Make a character black because spaniards are problematic

>Make a character black because spaniards are problematic
>Everyone hates this
>Make him do 1000% more damage than every other character
Do you love El Latigo yet?

Attached: file.png (1000x948, 606K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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I barely even care about the redesign, I’m just annoyed that they took the rifle too
Revolvers are the fedoras of firearms


The character's face, the character's gun, and the character's outfit were all severely downgraded. This lazy pete motherfucker in his stupid coat isn't gonna be in my party if I can help it.

But the rifle is a revolver too.

I'm not even mad it's a revolver. I'm mad that it's a revolver with a bayonet. Not even a remotely accurate bayonet, but a whole fucking sword ducktaped to it. Also the salmon color scheme is hideous.

Still fucking mad.

Attached: Baozhai.png (1048x1533, 546K)

both of these characters are in the game still. Check the wiki.

It wouldn't even be fine if he was a seperate character cause his design is so fucking ugly and slapped together. Not to mention I only want salmon on my plate or spread on a bagel.

They added Vasco back only because of the outcry, and he's an NPC or villain or whatever else now, not a party member.

>cause his design is so fucking ugly and slapped together.
It really is.

Fuck these fags for not delivering half the characters they promised and for half assing all the others

Not to mention he no longer has the Conquistador motiff at all.

They should have at least just kept the original design with different skin.

I don't understand what is problematic about his design. Is it simply because he is a white male? They removed Warbucks from Don't Starve Together because of similar reasons. They both had similar designs, what is so offensive about the Spanish Explorer look?

At least Ajna is still the perfect brown tomboy she always was and Razmi is still there unchanged.
Guess I'll have to see which other characters weren't fucking ruined so I can figure out what my final team will be.

Really? This is the redesign people are flipping their shit over?
This feels like a XV-kun level of dedicated autists who just do nothing but have this live in their heads rent free.

Nobody has ever been upset about this

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What's wrong with this webm. Someone please tell me I wanna fit in.

I don't even know what game this is but the left's design is objectively worse in a million ways and it has nothing to do with his skin tone.

This game got released? How good is it?

Attached: Moana-013.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Not yet.

I haven't played the game but it looks like gun guy deals shit loads of damage

And here I was expecting a surprise

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This is the year, user.

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There are sword bayonets, using it on a revolver is incredibly stupid though.

There were enough people upset to make bona fide SJWs admit defeat and add the white guy back into the game, consider the kind of outrage needed to manage that.

Who got cut?

>tfw no delicious brown gf

with liberty and justice FOR ALL

this is why i honestly dont play western garbage

The character downgrades are so fucking bad
I'm suprised people are okay with this shit

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The first one isn't so bad. Is that a boy or a girl?
The last one is not a big change, but I definitely like the original's proportions a lot more.
Baozhai fucking HURTS, though. The Chinese pirate lady was one of my favorite designs and they turned her into something completely different.

All of them but the 4 original were REALLY simplified. Wonder what the fuck they've been doing all these fucking years. This shit was supossed to come out last year, right?

>Turn the Portuguese guy into Alberto Barbosa's grandpa

Attached: 1554599138248.jpg (268x268, 22K)

Literally SOUL vs SOULESS, specially the pirate

They even ruined the fuckboy

Attached: 1539814905014.png (600x1463, 232K)

He's just less trap and more faggot now. I did like him better before, though.

Here's the original design for comparison

Attached: 1533712448756.png (620x1099, 335K)

He's almost the same, just with worse clothes and worse hair.

I wish I had even a passing education in art or an IQ above 50, to be able to better explain why I think the left design is a gimmicky mess, while the right is simple yet striking.

>I'm a retard and I think the lazy redesigns are better
I mean, if that's how it is for you then fair enough.


I don't even know what game this is but the pirate one, literally why the fuck did they do that to her

>my dick when

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But he said the literal opposite, you subnormal.

Why would he draw his sword with that arm, when his scabbard is on that side of his body?

looks like a shitty flash game

Go find their development blog stuff from back when they were working on Skullgirls, the amount of effort they put into animating the characters was ridiculous. And that was on an initial 8 character roster. For Indivisible they probably did the designs first before really thinking about having to put in that kind of effort again, this time for 20+ characters, and scaled back their expectations accordingly. Hence all the shitty downgrades.

But the design on the left is the lazy design. There's literally no character or expression. It doesn't even make sense.

The arab guy looks like a MK ninja now.

That's part of the joke which is why I love it. Instead of a long gun with a short knife on the end it's a small gun with a long ass sword.

But for the most part I agree. I think right design is in general better but an actual rifle makes him look much more intimidating.

Not that guy, and I certainly understand the need for simplifying her design, but they didn't DO THAT. They changed it fundamentally and it fucking sucks now. They removed everything about her that said "chinese pirate" and replaced it with blastoise guns.

They redesigned Sangmu a lot too, but I'm not mad about that one, because the original character's still there.

Attached: Sangmu.png (1570x1464, 1.77M)

right has more soul
as someone with zero training in art right is: more functional (ammo and pouches), higher quality (shading), better color selection, harsher (sharper lines, pointed features), the gun is more threatening, frilled sleeves, so on. in essence, since I know nothing of this character, right looks more like a futuristic cowboy. left looks like a nigger at an anime convention

Top and bottom are fine and pretty much the same, but pirate... jesus CHRIST. The thing on her back doesn't make a lick of sense.

The CHAD military conquistador
The virgin plundering cowboy

It's some kind of steampunk/mecha anchor with grappling hook cannons.
I can't articulate how much I hate it.

Or they just liked the design and figured it was better off using it than losing it. You vastly overestimate this whole "SJW" thing.

You niggers will buy this shitty game just because some anonymous with common sense told you rightfully it isn't worth it

Good for you faggot. Now go away.

I'll pirate this shitty game because I loved VP and I like how this one looks, mostly.
If it's good I'll buy it.

Holy SHIT does ANYONE have a character chart with all of the characters? This is the third time i'm asking and the ones on google are apparently outdated designs. Where the fuck are all the compilations? I want to see the SQUAD.

Has anyone told LZ how bows work?

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Bottom is the only one only one not unforgivably awful, and that's only because they fucked up the proportions on the right, makes her look like a dwarf. Still managed to add those retard looking things to the bow.
Top is pretty bad, removed weapons, all detail (smaller details as well, like that rose, and his face hidden by the scarf). Mostly comes down to shit artwork.
Middle is literally genocide tier.
>removed harpoon weapon
>removed frilly dress
>removed cannon
instead, generic red dress with generic jetpack. what the genuine fuck. glad I knew this was shit after skullgirls was shit.

wtf that's not how bows work. Even the stupid dragonslayer bow from dark souls was more accurate.

Cringe on a cross what a fucking scam

I don't think we have a full squad, a lot of the characters have changed, but many have stayed the same. There's some completely new ones, like the little herbalist girl in glasses.

