Why haven't you tried Dofus yet user?
Why haven't you tried Dofus yet user?
Hello, frenchman here : Don't
holy fuck I forgot this was videogames.
Explain, at the moment I am enjoying playing on the monoaccount server
I liked wakfu better. Shame how they messed the game up AND made it p2p years ago and killed most of the hype for the game.
I did years ago but I cant pay a monthly sub
It's not much better now anyways
Check out how shit the last update was
Right now Dofus is the better game on the grounds that the dev team actually cares more
Well it does get better the more time you invest, but that is a legit reason
They expanded the f2p zones so take a gander if you want
I've been there before, but soon you will come to hate this game when the asshats at Ankama nerf what you're playing for some reason while leaving some obviously broken shit alive
>ever nerfing Huppermage
I guess I'm fine then
But I do agree on that other side
Ecaflip right now does too much shit at the same time it's the definition of broken
I dont care for shitty MMO's, make a proper single player game with the franchise and I will give a fuck.
I heard they were making a f2p Dofus, Dofus 2 or something like that
I've been playing it since 2006 user
You're either talking of Wakfu or Waven
Wakfu is shit right now, come back in 3 months
Waven is in closed alpha and it will be a while, plus it's basically Hearthstone+Krosmaster
Frenchies can't write for shit so they add waifubait to every show/comic
>Dofus came out in 2004
It's been 15 years already ?
And the P.A.N.T.S. quest is still pants on head retarded
I did, got all achievement, and there was nothing to do left.
Stop a bit before the release of the last Dofus.
Nox is one of the best antagonists in anime, manga and cartoon history though
Prove it
Log into your account and screen the cheevo points
wakfu enis are better
Literally a pawn to some autistic soulless retard with daddy problems
Bravo S3
Can't, sold everything.
got 700€ from the Kamas sold though
After the Ogrest Chaos the beliefs in the gods got stronger, thus osamodas got bluer and Eniripsas became even more healsluts than before
Understandable have a nive day
imaginez être un anglais et jouer à Dofus
God why was every villain after nox such a let down
Only Ogrest came close but he was just an angry boy
Reminder that Eliatropes and Mechasms are Ubermensch
tips, don't play Dofus or Wakfu with Yea Forums
Enis thighs are the best thing in the entire Krosmoz, besides Goddess Cra tits.
What are you talking about ? Wakfu only has 2 seasons, r-right ?
>not playing international servers with your superior french knowledge
plèbe gout
The fuck’s Dofus?
Oh hi remijim
I beg to differ
every thighs in the World of Twelves is a blessing from each of them
Why are Enis so perfect?
>implying it's one person that hated how the merge of the guilds ruined everything
Dofus is a tactical rpg like Final Fantasy Tactics or Disgaea, which means you make a team with other people and tackle whatever the game throws at you
It's fun because you got to strategize and synchronize with your team at higher levels, but there's a lot of waiting since it's turn based and you can only control your character which can offput people that don't hace patience
The actual in game Dofus are Dragon eggs which have a metric fuckton of energy
Been rewatching S1 after finishing S3 this weekend.
Don't remember much about Nox except that he did it all for his family which is a much better reason than the retarded
sounds fun I guess
I used to play it over 10 years ago, my brother still plays it.
It's an acquired taste really
That's why I don't blame people if they don't like it after trying it
it's pretty fun
you can queue in for 3v3 pvp and except when you're not against people who queued in together the battles are really fun because agreeing with strangers is difficult for both team
why does everything from this series look so fuckable
Most of Nox's motivation is in the special. It boils down to him watching his family die after becoming obsessed with the Eliacube and it driving him over the edge into believing it has the power to turn back time so he can save them.
based frenchies
what are they waiting to put a gacha game with all their waifus?
I haven't played since january. I have a lvl 110 feca on the monoaccount server. I've played this game since 2006 or something though, with a lot of breaks. I think I might have the kamas to buy a sub again, any of you fags wanna play ?
>Wide hips
>Thick fucking thighs
>Cute faces
>perky tits
Post more Eva
because everyone at Ankama is horny but so am I
French people
Good thing I never watched that apparently. I thought S2 was already too much, the ending of S1 was perfect.
because Xa knows his shit
I have a level 80 fogger
>when he realizes that turning the time back is actually possible, but even the insane amounts of raw power he had amassed would only give him twenty minutes of time travel
One of the biggest alliances is english based and there's a Yea Forums guild ready to take in new people
Check out Steamed Hams
S3 is a go nowhere setup for S4 from what I've heard
ta gueule
How about a Cléophée? God I want to fuck an elf.
Because ankama sucks. My only account to ever get "hacked". It's impressive how bad can their support be even if they have an amazing game. Dofus is great but it's not worth dealing with ankama. Fuck ankama
>Sacrier don't have 2hp for 1 stat point anymore
what is even the point ?
