
>Considered by many to be the best free to play game around
>Matriarchal space mom gives you missions
>Play "The Second Dream" quest
>Music track called "This is what you are" plays
>Game reveals you to be disabled child the entire time
>Space mom tells YOU who you are, barely any input

How the hell did they get away with this?

Attached: Lotus.png (256x256, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I loved Warframe, the Second Dream was exactly what I DIDN'T want the Tenno to be. Broke me, man. Stopped playing after.

>How the hell did they get away with this?
space mom is a traitor

Their origin story got derailed into a bizarre direction by the developers into basically ripping off Event Horizon's plot.

The Zariman Ten-Zero got "lost" in the Void by accident and only some made it out alive like our Operator protagonist.

Did anyone think this was going to have a good story?

What's wrong with this games animations I was so upset because I wanted to like it but then it tried to catch catch me wanting and I realized there wasn't one thing I could do but several. So went and played Destiny until the second DLC confirmed it had no story! Again!


DEs legions Of fanboys that will eat anything they shit out

DE has more than enough money at this point to single handedly bring back UT4 from death and they still haven't done so speak volumes.

I resent this. We may like DE but even we are tired of the same old same old. Even with buried debts release I stayed far from it too much fucking grind.

It's same with wisp instead of giving us a story they are gonna lock it behind a shit ton of grinding

I also agree operators could have been fleshed out more

Here’s hoping Railjack isn’t absolute Garbage and New War isn’t The War Within teir bad and short

Wisp has nothing, they said it takes months of planning to make anything story related so it has to be sequenced properly. So Wisp means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things and has barely if at all any input into the plot.

Just another disposable meat puppet for a whale to spend plat on.

Get ready to have those hopes burned trampled on and shit on. Railjack is gonna be a grind that I'm sure of.

it's a beta

they're literal Infested sardines in a can just like the Stalker

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Broken Dream didn't bother me too bad, its not like they hadn't hinted at the idea beforehand and your operator is damn powerful with a good amp.

If she is not that important why lock it behind so much fucking grind. You see people would of preferred if they took their time and implement things no thwy have to rush it and slap tiers of rng on it so you have grind and grind and grind until you can't grind your hips anymore

I could have sworn I heard somewhere years ago that the Warframe were just unthinking bioweapons being mindjacked by the player, is my brain just fooling me?

>Game reveals you to be disabled child the entire time
But you're not a disabled child.
You're a psychic powered super child that has that is just as physically adept as any other child. You were just in a pod in a different dimension for years. You were just lethargic.
You can't muster the strength to move until after the end of The War Within.

archwing will always be garbage. and the multiple maned ship will be trash unless you can coordinate with your team via voice chat

As someone that got in recently and went through blind, I really like the Operator and the plot stuff. My Tenno just feels like a secondary Warframe and I really enjoy their abilities, plus I can make a cute girl.

Because DE needs to make money somehow especially since Wisps abilities look kinda Lame only her 4 being the highlight.

>revamps their game completely every three years
>uses scummy Twitch tactics to get artificial viewers
>forces themselves into the limelight with sheer marketing every time they start falling out of favour
>story is inconsistent and changes based on the whims of the person who the xdd spacemom is based on
>keeps randomly making new systems for hype that they'll never return to later
It's only a matter of time until there's a Warframe Battle Royal. It'll also come with a PvE version where you're fighting AI frames.
After that, there'll be a Warframe card game you can play in the canteen, but it'll be poorly balanced and they'll never make a card game after that.
Eventually the frames themselves will have some kind of soul that talks to you while you play to verbally jerk you off, please don't leave our game.

If you can think of some newage gaming trend, they'll figure out some way to put it into the game at the height of its popularity and then never revisit it.

No it's somewhat true. Umbras just embraced that further. Warframes are copies of umbras the original warframes. These copies are just metal suits nothing more while umbras are living war frames that act on their own and can be mind jack by operators.

is Nidus the only frame without cosmetic armor? How are they gonna Prime his design?

