You are now trapped in SCP 173s chamber

You are now trapped in SCP 173s chamber
You have 10 minutes before the chamber doors unlock
The character you played as in the last game you played is in the room with you
Will both of your survive?

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Ok since he is a disciplined Shinobi I think I am good

Wonder if the groovitron would work?


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Do you think Dante would still have to blink in Devil Trigger?

Considering that she's an experienced fighter, I think she can have her eyes open a lot to watch for her enemies moves.

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A British infantryman of the Napoleonic era. Probably fucke

I am Fine.
>Implying Doomguy blinks with berseker pack

i mean she is a princess.

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>lvl 18 warlock
Just summon an Imp and all stare at peanut

it literally doesn't matter who gets locked in as long as they understand to not blink at the same time.

Peanut is the most worthless SCP against anyone with a weapon or a partner

Asshole will try his best to make me blink as a joke.

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You think that’s easy?
Try to blink one at a time with your friend for 20 minutes straight
See how long it takes for you to fuck up

bro use your hands

>ultra instinct goku
bye, 173

OP said 10 minutes, and yes, it's easy because a blink is so short that the chances of you blinking at the same time are ridulously low.
more so if you actually talk to your buddy and tell them what to do
even more so if your buddy is a fucking vidya character who can just smash that little shit to pieces

Why don't they just have a dozen cameras pointed at it, feeding the footage to a few moniters in dense metropolitan cities worldwide, under the guise of an art project? It'd literally be impossible for it to move
Granted I don't remember if it had some bullshit "cameras don't work :)" armor or something

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>slaps your ass from behind
Hi bitch boy you staring at nuts again?

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>mario from super mario world

Considering his sprite doesn't blink I think we'll be just fine.

Just blink, one eye at a time

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Steve doesn't blink though

Cameras and stuff work, Peanut just breaks them down overtime. It knows if it's being watched through surveillance and will actively seek to destroy it by the acidic substance it secretes.

>Dark Deception protag
>That level with the Weeping Angels
Sure, I guess we make it.

We'd communicate whenever we feel that we need to blink. He's a leader so he'd probably come up with a better strategy. Also helpful if he decides to just kill peanut.

It works, but 173 sees it as cheating. And when you eventually fuck it up, you're left in a state of perpetual agony on the ground in a twisted and broken state instead of an instant and harmless neck snap death.

Isn't Dante pretty much immortal? I mean, he gets stabbed, shot in the head and so on every Tuesday.

Do camera lenses work? All the droid has to do is stare at him for 10 minutes if it does.

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>Risk of Rain 2 Commando
I'm fine

Doesn't work, repeatedly winking makes him go into rage mode.

Mc from Hob. I mean, as long as I can communicate that we need to keep our eyes on it, we could just do a blink relay, as with any character with eyes.


>last character I played was SCP 173 from SCP:SL
What happens now even? Is one peanut protecting me? Or am I double fucked?

>ten minutes of perfect deflects
Idk man that’s a tall order. Can a pacifying agent keep his eyes open for longer? Will divine confetti actually let him hurt it?

What's with all this scp crap that trannys are pushing on Yea Forums now?

Steve can carry a small mountain on his back and doesn't blink. SCP-173 is going to get stomped hard in a fight between the two.

Sound like arbritary asspull bullshit the creators came up with after realizing how retarded and harmless their toy is.

Warrior of Light from FFXIV
He can use Hallowed Ground and become invincible and then murder that bitchass peanut looking nigga.

Grab both of my eyelids and close one and open the other interchangeably. Last game I played was Ball Revamped so the "character" is irrelevant since it always respawns.

I am trapped with this guy's cheat of a mech, I'll be fine

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not scared of the gay ass concrete man

Pretty sure the original author never said half-blinking pisses him off. That being said, half-blinking in general is hard to do.

>el presidente
Wel shit he'll start making promises of how we're both going to survive and then bail while it rips me to shreds

Im good.

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So long as Frieza doesn't sperg out, I'm think we're good.

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>FV4202 commander
can that fucker tear through ~1.5 inches of steel
do I even get the fugvagen

>His unending gaze tore through my head like a 50 caliber round
>I knew if I blinked I was dead
>If it had a face that didn't look like a whores desolute baby factory closed for demolition it would be smiling
>I was laughing too, just not out loud.
>I could slow down time and spend longer looking at this neckbreaking peanut gallery on show or sit here and sweat
>These would be the longest 10 minutes of my life

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Top quality

Kirby has now consumed 173
what happens?

>your turning D-class into fucking glue!

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>SCP-173 in secret lab
if doesnt work, Rico from Just cause 3
hed just blow up the entire facility

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its not the creators, its a nu-scp edit
fuck trannyscp, im still going by the original lore

>harmless neck snap

>everything i dont like is trannyshit
haha well meme'd my man

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Well looks like we’re both dead

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This boio.
I think I would be fine.

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if you wanna survive you go what you gotta do

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Can't you just open one eye at a time and switch when you can no longer hold it open?

Yes, but it makes him angry. He’ll brutalize you in a way that’s not immediately lethal instead of just snapping your neck if you do that, but that doesn’t matter if you think you can get away with it.

Spacemen do not blink. I am ok.

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How would you explain the fact that it takes several hits to kill a chicken

As long as I don't act dumb we should be fine

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Chances are, I was already dead by the time the doors unlocked.

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You've clearly never fought a chicken with your bare hands.

I mean can 173 even move faster than frieza? Or anyone from his level and up?

>implying he wouldn't turn around to fuck you like the madman he is

well 173 kills whoever is closest, so if you think you can survive 10 minutes without blinking, then you can bait him into turning around then blink and 173 will kill him.

Idk man.

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I had Sekiro, and he's an unflinching badass, plus he can see in the dark, so even if the lights go out we're good, I'll just tell him that we need to say when we're blinking. Even if he fucks up he'll just res right away and we'll have to start the encounter over, and each time he learns until we make it out safely. 10 minutes is more or less a longer boss battle. We can do this.

So how easy do you think it is to smash 173 apart? Yeah he can insta kill you, but what if you coordinate a tag team sledgehammer attack?

Where is that stated?

I'm sure you would make it.

Balrog doesn't have to blink
Checkmate SCP-173

>Acidic substance
Sounds like an edit, I don't remember this shit at all

In the game, normal bullets are enough to destroy him.

"Stick with Trigger and you'll make it"
173 aint got SHIT

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Just shoot it with a Tigris Prime or CC it lol

But if we play by SCP rules then I'm fucked considering Warframes don't seem to have eyes. unless if the operator comes along, then we're fine

>D-9341 aka CB protag
Eh depends on his skill

does 173 get hitstun so we can combo it without fear of immediate instant death? oh who am i kidding i suck at combos and we're not gonna make it

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>Is one peanut protecting me? Or am I double fucked?
Neither. The OP never says there are three beings in the room. We only infer that when the character we played as is, for example, Solid Snake, then since he is not 173, then obviously the inhabitants of the room are:
>Solid Snake
However, since in your case, the character you played as is 173, then your case does not put a third inhabitant in the room. You are there alone with 173. The following inhabitants:
meet the criteria in OP:
>You are now trapped in SCP 173s chamber
>The character you played as in the last game you played is in the room with you
So you are just normally fucked, not double fucked.

im good. that room must be pretty fucking big tho

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