I want to play a moba, should I pick up Dota or league?
I want to play a moba, should I pick up Dota or league?
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league if you must.
why? is it that much better than dota?
I’ve never played dota but I can vouch for league
Only thing I hate is you can’t play ranked until you’re level 30 which takes forever
>I want to play a moba
pick up a shotgun and shoot yourself
sorry for wanting to play a strategic game rather than anime rpg bullshit
Fun: LoL
Deep game system: DOTA
Choice is yours.
Both are pretty shit but if you had to play one it's League 100%, Way more polished and is actually fun to play and easier to pick up.
if you like COD then pick LoL
if you like stalker, pick Dota
Don't, the communities are absolute shit in either games.
I'd say play league, its more fun for me. Dota may be the better game it has too many intricacies and is very hard to learn.
If you plan to put in thousands of hours and don't mind most of that time being pure pain, dota.
If you only plan to play casually, league.
O B S E S S E D. He wasn't even saying anything in favor of JRPGs oder Japanese games in general
I think Dota look hideous in comparison from a visual standpoint.
Yeah. Visuals are cleaner, mechanics are tighter. The biggest thing for me when I played these games like 10 years ago was that in DOTA2 your abilities are on much longer cool downs and have a much higher mana cost. They're also more game changing (landing a 12 second stun is 100% guaranteed kill), but that also meant that _most_ of the game you're just auto attacking and all the heroes feel very similar until you blow all their skills. In league you have the freedom to use your abilities all the time, so while a 1 second stun is fine (but not a certain kill) you can use them frequently enough that you constantly feel like your pick mattered / distinguishes you from the other players.
Don't get me wrong, I don't play them anymore and I think both games are bad-ish, but if you insist, I'd say League for sure.
Dota is dead.
League is slightly less dead.
Play League.
from my initial perspective, I thought League's champions looked cooler, but Dota had the better in-game map/terrain graphics
>12 second stun in dota 2
what the fuck have you been smoking user, even ults doing go half that long
Are you a...
>Casual with no friends? Then play League
>Casual with friends? Then play whatever they play
>Hardcore with no friends? Play DotA 2
>Hardcore with friends? Then play whatever they play
>get banned for saying GG
>be called a nigger sucka blyad by raging slavs
pick your poison
double no
another thing I might have to consider is the servers. I live in Singapore, and the league server only has like 200k players, but DotA has more. So idk if I have to wait much longer for league games or not
Don't do it, it's not worth the investment.
HoTS my nigga.
The game is in the sweet spot of being alive enough to find games easy, but dead enough that general chat is full of shitposting and the report system is useless. And you dont need to do the retarded last hitting mechanic either.
any non-moba competitive game (with a ranked ladder) which you can suggest? I really only like multiplayer competitive games and am looking to play one as a hobby
Dota has all heroes unlocked from the get go, no "runes", a brand new account has just as much as an account with 5k hours, the only thing you can unlock in dota is hats. Its better balanced, better mechanics, but has a steeper learning curve.
>what is hyperbole
My point was, the stun durations in DOTA are 2-3x what they are in league. Coupled with damage abilities / spells packing just as much relative punch (2-3x the health they take in League), landing big stuns in DOTA is a 100% kill. That's not true in league because fights last longer, abilities do less damage, and CC lasts for less time, allowing for more counter play.
Point is, in League, you're not getting Pudge hooked from off screen only to be 2-shot by the same hero.
League of Legends is infinitely better than Dota 2. League's community, while shit, doesn't even begin to compare to Dota. That being said, League is taking a giant nosedive and honestly play something else like maybe Smite or even HotS. Do not get competitive with this shit, it's not worth it. League's ranked system right now is beyond fucked and you're honestly better off playing normals and at least having some semblance of fun.
I've never cared about ladder climbing so I can't help you there. Rocket league has a ladder and some fucking depth if that looks like your thing.
Okay bro, lets be clear here:
>Here me
>1500 H in dota 2
>2000 H on league (pre 2015)
I played both of this games a foucking lot soo hear me when i say that you should pick dota2. lol is cool, in some way, but the coolnes ol lol stands in a prety dense cape of cool graphics flashy animations and big tatas in femenine characters, the base gameplay can be resumed in: the one hwo reacts faster wins. it has more obviusly but it dosent matter if you have 30 iq more than you enemy, if he has half of you reactions time youa re condemned to lose more matches than you win, in few words, league is a reactive game, in the other side dota2 is a tactical more slow paste game, is like call of duty nad battlefield in some way.
Aside of that dota 2 has a ton more of content than lol like
>Voice chat
>workshop stuff
>you have more customization on youc haracter aside of 1 skin
>you can change the map the anunciator the hud and more more things
>Voice chat gain
Just play dota2 and thank me later
no waifus in your dead game
You can just buy items so you can't get stunned in dota tho
Play Dota and first pick meepo for your first game
yeah lel is casual by design allowing much more space for misplays and free get away creating a boring game with no ganking
League if you're a brainlet third worlder, dota if you wanna shit on peruvians and russians
What he's trying to say is: Dota if you want to challenge yourself, League if you just want a casual moba to play.
I never understood this, there are incredible amounts of people playing Dota 2 right now.
>people unironically recommending lol over dota
deeply ashamed to be posting on the same board as you guys
LoL no longer has buyable runes. They are all free.
Considering that a large majority of character designs from League are heavily influenced from Dota heroes, I'd say you're just on the verge of retardation.
