Friends of ringo ishikawa

should I play this game, v?

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My review is better

But I'd say no - the games kinda bad, despite its good qualities

hmm okay thanks user

I mean... how much are you okay with a game being a boring visual novel?

A boring visual novel with bad beat'emup gameplay.

if you like delinquent manga go for it
otherwise don't

It has its charms, if you like Japanese delinquent stuff then go for it, or just get it on sale

I love that kinda stuff, but that's the only way you can engage; Ringo is a pretty bad game.

Most people are usually willing to forgive the game's shortcomings if it panders to niche audience.

How niche are we talking here?

Want a GOOD life simulation game?

Yakuza or Shenmue

Want a good beat em up?

Play RCR or any other game

Want a complete story?

Play any visual novel

It has great atmosphere and music though

Why does this game make you so mad that you feel like nobody should play it?
There aren't many school delinquent games out there.

I wouldn't exactly call Yakuza a life simulation

It's not that I hate it, it's just a very frustrating game in how much I do want to like it.

Same ballpark. Yakuza's best parts are its mini games and open world and somewhat decent fighting mechanics. I wish the mini games were any good in Ringo.

He doesn't seem mad at all

The minigames in Ringo are admittedly super bare bones to where I wonder why it was even added, guess it was only made by one guy though so I can't expect much

They're there for the life simulation genre purposes. Shenmue's QTE arcade machine or lucky hit for example

Mini game rankings

>Ping pong
Decent, but I've always liked pool in games
>Virtual poker
I suck at poker/10
>NES game

The NES game I think was the biggest surprise to me, like what the fuck. I heard he actually updated it recently apparently or at least he plans to soon.

I agree with that review almost 100%.
The lack of instructions or information about what stuff does is really stupid. I didn't even know you could just randomly attack delinquents that didn't have beef with you until I was like halfway through the game, no one still knows what the fuck the hunger meter does (Seems like it has literally zero purpose), cigarettes are seemingly there to just look cool, reading books does nothing but just waste time and occasionally give you a little bit of flavor text if you speak with the right people when you have the book...
But none of it ever seems to matter, and if they do, the game sure as hell doesn't tell you how they matter or indicate it in any way at all.

Also the ending, in my opinion, was shit. That might be due to expectations though.
I thought at first when I beat the game, I had just gotten the bad ending due to not managing to do basically anything for any of Ringo's friends. But no, that's the sole ending of the game, you take the train to fight the guys who put Goro in a coma and the credits roll after you finally get overwhelmed.

There's really no point in replaying the game whatsoever when the dialogue is so dry, and none of your actions really matter.
It doesn't matter if you skip school and just wander around town picking fights with gangs, you'll maybe get a few boss challenges, (Which is about the only divergent set of choices in the game) but it doesn't change the ending in any way and the combat gets piss easy past a certain point.
Or you can be a model student, doesn't matter, you'll just get some extra dialogue during class that doesn't really tell you much, in the end you still end up going the way of the delinquent.

It's exactly the type of game that at first looked like it was built for me.
A 2D beat-em up with elements that very much remind me of Shenmue, whilst also being set in 80's Japan around Yanki culture. But a lot of the game seems poorly thought out.

Hunger meter halves your attack, cigarettes regains health faster.

>Also the ending, in my opinion, was shit. That might be due to expectations though.
>There's really no point in replaying the game whatsoever when the dialogue is so dry, and none of your actions really matter.

Normally I hate the lack of choices in a game, but it actually fits Ringo - it's about gangs and gang culture; those usually don't have happy endings if you've read even something like The Outsiders.

