Remember when we all thought Activisions involvement meant that sekiro would be casualised? Yet since release non stop bitching world wide.
Remember when we all thought Activisions involvement meant that sekiro would be casualised...
Other urls found in this thread:
More of these?
gotcha senpai
Yea Forums will never admit that its wrong. I'm waiting for Death Stranding to BTFO Yea Forums next.
sometimes you guys are alright
Jojo is such a good series. I am glad it’s getting the deserved attention
By being the retarded overhyped movie shit that it clearly will be, in spite of Kojimadrones? Yeah, I can't wait.
Kid who introduced me to it is still on crusaders while I passed him up in like 3 months. Stuck in part 5 but I like it almost as much as the previous ones. Any of you caught up with the series entirely,?
I haven't had a good laugh on Yea Forums for awhile bros, thank you.
up to date with the manga, its worth it most the time
Waiting for complete colored scans of 8. Get through it man, part 7 is the best. I also recommend colored scans, you can find it just by searching it up. Jojos colored adventure team.
Caught up to part 8 recently. Part 6 is split between the fans as being good and part 7 is considered the best part.
Yea I only read the manga. The art style is far superior and I feel like the anime hardly ever does the manga justice.
Post more dios
Well fuck now I'm hyped to get back in thanks boys. Also any of you play that 7th crusader game?
6 has a lot of great bits and 7 is a lot of people's favourite part
For me it's 2=4=7>5=6>3>Still waiting for good moment to crack open part 8 and have myself a nice read
>fucking crocs
my sides dont exist
Part 8 was really fun to binge. Definitely worth waiting until it’s complete to read. I can’t stand waiting a month to know what happens next.
WHats the point of reading manga/watching anime if you’ve been spoiled on all parts
Somebody make one where DIO goes back to Walmart because he forgot Giorno
having fun again?
kino thread
It's pretty hard to spoiler JoJo desu
Like, the writting doesn't make sense by itself anyhow, it only comes together than paired with the visuals and emotions of the page/animation
Someone make one of DIO going to McDonald’s because they have the McRib for a limited time
You really havent been spoiled on anything
t. watched jojo a couple months ago for the first time
One thing thats going to surprise you is how irrelevant dio and jotaro actually are.
It WAS casualized though. The game holds your hand with tutorial for everything and the game itself is easier than any DS too.
Have been reading serial for a decade, nothing was more hype than a new steel ball run chapter being out. Jojolion is also pretty hype.
Literally me
They are just introducing head bad guy now, everything is set up for the climax.
I wouldn’t say that he’s the head bad guy
Great thread
Closest they got
What makes you think that? They already did a bait and switch a bunch of times. head doctor has mysterious identity and just his title makes him seem more ominous as well. Everyone else is dead and no one else had access to the fruits. The only other option I see is that it would be is the mom since we have not seen her ability.
Some of these are fucking with me since some are read right to left and vice versa
Just finished part 6
What manga should i read in between parts so i dont fucking blast through the last 2?
I burned part 5 and 6 in less than a month, i like the manga a lot even tho i know a bazillion spoilers and i dont want to read it too quickly but once i start a part i cant stop
other mango ive really liked this much was shigurui and gantz
try Black clover, weekly release
Have you watched the anime for JoJo yet? I haven't read Part 5 in years so I'm waiting for all of the anime before I binge it.
Read Purple haze feedback
I think everyone thought Sekiro would have loads of microtransactions
thanks for posting this one, that's nice
What did he do with the broom?
>Left to Right cucks
>not right to left chads
k i l l
y o u r s e l f
it's up Asstolfos' ass
yes i have, its a great adaptation but the manga its always going to be superior in terms of quality and art
That being said they are doing a fantastic job with the sound design, that is truly 10/10 work
isnt that a literal book tho? Like, walls of text?
I feel like there is a compromise that can be made there. Correct me if I'm wrong f but did they ever say there would only be 1 fruit?
It's the easiest one in the whole series but people cant rely on cheese in this game like you could in all the other souls games
When will this go on sale? I got DMC over this for now.
