Why aren't clowns in vidya as popular as they used to be?

Why aren't clowns in vidya as popular as they used to be?

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off frogposter

Kill yourself.

I love clown pepe!!

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Because you're a brainless memer that follows dumb trends.

As opposed to a Yea Forums intellectual such as yourself?


I didn't say I was an intellectual I'm just not retarded like you.

Stop projecting

Don't know what projecting means?

Is that a question?
Sorry, but I don't spoon feed retards.

It's a rhetorical one because I know you don't. I mean you're a retard posting clown Pepe and getting offended that I called you retarded for it.

Haha, do you have a screenshot of these two kissing and rubbing each other's dicks Asking for a friend.

You're assuming a lot of things you mouthbreathing retard.

Name one (1) game with a clown in it

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Twisted Metal

If you're insinuating you're not the user who posted Pepe i wouldn't know that unless you're not that user. Otherwise everything else I said is true and you're simply calling me a retard because I called you one and you're mad. Get over it.

unless you say you're *

Circus Charlie

Krusty's Fun House

Attached: krusty.png (220x289, 62K)

>N-no y-you are mad
Imagine being this retarded holy shit kill yourself you single digit IQ brainlet.

Dead rising

Bam Ham


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Chrono Cross

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I was the one who called you mad first. You're the only one pulling a no u.


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Based retard.
Keep seething

You're saying and proving nothing other than me right. All I'm seeing is "I'm mad so I'll insult him". Get over it.

twisted metal

I'm the user that posted clown pepe and trans girl! Let's not get mad at each other! We are all a little retarded if we come to Yea Forums :3

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>Retard keeps replying desperately trying to damage control after getting BTFO

Mr. Do!

No I'm not retarded because I don't post clown Pepe and get offended over it lol.


Keep proving me right. Get over it.

High level clown gameplay

Attached: Clown.jpg (174x274, 31K)

Keep seething

Karnov's Revenge

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Point to the reason I'd be mad lol. Get over it.

Instead, you get mad over people posting clowns.
Congrats on being retarded

Calling people dumb =/= being mad

It's odd that the gangweed meme came true. It's like a lot of gamers actually are bitter and angry misanthropes with a shitty and immature worldview that they think is deep but is so shallow and shortsighted that they can't see how they're the ones making their lives more miserable.

>literally a "no you" chain lasting this many posts.
There is no possible way you guys are not under the age of 21

why are right-wing memes so bad

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me on the left

I'm 24 and I didn't no u once.

Then why do you assume that everyone calling you a retard is mad?
Jesus dude you're not the brightest star in the sky huh.


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me on the right! kiss when?!

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Because you have no other reason to.

That's actually worrisome. I stopped taking shit posters seriously when I was like 17. it's just the internet, try to relax a bit and we'll all make it bro

Because they are pushing a specific agenda instead of just having a stupid joke.

You should've gone to university you dumb fag. If you're 24 and participated in THAT... well holy shit you are pathetic and stupid.

right now bb

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I'm relaxed.

Because they're all focused on making other people look stupid rather than having fun.

Don't care what you think.

>Because they're all focused on making other people look stupid
but posting a pepe or wojak is equally stupid.

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Laughable no life boomer.

Left 4 Dead 2 has an entire clown level

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Because we gaymers are the clowns now

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Goes without saying, but the stuff on the right isn't right-wing and the stuff on the left isn't left-wing. I like my pepes and wojaks, but the old internet did have more lightheated and goofy fun. I think old-style memes would be called "reddit" or "lol so random" nowadays.

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I thought a boomer was at least 30.

Alright lad, where do you sit on the spectrum?

Not on it.


Right here.

Attached: 24 year old.png (500x499, 188K)

Clowns were never popular.

No one likes clowns.

You might want to get a doctor to reexamine you. All of your posts in this thread, as well as the fact you are still replying, heavily suggest you're touched by the 'tism. Either way, I can tell you're ugly and a loser.

Clowns are more popular than tripfags, loser. Haha!

Bozo the Clown was popular.

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24 minus 10 huh?


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>created and introduced in the United States in 1946, and to television in 1949, whose broad popularity peaked locally in the 1960s
so you admit clowns have not been popular for at least 60 years, gotcha.

Unequivocally based

Irrelevant. He said "clowns were never popular."

I'd unironically take discord trannies over tripfags

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Who cares what he said, he's a tripfag and most definitely gay, overweight and has a tiny, flacid penis.


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Yeah well no one loves you because you're a failed abortion.

I love him.


Honk honk!

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pretty based, ngl

Because none will ever be as good as Kefka

Unbased psuedo intellectual

Gays deserve the rope.


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Based and honkpilled

Actual boomers David Duke and James Woods used your clown meme. It's over.

Because they hurt your dilated fee fees.

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clownworld transcends generations.

God Hand

David Duke is embarrassing, he's been trying to trying to act hip tweeting Pepe and stuff for a while now. James Woods is based though.

Regardless of whether the memes themselves are explicitly right-wing or not, Yea Forums lost its creativity when it took a turn to the right.