I mean, that's why I called them shitty downgrades. Like you said, they could have simplified the design without destroying the theme but they didn't at least in the Pirate's case. At some point someone said "are we really going to have to draw this damn fish cannon 30,000 times?" and decided to change it because a plain grey one was easier and "it's still a pirate lol". Not all the designs are on the same level of lazy, the ones that were already on the simple side still look ok, but the reason that the Pirate is so egregious is because they chose the wrong things to simplify.
You see the same thing in a lot of animation, designs getting simplified over time because its just easier when a high work load is demanded.

>pull back on your bow
>fall over backwards
>arrow goes up and comes back down on your head
>at least you don't have to use your bow anymore

This game looks okay, but it needs more diversity

Phoebe looks way better though.

Phoebe looks weird. I like that she looks buffer, but she also looks manlier.
Wish she looked like this.

Attached: Indivisible.Kinuko_1448012012912.jpg (734x973, 182K)

thats the best song of the movie

how do you fall this far after kino like skullgirls

this just looks like a shitty tumblr tier flashgame

>I was a drab little crab what?
It's really stupid but I can't stop listening to it.

How the fuck has this game taken so long at this point I’m getting more interested in the fucking neptunia Valkyrie profile clone than this shit

It really doesn't.

I remember when Yea Forums got triggered this game didn't have enough whites.

From what he can see he does roughly 38k of the 48k total damage.

Are the shill threads for this shit starting up again?

2D animation is hard work, that's why everyones moving to 3D these days.

It's not THAT bad you faggot.

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Such a shame they spent so much effort drawing and coding for a game that is simply not fun to play

>haha the joke is hes pretending to be retarded xddd on purpose Xdd
epic style right there

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i got pissed that there weren't enough SEAsians considering on their page they said the game is inspired by SEAsian culture

Attached: yes i understand steampunk isn't an ethnicty but that's kind of the problem, it doesn' (620x1612, 762K)

>sidescrolling turn based combat
into the trash, fucking causal shitter game you can play on a phone

What the fuck

>that lack of SG level sex appeal
and paid posters tell me this isn't full sjw

Why complain about Vasco or Baozhai when Nuna, Leilani and Kampan are all you need? Come on guys get it together.

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I disagree, but you do you.

its got a great amount of cunny so its okay

Sex appeal aside, the designs are just really fucking bland and boring compared to Skullgirls. And most of them get even worse with their redesigns.

What's with all the threads lately?

Even if you ignore what a colossal downgrade the new design is and judge the redesign completely by its own merits, "Gentleman Gunslinger" is an extremely lame concept.

Attached: Marquis-card.png (210x320, 85K)


Nuna was massively changed. I don't know about Leliani and Kampan doesn't fit at all. Plus her first weapon got made small.

>her first weapon got made small

Having played it, I find it pretty fun.

Latigo's gun buff there is basically a "Lv5" super, and deals extra damage to wide targets.

If they wanted to market well, then they should show a concrete release date

Because the Switch boxart was revealed and everyones getting antsy about it again.

the "gentleman" character just sucks in general. i mean who likes these boring assholes. they certainly aren't fun or interesting enough to be main characters
the only time i like them is when they just cut to the chase and make them full on assholes

Attached: Vinnie_and_Balthazar.png (1275x717, 646K)

how do i sign up to post on here for money?

>her weapon got made small
How small we talkin? This is why I want the whole character portrait with the new designs. Also, post nuNuna.

The only good gentleman character is the Victorian era gentleman explorer

Sign your soul away to the hot pocket overlords.

Turn-based combat can be really fun, but when there's a party system and zero strategic movement it's boring as fucking dogshit.

that's why final fantasy tactics >>>>> all other final fantasy games

actually the page said it spans "a huge fantasy world inspired by various cultures and mythologies."
the lead characters, many monsters, and various themes are just centered on SEA.

>victorian anything
Fuck off with that overdone cringey shit

kys my man

Kill yourself my redditor

5th one on the second row.

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What the fuck is this game?

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Also anyone have a newer version of this pic? I saved this one in 2017

That's how you do it irl lol

>naga rider looks chubby now

>The World of Indivisible
>While Indivisible’s thematic core is inspired by Southeast Asian mythology, the game is full of lands and characters inspired by a variety of cultures and myths.

you're right, its just disappointing that theres not like 3 SEAsian characters, and one of them is more Japanese inspired

There is literally nothing original ever, you retard.
Even if there was, that still is not a good criticism, or accomplishment.

Holy shit this just looks like Valkyrie Profile. I loved that game. Is this any good?

>or accomplishment
My projection senses are tingling, elaborate on that part of your post

Oh Nuna looks a bit shit now but it's not completely terrible.

I found Kampan. She looks the same except her fist is now slightly smaller. I'm alright with it.

Attached: kampan_turn_rough.gif (600x666, 283K)

Try reading a dictionary, ESL.

We don't know yet, but yeah, this game was VP-based from the start.

Attached: 1463883399832.webm (1276x718, 2.99M)

Not every turn-based game has to be a SRPG to have strategy. There's strategy in Indivisible too, particularly if you want to kill enemies fast.
Movement is also relevant for how certain attacks work and connect, but your control is just with the buttons.


What’s game is this

Did she just swap her gauntlet from one hand to the next? I guess asymmetry is a bitch to animate.

Seasians? Sea-sians? Like Atlantians?

Is there some sort of Mario & Luiginess to the combat or is it strictly Project X Zone button mash stuff?

Yeah that looks like copy-paste VP gameplay. Though I guess that's just combat, and what made VP so cool was the meta game structure (flying around, the days, all the secret shit).

Combat alone isn't enough to get hype, but if they're taking more than just the combat mechanics from VP (like grabbing their approach to optional content, hidden party members, alternate endings) it could still be very cool.

Hope the narrative is garbage. What's this game called? Indivisible? Or was that just a working title?

valkyrie profile is fun as fuck and this might even be a good game, but this won't sell, I don't understand what they're thinking with doing this.

They could've done a generic walking simulator and had a far easier time AND sold more.

>OMG one character out of like 20 was redesigned. However can I live.

This would be an issue if there weren't already so many characters. If you dont like it there are like a ton more that hasn't been redesigned.

I don't give a shit about the skin color, the right design is objectively better.

Drink your vegan smoothie, faggot

>one character out of like 20

The stage navigation looks very fun to me, at least. Despite how mad I am about some redesigns, I'm feeling pretty positive about it.

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>One character out of like 20

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>I don't understand what they're thinking with doing this.
Maybe they wanted to make a good game that they were passionate about instead of chasing the journo bucks.

it is, anytime there's something steampunk related you only see these GENTLEMANLY SCIENTIST GUYS
its lame

That's very ironic, considering you appear to be completely ignorant. Please provide an example of an original character. Remember: there's a reason your skin looks like shit.

I would say it's overall more Mario RPG than X-Zone, but that's still a vague description.

