Who’s your favorite 2hu and why?
Who’s your favorite 2hu and why?
Is more easy to say which IS NOT my favorite Touhou and why:
>The tanuki bitch: she steals spotlight and is a bitch.
>Sumishit: representation of isekai shit, annoying and spotlight stealer.
I love Reisen!
Rika because in a world of magic, she went full /k/.
The vampire because it was the first & most satisfying hurdle i've battled & conquered in the games
>he doesn't like ZUN's wife
I don't have a Mami smug enough for this
Are you me?
the one with the scat fetish
the music and the characters even if I get my ass kicked
Youmu cuz she gets the best artists.
For me, it's the lonely immortal
Kogasa because of how good she is in games
Mima because she's a smug asshole and I wish her relationship with Marisa and backstory got expanded upon.
>MFW I realized too late that Serperior is Sanae pokemon.
I mean, i could make another one, but it sucks.
Ran for big fat tits
I don't even play the games
This mother fuckin mouse baby!!!!!!!!!!
Best Miko
>those feet
>me sniff sniff
>me lick lick
did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? The food was good, but it had no atmosphere
How've you been, Reisenbro?
>Then I remembered how bullshit is to get a female starter.
Nevermind. Is only mandatory if you want a Braixen or Primarina....unless you are gay.
I'm doing all right!
Which one do you think deserves a spotlight? I'm curious
I like Suwako because she has a nice hat
I'm gonna say the N-word
Everyone who right now doesn't get a little of screentime.
Fortune Teller because he did nothing wrong
I like patchouli because she is similar to me, except a girl with a nice butt.
Then they are gonna be the spotlight stealer.
>not Delphox
>she is similar to me
So you're a lazy fuck, you share your home with an insufferable bitch, and you have severe health problems?
I don't know why. When I first saw her, something tingled in my heart.
Are you an Invoker?
>nice butt
Do you have canonical claims to back that up?
Yes user, Not Delphox! That ugly piece of shit that only the most degenerate furries can like! Fuck it! Fuck it to the former hell!
marisa because I like cute witches
>you share your home with an insufferable bitch
the insufferable bitch is my friend thank you very much
All fan art is canon.
Youmu because she's my wife
Is Chang'e watching
I like the cool vampire one because her moveset in hisoutensoku owns.
Your friend is stupid
Sanae because she is BIG.
nonononono no no non noonon no no no
cause she's my mom
For me it's Jo'on
>tricks you into thinking she is a typical rich girl only to find a greedy loan shark that can beat you up barehanded
>not as bad as looks/act, deep down she just want an easy life
>actually has character development and redeemed herself somewhat in the end
ZUN doesn't make somewhat-decent character like this more often
You posted it and because she has red hair.
the big oni who can destroy buildings with mere footsteps
Back in the wheelchair you go
Got you senpai
I wish she would destroy me with her footsteps
Jo'on was made for suffering.
i love this bug boy!
she has a girlfriend thou
>she has a girlfriend thou
she has drugs though
>This fake shit again.
ZUN hasn't say anything about the subject and will never do it.
It's just her bitch
I want to slap Reisen to death!
Yet this girl overshadows her so hard that is not funny.
I like this touhou though I don't want to play the games.
I'm not the only one, right?
So when are we getting that party game ZUN?
>am I the only faggot on Earth
Worry not you aren't
fuck off secondary
Nobody likes the games. They're extremely basic, low production quality bullet hells. The reason Touhou is popular is because of the fanworks.
Mamizou because megane and older woman. Some other Touhous are starting to overshadow her in my mind like Shimmy, Kogasa, Iku and Tenshi.
I love Reisenfag!
Speak for yourself.
Marisa is a womanlet
>stealing spotlight
Probably Iku because of her outfit. It's so well designed, probably one of Zun's best designs.
Youmu because her game and LoLK are the only ones I've managed to actually beat and I feel like a secondary for talking about 2hus I haven't even seen yet.
The redpilling one.
Her moe point is a bit too strong but it can only stay for so long if she doesn't have any further relevance. However, her relationship with Tenshi gives her more staying power.
