The Past and Present of Dragon Age 4

In December 2018, developer BioWare teased the next Dragon Age game, hinting at a mysterious future for the popular fantasy series—one that’s enticing, but seems very far away. Why, more than four years after Dragon Age: Inquisition, is Dragon Age 4 still so early in development? The answer is complicated, and reflective of BioWare’s turbulence over the past decade.

The story behind this reboot isn’t just a story of a game going through multiple iterations, as many games do. The Dragon Age 4 overhaul was a sign of BioWare’s troubles, and how the company has struggled in recent years to work on multiple projects at the same time. It was indicative of the tension between EA’s financial goals and what BioWare fans love about the studio’s games. It led to the departure of several key staff including veteran Dragon Age creative director Mike Laidlaw, and it led to today’s Dragon Age 4, whose developers hope to carefully straddle the line between storytelling and the “live service” that EA has pushed so hard over the past few years.

Perhaps the saddest thing about Dragon Age 4’s cancellation in 2017 for members of the Dragon Age team was that this time, they thought they were getting it right. This time, they had a set of established tools. They had a feasible scope. They had ideas that excited the whole team. And they had leaders who said they were committed to avoiding the mistakes they’d made on Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Link to the full article:

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who gives a shit
dragon age 2 was shit
dragon age 3 was shit
why would you want dragon age 4

really blows my mind that people still want dragon age 4 after the past two games were so shit, it's obvious that bioware can't make a good game anymore

I can't believe Dragon Age 4 is going to be a gacha.

>why would you want dragon age 4
Because Dragon Age 1 wasn't total shit.

I don't want a 4, not after 2 and 3. they wouldn't make a good game so why bother.

>they wouldn't make a good game so why bother
I'd be cool if the rights to the franchise were sold to someone competent before Bioware goes to live on a farm.

Yeah it sounds upsetting that Bioware have to cancel a game with good intentions, but realistically speaking dragon age as a whole is just a one-hit wonder, maybe 2-hit wonder if you count the awakening expansion (which I don't, DA2's design problems began to surface here).

Not once in that entire article does it mention looking back toward the success of DA:O, just how they can mop up after inquisition. Inquisition wasn't just bad because of the large areas or lack of choice. Most characters were one note as fuck and the plot was so large in scale that it circled back and became more generic than the LotR ripoff of DA:O.

EA is a serial rapist. They rape everything they touch. None of this is should be surprising or disappointing to the developers and it was utterly foolish of them to think otherwise. At this point if they're breaking down emotionally and complaining about cancelled projects, they need to wake up from their Stockholm syndrome. Work somewhere that cares about artistic integrity or just admit that they're in it for the 9 to 5 paycheck, stop with these theatrics for pity-cash.

if you cut 3/4 of the fetch quest/open world crap out of inquisition and made the 2 major DLCs part of the base game instead, it would've been a solid game, just with a little bit too much quippy "banter". they can still make the components of a decent game, they just need a much clearer vision and a smaller scope, which is what OP's article is alluding to with the original plan for 4.
since that's out the window and they're making some kind of online money-spinning bullshit to satisfy EA there is basically no hope though

All the more reason for you to realize the IP has been ground into shit. Walk away.

I like how the article pretends Inquisition was a worthy game and not a steaming pile of shit.

Jason Schreier is in bed with every developer, it's the main reason why he's the only journalist with insider information despite having shit opinions on everything.

>Dragon Age 1 wasn't total shit.
I like DA1 as much as the next person, but holy shit, wake up and realise Bioware has already started being liquidated like all other devs under EA, their death warrant is nigh and even if they did make another DA game, it would be shit.

Inquisition was a solid 7 out of 10. Not great, not that memorable, but worth playing as long as you can stomach some sjw shit.

Live service kills off any enthusiasm for a sequel anyway. End it.

I'll admit I'm curious how they're going to try and make a narrative heavy franchise become a live service. It will be shit, but if they find a module that works it might actually be the thing that turns the live as a service module around from being a shitty modern day arcade simulator.

They said Anthem would be a story heavy character focused experience. They said it was an evolution of bioware storytelling.
They really did say that shit.

They can't do it. They just have to lie.

>Walk away
Can't blame me for hoping that they'd at least keep making mediocre-to-good DA games now that they ruined ME franchise. The thing is that the original DA4 premise was kinda cool, which shows that the DA team was at least trying to improve.