You can kind of mash your way through the old Prototype if you have the healer. You can't mash your way through the latest Preview build, and you definitely can't use a character like Latigo effectively with mashing.

That's very ironic, considering there's thousands of ex-vegans who said they couldn't take the skin issues anymore
Reminder: veganism seems healthy at first because in the beginning you're getting the fats from your own bodyfat. Once that runs out the diet doesn't have nutrition worth a shit.

After seeing that webm I'm gonna have to agree with

thats true but people who are actually trying to be creative try to deviate to what they've been inspired by and try to use less cliches in their creation
the VICTORIAN GENTLEMAN SCHOLAR/SCIENTIST/EXPLORE is such a huge fucking cliche and peolpe who use it rarely try to subvert our understanding of this kind of character. they barely have personalities, and always look the same
only hacks have this "well nothing is original so why bother" mentality

I love how dumb you are that you have invented this imaginary reality.
Let me clarify, for your double digit IQ: you are a retarded mutt with nigger skin and a nigger brain.

this is the skullgirls team right? what the fuck happened?

>I'm the only one allowed to project!

>They ruined the trap

But fucking WHY though.

The only good character besides not!Hex Maniac.

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the amazon is 100% a self-insert of a deluded tumblr whale

>The thai representative is a shitty darkie mountainer.

I really wish games would stop associating thai people with mountainers, most of them aren't even ethnically fucking THAI. Shit's so annoying.

>They ruined the trap
how so?

braids take longer to animate, and he wasn't going to use it for anything anyway.

Muh Noble savages

He never had a conquistador motif to being with.

Projection is the incorrect term here. Particularly since it's based on your proven lack of basic reading comprehension. Go on, say you were merely pretending.

licking blades cant be healthy

You said I have bad skin out of nowhere, with zero proof that that is the case. That's a projection of your own obsessions
Literally OBSESSED

so why did they get a simpler design that looks worse?

Hard and expensive. It's why the funding goal was 1mil

I refuse to believe you are this dumb.

the transition to kill trash mobs is too jarring. I would rather have fewer, stronger enemies with some good platforming in there than having to stop every second to smack a guy.

>why did they get a simpler design
Easier to animate.

Because it takes less effort to animate

Wait, they made Vasco a nigger, even though he's portuguese?

>African adopted by French.

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Didn't someone say they made it more fightan by making you do command inputs ?

>native american/japanese
Why amerimutts are always retarded?

The first one is ok. The pants look retarded, but that's it. I don't see much difference between the last two. The middle one is fucking awful tho, what the fuck

Best girl.

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>spaniards are problematic

Just remove the braid then everything about his design was fine though.

It was sexy in a mysterious alluring way, you could tell he was a fag but there was an air of mystery, his chest was exposed but with skin tight clothing to cover it.

It's a lot of the same clothing choices geisha's used to intice men into WANTING to take their clothes off.

Now he's just some fag with his tits out. It sucks and removes all of the actual sex appeal.

they are smelly

>how long until fatsos start a crusade about that last redesign?

>looks like fucking stephen universe yuck

Attached: 1498595353099.jpg (640x583, 93K)

Attached: Untitled.png (523x2036, 1.68M)

>literally a blonde, white male

Yeah not gonna get that one.

Right design looks generic as hell compared to left.

>no weight to the fist whatsoever
fucking gay.

Wow why does she have to be white wtf?

My knife has quite a burn.

Just like every single fighting game character with a single gauntlet weapon.

Alexandre Dumas is based

Attached: Alexandre_Dumas_(1762-1806)[1].jpg (1200x801, 143K)

Eat my shorts.

Attached: idle.gif (600x711, 377K)

Nah, some fighting game characters do asymmetry, but it's definitely not easy so most opt to skip it.

Attached: file.png (518x343, 229K)

Yeah the stage navigation looks VERY VP as well. I don't have any input on "redesigns" since this is my first time seeing the game, but I work as a triple A dev and I'll say dramatic redesigns of everything (from character visuals, to mechanics and systems, and even over arching plot) happen ALL the time. and like.... way later in the dev cycle than people think.

Attached: 1523636426342.jpg (450x600, 40K)

Yikes, i didn't read anything about this game for years but it looks like it will be another yooka laylee

Nah, the redesigns are understandable, don't get me wrong. But the thing is, they sold the game's campaign on the characters, so it's natural that people will be pissed at the changes, especially the really big really bad ones like Baozai.

Oh sweet Shredder is in the game.

if you don't want to stop every second to smack a guy, then find a way to get around him instead.

but really if you learn your combos you'll spend a lot less time in combat than a lot of games. many games with combo mechanics, like beat-em-ups or something like guacamelee, will literally throw a wall in front of you and force you to spend a few minutes doing crowd control. in indivisible, so far, you can pick most of your battles and fight on your own terms.

Does the gauntlet has two thumbs or what?

it's about gamefeel, not strategy

If I run down a corridor and kill everything, even if it's not the smartest thing to do, it should feel good and fun. That's just game design.

Yeah isn't "i dont wanna stop every 5 seconds to smack a guy" just your regular idiot complaining about random encounters? Because that's the same thing here. If you don't like stuff like that then why bother with a game like this.

Speaking of which. Is there some sort of numbers system to this game or is it purely skill?

Man how do you go from Skull Girls to this

You can just hop over them, really.

Ginseng is pretty cute.

Attached: 1496426890761.webm (854x480, 267K)

By not doing SkullGirls anymore and doing something completely different. It's obvious they're not really used to this sort of thing but hey, at least they're trying.

How do the controls work.

doesn't look that way to me

Still wanna pound the boy pussy

So this is """diversity""" tumblr fantasy: the game

Game feels great to me though. I love killing everything in the previews so far, but I can avoid most of the enemies too if I'm playing for time.

Thats likely why they cut chingchong pirate's bigass cannon. They'd have to mirror everything, which is lazy shit they'd get called out on, or essentially draw her twice, which they don't want to do because they're lazy shits, like any animator post 1990.

>those scrawny legs
ryona r34 when?

It’s just an inferior design in every aspect except race. No functionality or thought put into his weapon or his attire. It’s fine that he’s black but make him a black witch hunter or something cool.

Attached: 5B47F543-FEFB-4771-910F-09BBE498AA81.jpg (151x333, 15K)

Top: New looks better
Middle: Old looks better
Bottom: Both literally look the same


Nice try Omar

So a game not being in Europe is tumblr sjw?

tumblr faces didn't tip you off to that?

they sold the game's campaign on the prototype. for anyone looking to back a video game project, gameplay should always take precedent over concept art.

people can get worked up over character changes if they want, but objectively, the game is going from a 30-min prototype with 4 characters and 4 enemy types, to a 20+hr game with 25 characters and 50+(known) enemy types. to call the whole thing a downgrade and accuse the devs of cutting corners because a couple characters wear different shirts is whatever.

