This kills the controlcuck.
Magic the Gathering Arena
Cool, now I get to remove a creature AND put you down a land. Thanks for the 2 for 1, bud!
>birds for scale
every single piece of MtG art, I can see them even with the shitty image quality
giant beaters with no protection are not acceptable in today's game, or in any of today's popular card games really
What mythic do I craft first? I crafted a lot of black top tier rates already
i used to play this shit back in teh early 00s. i had both akroma and phage and rorix bladewing haha
it's an instant you fucking mongs, you play it at the end of the opponent's end step after they tap out
stop acting like a Bronze rank it's fucking embarrasing
>Control decks tapping out by their end step.
You're the bronze babby.
Arclight Phoenix and go fast.
>tap out
>haha eat this control
Do you even know how control works? Dumbass newfag this is still a beater with no protection and gets byebye'd by cheap removal while doing absolutely nothing but costing you 2 cards and a land and 5 mana
>opponent taps out
>nigger teferi
MTG isnt even fun due to the sheer abundance of decks that are 90% removal and counters that stall the fucking game until he draws a creature to hit you for 10 turns
then, if you dont forfeit when he has you ‘locked’ its bad sportsmanship
a creature that is indestructible, has haste, uncounterable, hexproof, supertrample and has 10 strength is still weak. you need constant creatures that cheat out other things or return.
Oh sweet, thanks for the 9/9 land creature. I got to play enchanting melody's X for 0
MTG is for trannies now
>No Trample
Even if they are tapped out you gotta hope they have no chump blocker.
>No First Strike
Better hope they have no Deathtouch waiting, either.
What in the ever loving fuck is supertrample?
Kys, next
You damage the blocking creature as well as the player as if your monster wasn't blocked
>shit game
Based teen who grew up with Yea Forums as father figure
I want this to be real
So a non-existant ability?
What the fuck does being an instant have to do with waiting for your opponent to tap out. You can do exactly the same thing at sorcery speed.
Reminder control, combo, and aggro are all patrician archetypes while midrange is for mouthbreathers that think goodstuff.dek is advancing deckbuilding and playing undercosted creatures on curve is skill
t. hearthstone babby
>in hearthstone
Dumb zoomer doesn't even know what actual control is.
My brain read patrician as plebian
Not with with Teferi's untap mana at endstep ability.
And how, exactly, does that protect you from the instant-speed removal spells that the person was saying casting at end step protected you from?
based and tinkerpilled
Please, share with me these 2 cost, instant speed, hard removal spells.
I didn't read the entire thread, I assumed the discussion as about counters.
>Please, share with me these 2 cost, instant speed, hard removal spells.
>playing Standard
Besides, 1 chump blocker plus sorcery speed removal works just as well.
> 2 cost
Not only did you not read the thread (rather, you didn't read the first fucking post), you managed to read things no one said.
spoted the tranny
in this case Blink of an Eye
monobrown is best
The only creature that shits on control in standard is carnage tyrant and even then white has no problems dealing with it and black can eldest reborn or plaguecrafter
Decks with many counters are worse than rat decks.
The only green cards good against control are Vivian and Carnage Tyrant. Oh and Hydroid Krasis, but that's U/G. Otherwise it's the single worst color in that matchup.
If you want to beat control you have to either go under it (mono W or mono R aggro) or play cheaper interaction (Spell Pierce, Thought Erasure, etc) to fuck them over.
>not just playing oldschool to mono-white control the mono-blue control decks
Uninstall Wizard,
>tap out
you don't play standard, do you?
best tribe
Actually standard is where control taps out the most, but it still rarely does. In older formats the entire deck plays at instant speed unless it's trying to drop a Jace or something.