I have a Eni lvl 145
I want to fuck loli Elely
Where can I obtain all of Wakfu?
Ask Yea Forums
Oh shit I think I was in that alliance, I remember seeing this guild.
got you covered
But Yea Forums would bully me and then derail because they don't like to talk about cartoons or comics.
Even trees are whores in dofus
Steamed Hams is a new guild which got made after everyone came back to play on march
Not part of the english alliance yet
Pretty sure they still have that general dedicated to downloading things
Just logged in, my feca is actually 130 lol.
I stopped playing around when they introduced Frigost 3 (200 xelor), do you guys think it's worth coming back in a mono character server?
Monoacc is legit the most fun I've had with the game
Get some people to start from scratch and grind away
I'm interested too, is it active ? if so can I just play the class that makes my dick the hardest or is there a go to ?
So you guys wanna do some shit ?
Wakfu > Dofus
Dofus > Wakfu
search your hearts, you know it to be true
I hate how they are now. And you're supposed to be able to switch between stances but one is too powerful and it takes ages to actually switch.
There is like one thread on it and it's pretty much dead.
>ywn kill low level that ventured in the forest of Astrub on Oto Mustam ever again
I loved this game, getting insulted in french was romantic
I want to be dominated by Evangelyne!
what's wrong with her ears?
>Adventures of Dumb Cat
>better than the constant parade of teenaged ass and tits
Sure I'm bored as fuck right now.
But be aware, I have social anxiety and I'm dumb as a brick in this game
Never could get into Wakfu, felt off somehow. I wish Dofus Arena would have gotten more love.
It's worth it, everybody's helping, it's great. And no fucking bots. And yeah it's active and you can pick whatever class you want. If you haven't played in a while some classes changed a lot though and not always for the best, imo.
just start a bait thread by using a pictures off this thread saying something along the lines of "why was season 3 so kino ?" or "Dofus Kerub's Treasure > Wakfu S1" and once it get enough traction ask them
Spotted the fellow xelor
Wakfu is better
our level difference is huge but sure
my character name is Narele
Ok pm Nerviana.
>after everyone came back to play on march
What happened on march to make people come back?
>he plays an ecaflip
meant for
You're not on ilizaelle ?
Because it's made by french people, not americans or japs.
yeah I am, my game is updating, hold on
OK np.
I just asked help for some shit and everyone came dripping back into the game
>American animation inspired Japs
>Japanese animation inspired Frogs
Whoever is next in the line will probably just make porn and nothing but
Dofus has been massive garbage since the 2.0 update, and 1.29 has been on shallow ground for too long, so yeah, it s shit
The old guild leader started playing again and along with another guy who kept playing the whole time they made everyone hype by talking about the game
>Wakfu > Dofus
Aren't you supposed to complain about any game past red and blue on your pokemon board or something?
I'm on it but it won't let me buy ogrines with kamas, since my p2p is over
there's a login button but nothing happens, what the fuck have they done now
Déjà tu commences a mieux me parler, espèce de garage a bites ambulant
They broke it with yesterday's update. Gotta wait or use the website.
>getting your ass handed to you by the "melee" class that hit you from farther than the "distance" one
>getting one shot by the class that can turn invisible and trap arena
ah yes ahaha good game
people who complain about 2.0 never played 1.29 endgame pvp
There was a 2 month temporary server where monsters directly drop any equipment
At the end your character is delete but your XP is convert into a pot that you can give to any wharacter across any server to regain that XP
Also they were some good cosmetic reward, the theme was Nox
I resub during those two month, it was fun to loot item instead of crafting them, reminding me of old dofus before the 2.0
Imaginez etre un français et ENCORE jouer a cette merde
Dofus c'est pas bien depuis un moment deja
Use the website.
Uhh did they delete monoaccount characters? I just logged in the site and it says i have no characters
What is the difference between Wakfu and Dofus?
Also post some cute girls from both.
characters below level 30 don't show as character on the website, if you delete them you can't bring them back against money too
>start playing Wakfu
>have to pick like 2 dozen flowers before the "pick a couple flowers" quest counts as complete for some reason
>stop playing at the first town
It was something
Eva is for Amalia
Tout le monde s'en branle de votre opinion les genwunners
Wakfu is bad and dead and Dofus isn't bad and dead
On terms of timeline, Wakfu is about 200 years after Dofus and the landscape changed greatly because of Ogrest's Chaos
In terms of gameplay, Wakfu is more mobile and fast paced but Dofus has more strategy in mind
>born to late to explore the world
>born to early to explore the galaxy
>born just in time to explore the depths of human depravity
Yeah, but i had a lvl 100 one in the dramak server back then. Still doesn't appear
Characters in which you haven't logged in a while also don't appear
>Japanese animation inspired Frogs
Dude stop spouting bullshit like that
French are weeb but french animation is older than that
Tell me why I should. You have twenty minutes.
