Game is pretty fun at the start but becomes dogshit as it progresses

>game is pretty fun at the start but becomes dogshit as it progresses
>game sucks at the beginning but becomes really fun after a while
Give an example of each

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>game is pretty fun at the start but becomes dogshit as it progresses

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Post more cats.

cute cat

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The first one is MHW.

Ultimate and Melee

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ahhh i really want to get a cat bros

Hello boys

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i miss him.

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There's just so much action, half way through you're begging to be at the end of the story.

As you continue to do research you realize the factory, must grow.

Mount and Blade Warband

ugly but sweet, here's my missed boy

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All my cats died as of last year. They were with me since 9th grade and I'm 24 now. I'm so alone

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This looks really familiar. How did you miss him?

i hope whoever did that got run over by a minivan
they deserve the minivan
what a nigger

Terraria is the definition of the second choice, i love this game but man does starting a new playthrough suck monkey dick

>game is pretty fun at the start but becomes dogshit as it progresses
Ratchet and Clank PS4 sort of, it peaked 3/4 then dropped off, however this was probably because I was going for the platinum trophy and it eventually became a chore after by the time i beat it for the 2nd time. wouldn't say dogshit though.
>game sucks at the beginning but becomes really fun after a while
The World Ends With You, The Wonderful 101
I'd prefer shit-good over good-shit personally

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oktober 21th last year, exactly 3 months before my birthday, cancer
other died of heartbreak

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Vets told me he was around 16-17 years when he started living with me, we had 3 years together before he slowly withered away

he was fucking smart as fuck and even seemed meditative in certain situations as if he understood something, i dunno, i just miss him so much

Rimworld for the second option. The beginning can be fucking brutal, especially if you have a small team or a solo colony

He dead boi, buried under his fav bush.


The more you play, the more you realize what a waste of time it is. Fuck video games.

>As you continue to do research you realize the factory, must grow.
I'd argue against that. Evetually you will hit a point when you need to reorganize the whole assembly line and it sucks

North Carolina?

Kingdom Hearts for the latter.

What a fucking ugly cat.

? Perth Aus lol

She died Saturday, poisoned by some negroid. I miss her. Her brother is still alive but I make sure to keep him inside at night. Had them both for 7 years.

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But being a peasant is the funnest part of warband.
Also, why does the viking expansion kind of suck? Nothing I can pin down, it just doesn't seem as fun as the base game.

Xenoblade 2 for the first one it gets so boring and linear after chapter 4

For the second one the origional dmc because I learned that using devil trigger a lot is the true key to winning.

The world ends with you = shit to good
Don’t starve = good to shit

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Get a new kitter. Rescue some stray from the gas chamber.

I really miss these edits.

I knighted my cat!

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I recently found out my 1 year old girl has Felv and I'm not ready to lose her when the time comes
How did you deal with it?

Hearthstone gets really boring really fast
Rimworld starts tedious but gets really fun once you get the hang of it. Same with EU4.

Also my cat

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Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter XX

Home played games are the first one, while arcade style games are the second.

Get HIV in solidarity with her

No choice but accept it. Stages of grief are real. This boy is 15 now and close to dying. Pets teach you about death.

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Revenge is sweet, though.
>Oh, a poison ship, like the one that cost me my favorite colonist
>Here, have a taste of 15 fucking mortars with explosive shells, followed by uranium slug turrets for desert

>game is pretty fun at the start but becomes dogshit as it progresses
Half Life 2 when the realisation kicks in that you've already seen and done everything cool the game has to offer but there's still an entire other half to go of boring shootouts and braindead physics puzzles. the realisation that you've just beat the dogshit helicopter and that that shit was supposed to be a highlight because that faceless helicopter mook was the closest thing to a boss you're going to face.
>game sucks at the beginning but becomes really fun after a while
the first 40 minutes of Snake Eater are a slog where you can't walk 3 steps without another five minute pause to introduce another character. they front-loaded the story too much and it totally kills your excitement to try out the gameplay.



If the word nigger used without regards to race triggers you on Yea Forums, you are 100% a nigger.

Rate my kot

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Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead
>thrown into a new world full of confusing but interesting shit
>it feels alive with all the shit going on
>quickly realize it's all dead and just pretending to be alive, like a zombie
>find out that devs are fucking retarded and are killing the game

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Here he is now

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where can I find a cat that enjoys braps as much as I do?