>Using the level up Commander
c'mon now
>standard is where control taps out the most
>Wilderness Reclamation
Stopped caring about it when they started forcing sjw shit in it.
having 16 commanders is better than 12 desu. also the pic is old.
haven't played magic in years
is arena any good or is it limited trash like duels was
>Wake Thrasher
wtf my man
it's shit if you like fun
it's a lot better than duels, that's a given
I've seen bronze players with a better understanding of the game than you
Arena has brought so many shit players into this game. While I don;t hate that, please don't act like your opinion has any real weight. Actually learn the game beyond the mechanics.
Those are times where the deck taps out. Guess what, that turn they tap 5 mana for Teferi? They don't get 2 mana back instantly, you get a period to cast whatever you want. Same goes for Wilderness Rec.
>tap out
you are SO fucking TRASH I bet you bought Artifact
It has a pretty big number and is also a land which protects it from a lot of cheap remove nonland effects. It's pretty damn good to cast at instant speed at the end of your opponent turn, untap and juice the fuck up.
So there is a single moment during the entire match where they are tapped out, wow.
>No Trample
It's a green deck. It will have trample.
>Playing MTG as an adult
I can smell you all from here
How old are these pictures?
I noticed this is not the new based & redpilled quasi-mono-green Living Wish version.
If you interact with them in those moments they get destroyed. Counter their Teferi or Wilderness Rec and they're truly tapped out, remove it once it hits the board and the same is true for Wilderness (but not Teferi, they still get the untap). If you're not playing an aggro deck that can go under them or a deck that can counter or remove their threats, what the actual fuck are you playing? Dumb durdle bullshit?
Welcome to magical Christmas land.
>spending time and mana to level up
Nah son. Rather have 4 divination than that. Also I know they were old, but they were never good even then.
It's not fun. Nice polish though
>The only way to beat current control decks in standard is to either play control yourself or play hyper fast aggro
That's exactly the problem with current standard, dumb dumb.
Reminder all guilds but izzet are for virgins
a few years old at least. i started magic around Nemesis and sorta went cold during Coldsnap/TimeSpiral. Kinda came back around Innistrad, and haven't really played in a number of years now.
>Tapping out
>Creature doesn't even have trample or first strike
Yeah nah it's a timmy spell
>inb4 the jannies delete the thread but keep up faggot yugioh threads
post one of your favorite cards for any other format
>Goblin Recruiter
Damn, these ARE old.
would rather be a virgin than a pozzed tranny
Welcome to the triangle that's existed forever. Control beats midrange by going over it, aggro/burn beats control by going under it and midrange beats aggro/burn by outvaluing it.
Where combo fits into that depends on the combo deck, some are fast and fragile so they get disrupted by cheap or free counters (Force of Will in Legacy) while others are much more resilient but slower.
I pay 2 red and 1 white mana and play this face-up in attack position. Your move, Yea Forums.
I'm well aware of that triangle, I'm saying that currently in Standard it is unbalanced in control's favor.
tap Plains for W, StP it.
I call the judge since that card requires you to pay 1 red and 2 white.
Feather doesn't even do anything by itself, you need a bunch of Heroic style shit to combo with it. Otherwise it's just a mediocre sized flying body.
>mediocre sized flying body
3/4 flyer for 3 is anything but mediocre
I really hate the faggots who decide you have to basically play control to fuck over control
What did the tranny mean by this schizo post?
For 3 colorless or even 1RW? Sure, that's great.
For a very restrictive RWW? It's okay, nothing special.
Who the fuck completely burns through all their mana when they have the capability to play creature removal, counterspells, or regression? Hell, Unsummon is a U cost instant that returns a creature to the owner's hand, effectively "killing" this creature and reducing the opponent's land count.
This thing is worthless for the same reason Enchant Creature spells are worthless, that an opponent can 2-for-1 them with stuff they're likely to have in their hand anyway.
Except the only aggro to go reliably against Esper control is mono-blue tempo that can outdraw them. Red is fucked because they stuck lifegain on literally everything. Draw. Removal, Counterspells.
