Why aren't you playing VR and burning calories RIGHT NOW?

Why aren't you playing VR and burning calories RIGHT NOW?

Attached: Top-5-Multiplayer-VR-FPS-Games-Make-You-Sweat.jpg (800x582, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Because i weigh 148 lbs

Made for bbc

I don't have a VR setup.

I'm too poor to even afford calories.

Because I sold my headset and I'm waiting to see if Index is good and comes with HLVR.
Also I'm very skinny, I need more calories if anything.

I'm 28 year old male and my weight is 121 lbs. What do you want me to burn?

Since fucking when is Yea Forums full of skinny freaks?

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Only pc gamers are fat losers

Exercise is good for you no matter your weight. A skinny lanklet who sits around all day is no better than a tub of lard. Besides, VR is fun.

I don't need to burn calories because I don't eat above my basal metabolic rate

I dunno, I'm 207 pounds.

I lift weights three times a week and walk a fuckton tho

Because I'm busy huffing VR instead.

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The way I see it Yea Forumsirgins are mostly skinny nerds because they're too busy playing games or shitposting to eat.
I often forget about eating until my stomach growls.

I eat primarily fast food, I'm 24 and that whole 'metabolism will fade away' thing hasn't happened yet.
I have a conspiracy theory that it takes some serious effort and money to actually get fat.

>VR with Harmony Reigns
first time in years I achieved the coveted double male orgasm

How many Lighthouses are required for flawless Vive tracking?

I have a WMR right now but plan to upgrade to an index when it's out. I need to know how many cameras I should buy

Im 32 and still eat like a fucking toddler and have no problem eating an entire pizza in one sitting. I only weigh 150 lbs. I dont understand how people get fat

Technically it works with 1 but it has occlusion issues.

Bad matabolism.

I gain 2 pounds if I eat more than 3 slices

enjoy your heart failure at 40 user

Okay cool. I was worried it was 3.

They go on opposite sides of the room I assume?

Enjoy your own death at whatever age it comes.

Good man, you're just not retarded.

I will, and I'm taking you with me

an entire medium pizza, depending on toppings obviously, is only like 1200 calories

Its more like 2500. I bet you're fat.

this a man? fag nails but absolute no breasts wtf

That's like 60% of your daily calories nibba

Hope you exercise

Yeah, it will likely come with a clear installation guide like the Vive, the only thing that really matters for the lighthouses is minimizing occlusion but they're very flexible and can work with retarded less-than-ideal setups too.

t. fatty who has never counted a calorie in his life but can "eyeball" them and is definitely eating under his BMR but just can't seem to lose weight

How many fucking meals do you eat?

Google it. They even give options on the place that makes the pizza and toppings and amount consumed.

crust: 160
sauce: 15
cheese: 150
(160+15+150) * 4 = 1300

>but Dominos nutrition doesn't count!!!

Attached: dominos.png (914x707, 114K)

fuck she's hot - want those big beefy arms wrapped around me

>he gets his health information from dominoes.com
Holy shit user.

Required by law to be accurate. Zoomers like you are so stupid that they're going to end up all being enslaved within 20 years lmao

>mfw literally getting a job just to get vr

Attached: 0215-nikolas-cruz-mug-shot-2_liquified.jpg (728x547, 51K)

I'm not a retarded slob and I stay fit as fuck
I'll buy VR set when I decide it's worth it

that's actually dominos.ca :^)

Im the 32 year old 150 lb guy. Also you are arguing that i said it was more calories and you said less, then said i "eyeball" calories and cant lose weight. Your entire argument is fucking retarded, retard.

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>what is the FDA

imagine the smell

cause theres a lot of things that VR cant do.


I keep looking at this image, and remembering Valves crazy anti-SDE optics patent freepatentsonline.com/20180038996.pdf, and getting excited.

Attached: odysseyplusSDE2.jpg (1920x1080, 887K)

Hopefully it doesn't become a blurfest like the O+

I worry about sweat damage, so I don't use it for exercise regularly. Can anybody that has use it prolongedly for exercise comment on this?

>Your entire argument is fucking retarded, retard.
zoomer absolutely SEETHING that he got BTFO about the amount of calories in a medium pizza lol
delete your posts and then kys to avoid the shame of being immortalized in the archive bro

Im not the person you were talking to. go back to flossing in fortnite you retard

Because my living rooms crowded and to even get enough space I have to move my 2 TV stands, 2 recliners, a lizard tank, and stack 2 couches on one another, sweep the floor because my dogs fucking shed too much. It's really tedious just so I can play beatsaber for an hour.