Also in dota2 you feel more in to a gmae and less in to a free space SJW playgraund. you cant say anythign in lol literaly anything ofensive, dont matter how small and insignificant
> i got banned in lol for saying gg two times in a row, for sayng just nigga to my friend, nobody needs to report you, they just have a bot that instabans you for 3 weeks when yous ay fag
>in dota you can say what you want whit no repercusions, you hve voice chat, when you can literaly say that you will burn down a jewish kindergarden and they will command you for that
its the butthurt casuals that have chosen to play an ez game versus a game that actually requires you to use your brain
If you valuve the american way of life: Dota
Anything else shouldn't matter.
800k is really bad
lol why does the ability to say nigger influence your game purchases haha.
Eh, as a several year veteran of both (granted, again, many years ago) I take the other stance. I found DOTA -so- much more casually playable, because I just played high utility picks, landed my CC and my team literally could not lose.
In league, I can set up a perfect engage, but that only got the enemies down to half health (or a little over). I had to -continually- outplay them through extended team fights and land multiple skill shots.
It's far more challenging to carry in League because you can't stun -> 100 -> dead people all the time (or A-move to win if you're playing like Phantom Assassin).
I see your stance though, I guess it just depends on your rank maybe (like in league I was... diamond? Whever that ranks on the "good" meter. I think in DOTA I was 3.5k or something? Can't quite remember but around there).
yeah league has almost 10 million
how old are you
League also doesn't have public player counts, just riot's "official numbers"
op.gg has summoner numbers...even a country like vietnam has millions of league players
My friend was a lot cooler when he played Dota. Now that he plays League he is less cool.
but thats including China lol. its like 800k non chinese + 11 million chinese. In league lots of different servers have 1m+ players
Definitely DotA. It has deeper mechanics
The thing with Dota, I found, is that decisions don't have a lot of room for error, which add to its level of difficulty. High cool downs for spells (not all), a punishing mana pool (early game mostly), denying experience- note that you cant deny the enemy experience in league by denying your own creeps in the laning phase.
This makes laning in the early game harder than league especially if your carry is denied experience in the early game. You're carry is pretty much going to have a hard time in the mid-late game, if they don't have a decent team to make space for him to make up for lost time.
I would say this also adds to the level of difficulty in carrying in Dota, because your (carry) hero is heavily dependent on the early-mid phases in the game in order to get ahead.
DotA is completely free and more complex.
LoL is so bad it makes me LoL out loud
I find that there's more variety in gameplay with dota. In league most characters are hardlocked to how riot wants you to play them and the meta feels more forced and overdesigned.
yeah... don't.
>I want to play a moba
play a better genre.
t. played mobas for years
>tfw there are actual peasants defending LoP in this thread
you are saying the same thing as me - lel allows to get away with lousy play and lack of awareness
and its by design, its easier to avoid getting killed than to kill so new/shit players dont feel bad
contrary in dota you get stomped just for bad positioning in lane and barrier to entry is higher
I mean no room for error goes both ways. Your enemy has no room for error either (which is just another way of saying "you can blow him out in one combo if you land the engage"). Since it's easier for you to gank as well as them, I don't see it as "hard" just as "favoring aggression" because he who strikes first wins almost every. single. time.
I actually disagree with the denial bit as well. Denying gold and exp is a huge factor in league, but you have to do it by harassing your opponent out of lane. You threaten them to the point where if they don't leave, they die. This is a direct player to player interaction, instead of harassing them economically but targeting your own creep, which I find way more fun. I'd much rather engage with 6 enemy creep and 1-2 enemy heroes than 6 enemy creep, 6 allied creep, and 0 heroes (which is, again, a bit hyperbolic, but due to the danger of engage tools, DOTA lanes tend to be played safer / more passive... at least they used to).
In the end, both games have very similar over arching flow: Make sure to get creep so your exp/gold rates are high. Harass your enemy so their exp/gold rates are low. Roam for kills after pushing your lane. Work with your team to take objectives... It's just that league has more player-on-player action and thus more outplays, saves, clutch moves... stuff like that. That's the reason I ended up liking it better.
Dota 2 = Tactical shooter.
Slow. Low TTK.
League = Arena shooter.
Fast. High TTK. Several maps.
I'm not saying one is better than the other, but they do cater to different play styles.
For example, Dota players will complain about how unfair it is than in League you can easily escape a dangerous situation by teleporting away. Something like that would be equally annoying in a tactical shooter. But great in an arena shooter.
Also: while none will like to admit it, both games have copied mechanics from each other over the years, coming closer together.
Dota 2 has one very good thing over League, though: all characters are unlocked for everyone, not behind a paywall like in LoL.
I'm framing it different I guess. League takes more skill because 1-2 skill shots won't net you a kill. You land them -> the enemy tries to escape -> you have to follow / out maneuver -> dodge their skill shots -> land more of your own....
DOTA is just "land your engage, follow up with a damage ability and A-move to win" in comparison. I guess that is "harder" for passive or defensive players, but if you just play aggressively (and make sure your match up isn't retardedly not in your favor) then you just... win, because the enemy has so few escape options.
I shall say: the shooter comparison falls short in one aspect... fast movement requires skill in arena shooters. It doesn't in LoL.
Don't but if u have to do it or you will die, just pick anything other then league, listen to a guy who has played league for 5 years now
bane's ult with 25 talent and enfeeble is like 25 seconds
Animations are shorter and have lower cutoffs for cancelling.
Crowd control is shorter so you have smaller windows to take advantage.
Cooldowns are lower and resource cost for abilities is lower for more spamming.
Turnrates are nonexistent and generally movement speed in terms of percentage of map you can cover in any given time is higher.