>Skullgirls is tumblr now

When it’s got the shitty tumblr art to go along with it then yea it is

I wish this looked like Skullgirls. That's sort of the point.

Sure, but ti's a dumb thing to do. They could have drawn her without the cannon, and added it with CG like they're doing with Kampan.

I think I unironically prefer the design on the left

FINALLY found the whole gang with redesigns.
Apparently there are more characters not here that they haven't finished yet. Or at least thats what I take from this. (not including the indie shill characters)

Attached: h72BbnK.jpg (3789x1791, 521K)

The art-style is literally the same

>literal tumblr artist rips off imaishi

TF2's Spy is a pretty good gentleman.

Yan is a huge bitch

>they sold the game's campaign on the prototype.
Bollocks and you know it. People were drawn to the game via the character art and descriptions. The prototype looked good, but it was way too barebones to make real judgements about the game.

>to call the whole thing a downgrade and accuse the devs of cutting corners because a couple characters wear different shirts is whatever.
If they redesign the character to no longer resemble the ones they sold you the game on, then it's a big fucking change and people will get mad, especially with shit redesigns like Vasco's and Baozhais.

No Filipino?

The right design is visually consistent. From top to bottom, his outfit is buckskin tan, with an accent of red.
His muted clothing contrasts well with his bright yellow hair making it easier to see him in motion.
The left, looks visually inconsistent and muddy. His main colors are salmon-tan, black, red and brown. The only contrast in this design is ivory-white beard, which does little to make him distinct.
Design wise, the right looks like a conquistador gone native, with locally fashioned clothing and pouches, but still keeping the military feel with his bandoliers and well-maintained kit. His expression gives him a menacing look, which is backed up by the rest of his design.
The left looks like a placid old man, an npc that should be giving quests from his rocking chair on a porch. His gear has a boring, un-utilitarian look to it, from the billowing coat to his ridiculous hat. His revolver looks modern but has an 1890s, longer the better bayonet attached, despite the probability that he won’t be able to engage in close combat in any meaningful way. Not to mention the fact that a bayonet that large would seriously impair your aim.

What the fuck is up with Bayonetta legs there?

I don't get how this game is Tumblr. Because it has different cultures and shit?

Attached: renton_facepalm.jpg (1280x960, 67K)

She’s a circus freak/dancer.

That and it doesn't have enough whites

Also, I would like to change my opinion on nuNuna. She reminds me of Aqua and she still looks very cute here.


what did zhe look like before?

This game looks so boring.
>They will never go back and make more characters for Skullgirls

Kushi and Altun are cute.

Vasco was racist and needed to go.

Wow the new Antoine looks awful, I'm glad I never liked him.
But that said, I think the overall cast is looking good. Kushi made it to the game unchanged, Sangmu was heavily redesigned but she still looks great. I think I can have fun with this roster despite my disappointments.

The problem here isn't even the race change, it's that the new design is simply boring.

They still have him in the game

I'd be sort of bummed out as well if I didn't have any arms.

I don’t care about anyone else I just wanna see how the based dog looks in game. And maybe Red, but I’m guessing guest characters will be done last

Attached: 7C4F788B-ED90-4F35-A2D6-C45F4C41B47B.jpg (447x438, 38K)

That's how she looked like before. This is her now.

Attached: 1498751464618.gif (1098x581, 1.48M)

They literally all look better. What the fuck is wrong with all of you? Are you mad because there's no shading?

>that hairline on the woman
what the fuck

Never speak to me again.

>all males look like faggots except maybe 2

With characters that shallow that's like literally everything

Dhar, Tungar, Naga and Hunoch look great, Zebei looks fine, Qadira might be a grill I don't know.

Welcome to nu-anime

How come this is okay when you guys gave every single other major kickstarter game huge uninterrupted shit whenever they fail to deliver all the things they promised?

>How come this is okay
Nigger, they've gotten uninterrupted shit for the redesigns.

So for someone that hasn't played VP, how exactly does it work? Someone told me it's one button attached to each character. So your only options for command variation is what order you press the buttons? Are there motions? What's the strategy like in a tough encounter? Timing your hits to the enemy animations (like striking when they're distracted or right before they hit you) or is the strategy more RPG strategy (like timing heals/managing MP outside of battle)?

> what is so offensive about the Spanish Explorer look?
Nothing, it is simply the work of people taking advantage of the current "I'm offended!" outcry culture to use others as their own personal army and get whatever they want shut down.


>Bollocks and you know it
No way. Denying the Prototype's effect IS bollocks. The biggest boosts to the campaign were through Youtube, specifically Jim Sterling and the Game Grumps, playthroughs.

I could say with pretty much 100% confidence that the those videos are what saved the campaign. The day before Jim's video was posted, the funding rate had reached almost a standstill, and the average funding rate was drastically increased after the Grumps video.

Having a campaign that featured gameplay upfront was also a stark contrast to the MN9 scenario that people were still frustrated with, and gave the campaign a lot more marketability despite the effects of MN9. A lot of people would play the Prototype on PSN and not even bother to look up the characters list. Even in these threads we have to remind people, who the characters are.

That one does hurt.
But I like Ajna more.

Attached: Indivisible_1447703565906.jpg (2421x1656, 3.38M)

>"thanks for all the money. Oh by the way we lied about the character designs, we just made them like that to convince you retards that we are actually gonna try to keep quality high."

Imagine actually backing this trash lmao

Antoine is just a Pokemon gym trainer now.

I really, really liked this one.
Redesign sucks.

He wasn't adopted though. He was an octaroon with direct French male ancestry.

Is this the full roster? Is George really out?

They have another bow user that uses it in an even more retarded way

Yep. As someone who actually is a pt, it was extra fucking dumb. Thankfully they reversed ut but still, yknow?

Skullgirls is legit the best fighter Ive ever played and here we are getting our 12 character roster ignored because Mike totally a fucking nigger Z decided to fuck off and make a shitty flash game.

>Change one of the coolest designs because??
Even if he wasn't a nigger right looks better. That conquistador and gay cowboy mix was pretty good when i frist saw the batch of characters. I don't really follow the game so i only remember this guy and the gloomy woman with the tiger pelt.

Alright Yea Forums who you rolling with
>Not going Thorani, Zahra and Leilani for team THOT

>we lied about the character designs
>(in bold)*** Please note that the visual designs and descriptions of each character are subject to change in the final version of the game.***

>Hassam was cut from the game
Fucking why?

>buying this dogshit

>Skullgirls is legit the best fighter Ive ever played

Nuna is severely underrated. I don't know anything about her but she looks like a chess piece and that's great. I hope she hops around for her animations like Squigly.

Baozhai, Zahra and Ren.

That red skin bard chick is hot

the only designs that aren't terrible are Razmi and fucking Kushi, I guess. Can you replace the MC, or do you have to roll with her? She's one of the worst.

Die nigger.
Resets are objectively the best way to play fitan. If you dont know the matchup then get bodied faggot.