>Bioware has already started being liquidated
Why would EA then even bother throwing money to a dead studio.

once upon a time, i would buy pretty much anything bioware put out day 1. its very sad to watch its shambling, reanimated corpse attempting to go through the motions of game development while pretending that anyone gives even a quarter of a fuck about anything that they do. da:i was insulting. me:a was insulting. i didnt play anthem, but i would guess that it is as god awful as everything else theyve done in recent years.
F for what once was

this is modern EA and most of the old Bioware Crew is gone.

DA4 would be fucked

>single player mmo
>garbage combat
>garbage exploration filled with useless collectibles that have absolutely no consequence
yeah, no, it's a 0

>yeah, no, it's a 0
Not that I disagree with you but apparently it sold really well for a Bioware game (if we are to believe what Jason has said in the article), so someone out there must've liked it.

>Why would EA then even bother throwing money to a dead studio
They aren't, most of the money was thrown at advertising to trick normalfags to buy their game that wasn't even a game when it was shown at E3, once their game sales stop meeting shareholder demand, then they will have EAs permission to die

I read the article and I'm glad the original version got shafted. Not that the new ones will be good, if they're made but
>spies in Tevinter
as opposed to
>spies OF Tevinter
makes me angry. I want to play a happy magister, who loves how Tevinter is run, does blood magic, abuses slaves and has a blast.

DA's team is the only one who knows how to make Frostbite work for them, that's why they need to scramble to help every other team 5 months before release. Honestly, I'd love to hear some developers just rail into problems they have with Frostbite, I've never heard an engine be so universally hated before.

>I want to play a happy magister, who loves how Tevinter is run, does blood magic, abuses slaves and has a blast
That actually sounds kinda rad. I was kinda miffed they removed Blood Magic from DA3 but it's kinda hard to present your Inquisitor as being in the right while still using Blood Magic.

I want Qunari gf

Why the fuck does anyone believes anything this guy's says? Every single article with the "insiders" he has sugar coats the mistakes the developer team makes
>only franchise where you can gay romance hot elves is DA
>it's dying

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>I want Qunari gf
My nibba.

>Why the fuck does anyone believes anything this guy's says?
Because he's right most of the time.
>he sugar coats the mistakes the developer team makes
He sort of has to play nice. If he had openly trash-talked the studio, no one would ever bother telling him shit.

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Honestly, this. The franchise makes Tevinter look to be pure evil, which I think the developers are buying into way too much.
All we really see are the rich people, rich people are the worst representatives of their society.
When you think about it, Tevinter are the most experimental, they're the culture that's going to innovate technology and magic in Thedas. They cause more problems, sure, but they're the only ones trying. It's easy to lay blame on them for it.
Playing from the opposite perspective, an average mook in Tevinter trying to get by, would be a blast.

they've made more shit games than good games. walk away you stupid cuck holy shit.

>Because he's right most of the time
Source? Literally all his stories are "someone told me x, which I don't have any proof of. Dude just believe me, it's not like journos lie right?"

The reactions of publishers after his stories tends to make me believe him
>Bioware make their staff cry
>Next day
>Casey Hudson to host hugbox for angry developers
I wonder how that went.

Again, I would believe him if he made an actual prediction, something that allowed any reader to verify any of his claims, otherwise it's literally just gossip and more importantly, drama.

>they've made more shit games than good games
Only if you started counting from ME1's release.

>Again, I would believe him if he made an actual prediction
He actually revealed some legit shit, though I can't remember what it was (I believe it was something related to Switch or what have you). You don't have to like the man and you certainly shouldn't take his every word as a gospel but he is probably the best investigative game journalist in the West that we have.

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Yeah most of it might just be gossip and drama, but it provides some insight into the inner workings of the development studios. Without any glimpse at the inner workings I can bet you there'd be way more developers and publishers trying to pull the wool over our eyes on shit that goes on. You can't honestly say that there's no merit in news that isn't just "Game studio plans to release another game in a big franchise with 4 other games."
Besides, reporting on internal affairs at least shows some credibility when reporting on other potential insider information too.
Again, I don't like the cuck, but I'm not going to deny his work.