Jo'on is steadily rising though, since people is starting to realize her interesting points and potential. Also, she has Myouren gang to back her up.
Top Nun because her character introduced a pretty interesting subject to the series and she's got a fair bit going on as Touhou characters go.
Also cool character design, great theme tune, nice spellcards (including the Shinki throwback) and melee combat.
this, ever addressing the subject would just divide the fanbase and cause needless controversy. It's safe to assume at the least the human characters are hetero but with youkai it's anyones game. though I do appreciate the image because fuck anyone who try to use my little girl game to justify poopdick
I want a welcome hell t-shirt
I like Joon a lot more than Blue Mokou as well.
Meiling because I always gravitate towards chinese girls in anime
Shion acts pretty gay tho
iku's real cute
I wish she'd get as much love as tenshi does
Fact: You don't know shit about Touhou
Fact: You're not a fan
Fact: Kill yourself
sticky icky because I like her theme and design, but also the character. I can relate to the character as well
There's no need for complex mechanic and advanced graphics for a game that you can finish in under 2 hours.
That being said, Touhou games still have varied mechanics between games.
But whatever, I know I'm replying to bait.
thats not true
I like the games, haven't read the manga or really anything when it comes to the fandom outside these threads.
Her name is Eiki. Shiki is her surname. Yamaxanadu is simply her title.
how do you even pronounce her name?
is there a correct way of saying it or is it like when saying "Sword"?
The canon mangas are nice unless you hate getting constantly educated on something
Please I only like cute anime girls and I love posting them.
Please let me stay don't leave me alone with other discussion and post cute Touhou girls with me.
What the title? its yama-xanadu, which is pretty easy to roll off. I have more issues with how someone says byakuren because I say the bya like blyat for her
I've 1CCd all the games on Hard, have read all the books/mangas, have listened to all the more obscure CDs you wouldn't even know exist, have multiple discs from Japan and introduced friends to Touhou for life
Fuck off
If you don't play the games you dont deserve the cute girls
If touhous were real, they would find the fact that you were peer pressured into playing shitty win95 bullet hells pathetic.
Tell me This is from some doujin right?
I don't believe Zuns brain degenerate that much from alchoholism to stait that child porn doesn't exist
based coping secondary
The whole primary LARP is insecure cope.
>artist: mizuryu kei
What do you think?
>when the doujin artist well known for his fight doujins goes the idolshit route
we have gone into the worst timeline
>anything I don't like is a LARP xddlol
Kill yourself retard
These are the words of a wounded, angry, emotional LARPer.
it's the cursed fate of all 2hu artists
one can only stave off the shit taste gene forever, they all succumb to it eventually
Even though they literally play the real-life version of said game in most of their life?
The gameplay is tied to the story.
Step back and take a second to think about whether or not zun would officially state in a manga that the holocaust wasn't real
Whatever helps you sleep at night lad
but what if he combines the two together where the idols now fight eachother in a bloodbath? I would pay for that
I like Tenshi because she's a selfish destructive brat with a huge ego.
Satorin a best
self proclaimed "primaries" are people for whom touhou is not something to enjoy, but rather it's some kind of status symbol or fad, and it is important to them that they be at the head of it. they don't get any pleasure from touhou, only the sensation of getting to be a "social elite"
these guys are first-order normalfaggots
That peso doujin looks like gold but it isnt scanned yet. I keep getting cock teased by it on twitter
>t. secondary
>elitism is bad
Jump off a bridge you insufferable faggot
Fuck off back to Plebbit, tard. The casualization of a formerly niche hobby is never good.
his love live doujins are pretty much all feel-good comedies
This image is hotter than most porn, to be honest.
hello normalfag buddies, did i strike a nerve?
am i disrupting your experience of pathetically trying to re-enact high school except this time with you as the cool kids? lmao
>muh elite culture
>muh toxicity
This is the same kind of faggot who wants easy mode in Sekiro
I'm not into this but clownpiece seems cute. But still raymoo is my cute daughteru
kill yourself fadrider
t.got bodied by cirno and ragequitted
For me, it's the yama.
imagine the smell
>hates elitism
>calls others normalfags
>u-u mad xddlol
Please deep throat a shotgun, you'd do everyone a favor
Preserved budha ass
hey look, living proof of exactly what i said: "primaries" are literal, unironic normalfaggots. i doubt you even played any of the games, you probably watched a youtube playthrough
>Enjoying something to its fullest instead of looking at it only from a surface level is bad
Uh okay man, whatever
I'm glad someone finally gets it right and doesn't capitalize yama.