I don't get the TP away comparison in the original post though because in LoL any damage source interrupts a recall while it takes hard CC to stop a TP scroll in Dota
>I don't get the TP away comparison
I didn't mean to refer to TP but blinking. I said teleport rather than blink because I feel it makes more sense outside of moba lingo (actually WC3 lingo, but who cares)
If you enjoy micro play and can cope with hideous visual style/are a weeb with a shit taste - league
If you are into macro play - dota 2
League is watered down DotA for a more casual audience. Which you prefer just depends on what kind of player you are and want you want to get out of it.
Is the only valid one there, that isn't just the game having low-impact abilities.
>percentage of map you can cover
Makes no sense. Either do /screenspace, or normal attack/ability range.
DotA is a much more rewarding game that will take you a thousand hours to learn how to play at the most basic level. There are a truly enormous amount of quirks and interactions that even people who have played the game for thousands of hours can forget and be caught off guard by. It has many more unique mechanics than league, and more than a few heroes act in extremely different ways than other heroes, leading to wider variety of play experience.
On the other hand, games tend to take between 40 mins to an hour, and there is no way to surrender beyond sitting in the fountain and tabbing in occasionally to avoid AFK. It is substantially less fun to get blown out by your enemy in dota because of the amount of ways you can be dominated and the length of time it will take for you to lose. On the other hand, it is possible to recover from being severely behind with good teamfighting.
League, on the other hand, is a much more forgiving game in terms of not wasting your time if you feel like you can't win. The game is, in many ways, much more intuitive than DotA and streamlines many gameplay quirks into an overall cleaner and more focused experience that focuses more on mechanical skill and fighting acumen than DotA's tactical and strategic focus.
Dota is a LOT deeper mechanics wise than league, but that also means that league is more simple fun and straight forward.
>Dark Willow
dont become a league shitter
learn to play the real game
League is easy and more colourful and casualised. So go for that. I have more hours in DoTA2 but can’t fucking play the games unless I’m in a 5 stack.i haven’t played either since 2018 though lol.
If you want to get good then play dota if you want to just fuck around play HotS
sure, dota works like that if you don't draft/itemize correctly. but i don't think your description of lol gameplay makes it sound like it takes more skill. it's like me picking a highly elusive hero in dota when the enemy lineup has no disables, i'm not good because i can escape when they have no way of catching me.
having too many ways to escape removes the incentive to fight, which is retarded in a competitive pvp game.
>The biggest statistic that jumps out is that League of Legends is over half of the gaming connections worldwide at 51.53%.
Dota2 fags on suicide watch. Dota2 is dying and League has millions upon millions of users worldwide. Face it, League is beyond better than that Grandpa game.
this is the only thing relevant
>Dota 2 has one very good thing over League, though: all characters are unlocked for everyone, not behind a paywall like in LoL.
dota is dota, lol is league of jews
i use the same logic when people ask me why i think the avenger movies are better than the lord of the rings
That sounds a bit contradictory to me?
>it's like me picking a highly elusive hero in dota when the enemy lineup has no disables
That's saying that if any noob picks that hero, they'll just run train because there's no counter play. Which is a bit true, I'm totally with you. If they DO have disables though (and what full 5 man team has no disables?) you're just buggered, with little counterplay. It's all decided during the pick/ban phase.
For League however, you DO still have to fight. In fact you have to fight more:
>Go in to gank
>enemy takes damage but flashes away
>you have to leave because he's safe
>you have to come back while his flash is down
>now no escapes, tries to juke with his own mobility moves
>you have to track and time your disables to stop him dashes
>secure your kill so you can get farm up on your lane opponent
Ganks take longer, you have to come back and do them multiple times... you're just spending a larger percentage of each match engaged with other players. Which is what I find more fun about it: more player on player fighting with more counter play. It's like... I consider the skill ceiling higher because you have to out position and out play your opponent for 30 straight seconds in a team fight, rather than 5 straight seconds. The demand on your consistency is just... greater.
Either way, I'm not a huge fan of either game at this point, was just voicing that I thought OP should play League IF he absolutely is set on playing a MOBA.
Dota for sure
LoL is full of soibois
I know you're being ironic, but being able to trash talk is getting increasing rare in popular multiplayer games. So the freedom to call my teammates retards is refreshing at this point.
>not learning to speak russian and banting with angry putinbots
lmaoing at your existence fampai
These statements are incorrect. You just played passively. Lanes in dota aren't passive at all. Even in Lanes where your hero is worthless.
Creep denial is just a layer of depth to laning. The real depth in the lanes that dota has that LoL does not is the manipulation of creep aggro.
>Ganks take longer
Sure when Rengar/Kha'Zix comes jumping out of invis and does 2x your max hp in a single combo
Yeah during late game or when they complete 2 or 3 items
They're both free, though you have to grind or pay to unlock characters in LoL. You used to have to grind or pay for runes to alter their stats, but you don't have to anymore. It's over $500 or several thousand hours of playtime to unlock everything that affects gameplay, which is a bit odd for a strategy game if you ask me.
A lot of the strategy in Dota comes down to your character choices in the draft, what roles you decide to apply the character to, what order you level your spells in, who you spend your time with, and what items you pick up. This puts the barrier to entry way higher because you need a lot of practical experience to understand what you're doing and know what possibilities exist, which makes the League model sort of confounding because it's physically impossible to encounter some characters or test them out unless they are on the weekly rotation of free characters. If you don't buy any, the ones you have practiced on will be rotated out and you won't be able to play them until you buy them.