>You can't honestly say that there's no merit in news
I would agree with you IF, there were any way to verify the validity of his stories, such as for example a different unrelated journo giving a similar story, and even then, the MSM has already made up larger false narratives. Cry wolf enough times and anyone with a brain won't believe you.
Again, if you are skeptic WHY should you believe anything he says? If he associates himself with liars and manipulators, the most logical conclusion is that he's one himself.

>Again, if you are skeptic WHY should you believe anything he says?
How does it go: trust but verify? In our case, we have no way to corroborate what he has claimed in his articles but Bioware's response to the latest Anthem exposé speaks for itself.

Also, more Qunari waifus.

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I can and will blame you, after multiple entries in two separate leading franchises were driven to mediocrity and/or shit. Optimism is fine, but after a series of failures an overriding sense of skepticism is more than warranted. The founders left and the studio sold to EA, and magically that's right around the time things went downhill. The situation isn't going to change.

Or are you optimistic about Rare becoming a good studio again?

There's a difference between giving reasonable doubt and just denying a reporter on principle of ethical behavior. These articles, bare minimum, provide a conversational piece, context for a larger discussion.
You have to take this case-by-case, I don't see how an article saying Bioware operates better when EA isn't trying to fuck with their product is a net negative. Even if we're to assume that EA is clandestine enough to use its negative reputation to make the development companies under its belt seem better, I'd say at best it just makes them seem incompetent and deceitful for the sake of it.
What you need to look out for is when an obvious social standpoint is being pushed, when you're being dictated to on how to think or approach something. THAT is when you can start being "Skeptical." Being flagrantly skeptical all the time just desensitizes people to the arguments you have to present, even if they're good ones.

>How does it go: trust but verify?
No it's "trust AFTER you verify", if you can't verify one of the main conditions for "trust" is not met.
Also goddamn it they ruined the Qunary, they were SO GOOD on DA2. actually every fucking race looks like shit on DAI.

>There's a difference between giving reasonable doubt and just denying a reporter on principle of ethical behavior
Yes, the difference is that the latter requires you to have prior knowledge on fuck ups that said reporter committed to be a valid, logical, action, which unfortunately IS the case.
>These articles, bare minimum, provide a conversational piece, context for a larger discussion
IF they are correct.
> I don't see how an article saying Bioware operates better when EA isn't trying to fuck with their product is a net negative
Net negative to who? That's not what this conversation is about, it's about who has something to gain from him pushing what is most likely a false narrative to cover up something else. Like in Anthem's case, he tried to push a narrative to cover up the fact that the game most probably uses a predictive AI to attempt to make the players spend more on the game, with the interest of merely testing it, hence why it's on a new IP nobody cared about. On Dragon's Age case, there's the chance that he's literally being used by Bioware as an external PR tool to create a cushion in case the next Dragon Age also goes badly, plus they can test the public opinions to any information that's been "leaked" without the blowback that would happen if they themselves came out to actually publish the news. This is basic "news" manipulation, it happens in every field and it's at the core of the industry, it's how they get fucking paid.
>when you're being dictated to on how to think or approach something
Which is literally the case right now with his articles as they all have the same narrative that the consumers should feel bad about the poor good boy developers and it's the publishers who are always to blame. A tactic that's used in many field to make consumers accept good of lower quality.
>Being flagrantly skeptical all the time just desensitizes people to the arguments you have to present
Maybe for retarded fucks with herd mentality.

Jason Schreier might be right on some of this but it's one sided and he has an angle to exaggerate. Right now the current fad is unionizing. That's easier done by making it seem like the workers are getting shafted or overworked. Might be true. Might be exaggerated.

Bioware won't refute individual points so he can pepper bullshit in as he pleases.

>Right now the current fad is unionizing
Good, they should've done that a long time ago.

I worked at a plant with a union. It's a large part of the reason the plant closed.

Unions can become unaccountable behemoths.

The series went to shit when they abandoned the darkspawn and blight stuff in favour of the mage/templar conflict. I understand that the darkspawn were generic not-orcs and the mage stuff is more appealing to social justice minded developers who want the story to be a bit more complex but every interesting mystery in the lore was tied to the blights.

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Oh yes because you want even less control over your work contracts.

Remember that time when a good part of voice actors couldn't get any jobs for something like years?

How about the mistakes they made all throughout their history as developers?