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That's a good kitty, here's mine

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Xenoblade chronicles sucks right at the end. Slogfest
XBC2 sucks entire way through

>remember my cat fondly
>want another cat
>think of feeding it
>remember that cats can't be fed morally without risking their health
Dogs can be cool too, but dogs are the normies, I want a NEET animal.

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Shit's hard desu. When my dog died I was pretty depressed for some time. You'll slowly get over the pain though, you need to accept that the fact soon they'll pass. I went through the all the stages of grief (which I thought was a meme desu) and often wondered if I did something else or if the situation was different she'd still be alive. I find talking about it with someone close to be good way to deal with it. The worst part for me was burying her because in spite of knowing she was dead already for several hours when I placed her in that hole its like that's when the realization hits 10 fold.

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>>remember that cats can't be fed morally without risking their health


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Don't ever speak that name ever again if you know what is good for you.

>Almost always see this dude outside my apartment
>Pretty friendly for a "feral", likely abandoned by someone who moved out
>Plenty of small lizards for him to eat because Florida
>Loves to be petted by anyone. Makes the most adorable sounds
>Neighbors eventually start leaving a food bowl for him
>Goes on like this for several years
>Find him dead in the parking lot one morning
>Small intestines are hanging out. Seems like someones dog or a coyote got to him.
RIP little buddy.

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He's cute, looks like a chad
Here's my Felv+ girl

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Morality is a human made concept. Do not force it upon animals who are incapable of understanding.

Found this fucker 12 years ago abandoned at the age he still needed milk. Vet told my parents he wouldn't survive more than 3 months and that we should try and take care of him with love until he died.
This madman survived everything to this day, he's really fat and kinda dumb due to growth and hormone problems in his infancy.
He's a bro, but I feel one day he will not wake up from one of his naps, what the fuck do I do?

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Fuck I don't know why it's upside down, never posted a picture from my phone

It was a wholesome time.

save yourself the sadness by committing suicide

Jesus, you're not one of those retarded fucks who try to make their cat vegan right?

>animals don't have morality
>so person keeping them alive shouldn't bother minimizing the immorality they're causing with their animal behavior
That's fucking stupid
Lack of moral sense only means that all the responsibility is on the owner

>what the fuck do I do?
What you promised to - take care of him with love until he dies.

Make sure you're there when they die, that they are comfortable and never stop petting them till the end no matter how hard it gets.

Cats are carnivore you fucking animal torturer. You can live on fucking sunlight if you want, but let your fucking pet eat meat you cunt.

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>predators need meat
>this is somehow a problem

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Fuck off cunt.

Love him. Let him do what he does best: be a cat.

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Cutie, looks like my cat. She knows you love her so just make sure you take lots of pics before she leaves.

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God I wish we could domesticate tigers

Christ, vegans are a blight.
You're literally contributing to the destruction of the planet to post dumb shit. Quit being moral only when it's convenient for you for the sale of virtue signalling.
If you care about animals, maybe stop eating, because literally millions of field animals die every year so you can put soi in your mouth. And that's just for your consumption.
Someone who hunts is literally more morally just than you.

>feralbro loves to sneak out of neighbor's house and into mine, always begging for food
>loves to hunt, tried forcing its way in with a live baby bird once when letting dogs out
>scratched a baby but acts like one
>loves to curl up in a box late at night and sleep
>wakes me up at like six in the fucking morning every time and I have to let her out


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I fucking know who you are.

It just gets kinda hard sometimes. I know he will eventually die and I'm reminded of that few times a month because he also has epilepsy.
With every year that has passed I've loved him even more and he's a grumpy yet loveable cat.
Guess I'll get another cat whenever he passes, I don't feel I'm able to live without a cat

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Rate my fine lad

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>make sure you are there when he dies

Cats actually hate that shit, thats why they try to hide when they know their time is about to come. I remember when my family had to put my cat down and my sister wouldnt let the thing go, kept holding her down when she clearly wanted to move around. I remember thinking that I couldnt wait for the vet to come in and put the poor thing out of its misery.