Stay mad YandereDev

why's this cal arts shit being spammed here suddenly?

Razmi, Tungar and Sangmu.

Attached: 1481049766393.jpg (1151x694, 78K)

Who do you guys list as the Top 10 SG players in the world?

roughneck sharpshooter who is just itching to put holes in someone
standing upright and tightening his ass cheeks to hold in a shit, expression suggests he is failing

Attached: AND HERE COMES THE GIANT FIST.jpg (348x300, 66K)

I think the worst part is that the mods let the shills take over Yea Forums during the funding campaign. Almost an entire month of the catalog being 3/5ths Indivisible shill threads where the OP is legit directly telling people to go to the funding page and spend money on it. Fuck it got so bad that they permanently killed skullgirls general so the Indivisible shills could squeeze in.
Now whenever we have an Indivisible thread there's always gonna be a lot of negativity going on because the people on here are tired of the exposure, and it's gonna be all the more worse when the game comes out, obviously doesn't meet expectations, and then Yea Forums gets to shit on it full force as revenge.

>Can you replace the MC, or do you have to roll with her? She's one of the worst
Replace yourself and your garbage taste.

Attached: 49035778921.jpg (600x669, 366K)

Kampan, Leilani and Nuna. Maybe Ginseng if I like her attacks.
Also, i'm not entirely sure if Kushi is an old lady or not.

Where the fuck is the best character Toko?

Where the fuck is the samurai dual-katana wielding nun?

>hating something because its shit
>lol retard
Not even yandev, I love SG. but this shit is inexcusable.

Is that a no? Because her face is absolutely emetic.

>Great tier
Naga Rider

>Good tier

>Meh tier

>Shit tier

Was he? Or is his design not revealed yet? There are like 6 characters we haven't seen yet. This is just a picture i found on google.

Sonicfox(sadly) echofox, debuzz, and quackinator are the only players worth a damn.

Ginseng is probably buff/debuff or healer. For that matter how does healing work in these games? Instead of attacking pressing their button causes them to heal the whole party?

I don't think so, considering that she has abilities related to the platforming.


Attached: 1467313452323.gif (368x329, 163K)

Attached: 1553435417581.jpg (640x640, 60K)


The ability pool for these characters must be really shallow. I've never played an RPG with this many characters, except for Chrono Cross and that game had a lot of useless redundant characters.

>concept art that is explicitly stated not to be indicative of the final product vs designs with multiple hand drawn animations in mind

Attached: 1553271149200.jpg (750x601, 136K)

You'e going back that far? Wow dude.


Attached: file.png (1895x896, 1.68M)

wasn't there a dinosaur on a skateboard?

>Wonder what the fuck they've been doing all these fucking years.
Living it up in Beverly Hills Los Angeles, California

nobody cares it's not the same
people care it's dogshit

Play Valkyrie Profile.

>They even changed his name to whip for some fucking reason
why? Vasco sounds iberian enough.

Was Vasco's skin color too hard to animate?

Also Antoine looks like a bitch in this one

They should just ditch the shitty gameplay and turn the game into a smash clone desu.

>I love SG
Are you going to Combo Breaker? Do you play in or watch any weekly tournaments?

Razmi, Kushi and Naga Rider

i cant wait to see this game shilled upon release for 3 months nonstop by some no lifer that was clean up artist #49 for the game

you're saying that because you're a smash normie. branch out and try new things.

Was better before.

Attached: Zahra.png (1228x2571, 1.57M)

Tungar should be in good tier.

>Die nigger
Just like shitty skullgirls

If they ever finish this and whatever the fuck they want to do with SkullGirls then they definitely should do a smash clone with this art style. Talk about FUUUUUN shit.

Fuck why can't these tumblr hacks stay consistent?

Attached: 424rerf.jpg (500x333, 41K)

No, they made an entirely new character to take his spot. Vasco was a cut character but the whiners all got uppity so they had to bring him back in. Thankfully Lab Zero has enough integrity to stick to their choices and Vasco is now a villain npc instead, a fitting choice to represent the entitled manbabies that forced the developers to keep him around.

>People actually gave away money for this

In that webm Latigo goes back into the fight with special ammo pre-loaded so he already spent 2 meter and he does his lvl 3 so he spent another 3. You're comparing damage from characters that are just doing regular attacks to a one that just spent 5 bars.

Attached: 1547115921624.png (400x400, 55K)

Every character is tied to a button. Each character has Neutral Attack, Up Attack, Down Attack, and usually Super moves using the meter. You generate meter by doing combos, and build more meter by doing juggles. Every attack, aside from its general function, has different values for damage, meter gain, and recovery time. Some combos are good for building meter, while others are good for doing damage, and some tactics can allow you to steal turns or stop the enemy in their tracks. Some attacks have long recovery time, so typically just spamming high damage moves will force you to defend more.

Certain enemies can defend and require certain moves to have their guards broken. When enemies attack, there's a defense phase where you drain meter to guard or watch out for enemies that can grab. There's chip damage for blocking, so a character can still be in danger while defending, but if you're good you can parry defend which will keep you alive. Some enemies also have unblockable attacks, but these aren't fully explored in the preview builds.

Those are the basics. Each character is different so you have to learn how you want to use them in your team and which of their moves work best for certain combos. Of course, the character might have other utility, like status effects or healing, which can be important depending on how you want to play.

They keep advertising it as being metroidvania with valkyrie profile gameplay but it really isn't anywhere near the quality or depth as that. Basically yet another indie rpg that latches onto well-known recognizable titles and names to tickle people's nostalgia

>4 japanese


You think they quit SG for another game? You think they had an option? Do you not know the history of Skullgirls? Its a fucking nightmare that says everything bad about publishers.

This screams of "the design doesn't actually work but I'm too attached/lazy to fix it at all" developer incompetence

>make the lewdest mainstream western game
>cuck out and become massive SJWs
What went wrong?

Disagree. Loved the idea but always felt this design was too jumbled. The new one is sleeker, and lets her motions be more expressive with the large flowing skirt.

Look if you like it because you're gay and want to jerk off to it then that's one thing, but that design objectively is bad.

Interesting. Is there any mechanical skill involved in comboing (timing the hits correctly) or will hitting the buttons one right after the other at any speed result in a combo every time?

That gif is like 15 months old

yeah fuck people for liking the spaniard yosemite sam guy that dripped with alex ahad’s style, TRUE skullgirls/labzero stans have accepted the whitewashed uncle reemus. lol kys faggot

The game is being developed by a bunch of white californians, what did you expect?

>cuck out and become massive SJWs
Explain how they're sjws without complaining about them making non-white characters?


No, half of those characters got the axe and rightfully so.

Vasco is still in the game, not party member though.

Do you have a source on that? As far as I've heard he's just a major npc in Latigo's personal questline without much detail given beyond that.

