Miyazaki predicted this

Miyazaki predicted this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/From Berserk to Bloodborne

more like kiln of my dick and balls

Spirited Away was probably my favourite of his

What's a good space game?


Laputa is better

Howls Moving Castle

Shame the vista was wasted on such a rushed area. Flameless Shrine should've led directly into Dreg Heap, which eventually forks into SoC, and TRC.
The First Flame in DaS is housed in a kiln built inside an archtree. I've always thought of it as a big fuck you to the dragons.

You mean shit he stole from Berserk and other older grimdark series just like everything in his uninspired games?

I thought Tokyo Godfathers was pretty funny

Nausicaa >

>The First Flame in DaS is housed in a kiln built inside an archtree.
Oh shit didn't realized that.

Berserk had an accurate depiction of a real life black hole?

All shit.
Princess Mononoki is king

Thats an eclipse you faggot.

Castle of Cagliostro and Future Boy Conan are my favorites but all of his works are great. It baffles me how he decided to become a game director and give us such a great series.
>he also wrote Berserk
Absolute madman, truly a genius

And this is why nobody likes jojofags and berserkfags for them everything is a berserk reference or a jojo reference.

>video game contains references to media that inspired its creator

Get fucked, berserkfag

Black swordsman arc when they visit hell

Castle of Cagliostro is also one of my favorites. What a fun Lupin movie.

This thread is going places.

>Thats an eclipse
t. lorelet

Wrong, it's a dark sign. The sun is bleeding fire, nothing is covering it.

Is that it?
bravo Nasa it's fucking nothing once again

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can someone redpill me on this?

Yeah elitists always say that it's not what Lupin is supposed to be like but it's still one of the best Lupin III movies along with Secret of Mamo and Fuma Conspiracy

space engine

What? They never saw a black hole with a bright event horizon?

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its a black hole

A. It was European research and b. It confirms an over 100yr old theory, eat shit and die you unappreciative unintelligent mongoloid

Miyazaki has clearly based a lot of dark souls off of Berserk.

yeah, but what's so special about it?

The best gibbler movie isn't even by Miyazaki

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1. Every space research is affiliated to American NASA
2. who cares

But Souls games really have lots of stuff inspired by Berserk though

this is the first image of a real black hole

Next you'll say the earth is flat too. Fuck off retard.

>miyazaki predicted what would happen in his own game

truly a visionary

Pom Poko, and Princess Kaguya, made me feel things that Nausicaa, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, and Kiki's Delivery Service combined couldn't.

Princess Kaguya is so great, but also so sad :(

Because it's Only Yesterday. The kinoest anime ever.

The research was funded by the EU entirely

A damn year has already passed. RIP Takahata

>unappreciative unintelligent mongoloid
>oh wow, pink is pink, who would have thought

And where is the proof? and with proof i mean miyazaki saying by himself that he based on berserk.

This is the first time an image of one has been captured.

>You have taken my soul and left but a black hole
Powerful stuff Miyazaki

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have you seen The Wind Rises? That is another great ghibli movie that really made me feel.


>the hole clearly still has red in it


>He killed millions...

That's not even an eclipse retard. That's the darksign: the sun is bleeding fire, which is symbolic to DaS3's theme of a fading age of fire.

Attached: Dark-Souls-3-Dark-Souls-фэндомы-Jan-Philipp-Eckert-4879447.jpg (1920x1077, 469K)

>To create hundreds! Of planes

He just wanted to make beautiful plains, not his fault.

You are joking right?
>Miyazaki's influences include video games such as Ico,[15] the early Dragon Quest games,[16][17] and The Legend of Zelda[16][18] and King's Field video game series,[19] manga series such as Berserk,
Even without all of that you can clearly see it. I mean look at the OP pic

ah shut the fuck up man

So... this is... the... power of... the Cosmos...?

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Where is the proof? no proof then it means no he didn't based on it, as always berserkfags are at the same shit level of jojofags, not even miura likes berserk now thanks to you faggots.

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Does he even need to say it?

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Black hole doesn't actually suck things in

In what movie Totoro?

nice bait yблюдoк eбaный

And to top that, this pic doesn't even have DaS3, the game that is basically a Berserk ripoff

Dead Space and Prey are the only good, non-autistic, space game.