We did

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kek I just noticed that
Here's a better picture

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Cats are cute but tigers are just fucking majestic

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Not this shit again

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72/10 would scritch

At what number do you go from reasonable cat owner to lady cat? I have 6 in a small apartment.

>Oh no, not facts again!
Don't spew bullshit if you can't defend the hill you've chosen to die on.

Does the gender of the cat matter? I know feral males can be more aggressive than females, but I don't know how that carries over to when they are fully domesticated.

4+ is Cat Lady regardless of home size.

6 is the limit. Unless it's a 3-bedroom, then you can push 8. 10 in any dwelling is too many though.


I'm not entirely sure where the mark is, but you've definitely passed it.

it was literally defended. you don't need to eat onions.

I'm glad to notice that Yea Forums is a cat board

That's possible

>game is pretty fun at the start but becomes dogshit as it progresses
Dead Cells. Once you realize that you're punished for expanding the drop pool and trying new things out it's all downhill.

Fault for coming here.

Meh, we have 4 because they came to us and seemed disadvantages. One is missing an eye, one is missing a leg, one is tiny as fuck, and one was geriatric when he showed up. I don't feel like a cat lady, the latter two barely interact with people. It's just being empathetic.

Yea Forums has always been cat friendly. It's changed recently though

as long as the facebook /pol/ crowd stays out, it's cat territory.

Anecdotal but I've heard male cats are usually more comfy than female cats

>doesn't know about the word filter
Holy fucking newfag. Further, you didn't defend shit. I'm not going to even look at I AM SILLY STRAWMAN comics.
You failed to address even one of my points, nor are field animals limited to soibean crops.

Thank you for sharing him with us user.

Nope, male cats can be more active but only if you castrate them after their hormones already did their job.

Yea Forums is a cat site, it always will be.

Caring for disabled cats is different, you can have 8+ before it's weird just tell people you're fostering them.

Female cats are calmer and have cuter meows.

So you want me to post this shit back on /rlg/?

Halo as a series fits the first description, though not really one game in particular

And for the second, rainbow six siege is a good example imo

my eyes are overflowing with love

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I don't know, seems like Yea Forums is new baiting ground for you

Have another

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>Phantom Pain
>Peace Walker

Also my kitty. She sleeps on her back sometimes.

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Reddit leftists constantly spew about "toxo" and "doggos" as well. It's not a partisan issue, just a normalfag one.

>have 3 cats
>2 of them I've had for over a decade
>never really have time to hang out and play with them
>one day I'll probably just come home to find them dead

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My cat a lewd.

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you had no arguments beyond onions. it was defeated. stay mad though.

This is good

who /sphynx/ here

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Work on your reading comprehension and try again, smooth brain.

>path of exile

>grim dawn

>implying I'm contained to one tiny general
/rlg/ doesn't need re-railing much nowadays, it doesn't have much /pol/ shit and other pedoposting.

ok, now you clearly have no more arguments, why even post.

sphynx cats are fucking kino

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post kitties or fuck off

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Damn, isn't this nigga afraid of testicular torsion?

deez nuts


Persona 5

If letting your balls hang like that gave you torsion, we'd all have it.
You'd have to swap your balls to get torsion. Or just get bad luck since it happens without provocation and can happen to any human, no matter how still.

My kot is shedding

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Reread my first post, the one you failed to rebuke in any sense, you projecting simpleton.
Bite me, queer. Here's muh kitty.

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>be virginio
>have 8 cattos
>find girlfriend
>she wants to get rid of the cats or at the very least most of them
I feel ridiculous to actually prefer my cats over the girl, why are women like this?

i read it. only argument you put forth was about onions. i don't eat it. you have no argument.

Being illiterate isn't a debate tactic, tranny.

fuck her ass, then dump her

My cat turned 17 a week ago today.
Shes still running around like she is a kitten.
She a fit old lady

She'll find more shit to "adjust" in your life

no argument.


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That's a lot of cats to get rid of, user. Would you at least find them homes or are you just going to let them get gassed like a dipshit?

Disregard women retard.

>Game starts out fun and enjoyable. Has pretty deep and rewarding combat/progression
>Suddenly some gimmick is introduced that doesn't even work with the rest of the game and is practically required for every other enemy.

