hard mode: only post final bosses ITT
Video game bosses thread
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the new spiderman movie looks weird
>Black Boss
Do you think he's more or less dangerous no bottom half shown?
People will call them degenerate but honestly they look pretty cool.
what the fuck is this shit
Yakuza Kojima
>prologue has a cutscene that briefly shows the final boss for the first time
>Kojima clan subsidiary
>Kojima family patriarch
>Kojima Hideo
Only one here that actually looks like a final boss
Fecal Matter
So look who shows up ready to be connected to the idea of large cutting, Hideo Monika do we connect him to the half of a developer above?
>protagonist in the sequel is the baby sixteen years later
>boss is a shapeshifter
>Final boss is actually a real bro
>Beat him.
>Another Kojima attacks you from the shadows.
>Turns out it was actually Hideo AND Kojima. A pair of twin brothers that ran the family.
Fucking Slaanesh heretics, REEEEEE
>that boss that has the weirdest soundtrack
Lol the dude in the back
It's time to die...White boy.
Enter the Gungeon
Yeah but how are they a Boss, or an antagonism?
The god that created you, is the one fucking with you
Protag is Keith Olbermann. Fights his way thru Russian agents and soldiers, neocons and rednecks. Twist ending - it was all in his head
Is he(?) pregnant?
Looks like she had kino nips at one time. Shame
We're teaching robots to be assholes, that's definitely not going to go terribly wrong eventually
I see demons are finally starting to emigrate from Hell. Rapture soon bros.
>final boss main weapon
Their new design seems to be a lot more promising
bad hash
sound related
cool reddit thread senpai
Hideo Kiwami
>white people
Pick one.
how would he attack with the morphine?
is that really not just a person inside a suit?
Nah they look pretty cool bro
why is demoman in the background
This looks more like a symptom of a Boss, contextually.
You know you fucked up when even a nigger looks at you in disgust.
No it's a robot
are you fucking retarded?
Protagonist's best friend.
I feel like he'd be similar to Adachi in Persona 4
that cant possibly be real. i wouldnt mind being an actual faggot just this once.
>falling for bullshots
These new Devil May Cry orbs are absolutely crazy.
It's called a gimp, and it's up to you to call it human or not
You already are
God I wish that were me
Is the second to last one fucking Varg?
Those fucking pink shoes always kill me
What a guy
How old are you
They're the kind of people who probably had their ribs removed so they could suck their own dicks because they heard that's what Marilyn Manson did.
She is an instagram artist. Making weird prosthetics and using photoshop is her career.
Forlorn Guardian of Nike
Gath’nal; Keeper of Screams
He looks like an NPC that gets killed by the big bad but survives until you find him to relay critical information.
>the pink's one's feet
Dagoth ur welcomes you nerevar, my old friend
do i even wanna know what i'm looking at?
Switzerland stage has a skelly boss
fuck off with your unfunny reddit meme templates
that looks heavy as shit
One protects you while the other ones try to kill you. Who do you pick?
People don't walk like that.
Katy Perry is such a stupid skank attention whore. She has literally nothing On TayTay
Based and Bogpilled
Why do people like Taylor Swift again? Pretty sure she is diagnosed with severe autism.
Doctor Who monster.
>boss has a squad
how many japanese kids do you think japan gave to mj?
never noticed the black guy has an eyepatch until now
Smooth Criminal Micheal is canonly stronger than Samurai Micheal.
nigga samurai
She had a couple catchy pop songs that even grown men couldn't resist. She was tall and had legs for days which distracted you from her otherwise weird body.
Yaruna, kozo...
>you will never have this much fun
Where did it all go wrong
>robot jiggle physics
>gun attachment for fleshbag THOT exterminatus
>Masahiro Samurai
Wonder how fucked up the baby will be.
Pretty sure that one is Kink but the shit House of Gord puts out makes me laugh harder than anything I've ever seen.
Don't forget her odd behavior even for a female popstar standards.
>what a grand and intoxicating innocence
You do realize this is porn, right?
It's from a porn producer but they're clearly just fucking around between shoots. It was released under Kink Behind The Scenes not a real shoot.
Ironic that fucking Fortnite added it as a dance and the kids still don't know who it is.
>guilty crown.jpg
You can't call it churlish to refuse suicide or ongoing war. Come on!
How are these mutants still employed?