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Yes if with less control comes better terms for you as an employee

>Hurr I don't need to convince the majority
You do if you actually want to change shit, otherwise you're just going to be an outcast, trust me, the self-validation wears off fast.
I'm not going to deny your points, but it you're really coming off as a paranoid here. No heat has been taken off Bioware or EA, both studios are fucking up bad. Like, what is the cushion for them? "Yeah we fucked up again, but trust me what we had before was radical?" Nobody's going to use that as a serious defense.

>Yes if with less control comes better terms for you as an employee
It never does, what actually happens is that they set rules that you have to follow to work on a certain field that you do NOT give a shit about, they charge you part of your payment with the promise that if and when your employer fucks you over, they'll have your back, except they never fucking do anything in those cases, and eventually turn into essentially quasi non democratic governments where they get paid by rich fucks to create as much nonsensical bureaucratic rules as possible and make it impossible for any professional in the field to have any independence.

Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither and will get neither.

No thanks.

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>the game most probably uses a predictive AI to attempt to make the players spend more on the game
It sure is working out well for them considering that they started losing a lot of their player base to Division 2 and their sheer incompetence. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

>Unions can become unaccountable behemoths
Are you American? Every time I hear about the evils of unionizing, it's always the Americans.

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Yes, I'm American. Our unions are flat out garbage mostly. Private and public.

That's definitely what I think of when I reflect on origins. Definitely.

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>Hurr I don't need to convince the majority
I never implied that, I said that people with herd mentality will look at this and nod like the fucking NPCs they are, completely ignoring the underlining and all the telltales of a narrative being pushed. If I wanted to change anything I wouldn't be arguing here you fucking retard.
>you're really coming off as a paranoid here
You're just ignorant, read Propaganda by Edward Bernays, it explains how the field of journalism was born, and guess what, their purpose was never to inform the public of the major happenings, it was to push a propaganda, basically acting as an outside marketing team from a company or special interests group.
>Like, what is the cushion for them
You joking? The amount of blowback in any given field is relative to the difference between the expectations and the reality, this is basic human psychology, if the expectations are low, the blowback to a bad release is much less likely, if Anthem hadn't made so many false promises half of the complains wouldn't be there in the first place, but since Bioware can't come out to say "look DA4 is going on the same path as DA2", they use an external marketing tool to do the job.
>but trust me what we had before was radical?" Nobody's going to use that as a serious defense
You have to be pretending to be dense on purpose. No, this part is about separating the developer team from the publishing team, and make the blame for whatever future problems the game might have fall squarely on the publishing team's shoulder, who of course do not care about bad rep, all the while trying to make the consumers sympathize with the developers, which like I literally already said, makes it more likely that said consumers will accept a lower quality product from the developers.

This guy reeks of depression, probably has some good stuff up his sleeve. Just needs an editor worth a damn who can keep his shit from being too cheesy or allegorical.

To be fair, the mob in the US is still very, VERY active in the control and manipulation of unions. See Canada as well, at least in the construction industry in major metros.

>It sure is working out well for them considering that they started losing a lot of their player base to Division 2
That's why rumor has it that the game is literally a test project for the AI, so all the failures and problems on this game are irrelevant as the purpose is to use it on a bigger release of an IP with a well established fanbase. This is why there hasn't been any talks about EA putting the blame on Bioware, like it usually happens when things go bad.
>Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

>Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither and will get neither.
The debate is more about sacrificing the freedom to get fucked over by the employer for a decent pay check and humane working hours. I know unions lose sight of the original goal as time goes on but videogame industry needs to unionize to establish some kind of rules, these people regularly have somewhere around 80 hour work weeks which they have to do to keep their job.

>I want to spend mine making it a better and more caring place.

He could try making games that are fun and bring joy to people's lives. That's a hell of a good start. And the best political statements in art are subtle ones, an idea lost on most politically minded gamedevs.

Fuck 4chanX for the retarded shortcuts
>Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Many problems in the game aren't explained by stupidity, much of the reaction from EA does not fit with stupidity, much of the difficulty the developers are having fixing the problems cannot be explained by stupidity. A lot of malicious vermin love to feign ignorant and incompetence whenever their plots are caught because people do not respond to it as badly.

>And the best political statements in art are subtle ones, an idea lost on most politically minded gamedevs.

You must have really hated the 1st game then.

I hated the NPC demanding real world money for DLC, that's for sure.