Why do DE still maintain Archwing to be good? They've only ever been useful on Eidolon and Vallis for fucking transportation

Just turn him into an even bigger Infested freak design than he already is

Attached: ZtB0ZmJ.jpg (1920x1080, 1.86M)

I think that warframes are actually organic clones of the umbras. Because your frame briefly acts on it's own to save you during the second dream. Umbra is unique in that he wasn't completely mindwiped because Ballas wanted to torment him for attempting to stop him.

>tfw Space Mom abandons you
Every time I hear "Hey kiddo" I break

Get ready for the Itzal/Aw Nerf in the “Open Worlds” and be forced to use The shitty K Drives they added

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They're just gonna make it more infested than he is now. Probably will get a different name too. Or maybe they do something similar to his deluxe. Pic unrelated.

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Give him an Actual Good looking Deluxe with the Wings before DE scrapped the whole Idea entirely

Never Ever

You see that part I don't get if it's just a metal suit why did it react that way. Maybe it's still link to its umbra even though being copy. Umbras are the first warframes they started warframe beings weapons meme ballas tried to push until tenno rebeled

>He hasn't done umbra quest

You get it all wrong
>Umbra(s)are punished Dax by Balas.
>Primes are exceptional Orokain warrior that gave themselves (willingly or not) to be infected. They are fully mind wiped.
>Mass production are close of them

Excal Umbra is the only one that at this moment was a Dax General/ Higher up that got tortured by Ballas, Excal Umbra is himself until DE shows off new Umbras which they will they’ll probably will have their own individual stories

Here from Google

"Excalibur Umbra is the first Warframe confirmed to originally be a "human being". ... Ballas confirms that Warframes are created from human subjects as Infested-hybrids cultivated by the Helminth"

Umbras began warframe they are the base to it. Cause warframes when it first started were made from humans and exposed to infestation. So if this the case that's an umbras can't be copied this we get the weaker normal version when they to mass produce them. I will agree with you that prime variants are from tenno and not ballas

he's still a dude with an infested strain just like all the other Prime frames
it's the normal versions that are pure infested trash

but what about

Attached: excalibur_prime_account_mr12_1519030135_6a1ea7d1.jpg (640x640, 45K)

Tenno made sorry to say. So basically Tenno tried to copy an umbra but still fell short since umbras are better then prime variants. SO yes excalibur prime is inferior to his big brother umbra version

Only Umbras have living people inside them retards,the prime and tenno versions are just infested flesh

dumbass, Umbra was a personal pet project by Ballas created well after the first Prime frames were made
canonically there's only one tenno with one Excalibur Umbra roaming around the system, which is just a modified Excalibur Prime

>dumbass, Umbra was a personal pet project by Ballas created well after the first Prime frames were made
canonically there's only one tenno with one Excalibur Umbra roaming around the system, which is just a modified Excalibur Prime

Have you done the scarfice quest in warframe? Doesn't seem so if you did you would know. Normal warframes never existed until umbras were made. you keep having this fantasy that normal warframes existed first when that is not accurate

>Have you done the scarfice quest in warframe?
Have you?
He explains how warframes were made to Hunhow, not that Umbra's the first warframe created

The writer of Warframe must be crying blood because they clearly poured their soul into this elaborate backstory and universe, and how it all ties together, and the story was always meant to be there right from the conception, only for dullards like me to not care at all.
I was just fine with the "Operator" being a meta-reference to the human player, remote piloting warframe suits to complete arbitrary missions in this gamey video game. I just wanted to be a cool robo space ninja and flip out.

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What your favorite frame? Mines is Nidus.

Never did he state the first ones were the normal ones either

so whats your point?