>final boss is blatantly obvious from the start of the game
this guy would be the first boss you fight as a vagrant nobody, but then comes in at the end to pile drive the boss and give you the opening kill shot.
is he cosplaying a goomba?
I'm sorry. Order? Can I get a production team first?
an ancient meme. too much for u, too powerful.
Literally Handsome Jack
The status itself or what it would depict it living?
the gay viking every time, although that Bleach grandpa might have nutty power scaling
>boss is amorph
I would 100% party with this motherfucker.
She has curves.
That weird sculpture/statue from your home town
>gay viking
Put some respek on his name
this is the true power of DEEP LEARNING
>cut your tits off and grow a beard because you want to be a really gross 'man' instead
>still take the seed and carry a baby though
Is it having a baby for the sake of protesting against gender norms or something?
This is why I don't fuck with psychedelics. I can't handle reality breaking down.
>the zoomers don’t know their meme history
So does she specifically wait until some background mook pulls a face to take the picture
I obviously choose the professor
There's no way the fetus/baby isn't affected by TRT.
>Jay you'll never believe what I saw
>achievement unlocked: dream team
what kind of boss appears after the boss?
check this site its full of fucking faggots wearing stupid shit and looking ridiculous hel-looks.com
isn't technoviking canonically gay though?
is this IRL Kingpin?
fat dude is calling the exorcist
quite literally all of these people have the faces of psychopaths, fucking hell
>stabs you 23 times in self defense
3 raccoons on a coat
The fact that she has potatoes for brains is really offputting sexually.
Even though that's obviously what it looks like it and the name doesn't help but it wasn't a gay pride parade.
I think Teemu looks like an okay first boss.
can I get a quick rundown on them?
imagine the smellele
i can respect the clothes but not the gay hairstyle
is that nick fury?
>Counter-Mime Counter-Mime Counter-Mime Counter-Mime ...
It's weird but I really like dumb girls. You treat them like a pet or small child and have an instinctual urge to care for them. It's oddly cute that she's too dumb to live on their own. Never get her pregnant though.
is that the demoman from tf2?
His failed hairline aside, it's just an awkward length. If it was three inches shorter or longer it would be fine. Also it's a straight cut rather than broken up/layered.
no fucking way that is a robot.
What are you talking about? OPs pic is of the 2020 Democratic candidate and it's xerfriend
hehe in japanese
Kap'n Rummelsnuff!
this site seems cringier.
shit, it was all fun and games til the second one appeared; they're fucking cooperating.
boku wa em jay
>She was tall and had legs for days
>look it up, 178cm
>same height fetish overrides manlet envy
Mods, female nipples visible in this pic!
maybe that thing just wants a biological baby before doing whatever comes next, how the fuck do you even imitate a dick?
with dudes wanting to be girls you make a mess of flesh and call it a vagina, I guess its atleast a hole
>final boss has a sit down slam attack
Not even my final form
You face Karim, 23.
>how the fuck do you even imitate a dick
Phalloplasty does exist but not really necessary. Women who take large amounts of testosterone see massive clit enlargement anyway. Her clit will stick out and look like a thumb/tiny dick without surgery at all.
I can see your point and i share it but only as a fantasy, in reality from what i encountered dealing with more simple people is rather exhausting and gets tiring quick.
100% based
Leave and never come back
Only choices are Techno Viking and Brother Sharp
I don't think I could do it as a real relationship but I'm just drawn to them. The real downside is if they know they're dumb or hear someone making fun of them. This one girl started crying because her coworkers called her a box of rocks, which is honestly my favorite insult, but she started crying and I can't handle crying so I just left.
>killing either enrages the other and heals him to 300%
Literally WHITE "people"
look at this cool motherfucker
>not wanting to chill with the styling japanese bum
That dude pulls. I'd buy him sandwich and a beer.
Biggie Smalls is played out.
He's korean.
El hermano de jiren
Yeah, it is adorable to a degree, i can agree to that.
Hey buddy, dont make fun of my culture.
He's chinese.
He's Laotian you fuckers.
Brother Sharp IS the Bum
Psychedelics also make you able to laugh at anything and in my experience even weird visions like my wall getting covered with screaming faces made me laugh.
> a brap attack
The one time I took mushrooms I fainted from low blood sugar (didn't plan that night well) and hit my head on a tile floor. Tripping combined with a concussion was terrifying. I'd try it again but in a more controlled environment. I was pretty far off the deep end with drinking and depression at the time so a lot of factors didn't go well.