Dude stop replying to him, he's a fucking shitposter tranny from some general in /vg/ just ignore like the rest of the thread is doing

Reminder that vegan catfood actually exists and cats live on it.
It's not perfect because it has too high ph and cats with weak kidneys may get problems from that, but other than that it works.

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You must embrace cat wizardry.


just fuckin feed them regular catfood

see Read it again, on the off chance that one of the three neurons floating through the vacuous cerebro-spinal fluid you have for a brain will bounce off each other and generate a valid thought.

what game

Never hook with women that want to change your life, your happiness comes first. They start small then they will want to change other shit like your friends. Fuck her and dump her. Make sure to use condom so she can't hook you with a child

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It's immoral to support factory farming in any shape or form.

i read it. only argument put forth was about eating onions. i don't. it was defeated. keep the ad hominems coming though.

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Are you sure you aren't the woman? You seem like a frumpy bitch who wears a cardigan and smells like cat litter.

Then quit being a pussy and learn to hunt.

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Can I get a quick rundown?

>cats are healthy on it
Nature doesn't care about how you name things

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This is a shitposter tranny from /vg/. I take the bullet so you don't have to anons do not reply

>kahjiit is high elf now, hehehe

As much as I'd love to continue to try and educate you, it's just not possible when you have an IQ below 50. Have a good one.

Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 2

>>game is pretty fun at the start but becomes dogshit as it progresses

The very DEFINITION of Vampire the Masquerade

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kill me, pete


what's wrong with cardigan? they are great

>game is pretty fun at the start but becomes dogshit as it progresses
Persona 5
>game sucks at the beginning but becomes really fun after a while
Persona 4

Spore for the former
Morrowind for the latter

>that meow

I love how assmad faggot normies get about eating unhealthy animal products. Guaranteed seething everytime anybody criticizes them.
t. whole food plant based

holy shit those eyes look evil

>cats are healthy on it
>except they aren't sometimes, just sometimes I swear
I care not for you you name things. Healthy my ass.

Have you ever seen a cat fucking munching leafs or grain to feed themselves in the wild?
Then feed them fucking meat, even if its in cat chow form, feed no grain and high meat food

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i get it dude. you had no more arguments after it got defeated. you could just admit defeat instead of this namecalling though.

Cats do eat grass

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He s obligate carnivore you fucking moron, he can t choose to eat grass like you


>unhealthy cats are unhealthy
Learn to read

They don't eat from cans in nature either.
They eat small birds and mammals, get parasites, get infections, die at ripe old age of 3
If it works and keeps them healthy, why pretend they need something else?

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Beautiful, supreme champion. Is it a ragdoll?

More fitting with DaS1 what with the massive nosedive it takes after acquiring the lordvessel


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r u rich?

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Do not reply to the bait

Cats eat grass all the time dude, you need to educate yourself about cats.

To clean their stomach and intestines you retard, they either puke it or shit it intact. Please never have a cat, kill yourself and do a favour to the world

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>game is pretty fun at the start but becomes dogshit as it progresses
>game sucks at the beginning but becomes really fun after a while

hug material

Yeah pretty much.

Not 'dogshit' but total war games to a fault are the most fun in the early and mid arc. Least fun in the late arc.

Mine loves to be held like a baby, curls up next to my butt when I sleep (or in front of me so I can rub her head while I fall asleep). So talkative the vet receptionist asked if she was Siamese. Giant crybaby. Disappeared a week and a half before Christmas the year after I got her, showed up literally on Christmas morning after being gone a week and a half.

Will post the real sweet letter the daughter of the first owner wrote for the future adopter.

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>retard that didn't know cats ate grass gets upset

>tfw this entire line of replies was started because you autists dont have any reading comprehension and the guy was saying the opposite of what you believe he said. That cats need meat to live healthy.

But the statement cats eat grass is not wrong.
Stop cherry picking and then crying about it like a child

that's a cute cat. Here's mine

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>your cat will die one day
how do you go on living knowing this?

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Backpatting yourself for being too dense to recognize an argument, let alone address one, is not a good look.
Let me spell it out for you.
A hunter kills a deer for food. He has a net positive impact on the environment, as deer have become overpopulated.
You, on the other hand, would not eat the meat as it is "cruel", instead relying solely on vegetal agricultural products that ravage the land.
For the caloric equivalent of one deer, 150 common voles would die during harvest. And that's just one species, and only for harvest, not tilling and planting. This is looking at soi, which as is close to meat as you will get. Less nutritionally dense crops will result in more animal deaths.
You haven't a leg to stand on. Now, did any of that make it through your thick skull?