Why is Ankama just so unbelievably incompetent?
weird, how long has it been since you didn't play ?
I know they had a server merge recently and it showed you having no character on the server screen until you logged in, maybe it's because of that ?
Pretty sure he means modern french animation. Which, frankly isn't too far from the truth.
If anyone's wandering what's the state of dofus right now,well it's the EXACT SAME as world of warcraft, nuff said
All the temporary servers got merged with Ilyzaelle, might be why your character isn't showing up. Not updated or something.
99% creatives 1% technicians
also I love Tot but he's retarded and can't manage his company for shit, he only does what he want and makes him happy
Oh, right. I haven't played it since last year
I went further back in time just for you friend
They don't hire actual professionals. All the work is done by temporary people. And the permanent team is incompetent.
>I love Tot
They also launched the same year IIRC. MMOs are a weird thing when you think about it.
Nobody understands what you're even talking about wakfufag
>I quoted the wrong post
Shit my bad it was
I saw him once in a convention while they were showing kromaster arena and he taught me how to play, he's a great guy and you won't make me say bad things about him
Hello, hams. Stop shilling the game to this board of morons and start helping me FINISH MY TURQUOISE QUEST REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I WANT MY GODDAMN DOFUS OF MANY CRITS
A person can be a great guy and also a shit manager
Face it he doesn't do a good job
just drop it on the dragon pig lol
Those Dofus quests are such a fucking chore. The only one I bothered with is the carrot one, which is fucking nothing compared to the other ones and I still felt like offing myself the entire time.
but that's exactly what I said in my post
It's better than dropping them
Check the droprate on Vulbis Dofus and tell me you'd nolife drop it rather than doing a quest for it
I find them entertaining and rewarding (mostly). Would you rather some fetch quests like every other MMO? Dofuses are supposed to be hard to obtain anyway.
>you'd nolife drop it rather than doing a quest for it
already did it 8 times mate
skooma pelle du fromashe
wee, wee, sadafadsadafafag
Now try on a monoaccount environment like god intended
I think there are only 5 Vulbis on Ilyzaelle in total
>tfw ywn impregnate Eva
Thankfully I played eni on the monoaccount server and got sick of it before I got to that point in the game. Stopped around level 120 right around the time they were running the beta server for the next version which was about to smash our faces in with the nerf hammer (around october I think?). Real life shit got in the way as well so I said fuck it and just stopped. Everyone was screeching about the changes on the forum so I have no idea if they ended up listening, probably not.
We know, Amalia
I did when I was 10
A friend I had years ago bought me a year sub or something and tried to get me to play but I just forgot all about it.
Vulbis will be made into a quest this year.
So how's the show anons? I've been meaning to watch it for a long time.
>you will never impregnate this three times and probably plan to put even more babies inside her
Why isn't Tristepin the main character instead of that literal cuck Yugo again?
S1 is good.
Shota > Lanklet
encore un roastbeef qui ne peut pas tolérer une autre langue plus de cinq seconds
I'm about to go back into NEET mode for a few months so maybe I'll waste some time on this game again. I don't feel like touching my eni ever again though, are osas good? Those were kind of fun from what I remember.
the show is good except for season 3, also Dofus Kerub's treasure is really enjoyable
he's a god now
god this was such a shit plot twist
wee, wee
>better than anyone
Osas are OP as shit in PvP and still very annoying to play with since they take their turns for way longer than everyone else controlling their summons one by one.
Comme à la maison.
Is there a dip in quality after season 1?
>Goultard helping Yugo beating up Arty
it's been years and I'm still angry
Osas can solo everything
I remember when the summons were AI controlled and shit
>don't really care about PvP
>hate being a bother so I'd hate getting on people's nerves by taking twice as long to play
well then
I only watched 1. It wrapped things up nicely.
The plot is less interesting. The animation is still top tier.
>are osas good?
Go for it, user. Make the frogs seethe as i once did.
>the ecaflip city episodes
This series just reminds me of how much I want to fuck elves
no, season 2 isn't as good as season 1 but you can't call that a dip in quality
season 3 got cucked out of the money needed for 13 other episodes so it got fixed like they could and took a heavy hit on the quality of the story
I mean just join a guild and they won't complain about your year long turns, and you can solo everything, but it's a waste to play osa and not do pvp
low level pvp is fun, if you don't feel like wasting days on it just get level 50 and meme around
I have. Used to play alot when I was younger
Tried Wakfu too. They're fun but get pretty grindy like any MMO
In the next update they are going to heavily nerf osas, ecas and cras
never could get a grasp on Wakfu but what little I did play was pretty comfy
Deservedly so
Those classes are overperforming heavily
There is no grind in Dofus unless you're a grind-lover or a dumbass. I'm 199 and I didn't grind for anything but roses for my crimson dofus, which wasn't that bad.