What VR games give a workout
I got Beat Saber and GORN
what else

>that mosque shooter face

Attached: sde 1.jpg (2276x1268, 595K)

Donate to my Patreon and I will

Because that's probably all you have that day. Try eating 3-4 pizzas a day and down it with soda, you'll get fat in no time

>imagine the scent
>"smell the gunpowder" - Feel Real

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I'm waiting to hear about the Index.
I bought a PSVR last year because I found it in a bundle for $200 but I'm gonna wait on playing Beat Saber because of mods.

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that is not how thermodynamics work at all

Y-yeah it do...I think I know my body more than "science" does.

haven't finished my cup of coffee yet, but I'm about to. What do you recommend OP? Lately I've been playing either Pavlov or Blade and Sourcery

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Did you try that new Harmonix VR rhythm game?

maybe he meant 2 pound of water weight from the high salt content faggot

B&S. Decapitation update is fun as fuck.

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Sweat non ironically kills htc vive. Google it.

I haven't is it like Beat Saber basically?

>is it like Beat Saber basically?

i think that's the whole idea.


>The lenses, which are designed to support the next generation of room-scale virtual reality, optimize the user’s perceived tracking experience and image sharpness while reducing stray light.

>optimize the user’s perceived tracking experience

aka no motion blur as with Odyssey+

I've heard Audica is kinda mixed and not as good as Beat Saber.

I haven't played either, was going to purchase BS yesterday but saw some autistic drama about mods getting disabled

Food is literally drugs, especially junk food,I have realized most people are addicts even 'healthy' people, there are very few people which have the capability of saying "No, I dont need more food" without a problem desu desu

Because I'm honestly hoping that a fucking heart attack kills me soon since I'm too fucking pussy to just shoot myself

That wasn't because of the devs, that was because the guy running the mod site quit because of personal problems

You're gonna be waiting a while, user. Moreso dramatic irony will have it happen when you least suspect it or at a point where you'll have a new lease on life and looking to move in a new direction it'll hit you without warning.

ill look into it then, thanks

make sure to grab the forked mod manager.

Because VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

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Bet you relish in spamming that shit every thread doncha you VRchat ruiner!!!

give me some good games to play, my vr headset is collecting dust

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Sprint Vector

Depends on the headset you have. I heard the Vive is awful with handling sweat but I can't speak for it since I don't have one.

My Lenovo seems to handle it pretty well though

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Elite: Dangerous is pretty nice in VR

>My Lenovo seems to handle it pretty well though
Better than mine

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This is how I look like when typing it out

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Yeah I bet you do, dreamcrusher.

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I can never tell if you are trying to convince people this webm is real or if you just think it's so cool you want to keep posting it

Because it's funny/ridiculous.

I eat like shit and only weigh 131. I'm trying to get fatter but nothing works. What should I do bros?

Ramen. Two six packs a week. Lots of pasta, lots of burgers the more toppings the better. Avoid fiber, but eat just enough so you don't plug up back there. Eat bread, lots of it.

Your metabolism is insane, I bet you poop right after you eat. Not much you can do.

drink more antiseptic-filled water

Brush your teeth with milkshakes.

jesus, are you running that on a voodoo 2?

If fitness is the goal, that time is better spent in the gym. Sweating onto the lenses can't be good longterm either. I'm waiting to get details on Valve's new headset.

eat more you fuck

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kill my gains? hell naw

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rift is best for sweat, it has airflow right through the face mask. the foam that touches your face can get clammy if you go for long enough tho. I recommend turning on a fan

>thinking only calories matter
Pizza is the single worst food you can eat if you're trying to lose weight and build muscles. Calories are not even that significant compared to the ungodly amount of bad carbs and unhealthy awful fats.

but that foam is easily replaceable, so you could get more than one and rotate them

my feet start hurting if im standing still doing vr for 2h+. im bare-foot though. should i start using shoes?

how close are you to 30?

Do you have flat feet?


Wouldn't hurt too. Some soft slippers maybe. You standing on carpet or carpet-less floor?

Because cardio is exactly what you don't want to do to build mass.