All in all were just another fish in the bowl, but when starving, even bait looks delicious.

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2nd owner named her Mei-Mei which is the name she's got. First owner had to give her up for adoption because either mei-mei (Stella) was picking on other cats or I think it was other cats were picking on her judging from how other cats treat her. 2nd owner gave her up because she was eating her plants. Prob some old lady. Got her in 2013 and she's sticking here till it's her time to go, best pet I've ever had.

She's about 8 or so years old.

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Never gave a bell to my cat because I always though it would interfere with her hunting mice

Cats don't need "meat". They need certain amino acids, fats, vitamins and minerals.
If they get them from plants, they are just as healthy as if it was in the form of a corpse.
There isn't any magical voodoo that makes plant matter not provide nourishment to cats, it's just that they aren't well suited to digesting and absorbing it, that's all.

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12/10 cute

we are in it for the journey, not the destination

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Do not reply to the bait Yea Forums I know some of you are stupid enough to do but I choose to have faith this time you won't

>Less nutritionally dense crops will result in more animal deaths.
there are literally no animal deaths involved with my crops. you need to calm down and stop being sop mad, stop calling me names, and think for a second before posting.

Dogs are superior companions in every way

it's so cute!

She's a mix. 1/4 tabby, and 3/4 who knows.
Middle class. Property is cheap here.

Yes and soon we will have genetic modifications/implants for chloroplasts in our skin so that we may become like the plants, sing like they do, become one.

>There isn't any magical voodoo that makes plant matter not provide nourishment to cats,
>it's just that they aren't well suited to digesting and absorbing it, that's all.
do you even think about what you type?

Keyword is to "FEED" themselves, of course I know they fucking do, I have to clean grass filled cat puke few times a month, just because he likes to purge his stomach

How do you do fellow cats

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>eating alternative foods just because "it works" when you can eat food that works and tastes good

why force a cat to eat some weird shit they probably don't like?

Holy fuck I give up, Yea Forums is literally a bunch of fucking morons that can't read and reply to the easiest of baits, this is why your board is an absolute piece of shit beyond repair unlike other boards, you're simply incapable of recognizing baits and ignoring them properly. Guess they're right when they say Yea Forums is basically reddit now

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Stray I took in, was living in my garage.
She like to wrestle and love to play hide and seek.

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>your cat could die any day

Mine was an outdoor(like would be gone for multiple days in his prime) kitty in dangerous woods and lived to a healthy 14 until he died from natural causes.

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As an avid gardener, I can smell your bullshit a mile away.
Firstly, producing all your own food is unfeasible without mass scale agriculture. Secondly, there is no gardnener that doesn't kill hornworms that will defoliate an entire tomato plant in one day. Thirdly, if you till the dirt you have already killed hundreds if not thousands of worms.
You're arguing in completely bad faith, and it couldn't be more obvious.

>game is pretty fun at the start but becomes dogshit as it progresses
World of Warcraft

>game sucks at the beginning but becomes really fun after a while
Xenoblade Chronicles 2

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Based as fuck

Also behaves like an anime cat. Makes a legit nyoro~ and mrmrmrmrmr~ noise if she runs ahead of you, and little marge simpson grumbles (but less angry, more sad) if you hold her and she doesn't wanna be held.

Are MMOs the only game that reverses the trend of "Fun in the early half, tedium or easy in the latter half"? Maybe RPGs in general favor that.

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Post more jazz. For those of you who don't know, blini kots name is jazz and he is legit one of the most handsome cats on this planet. His owner is Russian and sometimes posts youtube videos of him being silly. Jazz is fucking awesome.

Being a busybody even when feeding the pets they are supposed to protect, the same kind of people that get babies to have vegan diets and get them malnourished and taken away by social services

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Just fine, friend, just fine...
Oh who am I kidding? It sucks, my owner leaves the house just as the sun is coming up and comes just before it gets dark. His eyes look hazy when he gets home lately, any advice? He barely has the energy to pet me...

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Yall niggas legitimately turned this into a cat thread?
Cringe and toxopilled.