Skirt doesn't make the design. I can give you that the flowing skirt is kinda better but overall everything else is worse starting from the hair.

there's nothing wrong here, it's a gun doing what a gun should do, it's the melee weapons that are shit.
well being serious is always kinda ridiculous how a sword does more damage than a fucking gun.

>Everybody either got changed to a worse design or had the majority of their detail stripped out so they look like a Netflix She-Ra character
What the fuck Mike, what happened to the money?

Bring him back
Bring him back!

Attached: Indivisible_1448753945096.png (614x938, 545K)

He is literally still in the game

Agreed, that's why I didn't check her in She was perfect, now she's just good.

Uncle phil its just a

New art style looks terrible

>Posts a fine print disclaimer that was added after the fact

keep pretending they didn’t redesign characters to be more culturally sensitive and toned down the sexy bits that make goony beardmen uncomfortable and obliterate their game review

Attached: FD666A3F-FF67-4635-96FE-6B3CC4C6535A.jpg (448x441, 22K)

They removed pantyshots from Skullgirls
They added no lewd to Indivisible
The lead dev is openly anti-gamer
They removed all the white peepo

For juggles especially, yes, timing is very important. Some characters can also completely whiff their attacks if you time things wrong.

Combo-wise, the game registers every hit as a combo during your attacking phase and adds up the total damage, so it's not really hard to make the hit counter go up. Choosing the attacks and making sure they connect is more the important element there.

I wonder if he regrets making that video

>The game is good because the girls make my pee-pee feel funny!
If Japanese games aren't allowed to get a pass for the above statement, then other games shouldn't be allowed to get away with it either.

The design hasn't changed in 15 months, they just added color. I dind't post any colored ones because I hate the new design so I haven't saved almost anything with it.

>keep pretending they didn’t redesign characters to be more culturally sensitive and toned down the sexy bits
Who did they do this with?
They are still in the game and the Panty shots are still in Skullgirls

Ahad is pretty much the same and I’m pretty sure this game was his idea. I think he just wanted to do something different from Skullgirls.

Love Dhar and glad his design's pretty much the same. Just hope the in game models have proper shading. Damn FGO making me an anime curry lover.

Attached: Dharmanandan.jpg (635x1200, 128K)

>If Japanese games aren't allowed to get a pass for the above statement,
They constantly do get a pass for that shit though

They had to change the name because Vasco is back in. You can thank the backers for screaming their lungs out in pitiful agony for that one, god what a bunch of greedy fuckers they are.

>They removed pantyshots from Skullgirls
They removed some pantyshots that looked bad, and added new ones in other places that looked better.
The panty content remained constant, and the quality of the panty content improved.

Not but I've got your answer.
They TONED DOWN on panty shots in Skullgirls, not removed them. OG Skullgirls was overflowing with pantyshots, now they're only visible occasionally.

>well being serious is always kinda ridiculous how a sword does more damage than a fucking gun.
That's because a sword is a 3-toot long sheet of sharp metal that leaves you with massive gashes, whereas bullets are like a cm long and leave holes in you. Guns are very dangerous but they don't "deal more damage" than swords unless you're using a fucking aircraft cannon.

your question is not genuine, gay and retarded since i know 1/4 of the replies itt is you trying hard doing damage control
actually kys

Not just the skirt. The old hairstyle to me looked cluttered, the material of the top didn't mesh well, and a lot of the pieces like the top and the bracelets didn't look like they fit right. Sorry, I just prefer the new one.

>They TONED DOWN on panty shots in Skullgirls, not removed them. OG Skullgirls was overflowing with pantyshots, now they're only visible occasionally.
That's just not true. Go look up the list of changes they made to the sprites. They removed a couple of pantyshots that looked awkward, yes, but very few overall and they even added some in other places. The pantyshots that were removed weren't removed to censor the animation, but to make it flow better.

That's literally a lie tho this is all that was changed in the entire game

Attached: Rip+skullgirls+panty+shots+20122015+_0bcd7c2f94f6e5e464957496c5cf5602.jpg (326x288, 26K)

Your face looks cluttered, you stupid lameo
Old was way better in my opinion

That disclaimer was always there, and it's at the top of the page and in bold letters. If you actually read the page you can't miss it.

Lab Zero doesn't own the skullgirls IP. It's not up to them at all whether or not they can add things to the game or make a sequel.

They only changed a handful of panty shots and they didn't do it for the sake of censorship. The changes were so mild that it took a while for people to even notice that they were done.

I want to know who they did it with since you said they did it.

Mike ran out of money 2 years ago and was entirely on the publisher's cash injection since. This is the reason why the roster got downsized and a lot of the characters downgraded. It's also why Mike is porting Skullgirls to phones and baiting people to buy it for the PROSPECT that he may or may not add in more characters (doing the same "look at all these potential characters we're gonna add!" artsheet that we all got for Indivisible).
Honestly I don't know how so many of these crowdfunded games end up with so many problems down the line, and I'm obviously only counting the ones that weren't cancelled outright. I think the only one that actually did everything it promised and didn't fuck up on the budget was Shovel Knight, which is still having its final dlc wrapped up but hey at least they're delivering.

Its a mix what Mexican hate the most, conquistador and white texan

None of these make them "SJW"
You are mad for the sake of being mad
You probably don't even play video games
Fuck off already

Good fuck mexicans.
The burritos can stay though.

>Still in
>Cut from roster
>Slapped on as a minor cameo in a literally who side quest
>Still in
Bring him back!

Still in the game user

> because spaniards are problematic
the devs said that though?

Honestly both looks like shit but at least the guy from the left has a sword-gun

Once again, have to remind you that Mike doesn't work on the Mobile game. The publisher is even holding out on paying LZ royalties, so they might not even be involved with anything SG related going forward, other than playing in tournaments, if the publishers don't get their act together.

>wahwah I can't pause the game and jerk it to underaged sex objects anymore!
get some better life priorities

I don't want him in the game
I want him IN MY PARTY

Attached: 9306120045.jpg (1238x1856, 468K)

From the backer demo Ginseng & Honey heal by building up a charges with their neutral attack and can dump those charges to aoe heal the party with their up attack

Rami also has a mild heal for her level 1 special and Ajna has a metered revive that brings people back with minimal health.

>Be studio full of animators
>Know full well the more detailed the character designs the harder and time consuming it is to transition into animation because of Skullgirls
>Make retarded overly designed characters anyway
>Surprised when they start animation process and realized shit's hard
>Change designes to simpler, most of the time shittier versions even though people crowdfunded it for the OG designes
>Legit surprised again when backers don't like the new ones
>Specially the redesigns that changed nearly everything

Attached: 1511930236152.jpg (297x545, 38K)

Swordgun looks dinky

There's also Divinity: Original Sin 2 that was kickstarted and was everything they promised.

>to underaged sex objects anymore!
Whoa, that's a pretty sexist way to talk about women, you bigot.

