Yea Forums.....home

Yea Forums.....home.

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A nice and friendly place for nice and friendly posters who like to talk about videogames!

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least it was til people younger than me fucked everythang up

Yea Forums... a place to talk about videogames

Least it was till electioniggers ruined it

Least it was until resetera ruined it

Fuck niggers lol

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>Yea Forums

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least it was till Yea Forums ruined it

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Yeah fuck the kids that invaded in 2007, they ruined this place.

Fail has come to Yea Forums...
You remember our venerable board
Full of win and desu
Gazing proudly like a longcat upon the internets
I wasted all my years posting lolcats in these ylyl threads
Fattened by copypasta and topkeks
And yet I began to tire of conventional memes
Shitposts and shameless shilling suggested the site itself was a gateway to some fabulous memetic magic
With summer newfags, I began an ebin thread to recover those long lost lulz
Spending what was left of our rare Pepes on double digits and bane posting
At last, after over 9000 hours in ms paint, we unearthed that damnable nose of antediluvian JIDF
Our every post was a repost, for we were in a place of AIDs and faggotry!
In the end, forever alone I was laughing and wailing in Page 10
Until I decided to an hero...

You remember our venerable board
Full of win and desu
I beg you... Come home, reclaim your birthright!
And deliver us from the Reddit and Tumblr faggotry...
Of the dankest memes

home doesn't start with v

Shiiiiit. Who’s the mad man that did this? Did a mod actually edit the board itself?

Least it was till reddit fucked everythang up

t. Reddit


At least it was until the discord trannies showed up.

Resetrannies are so obvious.

I know a thread on the edge of the Red Board District where we can lay low, but my ISPs are all banned, so you better post, brother.

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You better not be screwing me Yea Forums because you know I'm not a community to be screwed with

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Wait, user! You have my personal assurance that I'm gonna get you your meme back, and the (You)s, and I'm gonna send you the Passes of those responsible.

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this but ironically

4chanx new friend.