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I dunno, the cats from Juns kitchen and Maru are top contenders as well.

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you are clearly the one arguing in bad faith since you think you can read my mind and know what i do, so you try to argue against that. that's why you were sperging out about onions when you didn't even know what i ate. your rage and passion is blinding you.

You're the retard not throwing bait back on the other side of the water. Who is the real angler?

>fun to dogshit
any souls game
>dogshit to fun

Damn son that boi long as fuck


The thing about E.Y.E is that the game doesn't change, your understanding of it does.

Dogs are better

>getting upset over bait
vegan threads are the easiest, there's always a lot of angry vegans/non-vegans. especially non-vegans. currently baiting two, it's too easy.

I'd probably eat a cat if someone prepared it nicely

>that moment you realize you should stop being a fag and play E.Y.E as a balls to the wall shooter and not some slow stealth RPG shit

What a silly and great game.

tekken (used to love the proccess of losing and learning and now i just rage regardless of a loss/win)
path of exile (most builds dont come online until endgame)

Mine just passed away today.
You really do regret not spending enough time with them, even if they are old.

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Long Cat is loooooooooooooooong

Do your homework, reddit. Owning a cat doesn't increase your chance of toxoplasmosis. It is primarily spread through underwashed vegetables and undercooked meat.
Infected cats only shed the parasite for a week after initial infection, and most cat owners aren't licking their cat's turds. Indoor cats aren't at risk at all.
Your dog, on the other hand, loves scarfing down feral kitten shit before giving you "kisses" on the face.

>a webm converted to a gif, watermarked, converted back to a webm and letter-boxed.

Attached: cat (12).webm (640x640, 1.39M)

>Using guns
Level up those cyberlegs and become a knife wielding maniac who slices feds to pieces while running at mach ten

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Project and cope as much as you want, just know you cause more animal deaths than someone who hunts.

This post brought to you by Epic Games

for (you)s

This is how cats think we look like.



>When you're found guilty of skooma possession but your lawyer gets your sentence bumped down to community service.

Dead space
Enter the Gungeon

Ever since mine disappeared and reappeared on Christmas day I am always hesitant to do anything I'd regret in case it's the last time I see her. That being said I have the rule that if she jumps off the bed at night she has to leave the room, because I don't want her running around while I try and sleep.

That being said I also remember
>Tossing and turning trying to sleep
>God dammit kitty stop running around chasing shadows.
>The shadow moves

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how exactly am i "projecting"? i'm not, clearly. and the ones coping are the meat eaters who know they're morally wrong, but are too lazy to do anything about it, which is why they get so angry in these threads, acting irrationally and calling other people names, with zero arguments. much like you.

>maybe your wife if she is lucky

Here, have these two fine ladies, I feel your loss

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You kill more animals than someone who hunts, simple as that. Even if you're too dense to grasp it, it still remains true.


Resident Evil 4, most fire emblems.

Monster hunter (not world), Super Mario world.

Could you imagine if that retard uses fish emulsion for fertilizer?

Alright, here.

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you can't possibly know any of this, you don't know me. you just make things up to feel better about your situation.

>before giving you "kisses" on the face.
I will never understand why people let dogs lick their faces, let alone their fucking mouths. Dogs are disgusting.

>Someone who hunts is literally more morally just than you.
Someone who buys meat in stores isn't.

>>game sucks at the beginning but becomes really fun after a while
most grand strategy games and similar games with relatively steep lurning curves


Debatable, but I'll lean towards your perspective on that.
However, grazing beef raised open range on unarable land is definitively more humane than vegan choices.

AMDog bias as always

I accept your admission of defeat.

>want video game recs
>90 percent of the thread is le epic cute cat pictures

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that's strange, because i have given no such admission? i think you are reading things that aren't there user. you just know you're wrong and now you want an easy way out.

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It's 0% debatable. Buying meat in grocery stores without knowing where it came from and how it got there is fucking disgusting.

Bout to drop the hottest new album.

I can't explain complex morality to my house plant, either, so don't feel too dumb.

>angry vegans
No such thing, not on Yea Forums

no argument.


Attached: My kot.jpg (3264x2448, 1.7M)

Don't project, sweety. I've made compellling arguments, which either flew right over your head, or you chose to play the willful ignorance card.