>mfw new to warframe and trying to figure out what I'm doing

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I only played it briefly and liked it but it felt too easy and looking on forums apparently never gets any harder.

speaking of niggus, should I waste my umbra forma on him?
I barely use chroma and I'm afraid an umbra polarity would limit my build variety on frost

i stopped playing warframe because it felt like it had no challenge and games like PoE just work better for listening to music and aimlessly shooting things at enemies.

>Never did he state the first ones were the normal ones either
I never stated that either
but DE (you know, the fucking developers of the game) stated that Prime warframes were the original frames that came before the normal ones
not to mention that Excalibur Prime's lore states that he was the first warframe to ever be created
checkmate dipshit

Attached: ExcaliburPrimeCodex.png (1196x903, 503K)

This. I alt+f4'd the game when it was demanded of me to create a "character" some time after I returned to the game following a long hiatus. I'm not going back to it, the "operators" are not only a shit plot device, but also content bloat that I want no part of. I won't be going back to farmframe, not unless they are removed or you receive an option to eschew their creation entirely.

My girl is cuter than yours.

I occasionally play it when the mood hits. I'm super curious to see all that story stuff people keep going on about for myself but I have no fucking idea how to get there (it doesn't help that the mission select UI has gotten completely revamped and then tweaked a bit further since I started playing) and I pretty much always get sidetracked trying to make a new weapon or something.

Pretty fun to play as a space ninja and blast shit across the room with a shotgun when I'm not pressing 4 and watching everything drop dead though.

>tenno were supposed to be void monsters locked inside humanoid constructs
>retconned into autistic children gifted with anime powers

Attached: Death to usurpers.jpg (378x1920, 159K)

>but DE (you know, the fucking developers of the game) stated that Prime warframes were the original frames that came before the normal ones

What do you think excal prime was based on? Thin air? Tenno were made ballas he made all the corrupted children the tenno. So your saying magically tenno have the expertise to build primes before ballas?
It was even stated that warframes were made from people that how it came to be
No i dont think so. I believe umbras were first and primes were made to match them.

Complete junctions that give quest.
Then activate the quests.

>retconned into autistic children gifted with anime powers
There is only one Autistic Tenno child.
You are not that child. You just have amnesia and are lethargic until the War Within.

>What do you think excal prime was based on?
Hayden's body

>Considered by many to be the best free to play game around

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Name one better then. Contrarian retard

too grindy and all the characters are just neutral looking uglies

>revamps their game completely every three years
>keeps randomly making new systems for hype that they'll never return to later
this is the absolute worse
DE have literally no backbone behind their vision, they just do whatever the fuck they thought cool one day and then completely botch it after realizing they fucked up
complete hot garbage because of the physics engine, no reason to use anything other than the default gun, nobody farm for new guns because retarded drop rates. Archwing events are extremely easy and can be completed with the default gun, this is because they know that 95% of the playerbase don't play archwing enough to have good mods and weapons.
>rails (pve clan wars)
had great potential and actually fun, ruined by chinese bugpeople monopolizing every rail. DE was too incompetent to know how to fix this problem so they just removed the whole thing
>8 man raids
made too many artificial difficulty sections (stand in the right place or instantly die) which lead to people making cheese strats that ignore all those mechanics DE made, DE then considered the mission "buggy" and removed it completely
>pvp, lunaro
they delayed fixing your game for this
>soon to be space battle Railjack
you bet your ass it's gonna suck

So autism?

>Tenno were made ballas he made all the corrupted children the tenno

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DE has already said that the Game Dark Sector is NOT Cannon to Warframe


>Considered by many to be the best free to play game around
>Day long wait times to craft shit
>Want to not wait? Buy our freemium resources guy
Not a fucking chance, shill

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Dungeon Fighter Online. Has actual raids, too.