I love this post
I don't need drugs for that, numerous times i woke up in the middle of the night to find my walls crawling with tarantula spiders climbing over each other. It gets my blood rushing like nothing else.
the hell do you live dude, that sounds horrifying
I ate like 4 grams of shrooms the first and last time I had them and drank a bunch of moonshine to wash them down during a major thunderstorm. I felt like I was going to cook alive and am scared of storms ever since, would not recommend.
psychedelics aren't nearly that fucking strong, EVER. You would have to take a lot of some very strong fucking shit to have that sort of effect dude.
You would have the wavey chroma effect around the edges, thats it. You wouldn't fucking have dog faces melting into cars into frogs. I took 8+ tabs of acid for KH3 and had nothing even close to that level of visualization. Things just melt, they dont shapeshift.
I'm not trying to encourage you, I'm just saying this is significantly fucking different than taking a little bit of psychedelics, I wouldn't want anyone to think this is actually how it is.
>nigga tf u doin travelin our lands
erome dot com [slash] Paranoiagenic
IRL gigantic sea boss
>he even has an anime battle cry
>It becomes a dog for a split second
that's just a minor capeshit villain
what's wrong with these people?
>when it becomes a car
>I don't want to rain on your parade user but i'm about to kick up a storm
>you dodge to early and get crushed under the weight
>spawn glitch
Is he capitalizing on his Stop a Douchebag appearance or was he already known?
it's Russia
80% of this shit comes up with fucked up dog faces
What an absolute fucking unit. Turbo chad.
Council of the SMASHED, or the heroic mode Conclave of the SLAMMED
that ass
>local priest loses to Seath
He is an ancient meme in Russia.
new slaanesh demons look dope
Kojima is a prophet, his games were a warning
What’s good nigga? What’s really good?!
Holy shit where is this nibber i'm stealing it
>I prefer the sky
how do you even get in?
you just step into it
its not always moving
You don't.
It's the perfect defense
I didn't expect this kek
Techno Viking or Umbrella Guy
bottom right seems more like hero material, off to challenge the boss again
>boss announces himself by revving up his chainsaw
Fucking disgusting but still amazingly looking costume. Would be great for a horror film.
Can you beat Duckface?
A goddamn legend. Fuck Final Boss. This man would be the protagonist.
>Disco of the 90's, motherfuckers
I remember this. What is it?
Reminds me of this guy
Go on, Gigachadguro. Show me 100% of 300%.
He is too cute, its got to be shopped
his name is RED KEG the Beer Beast
That's not from 2019
Angles and clothing. A straight on shirtless pic is always obvious that it's a male skeleton.
I share a board with these people
Would fuck somehow
Techno Viking or the homeless asian guy, he looks cool af
Didnt she post on Yea Forums once?
>enemies can open doors
Never actually confirmed. Name of a cat and window blinds were the evidence.
I want to fuck that rock
>El Goblino
god that just gave me PTSD and i havent even watched the show in years
>even weird visions like my wall getting covered with screaming faces made me laugh
thats her brother
hey man most of those faces were pretty cool guys. except kyle, what a fucking douchebag
>enemies can close doors
that's not a boss, but legendary npc.
Do you even think they cleaned it up?
>final boss is a perfect gentleman
not impossible but unexpected
choosing the modern day sekiro. as a protector.
Kabukis are so fucking cool
this reminds me of boomy and avatar the last airbender.
>South African Warlord
>Serial Killer
>Night Stalker
nah that first one is a shinobi. He's just pretending to be poor to avert attention.
final boss of the nwo
>those heels on the woman
The absolute unit.
For the last time, Tzimisce, flesh-shaping in public IS NOT FINE.
She's a pro wrestler, but I don't remember the name.
Brother Sharp, the homeless guy, is actually severely mentally ill. I believe he lost his wife an kid in an accident, and it fucked him up so bad he would dress as his wife while homeless. If I also recall correctly, a movie is being made about his experiences as he apparently finally consented to his brother helping him get off the streets, and some big somebody heard and wanted to make a movie.
seeing all that cancer over the years made him lose an eye.
it's cool that he's letting someone help him but there doesn't need to be a movie made, let the man recover in peace.