Guys I think we should all take moment and view this informative edutainment that I think the VR community can stand to embolden their resolve with youtube.com/watch?v=ztqLcoaDlHc

I’m 5’4 and weigh 115 lbs

Lots of carbs and meat did it for me. I would eat chicken tenders and 2 packs of ramen every day for a month two times a day and went from 90-115

"bad carbs"
carbs are fucking carbs, there are not different types that make you fat. and while there are types of fat that are worse for your heart health, they have fuckall to do with weight gain.

if you want to lose weight the answer is simple as hell: eat fewer calories and/or burn more calories

I' m not gay.

Sweets. Every breakfast should be 400 grams of Nutella smeared on a buttered white bread slices + whole milk. That was my entire childhood however I have always been very active and sporty. Halva with cocoa is one of my favourite gainers and v-taper ruiners of all time, especially pic related.

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Not good enough. Gotta eat two six packs of Ramen per day.

>carbs are fucking carbs
not true, you have simple and complex carbs. the important difference between these is that complex carbs keep the feeling of hunger at bay for longer.

"bad carbs" refers to simple carbs which you can keep eating forever because it'll take forever for you to feel full. And yes pizza dough is "bad carbs"

I post this in some VR threads about wieght loss, but anyway. The left picture is me doing VR for about a year with wrist weights and ankle weights. The right is me ACTUALLY working out diligently for a month. You can have a decent body with VR gaming. I don't even see it as a workout. I just play Echo Combat, Onward, and Sparc (Recently more of Sword and Sorcery) to sweat. Coupled with the weights you're actually getting some good functional strength. 20lbs for ankles and 5lbs for wrists. Trust me dude, you'll feel like Rock Lee after he took off the weights when you're done.

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Please educate yourself regarding complex carbs. Also yes, if merely losing weight is your goal then reducing calories will work. However, if you also want to look good then it's not enough.

that isn't important if you are managing your diet. the nutritional value is the same. you can just add some salad if you are not full.

and in any case, pizza is all complex carbs

Yea Forums has always been made up exclusively of obese neck-beards and hungry skeletons

"simple" carbs are very easy to break down and they access your system almost instantly. When your cells get overloaded with energy they save surplus a fat.
"complex" carbs are slow release and it takes time to convert them to energy. It's a gradual process therefore most of it is used up during the day

Body grooming, strongly consider it.

>stop eating pizza/hot pockets and spaghetti, don't change anything else at the gym
>abs show up in 8 weeks

the 'dont eat trash' rhetoric is absolute truth. people who can't stick to it have no self control

I found that the closer I got to 30 the better employment I had and the better employment I had the more money I had to spend on junk food. Once I cut out the junk food I stopped gaining weight.

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Nice dick

the difference is one leaves you feeling hungry and one doesnt if you eat the same amount. fucking idiot.

the thumbnail makes this image look like a mortal kombat sprite


Post dick you shameless slut.

Just thinking about the energy required to eat enough food to get fat makes me exhausted.
Fat people must know they are spending time and energy on getting fatter.

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yiffalicious or wildlife

nigga you gay

fat people get more pleasure/satisfaction from eating than normies. That's why they do it when they're bored, lonely, angry, hungry, happy, sad, whatever

Why not go for a virtual swim with dolphins and the whales?

Attached: swimming VR.webm (494x226, 2.36M)

I smoke weed every day and I still get 10 times the pleasure out of eating food than I do from that. Incidentally weed is helping me to control myself when it comes to food

Im 223 /fit/ezen that plays games sometimes and this fucking site has games board

my doctor told me if i burned more calories per day my organs would stop functioning

>being broken
this advice tends to be for normal people, recuse yourself from discussing fitness and leave it to those who can participate.

he asked me why i wasnt playing vr and burning calories tho not talking about fitness

I have VR and is great fun. I even tried getting sandbags to wear on my arms while i play. Unfortunately form plus extra weight on your arms and wrists can really fuck you up when you are gorning out. Just lift regular weights it's much safer.

but i do

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because VR has nogaems

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Pfft, you call THAT a VR workout?

