Britain's National Union of Students are voting to stop 'douchebags' pressing F to pay respects today

>Britain's National Union of Students are voting to stop 'douchebags' pressing F to pay respects today
>In documentation outlining every motion and amendment of the 2019 conference, UWE believes that a debate on this meme will allow them "to reassert the importance of showing appreciation for others.

Holy fuck this is real. What the fuck UK.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Press S to spit on "Great" Britain



Press F to pay respects to the British Empire

Jazz hands to pay respect


UK is unironically worse than china



>Americlaps will fall for this

>UWE believes that by debating the motion, it's effects will fall deaf on the ears of "basement dwellers jacking off furiously whilst simultaneously shooting down grandmas and prostitutes in video games".

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they aren't wrong

>Preoccupied NUS delegates have claimed that "society has become so debased in recent times that we signal our respect to others by typing 'F'."
>UWE believes that by debating the motion, it's effects will fall deaf on the ears of "basement dwellers jacking off furiously whilst simultaneously shooting down grandmas and prostitutes in video games".
>Other motions from today's conference include widespread solidarity against Brazil's president, Jair Bolsonaro, condmening human rights violations in Kashmir, India, and "protecting students at white t-shirt parties" held across the UK.

>against degeneracy
>but also against bolsonaro brazil's saviour
>and for protecting dumb women from getting their tits drawn on

>the tab
>national union of students
stopped reading
i love it when foreigners post shit like this like the queen herself just ordered it

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The fucking spacing and layout of this pisses me off.

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>Other motions from today's conference include widespread solidarity against Brazil's president, Jair Bolsonaro, condmening human rights violations in Kashmir, India

How do brits feel that their failing country is still trying to be the world's police but for all the wrong reasons?

>that's a real quote
holy shit

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Literally not even mad. I'm so sick and fucking tired of seeing the gayest motherfuckers on earth spamming F like it's supposed to be funny or original. It's the lowest of the low tiers of memes, worse than doge or whatever other Reddit faggot shit that's out there. If you do it, you are cancer.

>racist chocolate

And how exactly would they ban "F" on the internet?

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I'm a UK fag, what the actual fuck is Britains National Union of Students?

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I don't think Brits (and the EU in general) understand that the majority of the popular internet is operated in America.

Why is Britain turning a shithole?


It's a national union of students
They aren't trying to ban people from saying "F" on shit like Yea Forums. They're probably trying to ban people from saying it in uni discussion groups and shit because they're no fun allowed and vidya memes are for racist whiteys.

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>Speech against: Free

They're right. It's devolution of man. Everything must be simpler, every language reduced to acronyms, every act into a quick form meme since zoomers and anyone younger than 30 have lost their humanity. That's why we shouldn't feel bad about hunting them down, ripping their eyes out, gutting their intestines, crushing their faces to bits, all the while keeping them conscious so they can "feel" what worthless beings they have become. Zoomers simply said, are no longer people, but a mistake needing to be fixed.

fuk u faggit

>the message of this motion to be lost on basement dweller jacking off furiously whilst simultaneously shooting down grandmas and prostitutes in video games

>Speech Against: Free

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>Dresden never happened
Dresden happened and the fuckers deserved it. If given the chance I'd have firebombed it myself.

It's an Anglo state. There is no creature as vile as the eternal angolem, created by a certain group to destroy Europe. Even their evil culture is enough to twist and corrupt others (see America). The only salvation of mankind is to kill these beasts down to the last baby. Only then can humanity progress

>Type F
>Hit enter
>Everyone now thinks you're a nazi that shoots down grandmas and prostitutes while masturbating furiously

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So what are they actually proposing to do? Release a statement that they're against it?

I love how they are mad at what has become a world wide meme now with Press F and not only assume everyone is a loser doing it but then attack and insult them. Real classy.

and still better than any country in the Americas

And they'd be right besides shooting granny, we only shoot thots and muslims.


>smirking is evil
>"OK" is evil
>Milk is evil
>"F" is evil
>Frogs are evil
>"GG" is evil

>Trans kids good
>Men fucking each other in the ass is good
>Abortion is good
>Sluts are good
>Illegals are good

Can we finally admit that those "crazy christion idiots" were right about us becoming damaged because of our lack of God

Remember if God was within us all gaming itself would be way better as well as the nation. We let atheist cucks ruin us and now we got gay 11 year olds and "adults" making a fuss over "F". We lost our way Yea Forums. Admit God and Jesus are the based of all Based and gaming and life will become better

Never ever euroshit

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>children furious that adult society looks down on their internet addicted non-personality behaviour
It's working as intended. "Based", as children love saying after hearing it from their parent, a youtuber.