The money will help him recover in no time
>but there doesn't need to be a movie made, let the man recover in peace.
That's more or less what he said, but it was his family that talked him into it as he also had no money. I don't know the status of the ordeal since all that because I haven't checked up on it in like a year.
you really think they're gonna let him get all that money just because it's about his life? They'll give him some, and all that public view might not be good for him. People might recognize him and bring up the horrible shit he's dealt with and is trying to get past. I just don't think making a movie about something is always a great idea.
I would need a horse cock up to the diaphragm to truly compare
I guess as long as people can just leave their comments with the movie and not him. It's not cool to bring up past hard times with someone without there being at least a possibility it might have a negative influence.
No I don't really think they are going to let him have ALL of it, but they aren't going to chuck him a few bucks are they? It's be a nice amount he can do something to enjoy or fix his life with
second from the left on the bottom is really only as far as you need to go.
That'd be nice. It will be very sad if it turns out they didn't give him a good amount.
He was offered fashion modelling jobs and endorsement deals and he refused all of it. He was pretty much non-verbal for a while.
Yep, and it was the movie director who hounded him for so long until he finally agreed.
The modelling I get, he doesn't want eyes on him, and modelling is exactly what he doesn't want, with a movie, an actor can portray him versus him needing to be seen.
Fuck, I wish I had good genetics.
After the meme broke out kids kept taking selfies in front of him. Nigga just wanted to sit quietly in the park but he'd have dozens of people harassing him every day.
>an actor can portray him versus him needing to be seen.
As far as I'm aware, that's the deal. I read some transcripts of people who interacted with him on the streets after he got popular and he was clearly disturbed by everything. You can find a picture of him in a pink dress if you look hard enough.
>good genetics
He was ugly as a man and is still ugly as a girl (male). Stop falling for meticulously taken camera angles.
god, wish that were me
fail at provoking me unlike the dude who cant wear pants without his ass leaking
they're all from the same angle, in front of the face. Not even turning his face at all.
>Protective 16-year-old cat mauls seven pit bulls in Canada
based cat
Hormones don't change your male skeleton. He's still built like a bridge.
Do people just not know how to respect when they can clearly see someone wants privacy? This isn't like "the gubbament is spying on me" this is "the public won't leave this obviously uncomfortable man alone". That is absolutely ridiculous. Go bother some flavor of the month celebrity instead.
>Do people just not know how to respect
They're chinese. No they don't know respect.
All I need is a cute face though and he has one. I'm a homo, you see.
>Do people just not know how to respect when they can clearly see someone wants privacy?
This is important to note that this is all in China. The Chinese are really bad about this sort of thing.
Shit nigga, why are those videos so addictive? been watching them for an hour.
It's not like he can really move either, even if he does, it doesn't mean he'll get more privacy. That just sucks man.
At this rate he'll become a shut in once he has the money to get off the streets. I don't blame him.
here you go: reflectivedesire.com
fap away
It's humorous when people freak out that they can't get the sticker off because I'm used to driving a shitbox and always have a razor blade in my car.
How do I get to be a weird bondage fetish model as an ugly man? Looks like fun.
is... is that moot?
fuck shitbulls
That stuff probably costs more than gold by now.
kek i like this
Anything from haute couture catwalk is cheating.
why the fuck have you put Joosten in this?
You just need to have money and start hiring "models" to do shoots. Or you can find some randos to do bdsm sessions online but they're all old and ugly as fuck.
that looks like a frame from kanbanari
Based cat. Should have scratched out the eyes of the "pit moms" as well.
She wants the Dohnut
then this thing comes alive and breaks into a hail of thousands of knives and literally shreds people alive.
No matter how hard it tries it will always have the skeleton of a man which gives it away instantly.
100,000% no sweat
>it's a boss-squad fight
heres your last boss bro
Lassegg Hyperactive
Mental illness is unironically frightening.
every times i read these stories i become more and more depressed
get ye golem gone
>shreds you as it does not comprehend your language nor tries to
sad little sacks of meat that try to confront a beast of a thousand blades will never amount to anything other than a red confetti littering the ground.
the real MVP in that image are the coat's buttons
>greetings wanderer
Barstool has been shit for a long time but at least they still keep up with sex scandal teachers.