Playing through the second Dream and hitting that part hurt, because, I shit you not, literal seconds before I was commenting to myself
>I like how they went with this really ambiguous design for the Operator. I can't really tell how old it is or if its even male or female thanks to the design of the jumpsuit. That's a really cool way to have this concept without relying on-
AND THEN we dropped into character creation, and I just stared at the screen because it legit seemed like the game was timing a "fuck you" for me RIGHT THEN.
This kept happening down the line, just whenever I was warming up - the next thing I realized was the Ten-Zero (Ten-0, Tenno) thing... It was uncanny.

>Buying currency
Learn to scam whales like everyone else.


Team Fortress 2
Apex Legends
League Of Legends
Tribes Ascend
Dissidia NT
Ring Of Elysium
Path Of Exile

List isnt even subjective, all of them are objectively better than Warframe due to you never having to spend a fucking cent in order to actually play the game when you want to.

So keep the suit closed, you can literally not give a fuck about your operator's looks outside the first time you customize it in which you can just CONFIRM CONFIRM CONFIRM and not care.

you dont need to spend money if you arent retarded

>all of them are objectively better than Warframe due to you never having to spend a fucking cent in order to actually play the game when you want to.
not him but what the fuck are you talking about

>So your saying magically tenno have the expertise to build primes before ballas?
they're only able to control the frames, not build them (read Rhino Prime's codex)
Ballas was in charge of the warframe project, yes, but it clearly states in the game's lore that Excalibur Prime (not Umbra) was the first warframe ever created
furthermore why are you talking about Umbra with a plural? There's only one Umbra and even the devs themselves said in a stream that they're not sure if they want to add more umbra frames to the game
also work on your grammar, it feels like I'm talking to mentally handicapped chinks that barely learned how to speak english

>Apex Legends
>League Of Legends

>hey, build these wings to progress the story
>nice, you've farmed up all the resources
>see you in 24 hours when the building is done
>what? you want to play now? pay up chump
Regardless of that, theres nothing to keep people interested in the fucking game.
Cool, im a "tenno" and ive got some stranger telling me what to do and a Destiny Ghost ripoff as my ship's AI. I have to run around killing crackheads in mushroom suits because...?

The only reason i suffered long enough to get to that fucking wait is because, admittedly, sliding and jumping builds massive fucking speed which allows me to punch shit at maximum velocity but thats clearly not intentional and breaks the fucking game.

Attached: ScorpionDE.png (900x900, 428K)

Less than 300 people play on NA servers. DFO is a dead as fuck game.

Opinion discarded. Jesus christ your list is pathetic, and theres literally no need to pay any money go play how you want and get anything you want in game in warframe. Literally its optional whether or not you want to spend money for convenience sake, but it is definitely not required in the slightest. Fuck off you mobashit

just in case this isn't bait
>Dota 2

Attached: 1490596290830.jpg (500x375, 83K)

>a Destiny Ghost ripoff as my ship's AI\
>a game that came out in 2013 is ripping off a game from 2014
yeah this is bait

Archwing literally requires a day wait on its first build which killed all reason to play this dogshit any longer.
CS:GO is free, you retarded cunt
Never said they were good, but they're all objectively better than Warframe due to having no freemium waittime dogshit.

Your autistic post makes it seem like you can't do anything else while the thing is building.

>tfw find operators really uninteresting not only story-wise but gameplay as well
I can't be the only one right?

>Less than 300 people play on NA servers
Source, I was actually thinking of starting DFO.

Yeah, i can go play a less dogshit game.
Am i supposed to run around and do the same missions ive already completed on the planets ive been to 300 times already since the game is just the same 4 areas reused even though you're supposed to be visiting multiple different planets?
This is part of the MAIN STORY, as in what you're supposed to get through before having freemium wait dogshit shoved down your throat.

Genies out of the bottle, though. I already know what the truth is (also I stopped playing before they added that feature in).

>they made cs go free

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>>retconned into autistic children gifted with anime powers
It was hinted at as far back as Ember's and Rhino's codex entries.

You gonna back up that statement that Ordis was always in the game?

