Sequel completly surpasses the original in every way

>Sequel completly surpasses the original in every way

Whats her name, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

lol that pic

Dark Souls 2

Dark Souls

Total War: Warhammer II


Ouendan 2

Ar Tonelico 2

Devil May Cry 2

Assassin's Creed II

Attached: 1525576860820.jpg (220x312, 19K)

Pregnancy, sequel to Impregnation.

Metal Gear Solid 2

Rayman 2

Gold and Silver.

Super Metroid.

onee-sans > imoutos

Attached: cg14_03.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

lolis > milfs
but milfs are fine too.

My sister loves calling me oniichan when we are alone or in text messages

Can't figure out how to play it lol.
Las total war was napoleon

My nigga.

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The artist didn't do a good enough job of capturing the pigeon's pure look of disgust, but he's also probably a weeb so I wasn't expecting much to be fair.

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Is it barking like a dog or spitting l's instead of r's?

Ratchet and Clank Going Commando

You know what to do

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your onee-chan needs love too

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He's Korean

The artist wasn't going for disgust, autist. He was going for "fear and breast envy."

damn right.

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1. Tell her to stop doing that
2. Call her imouto
3. See where this goes


That feel is real
Burned out any attraction I had towards my sister in my teenage years, switched over to different stuff and now incest barely gets anything going since I'm so detached from the idea of familial relations let alone taboo relations
It's like an abstract thing to me at this point, like the idea of monstergirls or mass hypnosis actually working, it's a story element that don't real for the sake of moving the plot

Red Alert 2

Speaking of which, how the FUCK do I get RA2 and YR to work on w10? I’m desperate to play it again but FUCK EA

Civilization VI (GS)

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Golden Sun 2

L i t e r a l l y every Armored Core after the first in its generation.

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Sly 2

Only if she is a shut in where her only male interactions are with you.

I want to fuck those birds.

La Mulana 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Neptuina VII

Infamous 2.

Sneed, sequel to Chuck.

Hey guys..
what if..
guys listen!
what if,
>loli who says ara ara~

Attached: 1516555806026.png (858x1200, 795K)

>tfw a loli will never look down at your existence and make you feel like shit

>that one doujin about fucking an older woman who's actually a loli
Ageplay, when it's not the done-to-death memes that everyone hates, can be pretty great

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I had this happen to me a long time ago, but thankfully it was before I developed a taste for incest. But at least it worked out fine enough on my end since she learned a very valuable lesson about staying out of something someone explicitly tells you to stay out of, and before then she assumed I was gay and was trying to find some way to fully expose me as such. She got a eyefull of fat ssbbw asses. Now she knows I'm definitely into women at least.

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I'm going to jerk off to the go trip of a world boxing a truth from me ok?
Also does the girl wearing the crow/raven hat say something what's the crow\raven saying it it's a nice thing.?

What if she is an obsessive manipulator who traps you at home, has an online job and organizes life around keeping you both isolated from outside influences?

Attached: 05.jpg (1024x471, 117K)

>What if she is an obsessive manipulator who traps you at home, has an online job and organizes life around keeping you both isolated from outside influences?


How about if they were twins and up for threesomes?

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I can't agree since it changed the gameplay ever so slightly all around so as to make them difficult to really compare, but I did like both the first game and its sequel a lot.

Bayonetta 2

>tfw I'll never cuddle with my onee san in bed and fall asleep as I suckle her breasts

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Dark souls 2

Fine then you decide if you tell me what the crow or Dave's trying to communicate.


Kotor 2

>Find out VN in image

Zone of the Enders 2 is textbook on this. Better controls, better gameplay in general, better story, better bosses, better music, better everything.

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Respill me on this game.
I have it on steam but only launched it once.
Never played a dungeon crawler but I know how they play. The most similar game I played is SMT SJ and it isn't even from the same genre.
Does it have some sort of bestiary?
Do you have customizable party members or plot ones?
How about base/hub customization?
Thanks in advance.

