So Yea Forums, pixel graphics or not for indie games?

So Yea Forums, pixel graphics or not for indie games?

Attached: pixel-artists-in-indie-games-1.jpg (1920x1080, 458K)

good pixel art is good. bad pixel art is bad


what game is this fren

This. I like the pixel aesthetic of Celeste, Axiom Verge, and Dead Cells

But Celeste looks like shit.

Is the pixel graphics good at his job? then yes
Could they spring for an actual artists? then no.
Does the pixel art look like something worse than a nes game and on par with an atari 2600? Just scrap the game.


But that game is literally pixel shit done wrong. Go see metal slug for real pixel art.

Way to list mostly ugly games

fpbp, also /thread

If only they could do a real metal slug like. The aesthetic is great but the game is sub par.

Whats harder for an art noob? 3d modeling or pixel art for a sidescroller?

Mercenary Kings.

When did actual discussions die on here. Has it been that long

3d is easier to learn imo, at least low poly modeling

>Actual artist
>Implying pixel animation and art is easy as fuck
Stop lmao

Alright, retard. Celeste looks like absolute shit because its pixel design is incredibly ugly and it uses as few pixels as possible and just zoomed in on them.
It looks fucking terrible because of how close you are to the individual pixels, even NES games weren't as bad as it was.

It depends, pixel art is not a "style", it only means that images are edited on the pixel level (t. Wikipedia). Good pixel art is usually very hard.

Making pixel art character move animations look good is very hard because you have to intentionally deform proportions etc. With 3D you just skeleton everything.

Celeste would barely look presentable on the gameboy color screen.

I was grabbing shit off the top of my head and I'm tired as fuck from exams rn. Celeste I realize I mostly listed because I enjoyed the game.
I guess a more thoughtful list for me would be Hyper Light, Dead Cells, Gungeon, Axiom, and maybe Necrodancer.

And I guess now that I think of Necrodancer, Cadence of Hyrule is looking ok. Gameplay wise I'm hyped as fuck though.

Dead Cells is low res, low poly

Who said it was?
Pixel art is easier than real art for video games.
Pixel art could be as easy as the artist wants it to be. It just depends on whether the artist wants art to look like shit or not.
If you can spring for a real artist for your game. Do it. It will more often then not look better than whatever pixel art you could hope to make. Unless that "real" artist is Strongbad girl squad levels of artistic ability. Then fucking forget it.

Pixel art is neutral.
Mixels is unplayable.
Normal mapped pixel art is kino.

Attached: 1501028558366.png (283x268, 72K)

It can be good.
But that being said, 2D grafix in 2019 shouldn't limit themselves to trying and achieve a pixelated retro look.

I take it you are a pixel artist that took months upon months to make your shit look just as good as E.T. from the Atari 2600 and can't bare to look at the facts.

Yes, I'd take bad pixel graphics over shit like Salt and Sanctuary any day.

S&S looked pretty awesome though, the human characters not included ofc

I though the backgrounds and bosses looked pretty sweet