>the freedom to get fucked over by the employer
Only if you are a retard.
>for a decent pay check and humane working hours
Unions bring neither.
>but videogame industry needs to unionize to establish some kind of rules
The problem is that several rules already exist, the problem is spineless cowards who, when said rules are broken, never take action, so they want an outside group to do the job for them, and just like the publishers never stop fucking them over because there's no backlash, the union will never stop fucking them over because there won't be any backlash either.

still, very poor crpg
it was point of downfall

the fuck this basedboy knows about STALKER

what engine will it be using, if its frostbite then its irredeemably shit

>Dragon Age
a franchise where only the first game is *good*
I can't wait to se Bioware in bankrupt

>Our unions are flat out garbage mostly
Unions should ideally be there to protect you from the corporate leeches trying to make you work longer hours for less money. Guess it's hard for them to achieve that if they're completely toothless when dealing with the corporates.

>To be fair, the mob in the US is still very, VERY active in the control and manipulation of unions
Hey, it's either that or letting your 'benevolent' corporate bosses take every single employee benefit you had so they could afford to cover their yachts in gold.

>nod like the fucking NPCs they are
Accusing everybody of being NPCs is such an NPC thing to do.

I can't wait.

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user that was in 2008

>The franchise makes Tevinter look to be pure evil
Dorian did much to remedy that. I went into the game expecting a walking gay caricature, instead got an honest-to-goodness Tevinter nationalist who actually makes a point that the country is more than just baby eater central and ultimately is no more sinister or shady than Orlais.

Inquisition was a solid 2 out of 10, pure garbage and maybe I'm being too generous with the 2

>Hey, it's either that or letting your 'benevolent' corporate bosses take every single employee benefit you had so they could afford to cover their yachts in gold.

Sure, just don't sell unions as a perfect solution, just one good enough for right now. The difference is important when trying to explain the importance to skeptics.

this. for a series with only one decent game, they sure love shilling it.

If these guys were hot shit at this sort of thing where were these kind of tactics for ME:A and Anthem then?
All that these articles have done is tell me that anything under EA is a hot pile of shit despite years of developers working under EA saying it's a good environment and comes with a lot of benefits and that the Frostbite engine is even worse than they made it out to be. Oh and that despite trying to push some pro-diverse positivity garbage, Bioware is still the same sickbag every other developer is guilty of throwing up into. I've not suddenly been tricked by reverse psychology into giving EA or bioware my money.
Most people have a semblance of permanence, they remember Bioware was good once and pretty much every game release since ME2 has been shat on by anyone engaged enough in this industry to waste their evening on a Christian image board. The real propaganda is the shit that's telling you that these were top of the fucking chart successes, when none of that factors into how much god damn money was shoveled into it to begin with.

>Accusing everybody of being NPCs is such an NPC thing to do.
It's literally the same of accusing any group of herd mentality, I hope this is just a joke but I honestly can't even tell anymore.

Inquisition was successful regardless of what your opinion of it is.
There were people within BW itself that hoped it would fail but it didn't

>Sure, just don't sell unions as a perfect solution, just one good enough for right now
Oh, for sure. Ideally, you want to have strict labor laws preventing the exploration of workers that are actually enforced.

>All that stuff you've written
Hear, hear!

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MEA was literally just DA2, encore, they had no reason to believe it would fail so hard. If EA's plans for Anthem were never for it to be a successful game, but a test tube for their new predictive AI, then the blowback is irrelevant.
>All that these articles have done is tell me that anything under EA is a hot pile of shit
Of course, what said articles fail to show if just how much incompetence the new blood on Bioware has. Again, putting the blame squarely on the publisher to reduce PR damage to the developers.
>Most people have a semblance of permanence
You'd be surprised, you forget just how many more people are interested in the industry nowadays, articles like this can be used to effectively create a new narrative for said people.

>that are actually enforced
How the fuck would unions help with any of that? That's the specific area where they are shown to be most incompetent at.

>How the fuck would unions help with any of that?
You misunderstood me, I wasn't saying unions can enforce anything, but that they're just a temporary solution keeping your ass somewhat protected until the country you live in gets more worker-friendly labor laws.

>If EA's plans for Anthem were never for it to be a successful game, but a test tube for their new predictive AI, then the blowback is irrelevant
Is it so hard to believe that Bioware wasn't tasked with making a game that serves as a testing ground for their super-smart AI instead of being almost hilariously incompetent and indecisive.