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sauce, I beg of you.

you take your unit and double click on enemy unit

Pic unrelated

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Only if she's an oppai loli

patapon 2

Well for starters it's real time combat like Dungeon Master and not turn based. Due to that the combat can be very frantic but fun as you're dodging attacks while dancing around enemies and attacking with four different party members. There are no friendly NPCs or stores. Customization consists of picking race, class, traits, and what skills and equipment for your four party members. There's no base but there's a hub that links to all the other areas of the game.

The game is very puzzle and exploration heavy. It's a very good game, I highly recommend it.

Attached: Insectoid_Faces_LoG2.jpg (384x192, 39K)

Fully customizable party.
Not really any hubs. Other than in the sense that some areas connect to lots of others.
Just don't play it in the hardest difficulty unless you enjoy sponge fests.

porque no oyakodon?

>the futa on futa follow up

lolibabaa is the most based option

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Source me my man, you can't say something so godlike exists without source

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I'll try it then

The most correct answer

>What if she is an obsessive manipulator who traps you at home, has an online job and organizes life around keeping you both isolated from outside influences?

But I already rarely go outside and have no friends.

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Nice, "muh onii-chan" shit is disgusting, ara ara is the future.

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Sweet, just got promoted!

Sweet, I just promoted someone!


Actually gave up the proof and time to go OOF

Yep based

Thief 2.

Attached: 1537049499337.jpg (1336x680, 178K)

Sweet, I just got the job of someone who got promoted!

Now THIS is futanari. Thanks for sharing, user.

delete this

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no taffer

Final Fantasy VII
Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer
Spyro: Year of the Dragon
Persona 4
Persona 5

>no balls

Sweet, my best friend just got promoted!

Attached: PROMOTIONS.jpg (305x350, 15K)

Based Dr. Bug

the only correct answer

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I'll bet you're also disappointed that they have vaginas, you faggot

yeah i am


Attached: hisfacewhenhefinallycutit.gif (480x360, 1.19M)

This one?

you still have your name on, trannyfag

Mega Man 2
Sonic 2 (GEN) (except the music)
Diablo 2
Smash Bros Melee
Street Fighter II
Halo 2
Resident Evil 2
Pokemon Gold & Silver
Sim City 2000
And that's just counting the second games in their series, and games that I can think of off the top of my head.

Monster Rancher 2

I also love how some of the unlocking methods for monsters in that game sound like something you'd hear in playground rumors, except they actually work.

Got another one for you.

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based Dr.Bug

based cunny posters

God tier manga right here, nigga

Master of Orion 2.

(Not true, by the way.)


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Super Mario Bros 3
A Link to the Past
Super Metroid
Age of Empires 2
Sonic 2
Sonic 3&K

Thank God for those black bars otherwise this would have been nsfw

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God bless him

except ADP makes it inferior to all other Soulsborne game

Dark Souls HD

my parents deleted all porn from my computer
we never talked about it
thinking about it makes me really uncomfortable so I pretend it never happened

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It was nothing that bad, right? Just normal porn?

>fat ssbbw asses
Jesus christ user get taste

I got a few questions
1. how fucking young are you?
2. why do your parents have access to YOUR computer?
3. what kind of porn? this is important.

What kind of porn?

>she assumed I was gay and was trying to find some way to fully expose me as such
JFC what a colossal cunt.

Fuck your sister to assert your dominance as the man of the house.

Quake 2
Blood 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>surpasses predecessor
>also no sequel comes even close
pssh, nothing personnel

Attached: 220px-PC_Game_Fallout_2.jpg (220x220, 18K)


I wasn't home and just the act itself is way too creepy like why would anyone do this
they never even approached me about this

what is it then?

Get an older wife. They're basically the same.

>tfw my father's found my porn on multiple occasions
>tfw it was always the shemale or trap or futa porn (I'm talking the seriousgraphics, futa-Naruko getting gangbanged up the ass and jerking her dick while shooting a load, futa that I had printed out because I was fucking stupid
>tfw katou jun and tsplayground
>tfw I can talk to him any other kind of porn and we just pretend the other stuff never happened but I get panicky whenever there's a trap in an anime or someone mentions shemales

Attached: Logan.png (813x853, 371K)

>not having a damn password on your PC?

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>futa that I had printed out
>printing out porn
wtf is wrong with you people?