You have to do your homework to understand Dota, but you could develop a working knowledge of some easy heroes and common items in a week just by playing. League replaces this knowledge barrier with a fixed amount of grinding required to unlock everything, which is probably better for teenagers who have endless time but limited brain cells. A lot of Dota's gameplay could be described as a SWAT simulation where you die in under a second and you have to read your situation really well and decide the best thing to do. The little features and complications make it a lot more rewarding to learn, but if you aren't an overachiever you won't enjoy the learning process.
Dota occupies a particular niche as a macro strategy game which is extremely dependent on teamwork, but I am unsure what the appeal of League is outside of killing each other. Only play Dota if you like Battleship (warding) and brain blasting people with your item choices.
moba is a fucking autism genre so if youre gonna get into it might as well go all in. play dota2.
By late game you mean after Serrated Dirk yeah?
>I want to play a moba
Nobody ever said this nor will ever say this.
Stay away from MOBAs.
>That sounds a bit contradictory to me?
i'm just saying there's an emphasis on counterplay, because if you don't try to counter the enemy you can easily get cheesed.
taking your example in comparison it sounded like there was little to no counterplay because everyone can easily disengage after getting jumped. even if you re-engage afterwards the enemy has reason to expect it and play safe, which makes it even harder to kill him.
i could say dota requires more skill because there's less room for error which requires better reflexes, mechanical skill and awareness to not get instagibbed by the enemy, same as you could say lol requires more skill because it requires the same things because you have to land the same low cd skillshots on the enemy x times in a row whilst dodging and juking before he dies or runs away.
i think you exaggerate how short teamfights in dota are though, 30 seconds (or longer) teamfights aren't unusual, but yes sometimes you just get deleted too.
Have fun wasting 50 mins a game that only ends up in a sad, salty Loss. Then your whole day is gone. Cuck.
>a strategic game
Dota 2 if you don't wanna blow money to buy heroes. Dota 2 has every hero available for free after you play a certain amount of matches.
You can disable the new player limitation in the console during the draft. Thankfully it only lasts like 20 matches and not 3000 matches.
seriously just fucking don't, anyone who says league is a newfag and Dota has sucked ass since 6.8
Honestly this season I've been fucking hating League. It was at its worst in season 8 but this season is just as bad. I wanted to get into Dota but there's so much shit to learn as a beginner. Even when compared to League.
Fighting games or maybe Starcraft if you want to do 1v1.
Just pick Lich and learn the basics as you go
They reworked Lich, he doesn't have Sacrifice any more
league of legends
Yeah, that's also never going to happen in a real game. It's a channeled single target stun, requiring you to get a support to level 25.
most of them arent actually playing dota but auto chess
HoN it's better.
Then crystal maiden maybe? Shiet
If you must play one, Dota 2 would be a better option. Everything is free, and the only thing you have to invest is your time and brain power, and almost everything is customizable. The game is more complex in terms of strategies and item management, and team fights require more mechanical thinking with regards to items and abilities, as opposed to League where it's whoever bursts the other down first with their combo. Dota 2 is much more rewarding overall. One of my only complaints with the game are the rampant third worlders that infest US servers, and no ability to surrender if the game is an obvious loss.
The only thing League has over Dota is more waifus.
Heroes of the Storm
thats 300k ppl from 800k playing an arcade game called dota2 autochess. game is dead
LoL has voice chat since like a year or two i think.
Not really used unless you going ranked with premades or something.
>voice chat
>no one is actually talking english
Neither, but if you seriously want to play one play Dota 2. It is much better and gives you tons of different game modes to play. Also the cosmetics and shit is better if you are into that sorta thing. league boys are salty that Tencent doesn't feed them quality features that Dota has.
>giving up is ok
>league boys are salty that Tencent doesn't feed them quality features that Dota has.
in league russians are locked in their servers
in league you dont have to pay to use the role-based queue
based ESLanon
Both are shit. Dota will frustrate you like nothing else but is much more rewarding and LoL will make you feel like a pro but you will be empty inside.
both sucks fucking huge mongus cock because you cant solo win, heavily relying on random ppl is just bad. shit genre
Play Dota, masturbate to LoL
The easiest is probably Ogre or Dazzle, since his ult is like a weird aura thing now you don't have to cast. Maybe Warlock, Treant, or Sven since they are decent lane supports and their spells are very straightforward.
The traditional wizard supports are way too squishy for a new player. Lich is strong but you have to actually do stuff now.
LoL if you just want some flashy stuff going on and not care too much about anything
dota if you want a more tactical and deeper game (and cosmetics and custom games)
HotS is actually decent for casually playing, fun heroes, individual performance doesnt matter that much, just pick a cool d00d and run around with your team.
>Waiting 30 minutes to play a role.
No thanks.
I play dota and i think it has better gameplay, but i hate valve so much that i cant recommend it.
LoL has no voice chat and like half of playerbase is smurfs so you wont have fair gameplay there. Also, no matter what server you will choose, there is gonna be retards who dont speak your language (just like in dota tho). They both are terrible, but LoL is better if you havent played moba before.
If hots had actual players in it, id say play hots, but this game is a wasteland for new friends.
No, you need to master RNG to be an ogre god. If you aren't getting 4x multicasts on most of your spells delete your account
Hey LoLfags, show me any real nubmers of LoL players to prove that this game is actually bigger than Dota :)
unless you're some top 0.1% guy queues are like 30sec
Dota is slow boring and clunky. The heroes maybe free but most of them are boring with most of their kit being passive skills, point-and-click abilities and everything is muddled in RNG.
Dota is a game intended for people with severe autism who masturbate to floor tiling. League is intended for normal people.
