% of the undertale and deltarune characters.

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it could be interesting to see where the story goes with her, if it goes anywhere.
now i'm just waiting for this game to get nuked just like last time

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+1 upvoted


Can you even explain what you're talking about? You sound like some 12 year old parroting shit.

never really liked her as a character
even alphys is more likeable and thicc

let me know when we have furry terrorists because we have spree killers in every single other category except for furry

even imageboard dwellers are doing the mass shooty see also christchurch shooter

Damn right I am nigger, whatcha gonna do about it? gonna cry? gonna piss your pants maybe? Maybe shit and cum?

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toby ruined him with the reveal and the fandom can't handle this

Shitty tumblr-tier mary sue of a character whose entire personal development is a tired cliche.

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If you need to ask you won't understand, or you're playing dumb.

Nah doesn't bother me really what other people enjoy.

More like you don't actually know what the fuck your talking about and you're just regurgitated buzz words and expected ass pats for going along with what you thought is 4chans group think.

>Mary Sue
She's a whiny edgy teenage bitch who is shunned by her peers and is constantly wrong and fucking stupid.
>cliche arc
Yeah, for the first 1/4 (at most) of the game, chances are it goes somewhere, we don't know.

He had a cool design, reminded me of the FF's black mage. The reveal lacks the soul of his initial impression.

>Character completes their character arc in the demo
Either they get swapped out like the featured boss of every chapter in undertale or you get to see her long enough to see her character degrade further as the story goes on because the plot had nothing to do with her but bring her down.


inferior to the fish

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I'm banking on her getting lured into being evil again by some antagonist and she eventually becomes the final boss whom kris has to defeat with the power of friendship or whatever

Pretty basic social outcast that tries to act tough but deep down wants acceptance trope. I enjoy it though, it was done well enough. Her shenanigans with Lancer were written in a fun way and seemed genuine.

I'm also a massive sucker for the idea of her and the MC as a pair due to both being social weirdos in their community. I can dig it.

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>threatens to bite my face off
>pretends we're buddy-buddy while tripping
I will atomize you

I mean, she is literally Vriska from Homestuck.

she's just a fish cop now, she probably shoots dogs and minorities all day