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaa.jpg (300x194, 8K)

Pailolis are for headpats during standing paizuri

>printed out
This always cracks me up when someone says they did that.

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Did futa-Naruko also have a nosehook?

I wish there were more things like cunny and a deal's a deal, I hate the stupid fuck niggers, blacked, and clown pepe garbage. If you're going to shit up the board with off topic garbage then at least post good shit.

I was fourteen.

Does that birb come in gray? If not then no, its a pigeon.

and? i was 14 once too, but i never printed out PORN. were you high or something?

That drawing is not a Zebra Finch you silly billy.

Wanna trade printed porn sometime, user?

Attached: ちらちら.png (625x632, 269K)

its not that simple but pretty much they always had access but have never done anything like that before
it happened years ago but it still haunts me

>Persona 4
2 and 3 are better in every conceivable way

Mother 3


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I did this to my little sister.

Her porn was like 90% Link, 10% male-Pokemon-on-female


I don't know what kind of finch it was there's too many of them.

Even when I first got a computer, I wasn't retarded enough to not think of using a password.

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Settlers 2

youre a bad brother but fucking lol

Going Commando's level design compared to Ratchet 1 is shit. The original also had a much better story.

Girls keep porn collections?

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>futa without balls

Attached: disgust yuru.png (560x629, 352K)

You know it was, user. Serious Graphics.

Shit, I thought I was the only one.

No nigga, I was just fourteen, in puberty, and not thinking that far into future. Fortunately getting my feminine-penis porn found by my dad was the hard limit of my stupidity. At thirteen, downloaded shemale porn to his HD and told him I was selling it at school. I wasn't the smartest kid.

Lucky it wasn't my mother finding that shit though. She found hyper-vanilla porn that was my older brother's, thought it was mine, and marched me into the living room with her friend and forced me to fucking talk about it.

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I don't print out my porn, bro, but your question made me wonder if there was ever a good pornographic trading card game. If so, I'd totally play that.

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Absolutely Patrician Taste

Halo 2, but Halofags won't admit it.

Warcraft 3

Only imoutos do.

>Girls keep porn collections?
Yes. Most do, actually. But most get their porn from books. They're really brazen, just leaving their porn on a bookshelf for anyone to find. It's really easy to tease them about it, too, since you can just open up one of the books and start reciting lines to them.

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Hey, if the result is I can be a NEET whose every need is accounted for and my only job is to fuck big tiddy onee-san, that sounds like a good life to me.

this based

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>all that shit
>forgetting the weird difficulty curve

Wait there’s a sequel!?
Can you upload stupid images for your party members still?
How amazing is it? I loved every second of the first

Attached: 60D744C2-EC23-4B0F-8E89-4FFEAAB03BB5.jpg (866x1024, 58K)

Go play it now.

Back in 1996, we had exactly one computer and it was in the family room. Short of waiting for everyone to leave, this was the only alternative. Granted I never got my stash found because i wasn't a moron.

Attached: 1554764504501.png (438x432, 70K)

There was an alternative

buying porn books

In my defense, my porn is like a fucking black hole slowly but surely sucking any who may find it into its raidus until they inevitably happen upon it. Happened every fucking time.
>Hey user I'm gonna clean this room now
>Hey user I'm looking for something, was thinking of starting over there
>Hey user can I borrow your flash drive really quick
>user I found some of your discs you made. Foo...tan... airy? What? Samba Mania? Adriano? Huh?
And, most recently...
>Hey user remember you said you wanted to move your bed. Let's do that now, mattress first. It's not like you have any fucking fleshlights under there, right?
Every fucking time.

Attached: Logan-holy-fuck.png (825x813, 609K)

You just reminded me about the time when I was in middle school and my mom found the porn I had hidden in my vent.
It was a stash of hand drawn pokemon porn and a couple of my sister's dolls I stole and used to rub on my dick.
She never said anything about it.
A couple years later my parents came into my room unannounced while I was away from home to install shelves for some reason. When I showed up they were finishing up and my miku dakimakura was laying on my bed naked side up, exactly where I had left it. They didn't say anything about it.
I'm very normal and well adjusted.