If you actually believe this you're delusional. They'll get a slap on the wrist and the real nerf will go to xelors, as always.
I'm still mad they backed on the world handled only by the players
Season 2 has a more tight plot, so it loses a bit of that "happy-go-lucky, we're going on fun adventures!" feeling that S1 had.
It's still very good.
S3 is watchable, but it's by far the weakest season.
Also, check out Dofus The Treasures of Kerub Cartoon, that takes place a long time before Wakfu with each episode being (almost) completely stand-alone. And check out the OVAs too.
>it's a waste to play osa and not do pvp
I feel like that would apply to almost every class though.
In what way exactly?
fuck, second one meant for
You may be right, but I only played Dofus in my younger years and only thing I could find about leveling up was grinding battles in zones or having people power level you
Based chads.
Agreed, I kind of just walked around and beat things in my level range, collecting resources along the way. I played back when it was first released on steam, but quit shortly after because I felt I hit a wall. I'll give it one thing though, the world of 12 is humongous and quite pretty in some areas
If I where a gambling man I'd day they'd mostly nerf the damage output of summons or make summons more killable with less hp
That's about as hard as I'd go
>ywn get powerleveled in Cania ever again
I want to go back bros it was so comfy
Yeah things have changed.
I remember playing the Dofus MMO in the mid 2000s. Shit was pretty comfy.
It's where I learned what a blowjob was
Is there any reason to play dofus over wakfu? I prefer the lvling system in dofus but wakfu is the newer one. But damn this thread is making me want to play this
>nerf the damage output of summons
Didn't they already do that with the birds in the last update? Like I said before I stopped right before the current update hit and I seem to recall they were about to remove the damage boost the air summons got each turn or some shit.
it also kind of "dense" in learning what to do/start as a new player. Note that this is from somebody that last tried to play almost ten years ago though so things might have changed
Dofus is Ankama's baby while Wakfu is the child they wish had succeeded
Dofus is more active and get more updates and love, Wakfu feels left out and they're working on a new game now
I just want Dofus book 2 or that one movie they teased before book 1 came out bros
It's the opposite way. There is no reason to play wakfu over dofus. Dofus is better in every way except techniqual; flash is even worse than java.
don't let this thread die you faggots, I only ever see one every couple of months and it's the only way I get news about any of Ankama's shit since they never post on their social media
I want to fuck eva
I want Miranda to be a playable ally in Waven, I hope they add her I know it wouldn't make sense but she's cute and I want to hug her
>Not sure if I should go xelor again
Who is this cute
>rolling xelor
Just don't do it, the damage is really lacking
Don't, it's not worth being nerfed every single new update
>can't just fuck you opponent up emptying his PA
more complexe than ever, for big brains only
Bakara from Dofus book 1
she's cute ! cute !
Don't suffer through it, unless you really like doing big brain moves for inferior results to what other classes do in one spell.
Our current guild leader plays xelor and he gets on mad rants all the time about ankama's bullshit and how he gets cucked by gravity and has shit damage for a damage dealer all the time.
>Xelor got cucked out of 0PA you every turn
get owned scrubs, might actually play again
What you don't understand is that xelors did this because it was the only thing they could do. It's going this way again since they've been nerfing their damage. It's a cycle.
Ankama makes the best characters
I can smell the sexual tension in this clip.
What xelor needs is a spell that gives back the stolen ap but does damage per ap refunded
if my damage was anywhere near acceptable compared to other dds and I had survival tools like literally every other class I wouldn't spend time boring myself to death removing ap scrub
I forgot. Was there a reason Yugo didn't move? He probably wouldn't have aged a day.
Can I have a QRD on these characters?
>all the best girls get YOP'd
What did Ankama mean by this?
Sacre bleu!
Yugo still aged but him being not a human means he has a longer lifespan
Actual teenager Yugo is a hunk
>spent a solid couple weeks marathonning the entire show
>have no interest in MMOs so will never get to enjoy god tier french art design and world building
This sucks man, why does the world like MMOs so much.
>notice your buldge
Season 3 was such a shitshow. The worst part is, it started so good.
When Oropo embraced Amalia and she said "Yugo?" I was extremely hyped thinking that he was a wise, overpowered Yugo from the future trying to overthrow the uncaring gods and that the annoying little shit young Yugo was going to lose for once. But no, he's just a not-yugo from that OVA and he turns into a fucking reckless retard the last few episodes just like every Wakfu villain does.
They ALWAYS fucks up the endings. Every single season.
they like the thick cream if you get my point
>tfw Eva will never call you pretty ginger
this time they had the excuse of France 3 cutting their budget
Dally really does have it all dude, best boy by far.
Season 4 when? I really need something to get rid of the taste of season 3.
Nyaa has torrents for Wakfu.