Apart from the whole
>tapping out
if they tapped out in the first place you might as well have played it a sorcery speed on your turn and played something else during their's
Nigger stuff like Spell Pierce isn't a control card, it's mainly used to protect combo or support fast decks. Same goes for hand disruption like Thought Erasure, if you're just taking a random replaceable aggro card you're not doing anything useful with that 2 mana, meanwhile if you take a control player's one counterspell then go off, one wrath and extend onto the board or one Teferi and watch them do nothing. It's specifically good against combo and decks with a lot of moving parts.
>be me
>playing oldschool against rainbow control
>wrath of god
>he leaves the game
Mono W was the best matchup into Esper and Wilderness Rec decks forever. Turn 2 Adanto Vanguard into 3 History of Benalia shits on both of them so hard.
Terror has been a staple of black decks since Beta I think, it's a 1B destroy any non-black, non-artifact creature, and I'm sure it's been eclipsed by now. Unsummon is U and returns a creature to a player's hand, useful for not only fucking up expensive to play creatures or enchanted ones, but for also saving your own from removal. Counterspell and its ilk are UU, with counterspells that only target specific card types even cheaper.
Pacifism has instant speed versions now that cost either 2 or 3 mana, along with an Oblivion Ring type version as well. Only green and red don't have a cheap answer, but green is likely to match strength for strength, and red still can use instant speed damage to finish off wounded creatures if it can't outright do the job.
seems pretty high risk, luckily if you run white you can get that new spoiled creature that makes all lands hexproof.
>Spell Pierce isn't a control card
True. Good luck drawing it against a deck full of removal AND having the speed to rek a control player. Also, good luck keeping it in that hand against 4 Thought Erasures. Speaking of which
>have to play 2/3s of Esper's colors to fuck over Esper
>adanto vanguard
Moment of Craving
>history of benalia
Kaya's Wrath/ Negate
>be shitposter
>get btfo
>report thread out of spite
>thread gets deleted anyway because the jannies are all Yugioh cucks that leave Yea Forums threads up
I had a lot of fun with Arena when Guilds of Ravnica launched. Did the second set bring anything to the table or should I keep drafting/pulling GRN packs?
Play bogles.
Play eldrazi tron.
Play merfolk.
Play naya zoo.
Play dredge.
Play abzan company.
Play aristocrats.
Play amulet titan.
Play vengevine.
Play spirits.
Play infect.
And if you don't like any of those creature-based decks, come up with your on jank.
If you're whining about control and removal spell tribal decks, you are new to magic. It's an alternate strategy, and not an overpowered one like it was at the game's inception.
>he plays with nu tuck rules in EDH
Fatal push
Any black removal spell
Those are very specific answers. If your aggro cards require very specific answers from the control player then you are the favorite in the matchup, since your threats will match up well against their answers in most random hands.
This isn't even my own opinion, it's the general consensus amongst pros, you bring Benalia decks to beat control.
>It's a green deck. It will have trample.
I see you've improved the deal to a 3 for 1, neato.
i really miss the Theros-Kahns standard where things were grounded enough you could run this level of jank.
not gunna lie, shit was insanely fun.
>destroy target creature
>destroy target land
I don't see the problem
Or you could just buy a playset of Death's Shadows and actually win your pathetically easy FNMs.
theros-khans was one of the best standards ever. nearly every type of deck was playable.
haha it sounds like trample and double strike to me
I have no clue what EDH is. I stopped playing in Onslaught-Mirrodin.
Yes. Lots of control bullshit. Like new Murder that kills both creatures and enchantments. And new Cancel that gives you 3 life in addition to countering. And of course Kaya's Wrath, which is just upgraded Wrath.
You know MTG Arena is standard only, right?
Can get countered, Mortified and the creatures wiped. Mono white is slow. Especially against Esper "I have lifegain on everything" deck. Instants in this meta are broken AF. Mainly due to lack of alternate win conditions and the ability to remove enchantments AND creatures with one spell. Not to mention fucking Wilderness Reclamation I'm still surprised got over R&D.