>Operator has to be an anemic wee girl
>Can't be Power Thad Cockstrong, 7-foot tall muscle-bound fistlord and ditch the pansy flesh suit to just nut all over some alien filth
Such a shame.

I just hope we get a cinematic showing warframes to be more than puppets dangling on tenno strings.
>quest to rescue the operator as warframe gone berserk when?

I feel for you niggas but you are absolutely in the minority. The Second Dream is a terrific story beat and reveal. Added some heavy dreamlike (pun intended) and existential qualities to the narrative, helping it grow from being just "space ninjas the game".

Operators intruding so heavily on gameplay after that however, yeah... wish DE would rethink it.

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>all of them are objectively better than Warframe
>due to you never having to spend a fucking cent in order to actually play the game when you want to.
extremely wrong, you can sell prime garbage and get started into trading even as a new player

>because they clearly poured their soul into this elaborate backstory and universe
>want to not get locked into fucking wait times to progress the story like this is a fucking mobile game? go to this other site, give your credit card information to jeff bezos and he'll give you some stupid shit
Retard thats not how it works.

Yet you praise Dissidia NT which isn't even freemium, just free to limited play? What the fuck?

>as in what you're supposed to get through before having freemium wait dogshit shoved down your throat.
And this doesn't even make sense since you can GET OTHER WEAPONS that do this other than the starting ones, and i don't mean the MK-1 ones. Regardless of that it's the only main quest that requires building shit and no, rerunning missions for newer players is extremely useful to gather resources. Not mentioning that you have to complete all the nodes on a planet is something that should be done(while instead nobody bothers until they learn about Arbitrations).

>go to this other site, give your credit card information to jeff bezos and he'll give you some stupid shit
Are you fucking retarded or what. You can do all trading ingame just by talking in chat.

I never mentioned twitch/amazon jewery I was talking about selling prime parts to other players

Im not going to reinstall the game to prove you wrong, but you sure as fuck are.
The point where you get Archwing literally requires a day wait on its first build, theres no alternate paths to planets you had just gotten to that planet, get tasked to go through a portal to get the schematics, come back to build it and get told "Fuck off see you in 24 hours"
I dont know how this is hard for you retards to grasp, every other free2play game that isnt mobile dogshit doesnt force you to STOP PLAYING THEIR GAME.
Where the fuck do you reckon you get these Prime parts?

before it was void keys, now from relics

>the Second Dream was exactly what I DIDN'T want the Tenno to be.
>Stopped playing after.
Glad i'm not alone.
>oh sweet jebus yes!

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You do fissures after you collectrelics by playing the mission nodes on planets, you colossal retard.

>I dont know how this is hard for you retards to grasp, every other free2play game that isnt mobile dogshit doesnt force you to STOP PLAYING THEIR GAME.
But it literally doesn't. It makes you not progress in the story true, but it doesn't stop you from playing. With the addition of Plains and Fortuna a new players has a SHITTON other things to do. They also halved that time and made it so that you build it with more common, easily gathered materials.

Oh those fucking trash things, shame if you get a duplicate of a part nobody wants three times and spend an hour in a trading zone getting zero offers. You really think people are gonna give you premium currencies for Lex Prime parts?

I will never understand these posts, you were a space ninja then and you are one now. You're controlling a puppet, boo fucking hoo.

>You really think people are gonna give you premium currencies for Lex Prime parts?
They do.

Attached: lex.png (1747x835, 342K)

>go outside the game to play the game
Whats stopping me from alt tabbing, finding an infinitely better game to play and doing that instead?

Listen. Umbra requires Kuva to build. Kuva is how Orokin did basically everything. Super powers, mind control, bodysnatching, immortality, cephalon creation, it does a lot. It is connected to death, the void, the mind, the soul. It's connected to the man in the wall, the voice within the void that talks through you. It commands the Dax by their blood oath. It lets the queen attempt to overwhelm your mind. It was fed to Ordan before he became Ordis. It is always related to mind or soul.