>Hunger meter halves your attack

Thank you; genuinely had no idea what the meter did and thought you could only heal with smoking if you had eaten

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>when the dialogue is so dry

It's not that the dialogue is dry (in some instances it is obviously), but in others its p decent (like that fat kid who keeps bragging about the games he has beaten)

What hurts Ringo is the lack of unique angles or cinematic flair. Think about mangas and how unique they can be from one another. Or shit, think about the way Shenmue or Yakuza tell their stories with music and VA that really drive it home

But yeah, it's made by one guy, not a AAA like SEGA so I try to cut it slack, but it's still disappointing

>Normally I hate the lack of choices in a game, but it actually fits Ringo - it's about gangs and gang culture; those usually don't have happy endings if you've read even something like The Outsiders.
I wouldn't mind if the ending was always supposed to be a bad end, but the specific way it ends is what bothers me.
Ringo's friends just saying "Go fuck yourself" no matter what you do for them over the course of the game, when he wants to avenge Goro, just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

Also the problem is that it's not solely about gang culture. If you decide to be a model student that shows up to class every single day, studies all the time, and aces all of his tests, Ringo still ends up doing what he does and you get the same ending regardless despite not really being a delinquent throughout your entire game, and instead trying to plan for the future.
The ending just doesn't make sense depending on your actions.

If this guy made a sequel or something in a very similar vein but with a larger team I would totally buy that, but as it stands its a very flawed game with a very good base.

>>no matter what you do for them over the course of the game

Being part of a gang is being part of a group of fair weather friends

There can be people like Ringo and Goro sparking an actual friendship, but the rest of them? They're too self involved because they're humans, not best friends till the end.

>>Also the problem is that it's not solely about gang culture. If you decide to be a model student that shows up to class every single day, studies all the time, and aces all of his tests, Ringo still ends up doing what he does and you get the same ending regardless despite not really being a delinquent throughout your entire game, and instead trying to plan for the future.

This is a classic movie trope though

>I'm gonna get out of the gang and clean up my life!
>*gets hit by a car*

And yeah, I'm not trying to absolve the game of its problems - it does have a replay value problem, it is linear

I just think what it delivers in terms of the build up to the ending was actually well done.

I'm surprised to see legit game discussion on Yea Forums with generally respectable debates. It's quite nice

>If this guy made a sequel or something in a very similar vein but with a larger team I would totally buy that, but as it stands its a very flawed game with a very good base.

What I said in my review - if he takes it to something a bit sillier like River City Ransom, with a lot more unrealistic mechanics and physics, then he'd definitely have something

Well the dev isn't some asshole, he's more of an artist - and his art kinda failed - I relate to the idea of working your ass off for what is ultimately a bad concept

What's up with Russian game shilling lately? I'm only assuming it's shilling because there were a few dead ESL as fuck threads about this game before and now this. This ain't fucking Pathologic and being inexplicable doesn't automatically make anything better, fuck off.
At least it's video games, I guess.

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it came out on switch a week ago, how the fuck is that shilling
barely anyone knew about its existence

honestly, ust looking at the video it looks like one of those janky 2D games where your character moves too slow and everytime you try to interact, with sthg you can't because you are not at the correct distance

I've played about 20 minutes on the switch and it's buggy as shit. For some reason there's a button that sends you back to the title with no warning and doesn't save anything. Then I got stuck in a cutscene because the characters didn't line up properly after a fight.

Let me put it in some perspective. It's a slav game, so it's full of ambition but critically lacking in execution. Even the ambition behind it often isn't that good, but the devs will act like they're some auteurs or some shit because they got a circlejerk site their egos feed off of. That's just half the Russian indie scene for you. I bet the English dialogue is also awkward and/or dry because they couldn't afford anyone who could translate worth shit.

What are some of your favorite bancho games/manga/animes, anons. Pic related

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Ringo's not a bad game, and there's nothing misleading about it though I can see where people wanted an old school delinquent manga/anime feels like game like River City. Best way to really put it is it's delinquent but played out in real time more or less. As much coming of age as it is delinquent action. Like an indie movie, but far from cheesy. I can appreciate it on that level, but I can't speak to the Switch version though. The dev is pretty good about keeping up with the game and feedback and addressing bugs last i checked.


the ending makes perfect sense, Ringo is not a blank character to self insert to, even if you decide to study and being a decent person all around, he can't still get out of the gang life. He doesn't have any passion for almost anything and the gang was everything to him, the gang life gave him a tight friendship, that's why he always help his gang even though they don't care anymore.
The ending was the only way Ringo could go, he was fighting for the only friend who didn't let him down.

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