>t. fat incel virgin
have sex please

based christcuck taking any chance he sees to spread his religious doctrine

Are we living in 1984 or something? Why libtards are so obsessed to dictate everyone what is right and what is wrong?

OI! Mate, do you have loicense to press F?


>country in Americas
Stfu foreigner



I'm a bong

Don't you have a LARP event to be at, Lindy?

This is fake. No way something like this is real.

>a debate on this meme

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>put a toast between two slices of bread
>call it an achievement
LMAO, the absolute STATE of angoblins. How does it feel? Knowing your failed empire is on its last legs? That you'll soon be destroyed and shattered as Russia and China becomes the new world superpowers? There's going to be no mercy to your shit tier hobbit race of ugly beady eyed beasts for all the evil you've committed towards the world. You will be hunted down and squashed like a rat, every single one of you, your islands turned to wastelands, your women seeded by the soldiers of humanity.

Taste of power without the awareness.

It's real but it won't amount to anything

the UK would literally be better off if their government was abolished and became EU puppets. EU governing at it worst is still miles ahead of the UK.

Meanwhile your conservative government is creating a database on the porn you look at, and jail you for enjoying flat chested women, or perhaps because you didn't give up your personal info when buying the porn licence.

It's sad to see that black skinned British like me have more respect for UK than actual white British memeing with this serious matter...

I want the circus to stop already. This shit is getting out of hand.

The Anglo puppet needs a master. It's why they all, down to a genetic level serve Israel. Hell, even the most "intelligent" of them whom hate their masters, still serve them unwittingly.

NUS is a club for gay sissy socialist cunts that want to be politicians when they graduate their 10 year degree courses. Unfortunately for society some eventually leave the hugbox and do become politicos or at the least autocue writers for real politicians.

If they replaced the NUS conference hall with a gas chamber the university experience would improve by about 35%.

>Despite debating issues relating to gender equality, knife crime, and tuition fees, the NUS have provided an equal space to UWE delegates to vote on whether to stop people doing a meme

For profit wars for Israel good

Isn't this the same retarded organisation that banned clapping at their conferences in favour of jazz-hands?

If you ever want to look at the fate of the UK and the behaviour of zoomers in general, you need not look further than the NUS,

>there's an unofficial "punch the brit" day in Spain
>Thailand and other SEA countries are working on a entry ban on all anglos
>Russia denies anglos citizenship based on their ethnicity
>Scandinavia clamps down on work visas to Americans and Brits
>Anglos literally get killed on sight in several balkan states
>anglos are targeted by Muslims in Arabic countries
God, it feels great seeing the entire world rising up to destroy this filthy animal race

Israel is our only ally in the middle east dipshit


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>>Anglos literally get killed on sight in several balkan states

t. live in balkans

>1.This is part of a wider phenomenon where people don't understand how to show gratitude and sincere feelings anymore

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Lebanon was a good Christian nation until those travelling merchants fucked them over.

A bunch of British tourists have been murdered over the years in Albania, Greece, and some other countries I forgot. The only nationality whose tourists get gutted so far in said countries.


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I truly pity west*ids

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Reminder that Anglos literally pushed ww2, all so they could create Israel for their masters. They did so by assassinating the duke, causing WW1 to kill as many whites as they could, then put such restrictions on Germany it was inevitable to become a time bomb.
These are the "good guys" and your current "world police"

All these diverse happy people and some seething whites alone in their basements

As a Brit


Bloody students. An increase in tuition fees is in order!

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Thanks for making sure Brexit won't happen mummy May.

Based and amen

wish this fucking cunt would resign

What happened I thought UK was a great country.

rise German Empire (EU)

You're welcome dear.

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What kind of normie meme faggots speak "Press F to pay respects" out loud in public.

Maybe this is a good thing after all.

you could've just said turkey

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This is satire, if you're too stupid to figure it out.