Cat with dog

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First one: Botw
Second one: Mario Odyssey

You just know this poster is absolutely seething. There's one in this very thread.

That dog will rip apart that cat

No, you're getting baited hard and just too deep in denial to realize it.
There are two kinds of vegans on Yea Forums: those who are much smarter than you and those who aren't vegan.

show them some love whenever you can, user!

how am i projecting? you keep saying this like it means something, but then refuse to elaborate. i don't think you know what that word means. and you have made no compelling arguments, you just keep making up things about me and what i do, and you're wrong.

are you fucking serious? you can piss off atleast 7 on /ck/ alone.


very nice

this. pretending to be a vegan to bait people is too easy to pass by when a thread like this starts. it's like religion threads.

I have a cat at home. I love him. He is a son to me. Just the thought of something happening to him makes me tear up.

Think about it user. That is what happens when you try to domesticate majesty.

Evolution certainly is a bitch.

Because the only """argument""" you've made is "you're valid points aren't arguments and I'm going to ignore them!"
It's pretty obvious you're that complete moron from /ck/. I'm guessing you got blown the fuck out, yet again, and migrated.
Your posts are so vapid and lacking substance I'm honestly ashamed I'm engaging you. It really is like arguing with a potted plant.

Same man, he's the only thing that reminds me that I'm still human and not a completely jaded fuck

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Project X Zone

Persona 4


Eh I don't know. Somehow I think that reddit would be better than Yea Forums for proper discussion of games. Not that I really care about doing that, since the only reason I'm here is to shitpost.

What are you talking about?

>I'm guessing
that's what you've been doing all this time though, guessing things about me instead of simply asking like a normal person and going from there. you just assume things, like me eating onions, to be true and then attack the things you've made up. you don't even know how to argue. you keep going with ad hominems instead. i don't even browse /ck/, that's another thing you just made up. you're wrong again.

Looks like a meezer


You can tell yourself that, but the booty blasted vegan ITT is a regular on /ck/. He's most definitely serious, and constantly asspained.


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Dark Souls 1, for me. Starts really fun, the Parish is one of the best starting areas in recent memory, felt the same in Bloodborne. But after a while in Dark Souls 1, it just becomes a slight chore to play after Anor Londo. I still love the game, but I still get that "ugh, here we go" feeling after a certain point.

Game that sucks at the start but becomes better? I can't say. To me it feels like a lot of modern games are either one or the other from the moment you get a taste of the first 2 or 4 hours. What you see at that point is usually what you'll get for the rest of the campaign.

Would Yea Forums drink a cat?

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How do you know he's from /ck/?

>I have two personalities

> Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
> Xenoblade 2

Nah, my dog (pic related) loved cats. I had a semi-feral cat who would cuddle up with him when he was outside and would go on walks with us. My mother in law had a labrador who would nurse kittens, too.

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r8 kitters

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>Dude brings a fucking Khajiit to school but you're too busy playing Minecraft

Seeing how you managed to confuse at least two different people, one of which outright admitted to not being vegan, I don't really trust your judgement.

that's like saying you can't tell when barneyfag posts on other boards, dude

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yo those are leopards

But I mean, how can you tell?

I only brought up soi because it's the closest common vegetable to meat. It actually makes my argument more favorable to your position as many other crops result in more animal deaths. I was trying to be fair.
Also, if you want to disguise yourself, don't use the same pictures and the same highschool drop out vocabulary and capitalization.

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I haven't accused anyone of being a vegan except the one lad who is raging about it. You might be doing a bit of your own statement.

he acts superior and uses "fancy" words to sound smart while talking in third person. Yeah, he's the barneyfag of /ck/. always in every thread that involves meat

t. /ck/ lurker

They use the same images with the same filenames, type in the same wording and manner, and will respond the same way when you try to refute their very old argument.

Link at least 3 of his posts

i haven't posted any pictures in this thread, i think you've gone mad. you keep making things up.

>game is pretty fun at the start but becomes dogshit as it progresses

Everyone recognizes your comics, mate. Even most vegans would cringe at that shit.

>the one lad who is raging about it.

>You'd have to swap your balls to get torsion
I tried doing that when I was a kid.
God, I'm so fucking glad I failed

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Mirin those gains

Read the thread, newfaggot. And I didn't even accuse him, just inferred that he was based on the cringe comics.

