When this happens will it be over for Snoy?

When this happens will it be over for Snoy?

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>implying the switch can run xbox 360 games
I'll admit, it would be an achievement in and of itself to have the halo games running on a phone.

We're getting Ori at least, I don't know that they'll be porting first party Xbox games.

Ori tomorrow, Halo E3


Attached: OH NO NO NO.png (762x798, 374K)

Switch is more powerful than ps360

Source on this?

Attached: chief.png (629x608, 285K)

What the fuck is this?

this would make the halo community 10000000000000000000000000 times bigger, and better

It's never happening.

Source? Oh wait, it's fake and you don't have one.

>doesn't provide a source


Attached: giphy.gif (500x260, 1000K)


It’s fake.

They better include gyro
More games should incorporate more precise aiming in games

Nope, Sony is still seating in some good IPs. Xbox has got Gears, Halo, had Cuphead, and Ori. We'll see how things start to pan out next gen. Hope you have a Switch to help you wait out how the 2 consoles develop.

I only own a switch, and I doubt it. Sony has a way more games worth checking out.

Sony will die when they again get over confident, but only if Microsoft takes advantage of it.

>this will allow each game to be optimized differently
Selling them as a bundle doesn't stop devs from doing that already

>Good IPs

You are delusional.

What good IPs do Sony have?


>Sony is still seating in some good IPs

You mean the Single Player game that has disappeared already?

Sony has been playing safe for years, all their IPs are tame now.

The switch screen is is only 720p. Bullshit post.

Consoles will never die unless companies kill them off internationally. You really underestimate fanboyism.

It's Switch Pro