2x is more than enough now that you can multicast Midas
>if i am not constantly shitting out abilities and pressing buttons the game is boring
t. room temperature iq
Dota = Harder to learn, easier once you learn it
League = Easier to learn, doesnt get much easier once you learn it
lmao FOUR midas?
>I can only process 1 thing happening every 30 seconds
Canadian room temperature IQ
Play dota if you
>Dont wanna grind to unlock all the characters
>More gameplay variety thanks to items and different lane compositions
>Better communication options in game thanks to voice chat
Play league if you
>Just want to play a handful of champions
>Want there to be a strict and enforced meta
>Focus on farming rather than roaming
>Have to really only focus on champion interactions than itemization
While I know I made LoL sound like the more boring game some people dont really wanna focus on all the things you need to in Dota and want a simpler experience. Much like how HOTS is as casual as can be and is just meant for some quick fun. I dont think League is a bad game (besides the fucking stupid grind) but I do think Dota is superior. Its up to you which sounds more appealing
dota is only slow and boring at low mmrs because people don't understand the purpose of their heroes, what they need to do and how to end the game so they just afk farm on each side of the map until one team outscales the other and win a game deciding teamfight 60-70 minutes into the game
This video is basically why I played Dota 2 over LoL.
This is pretty fun too
Dota2 is shit, literally can't gain mmr because of shit teammates and ofc carry role mid instalock.
>that scene where ceb started screaming "kill the chinky bastards"
>that scene where ceb went onto /d2g/ and started a rumour that the chinese team were carrying phones in their shoes to cheat
Bane and rhasta say hello
Oh does turn speed go away at high mmr and heroes kits stop being three passives and a point and click stun?
League is a ball of boring too play characters that you have too pay for. You can just play Dota instead and have all the characters right from the start.
Name 1 hero that has those spells
Look at this scrub. If you're so good you should be able to gain MMR
Skeleton King
>heroes kits stop being three passives
there is no dota hero with three passives.
For a long time the skelly king had trhe passives but that was changed like two years ago. However even then the argument was flawed since you'd always buy active items on him.
Wraith King
Skeleton King
Boner King
Shadow Shaman IS the best hero in the game though user, he's the perfect midlaner.
Only 2 passives now, sorry
Wraith/Skeleton King now only has one true passive, his ult, and even that requires mana management.
I hope you aren't that dumb mid SS spammer that I play with sometimes.
go to the store and pick up a sturdy rope instead
No need to hide the last one user
Also you forgot the best.
LoL is more popular but also super ez mode casual game.
>You can fuck up in league and still win
>larger player base
>easiest moba on the market
Dota Is my preferred moba, but it's grueling and harder.
>Fucking up in dota is punishing
>don't have to pay for champions
>mechnaics are harder too master
>way too many south Americans
i prefer dota 2, but it is harder, LoL is easy for anyone to get in, at the end of the day you either way.
Casual or hardcore
mobas are boring man. dont waste 1000 hours to find out
nah if you fuck up in league your team votes to surrender before you get a chance to come back
SS mid fucking works, get used to the times grandpa. TI9 = the TI where shaman mid becomes a big thing
Play chess then you autist. Any game where you have to rely on 4 random allies and even the gameplay itself is full of RNG is not strategic.
No king no game
>he cant solo carry
you see,you may think its impossible but people like Damir do it easily
desu easiest char in dota imo is probably natures profit, slark, or blood.
>tele all over map
>summon powerful mobs
>ulti will attack everything on screen and farm up gold
>remove buff
>latch mob
>steal their agi
>ulti blocks all damage
>rapid heal when no one see's you
>blood seeker
>aoe silence
>hunts low hp players
>heals automatically
>ultimate can kill stupid players
Phantom assassin could be honorable mention if you get a good build you just right click everything.
desu, thats not a bad feature, and one i wouldn't mind in dota
I'm thinking of playing dota again after over a year because I have an itch to play arc warden
Based Arc bro. He's been buffed massively lately so now is a good time to get back in.
came back after a year, Love arc
>boots of travel
>send ulti into base
>use manta
>confuse them all
>only 6 seconds
>rinse and repeat
this is an 18+ board ok
why are league of faggots even on Yea Forums for, go to reddit
Fuck no, if they implement surrender in normal games I'll quit the game.
It's annoying enough having to report people who give up early and feed/afk.
ITT: dota chads and seething lolbabbies
>who masturbate to floor tiling
I bet you never found a sexy square one, you jelly cunt.
Dota 2 is the superior game but matches take so fucking long I can't stand playing it for any extended period of time. League matches are quick and dirty and 90% of the time you can tell if you're going to lose in the first 15 minutes of the game.
Everyone here who says matches in Dota take 50+ minutes is either a 2k shitter or hasn't played in three years or more. Surely there is more comeback mechanics in Dota but the majority of high skill games don't go past 30 minutes in the current and all recent metas.
Play the one your friends play.
If you don't have any friends, or friends who play these games. Pick Dota2.
Don't listen to the faggots that say "league is tighter" or "league is better" The game is objectively worse than Dota in every comparable aspect. Which is a lot of aspects. Mechanics, skills, items, heroes, map design, jungle, client, comeback mechanics, character moment; the list goes on and on. Dota is superior in every single way. Though it is much much harder. Also the way it handles skins is different too. There are no skins. Each hero has sets that include pretty much heads/hair, different body armor parts/capes/ weapons/effects. You can either go for a full set or mix and match. And there is a whole trading and selling economy for this stuff that ranges into the thousands of dollars.
tl;dr: Dota 2 is objectively better than LoL in every single way, though much, much,much,much harder. And besides that it comes down to which aesthetic you like more
Get a life
>play the fully free to play game
>or the chink grind game
yeah hmm
Dota is trash dont play it
t. 5000 hours on dota
league is worse than dota dont know why you'd come to redd*t and ask a bunch of underage spergs whic is better
Is this just Marvel X-men's Blink?
yeah everyone just gives up before the 20 min mark and start feeding
so much this
turbo this
league is worse than dota
Faggot detected
>literally no actual nubmers, like steam has
This, and I’ve played both. But if you are a weab OP then to either league cause they are full of them.