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Worms 2 and then Worms Armageddon

>tfw I can have and read my Inoue Kiyoshirou, Hyocorou, and Bobobo out in the open without fear
Smokescreen, niggas.

Attached: smugzomb.png (1280x720, 347K)

Hard to do at age 11

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just tell your mom to fuck off, stupid. clean your room your goddamn self, like an adult

BRO, I used a few thumbtaks to mount on the upper inside of my closet my print outs. You gotta put it in impossible locations. Even a vent works if its level.

Surpassed it at being complete fucking shit, but that's about it.


Gravity Rush.

Maybe I'm not thinking of the right Bobobo when you're listing that alongside porn and making me confused about it.

>implying it was my room
>implying it was my mother
Nigga really.

Is there a wrong Bobobo, though?

Shit, been there. Under the secret compartment under the bed, secret box inside of a box inside of a box in the closet, inside folders that were in folders, literally discs hidden with other discs that I myself couldn't find... it's ridiculous, but hilarious.

Attached: logan-parent-finds-your-porn.png (1853x869, 498K)

What I really use to do to throw my parents off was to print out weird stuff, then stash it in my brothers room so he'd get caught when mom cleaned. Really weird shit like tranny porn, but with random black people heads mspainted in. This would usually cause her to check the same location in my room, but i'd put a bible there. praise him

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is this accurate?

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Mal malloy 2: feed me
The first game mal was good but the sequel just has more stuff to do and is a larger more complex game world.
The val expansion was nice but didn't have as bigger levels

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>puberty hits like a fucking truck at age 13
>must fap like a motherfucker, although for some reason never blew a load
>parents catch me on sites once or twice
>get craftier as a result, wiping out any and all traces of history, even temp files and save file locations
>fast forward to 18, have my own laptop and shit
>have massive shemale/trap/futa addiction
>one night, brother decides to use laptop
>leaves the house to go do some shit
>fap to shemale vid, but left self a hot mess, take shower
>brother returned while I was taking a shower
>re-enter dark bedroom and see brother on my laptop
>instantly realize that I didn't close any of the tabs or the video I downloaded
>feel the weight of guilt in an instant and fear or the cascading judgment coming my way
>brother calls me a colossal faggot and gay in a serious tone
>actually fucking hurts because he's one of the few people on the planet I actually respect
>he continues browsing the web for a few minutes, then just leaves
>11 years later, we never spoke of this ever to this day

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Assassin's Creed II

its like you can see the diabetes in her thighs

Most guys with sisters don't have incest fetishes and the ones that do usually go the opposite route like this pic shows. I only have older sisters and I think older sister incest is disgusting but younger sis now that is some good shit

You're joking

Lmao dude same thing happened to me but it was giantess drawings hidden by the side of my wooden closet. Was at school when they decided to change it for a newer one and when I entered my room, the stash of drawings was inside the closet. They never mentioned it but felt fucking awkward the following days.

Now dear man post a sauce thanks.

The artist's Pixiv channel was already posted you illiterate dumbass.

>parents catch me with porn
>"at least he isn't gay"
Fuck that still hurts
At least they'll never know their son jerks off to loli doujins

Are you blind?

>literally all three asked what kind of porn
>no answer

>tfw parents keep telling me its ok to be gay because they would rather have a fag son than accept the fact that their child is a loser virgin

This answer is correct. It did everything better than the 1st which a good sequel does. If you don't like ds2 then you don't like souls games.

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really gets me going

I have younger sisters and when I watch anime I think imouto are nice but then I remember I hate women.

>crtl + f
>No Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
come on bros

Attached: xigbar the shitposter.gif (500x250, 458K)

I thought hearing the philosophy of each man as you kill them was done better in one, but 2 is better overall for sure.

The pain never ends friend


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Uncharted 2. God of War 2. Kingdom Hearts 2. Pokemon GSC.

>Lucky it wasn't my mother finding that shit though. She found hyper-vanilla porn that was my older brother's, thought it was mine, and marched me into the living room with her friend and forced me to fucking talk about it.
unironically why are mothers so incapable of handling porn

They'll never know that I fap to hentai all the time

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>tfw Tomino didn't manage to usher in an age of onee-sans with G-Reco

I don't know what it is but pigeons don't cheep, they fucking coo you retarded nigger I hope your mother gets raped by a pack of muslims.