And then there's this retard.
playing the touhou games (or pretending to have done so) is a surface level enjoyment, given 99.95% of all touhou content exists in the fandom
It's hilarious watching normaldrones short circuit when you point out that they're jerking off over the idea of being a cool kid and they don't actually care about touhou.
Anyone can enjoy touhou in every way they want
Someone LNN every single game or scores, someone is more interested about the lore and someone just jerk off to the porn
You are acting exactly how the people you are lamenting about
Or you're baiting like a master
You forgot about all the official books, manga and CD discs
>ZUN self insert is 195 cm
really makes you think
Seething samefag secondary
Why did the best looking one become a meme?
>he got so assblasted from getting called out on being a secondary he will now eternally seethe in this thread until it archives
>Anyone can enjoy touhou in every way they want
where was this comment when normalfaggot ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````primaries'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' were shitting up the thread with their normalfaggot queen-bee socialite garbage?
I have nothing against secondaries who enjoy fanworks and primaries can be bunch of cunts. Still, the bottom barrel of Touhou "fans" are animeposter and memespouter who doesn't care about core Touhou, only the outer layer full of mainstream memes and anything that appeal to lazy weebs.
How am I supposed to discuss HSiFS gameplay, Okina's deep lore references or even fandom's take on Suwako's character through Zonouse doujin if all people do is spamming cute images and discussing your favorite fetish instead?
hello melting-down normalfag buddies who literally cannot stop responding to my posts because they struck a cord and you know in your heart that you are indeed normalfaggots
Enough of this you retards. Enjoy the thread and lets talk about 2hu
I watched the full pc95 gamut on YouTube, so I guess you could say I am a Primary now. I'm sorry, but all of you Secondaries will just have to be quiet while in my presence? Thanks.
You outed yourself as a retard
You started all this bullshit
Have your last (You)
Please play Aya's games.
>fandom's take on Suwako's character through Zonouse doujin
Let me know when he writes something that isn't either pointlessly edgy or condescending nonsense and maybe you'll get an answer.
Speaking of which, is there an Aya centric fangame?
>You started all this bullshit
here we see the normalfaggot ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````primary'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' attempting to redirect blame for shitting up a touhou thread (something that normalfaggot ````primaries'''' do to every single touhou thread without fail in their effort to signal how not-normalfaggot they are)
name 3 touhou videogames
i love Yuugi! i made 2 fumos of her!
I've played some of the games but am not particularly attached to any of the characters because I'm bad enough that I haven't been able to beat the bullet hells and I barely played the fighting games because I had nobody to play them with. I'll beat one someday though.
the one with the most /ss/ doujins
kanako don't take your mom away from your brother ok
Zounose is edgy and dumb with his doujins, but I like his art designs at least
if people talking about youtubers is vidya, why cant I post some titty?
This is ACK-tier autism
>saying people who play and care about games are bad
>on Yea Forums
What kind of bait is this? Worse is y'all falling for it.
there's rhythm carnival
look at that bizarre expression
my nigga.
hello wounded normalfaggot buddies, keep watching those youtube playthroughs, i'm sure if you can cite cirno's second spellcard then you will definitely get to be the epic socialite upper-crust cool kid this time around (unlike in high school)
This god.
>fandom's take on Suwako's character through Zonouse doujin
>wow you cursed all these people Suwako
>does almost nothing
why is yuugi so underrated? is it because of her battle? theme? Or because of the other oni(s) in the series
Stop posting unless you've actually had sex with a touhou in your mind like the rest of us
what is the target demographic for this clown's design?
SA was meh
I'm just trying to be on topic, that's all.
but explain shit like okuu and koishi
IWBTG players
stop replying to him you fucking retards. Are you that starved for attention you'll keep replying to shitposters?