Doesnt matter if he passes or not. Traps are getting more and more popular and people wanna fuck em
the fuck that's just vernon kay with early onset type 9 obesebeties, rare genetic defect when you're born fat and have multiple thin people trying to get out all at once
>Traps are getting more and more popular and people wanna fuck em
You don't go outside very off. 99% of the population has no idea what trap means or cares about trannies in any capacity.
that product placement though. How much did calvin klein pay for this advertising?
They look like demonic beings. This is not good.
>Stand: Cowboy From Hell
that guy has a wikipedia article
thats pretty funny
>former ally is revealed as the mastermind behind the evil terrorist organization
>mentor is a final boss protecting something ancient and you have to beat him to prove yourself
That eyepatch nigga does have a final boss look on him
it's also what really stands out on that pic, have we been brainwashed?
>yall whities are crazy
It is true I killed my Mentor, yet I am not his murderer
Truly a weapon to surpass Metal Gear
my thought exactly. How?
do you want to buy calvin klein products?
Based catto
That's fucking rude.
No please, this is how skynet begins, stop bullying her.
Cats win again, baby
She can cast a shrink debuff on you
I am afraid that it's too late for you then. I'm sorry.
Sorry m8. Normies took em
>raid boss fight
did he weave his hair into the hat? Man black people will never stop surprising me with their hairstyles.
>one autistic retard makes a fool of himself in college
>all normal, non-internet regular adults must know about non-mainstream memes
I'll give you that normalfags have embraced memes and came up with countless, some of which are actually decent. Normalfag meme output far exceeds niche sites like Yea Forums and even reddit is niche compared to the normalfag memes on facebook and instagram. It's trending in that direction but not there yet.
no that's diego umejuarez
Traps are mainstream as fuck.
>a rare Deepwater Jew
every single time
Go up to a 35 year old carpenter and ask him what a trap is.
The niggerbull fears the feline.
>really hard ice level
>even harder ice boss
some things need to happen. when your mentor tests your mettle and doesn't settle for anything less than death, you have to meet his expectations.
just did
the answer was:"probably something faggy"
Prermafrost Shaman
>ask someone who isn't part of the mainstream what mainstream memes are
Are Marvel movies mainstream? My grandma doesn't know any of them so they must be underground cinema. Microsoft? Sony? I asked my 40 year old rancher cousin and he doesn't know either of those epic leet secret products.
>working millennials aren't the largest demographic right now
If they aren't mainstream I don't know what is.
I hate going to the potteries, that thing spooks me.
Looks like a toddler with a toysword
that's the twist
Asking her on a date....
>get mauled by old-ass cat named Baby
Pitbulls are an embarrassment, holy shit
holy fuck, who's this cutie?
Gif is 15 years old and still makes me mad. Dude's a fucking retard. Everyone else could tell that's clearly a hugging gesture.
I'm going to make you pay for MGS V. And once I'm done with you, I will defeat the secret boss Konami.
>All bosses gather up at beginning of the game in a cutscene only to make fun of you after dealing with first boss
is this like a hispanic Michael Cera?
I think it has to do with them not being told what to do
>weak early boss shows up once more as powerful final boss
This looks like some most unholy statuary.
Not final boss but halfway through
>you can hear a distant "AAAYEEAAAYEEAAYAEEEE" followed by dubstep
Hideo is lit af
>the final boss has one more phase
>final boss is the one who everyone looks up to
>silencer of reviews
but that's tim sweeney
Fucking niggers can't pull their pants up, no wonder they get shot by the fashion police all the time.
The one on the right is definitely a kingdom death boss.
>working millennials aren't the largest demographic right now
>working millennial
>dopamine releases
Green Berlet
Skinny White Bitsthatsmy
>t.baby boomer
Sorry we all couldn't buy houses at 21 after getting a GED and working manual labor for three years, y'all fucked that up
>24-37 year olds aren't the largest percentage of the workforce
Spring break came early?
>defensive first phase
>offensive second phase
The everyday nigga on the left with the eyepatch is more interesting than the two grunts you fight in some cyber punk future game that are the focus of the shot. They would never be final bosses
Potion Seller, sell me your strongest potions
Shit I clicked this, will my macbook die?
oblivion ass lookin nigga
there was a good thread on /tg/ a few months ago like this and I saved some good ones
she got a busted face so look at her feet.
This guy is definitely leading some international cult
Annie daijoubu
Annie daijoubu
Daijoubu desu ka