Blue will always be overpowered.
*vapor snag
why the fuck does it even have haste when lands can't have summoning sickness? modifying a card to become a creature doesn't count as summoning a creature
I only bring homebrewed combo or aggro decks to FNM and I still win.
I think Wilderness Reclamation needs a ban. Doubling your mana on turn 4 is really not acceptable. If there was a delay on its ability for a turn, so that tapping out to play it just made you a punching bag for unga bunga aggro the whole turn, that would make it a lot more balanced, but as it is, it's self-evidently broken.
>turn 4
I'm guessing it does have summoning sickness if the land modified just came in this turn, or something.
The best protection is sub 3 CMC. Can't counter my shit with only one land can you Mr blue? Now eat 6-9 every turn after turn 3 and LIKE IT
Stealing a creature gives it sickness too
He can do it with 2. And unless those things have haste, they are going down without doing anything. There is currently nothing that dodges Moment of Craving, Kaya's Wrath, Thought Erasure and Mortify and Vraska's Contempt. What really needs to happen is a 1CMC artifact that makes every instant cost +1. And a creature that's simply unremovable by both instants and sorceries.
>All guilds are for virgins except the Rick and Morty of guilds
Keep telling yourself that
I also forgot about Absorb and Cast Down.
Green women suck. Bring back Garruk
Never understood how planeswalkers with their +/- shit.
Jesus christ Yea Forums you're so fucking bad at magic. Please keep playing arena, making mythic ezpz
More like this makes control better lol. I can hold a counter till your end step and then cast this on my land.
what's the best way to play magic online these days
and don't be a retard and say magic online
*smacks lips*
*plays land cards*
*eats vegan fried-chicken substitute*
*summons some ghost Jaguars from the savannah or something*
*destroys civilization*
>still a land
Is MtG Arena any good or is it a paypig only P2W game?
considering the land shenanigans i am seeing with not just the OP card i wouldn't be surprised to see the Darksteel Citadel show up somewhere in the standard rotation soon if not in WAR.
Magic online.
Dredge is currently stronger than DS
you can get dripped enough gold to play draft every week or you can buy everything you want with money
>You know MTG Arena is standard only, right?
Yeah which makes you complaining about removal in a format without path, swords, push, etc. even more of a joke.
>slowly climbing ranks in ranked standard because I only play the format for my daily win bonus/challenges when I don't have time for a full draft/when the draft format is shit
>people in high silver still playing starter deck tier jank
Does this continue past silver ranks?
it's good but isn't generous at all, it has the Hearthstone model where you need to grind for ~2 solid months to afford 1 deck. just play Shadowverse if you want fun card game vidya that doesnt take much grinding.
it pairs you up with not only people with similar win rates and rank but it also gives your deck a power level and pairs you with opponents with what it deems is a compatible deck. you likely are running a deck the algorithm thinks is weak even if it has great synergy.
you won't believe how badly you can build a crazy jank deck and the algorithm will still find a way to give you a mirror match.
If you play the standard 'play' mode (best of one, random oponent, no ladder or something) it does a pretty decent job of matching you against decks of equal strength. It's ofcourse an imperfect system as is always the case with these games and some days you just get unlucky with your draws.
I only bought the starter pack or whatever and build up a fun collection ever since, I'd say it's worth it.
>tfw the only reason I'd want to play MTG is to build a deck that consists only of big fucking eldrazi guys
>it's a deck so inefficient and costly that almost everything beats it
>tap out
>in Magic
I'm playing Esper Control though and 99% of my matchups are against tier decks. I just occasionally run into games against people playing some pile of commons and uncommons that they obviously threw together. Not even some jank homebrew, just some guy who obviously started playing recently and built a random deck out of the few cards he started with.
depends on the deck really, generally if your running blue, black, or red you don't want to tap out.
green is the mostly likely to tap out but once it gets going it rarely will.
white will or won't depending on what kind of white deck it is.
obviously this all depends on the deck construction and what kind of color splashes are included.
