Is shadman /ourguy/?

Is shadman /ourguy/?

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Lol epic he just smashed his face in with the crown. Owned.

>follows every single dumb normalfags meme and trend except for one


Shadman is unfunny and draws ugly porn.

holy friggin based i love shid1!!!!1

He is gay
So probably

I like the new line of comics he has with recurring characters, like the trap son and the boomer dad.

Why do i find this cutesy basic art so hot

doom guy is gay, master chief is way better

He aight

Where’s the joke?

shadman is 100% based and draws hot as hell porn

Why can't Shadman do anatomy?


You must be 18 years or older to post on this board.

betrayal of expectations

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>not putting the crown on the bouncer and simply walking past him in his weakened state

Shadman just isn't creative

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This is so freacking epic guys

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The joke is that the crown turns men into cute attractive women, but instead of wearing the crown in the conventional manner master chief subverts our expectations by using the crown to simply assault the bouncer. I realize sucking on your fathers dick takes most of your brain power but do try to focus when posting here there’s a standard for posting and your posts just aren’t cutting it lately. We may have to let you go.

I'm going to roll now fuck the spam filter

He draws tits very firm and fake looking.

I get the feeling that if a new Big Bang theory was made nu-Yea Forums would just eat that shit up and exclaim basedinga every time there's a reference to something they know. Like holy shit drink bleach and die.

He really sucks at drawing and his style is trash.

Shadman has never been anyone's 'guy', he's a sad, talentless fuckstain who panders to the lowest common denominator, hence why edgy Reddit teens adore him, just glad most of his fans will be locked up for viewing illegal content when governments finally start cracking down on the 'it's just 2D though!!!' defense.

The joke is that when he pulles out the crown after being told "girls only" it was expected that he would put it on and become a cute girl like bowsette. Expectations were subverted and he hit him with the crown. Are you retarded or something?

expectations of being funny?

Roll for bianca

>shits on le tranny le Bowser meme
100% based. Unironically.

It's amazing how every time I click back to the catalog there's a new offtopic thread.
There is never NOT one up.

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>not punchette
one job

Nightclubs...and how there's more demand for girls than guys. Like...girls get a free pass or something.

And the bouncer sees Doomguy and thinks "Oh, he's a guy and if he ain't got hoes, he ain't getting in"

And then Doom guy comes in with his star power from Mario and smashes his skull in, attempting to rip and tear everyone's muscles and guts inside the nightclub.

Ok, now that I'm done explaining, can we talk about how much Shadman's art deteriorated? It doesn't hold the same gritty substance that he had when serving in the army (Norway or something).

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>lowest common denominator

If that were true, he wouldn't be hated on by literally everyone on the internet.

Shadman is 100% into trannies, he is just subverting expectations here. Not that it's unheard of to be shitty to trans people while also jerkin' it to them.

You lost.

>master chief

I mean, I don't like his art, but there is some sort of natural progression going on between 2010 and 2019.


Didn't that already happened when the swedes knocked on his door because he kept drawing too many kids.

>Yea Forums
>talking about videogames

Rolling to steal Fuukafag's waifu.

>master chief

Shadman hate is a meme you fucking idiot.

the crown turns the a character into a princess peach version of themselves, and the club will only take in more females at this time
samus is mad that she isn't let in because her armor doesn't show that she's a cute girl, so she feigns that she's gonna use the crown to become a cute girl(she already is) and then uses it to bash the bouncers face in instead



Damn, master chief just pwned that guy

Nah, people here would hate it because reddit would love it.

Also kill yourself mod. I know you're here doing nothing as usual.

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>I won't draw this one internet meme but I'll draw the rest
People actually look at this comic and think it's cool. How sad.

>Shadman hate is a meme you fucking idiot.
>he thinks shadman hate is just a meme
oh sweet summer child

>master chief

remember when shad draw bitches full of tats and aids? It was easier to hate him then

That picture is so meta

Nah we would hate it because reddit will love it like they do with R&M

>mod/janitor deletes one post but leaves the thread up
Based retards. You deserve another hotpocket for your hard work.

Jannies can't delete threads retard

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It is "just 2d", but you can still hate a person without having to justify it with baseless claims on a person's character. Even if you take away the jailbait themes, the drawings are still unfunny garbage.

It is literally a meme to hate on shadman.
You're just broadcasting your newfaggotry in your ignorance.

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Did you try reporting? I swear Im the only person on Yea Forums who actually reports.

Yes they can.

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> 'it's just 2D though!!!' defense.
You are fucking retarded

>Doomguy hurting a human

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>It is literally a meme to hate on shadman.
I'm already aware idiot. he's a trash artist.

>It is literally a meme to hate on shadman.
t. shadman

They can, you inbreed pig. It's just that they are stupid as a brick.
Of course.

Do you guys remember when Shadman draw porn of her own mother and gifted it to her on mother's day? He already deleted it from newgrounds though
Not to mention that according SleepyCast she straight up disowned him for drawing all this shit

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Fuck I didn't know that

It's been in the application every time for years.

Continue to be upset.
He is based.


>Not to mention that according SleepyCast she straight up disowned him for drawing all this shit
Holy shit

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ok shadcuck

t. Shadman


>master chief

>this is supposed to be a bad thing
lmao nu/v/

>master chief

>master chief

Not, that's minus8. Shadman is the reddit of porn artists.
Shad just follows the last trends on twitter, while minus8 draws whatever he wants and sometimes even draws stuff for the console-tan threads and save the princess threads.





big cringe

>too young to know doom
>too old to be called a zoomer
You're lost in time, retard

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Yea Forums is a contrarian reddit puppet hivemind.
It's no surprise, really.


Goddamn do I love talking about videogames.

Remember everyone
A weakness has been identified!

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>Yea Forums - Yea Forums but is a blue board

for actually discussing videogames
for shitposting and ribbit containment

sounds uhhhh pretty based to me

>And then Doom guy comes in with his star power from Mario and smashes his skull in, attempting to rip and tear everyone's muscles and guts inside the nightclub.
thats not whats happening

He's right tho, vore is shit

It's not?

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I'd rather go talk to the boomers over at /vr/ before even considering visiting the designated gacha board

>vore scares me
fucking yikes so much for though nazi skeleton person

yet you chose to enter an off topic thread

It's probably less that he hates it as a fetish, and more that he thinks it's incompatible with his megafetish for body piercings.

what would doom guy do in a girls only club? is it a lesbian bar? is it a male strip club? is he gay or what?

He's gunsexual.

>play h-doujin game
>think is one of those where girl gets fucked if she loses
>most of the gallery is mc being devoured
Are they expecting me to fap to this shit?

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gen-Z is for Zombies

I told you. Shadman is the reddit of porn artists.

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Bleedman > Shadman

>being this baited
I'm sure at least one of you knew he wasn't serious.

Now thats a name I haven't heard in a long time...

its no secret that boomers are ridiculously easy to bait

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The jannies are eating their hotpockets please understand

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>i was only pretending to be retarded

Am I the only one who actually enjoys his comics?
Grim Tales > Sugar Bits > PPGD

hello darkness my old fren

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I don't think so, Tim.

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How I know you're all newfags? No one on Yea Forums liked big bang theory when it released in 2007. It was Reddit's flagship show, as both the show and the site were made in the same year.

>shadman "grows up" and starts drawing meme of the month every month
Boy I can't wait to be this mature