Budget cuts aren't an excuse to make a formerly intelligent and cunning villain into an idiot. They could have done the plot so much better with the same budget.
I still liked most of the season, Wakfu is very solid overall.
Ankama needs funding for S4
good luck with waiting
>Season 4 when?
never ever, season 3 didn't get the expected success and France 3 don't want to finance it again and iirc Tot said the negotiations to have Netflix finance it went wrong
Sorry I'm late, I have this, it's pretty old though sadly, don't know what happened to the original author
Best tavern.
Wakfu S3 subs when???
Fugg, yet another good show where I'll die before getting some closure.
I agree it started off so fucking GOOD.
Taking Eva and the boy, leaving Pinpin to die and his daughter falling with him.
Then it was weird, they dropped some plot points.
>I am pushing them through these tests so they see my point of view -NotYugo
>Lol jk, just fight or whatever.
Except the little girl at the start was the only one that actually made Pinpin's daughter doubt.
a year ago my guy
Are these two the only hope for kamascoin??
the only mistery left is what attacked inglorioum that left it in such a state
you could argue it was leftovers from Ogrest's battle with the gods or something else entirely, I guess it will be made into a comic or something
They kickstarted the dub for the first and second season didn't they?
Can't they do the same with a fourth and final season?
Because 2.0 is shit and my old account was somehow deleted. Fuck Ankama.
I thought Frieza Adamai was weird straight from the start, I thought he was too edgy
otherwise I agree
I played it when the most op shit was 9 PA yopuka so he could cast 3 spells on the same turn. Good times
What’s wrong with her ears?
it's a cute hairband
Should I play Wakfu since I am starting to get an acquired taste of Tactical RPGs?
Is there a main storyline?
I am just thinking of playing as if it was a one player game.
>Is there a main storyline?
yes but it's shit
>I am just thinking of playing as if it was a one player game.
Well also how will they escape the Inglorium and the side plot of how far will France go with /ss/ing Yugo and Amalia
Is the android version good or nah?
well explorancients are a thing unless they went extinct/into hiding
ye, it's surprisingly good from what I heard
Then play dofus on normal servers with multiple accoutns.
Installing it right now.
Can you play with pc players?
nope, it's an entirely different server
it's free though (I think)
no, also it's ages behind updates
and many classes are missing
More like.. doofus. Amiright?
Hit the gym, nerd.
I played Wakfu open beta with Yea Forums, good times.
what the fuck were they thinking
Original Eva is best and cutest eva
>hon hon hon what do you think about the Dofus name Jean ?
>I love it Francois sounds exotic, let's go eat a baguette
didn't play since a year or two, what classes are fun to play alone and useful in group ?
does the 3* difficulty means you're trying to trick me ?
play Zobal, they're kinda jack of all trades
I hope nobody here says "dofousse" instead of the chad "dofusse", right ?
I hope you don't say that last e my friend
Dofus (Dough-fuss)
Where can I find the thicc ERP bitches?
I know there's a RP scene on the french's server, but you can try looking around the taverns or mansions and see if you see women rping and pay them
What happened to Wakfu? It was always on my list of games to play, since I like grided turn based combat.
>Pay them
I can't tell if that makes me feel more or less immersed.
Wakfu is still a decent game, but it was promised as a player managed game and they backtracked on that while it could have been peak kino
What happens in 3 months?
I played Wakfu up til level 160, when that was the cap. I loved the game, but it just felt like wasted potential, in the end.
updates are every 3 months
the most recent update is shit so I'm taking a 3 month break in hopes that the next update is better
All of them to some extent. Just pick what you like. Even the resident healslut deals decent damage.
Why does no one talk about Wakfu? Is Dofus better?
I went with Zobal since someone said it was jack of all trade and it's pretty fun
should I minmax ? or just all put in my hitting element ?
it's just that there's more content and it's not abandoned/dead like wakfu
put about 300 points into your hitting element then the rest into hp
or go ham and do all into your main element
nice thanks
People usually do 300 main stat (so 600 points) rest vit. 200 in two stats rest vit if duo-element. But there is no absolute rule, the best thing about dofus is how much you can customize your gear and fit your stats to it.
yeah sorry I'm french and wrote it the frog way
>game is made by the French
it was a good thread, cya Yea Forums
God bless em
Eva is for rough sex and impregnation
THREE (3) child before marriage
u rite, it's even canon
I agree with this guy but that skin tight suit does unholy things to my dick
Watched the first season solely for the bad guy, he had a kino conclusion, then I bailed.
The cast and episodic episodes didn't seem like they were worth sticking around for.
Oh shit, I was talking about Wakfu AND you were talking about the videogame because I'm on Yea Forums and not Yea Forums.
Well that's embarassing.