Eldrazi Tron isn't that bad dude
it can be quite bizarre the match ups you end up with.
sometimes it just feels like the game is trying to force a win or a loss on your part.
i haven't played magic the gathering since Blastoderm was a good card
what the hell is this 9/9 for 5. not even hearthstone has this shit without planets alignment RNG
Actually, Tap-out control is very much a thing, especially in older formats. In Legacy, due to Force of Will and the power of brainstorm/ponder, almost all control will tap out as much as possible, maybe saving 1 mana open for a plow. Blue decks generally aren't concerned about leaving mana open if they can resolve a mentor or Jace, and Grixis Control especially has such powerful cards in gurmag angler and Hymn to Tourach that they don't care if the opponent resolves anything, cause it's going to get removed anyways.
In modern, before Teferi's printing and Jace's unban, the best control deck was a UW spreading seas variant that banked on the power of Gideon of the Trials to stall out the game, absolutely a tap-out deck.
current standard has a very large number of counter spells, burn spells, board wipes and exile cards so stuff like that tends to creep in as it can be easily sniffed out.
it's a legendary land. Two major downsides. Any land destruction kills it and it dies to basically everything
>Actually, Tap-out control is very much a thing, especially in older formats. In Legacy
how can you say this, despite knowing nothing about legacy?
>current standard has a very large number of counter spells, burn spells, board wipes and exile cards
no it doesn't
>he doesn't know
Eldrazi literally created the most broken decks in Modern history, and it's so good it's top tier in legacy and even vintage still.
Yes it does
all we need is something like darksteel citadel and it will do far better.
indestructible lands are perfect for turning into man-lands as most non-destroy cards usually say "Target Non-Land Permanent" with a few exceptions.
It doesn't even have wrath of god you fucking retard.
RTR standard had "a lot of board wipes and counters", current standard absolutely fucking doesn't
No no no, I am denying you from what you think is rightfully yours. That makes you the cuck and me the bull.
>mana acceleration
>only to use some shitty loop that's abusive and can end the game
i hate people that pretend legacy or modern are good formats. specially modern fags.
we have 4 and 5 mana wraths, what are you talking about?
what loop?
stax is about grinding the game down to an absolute halt, and the nottinker list is about playing upheaval with 19 floating.
I say this because I play a lot of legacy. If you're not brainstorming at sorcery speed with a fetchland up, you're doing it wrong. Not to mention your mass of cantrips is so intense that you're usually spending your first two turns casting some number of brainstorms and ponders. More recent iterations of miracles have been a bit more instant focused, due to AK, but grixis is still very much tap-out.
Hell, even goblins is a tap-out control deck.
Not him, but current standard does have a lot of good burn and removal. Wizard's and Skewer are both strong and eternal playable, and lightning strike is at least above-rate. Board wipes are the strongest they've been in years, how long has it been since we've had a 4 mana wrath? Exile effects are quite bad now, but 2 mana removal is a plenty. Counters are meh but counters are always meh. At least there's spell pierce.
this is legit bonkers in liimted
Oh my bad fellow patrician legacy player, dumping your hand on turn 1 to prision the opponent or using like 50 mana acceleration cards to play a worm or upheaval on turn 1.
God i'm glad legacy is dead and modern is about die.
are you fucking diabled?
if you can't handle the big-boy formats there's always standard or edh.
>control decks
>tapping out on their turn
>hell even goblins is a tap out control deck
Is this what an aneurysm feels like?
he's right though
Hes right on him not being right tho
>Tfw wilderness reclamation + simic ascendancy + Sharktocrab
I love Simic. Best guild.
Replicating oozes is also fun. Can win in just a few turns if you have ascendancy out.