UMBRA is the only warframe that requires Kuva to build. Why? Because he has a mind, memories. You can clone warframes easily, they're just lumps of flesh held together by technocyte roots and armor. But to have their original mind requires Kuva to somehow drag their soul out of the void.

Umbra has fragments of his original memory even after you clone him in your 3D printer because to properly make him requires the memories Ballas wanted to torment him with.

Prime Warframes are clones of the original subjects, put through "the vice" by Ballas. They are the prototypes for the production models.
The production models are basically just schematics based on the Primes, their infested flesh replicas of the original subjects.

Primes and production models don't have their original minds. But they are alive. Their nascent minds are influenced by the dreams of the Tenno through transference. During the Second Dream we find that the Tenno being in stasis while in transference with their warframe caused them to dissociate. They thought they were the Warframe until Lotus had them recover their physical bodies from stasis and they started to remember themselves. What does a child soldier think is cool? What do they want to be? That is what the nascent personalities of the frames became, imprinted upon their blank minds after being cloned.

You are a space teen angry at the universe because muh powers and got mommy issues, people wanted a merc voiceless cyberninja.

Yeah me too...at least they could have make then adults soo we could have cool beards for males and Boob sliders for females

correct, some people buy them as trash primes for buying ducats
nothing, warframe is shit but not for the reasons you were thinking

It's not my fault that you can't find people to sell parts to. That was just to show that there are people that buy them.

Regardless of that if you want to suggest playing better games then you wouldn't suggest playing trash like DOTA, TF2, Fortnite, LOL, Dissidia or Paladins.

>>Considered by many to be the best free to play game around
by fucking who, it's dogshit

So it's just autism, alright.

>oh no i have to listen to a voice for 15 minutes once
So bad am i right

Except they're all infinitely better than Warframe. Again, the only enjoyable thing about warframe is completely unintentional.

>you were a space ninja then and you are one now.
You're a dude sitting in a chair controlling another dude sitting in a chair controlling a robot.

When i play WoW for example, i want to "control" the orc/elf/cow on my screen, i don't want some bitching popping up in the corner of my game telling me that i'm actually a gnome deep underground radio controlling my the visible character and i sure as fuck don't want to see that gnome pop in and out of existence when i play.

>I will never understand these posts
Never say never, you never know. Do you understand that when you, as a games company try and lure unsuspecting people to your van, that you say it's full of candy and cakes and instead when we get there, i get kidnapped and killed for my organs to be later sold on the black market to high bidders, that you've been engaging in false advertising?
>b-but you're still controlling the spaceninja though. .
But there's that little shit in the background isn't he? that fucking sponge who's only existance is for another slew of microtransactions? That's still there. And will forever be there. I did not ask for this. Good for you that you like it. Some don't.

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>People legitimately talking about Warframes """"story"""""
Hahahahahaha what story?

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>Game reveals you to be disabled child the entire time
I only know vaguely about Warframe. What is this about? Are you ust controlling the armor or something like that?

BrOberon...i really need to stop being lazy and Farm nidus parts...his deluxe skin looks great

we already got the Warframe acting on its own to save the Operator, plus Umbra itself. They're certainly building to independent frames

Is not the voice, is the plot, no one wants to play as an angst teenager with magical powers, no one wanted to be part of precursor empire, people wanted biomechanical viruses, humans sub species, and space russians.
Dark Sector is the prequel to Warframe.
Also, Warframe is a shit game overall, okay F2P system, but shit gameplay.

>UMBRA is the only warframe that requires Kuva to build.
Garuda, Harrow, and Nidus all require Kuva

Octavia does too, in a component

So is valkyr the ideal female shape or mag?