>medieval culture is berserk
And again you berserkfags always assuming and failing
>can't show any proof of miyazaki saying by himself that he based on berserk
Yeah you berserkfags are patetic.

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Don't forget the wheels Mozgus put sinners on, you can see them in the Undead Settlement

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Are you actually retarded?

bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/From Berserk to Bloodborne

>This page contains lore theories by Rakuyo
I said Miyazaki saying by himself not a fanfic you retard.
Common berserkbaby i'm still waiting.

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This. Miyazaki was inspired by My Nigga Totoro, his father's work

You know Miura stole a ton of elements from western shit as well right?
The god hand are literal cenobite rip offs for one.

The manga that Miyazaki ripped off predicted this*

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>medieval culture is berserk
Half those things are ripped straight from Berserk and have nothing to do with medieval culture. Are you retarded or just pretending?

>dude berserk invented all medieval folk i swear to my mom

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Gwyndolin is Griffith

So your linking an autist that has been widely known to make nothing but pure conjecture on the lore? Very solid argument. Also, BB has absolutely no berserk references.

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Ash vs the evil dead is a beautiful movie

>A bladeless, thick mass of iron used for smashing
Clearly not a Berserk reference

That's my fiance's favourite but I'm a moving castle kinda guy

And he store the idea of Sekiro from Phoenix.
Miyazaki is a hack.

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Fuck off berserkfags. Your shitty manga will never be finished.

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>Half those things are ripped straight from Berserk and have nothing to do with medieval culture
berserfags delusional as always
No berserk didn't invented witches
No berserk didn't invented legion demons
No berserk didn't invented tauren demons
No berserk didn't invented the salamandras mythology
No berserk didn't invented naga warriors
No berserk didn't invented the wheel torture
and no berserk didn't invented eye orbs

And again i'm waiting for the proof of Miyazaki saying by himself that he based from berserk.

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Please explain this


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>legion is from berserk
oh fuck off.

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Fuck you Miura, we already know that you hate us


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i don't even understand how those poles arrived on the rooftops and why would you do that on top of a house instead of just the ground level

Try to wiggle yourself out of this one

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Is that a berserk reference?: the thread.

dark souls 3 is a soulless phoned in sequel made out of contractual obligation

that's why

>t. thinks Berserk started in 2016

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Didn't say it did. But you when you have shit like a Blacksmith that looks exactly like the one from Berserk and even has the same lines you have to be delusional to think it didn't come from it.

Europeans are really insecure about NASA BTFOing them for decades so they really need to have small wins like this.

Let them have it, they need it. Meanwhile we're on Mars, nigga.

>Tale of the Princes Kaguya
>A parade of Celestial Beings descend from the moon to retrieve their wayward princess

>A celestial being descends from the moon to retrieve its wayward hunter

Jesus christ.

Miyazaki clearly has no originality left. He's even copying himself now.

Aren't most of those scenes form Army of Darkness, a movie that came out after Berserk?

It's called Sky Burial. It's a traditional way of disposing corpse. You prop the bodies on posts to let them decay the flesh off the bones.

Who cares? Your manga turned to garbage with idolshit and will never finish.

>seething ds2 fag

Nothing like this in Souls hehe

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>He's even copying himself now
So Takahata and Miyazaki are secretly pen names of Ghibli now? Damn I though they were not the same person. Ghibli is a legend


>The roots of my fantasy ideas are in Sorcery, by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson, the adventure game books.
Damn berserkfags got btfo.

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Actually Berserk has never turned to garbage it's just you people who've only watched the 97 anime and are too lazy to read the manga

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>Your shitty manga will never be finished.

Claymore wins again.
Based Norihiro Yagi

Berserk didn't invent in the breaking wheel

Wow, your ability to keep up this charade is admirable at the very least.

>You draw quite heavily on Berserk and have said repeatedly that you're a big fan of it. What else is in your well of inspiration?
>What ELSE is in your well of inspiration

What? Even Muira is a hack. He ripped off of Ian Livingstone.


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Is this the thread where we pretend hayao miyazaki and hidetaka miyazaki are the same person?

Not really a huge fan of the jrpg party thing tbqh

>shit like a Blacksmith that looks exactly like the one from Berserk
To be fair Godo is about as prototypical as Blacksmiths get.