>Of course, what said articles fail to show if just how much incompetence the new blood on Bioware has.
Because Jason doesn't get to write interviews with companies by spewing vitriol about how shitty game studios are doing. The games speak for themselves when 2018 was dominated by MEA's animations alone.
>How many articles like this can be used to effectively create a new narrative for said people
Narrative can only go so far. It can convince people a shit game like Inside is actually brimming with artistic vision, but there's only so much damage control can do when someone isn't having fun or encountering bugs all the time. One way or another these new bloods will run into a genuine critic of these games and shape their own perspective. Or they won't engage meaningfully enough in the first place and just do what their friends do. But those people are completely outside of journalist's grasp.
When a franchise does poorly, that sticks with the franchise and company. ME was on a downward trend and the general consensus on ME reflects that. Anthem is a brand new IP,s o it's going to generate SOME intrigue, but ultimately all its done is fuck bioware. And for what, by what you're saying it's all for an AI which clearly isn't working? That's a waste of everyone's time.
Then again, IT'S EA. It's going to be fucking shit, they're going to make retarded ass decisions. I know this for a fact. What I don't know is the ground level of that hot mess.
Jason provides a glimpse into that, which is why it's interesting.
It's not going to sell me shit.
It's not going to change my mind on Bioware's lack of talent.
It's not going to make EA seem any more shit because EA is already America's worst company

>but that they're just a temporary solution
Except once they establish themselves they simply do not go away, specially because they eventually get so much power they become able to lobby against their own dissolution. And then, not only you didn't solve the initial problem, not enforcing laws that already exist, but you created another one.

>Is it so hard to believe that Bioware wasn't tasked with making a game that serves as a testing ground for their super-smart AI instead of being almost hilariously incompetent and indecisive.
Considering EA's reaction? Yes. Anthem was in a troubled development cycle for over 6 years, by the 4th year EA would normally just cancel it altogether.

Not that anot but...
I will never understand why Yea Forums are so happy about being in literal Jeff Bezos cages at Amazon, because their boss once told them that unions are communist propaganda that only harms workers.

Can somebody actually give me something that shows that unions have REAL negative effect/impact on a workplace and its employees over a longer period of time?

please fucking kill yourself if you bring up anecdotal evidence about that "one" employee in your/friends life

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>BW planned a version of DA4 that sounded decent enough but were forced to reboot it to fit EA's garbage forced shit
>Brainlets still blame BioWare for what happened to their games and not EA

This. Does no one on Yea Forums remember when Dragon Age 2 was released and how much Yea Forums hated it? How it was constantly mocked for being so cringeworthy? Am I that fucking old that no one else is left on Yea Forums who remembers this?

>because EA is already America's worst company
Gotta say, I'm pretty sure there are more malicious companies than EA out there - you know, 'dumping toxic waste next to the river and giving everyone ass cancer' kind.

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Well, fuck me.

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If this is true, think about the end result
>Bioware are terrible at coding, but promise an AI that will learn from player experience
>Tech illiterate EA reps love the sales pitch of Skynet controlling players for money, go all in with marketing
>After Anthem fails, EA take the AI thinking it can be reused for more popular games and shove it down developer's asses harder than frostbite
>For the next 10+ years EA publishes a slew of games with the world's first mentally handicapped AI, but is too stoic to admit the wasted investment to withdraw it

In a first world society nothing is worse than ruining entertainment.

>Because Jason doesn't get to write interviews with companies by spewing vitriol
How about writing the truth? Is that too hard for him?
>The games speak for themselves
No they don't, it takes a new level of incompetence to pull the sort of shit that Bioware is pulling.
>Narrative can only go so far
Maybe nowadays, because it's much easier to get another opinion and get informed in the inner workings of a system through an independent source. Which is why I claim that a lot of his stories are bull fucking shit.
>but there's only so much damage control can do when someone isn't having fun or encountering bugs all the time
And his articles are pushing it as far as it can go, in fact they even use the tactic of blame pushing when things cannot be excused, another classic methodology used by PR teams.
>One way or another these new bloods will run into a genuine critic of these games and shape their own perspective
This isn't about new blood this is about a PR attempt to saveface for hiring incompetent inexperient fucks.
>that sticks with the franchise and company
Literally the only case when this does not happens if when you try to push the blame into someone else which is precisely what Jason is doing.
>by what you're saying it's all for an AI which clearly isn't working?
Again you have to be pretending to be dense, do you understand how AI works, what the term "test tube" works? Whatever is the case, they needed a wide sample of players, for a stress test for their patent, which regardless of the game WOULD result in failure initially, this is how AI works. Do you really think they would use that on a well established franchise? OR would they use it on a new one that nobody cared about and that was having a difficulty development cycle, with all the telltales of being a financial failure?