Only good goyims play LoL
Aren't you a bit late to play mobas.
Genre is shit, play something else.
everything else is shit too
it's not about playing good games anymore, it's about playing less shit games
Is that a hero from HotS? Google is giving me only moonrunes.
>League is intended for normal people.
It must be a shit game then.
league is 'tighter' because its meta is heavily regulated by Riot and has been the same for years. From what I've seen, people farm and mid ganks for the first 15 mins, then teams 5 man 'peck' at each other until someone overextends and the winner in that exchange takes some towers. That's the same shit I was doing in LoL in 2012.
DoTA is more chaotic and fun because the meta changes on a patch by mini patch basis, or by what some pro does in a tournament.
abandonware is not allowed ITT
Trust me, you always regret your time spent playing a MOBA because most matches will not be enjoyable due to the people you get matched up with.
Fucking Blizzard making loli heroes.
Dota has all the characters unlocked at start and you can't buy anything that isn't anything but some form of cosmetic
Recommend it over League
Dota is bad but league is much worse basically the embodiment of SOULless t. Played both extensivemy
The only fun moba has already died so I would say none of them, the genre is brutally past its prime
League and play aram only.
Amazing. Ceb was a total brother in this one. My question though is: LoL doesn't have this as well? I mean they have big tournaments, right?
So what is her role in the game anyway?
there is no such thing as "moba" genre
Dota (Defense of the Ancients) is a game.
League is a watered down knock off version of Dota/Dota 2
League if you must.
dota is harder/more complex. pick up league first and when you get a basic grasp on the game try dota out and see which you like. that's what i did way back when and i settled on dota but ymmv
I never met more stupidity online than in dota matches
DOTA2 has far steeper learning. League is easier to just jump into, I like league better in style and gameplay personally. Dota2 is fun but I could never get into it much, also league has a nice system for new players to be able to get their hands on all kinds of cosmetics for free as you level up.
>midas ogre
castrate yourself with a rusty spoon you niggerfaggot
>also league has a nice system for new players to be able to get their hands on all kinds of cosmetics for free as you level up.
LoL also generously enough don't unlock all champs from the getgo and unlocking them all or just most of them takes years unless you pay up a very hefty sum of cash.
but lotr is globally far more popular than the avengers and is far more critically acclaimed
in fact if you asked anyone on the street "is lotr better than the avengers" literally every single person even if they have seen either will tell you lotr
because those movies have basically been put on a pedestal as uncriticizable
What is chomp?
Your entire post is just your opinion pretending to be a fact.
chomp is one of her ability
she's a ranged damage dealer
I've played both for years and I have to say dota is just a worse game.
There are only two things that dota does well
>creep mechanics
however, it suffers from so many small things that make the game objectively worse
>high ground miss chance
>random attack rolls
In a game where the laning phase is so long and so important, these small little missteps add up, and the worst part is a lot of the time as in the case of random attack rolls, you can lose an entire lane and put your self irrecoverably behind solely due to bad rng. And you know what? you can't really call a game skill based when rng is a factor like that.
A single double damage or regen rune can entirely change the lane and that's completely luck based.
Perhaps the most egregious crime of dota post 7.00 is how balance changes have been made to make the draft more important.
At this point in time, personal skill WITHIN the game, item choice, it really doesn't mean much, all that matters right now is
>who drafted better
your team drafts better? you stomp, you draft worse? you get stomped because hard counters are a core part of the game.
Meanwhile in league
>better movement
>all damage is mathmatically calculable rather than a random range
>abilities can be dodged
because it is a skillshot focused game, hard counters don't really exist, unfavorable matchups can be won purely by being the better mechanical player. Someone in the thread said timing doesn't matter in league but they're full of shit, in late game league if you screw up once or miss a skill you can lose an entire teamfight or get blown up instantly because there are no items like black king bar that exist to give you free reign to invalidate two thirds of the enemy team for 5-10 seconds.
I would say league is easier to get into because there is objectively less item choice and you have more mana to play with abilities but to play the game well requires more mechanical skill
no, it's not it's statistical fact
Prove it. The only correct thing in your post is critical acclaim from the point of oscars. I love LOTR btw.
>And you know what? you can't really call a game skill based when rng is a factor like that.
PseudoRNG distribution. You are guaranteed to proc things if you don't proc right away.
>A single double damage or regen rune can entirely change the lane and that's completely luck based.
That's just wrong. You have to ward and control these spots. Runes spawn on specific times and you should factor it in.
>your team drafts better? you stomp, you draft worse? you get stomped because hard counters are a core part of the game.
You can always itemize around it and get back even if enemy team is far ahead.
>Meanwhile in league
>better movement
How? There is no turn rate. How is that better? It's less complex and more arcadey.
>all damage is mathmatically calculable rather than a random range
Sounds awful.
>abilities can be dodged
Just like in Dota. Variety is the spice of life.
>because it is a skillshot focused game, hard counters don't really exist
If a team in LoL is ahead by 10% they have 80% chance to win.