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you mean movies. almost all of takahata's movies are better. only exceptions being grave of the fire flies and the yamada's

Sorry berserkfag i know that you feel upset but don't worry you can keep trying, now with the source we know that berserk wasn't his inspiration, now i'm happy see ya berserkfags have a good day.

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But that's so cute seeing an edgelord like Guts make friends. It's like a breath of fresh air

im worried now

A man of distinguished taste I see.

Best film of his together with Kurenai no Buta.

There is no point trying with your level of delusion.

Best one.

>even has the same lines


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I've seen every Takahata movie and Kaguya is still the best for me
>only exceptions being grave of the fire flies and the yamada's
Nice contrarian opinion. The Yamada's is underrated, it's such a great movie


>Shadow of the colossus intensifies

cast him.

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>I was proven wrong and now I throw a tantrum

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Stu Dio Ghibli is my favourite movie director. It's just a shame he keeps teetering on the edge of retirement. I'll be sad when he's gone.

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Seeth harder. Your mental gymnastics were impressive though.

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Idris Elba.

God damn this one page is crazy
>hollow manservant
>cathedral evangelist
>titanite catchpole
Fuck I need to re-read Berserk

Andrej Pejic about a decade ago.

Why don't you people just go to japan, find Miyazaki, and literally eat the shit straight from his asshole.
He probably stole that shit from berserk too.

What did Miyazaki mean by this?

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Since SoTC got mentioned I'd like to say that Miyazaki is also a big fan of Team Ico and that Ico inspired him to become a game director. He stated this directly in one of his interviews. There is also an interview with Miyazaki and Ueda

Netflix please go, and stay go.

>The roots of my fantasy ideas are in Sorcery, by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson, the adventure game books.
Yikes, talk about ripping off of others. Can Muira be anymore of a hack?

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Definitely. Yuki no Taiyo is his greatest work

Can you read the question posed to him?


Michael Cera

If after everything the manga devolves into some power of frienship bullshit, I'll travel to Japan and murder Miura myself

There was an ice storm where I live and didn't have electricity for 2 days (god tier for mental health), I come back on Yea Forums today and this is a new meme. What's it about, and is that why Yea Forums is even more negative and retarded than usual ?

I'm going to trigger you again berserkfags and castlevaniafags but the Legion idea comes from a novel called Cat's Cradle (1963 )
and it's original name is Granfaloon not legion.

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>Gut's Greatsword is one of the few weapons in game that can flinch the crocodogs in 1 hit
I don't care if it was 'stolen' because it was never attributed, Berserk is dead and dark souls i the only thing we'll ever get out of it.
Unless somehow DD2 isn't shit

>berserk invented generic witch clothes, generic bearded old men, fetuses, iron maidens, dragons, and snake people

fuck off retard

Literally coping.

Berserk wouldn't exist if manga didn't exist. Tezuka was inspired by Walt Disney. So if it wasn't for Walt Disney Berserk wouldn't exist.
BERSERKFAGS BTFO AGAIN. Guts was clearly inspired by Mickey Mouse

It won't manage to become shonenshit because it's nearing the conclusion

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Ah, but Walt Disney's Micky mouse was inspired by a pet mouse he had in his office. Disneyfags BTFO by nature


Pharis is Irvine
Ornstein is Grunbeld
Winged Knights are Bazuso (or maybe Adon if you squint)
Evangelists are Mozgus
Greatsword is Dragon Slayer
Darkwraith armor is Skull Knight
The bonewheels are the best example though

Berserkfags should know that no one actually denies the obvious influences. You're being shitted on because everyone is fucking tired of you bringing it up every time.

Carlton Loth

>it's nearing the conclusion
Yeah, only 20 more years to go if we're lucky

Yamada's is good, but I think some miyazki movies are better. that's not contrarian at all


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Alright now show me a depiction of granfalloon predating Berserk's depiction (July 30, 1995).

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I invented Berserk.

God: What's this?

i invented idol master begg me for pardon

>1 year and 1 month
I still check readberserk.com from time to time

*notices galaxy*

>not *notices galactic bulge*
user, you had one fucking chance

Why? evil-genius.us/ are the ones who release scanlations.

Oh thanks, didn't know about that

its mononoke you fucking pretender.

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he is literally a pedo and /ourguy/

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Bros..... He's getting older

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if you consider yourself a nobody, your arguement might be true.

>what's wrong with falling in love with a 12 year old girl?!

so all those times he said anime was a mistake, it was self hatred.