Nah they never mentioned only one fruit. I think all these doctors are just mid villains. Jobin does hold the real branch currently.
Yes user, books exist.
it’s actually really good, makes you really like Fugo
>not liking Fugo before purple haze
>tfw kiting sword saint and baiting ashina cross for ez modo
You can totally cheese, they made the arena giant so he is nonthreat even in phase 2. As soon as I download that phase too it will be cake. Everyone told me I had to learn to deflect, but it has only been required for genichiro and goraffe.
>right it do can't he
retard based
OC, what do you think
Am I supposed to read these left to right or right to left?
>learn to deflect
I dont understand this, all you have to do is spam LB
Grabs the only annoying thing and that's mainly snakeeye's bigass hitbox on the grab
Some of them work either way
change the text so it reads in the correct way and its a solid edit
Whichever way makes more sense
People are gonna say kill yourself but I really like it and might even use it in threads!
His ability is already solved so I see him more like Diego where he was the last fight, but not the main villain. I am not saying I would be surprised, but all he really wants is for his son to have a fruit so if both he and holly can have on there is no conflict.
i love how wholesome these are
Can you make a version where it reads right to left
Breddy gud otherwise
It's good
You need proper timing or your posture gets shit on, it is easier just to wait for an opening and not risk a hit at all like fighting Owl.
Based OCposter
I thought it was stated that making things hot wasn’t Speed Kings actual ability and that Jobin is hiding what it actually does. But I never thought about him being Diego 2.0 good point
I'm mad fugo got did so dirty in part 5. He literally could have been in the rest of the part, imo, most of the fights had built in counters for his stand.
by popular request
thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Now we're talking
I fucking laughed loud
Maybe the mold stand, but no other would even be able to get close to him. The problem is he hard counters King Crimson. Its ability cant protect from a persistent area of effects all. There would be no way to get close enough to donut.
Is this a spic meme?
>Buying a single large coke
>Not a 6pck bulk of large coke to save monies
I fucking love this.
Now combine these two and make it say "BRB Pewds"
>Dio with Coca-Cola
>not 7Up
It might have, I don't remember because it has been so many years since that chapter. He will definitely be very relevant and I am sure that his mother will be closely involved. It just seems like despite his differences with Norisuke he doesn't really have any evil intentions that would warrant being the main villain. Literally every other villain is a malevolent psychopath, Jobin just wants to help the family.
This thread is shit, stinks of facebook faggotry and the fag posting these literal facebook filename retarded edits should kill himself. 下
Oh boy, I know just what we're going to do with you...
Post some OC like that one based user then fagit
so sad
Sure, but think about where they fight most of the stands, its alot of CQC where I doubt Fugo would even have been willing to use his stand. Also Secco could have gone underground to get around the virus that way . Plus since Fugo isn't immune to his own stand that limits its defensive abilities considerably imo.
oh yeah, forgot to say, this is OC
made in
decent work, a straight improvement from saved.
saved and used
>Plus since Fugo isn't immune to his own stand
Wouldn't all the Gangstars be immune to Purple Haze's virusbombs after Giorno's vaccine trick?
why is this meme so fucking funny
What does SHITA do?
That is the issue, though. Why should he tag along when he is never going to do any thing, it is just one more fag that has to be drawn every chapter. I dont relay think secco would be able to avoid the ability, as soon as he comes up he is fucked and he needs to do so to attack and drag people underground.
Him leaving also makes more sense. He is the smart one, the one who knows that they are making a shitty choice and cant logically reason he should throw his life away in that way. He doesnt have any sort of resolve or convictions like any of the other characters and just has muh anger issues. He was always there solely as an occupation. He is only popular because fujoshit yaoi fans ship him with Narancia.
That's fair, but it never came up ever again I figured in this hypothetical Araki just forgot about that.
It juxtaposes a dramatic scene with mundane tasks/activities.
It's easily exploitable and extremely absurd for whatever situation you put in it.
Put "mom said it's my turn to play" on the top panel and remove the speech bubbles from the bottom one.