I get why people enjoy the ongoing story, but I actually prefer the SoL episodes for both Wakfu and especially Dofus
they're cute and really help me enjoy the characters more
what are these faces supposed to imply
Idk user.
I want to be__ Amalia
waven looks shit but at lest there'll be new NPC/characters to draw porn of
>eva with long hair
we don't see this quite enough time
an untold amount of semen had been sacrificed to Zone's animation of this scene
both from me, and Ankama apparently
shit taste, Waven look great and so does the game actually, can't wait to spend months playing the beta only for Ankama to back down at the release and turn it into Dofus but with wasted potential
Is Wakfu worth watching? I was always turned off by how fast the original French version was, but now its got an English dub.
This is because Zone is loved by everyone.
Through dick, unity.
>there is actually a way to revert back time
>finally managed to gather the power to do it
>fail miserably by turning back only 20 minutes
>all the damage you caused stayed the same
>your family is still dead
This was fucking heartbreaking man. The worse part is that it's possible to do it
season 1 is great, season 2 is decent, season 3 is a waste of time
kerub's treasure is also great if you like SoL
>They know
>just leave the big last battle
>go die on your loved's one tomb
I don't feel so good
I keep trying to get into Wakfu but the early game quests are shit. Is Dofus better in that regard?
yes but its still an MMO, so the "it gets better 20 hours in" meme still applies.
I'd say yes but I haven't done the start in wakfu since forever.
I unironically really enjoy Dofus' early game and leveled at least 20 or 30 character up to level 80 before deleting them
I haven't played in a year or two but I started again today and from what I see it's pretty similar
Redpill me on this guy. I like his design
watch Wakfu's first season and Wakfu's oav Nox the watchmaker
I advise you to watch it, but if you don't want to then
>He's a failed inventor, weighted down by debt and an increasing depression that he cannot provide for his family.
>When one of his failed scientific experiments lead him to a cave where he finds a cube called the Eliacube
>He becomes obsessed with it and stops eating and living. His wife eventually leaves with their children, leaving a note telling him to join them where they've gone once he's regained himself
>Once he does, his landlord tells him that his wife and children died in a flood. He's driven insane by these news and that's when he believes he heard the Eliacube tell him that if he collects enough life energy he could go back in time.
>For the next 200 years he stops time for his own body and ravages all the kingdoms/nations etc. to collect life energy, not concerned with the damage he causes and the lives lost.
>Because it will all go back to normal once he turns back time
>And then at the end he believes he has gathered enough life energy to go back and save his family, but it turns out that his 200 years of collecting energy only amounted to 20 minutes.
>Deflated and defeated, he leaves the final battle and ports back to his family's tombstones, where time finally catches up with his body and he dies.
Why wakfu hasn't released mono-account servers yet bros?
it worked on dofus, now everyone migrated back to it there's literally over 100k players on mono-acc servers, almost 10x more than on multi-acc ones
Multiboxing is what killed wakfu to be honest, the playerbase literally shutting itself to newcomers
reading it in this post hit me harder than watching it actually
also he was shit at xelor magic until he found the eliacube
I'm not a furry, but I need every Miranda lewd that ever existed
because the hero booster packs is what makes most money in Wakfu
there's no winning on that game
Pozdrav, Slav here: kurwa :DDD
Give up on wakfu. Multi-account is what kills it (that and the fact it's inferior to Dofus in pretty much every way but graphics) and also what makes money out of it. It will never be fixed. They only have a handful of people working on it, they keep it on life support as long as it remains profitable.
>find Wakfu's season 2 in HD on YT
>it's been here for 4 years
Ankama is based and redpilled
basé et pilule rougé
I'm getting my turquoise dofus tonight and nothing will fucking stop me casuals
you can do it user, I believe in you
Back in my days you would grind for your dofus and you weren't even sure to drop a good one.
Sois pas trop dur avec les autistes user
Nothing's stopping you from playing on the 1.29 server.
Well now you have to do a long ass quest with puzzles and dungeons with specific idols that make them ballbusting gramps. There is no merit to grinding the same exact easy dungeon repeatedly until rng decides you get your dofus.
So why did they keep Grovy tanned?
Wouldn't the tan not last that long?
RNG is a talent, faggot. That's why you play water enu.
>water enu
enutrofs stopped being about drops long ago
they completely destroyed the game
more like, they made enutrofs actually useful instead of being just drop bots
get a gripe you fucking brainlet
What are some okay, f2p MMOs what I can play for a bit?
Yeah I fucking hate that they removed all those particularities of the different classes.
Dofus is f2p at this point, it's so easy to buy a sub with kamas.
all classes had their roles, what do enutrofs do now that other classes can't?
enutrof purpose was to be the faggot you bring together to drop gelanos or at the end of dungeons, sometimes they used to remove MP.
