Japanese setting

>Japanese setting
>Buddhism and Shintoism everywhere

>European setting
>Christianity nowhere to be seen

Wtf is their problem?

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They're sticking with what they know.

souls isn't really based on geographically in europe, the lore might be european lore but it's a fantasy land

bloodborne is sort of and there are christian elements and allusions in it

Bloodborne is full of catholic imagery

>European setting
So which of their games takes place in actual Europe, care to remind me?

This. Grand Cathedral

None of their games take place in Europe you dumb fuck, and moot point regardless because of


shouldn't it be islam at this point?

The Souls settings are based on medieval Christian Europe

They have norse references with the Archtrees mirroring Yggdrasil and Gwyn mirroring Odin and the giants mirroring the jotun

>>European setting
>>Christianity nowhere to be seen

>Fish setting
>water nowhere to be seen

You sound just like one of the trannies when they don't get included in a game.

yeah I love going to europe to visit the ash lake

that Japanese setting is an actually historical Japanese setting with some fictional themes

Dark Souls settings are fantasy worlds. They have their own cathedrals, priests, religions, etc.

Sekiro is set in a fantastical Sengoku Era, Japan, not a different planet

bloodborne was super cool, but damn what an easy game.

>Dark Souls
It's fucking Norse

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the father
>nameless king
the son

who one's the holy spirit?

>based on
There's lot of architecture in Souls that based on medieval cathedrals and related stuff, and some other small details like priests design in ds3 too. What more do you want?

Auschwitz is pretty good

fantasy, regardless of what region it is based on has its own religion and set of rules

you wouldn't ask, why doesn't the lord of the rings have any christian churches in it

its influenced by medieval culture yes but the religion is seperate in fantasy, and only occurs maybe as allusions or metaphors

>based on
it's a fucking fantasy world you stupid christcuck, and it also has fantasy themes inspired by christianity

It's almost like they understand their own country and beliefs better than they think they know foreigner beliefs.


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Yeah because all those creatures in Sekiro exist in real life

those roosters man, they can get pretty big

fictional Japan is still Japan just with some fictional shit thrown on top of it you tard

Lordran is a completely different universe, it's not europe it is just inspired by it. It doesn't have christianity, it has it's own religions that are inspired by christianity

why is this shit so hard for you to understand?

>you wouldn't ask, why doesn't the lord of the rings have any christian churches in it

The God in LOTR is literally the Biblical God. The reason why there aren't any churches is because it's set before Christ was born

>Some people have criticised the Ring as lacking religion. Tolkien denies this: “Of course God is in The Lord of the Rings. The period was pre-Christian, but it was a monotheistic world.”

>Monotheistic? Then who was the One God of Middle-earth?

>Tolkien was taken aback: “The one, of course! The book is about the world that God created – the actual world of this planet.”

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>The period was pre-Christian
do you even read you autist?
>you wouldn't ask, why doesn't the lord of the rings have any christian churches in it

Eru Ilúvatar is not even close to "the Biblical god", and if Tolkien intended him to be that, then he failed miserably.

because buddhists don't mind themselves being portrayed in an innocent game
christians and atheists will go on a facebook crusade if they catch a whiff of christianity in any form of media

He was either bullshitting because lacking religion was a big deal back then or you're right but he didn't care that much

It’s not a history game like Nioh. It’s an original story with visual influence from the edo period but that’s the extent of it. They disclosed this at the reveal of the game you dumbshit.

??? What

biblefags are pathetic

It's very well known and disputed by no one that Tolkein was a devout Catholic.
>He was either bullshitting because lacking religion was a big deal back
>mid 20th century

Oh please, don't treat Tolkien like he's CS Lewis.

You made it sound like he barely wanted to talk about it in your post.