>your comics
ok now it's getting really weird. did you have a stroke? i have LITERALLY not posted a single picture.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Is /ck/ slow today or something?

you'll find in here right now

you're in the club and this dude slaps your cat's ass

wat do?

What vidya does your cat like?

Attached: cat.jpg (1832x1374, 279K)

Newfaggot? Hm, sounds like you're the angry one. Just point him out.

I know this is bait, but I have to say, if vegans get all their needs from plants, how come everybody at vegan food stores looks lethargic, balding, shiny faced and straw haired, always with a fucking hunch and wearing loads of layers because they're always cold.
Its funny to laugh at them but annoying to see people raise kids on that diet while their bodies are still trying to grow, that's immoral.


there you go with the /ck/ stuff you made up again. you are an odd person indeed.

Rate by dumb and shy cat. Found as a feral kitten and now just fucks around the house.

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I laughed for 10 solid minutes

Are you incapable of using a scroll wheel? Reading his drivel once was grey matter destroying enough.

Checked and based and truthpilled.

Seems to me you're the angry one though.

Holy fuck what a chad
I got to visit /ck/ more often

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>>game sucks at the beginning but becomes really fun after a while
dota 2

And then it starts to suck again

Tell my cat he's someone else's bitch from now on

>his cat doesn't have an armor

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Cost me 180 eurobucks at the vet to fix my cat the other day, if you're tight on money then think carefully about taking in a pet if you don't have the fortitude to watch him die slowly under your eyes, the state I was in the doc could have told me 500 euros and I would have forked it.

Jesus this thing looks like it could break a human's bones with just one swipe

Sure, why not, I'm frothing mad if that will placate you.

That's because it can

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I care about my pets but if I can't afford it I can't afford it. My survival takes priority. But I guess my take on it is a little different because I grew up on a farm with horses, cows, dogs, cats, and chickens. Animals get sick and die.

>Cat thread
Based. This guy followed me on the street.

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>tfw spent over $4000 on my dog and he died anyway
He deserved every cent.

>if you don't have the fortitude to watch him die slowly
Takes some balls, but you can put them down yourself for pennies in burger land. Just give them their favorite food and end it with a bullet directly to the brain stem while they eat so they don't suffer.

>Times when Yea Forumsros are okay

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bruh look at this dood
fecesbook /photo.php?fbid=2119863481585596

it leads to a 404, retard

Starts meh and gets better
>Fallout NV
>Any Rogue-like

Starts fun and gets worse as you play
>Fallout 3 and 4
>Replaying any souls games.
>Dota 2 depending on who you ask.
>Borderlands has done that to me before but I love it still.

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>game is pretty fun at the start but becomes dogshit as it progresses
Breath of the Wild.

Mine likes to watch art streams my friend does. Considering they draw cute girls, I wonder if my cat is a lesbian. She didn't watch other games, save once Arma 3.

She's still around just doesn't like to watch games or anything. Prefers to just walk over, flop her fat butt against the keyboard and lean over and look at me upside down and go maow.

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collies are usually very nice dogs

she was cute

had her for a year now and she finally sleeps in her bed next to me when I'm on the computer instead of on the couch in the other room

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>hate everything about MHW before it releases
>my bro gets it so I try it out anyway
>hey this isn't that bad after all, a bit easy as expected, but it'll get harder right?
>30 hours later, I'm still wearing shitty gear with barely any high level skills on it because of the new skill system
>still using the same weapons, because they were lazy with the skins
>all the new monsters are passive as shit and easy as fuck
>tempered monsters are easy as shit too and completely pointless
>mfw I wasted 30 hours on this casual piece of trash
Fuck Capcom. I will never forgive them for ruining my favorite franchise.

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I like animals, as much by hugging them as by eating them.

Yeah I really enjoyed the hardcore MH experience before.

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I love cats so much i want to protect them all and give them all good homes

what the fuck is wrong with you

I bet your head would make a sloshing sound if we shook it. Fucking water brains.

Cute euclid!

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lmao what's with this Dark Souls level iframes?


Don't give Todd any ideas.

or do

I'm so fucking glad I never played Gen or GU. What an embarrassment.