>shit like okuu and koishi
speaks for itself
the komeijis are massively popular
okuu, rin, and parsee are all in the top 40 consistently
IMO the only memorable character from the game desu
Bootleg Flandre but with more character development
ZUN's expressions are works of art.
do not reply to /2hug/ autism
ouch that is a big normalfag meltdown right there
don't shit your diaper sport
bootleg flan, but more retarded moe and with a better sister arguably
>One-time Stage 3 boss that hasn't been in anything since
If anything she'd kind of overrated, but she does have a nice design.
I feed birds at the park and see anons like that as cute birds who also need the food of (You)'s
Musclegirl is niche fetish but she got a lot of nice content. I won't say she is underrated, she is in perfect middle ground.
Popularity polls don't mean much. Heck I'm sure Flandre is still topping the polls yet she's completely irrelevant outside EoSD which is a pretty ancient game.
>Popularity polls don't mean much
they literally dictate who gets the lions share of new and quality merchandise
that isn't a cute bird, that's a fucking vulture
its pretty much "oh hey, remilia has a sister and she has cystal wings and a meme theme, but shes adorable lol!'
I like rin, parsee and satori better anyway
Can you prove anons aren't all actually birds posting though?
>Yea Forums thread on Yea Forums
Nigger Flandre gets more art in a day then most post-th12 characters get in 5 months.
Merchandise isn't the topic here though.
agreed! shes still in the top 50% of characters, and given that she stayed at 77th this year shows that her position is evening out. even though she doesnt get much physical stuff made, she still has lots of good art, and since i got fumos of her i dont need anything else
>implying vultures aren't birds
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
It doesn't mean much for ZUN but it does for the fanbase
and the fanbase is wholly irrelevant, ZUN does whatever ZUN wants.
t. Butthurt vulture who wishes he could fuck Okuu
vultures are good birds who only eat the dead
Tasofro decided to make a brand new fighting game made from the ground up again, but this time (You)'re the one who will decide the roster consist of 12 (including Reimu and Marisa)
However, you can only put no more than two representatives from each canon works (game, manga, etc) and no more than 3 of those that already appeared in previous fighters.
Now post your desired 10 roster.
why is yuugi sick? is it an unexplainable phenomenon?
>can't enjoy midday 2hu threads because I got out of the NEET life
FUCK I want to go back.
>he doesnt work the night shift
lmao, i work security and effectively get paid to shitpost
Kaguya because she embodies the sort of freedom I strive to live my own life with. I wish I were her.
>a wagekek
Oh no no no
Didn't pic related teach you anything?
Lurk for a year before posting, newfag
And this is one of reasons why i unironically want Reimu is smash, to laugh at idiots like this. I bet moat of them would be gokufags.
Working full-time and being a full time student is cancer, someone kill me.
it is tho
thats why i said you gotta work security
im a full time worker and full time student
the job is such a non-entity that i just do my homework and shitpost at my job, and my boss doesnt care either way
reimu in smash is such a risky thing. on one hand, I would enjoy that so much. on the flipside, it exposes 2hu to the normals easily
drank too much alcohol
Space Jin, imagine if he used his power for anything but ballbusting.
but she recently switched drinks
Kasen is...
>you gotta work security
I fell for the trade school meme and now I'm a mechanic, only positive is the pay is good for someone my age and it's not a dead end job.
the lewdest pink
Not a hermit
being impregnated with half-human half-oni children
-Evil Kasen
NOT an oni.
thats just her arm
>lazyass Ringo
>not diligent Seiran
Yukari is...
why no meiling/yuugi? they are literally perfect for fighting games
at least over 16, i just need my boom boom queen
old and busted goods
Yuugi is too stronk
a shit
old and busted
Man I love space Jin's designs even though I hate ball busting
His wriggle is sex incarnate
Unzan is....
a brapqueen
Reminder that, when all this is over, Reimu STILL won't realize that Kasen is an Oni.
Okina is...
Reimu literally calls Kasen an oni in the newest chapter. Yes, that's just her arm but Reimu doesn't know that yet.