Berserk started in 1989, I think, and Army of Darkness came out in 1993, so it's possible that one had some effect on the other at some point in time.

>miyazaki is a waifu-fag but won't admit it so he feels superior over other otaku waifu-fags

very enlightening

he hates otaku because they fantasize about his personal waifus, 99% of his work was inspired by a mental tulpa he had

It's like you don't understand how the creative process works at all.

Why'd they image M87 blackhole but not this even larger one?

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you must be unintelligent.

Miura obviously time travelled and got inspired by it and Souls games. Also his time travelling was obviously inspired by Kingdom Hearts.

The bright circle isn't the event horizon, it's the accretion disk around it

>black hole
>is actually red

Has science ever been right about anything?

>create waifu
>put her into countless movies
>they are kinda good so you become rich and shit
>meanwhile you made your waifu happy
>all the normies never knew and just praised you for your animation

what a clever little bastard

absolutely sublime

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>american education
Retard, the wavelengths of light increase due to the gravitational pull. This causes it to shift the red end of the spectrum.

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>berserk invented the breaking wheel

Damn Kiki is cute. Girl in Miyazaki's anime are always attractive as hell. But Howl is more beautiful than any of them!

>didn't know about that
The site you posted literally includes their credits page with URL in it. You're fucking with me right?

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>nobody's mentioned my girl Nausicaa in your replies except and
Fools, the lot of you!

It's an optical illusion caused by the extreme curvature of spacetime. The light that gets close to the black hole becomes extremely twisted causing optical illusions. It's so curved that you can see behind the black hole.

Some how I doubt that.

>see a berserk page
>yeah sure berserk invented drawing stuff on paper keep coping berserkfag
How can berserkfags ever recover?

No I'm not I always skip these mangastream pages

Fun Fact: La puta means "the whore" in spanish.

waifufags who can't understand the concept of each copy of you waifu not being "your" original are the worst

It's a purely mental construct/concept anyways and yet the concept of copies that are not the original is somehow too much of a stretch for them

Like that user who got upset someone copied his AA2 waifu and fucked her in his game, didn't even copy but just make a look-alike

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I've seen so many interesting individuals on Yea Forums I'm not even sure who's trolling and who's not anymore. This discussion is shit and it's obvious that Miyazaki ripped off Berserk way too many times

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makes the movie even better

Michael Cera clawing into his own arms to take away the pain of sleeping with an old paedophile would be kino

Miura also ripped off of Ian Livingstone way too many times.

both miyazakis are hacks

I'm fine with that as long as we're set that Tales from Earthsea is the worst

Yeah you'd know a lot about spectrums, tranny anime faggot.

From Up on Poppy Hill was equally shit

I also found secret garden of Ariety pretty underwhelming

Steam release when?

It was ok but one of the few Ghibli movies I didn't enjoy. Same with Marnie

dumb amerilard

you mean Buddhism did

Gravitational redshift, amerimutt.

That's not how you spell Porco Rosso

My nigga
>that first scene in Hotel Adriano

soon hopefully

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are you sure it's not just a giant space donut

Looks beautiful. I want it.

it's all yours

Nebulaes in upcoming version are spectacular.

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manlet insecurity

Absolutely BTFO fag

why did God make blackholes? To erase things he make? I thought he doesn't make mistakes...

DESU I liked DS3's art style the most out of any Dark Souls game. I only thought Bloodborne looked cooler. I just wish there was a wider color palette.

Space for expansion packs

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i dont see what the fuss is berserk inspire a lot of things but some of those are too far fetched, the minotaur, dragon, gwyndoline, the witch, the torture stuff, etc. and that pinwheel is bullshit

Oh no... Not again!

massive blackholes are usually at the center of the galaxy and theres so many stars and dust that we cant see them, and those drifting alone in the cosmos are nearly undetectable

Imagine being a celestial bodylet

Imagine an Earth-like world the size of that supermassive blackhole

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I don't even think it could be possible. The states of matter rely on gravity.


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God, I wish he doesn't do that clichee Hollywood crap ending.

this movie is ultimate kino

>first pic of a black hole
>its unfocused and distorted
Seriously, who of you works at ESA?

We aren't advanced enough as a society to capture clear footage of something several trillion miles away, even if we do, we wont be seeing more than that, because Black holes arent actually visible

Does this terrify anyone else?