Press ~ to wave



Russia's chance at super power already passed. China, maybe, if they can stop robbing each other's babies for organs to sell to buy gutter oil made from sewage.

I've definitely admitted christians were 100% right about the faggot slippery slope.

Source? It's the left that's been jailing people in the UK for wrongthink online, so I have trouble believing your spiel.

luv this meme
simple as

good post, I agree 88%

Post yfw you don't live in England

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>for individuals (that live in a society)
alright which one of you fuckheads is responsible for this?

Feels bad man.

t. East Euro shithole

>be British
>go to Exemplary Purchase, my favorite electronics store
>grab a nice looking keyboard
>go to cashier
>cancel the purchase and save myself a good bit of quid

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fuck the anglos

He's not wrong.
But, neither is he:

The NUS is such a shitshow, several Universities (including mine) have voted to disaffiliate from it. It's actually in the process of disbanding, with a full half of the staff being fired recently, pay-cuts across the board and it generally being accepted as a micky-mouse organisation. Just like any piece of media however, Yea Forums chooses to be retarded and just swallow the clickbait hook line and sinker like the morons they are. Please try and deploy some critical thinking next time.

I'd be happy too if I was leeching off a superior race that lost their way.

Bet this sounded funny in your head


S. What the fuck is going on with you guys? You used to be cool.

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Not really. Just pointing out the obvious.


Reminder that the Peace emoji is a white supremacist logo apparently


>god gets btfo by atheist cucks
>ever worth worshipping
You need to restructure your religion, this is why mussies are going to win in the end


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>125 replies
>Ctrl+F satire
>1 result

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When in history was England cool?

>"F" is evil
>Frogs are evil
Not evil but stale memes that should just die

>Men fucking each other in the ass is good
I see nothing wrong with it, it's none of your business anyway

>Abortion is good

fills me with rage
i hope there is a civil war


Why can't Americans understand humour?

You keep posting this, and you seem to not be able to comprehend that it's a student body. Student bodies are ALWAYS protesting something, acting high and mighty, virtue signalling. You're acting like it's a Government initiative. It's not, it's a bunch of children who think they're adults, now move along.

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>>You need to restructure your religion, this is why mussies are going to win in the end
you mean be more tolerant?


Because we have humor which is much better.

Pretty annoyed, but simultaneously nobody gives a fuck what students think anyway.

Ah hah

>seething Brits demand to leave EU
>lol okay, but no more free handouts then
And EU shall whisper "non". We don't need unstable "allies" willing to betray us while still demanding gibs and preferential treatment.
We shall enjoy watching the shitty isles tear itself up.


>he fell for the Anglo propaganda
LMAO nope. They've always been a bunch of deformed barely sentinent rats.


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He did, he said the balkans after all

Why am I not surprised brit government is restricting what people can say? Time to leave your shitty country and come to America. We'll welcome you with open arms.


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>Russian HID growing faster and faster every year despite anglos attempt to destroy them by bullying everyone into boycotts and sanctions
>no self destructive groups
>still gigantic, still untold amounts of resources
Anglo COPE

are you even white?
or a shit skin trying to shame white people for having the reaction you dont want them to have
the reaction it makes sense to have


>see the letter F used to pay respect
>ironically or not, assume it's disrespectful
>see that it stems from gaming
>think of video games and people who play them as "douchebags" then imply they're all virgins and "basement dwellers" while you're trying to debate a topic that you personally think is "disrespectful"
i really don't understand the type of mental state you have to be in to believe it's okay to think this way.

with as little as what i know about what NUS is, i'm assuming it's a room full of students just pretending to play dress-up politics for as long as they're students and that's pretty much it. i think reacting to this silliness as if it's anything noteworthy is overreacting on the same scale as whoever authored that what the 'F' article.

They would know, they're infamous homosexual pedoes after all



shut up fag
go suck a jew dick

>tfw you type F and get a granny snuff fetish

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>for individuals (that live in a society)
and here I was worried for a moment

You know the difference between uni students and a Government, don't you?
Where did you study history?




Welcome to nu/v/, where Anglos ignore context or facts, so they can circlejerk over fake outrage and false narratives. And then they wonder why they're universally despised.


This accurately stops at 1950, when Britain ceased to matter in the grand scheme of things

>says increasingly fat neckbeard for the 6th millionth time while doing nothing but masturbating to cp

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Abortion is good
HOWEVER, the ones that should abort kids don't do it.