Why do people think Inquisition and 2 are bad?

>Jason provides a glimpse into that
Which we, again, have absolutely no reason to believe it's true, by your own admission he won't risk offending the people he interviewed. Meaning he has no interest in being impartial, or telling the truth, by your own accord.
>It's not going to sell me shit.
It's selling you a narrative.
>It's not going to change my mind on Bioware's lack of talent.
But it's pushing heavily on that direction, and others might be persuaded.
>It's not going to make EA seem any more shit because EA is already America's worst company
Which is PRECISELY why pushing blame on them is the safest option for the company, the the most logical PR narrative the company would try to push.

>I will never understand why Yea Forums are so happy about being in literal Jeff Bezos cages at Amazon
Just because a person doesn't like one evil it doesn't mean said person likes the other evil. Unions aren't a solution for that because of their bureaucratic hubris. You don't need them for class action lawsuits, you don't need them to make a push towards a certain employee protection law, you don't need them to make sure people avoid working on a specific company, and you don't need them to protect your rights. They are literally a middleman that can only make your life harder.

>because they eventually get so much power they become able to lobby against their own dissolution
Still doesn't sound as bad as companies getting so much power they can lobby for deregulation or outright participate in rewriting labor laws how they see fit (or, you know, having the US troops overthrowing legitimate governments because they're affecting their bottom line).

>Does no one on Yea Forums remember when Dragon Age 2 was released and how much Yea Forums hated it?
Funnily enough, the actual contrarian opinion would be that Dragon Age 2 was better than DA:O.

Attached: Gemina-Vael.jpg (616x900, 432K)

What was so wrong with it? Looks fine to me.

Attached: wat2.jpg (729x626, 59K)

>Why do people think AIDS and cancer are bad?

>Bioware are terrible at coding, but promise an AI
It's EA's AI, not bioware's, which is why Bioware said that it'd take MONTHS to fix the loot table, because they don't have access to the source code and EA is slow to respond to these kinds of situations. Furthermore by Jason's own admission a lot of the development came from people that work for EA, not Bioware.

No? Everyone still hates 2

>Still doesn't sound as bad as companies getting so much power they can lobby for deregulation or outright participate in rewriting labor laws
What makes you think said lobbying wouldn't work on the unions themselves? That's precisely where the "power" I mentioned comes from. Whatever organization that's created to protect any group has to be created with a single specific purpose, such as "limiting work hours" and has to have a temporary nature, UNLIKE unions.

>How about the truth
Because everything is a half-truth, the best anyone can do is take what you can get from the articles and draw your own conclusions. Even most retarded spics who would take what's written at face value will "Reckon" something about it that matches what they want their own worldview to be. God forbid Jason tries to not sound like a vapid cunt in his articles, it's clear he works in an industry where a developer can't be trusted with any public social media account without shitting the bed.
Also you say it's easier to get another opinion from a different source, but I've honestly heard nobody else talk about the Bioware situation other than Jason, and most cases are just people citing other news outlets with their own branch of opinion. Give me a fucking news source that's impartial, does decent investigative journalism and has people on the inside that reveal more than what PR are willing to, then I'll be happy.

Also this is about new blood because you keep moving the goalpost to those people every fucking time I try to say people with any shred of engagement with the industry won't be so dog-brained.

Let's assume this spiel about the AI is correct, is it really that groundbreaking of a move? It's a new toy, they were going to use it eventually. You're acting like it's some huge betrayal that they'd do this, but in reality it's a tech company doing tech shit. Badly, might I add, since the AI is mostly backfiring and will probably be about as useful as a copyright algorithm by the end of the year full of contradictions. EA will just keep making shit games, but it will cost more.

At this point you're just arguing for the sake of it. I've gotten more talking about the tarted up insight this article provided than just sneering at the credibility of a journofag. I could do what you do and wait for independent youtube journo to cite the same article, but tart their own narrative up with half-assed platitudes against the industry.

