What kind of fantasy or alien creature do you like the most in your video games, Yea Forums?
What kind of fantasy or alien creature do you like the most in your video games, Yea Forums?
Furfaggotry detected
I love argonians.
fpbp and based
Bros I can fuck
>autist OP keeps spamming this thread even though the mods always delete it
Getting sick of this rerun.
Cats I guess
Cute and sexy lizards.
The kind that act superior and on paper are superior but due to their inflexibility are utterly defeated by humanity. Then they are turned into a big sister tsundere race that still acts detached and haughty but now have the hots for humanity hard.
Hey humans cant interbreed with them right? So if I nutted in her cunt it wouldnt matter right?
warhammer 40k is almost as cringe
>a lizard with no hair anywhere
They can interbreed, even vampires can have babies with non-vampires in TES.
Youre both cringy now go to bed
Semi-humans like Turians
i could fuck a turian until i came blood
This isnt making me any less turned on. Mercy kill me.
why would it matter either way
Little cuddly ones.
Ones I can fuck.
>Ones I can fuck.
>Ones that fuck me.
I give this thread 11 minutes.
Aren't warhammer fans about the same level of autism?
Post more best girl
Kobolds are for ____
>thinking an autismos edgy fantasy is better in any way
Endless SEX.