But i have
Nox is in my tip 5 villain list
they are great off-healers and the best mp removing class
you literally need them to make dungeons not a pain in the ass so they are better now than before
I ave negative interest on turn-based RPGs. I'd play the shit out of a Wakfu mmo with actual real time combat though.
>200 years of enduring guilt and pain
>go back 20 minutes
I can't even imagine how painful the 5 minutes of silence must have been for him as he realized just how little time he went back for the amount of work he put in. He immediately teleports back to his wife's tomb and dies.
KEKED shota
I think I stopped on Lvl 40 or so. I feel like getting back at Dofus.
Is wakfu better or worse?
All he had to do was convince a xelor to help him with his sob story and all the energy he stored would at least send him 100 years back or something
I don't have a lot :(
it's okay just post what you have
Best "tavern"
looks like I have to tap into my phone's supply
I Cleo Eva's sister or relative?
did they have lewd
he wishes, that's a continuation of a webm from earlier in the thread
I really oughta put all this shit on dropbox on transfer it to my PC at somepoint
phoneposting sucks
made for mating press
this movie had great action scenes
I love Bakara
why does she wear fake ears?
she cute
post hunk yugo
because they're really damn cute
Because it made him look cooler.
Why did Amalia cuck my nigga Yugo
distracts from her weird ass nose
>tfw this is what I'm doing instead of working
that's about it from me, might post a few other things from my phone since I'm here
Rude. It's cute.
with a faggot no less
>probably not actually dead
>a solid plan that couldn't possibly fail
what class should a noob play?
I stopped playing after Frigost was completed, heard there was a new Dinosaur Island or some shit. Have all the 6 original dofus been collected by a player by now?
I still hum the Dofus Arena theme every now and then.
unironically cried during this french flash animation anime
he just wanted to see his family again
fuck, man
Saatana or whatever her name is was an underrated qt
Feca is cute
Feca a best
why is frida so thick
Yeah post hunk Yugo
>You will never see the /ss/ conclusion in season 4
Feels bad.
Adale chooses solely Sufokian fertility goddesses to man his submarines
Absolutely Based.
pls tell me that's a boi
I had one of these for the Sufokia girls, but I lost it :(
oh I'm just blind
The one you like best.
pergnant Eva
No way fag
All the primordial dofuses are out now and several people own them.
reading this thread makes me want to play wakfu again
Same, based on what I've read here I'd probably be better off trying Dofus again though
Later half of season 4 better have pregnant Amalia if it ever gets created.
I'm disappointed but not surprised
yeah i was getting the same impression.. makes me wish wakfu was better off because i love the art style so much more
You are both better off playing Dofus on the mono-account server.
Well I have to go to a doctor's appointment shortly, I'll leave you with a comfy Eva
good thread, hopefully the next one comes within the next month!
Wasn't nox pure human, and only somehow became xelor after he threw so much of himself away into xelor magic
honestly whats holding me back is that ive seen gifs about 8 sadida boxers on mono server, and if dofus is a highly dungeon competetive game like wakfu, you will have absolutely no chance against 8boxers
that was only at the start
the bot problem has been sorted out already
S3 is fanfic tier and therefore non-canon nox is and will be based.
Nox is literally the best villain since Mr. Freeze
8 sadida bots farming monsters in the tutorial area has no impact on the game, and they've been weeded out anyway. The mono server is nothing like the dead multi ones.
With the final episode of season 3, make sure you grab the version with correct subs.
t. guy who worked on the subs.
S1 is classic.
S2 is anime but the lore it expands is good.
S3 is fanfic dumpster fire.
He was a meme in France before he was a meme in the English speaking world
>tfw my imported Nox toy broke
I barely touched the fucking thing
That's why people is saying to play on the monoservers. Illy is actually the most populated server and the most active
Toxine has a hard life.
>Ankama nerf what you're playing for some reason while leaving some obviously broken shit alive
Isn't that basically every modern MMO dev because they rely on spreadsheets and simulators instead of actually playing their own game?
thanks doc
I thought Wakfu/DOFUS the MMOs crashed and burned their community recently.
>retarded class revamps/reworks
>no content?
>server merge? did I miss something or did it never happen
I remember when Wakfu in /vg. was pretty big, we had our own map/haven/whatever it was, lots of people.
>retarded class revamps/reworks
Thats what did it for me, I spent some time levelling so my character did the same damage that he used to before the rework, then just gave up.
Dofus has a monoaccount server now which is highly successful despite ankama handling its release badly a year ago. And it always had a fuckton of content since it has been around forever. You're pretty much describing wakfu.
>Rogue revamp on Wakfu
everyone told the staff that the new Rogue was absolute shit and they still went with it
Waiting for Wazen
Waiting for Waven.
But we already have hearthstone to play some quick casual games when on the shitter
>being excited for a shitty Fez ripoff
Season 1 is GOAT. Season 2 is 90% filler with a shit villain. I didn't watch season 3, mostly because I don't know where to get it.