Tolkien converted atheist CW Lewis to Christianity

That's not what I'm talking about you retard, I'm talking about their approaches to allegory.
CS Lewis is not at all subtle about who Aslan is supposed to represent, Narnia exists as a vehicle to push his beliefs onto the reader. Whereas Tolkien actually cares about Middle-Earth in its own right and has an open disdain for allegory.

apologies for using the wrong tense and implying either of them is still alive


>It's not a European setting because like it's not really Europe lol just have medieval castles and knights and cathedrals erry where lol it's not based on european anything get it right you alt-right snowflakes!

>He hasn't seen the headless abomination in the eerie fog that tears your soul out through your ass
>He hasn't met the cute-looking ghost girl who asks you a simple question that answering is always lethal
Get a load of this fucking tool.

>has an open disdain for allegory.

I love this meme

who are you quoting?

Discord trannies

This. The world is literally sustained by the archtrees in souls game, and the holders of fire of each era have subdued the giants (big skull in ash lake and vendrick vs the giants)

Allegory ≠ detachment
Believe it or not, at one point people were disgusted with actors because the notion of lying to a group of people that you were someone else was attrocious
And believe it or not, the notion of denying your religious beliefs by insinuating that there is a godless world or a world where your God didn't reign supreme was also abhorrent to people

it felt soo good playing kingdom come and seeing people saying god be with you henry

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Actors deserve worse than death.

It's more Shinto than anything. The entire game hinges on the concept of kegare. And it's the first souls game to do so.

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Based and Pilbeampilled.

>there are christian elements and allusions in it
there is none, it's in your head

Because they're Japanese and their major religious cultures are Buddhism and Shintoism. It's much easier for them to create respectful and meaningful connections with these religions that are a defined part of their culture than with a religion that does not hold the same place of importance for them.

This isn't to say that it's impossible for Japanese media to reference Christian themes, (Angels Egg did it wonderfully) but it is a much more difficult task of translation for artists.

>Wtf is their problem?
They know Buddhists wont sperg out unlike christcucks or muslims (who could bomb their headquarters)

>red danger symbol appears above terrorist

>all those people couldn't mikiri counter planes
fucking casuals

Its an odd thing that the west seems to completely avoid themes of spirituality and religion of any kind unless it is in the negative or surface level as fuck. It doesnt need to be christian but it would be nice to have something that explores faith, look at Sekiro, its crammed with it, and its not done to ram it into you so you will join it it is simply exploring themes.

Based retard

catholics don't worship eldritch horrors

Look at the Buddhist mountain temple and tell me it ain't in the negative.

Imagibe being a christcuck in 2019 and seething that a company from a non-Christian country doesn't represent your religion enough.

all the souls games have churches and shit, wtf are you talking about?

we dont worship them, but God's servants are pretty spooky
also come on man look at demons

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Because Sjw hate God and christianity more than anything the like muslims because their religion show God as literal asshole tyrant read "Marks and Satan" by Richard Wurmbrand for some good redpills

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That's why he said imagery. There's concept of partaking in communion in BB, for one.

Way of the White covenant is basically the inquisition.

>le current date

buddhists don't worship centipedes inside people that make them immortal, dragons, headless apes and giant fucking snakes either

>saint urbain
>way of white
brainlet. souls is 100% fantasy so they made shit up. sekiro is based on japan in the 1500s so they namedrop buddha and shit. this is the kind of shit I would expect from someone using twitter.

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Stop culturally appropriating medieval Christian societies

Retards like you should be permabanned, you poison the discussion on this website.

>Tears your soul out through your ass.
Is that what its doing? I thought it was shoving his hand up there and pulling out my spine.

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dude you fight with a pontiff in a church, think again...

Miyazaki really hates organized religion

Umbasa in demon souls was also a monotheist god. Even if it was actually the Old One.
There's also that Ameilia or whatever her name was in Bloodborne who was doing the whole communion thing before turning into a giant furry.

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the souls series is full of catholic-esque churches and there's even an institution called THE CHURCH whose members are dressed like priests

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why is Yea Forums so retarded when it comes to religion

Umbasa means Amen. And the Old One was created by the monotheistic God. Watch the intro