>relying on enchantments and creatures to combo in this meta
You have 1 4-mana wrath that's shit and can't consistently be cast on turn 4 every game like Wrath can and a 5 mana (IE useless) wrath. Spot removal is absolutely fucking trash in this format as well. Maybe if you were complaining about the abundance of efficient burn you would have a point but Kaya's Wrath is a joke of a board wipe compared to Wrath
I win with simic all the time. Few thot collapses and applied biomancys and youre good to go
Kayas wrath?
esper has no trouble casting kaya's wrath on turn 4. Spot removal is great in this format. Obviously it's nowhere near modern power level but that's fine.
>t1 Hallowed Fountain
>t0 concede into my next unranked game
>Can do it with 2
So if I go first I get a goblin banner whatever with mentor and my 2 drop of choice, or 2 more onedrops like dauntless bodyguard or pilfering imp. Next turn I swing for at least 5 if they hold their mana
>But moment of craving
Taps them out if they drop it turn 2, meaning I'm free to drop a hackrobat or militia bugeler. The bugeler then puts me above them in card advantage.
And my deck is janky unoptimized garbage. I'm sure aggro is possible, especially with light up the stage existing to cover the biggest weakness.
Compared to paper magic it's a bargain.
I see someone else watches Rudy.
Words of War, the absolute madman.
Esper isn't guaranteed to be able to cast Kaya's Wrath on turn 4 and most of the time, they will have to shock themselves once or twice to get it off, which is absolutely a major downside compared to real wraths
Meanwhile the "upside" in exchange for the heavy color weighting is irrelevant for the decks that want to run it in the first place
>Spot removal is great in this format
Oh yeah we have great removal spells like Cast Down and
Are you fucking stupid? Casting kaya is effortless and theres so more boardwipes in standard right now than any other time in the games history
>cast down
>lava coil
>lightning strike
>shivan fire
>conclave tribunal
Played from beta to invasion. I have no idea how to use this card
it enters with 5 counters on it and each turn you can add or remove the indicated number of counters to use the effect printed on it basically an enchantment with multiple abilities
I used to play Slivers back in the day that was a good deck
you select one of the loyalty abilities to play as a sorcery and it changes the loyalty counters they have on them, they come into play with counters equal to the # in the bottom right
you can't use a negative if they would end up with < 0 but can if it would be exactly = 0
>theres so more boardwipes in standard right now than any other time in the games history
Oh, so you're just a newfag.
Objectively wrong. In paper your cards have actual value, on Arena they have literally no value. Wizards has been cranking up the jew on Arena to maximum in the last year, it takes an absolutely absurd amount of F2P grinding to make one decent deck just like in Hearthstone.
Cast down is the only good removal of what you listed. Mortify is only good in matchups with enchantments in it. It's only maindeckable right now because the format has shitloads of enchantments.
Shivan fire is just a garbage Burst Lightning.
Lava Coil is a conditional sorcery speed removal spell which makes it pretty bad in control.
Conclave Tribunal is a bad O-ring which is already a mediocre removal spell that you only run if you have no other options.
>a few weeks winning 4 games a day
>insane grinding
>a few weeks
that's bullshit and you know it. that only applies to decks with
Apparently you've never built a deck with a good manabase. They pinch you on rare wildcards to a ridiculous degree. You might be able to build a mono colored aggro deck with what you get in that time (even then good luck with 4x Benalia and shit like that), but you're not gonna be close to anything else.
>new set spoilers
>get excited
>set comes out
>lose all interest in mtg again
erry time
I filled my entire collection just from chaining sealed with my free gems from drafts from the previous sets and now I have 225k gold ready for WAR
play limited instead of dumb constructed meme shit
>turning your land into a not protected creature
>especially since most colors give absolutely no shits and can fuck this up at instant speeds.
Yeah sure ok.
Is this a fluke or are tits and cleavages back on the menu? Also why would you turn land into 3/3 when there's billions of efficient removal spells in standard atm
Because you're creating free 3/3 vigilance haste creatures while also shitting out more (and probably better) actual creature spells that they would also need to use removal on.
