I beat Matador and now I'm in this lame labyrinth. Does this game get any better?

I beat Matador and now I'm in this lame labyrinth. Does this game get any better?

Attached: Shin_Megami_Tensei_Nocturne_NA_cover.png (220x309, 108K)


Not until the end


not really, you fell for the mainline is good meme. the gameplay is more tedious than persona and its not actually difficult.


I enjoyed IV well enough (not that it didn't have its fair share of problems either) but this is failing to grip me in the same way. As you said, aspects of it feel more tedious than anything, and I don't find the atmosphere to be all that strong.

I probably shouldn't of said mainline is shit, I have only played Nocturne for about 25-30 hours and just found it tedious but not difficult. I'll probably check out SMT4 and SMT4A eventually

You are at the part where it gets better.
Give it another couple of hours.

The rest of the game is really easy no matter what you do.

I wasn't planning on dropping it immediately, but I was just wondering if I should prepare for disappointment

If you don't dig the gameplay you should stop. The game's literally only about that, the story is ass.

>the gameplay is more tedious than persona and its not actually difficult.
Basically this but it's not THAT tedious since it doesn't take hours of samey cutscenes to set up a new dungeon

Same, loved SMTIV but Nocturne and Digital Devil Survivor just couldn't hook me in past the first ten minutes. The Raidou games were pretty cool though.

>mainline is shit
>I mean I've never really played it, but you know.

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If you find the game too easy or boring I recommend playing a mod called hardtype. It's really good and increases the amount of tactics battles require by a lot and adds new skills and mechanics

Forgot to say I have also beaten DDS 1 and got far into DDS2. they were less tedious but nothing special.

I'm not finding it too easy, I just don't think it's that fun so far

The story isn't very good and pretty non-existent so if you don't find the dungeon crawling good you aren't going to enjoy it. I never liked the setting or atmosphere that much compared to other SMT games but combat is pretty enjoyable

I'm playing SMT4 now and the slow as balls opening was doing its utmost to make me disinterested. Meanwhile Nocturne got me into it much quicker, but I liked the atmosphere quite a bit.

The mechanics are streamlined in 4 in comparison, so I wonder if that's the issue for you.

>Meanwhile Nocturne got me into it much quicker, but I liked the atmosphere quite a bit.

Real talk the first hour of SMT3 Nocturne is like a Silent Hill game. I kept saving after the hospital flipped into the conception. Eerie place, SMT3 also had good use of lighting, see pic, you meet her in a bar full of ghosts.

Attached: 1-SMT3-0314.jpg (640x480, 32K)

>friend absolutely begged me to play this
>worst graphics on ps2
>game isnt fun in any way whatsoever

had to put it down

>lame labyrinth
Amala is the best dungeon in the game. Drop it, you won't like it

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