>mostly because I don't know where to get it.
Take a look at the pastebin
God bless the french
The games are shit
Is Masqueraider any good. I just like masks.
They really are japanese lite.
Masqs are good in the sense that they have good damage and their big meaty shields are appreciated when you're with a team
they have something else that's big and meaty and well-appreciated, if you catch my drift
Actually only twice. Their first children are twins.
Opinions on krosmaga?
Does it have cute waifus?
Is it dead?
redpill me on dofus. Last one of this game company's games I played was Wakfu and that was back when the pandas were still kinda new.
The french voice seemed kind of weak to me when I first heard it, but it grew on me.
The accents really make the dramatic moments more fun to watch. How they kind of pronounce the "rs" raspy.
Younger sister.
Nox literally did nothing wrong
The nose rounds up the whole look.
I did but my free trial ran out forever ago and I didn't get into a strong enough system to sustain myself indefinitely through merchanting.
Additionally, I moved onto Wakfu and watched it burn into a hellhole from it's beta to it's open release and I'm just exhausted from their games that I haven't been back since.
If they allowed fucking literally anybody else to make their games I would come back though.
The plan was sound, he just didn't know the extent of time he'd actually get.
I played during the age of it being all player-managed.
I don't know how it is now, but it was complete shit. Full of nothing but drama between everybody with no foundation to start from.
So long as they didn't touch shops and trade jobs, it shouldn't be too bad.
They are going to update Krosmaga again, right
I tried playing Wakfu a couple of years ago and it was boring as shit
I think it's because I was alone.
Wakfu beta was legitimately identical to pre-BB Maplestory in terms of community. I don't know how you didn't make any friends during that time.
Based and crapilled
in wakfu your physical appearance is based on what god you worship, his family and what he used to look like are likely what xelor's appear to be without armor
Redpill me on Ouginak. Will people call me a furry if I play it?
Yes but World of 12 is a furfag-lite IP anyway. Most keep to about a 2-3 on the scale.
In Dofus, everyone is pure human, they change physically as they dedicate themselves to one of the gods, he likely became full Xelor when he became obsessed with time
If I make the colors bright enough people will just think I'm a furfag ironically, right?
I played around 2016
I just never approached another person and nobody approached to me beside an eliatrope on the first dungeon
they'll think you escaped deviantart
I don't think you know how degenerate furries actually are
ankama games general revival WHEN
Masqs are extremely meta right now.
Dofus is wakfu but good, alive, and with 15 years of content in it.
Hopefully never. We don't want to attract HIM.
Objectively terrible games. The art is great and the stories can be neat but dear god Ankama games are complete trash. They don't seem to have a clear idea of what they want anything to be so all the classes feel uncoordinated. Not to mention trying to balance everything around elements is arbitrary nonsense. What part of a sword is elemental? Elements should be supplemental variables not core mechanics it's just so boring and poorly implemented. I hope their new game is great but unless Ankama suddenly hired devs that can into game design it'll be another dead game only frogs play.
i have never played the game or watched the show but someone once said all the girls in that pic are actually guys that drank potions to turn into girls to make money. is that true?
Yep only a dead game which has been populated for 15 years despite being unadvertised and 2D and is seeing a new peak of consecutive players since the release of the mono server a year ago.
This is why nobody takes this board seriously.
Amen brother
it is
*plays a "3 star class" and has lower damage per turn than brainlet classes*
how do i masq in early
this sounds extremely sad and I do not want it
I fucking wish the English community for Dofus or Wakfu was still alive.
no kidding, it's probably the greatest villain backstory since Heart of Ice from BTAS
nox did nothing wrong
It was my first mmo. I played during the beta.
Lots of nostalgia. Mono account servers have tempted me to return, but the game seems fundamentally different now.
I will join you.
Its been mentioned but its important to emphasise, travelling back in time was something not even Xelor, god of time could accomplish. One guy outdid his own god just to try and see his family one last time. Every time he fights something big its clear he's punching way above his weight, he gets thrown around like a ragdoll and beaten to a pulp, but he gets back up because he has to. And then you get the gut punch that it was all for nothing
Nothing, she has human ears. The wierd cat ear shaped things are just accessories the huppermages wear.
Drunk Bakara is best Bakara
you go earth
agi/water mask is a fucking meme because you need high investment for that
Bright unrealistic colors actually makes it worse.
boy i went full agi on the temp server and it wasn't that bad.
biggest problem with agi is that earth is too good
agi is alright, so is water
but earth man, furia is just too good
i'll never get tired of bursting shitters out with Furia, Furia, Reinforcement them walking back to my team to setup a plastroon on next turn
i went for earth/agi at 150, don't regret it at all since the extra lock/dodge from agi and ranged options are nice
Playing dofus touch for the first time.
Wiich class is the most fun/easy?