>What makes you think said lobbying wouldn't work on the unions themselves?
That's a fair point and I can only retort by saying that workers themselves should always be vigilant of any sort of collusion between their representatives and the employer.

Attached: kimodra.png (562x877, 526K)

>Because everything is a half-truth, the best anyone can do is take what you can get from the articles and draw your own conclusions
That was NOT what was being said when I started arguing, it was literally "there's no reason to believe THIS article is wrong even though he proved to be disingenuous in the past".
>Even most retarded spics who would take what's written at face value will "Reckon" something about it that matches what they want their own worldview to be
>Also you say it's easier to get another opinion from a different source
No, I said that you need information about the inner workings of said system if you want to read a MSM article and be able to distinguish lies and propaganda from the truth, or even be able to find any truth in it. In this case that means knowing how game development works, by reading and learning from sources unrelated to Jason himself so you can distinguish what sounds correct or not on his articles. If you don't, you won't understand that there's absolutely no fucking reason, not even for an incompetent group, to take literal months to fix the loot table, you won't understand that even if an engine doesn't work well, if you know the language it's using, you don't need external help to code new systems that it'll use to make your life easier, that it'd take A TRUCKLOAD of incompetence to spend years with pre production because you don't know what you'll be or not capable of coding into the engine. Him being a cunt, is only a cherry on the top when it comes to the problems on his articles, the actual problems are that he paints a false image of how the development of said games went, and that only people with a lot more information would be able to see that, again, basically, creating a carefully crafted narrative.

>Also this is about new blood because you keep moving the goalpost to those people every fucking time
Nope, my main point is how his articles are fucking worthless and how he is doing more damage than good. That encompasses several problems and requires understanding of certain subtleties.
>is it really that groundbreaking of a move?
It's an AI that creates player, no consumer profiles and alters the entire game, the difficulty, the loot tables, the experience gain, the team matchmaking, all of it to suit a specific purpose, sometimes that might be in an attempt to influence the player to spend money on cosmetics, by pairing said player with a person that has a cosmetic it thinks the player wants, sometimes that might be making the player spend money on a power upgrade (this AI leak came before the Battlefront 2 shitshow). Furthermore said AI can pair players with other AI controlled characters, as if they were other players, to create an environment with yet a specific purpose. It's absolutely fucking groundbreaking that they would actually use said AI.
>since the AI is mostly backfiring
It isn't, an AI like that requires an ample pool of "test subjects" to be able to improve itself.
>but it will cost more
AIs like that are actually incredible cost efficient.
>I could do what you do and wait for independent youtube journo to cite the same article
That's not what I do and that definitely does not prove anything, what COULD prove that the information in it is valid would be if ANOTHER journo, independent from him, came with with a similar narrative.

>Well, fuck me
I know, right?

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And that's why unions are extremely bureaucratic in the first place, precisely because it allows collusion to be more easily hidden, and when found it makes it harder to get rid of the corrupt members. Again it's like a non democratic government body, with all it's problems and none of it's benefits.

I'm bored now, feels like we're going in a loop. Of the two of you, post 575 wins.

That's because the other guy is barely providing any argument, it's indeed getting boring.

I can see what people like about DA:I but can't comprehend how anyone can enjoy DA2

>AI like that requires an ample pool of "test subjects" to be able to improve itself
You mean the quickly diminishing Anthem fanbase? Sure, I guess you can call them that way.

>You mean the quickly diminishing Anthem fanbase?
They probably got enough data to work with for the time being. Point being, regardless of where it was tested first, those would be the results, no way they'd do so on a big franchise like ME or DA.

>no way they'd do so on a big franchise like ME or DA.
Do I need to remind you what they've done to ME? I'd rather not, but it certainly doesn't seem to me they were concerned with it's 'legacy' or whatever. Unfortunately, Anthem isn't a failed AI experiment but a proof of nu-Bioware's incompetence and indecisiveness.

>Do I need to remind you what they've done to ME?
Oh THAT was legitimate sheer incompetence, but it could have gone much worse, in fact I predict their next ME game will be an online coop one that uses said AI.
>Unfortunately, Anthem isn't a failed AI experiment but a proof of nu-Bioware's incompetence and indecisiveness.
Nothing on EA or Bioware's behavior proves that. It goes directly against it.

>Anthem with dragons
It's dead in the water isn't it