Found it!
Thanks kind anons

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This answer is incorrect, dumb fuck


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fuck pedos and weebs

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Topped the entire series combined desu

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t. pigeon


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But today's onee-sans are better than ever.
In VNs at least.

Attached: ev17a.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

Going by controls and not by the entire game itself.
You learn so many new moves by the end of that game. It's almost like comparing Normal TTYD Mario to Danger Run Mario.

Attached: D3SO3f9WsAAL6us.png (900x580, 438K)

Budokai 3

Wind Waker


Ara doesn't mean cunny and Onnii-chan doesn't mean what you typed in there, the other thread in this board in the last five hours said Onniichan means "demon-something". And the other poster said it meant Something Brother and one poster said it meant _____________ go ahead (you) me the details of this with the word "sex demon" I am not the one that said Onnii Chan meant sex demon.

too easy and not enough of the main story in between the disney worlds. 2 is still the king

a chilean pedo who is banned asked in the /int/ /lat/ thread to answer to your comment with "do you wanna have a bad time?"
But I actually support you. Fuck pedos and weebs.

completely, unironically, 100% based

Attached: slapped.webm (640x360, 1.53M)

>2 is still the king
at being too easy yes

Attached: bait.webm (1280x720, 1.23M)

Almost Ashamed for asking but what VN?

maybe not in every way, but it is superior to the first.

>mom found my porn
>okay lole, just dont put it in your desktop dummy

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Serves you right, homo.

Attached: 1551843816019.png (1457x1080, 729K)
For once, Yandex actually worked.

You mad genius. i thank you in advance

Oh fuck never mind

Attached: Snuggly.jpg (326x248, 23K)

can confirm

Attached: 2.jpg (1024x764, 212K)

My mom once found physical smut I drew myself
It happened so long ago I think she forgot, and doesn't even think to check my computer


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Post it again with a timestamp your raging homo

Lol no

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it's an old image
have the other half

Attached: 1.jpg (1028x768, 228K)

>tfw remember reading a hot as fuck book about a bunch of women being captured by dark elf men and slowly corrupted into dark elf women because their species couldn't give birth to males or something like that in the setting because they were just created as a race of sex toys for some female goddess that later abandoned them and it was mostly centered on getting them turned and pregnant as quickly as possible and it was obviously aimed at female readers

>Hates weebs
>Posts on a website made specifically for weebs


Alright, this sounds pretty good. You remember a title?

i'm going to include an ara ara loli in my game

For those who care:
The "step-" part only seems to be brought up in the game's store description. I've played through it a while ago and as far as the content of the actual game is concerned, nothing really even suggests they might not be real siblings.

Someone I knew got busted because he was printing something on one of those old printers that are really loud and take 5 minutes to print. His mom came in to see what he was doing and he couldn't stop it.

Good post

Attached: (You).webm (800x480, 772K)

>if you don't like the most broken souls you don't like souls
that dead zone tho

Banjo Tooie
Mario Galaxy 2
DKC2 from DKC
Tropical Freeze from Returns
Sly Cooper Band of Thieves
Red Steel 2
Fable 2

futa on futa is so lowtier.

>Banjo Tooie
>Fable 2
Good games but no

>Mario Galaxy 2
>Fable 2
Incorrect and you should feel bad

Your taste is so shittier.

Not him but everyone knows male on futa is the best.

>wants to fuck beings with penises
I suppose if you consider the entire gay community as everyone then yeah I suppose that's true.
But intellectuals, patricians, heterosexual males and chads understand futa on futa is objectively the best and the least homosexual porn viewable.

>tfw I remember shelves of these that my mother kept
T-they were porn novels. . .? I thought they were just romance shit. . .
My life is a lie.

All futa is bottom tier. Literally a dumber fetish than inflation and vore combined.


t. furgin


Based and bush pilled imagine the smell

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not everything needs to be an anime girl with big tits
I hope the internet realises this one day

Futa on girl is like the straightest thing to fap to




I thought it was worse IMO. Game was too long.