>That nicovideo series were Reisen and co play world of tanks, then one day play world of battleships instead and they use this kancolle ship.
And yeah, she also appears and even react when the ingame ship is hit (her clothes torn off).
Meiling, Yuugi, Iku, Clownpiece, Kagerou, Yuuka, Rin, Shou, Seiga, Okina
>3 days before execution, only drink water
Are you really supposed to do this before you hang yourself? Is it just to make sure you don't shit yourself when you die or something?
>Is it just to make sure you don't shit yourself when you die or something?
So your corpse don't smell like literal shit
a sagger hagger
I don't know why but I like you
god of childbirth AKA impregnationhu
I don't think that's even possible.
I like Ran the best
reminder that only smelly nerds play the games
>This is the average Yea Forumstard 2hu fan
Go to /qa/ then fag
but the games are legitimately fun though
Satori because she's a total fucking loser just like me!
Yes, SA is indeedy favorite 2hu game.
What emotion do you interpret?
a hag
the best sage
smelly nerds
Some of the songs in this mix are pretty good.
you're on Yea Forums and are criticizing people playing games
>he isn't
Lol what a faggot
go to danbooru and type
>hoshiguma_yuugi bikini
literally the first result
I don't like that Ran...
I feel like my butt is in danger
why are you people so easy to bait
Are there any other danmaku games out there with similar gameplay to the photography touhous?
It's not
You're probably just a master baiter user
Honest question
You guys don't annoy me, but why don't you post on /jp/?
Or press the iqdb button.
>the bottom barrel of Touhou "fans" are animeposter and memespouter who doesn't care about core Touhou, only the outer layer full of mainstream memes and anything that appeal to lazy weebs.
literally nothing wrong with this
your obsession with this bullethell franchise is unhealthy
because /jp/ is 3d idolshit now
furthermore, the age old rule of off-topic threads being the best remains true
Too many idolshits
Dead board
good gif
because my board has been invaded by these fucking idolshitters
Cutest family!
Shitty board with shitty mods
/jp/ is a mess, full of erpers
i’d rather yell at touhoufags on Yea Forums than roleplay with /jp/
It's for ear cleaning.
What's your favourite Touhou game, Reisenfag? Got any 1ccs?
I'm the master of my domain.
because /jp/ is half generals, half /c/ or /e/ image dumps
Why is all of her porn futa shit?
Can't argue with that
Have you ever met a touhoufag IRL? How they are?
Because the fanbase is retarded, that's why. Flandre as a character is completely irrelevant.
They don't give a shit about the character, they only care about THE COMMUNITY around the character. Fuck those fake fans
I used to like touhou threads
until i found that you faggots don't play the games or any videogame at all
Yeah, but the artist made that futa on male doujin with Ran
>Have you ever met a touhoufag IRL
imagine the smell
>Have you ever met a touhoufag IRL? How they are?
it wholly depends on the person, i havent met any horribly autistic ones, as the ones ive met are just normal people who like touhou
Oh well.
Most threads on /jp/ are touhou related. But it's true that /jp/ has fallen into such a rut that's it's not much fun to post in.
I do, in fact I'm trying out StB while watching this thread at the same time
i know a black tenshifag, he’s really just an innocent geek so i’d think of him as a stereotype for the black nerds of the world than the average touhoufag
But i was playing double spoiler just last night
yeah but the 2hu threads on /jp/ fall into what this user said where its just 1-3 posters dumping their whole folders of their waifus, with literally 0 discussion
But I play them
I suck at them but I don't care since I'm having fun
Working on 1cc PCB lunatic
Not knowingly. The closest I've been to that is showing some friends how to play a few fan games.
>Touhou has bunch of stuff to discuss in canon and fanworks
>yet no one discuss them because people rather talk about 2hu feet
>nothing wrong
If that happen right in ZUN's face maybe he won't make games anymore.
Junko your son is dead
>If that happen right in ZUN's face maybe he won't make games anymore.
not like it would matter, all of the games are the same
Su Wa Ko
I'm probably the only one in my city despite living in a weeb country heh
Make more?