I've played both for years and I must say you are wrong.
runes spawn randomly on either side sir, that is pure luck
>you can always itemize around draft
you used to, not anymore because the talent system totally fucked balance with stupid shit like free gold or free bkb piercing spells
>sounds awful
yeah I guess for peruvians having to actually calculate your damage sounds awful
>abilities can be dodged
>in dota
they cannot most of the time as most of dota is point and click with the occasional disjointable spell thrown in.
>if a lol team is ahead they have an 80% chance to win
that is because in order to get ahead you can't just get a lucky dd rune and a kill you have to constantly outplay and maintain a lead, so if you've amassed a 10% lead then that is in reality a massive skill difference between the teams and yeah, the more skilled team should win
Most people only play up to about 20 champions anyway, what's your point?
As somebody who has a friend who wants to play LoL with me but I am just a DOTA player, can a LoL player recommend me some "champs" for someone like me? My usual picks are
SMITE fuck LoL
Wrong af. You must be smoking dick if you think a rando on the street is going to know who frodo is before fucking Hulk
>abilities can't be dodged in Dota
Git gud, faggot.
Thank you for the topic of my next ypload
>most lol champs are so shit you don't need to pick more than 10 to counter pick whatever the enemy picks
nice game
League is nothing but a chinese skinner box now. I'd avoid it if you haven't already invested hundreds of hours.
counters don't exist in league, just play better than the enemy and you will win
right, I forgot they all virtually play the same
Rate my favorite picks
>>get banned for saying GG
what game do this shit?
Just looked up Soraka
>10% of max health to restore 80/110/140/170/200 health to a target ally
Holy shit, why the huge downside?
DOTA: You are an annoying fuck that loves shutting down people
LoL: Based as fuck top player (Haven't had much interaction with Pyke so I don't know where he goes)
>play some chinese normalfag moba shit
>play Dota
The choice is obvious.
no 2 champions play the same, just git good lmao. Unlike dota league doesn't need artifical difficulty to create variety
I hate LoL, but damn, Dotafags are truly cancer.
Artificial difficult like...?
yeah it's not like they much of a choice unless they wanna pay $700 dollars to unlock the rest of the 120+ heroes
*way more polished* No courier, pay to play characters, no pause function, way worse servers, way less dynamicism in roster, miniscule updates closer to a fighting game than an online arena game, shit completely inconsistent artsyle, meaningless and poorly thought out rune system. T. play both and the ONE thing league has over Dota is that usually the players are better in terms on not being cunts but the mute function renders that close to mute also play with friends in either game or prepare to enter a wasteland of horror.
League has the superior waifus, prove me wrong. you can't
>rng rng rng
>turn rate
what's ironic is that dotards claim a lack of turn rate makes ranged champs op but fail to take into account that ranged champs have ability cast times and melee champions have gap closers or faster base movement speeds
>wanting to play ASSFAGGOTS
you might as well ask what the most painful way to commit suicide is
white people play league the only people left who play dota are spics
i doubt anyone would argue that
most dota2 players are gay so they dont care about waifus
This guy has no clue cds are uniformly way way higher im Leaugue compare Karthus and Zeus ult for example which are the same ult basically.
>play for years
>spout 1k mmr garbage
okay buddy you just sucked at dota and its mechanics were too much for a brainlet like you to grasp. Garbage tier games like LoL are perfect for you.
Smite. Cute waifus
>Dota players will complain about how unfair it is than in League you can easily escape a dangerous situation by teleporting away. Something like that would be equally annoying in a tactical shooter. But great in an arena shooter.
wrong, this shit is just as stupid and cancerous here
You are saying "RNG" like LoL doesn't have any at all and how is turn rate "artificial difficulty"? If DOTA removed turn rates, Riki would be SHIT and Bristleback would be even more unstoppable
What are rune pages?
>you are saying rng like lol doesn't have any
it doesn't aside from crits and crits are vastly different because they do not effect your last hitting ability in the laning phase.
As for turn rate, it is a bad mechanic that makes the game feel sluggish and it is used as a shitty, haphazard way of balancing ranged and melee heroes.
>if turn rates are gone riki would be shit
he's already shit, he's a poorly designed hero
>bristleback would be even more unstoppable
bristleback is shit too, jesus.
They are badly designed heroes with retarded mechanics attached so they stay in the gutter because they're either trash or op. Those two need reworks
Kind of off topic why do people keep saying LoL isn't dead and it is still growing, then cite twitch numbers, and world viewing numbers? I mean no game keeps growing. You eventually peak as LoL did years ago, never reach your peak again even when you get the odd growth, and see slow decline until it plateaus to a steady base. For lol since it has a lot of players still that plateaued base is still big, but it is in no way a growing game.
League doesn't have RNG outside of critical strike and Twisted Fate's Pick A Card (which frankly doesn't count because it cycles through his three cards in the same pattern several times, it's just a question of which color you start on). When they were first designing League the devs flat out agreed they wanted as little RNG as possible. The ONLY RNG in the game (other than which four retards aka """""""""""""""""team""""""""""""""mates you get stuck with) is critical strike which only remains in the game because Riot is too lazy to deal with the massive changes this would cause; to cope with this, critical strike is designed in such a way that if you build ANY crit strike you'll just end up building 100% anyways.
Whether you agree or disagree with this decision is not the point.
You get three free rune pages and the pages are easily edited before a game starts in less than a minute if you're not a retard.
LoL is fucking dead outside of Asia. Riot hasn't released player numbers since 2014. I remember back in 2012 I could get in the twisted treeline queue and be in champ select within seconds. Now it takes several minutes just to find a tt normal game. I think China is 70% of the playerbase at this point.