>White Texan
Jesus fucking Christ, imagine being so racist that you look at people and all you see is skin color!

I don't care what you want nigga talk to me like that again and we'll box outside at 4:00pm

you know, when they changed the gunslinger's appearance in broquest the project immediately died afterwards


>I don't want him in the game
Then blame all the retards that kept shouting down Lab Zero to put him in the game, he was gonna be gone but got put back in due to """"""backlash""""""

I am more annoyed over the fact that they changed the outfits to be a downgrade, fuck I couldnt care less about the skin color change, I even like it actually better than the right design (the right guy has a ugly as fuck hair and face, the older man looks more respectable and I really like this kind of feeling they went for him), but the clothes and their pallete are so bad now.

No, I blame Lab Zero for making his shit replacement and removing him from the party and the game in the first place.

Attached: 1449111210552.png (964x1070, 305K)

>If SJWs designed Camilla

Attached: 1520981189289.png (326x306, 243K)

Toko and Kogi are also NPCs. Do you really think they would elect to add Vasco in over those two? Unlike Vasco, those two were actually popular.

>older man looks more respectable
That's pretty stupid for a fucking Bandito Conquistador.

Look man
Not gonna lie
Vasco is pretty low priority for me, and I'd happily take Toko over him.
But I still want them both in my party.

Attached: Indivisible.Alex_Ahad.o-8.tumblr_nwm7b3N0zt1rip8ybo2_1280.png (1280x1062, 346K)

>Unlike Vasco, those two were actually popular.
By what metric?
I'm sad those are NPC'd too.

I like it better, personal taste. It's like he holds some pride of doing what he does.

>Honestly I don't know how so many of these crowdfunded games end up with so many problems down the line,
Try developing a game, or working on any kind of creative project with a large series of problems to solve. You'll understand very quickly, assuming you get the work done.

Ramzi, Thorani, and Naga Rider.

It's like he's past his naptime and has the worst taste in clothes.

>The publisher is even holding out on paying LZ royalties
I'd probably do that too, it's been 4 years and despite the game having a large amount of quick and dirty final assets the game doesn't seem to be anywhere near finished. To put this into perspective, Cuphead got announced, released, a dlc announced, and a port to the Nintendo Switch, all done after Indivisible's annoucement and before Indivisible's release. Cuphead was made by an even smaller team of people, a lot of them just being the developer's family members coming in to volunteer, and yet it definitely had a lot more work to be done for it than Indivisible does.

>Unlike Vasco, those two don't look like white men
Just say what you actually mean, don't pussyfoot around it

>and yet it definitely had a lot more work to be done for it than Indivisible does
I highly doubt that.

Number of likes on related social media posts, amount fanart, porn.

user actually posted one of the very few Vasco focused fanarts that are out there. Even a lot of group shots people drew would just leave him out.

Cuphead had MS bucks though.

Yeah, and Cuphead was in development for 10 years dude. They'd been working on that way before it was announced to the public.

Found the white supremacist

I'm surprised Kogi was popular, I don't like him much at all. I guess he's a hit for the Barafags or something.

Attached: wVQAAH-ra.jpg (686x564, 35K)

>Developers sold their house to fund the game and slaved away passionately focused solely on development
>Developers all move to Beverly Hills, CA and spend much of their time away from development in order to foster a social life
Gee, I wonder...

>Kickstarter game has a shittier artstyle than what was initially advertised on the page
Gee where have I seen this before?

Yes, I love it. Even more, I would say is the only reason why I remember that movie.

What song is it. I dind't watch the movie but I did like You're Welcome.

Indivisible has indiegogo, skullgirls, and 505 games bucks though.

So if you are 3 guys but get paid 5 times as much then you will work as fast as 15 guys?

Young people think money solves ecerything

it's the same artstyle.

>I'd probably do that too, it's been 4 years and despite the game having a large amount of quick and dirty final assets the game doesn't seem to be anywhere near finished.
You're confused. That post was referring to Autumn Games, the owners of Skullgirls. user made a false claim that MikeZ was trying to use the Mobile game to supplement his income, but factually he doesn't work on that game and gets nothing from it.

505 Games is the publisher for Indivisible. They aren't having any problems with LZ. This development cycle is pretty average and they're pretty excited about the game.

All the designs seem so much "softer" than previously. Say, does Alex Ahad still work on this game?

They redesigned like 20 characters and everyone except Phoebe turned out worse.

>MikeZ gets nothing from the IP that he owns the rights to

Sure, but I don't think he's one of the animators.

>There is a timeline where the final game looked exactly how they advertised it
>Think about all the art we could get featuring Vasco and all the other characters and their funny antics

Attached: 1537234248228.gif (400x225, 1.17M)

I swear they lost the rights to autumn this time

what do you not get about it was inspired by SEAsian culture. that doesn't mean you should expect SEAsian characters dummy!
vietbro here too, i'm very disappointed

Attached: vietain'tmese.png (1048x1089, 2.32M)

Autumn Games owns the Skull Girls IP, not MikeZ.

Indivisible has 3D backgrounds and only the characters are 2D animated. Cuphead is almost entirely 2D animated

He doesn't own the rights to the IP. Autumn Games does.
See, this is where you guys keep getting tripped up. You need to actually go back and read up on the game's development, and understand why the first Indiegogo happened.

Once Autumn funded the development of the full game, they bought the rights. Most of you have only known of Skullgirls since the time when IP has been owned by Autumn. You'd have to have been following it since 2008 or earlier otherwise.

> where the final game looked exactly how they advertised it
you mean like with the prototype?
because the final game looks like the prototype.

I want to see best grill more
Is there new art or animation of her?

Attached: o-8.tumblr_nw4zotE11p1rip8ybo1_1280.jpg (640x640, 124K)

Sorry but I'm buying the superior game.

Attached: SNRPG.jpg (1280x720, 258K)


Kuso and normiepilled

Who the fuck did they hire, some fucking SJW idiot?

If there isn't any, Ill just self insert as the Spaniard dude.
>black spaniard is only in, not the other dude aswell
I'm a SEAnigger, sounds pretty close to me anyway.

But new is better? Or is this a joke and they are flipped?

Some idiot, but not necessarily SJW.

Attached: CharacterHint-1024x578.png (1024x578, 138K)

you can tell labzero got a bundle of calarts hacks to intern for this game LMAO

They also got ZONE and anime studio TRIGGER to help work on this game

Attached: zone KLK.png (599x526, 279K)

Attached: new.png (1440x1440, 457K)

Mariel studied at CalArts. There were actually more interns working on Skullgirls, while most of the inhouse staff this time is fulltime. Both games relied on a lot of remote contractors though.

I have noticed no one is actually taking into account or even knows that this is something that happens because of the sake of animation. It takes a lot of time and it isn't easy, so notice how the new designs lack more details than the previous ones.

At least this also proves to shitposters that it isn't sjw matters and just redesigns, like I was talking about in the previous threads.