That's also fair. I just wish such a neat idea didn't go by the wayside
Should I watch Jojo
Valentine wasn’t a psycho. He just wanted what was best for his country.
only if/when part 7 gets adapted
No really what’s the point of continuing if you know all the deaths for characters for every part
>capri sun
I always hated how you could drink the entirety of those in one SUCC. I really wish they made those in adult sized bottles like Gatorade
I fucking love these
Read it first
It’s my favorite anime of all time and I have watched 90% of anime since 2004
It's cool? I spoiled the entire series for myself and I still enjoy it
The fights
The plot
The memes
The Animatrix, I believe.
But the show looks so well animated
yall are so nice. I needed a thread like this
>I figured in this hypothetical Araki just forgot about that.
Fair. Heck, in my predicted hypothetical, not only would he forget about that, he'd also "forget" what Purple Haze's powers were and end up giving him a whole new virus-based powerset instead.
You'll appreciate it more if you read it first.
Activision was just the publisher for the west, they had nothing to do with the game. In Japan this game is still published under Bandai Namco
>well animated
Oh boy, I hope the sakugafags don't catch you saying that.
Watch 1-4 then read the rest.
It makes it more enjoyable knowing everyone dies at the end of Part 6.
The journey
Except Emporio
Giorno x Jolyne otp
will part 7 get adapted into an anime? I hope so
Edgy but I knew it already
He was insanely obsessed with the parts and that universe. He was also a hypocrite, says he is for the US but really just wants power for him self, wants to rape Lucy to create a dynasty, probably planned on throwing out democracy and justifying it by saying he was taking the napkin first.
It is never explained why he needed the race to cover it up anyways, like anyone is gonna care about his agents finding mummy pieces in the bumfuck wilderness. Why would he bother hosting wacky races? Sounds like a crazy thing to do and he would have succeeded if he hadnt funded it.
I thought part 6 took place in an alternate timeline
That's fair, as it stands if he didn't forget and intended to keep it, it wouldn't make sence for the "smart guy" to not take advantage of that, make him not staying not make sence from a character perspective imo. I must admit I also forgot about the vaccine trick till you brought it up
and iirc araki said joseph was still alive in part 6
In his defense Shitdust Crusaders is a chore to watch through. Prepare for the same thing once you get to part 6. It's not as bad and it gets better midway through like 3 though.
No it's the cause of the alternate.
Part 7 is where the alternate timeline shit begins.
Animating horses is going to be a fucking nightmare.
Seeing shit like Gyro's joke in motion is gonna be great though.
>Fujofags no where in sight
Why is every board on this site terrible at it's target topic, I bet I could find good videogame discussion on Yea Forums if the mods didn't delete them on sight
You must be new here.
It's not the cause of the alternate
DavidPro will probably make the horses CG to make shit easier.
sbr being animated is going to take so long but it will be fantastic the entire time through
maybe by the time SBR is up jojo will be in a better studio too, I can't imagine david doing it forever
they will probably cut off the bottom of the horses so you can only see the head and saddle and it will just bump up and down without having to animate the whole body. There are so many horse shots in part 7 the only way they could pull it off is with a disney budget.
All the Sonic comics are a good excuse for Yea Forums to talk about the video games and it never fails to be better quality than any of their capeshit threads
I know user, I'm stating the obvious. That hasn't stopped me from mentioning it every other time is happens though
Honestly most of part 7 is gonna be a bitch to animate. The mere fact that there's dozens of people on horses is already staggering
>a JoJo thread without the autistic REEEEEEEE JOJO SHIT ITS THE MLP OF ANIME! shiposting
wew its like I'm back in 2014
you just summoned it
Part 7 is going to take up two seasons like Stardust Crusaders, r-right anons?
Stardust Crusaders is the best arc. Prove me wrong.
I'm surprised that David didn't extend Part 5 into two seasons, considering how much Japan loves it.
it's impossible for them to do it in a shorter timespan
probably some chapters will get multiple episodes too even though they weren't necessarily that long just like with part 5
>Remember when we all thought Activisions involvement meant that sekiro would be casualised?
