When was the last time a pc game came out that actually utilised the system's hardware

when was the last time a pc game came out that actually utilised the system's hardware
AKA no indie game that could easily run on console
I'm talking about a game only a computer could handle

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every shitty console port that runs at 900p 20fps

No console can handle a PC game, they all have to be downgraded in several ways to fit.

Remember crysis?


>crysis comes out
>most computers at the time couldn't even handle it
Kinda humorous

The notion that most console games still run at 900p 20fps is a reddit PCMR myth, it's just simply not true.

Prove it

Total War Warhammer 2.

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Basically every RTS game that need needs dozens of inputs and hotkeys to control

EGS will win


Any total war game and any real strategy game.



>that actually utilized the system's hardware
literally every game utilizes your systems hardware to its fullest potential.

do you even know what boost clocks are? you can drop frames even on the shittiest indie games if your gpu doesn't boost.

boost clocks ARE your PCs full potential. cpu doesn't matter unless you have a bottleneck, ram doesn't matter unless you're maxing it out like a retard. v-ram only matters if you're using a high res.

>lol my game has to run like shit on ultra settings in order to be utilized to its fullest
thats not how it works.

>people listing Crysis and other older games

Heres a more modern PC exclusive game
Arma 3

These. Basically shitty nongames.

t. movie watcher

RTS are the most movie games ever.

>RTS games
>N-not a game you gaise!
Fuck off back to your plebeian low IQ walking simulators.


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Kill yourself.

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RTS is super low IQ though.

Literally an overglorified console port machine

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You literally read garbage writing and send your groups units to act out a movie for you

Holy goal post moving Batman

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Explain where I moved the goalposts. It was my first post, and a follow-up statement to the answers people. Gave OP.

t. Has never played an RTS game in multiplayer before

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You gotta play RTS in multiplayer then it's almost as good as TLoU multiplayer.



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kingdom come

Demon's Souls

Gothic Armada 1 & 2, consoles just couldn't handle them from a graphical and technical aspect.

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Hunt Showdown

M&B is best on PS4, but DeS shines on PC.

this fucking game fries my i5

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MHW came out not too long ago, which barely runs on consoles but makes great use of both multi threaded CPU and GPU
I can't imagine people playing this game sub 100fps let alone sub 40

>system's hardware
>game that need needs dozens of inputs and hotkeys to control
By saying those games don't count you're implying they aren't part of the systems hardware, Even though PC games like MMO's and RTS are very much designed with the control scheme in mind, I'd argue devs think about that more than what CPU and GPU your system has.

Graphics aren't everything

Devs are literally too lazy and retarded to ever make something that actually looks good enough to be super demanding for current gen hardware and not just horribly optimized garbage. Having 16x MSAA and other placebo garbage settings doesn't count.

You're totally making up a point in your head and running with it. Even if this assertion were true, which it isn't, it still wouldn't be moving the goalposts because not only did I not make the line of inquiry, my point wasn't a refusal of what the others said. I'm not restructuring anything.

Go move a goalpost on top of your console so it breaks, and you can go whine to your daddy and beg him to buy you the latest model, child.

Bfv on 4K@ 240fps on ultra with rtx on

Damn they can't even handle that?

>crysis comes out
>most computers at the time couldn't even handle it
Gamers idolize Crysis

>rtx comes out
>most computers at the time couldn't even handle it
Gamers shit on rtx

Really makes you think

Tons of games OP:
Basically any piracy/sale resistent games that introduced a number of positive practices to the industry, like paying twice for your internet, lootboxes, skinnerboxes, always-online, storefront cosmetic games, eSports trash, etc.

Way to go full retard when you got btfo

>comparing rts to a handholding movie game simulator

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They're both movie games dumdum, that's the point. RTS literally plays itself and you watch the movie.

Tf2 it’s on console
MOBAs are on mobile and consoles
Poe it’s also on consoles


It seems OP doesn't know what is 4K Ultra

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Total War War Totally War 2

They were designed for PC and on PC first. Crysis and M&B are on consoles too, but they're not console games.

Battlefield 5, Metro Exodus, they support RTX. Consoles won't see raytracing in 20 years, if ever.
Why are consolebabies so fucking ignorant and petty? It's a constant quest to justify their dumb purchase decisions.