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how can you workout in VR
the googles are foggy for me in a few minutes

you can't, it's a meme for chubby boys to feel like they're getting in shape while posting on social media about 'progress, not perfection'

how does that even happen?

been there, life sucks

>different shorts
two different people, nice try

>Swinging your arms in some rhythm game count as workout
Sure, fatass

as a neet that ended up inheriting his brother's VR system, it really isnt worth it until it gets some fucking games

Goggles becoming foggy implies his face gets hot ergo he is sweating ergo he must be getting exercise. Retard lmao.
I don't understand how they could get foggy, I've sweat my balls off playing beat saber to the point where the soft face guard around the vive was soaking wet.

lmao enjoy your fucked up joints

Most people are fat. Does that mean normies are abnormal?

>sweating means I'm making progress!
post your fat, soft body you shitty little boy

>Why yes,I do play at least 4 hours of wii fit every day

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shit, you got me

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I hear you brother this is my progress pics of just fooling around in VRChat for a month and a half.
Don't take shit from the haters keep doing you

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What kind of bait is this

Every time

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No this is the logical extreme of the internet revolution. Even normies aren't normal anymore. The normie no longer exists.

How do I achieve this?

go to the gym and eat chicken breast 7 days a week

4 hours of wii fit a day, user

Because I already run and lift weights

VR is still absolutely insane to me, it's so cool

Attached: crop.jpg (664x826, 126K)

your belly button is fucking ugly

Christ how old is that phone, that picture quality is shit

Nice bodies, if those are actually you

This one... I'm not so sure about. Did you used to be fat?

A healthy diet, exercise, time and dedication

What gains? lol

Peak fucking homo. Body hair is MASCULINE

Not the guy who posted it but I thought it was kinda funny

It's too bad you have to use gear to get a body like that. Does look good though

Nope. You can't get like that naturally, unless your hormones are severely fucked up.

>45 days later I got a sunburn

I prefer mine over most others, sorry

I didn't think this one was that bad... you want a picture with an actual camera?

Thanks user

>This one... I'm not so sure about. Did you used to be fat?

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg (1000x849, 93K)

He probably didn't mean it, user

have good muscle insertions and frame

>fluffing before picture

How insecure are you? So I guess lifting weights shrunk your dick?

Unironically what gains? I haven't lifted in 5 years and have been training for a marathon the past 6 months and have more muscle than you.

Because breaking a sweat in vr might be problematic.

I'm gonna know for sure soon, boneworks videos got me all hyped so i've bought ps move controllers to use them as a cheap alternative for steam motion thingys (i already have VR headset, but without motion controllers, using it for elite dangerous and racing vidya). I'm pretty hyped, now i'll be able to play all of those motion games like pavlov, superhot, i expect you to die, surely gonna check out motion-controlled quake ports (played some mouse+kb quake 1 in vr, it was amazing). Feel free to recommend more motion-controlled vidya to me.

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christ his look it prices, literally screams "shoot me"

Wildlife has VR?

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quake vr is shit, play doom vr instead

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looks neat, i'll partially disregard your advice and simply play both. was that a melee in 0:13, or i just can't see the shot?

Anyone else only eat 1 meal a day sometimes not eating a full meal at all?

>using a 10k$ pc and a 5k$ ve setup to do worst than a 50$ a month gym membership
Literally kek fatsos cucks

I like how you had to blow up the prices tenfold from what they actually are to make it not attractive.


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this desu, just eat less lmao

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>Eat less
>Been stuck at the same fucking weight for ages now

Why aren't you flying around and burning calories at the same time?

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I do 40 hours of pushing carts a week and burn more than I can eat.
If I start burning fat on my days off I'll become underweight.

Outside of holopoint and, to a lesser degree, beat saber are there any “exercise” games?

either you arent actually eating less or ages is greatly exaggerated

>ywn trap your gf in a weird vr contraption and fuck her senseless while she's effectively bondaged and blindfolded
why live

I don't think it's either of those because I was losing the beef before. I probably just hit a plateau and need to redouble my efforts, the good weather can't come soon enough so I can go walking again.

>got tax return money
>thinking about getting a VR headset
>valves headset supposedly coming out soon

I guess i should just wait for that announcement at this point.

You can see the shell flying out, it was clearly a shot

if i'd have to buy a vr headset, i'd wait for the boneworks thing to be released. it looks like a revolution, so i'd learn about the requirements and other stuff before paying serious amount of money for a vr system


go on shitposters, call me a volvo shill. if you're not hyped for this shit, you're dead inside

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