Children, who use the exact same memes you find on Yea Forums.
Really makes me think

you think this is bad? our universities also tried to ban clapping or giving applause in favour of jazz hands at events because it might trigger people in the crowds. I cant handle my own country anymore its ridiculous

Says the greatest allies of Israel.
Truly these creatures have no sentience.


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>basement dwellers jacking off furiously whilst simultaneously shooting down grandmas and prostitutes in video games

you know, i think this is satire.

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>muh god
Fuck off kid fiddler

Pretty true desu
Just ask the Iraqis, Iranians, Afghan and any other nation """"hosting"""" peaceful Anglo soldiers.

Someone's booty blasted

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so not white then

It was a shitty meme to a shitty game
Shame on EA, Dice, Advtivision, or whomever created that stupid scene
The only people who ever use that shitty meme do so ironically

And for that matter, Modern shooters akin to Battefield and Call of Duty should be frowned upon altogehter. Not out of respect, but from that standpoint that they're fucking fantasizing and glorifying war.

I mean, car enthusiasts can and will always do their own thing, but akin to time-raveling to assassinate Hitler, I would do the same for The Fact and Furious movies, and the degenerates its spawned that now harass the roads.

Is there an eject button--I want out of this country. I want to go to some peaceful country like Poland or the Netherlands. I wouldn't mind going full-weab in Japan.

This sholdn't be a surprise--they made memes illegal, Prince Harry Potter wants to ban Fortnite (good riddance for all I care), and now this shit pops up--what the fuck are they doing over there.

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Exhibit A: the classic angloism denial

Before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East.

Oh, but I am norwegian, the peak of human evolution and whiteism.
Sorry lil gremlin, but you'll never ever amount to anything, your garbage culture, people and existence almost to an end, will simply sit on your sweaty cushion ass, as your """"people""""" disappear, to great cheers across the planet.

hello pierre.

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What now?

American students voted to ban Halloween, this isn't a unique problem to the UK.

NUS are seen as a joke in the UK. It's literally just a bunch of leftists who think they have the power to make a change, so the only people who gives a shit about what the NUS think are the brainwashed leftist non-whites/trannies/gays/disableds/women.

The NUS itself is probably going to die. They took a big hit for electing an antisemitic president a couple of years ago, and the main service the NUS actually provides (student discounts) is being done by other organisations which are cheaper and not politically cancerous. In the last couple of years they've lost tons of money, had to cut the disabled/black/LGBT/trans/women representatives, had to sell their headquarters. I'd be surprised if the NUS is still going in 5 years time.

>tfw NUS
these people are even hated by the British public, these student body bitches wanted to ban clapping university because clapping is triggering(no joke, it's real) and they refuse to to condemn ISIS as it was islamophobic to them.

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so not white then

>imagine being this anglo
Yeah, you had no enemies in the middle East, which is why you fucked up Iran and forced a theocracy, or why you forcibly split India and Pakistan, or why you continually tried to sabotage the ottoman, all because you're a peace loving race.

post yfw you do live in england

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God, you can almost taste the tears of this goblin, repeating his little chant to make reality go away. Sad little beast.

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Hello Reginald Edmond Smith, don't you have cuckhold porn to watch with your tea and crumpets?

Press F for England, James


Indeed, it's an anglo problem.
When will you guys kill yourselves? Nobody wants you around.


>NUS is a member of the European Students' Union.
>The aim of ESU is to represent and promote the educational, social, economic and cultural interests of students at a European level towards all relevant bodies and in particular those of the European Union, Council of Europe and UNESCO
>ESU is also a full member of the European Youth Forum

these guys are going to be your future leaders

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I just want all these fucking hanger-ons banging on about WW2 like a pack of americans to fuck off and die already.

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Every day I'm thankful I wasn't born a eurocuck.

What in the fuck would these busybody retards do when people just say "no, fuck off"
I mean shit you might as well try to punch the tide into going the other direction

still better than a favela monkey :^)

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>says you are white at peak of evolution, but then shits on white people?
>Says "your culture" instead of "our culture"

Obviously a shitskin lefty, but your hatred is making you say contradictory things and your stupidity makes you speak as if you aren't white


How the fuck are you going to stop "F"? People need to get loicense for pressing F?