>soloq in dota
constant non english speaking players who just yell and scream on the mic and in text.
>soloq in league
guaranteed retards who dont undestand simple game mechanics.
theres no winning
So I only played this game during the first year or so. Did they make dirge good and did they ever put back skeleton king back?
>artificial difficulty
>in a pvp game
>twisted treeline
no one fucking plays twisted treeline your game mode is just dead everyone only plays whatever game rotation there is, aram, or summoners rift.
More and more people keep attending worlds (physically, not online) they're earning more. Que times are typically about 1-3 minutes per mode, so presumably it's growing
>I want to play a moba
Why torture yourself?
no and no
You start with two actually and if it didn’t matter why would people buy them? Yeah normally you can edit them but what about new players and shit like getting your champ picked or banned? It’s a fucking terrible system.
dont give valve anything, they dont deserve it for how poorly they treat their fanbase and IPs.
>HL fans left with eternal cliffhangers and vague "It's coming no really guys" vague replies
>DoD fans betrayed, Valve forgot they owned the IP entirely
>TF2 in shambles, all hope is lost
>CSGO starting to head down the same path as TF2
>DOTA is the only game to get attention from Valve
>Valve themselves prefer to make dead card games or VR shit.
>but what about new players
You get two pages, but you also have 5 stock ones.
>shit like getting your champ picked or banned?
You have 60s after everyone has picked their champs, and the entire period in which the champs are being picked, to choose your runes. You only have to choose a keystone, four majors, and two minors, and each of those is only choosing one option out of three, this isn't hard.
I don't have anything to cope with. You, however, need to cope with your lack of skill at video games by playing one as inferior as you.
Unless you’re a new player and are looking at a build; also why the fuck are the stock ones relevant when the entire counterpoint to runes is that if you don’t have the right ones you’re at a disadvantage? If they replaced all the stock ones with free pages it would be fine but having subpar options just to encourage you to pay for something that shouldn’t be in the game is terrible. If you read through each rune it will take more than 60s guaranteed especially as a new player so builds are the way to go in which case you have to cross reference them from a build.
I think for your first moba, league is a better choice (easier to pick up) but I would say Dota is better overall.
because league has 2 minute que times, dota has 17 minute que times
Also not even taking into account saving the page riots UI is so dumb why wouldn’t your runes autolock; by the way I am a relatively new LoL player this is my personal experience with the system. Obviously once you become more experienced it’s easier but there’s no excuse for the system being as clunky and limiting as it is.
Please god, play none.
League means you have to purchase everything and Dota means playing with the most insufferably humans on the planet.
One thing I'll give credit to, is League's surrender feature. In DotA, when you're losing a game there's no surrender feature, and you lose gold when you die.
If you're losing in the first 5 mins, the game is already over. Enjoy sitting for an hour of your day while NEETs laugh.
>>HL fans left with eternal cliffhangers and vague "It's coming no really guys" vague replies
They confirmed they're no longer working on it ages ago, interests went elsewhere and not enough people wanted to make the next installment.
>>DoD fans betrayed, Valve forgot they owned the IP entirely
Not making a new game doesn't mean they've forgotten, nor does it means the fans have been betrayed.
>>TF2 in shambles, all hope is lost
>>CSGO starting to head down the same path as TF2
CS:GO was shit long before it started "going down the same path"
>>DOTA is the only game to get attention from Valve
Nothing wrong with that
>>Valve themselves prefer to make dead card games or VR shit.
Now you're implying you know more than Valve does about their own work.
So Fortnite is the best game ever?
>Unless you’re a new player and are looking at a build
You can see what the runes do before you start the game.
>also why the fuck are the stock ones relevant when the entire counterpoint to runes is that if you don’t have the right ones you’re at a disadvantage?
Before level 15 a player cannot use the custom rune pages, precisely because of the previous point you made (that new players don't know what all of the runes do). For reference, you cannot play ranked until 30.
>If you read through each rune it will take more than 60s guaranteed
The entire text of the Cheap Shot rune is
> Basic attacks and damaging abilities deal 8 − 40 (based on level) bonus true damage to slowed or immobilized enemy champions.
If that takes you 60s to read, you shouldn't be playing videogames.
Instead of fighting, let us talk about characters we like from both games.
DOTA: Fucking love Arc Warden, having two of you casting shit and watching the enemy squirm in pain is always a good feeling
LoL: Pic related when you get a high number of stacks.
>If you're losing in the first 5 mins, the game is already over.
i think dota is the superior game but to make the decision as simple as possible dota has turn rates which people can either stand or not
league is "easier" to get into (keep in mind you still have to learn matchups items spells etc) but its absoluete SHIT, idk much about dota since ive only played it for like 10 hours but lol has really declined into irredeemable gutter trash territory in the last 3 or so years, i wouldnt recommend anyone to get into it, do what i did and pick up a fighting game to get the online competitive itch scratched.
t. former diamond 2 mid/jungle main player
have you played fortnite? it's fun
Yeah, wasn't one of the biggest complaints about DOTA post... 6.84(?) that comeback gold was too high?
I really love having a sense of disruption, playing heroes that can really damage soak and just walk around in the enemy team, disabling carries etc
Axe and Tide have traditionally been go-tos for that, as well as Clock and SK
In League I used to play Janna and Morg AP tank back in Season 2 and be unkillable
Tank Rek'Sai was hilarious for awhile until she got nerfed into the ground. Same with Kha'Zix when your ult gave you a stupid amount of damage reduction.
Dota has no surrender button cuz you can always come back even against megacreeps