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Im not, the bigger a galactic body is, the slower it moves. You'll be dead several hundred million times over before it makes a noticable change.

If you could live a few billion years. You'd see that the Milky way and Andromeda are now one entity, The Andromeda Way (yes I know its officially Milkdromeda but come on thats an awful name)

Because you can't comprehend it? That's when fear should gave way to awe and the sublime

Imagine a sun at that scale though, that would be so cool

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LOL that's literally a rip off of LotR

Oh god, henry, move out of the way youre gonna die
Oh god he cant hear us he's billions of miles away
Henry NO


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my god, its true


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How do we even know that's real and not a fake? How do they even know that's a black hole and not just a sun with an asteroid in front of it?

I laughed

oh geez

literally a worldwide effort and they stressed this forever, stop making it a small dick american thing, we don't give a shit about "science credit" over here

I mean you need a billion dollar telescope to see it right? What's stopping them from just faking it? It's not like we can just look up in the sky and say "oh yeah there it is"

shut up fag or woman

the thing is about a black hole near earth is simply you wouldn;t be able to fucking see it since it eats all light near it.
Apicture of a blcakhole is basically a picture of everything around a black hole

Yeah because your science is usually beaten by American science lmao


In Miyazaki's case it goes like this.

1. See cool shit
2. Recreate cool shit.

I'm not him, but he's right. Laputa is better.


Did you know that if you enter a black hole, there's no direction that leads out? You can't survive the stresses either way, obviously, but the way space and time are bent in there, how it works out is that any vectors that point to the outside also point to the past, so you can't follow them.
Inasmuch you'd be able to perceive it, it'd look like the singularity surrounding you the moment you cross the event horizon, and then collapsing on you from all sides.
I think that's interesting.

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Came here to post this

Yeah, Porco Rosso is Ghibli kino.

Black holes aren't real.
They're a pure mathematical abstraction created to help plug the holes in the deeply retarded theory of relativity.

Did you actually read what you wrote?
That shit doesn't make any goddamned sense.
Just because some retards said something stupid and flashes fancy looking yet WRONG math in front of you doens't mean that it's correct.
Until they can actively prove the existence of black holes and show that what they can do is actually real then it's just nonsense.
Like the idea of gravity being a particle and force of it's own rather then a way to describe the actual force that is being applied.
Gravity being a goddamned particle is literally the equivalent of saying cold or hot is a particle.

Berserk invented demons? Shit... religion btfo!

its fucking known fact that hes heavily inspired from berserk.

>black holes doesn't real

Attached: I have the worst fucking attourneys.gif (200x133, 1.69M)

>warm things release photons
>these photons will make cold things warmer

Anyway, feel free to provide an alternative theory for what happens when you pile so much mass together that the gravitation should be, according to the mathematical model, stronger than the neutron degeneracy pressure. Does gravity suddenly get weaker? Does the neutron degeneracy pressure get stronger? Is there a reason for either of these to happen, besides the fact you can't emotionally deal with reality?

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Reminder that black holes warp fucking time due to how massive they are

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I know you're trolling but you're making this physics grad student's fucking head spin
So good job, I guess

These niggers know the good shit.

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Time isn't real. It's just the vector of entropy. Free will isn't real either.


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you are the type of person who thinks the internet works via satelites

Just because your mind is a deterministic machine made of chemicals, that doesn't mean you don't have free will.

>Time isn't real.
That's just a theory
>Free will isn't real either
Of course not, the very fact that we feel pain means we have no free will. We're just organic machines

Did Miyazaki senior ever make a truly bad film? Or even just a mediocre one?

im not a physicist but clearly a lot of people here are just "i fucking love science" tier retards who think intelligent people are just like the characters in Big Bang Theory

>Miyazaki predicted this
>was literally copied straight out of Berserk

The airplane one, i mean it is a touching story but I think it's the most boring one he made.

I wish you reddit negroes would get permanently ip banned already

>oh boy space exploration! we're gonna build cities on Mars
>nvm here's some screen savers for your desktop
at least we have deep sea/psycho-spiritual exploration

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This user has taste

You think they are real because you feel smart for knowing about the theory. They aren't real.