SĂ¥ trist.. Et kuksugende udyr som tror det er noe. Menmen, sĂ¥nn er jo "anglosaksere"

Got a little side-tracked

What I meant was, if I could, I would make it so the formal incarnation of Battlefield and Call of Duty never existed. Frankly, it's probably as easy as removing the singleplayer campaign
>Assassinating foreign leladers
>Detonating nukes
>"No Russian"
>Pressing 'F' to give a shit

No wonder teen suicide rates are skyrocketing--the fuck have we been feeding these kids. GIve me the good ol' days when it was Red versus Blue teams, and it was one step above fucking laser tag.

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Lol no, they're a bestial mutt race, mixed by rape by practically everyone. Though rape is the wrong word, their women gladly spreads their legs for actual humans.

>moving the goal post
poo poo creature

Pröv igjen, lille udyr.

All this censoring and over-sensitivity is taking us to a world war. Buckle up, kiddos.

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shitskins can speak other languages, or use google translate

the weak will be consumed by the strong

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scandanavians are hardly in any position to laugh at how far a nation has fallen

There's about a million other things that are having a greater impact on something like that happening.

it starts with over-sensitivity


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>Every instance of this has been responded to with the react emoji, specifically; angry

Fucking mongoloids holy shit

Wanna know why your ratty race isn't white? Because you're too damn stupid to speak any other language but your own chimp noises. All of Europe DETEST you. You will never be wanted by actual whites.

amen my fellow christian brethren

>calling anyone cucks

we are so great the rest of the world spoke our language so we didn't have to speak theirs

>happiest nations in the world
>average wealth far beyond what an Anglo can dream
>respected by all countries, our people elected to all global groups such as NATO, UN/LoN, WHO etc
>more freedom than what island insects could imagine
Ah yes, such a failed state. Now pay up for that porn loicense, and you better not be looking at flat chested adult girls!

The whole world speaks our language, including you, we don't need to learn another.

Reminder that the people involved in this will grow up to be politicians. Enjoy your license to pay respect brits.

The NUS has always been a literal communist organisation. This isn't surprising in the least.

>Scavs were the original pony fuckers.
>Brought their ponies to the rest of europe.
>Ponies were so rugged, they were the only source of meat (besides fish) in Iceland for awhile.
>The Fjords are also the purest breed of horse in the world.
>Dey arr rook same.
>Vikings also fought the stallions to the death for best breeding stock.
>Modern day scavs have no idea what kind of horse they used in history.

Attached: fjord pony.jpg (3888x2600, 2.26M)

LMAO, we speak your language out of misplaced kindness, to include you in the global world as you're incapable of learning anything.
Now go WE WUZZING like niggers about your "great" empire that's some shitty nigger tribes in Africa.

Lots of liberals get triggered by milk, because non-whites usually have lactose intolerance. It's because cattle domestication started earlier in Europe, so whites naturally developed tolerance to lactose.


Bongs have always been retarded soccer hooligans. How is this a surprise to anyone?

This has got to be satire. I know people are idiots but this is too much.


This is clearly fake

It's a made up story made for grandstanding and fake outrage.

> we speak your language out of misplaced kindness
no its to use all our cool shit like websites movies games etc
and to speak to all the other non English that speak English

There it goes, WE WUZZING like a deluded champ

>"HAHAHAH Society is declining, look how right we were, you need God"
>Proceeds to burn witches again and rape kids en-masse and society further declines
Nice try Christianity, we all know you are just Judaism for white niggers and Rome is an example of what happens when you let Christians live

Can I just say real quick that the actual "pay F to pay respects" cutscene is actually really clever
It's meant to be a ridiculous QTE at face value that whiplashes when you actually press F and it's revealed that you're an amputee
The nonexistant attention span of this shitty website never got past the first part of the joke

if you learned a whole language just because "you are kind" you are retarded yes?
you wanted to use English language things like this website

and i still think you are a brown

witches were usually just weirdo femcels or sluts so not much of a loss
pedophiles still exist

Good thing nobody cares what a beady eyed rat thinks

there's also saudi arabia lmao

no one cares what feces thinks


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Islam is closer to Christian doctrine than Judaism is. :^)

One of the shittiest cod made one of the favourite memes of the decade.
Really makes you think.