>Flandre is a snarky bitch in canon
>no flandre is cute and cuddly
Fandom is pretty fucked
or, in recent events, have a guy who puts diapershit in the eiki threads. And for someone who still uses /jp/, this just makes me have no hope in the board in itself
sorry chang'e said no
the only touhoufag I knew in uni at the beginning of one of the semesters started hanging out with a group of dudes, stopped attending classes, got himself a girlfriend, got kicked out of uni, moved back to his town, got himself another girlfriend there without breaking up with the first one, got the second gf pregnant before getting drafted into military, and now he's back in the uni after returning and I have no idea what had become of that whole situation
he does diapershit for eiki, the komeijis, and the scarlets, and basically anyone who has a fan or canon childish personality
I play the games and always eager to discuss them when I'm free but most of the time I leave whenever waifuposting get out of hand.
You lucky guy
I only know 2-3 guys that actually play Vidya or are into anime or bullshit like that
Actually no, only wannabe girls who liked IOSYS videos and cosplayed as flandre and remilia 3 months later and they forgot about touhou.
If you think that's bad check the alice thread
What if ZUN goes full madman and the next game extra boss is a "extremely scared but insanely powerful shota that just appeared one day" and that shota is junko's son?
>Seiga & Yoshika (they count as one, eat a dick)
>extremely scared but insanely powerful shota that just appeared one day
yeah that would really be full madman
>ex boss
>ever being a man
i thought thats ONE thing that he said he would never do
I currently have somewhere around 1800 attempts at Mamizou's Humans are Nice! Card. Trust me, I play these games
I'm not going to go in.
Is it full of shovels
Well that's your opinion but I'm sure a lot of people would disagree, and you shouldn't bother them.
its just miserable because I wish /jp/ could have the shitposting and such back again, but now we have to be all formal and shit, so you cant have them. It also sucks because theres all those idol generals, and they just keep multiplying every month or so. Its sickening really
Is it shovel or diaper shit also?
you, i like you
More cute girls, please.
>male character
>being this disrespectful towards ZUN's wife and daughter
>Is it shovel or diaper shit also?
Junko's son is dead you retard
>Is it shovel or diaper shit also?
and erp that combines the two
>that's just, like, your opinion man
fantastic argument, i expected nothing less of a 2hufriend
Junko is a bitch.
>fortune teller
>half of singyoku
Alice threads are full of people who fantasize about bullying her. You can't really do anything else with the threads because they never shut up.
He already did that before so who cares
calm down my nigga that's ZUN's family
Bullshit something, killjoy. We have Miko who literally resurrected herself (and changed sex), anything goes. Maybe is not the actual son but a being created by Junko's memories from before she became hatred plus some magical bullshit?
>Recently started feeling physically pained when I think about how much I love Yuuka
>Feel more and more inclined each day to an hero so I can have the chance to see her
It's alright though, i'm happy
He’s gonna be the secret char in the next Phantasmagoria, I can feel it
post more flandre, faggot
does anybody remember that steam erp touhou group?
While they look pretty similar from a guy that doesn't play them, every game has at least one gimmick that changes the approach
Shion munches any carpet that grows food
In games I meant, they're extremely rare because ZUN's stuff is cute girls doing cute things
stop moving the goalposts
you could've asked nicely
i already told you.
To be fair, Byakuren's brother was originally going to be in UFO
They're quite obviously not exact copies of each other. What else could you mean by all the same? They are the same genre, but you can't hold that against them. They have different characters and different patterns every game. If that doesn't make them different from each other then you're using a non-standard definition of all the same.
stop replaying to the faggot baiter, idiots
Wish I had saved the cap. Fucking lunacy I tell you.
If literally all the fans do were jerking off to his characters then maybe that's for the best.
ZUN should've stopped at Touhou 5.
Or you could say the say junko's son soul was floating around that place Yuyuko's lives and the recent incident in his debut form caused him to become a yuyuko like ghost?
user please don't kill yourself over a fictional woman
just go to a sunflower grove and burn it, she'll show up and escort you to gensokyo personally
PLS rember.
>m-muh PC-98!!!
PC-98 era is laughable compared to the Windows era. 90% of the patterns have little to no variety at all