Not really, i just though it would get very marketed (even on Yea Forums). And i was right.
>facebook and mobile cringe
Part 3 is still my favorite because of all the travelling and different cultures and enemies the joestars encounter. It's a shame that the climax is so boring and nonsensical.
>this is going to have official audio
Haha, nice oc! If I could give you Reddit silver I would, fellow good sir! Updooted, you gentleman and scholar.
(Sent from my iPhone X)
based jotaro
Needs another panel where Dio comes back and his account is banned
the cancer that killed Yea Forums
Why do I find these dio edits so fucking funny
Literally me.
if it gets the same attention as torture dance it's going to be amazing
maybe an entire episode of gyro singing
what's the best OP and why is it Great Days?
because they're not on KYM yet so its ok to like it.
Once its popular, its time to pretend you never liked it. Remember Pacha edits?
Was part 5 rushed or something?
I knew that would get guaranteed replies from wojakposters butthurt about getting called out.
I still kinda like them
Nah, it looks great so far
very nice
I like this one. Just how polite they are to each other makes me feel good.
sono chi no kioku because it has 3 previous jojo vocalists team up to sing it and the foreshadowing with the pendulum shadows and bright colored glimpses of dio's attacks are all very well done
Part 7 took nearly an entire decade to finish, it'll take you a while
I'm surprised it took this long actually, he's the first in this thread.
easily the best animation so far
Beastars and Dorohedoro
the opposite, part 5 is being drawn out longer
Poor Poor Lips
No, that was Part 4. Part 5 is being pretty fucking standard when it comes to animation.
Fugo is me and I am fugo
Jotaro's a fucking Joker poster, no doubt.
part 4 had a lot more quality moments though, especially during actually important scenes
I get the joke nice job
jonny boy was such a bro
New OC coming right up
>He didn't already read through the entire manga before getting himself spoiled
Literally the only thing I had ruined for me was Polnareff in part 5 and Gyro. Animeonlys just fuck themselves on their own
It's you....Dio
johnny became a cripple because he was a spoiled asshole and wanted jesus for himself to let him walk again, preventing the president from using it for the betterment of the whole country, proving he was still a spoiled asshole who learned nothing
It ends in an alternative timeline that has nothing to do with part 7. Araki made it clear that 7/8 are a complete reboot for some reason
What does this have to do with him being a bro
How? I read part 7 in less than 2 weeks
bein bros with an asshole sounds pretty gay desu
I like my flawed JoJo
Maybe if you are a woman
well /Pol/nareff is Jotaro's buddy for a reason
decent, probably should erase the background around the katakana though
now that's what I'm fucking talking about
I'm pretty sure it's the longest part but if 8 was anything to by there must have been a shit ton of hiatuses plus Araki only ever does like one chapter a month or something
>rude concession stand worker recognizes a famous person then disappears
I'm just foolin, he's fun and actually has a personality. I still don't know what the fuck is going on with part 8 or what gappy's deal is. he's just always kinda... there.
He was still a true bro to Gyro and Valentine was a hypocrite and basically the Ulfric Stormcloak of jojos. He was doing it for himself just as much as he was doing it for his country. He wanted power.
Post good music from JoJo that isn't the obvious songs like ED and OP's
Valentine was full of shit.
He may nave cared about the land but he certainly didn't care about all the americans he murdered for nothing near the end.
He's the president. All he needed was to ask for help and all the uneducated 19th century people would help him on a heartbeat, bjt he kills those guys he forced to help him.
You know I love that my best Jojo convos happen on V
Activion's involvement only proved that the game is more memeified in its "PREPARE TO LE DIE XD" mentality.
Because the best part of Jojo is the fights. I know everyone who dies yet the anime is still enjoyable as fuck and why should it matter knowing what characters die at the end?
Fuck I'd make a dio.png if I was at my desktop computer
Yeah, the update schedule was pretty much the same.
He is also really cute!
Gappy makes me happy