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Like I said, nobody cares about anglos. Why repeat after me?

> pedophiles still exist
Yeah, and a huge number of them are still screwing kids under the protection of the church.




> I know you are but what am I ?
The post.

UWE, for students too dumb or common to get into Bristol

What have soldiers after WW1 ever done for me? Nothing.

>everyone speaks english because they just want to be nice to british people!
it's become the world's default language at this point.


*rapes children*
*rapes nuns*
*forces raped nuns to get abortions*
You know, society really needs us to teach them morals.

>the majority of the internet is america

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Not even. The moment USA cease to be in another decade, people will switch to hispanic or french


We should be saying "RIP in Peace" instead.

Why do you think a student politics body matters in the slightest?


>spic or surrender
Insectman is more likely than either of those.

the chinese and indians won't, they have long ties with english speaking countries

even the christians are cucked
many of them pro immigration
many of the leaders pedos


>neo-nazis will NEVER stop SEETHING about the war

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They matter because they show the moral pollution that is the average Brit. Prone to Orwellian.

>White people lose another country
>Isn't that awesome!?

>a small handful of students representing one university in a union of more than 600 submit a motion to ban a meme

This isn't even news, why does this thread have 300 replies

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It's the fucking society again!

That's what you have? I'm surprised that's as deep as you "can think". Wasn't really worth a response now, was it?
How so? Uni students protest endlessly, in every country. It's been around since at least the 60's. There's a difference between a few kids online who don't even publicly protest and probably do so on Twatter, and an actual Government. How does this need separating?

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ITT 40% autistic screeching

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>Student Unions
Literal fucking cancer just filled with fringe lefty nutters, the last election they were shilling for us to vote in had only 1 candidate for president


absolute fags who ruined everything.

the absolute seethe from nazi larpers is insane, can't they just get over it?

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F is not disrespectful. S is for showing disrespect.
I actually rather like the idea of F, that conveys the entire emotion of mourning, specifically of someone you viewed as your equal or your superior, someone you held great admiration for, with just a single syllable. Thats some wabi-sabi shit right there.
I don't think F has reached the level where you might say it out loud, say, at an actual funeral, but currently it's usually just for celebrities and artists. That's probably not going to change for a longtime (or ever) considering it started as a joke and will always have a tinge of satire attached to it

Shitposting. A black guy could stand outside of a corner shop in London and shout "ban white people" and Yea Forums would hop on it

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>happiest nation in the world
Using screwed statistics, it was far closer to "most apathetic nation" in reality.

Pick one.


You moron. Liberals get triggered by milk because it's another r9k falseflag. Just like Pepe becoming a nationalist symbol. Just like the OK hand sign becoming a nazi symbol. They spread around nonsense about how milk is a symbol of white purity because it's white, and I guess it caught on.
it's not real you idiots.

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But they are okay with people saying RIP?
Morons. No surprise they are fucking unionists as well. Communist scum.


>Falling for satirical article
>Picture of pedophile being arrested
double kek


kek, all these pakis and mudslimes spitting on the UK

>Speech Against: Free

holy fuck stopped reading there.

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Nobody cares about the National Union of Students, they're far left morons that shut down any discussion they don't like.

Press "A" to say Amen.


yanks like to shift the attention away from their own shitty country

Fuck Anglos

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freedomlet's ancestors didnt take a boat to america. S AD!

>you got a loicense for that key press, mate?
You can't make this shit up


You say that, but I won't go to prison for calling you a nigger

They literally did

anything worth talking about is only talked about in the only language worth learning

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The UK is irreversibly fucked at this point, but nobody cares what the NUS thinks. It’s just some virtue signalling faggots larping as politicians.

Truly the most cucked country on the planet



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Fuck jews. Amen.

Told you, but you didn't listen.

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I honestly don't know whether this is a parody site or not?

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S. Rest in piss you wankers

Why are euros beating americans at being offended by everything

christcucks are exactly the same but with a different skin

>A bunch of students say something stupid
Why is this news? Nothing's going to happen.

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>National Union of Students

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>NUS is a member of the European Students' Union.
For 2 more days.

>taking students seriously
I'm a student and even I'm not retarded enough to listen to these dipshits

>Speech against: Free
good shit

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based students!!

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What's wrong with a toast sandwich?


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