Jeez louise. She really ballooned up, didnt she?


Moby NoDick

Crash 2

You already apreciated futa at 14? i was 20+ when it started to get apealing


Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

I went on a futa kick at 15, now I'm 21 and don't even like it that much anymore.

Fable 2 is the Better game

The first game was too generic of an RPG, Fable 2 created the identity of the series



I have both younger and older sisters and I think both can be hot as fuck. The defining aspect of it is because its other people's fictional sisters and not mine. Also mommy fetish is real and for some reason extremely prevalent, yet 100% of the human population has a mother and the majority of people personally know their mothers, as in didn't grow up motherless because she left/ died.

>futa is bottom tier
Yes, and they need to be pounded out like the bottom of the tier they are. Male on futa is objectively the best.

Attached: smug penis.png (270x270, 106K)

>thread about sequels devolves into talking about fetishes and getting caught with porn
Never change, Yea Forums.

Attached: 1550708737681.png (603x716, 114K)

>numale weeb cant follow the process
>ruins it
>numale incels like it

It's literally just a girl with a penis, you've got some fucked tastes if you think inflation and vore aren't worse

I just pity them because 99% of them are shallow and animal like

>wants to fuck things with penises
>meme girl of the month
Peak shit taste

Are we still talking about video games?

Attached: 1547583080435.png (256x332, 209K)

The OP image is literally a beginning to a futa on futa image

Did he drill her?

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My little sister loves this game for some reason

what the fuck?
bs1 > bs2

>She got a eyefull of fat ssbbw asses
Ah, I see you're a man of culture.

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Gothic 2

I have three younger sisters and I hate them all. The idea of incest is disgusting to me.

>most broken souls
go to bed child you never played demon souls. or ds1 for that matter if you think ds2 is the most broken

>is on a malaysian masturbation ethics forum
>thinks he can fling shit
How about you go jerk it to NTR, bucko.

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Hey guys can we start posting some Onee San VN names?
My dick needs it very badly and so I have to ask for your help in these dire times.
My gratitude goes to you in advance.

Yeah. Infamous 2 was top tier and better than the first in almost every way.Only
>The map was and felt a lot smaller because you go from a city to a collection of town
>no black red lightning

Attached: infamous-2-kaijuu.jpg (500x281, 115K)

Everybody who posts in these threads should kill themselves. Sage

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The most obvious but also the most correct answer.

Here are some of my favorites. Check them out, user:

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>Unironically complaining about 15 purple coin missions
>when SMG2 has 120 green star missions

Female cousin saw animopron playing on my screen when I left my room to eat
Just screamed my name and hid in the guest room

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I'm not sure who's more retarded, you for leaving it on or them for going in your room.

except suikoden games are shit

Based. Based. Based
that would be neogaf, tranny

>he thinks NTR with futas and males isn't common as fuck

>All Older Heroines
A patron and a saint.

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Many thanks go to you my friend
I'll hold onto them dearly and whenever the needy will ask I shall do as you did

fucking noice m8

>futa and NTR together
Even more a pox on the earth than just NTR, surely.

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but it's not a sequel though. Are you telling me you've seen into the future? If so I demand that you tell me what you've seen.

I have a nee-san fetish and I have zero attraction to my rl older sister. You can have a kink and know the distinction between fantasy and reality. I'll fap for hours on end to wise but lazy, sexually-frustrated older sisters wearing short shorts, chokers and loose tank tops (no bra, of course). Bonus points if the older sister in question is a cake who resorts to marrying their otouto. However, any perverse thought about my actual sister instantly shrivels my dick.

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I will raise the stakes!
>meets childhood friend that stays as the same for 12 years
>kissed you at the park nearby
>cops show up
>almost arrested, she throws her id at officer's face showing she is legal

You've never played them if you can say that with a straight face
Not even Demon's Souls has fucked dead zones

>You can have a kink and know the distinction between fantasy and reality.
What? How is that possible? Everybody knows that deriving pleasure from fictional thing will make you seek real thing!
t. retard

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Are these all in Japanese or do you read moon to play them?