Yea Forums is literally just reset era holy shit you guys a babies

The song from the antagonist, shiny

She's great but I meant her blue form.

Attached: 1280.jpg (1280x882, 361K)

Then you haven't read very carefully, because people are acknowledging that the designs have to be simplified for the sake of animation, but that doesn't mean that fundamentally changing the character from a chinese pirate to that generic blastoise shit was a good move.

I really like how th movement looks in this game, at least.

>game has been in production for over a gorillion years
>every new thing you hear about it makes you less and less interested

Is this the Duke Nukem Forever of indie games? I’ve got zero interest in this thing at this point

Leilani should've had darker skin

Attached: 8f2cd71a698bc04166f09711aa297076.png (903x1200, 413K)

>At least this also proves to shitposters that it isn't sjw matters and just redesigns
Then explain Vasco's redesign, are blacks easier to animate than whites?

Yes, I know that, notice how in any moment I said the new designs are good. It is possible to have appealing simple and both functional and work friendly designs

the can go fuck themselves with their homosexual game.

>new thing
OP's image happened at 2017

My point was that all characters were having redesigns, not only him. If they only redesigned him and didn't change not only his clothes but also entirely personality, then that would be questionable.

See what really has me anally devastated is that they could easily have simplified the Baozai design without removing everything chinese about her. Especially since they're using CG for items like Kampan's arm, meaning they could have done the same for the fish cannon which is really the only really complex part of her design.


Attached: phoebe_atk_fwd-1.gif (840x500, 320K)

It's not even that he's black, it's because the redesign is that shitty ass cal arts Steven Universe design

I hope fish cannon's like a super or something at least.

Latigo is also a stand-in for two african characters that were changed to NPCs like Vasco. Physically Latigo is Kaldi, with George's age, Vasco's profession, and old-Antoine's demeanor. Meanwhile New Antoine takes on George's profession, and elements of both George and Narssus' gameplay.

Basically, take two white europeans, one afro-european, and two african guys, put them all in a blender to make two afro-europeans.

Man, Kaldi was fucking great. Latigo replacing him is worse than replacing Vasco.

I'd have much preferred like 8 or 9 great looking characters rather than 20 shitty ones. Games dead to me.

I can count at least 8 great looking ones though.

I fixed Latigo, guys.

Attached: Latigo_Fix.jpg (406x875, 106K)

Wait this game still isn't out?

You did no such thing.

That's a decent start. I went ahead and made a few changes myself to your design.

Attached: 155492602130127.jpg (406x875, 6K)

they don't? how does a bow works then?

The problem are the clothes though

Why are people sperging about this? Because the bow stays perfectly upright while the string is pulled back? Just imagine it's magically fused to the ground or some shit. It's a fantasy video game.

Because it's the bow that's supposed to bend, not the string that's supposed to stretch. And it looks retarded as a result.

Did anyone play the demo they had at PAX East?
This video uploaded yesterday has new shit that's not in the backer preview on PS4 but the video description kind of says it's not from PAX East.
I hope this is going to be a backer demo update

Attached: Ajna concept art.png (260x376, 4K)

And the face.

>Any of those

Haha good joke user. Theres like one or two, tops.

And the gun

Attached: bow.gif (450x387, 15K)

>I have noticed no one is actually taking into account
People have you illiterate
And them having to simplify the designs due to animations shouldn't have been an issue in the first place considering they made Skull Girls so they knew that simple characters are easier to animate. But they still went ahead and showed these good looking characters, it's like any other fucking graphics downgrade and people have the right to be pissed about it

Attached: 1531753529244.png (570x532, 331K)

I am not that mad about the whole thing as much as some anons where but if there's a single detail that disgust me is how his hat remembers me some fireman caps due to the shape of the white part and red colors in his hat.

Attached: images (2).jpg (619x495, 27K)

Nah, plenty of great ones.

I liked Kaldi, but as far as the list went, he wasn't that popular either. When they said the roster had to be capped at 25, you pretty much knew unless Kaldi, Hassam, and Vasco were story important, then those three were definitely at highest risk of getting chopped.

In light of that, I'm happier to have Latigo with elements of Kaldi and Vasco, rather than have Vasco without Kaldi at all, or Kaldi without any kind of a gun-user.

what about this one?

Attached: Latigo_Fix2.jpg (406x875, 107K)

I'd rather not have Latigo at all and add someone else who was cut. Hell, I'd rather not have latigo at all.

Shitting on new designs just makes you admit that they were GOOD DESIGNERS back then which means they can be good again

Attached: BLEACH PRANK.png (583x495, 177K)

This obsession with Latigo and Vasco is bonkers.

You also can't double jump in real life

After is way better. And of course I think they're good designers, Ahad is amazing.

You know, when I backed this I was expecting designs like this:

This would teach me not to back any other game never again

Attached: zUnkbr2.jpg (542x1086, 246K)

I'm not the guy you were talking to, but elaborate on this, please. Prove objectively that it's a bad design.

what is this game and why are the characters being redesigned in this way? it such small and miniscule changes it is as if they are being redesign simply to give the new illustrator intern something to do.

That's not even the same character

it's because he was the first redesign they showed. People just latched onto it.

>We made it look retarded as a joke.

Why were you expecting designs like what when you could see the designs they had? Also, look at

Attached: 7801836075.jpg (754x822, 117K)

>Why were you expecting designs like what when you could see the designs they had?

Not day one, there were half a dozen characters revealed out a huge cast, there was no reason to believe they were going 180º in the opposite direction to Skullgirls, but they did.

>but they did.
They did not, and that design isn't even IN Skullgirls.

Half is pandering to the tumblr art fag crowd the other half is simplified to be more easily animated

now write nigger blaster on the gun

It's essentially what happens when you show off your concepts instead of final designs.
You can see how the first set of characters barely changed when we look at their ingame sprites. But rest either get redesigned, or character is scrapped for a new one.

I know, but a pirate female Zabel would have fit perfectly in Skullgirls.

>The french character is a fucking nigger.

Why can't we have a proper french in a video game. It's always a fucking nigger.

Monster design's pretty neat at least.


>Badass, grrrr

Because the French has a lot of them also I can name 10 French characters in vidya that aren't black and only one that is black

Imagine being this fucking out of touch with reality.

Attached: sjw retard devs.png (664x520, 95K)

>those lanky legs

Both are cute.

Looking pretty nice now

Attached: Latigo_Fix4.jpg (406x875, 121K)

I'm listening. Name them.

I kind of feel bad for whoever had that terrible idea, he must've gotten a TON of shit.
Deservedly, but I don't believe he did it out of malice or SJWness.

this is literally shit.

how can anyone say the amazon looks the same and fine? shes supposed to be and amazoness and her legs are LITERALLY dyel tier and looks like a tranny faggot now.

why complain about a design when your fix for it is worse. Remembers me tumblr

>why complain about a design when your fix for it is worse
It looks way better imo.