No idiot.
You don't see what I'm arguing.
I'm arguing that the entire concept is fucking stupid and wrong.
You're arguing with me that the concepts themselves are correct by using the unproven theories.
You don't even have any opposing theories in mind.
You don't understand it. You just memorized it.

And i am stating that gravity was begrudgingly coined by newton as a half assed stand in for the phenomenon that he couldn't really explain yet.
This has been extrapolated into being the force itself and bends all mathmatics around it not just a temporary descriptor of what is actually happening.

Go look up the theories of the electric universe and read 100 authors against einstein.
It's a fun read.

Okay sure why not.

You're right about time. But wrong about freewill.
Free will is what determines the paths of evolution of all life.
Without it conscious beings would simply die out. Mindlessly going with your emotions and the flow of life is what animals that are doomed to self-genocide do.

Time as something that exists as it's own force is the theory user.
It's like claiming looking up is an elemental force of existence.

As for pain.
We can overcome pain we can learn to embrace pain we can flee from pain. It is all up to our will and wants.

damn he actually clicked post after typing that out

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>Free will is what determines the paths of evolution of all life.
>Without it conscious beings would simply die out. Mindlessly going with your emotions and the flow of life is what animals that are doomed to self-genocide do.
Give it time.

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>we're on Mars
you're in your mom's basement, stop taking credit for other people's work you cretin

wow user you should apply to ESA and tell them what fucking retards they all are

The wind rises is one of my favorites that he made.

>And i am stating that gravity was begrudgingly coined by newton as a half assed stand in for the phenomenon that he couldn't really explain yet.
>This has been extrapolated into being the force itself and bends all mathmatics around it not just a temporary descriptor of what is actually happening.
And what IS actually happening? Is it not that objects are attracted towards each other, with the strength of this attraction depending on their masses and the distance between them? Because it sure looks like that's happening. It'd definitely explain the motion of planets across the sky better than the old Ptolemaic model.
Specifically, Newton said that this attraction is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the two objects, and inversely proportional to the square of their distance. That seems to check out pretty well with observational evidence. Not precisely, but it's close enough.
It inevitably follows from this that if you pile a very large amount of matter in one place, this "gravitational force" will create truly obscene pressures that no matter can withstand, thus collapsing the matter pile into a smaller space, thus causing the gravitational attraction to increase as the distance falls.
What part of this do you disagree with?

It's just electromagnetic force.
That's all.

You can see it when you hold two objects from two strings close to each other.

Holy dunning-kruger.

That thing is 60 million light years away.

>You can see it when you hold two objects from two strings close to each other.
this is you

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wtf NASA is ripping off Berserk

>You can see it when you hold two objects from two strings close to each other.

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You realize pretty much every creator ever has done this right? Either outright, or with core elements.

Imagine the ocean but without water in it, just big fucking hole.

>wtf why doesn't this look like in my movies wasted money
Am I the only one who finds millennials to be fascinating creatures?

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Yea Forumsermin have an average IQ that hovers anywhere between 70 and 90

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Except NASA didn't do this.
NASA is fucking useless and hasn't done anything for about 20 years now.

because they don't like nasa?

Leaving aside for a moment how retarded that is, it doesn't really disprove anything I just said. The motions of the planets and the stars still suggest that at those scales F is, if not equal, at least pretty fucking close to G * m1 * m2 / r^2.
That would suggest that at very large m and very short r, you should see some interesting behaviour. If you don't, there would have to be a reason for that.
You still haven't said what you expect to actually happen instead of a black hole, when you gather together a black hole mass. Or what fuels stars, if it's not nuclear fusion caused by gravitational compression.
Really, it kind of sounds like you haven't really thought about this at all, and are just parroting the notion that black holes are impossible because you heard it in a Youtube video.

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Space research is the only hope we have to survive as a species

do people like this guy actually exist?

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Because of this

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Do a Youtube search for "electric universe".

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I'm not a berserk fag but dark souls is clearly a huge love letter to berserk especially AotA

Porco Rosso was my favorite. The English dub is unironically great.

>not Porco Rosso

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My friend, there are seriously people who believe in a flat earth. If you ask them about timezones, they say it's because the sun is a spotlight. and it disappears out of your vision once it gets far enough away.
You ask them why the north pole has the long day in the summer, they say it's because the spotlight sun grows.
You ask them why the southern pole has their winter in our summer, and they say it's a conspiracy theory.
I have to deal with these people in real life.