Do you create dark skinned characters?

Do you create dark skinned characters?

Y-you're not a racist, are you?

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I'm black
Most games never get black skin right so I go with the default of white since most games are literally "here is a white person, now we give them dark skin and it looks like black face"


Step up your representation game, bruh.

Well in that case who do you think was the best portrayed black man in vidya?

I would if I could create sexy brown loli like Kuro.

Kuro is such a good girl

I can create characters with any skin color I want without being racist. Feels good being a non-westerner.

exclusively, I'm in love with the melanin.

Covering a dark skinned girl in cum is nice

Oh boy another pedophile thread in the video games board

If given the chance I always play as a black dude

Spotted the triggered racist.

Not the black man but demoman is pretty good. Anything from the valve catalog has done black people right.

Kuro is literally just a white girl with a tan though

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I generally pick light brown skin if it looks good for the character I'm making.

Yes, but not because of Kuro...

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>sees a young girl
>immediately assumes it's a loli thread
How about you answer the question, you doth protest to much.

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Anthony Higgs

What do you think about Sergeant Johnson? Is he a good character or too stereotypical?

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Kuro is cute

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No one likes black Illya

Kuro is the worst of the three but still good c* nonetheless

He was one of the best...

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oh look another normalfag lost on his way to facebook

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>dark skin
>white hair

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yo stg johnson is great, freaking love him

I fuck them in real life

What are some good black characters in vidya?

Pic not related.

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On behalf of the video game developers, i am sorry our dark skinned videogame characters don't commit more crimes than the white characters while also smelling really bad and having the average IQ of 80

I don't.
I am racist.
Brown anime girls are fine once in a while.

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You bet I do.

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Based and redpilled

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Kuro isn't black though. She's literally a burnt white person.

Two were already mentioned in the thread.

Not video games

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Post more Jahy. She's so cute when she's sad.


And so he shows his true colors.

Based but yikes

I don't think you can post that here!

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You're supposed to self insert as her

nice c*

Most of the times yes.

no you're not

Stop being so fucking racist by acting like races exist and are different from each other.

I think you would be more helpful here At least part of this thread was trying to be on-topic (while the other part wanted it to be a loli thread, thing that was achieved with your post).

But I'm not a cute brown girl.

I heard good things about her game, at least.

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>not making a acurate brown skin 10 pack fite waifu in Phantasy Star Online 2
Bro, represent your race; i'm from the Caribbean and i make black characters all the fucking time. Stop being dumb. Use your damn imagination.

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I want to marry and impregnate Kuro

She's a child user


I like to make some stereotypical ancient egyptian chicks in games, if I can make a cute brownie.

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i am dark skinned so yes

Every game that lets me remake my PSO2 brown loli daughteru, I will try.
However in Bethesda games that usually ends up with either her being either orange or brown but with green or blue face details.

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>dark skin
>white hair
>gold eyes

FKL Kuro is also called Chloe, you donkey.

Whenever I can create a character, I almost always make Yoruichi from Bleach.

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That's sand nigger for you.

>the only attractive nonwhites are those with white features
Really gets the noggin jogging

I enjoy afro blacksplotation films

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It's not even a tan, it's burns from overusing magic. To make it even more complicated it's not even her own burns, but inherited from the Archer class card which housed EMIYA.

Nothing personnel...

Ive tried in mmos that had char creator

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