Because nissa has always been a shitwalker in basically every iteration. This is literally nothing new.
Why are you here then
Timmy, Johnny and Spike are long-time MTG terms referencing different play styles.
user plz, your asking too simply lose all your lands and be laughed at, there's shit all for protection from nissa, and If you allow the ultimate too go off you deserve the loss.
i'm giving you this (You) but in crayon i wrote the words "get owned nigger" on both sides of it, in very large font
I didn't say the card was good, I said manlands are good.
>those are some nice lands you got there.
>it'd be a shame if they all became 0/0 creatures.
Where do I get cute anime girl sleeves? I've only ever found one satisfactorily cute set of sleeves in person.
>doing a 3 card 3 color combo when you could just play Living Plane and Goblin Sharpshooter
I bought a bunch of packs of Shakugan no Shana sleeves on Amazon. They're the most durable sleeves I've ever used, they shuffle well, and they actually came in packs of 65 instead of fucking 50. On top of all that they were $5 for a pack of them. Don't buy "regular" card sleeves, they're a joke.
Jesus fucking christ Yea Forums is horrible at magic
ebay. they're slightly different dimensions from 'normal' sleeves but will fit an MTG card snugly, and only come in packs of 60 because japs are fucking weird.
>>doing a 3 card 3 color combo
a single 4-mana white spell puts it all into play at once.
Yeah and you could just destroy all lands with a single 4-mana white spell too, why go so far out of your way to do it? Sharpshooter is one-sided.
>implying anyone on Yea Forums is skilled enough to play modern
>Yeah and you could just destroy all lands with a single 4-mana white spell too
but replenishing the land+creatures die forever combo, plus a sulfuric vortex (or 4) and a transcendance means no lands or creatures ever hit play again FOR EVERYONE, and everyone takes damage a turn (except for me).
It's a green deck, you'd likely be able to play and have more land than most other decks and often it is expendable. On top of this you are also summoning big creatures that also have high removal priority. Beyond boardwipes, you will simply outnumber their removal spells
Back in the days (Zendikar-SoM standard) on one of the last FNMs before rotation I created certain monstrosity. UG Wall Ramp.
> Walls including Overgrown Battlements giving mana for each defender.
> Good ramp spells.
> Ridicolous draw and creatures including whole playset of Consecrated Sphinxes AND Motherfucking Jin-Gitaxias.
> Had OG Eldradi trio in deck to not mill myself.
It was not a very good deck but it brought lots of fun. Ended up with 4/5, but had some fun stories.
> That game where I did the wombocombo. T2 Overgrown Battlement, T3 OB OB, t4 OB, tangleroot. Tap 3 active OBs for mana and slap motherfucking Emrakul onto board.
> Game against Tempered Steel where I had Jin Gitaxias and Consecrated Sphinxes. I was drawing 20 cards across my and enemy turn (survived due to discarding Emrakul). I had to control the game with recycled Beast Withins and Into the Roils.
I know you guys would rather just shit on me than be helpful, but can anyone please make some helpful suggestions on how to improve my Standard deck?
pauper is the best format.
>go to Friday Night Magic
>actually shower and don't eat like a fat pig
>have a girlfriend two weeks later because I look like a 10 compared to the usual 5s that are there
magic is pretty based bros
damn that looks fun but I think I like affinity more
Who XMage here?
and white
neat but life isnt worth living without cranial plating
banned ages ago, sadly.
How did this card ever make it past R&D?
If you're playing Ad Nauseum or Fairies maybe. All I ever go up against are brainless tron shitters who don't even know how to play their own deck.
>ad nauseam
Loving every laugh
>green removal
>in any year
Green had one of the best removal spells in the game at one point
I know this card will suck for constructed play, but if I was drafting War of the Spark I'd even first pick this card.