You're a colonist child caught in a hyperspace "accident" given vast void energies but you and the other kids had to kill your parents that became possessed by stuff in the void and then after the empire rescued you they decided to send you to ninja boot camp and put your minds into cyborg meat puppets made from the technocyte infestation (and people) to fight their "failed" creations, hyperadaptive terraforming drones with minds of their own and domination over all their inorganic technologies.

Needs updating for gara, garuda, nezha, and hildryn. I suppose might as well wait for wisp to come out before doing all of those.

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Yo that's right. Garuda we know nothing about but clearly she needs it for her blood powers. Harrow needs it so we can use Rell's powers. Nidus needs it because he's a prototype technocyte command unit.

You were "always" controlling them via something. How the fuck do you think you could have and use more than your initial frame?

Also outside the story quests and talking to Little Duck/Onnko you never ever have to use your operator, nor are you forced to listen to "my warframe is strong".

>and lure unsuspecting people to your van, that you say it's full of candy and cakes and instead when we get there, i get kidnapped and killed for my organs to be later sold on the black market to high bidders, that you've been engaging in false advertising?
Your example would work if Warframe was released as that "candy cake van", instead it was shown and released as a van with fucking nothing in it.

>Dark Sector is the prequel to Warframe.
You mean the game where you play as an angsty edgy older Sasuke Uchiha? All the other things you named are in the game too.

The only plot the game had before TSD and TWW were a few lines in Rhino Prime, Ember Prime and Excalibur Prime's profiles, nothing else. Plot that also mentioned the Tenno kids as important. And this was in the game's release year, in 2013.

Nezha was removed because he's a boy

See, that's the thing - it is legit a good story, just not for me. I don't think "space ninjas the game" (with a touch of mysticism) is something that needed to really go above and beyond; ancient warrior caste created by and then betraying their masters to undo the wrongs they committed in their name is badass enough, doesn't need whatever the idea with the Tenno is now.

>i don't want some bitching popping up in the corner of my game telling me that i'm actually a gnome deep underground radio controlling my the visible character and

lmao my sides

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saryn braps

>You were "always" controlling them via something.
>via something.
Via my fucking keyboard dude. I don't need an explanation for every single thing in your video game. Some thing just "work" because we're talking about a video game here. Suspension of disbelief and all. They could have gone with the operator being a piece of software, a virus, or the brain scan of a Tony fucking Stark placeholder for all i care. Tony Stark choosing suits based on what job he has to do. But no, you had to go the "daww they was just poor poor childrens! meanies experiemented on them childrens you see! dawww HOW SAD! emotional even! 11/10 bestest stories come out of Digital Extremes's Warframe™!

>instead it was shown and released as a van with fucking nothing in it.
>Ninjas play Free!™
>CrippleSpaceKids play Free!™
Which of the above sounds familiar?

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>minor boss in a side quest looks more threatening than anything Destiny has shown us so far

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>fucking Hunhow
>minor boss
Octavia quest was pretty cool though

>6 plat

Isnt that like less than a dollar?

Nothing, maybe it will make you less bitchy.

Attached: debby-amp-art-dracula-x-garuda.jpg (1920x2431, 622K)

is the game still all about endless horde defense missions where you stand still and camp your designated lane?

major bosses don't die to the world's shittiest rhythm game

>thinking the main antagonist of the game died in a sidequest

Vor actually has goals, objectives, is visually distinct, and evolves through the course of the game. He objectively is a better character.

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>lmao it's just a videogame xdd
Yeah no fuck off.

>with the operator being a piece of software, a virus, or the brain scan of a Tony fucking Stark placeholder for all i care. Tony Stark choosing suits based on what job he has to do
So basically you just hate midgets. You should've just told me immediately.

>Which of the above sounds familiar?
The first one, because that hasn't fucking changed. A ninja being a puppet doesn't mean he's not a goddamn ninja.

>daww they was just poor poor childrens! meanies experiemented on them childrens you see! dawww HOW SAD! emotional even!
Curious that the Warframe related to this story, Nidus, is exactly what you're looking for. Not that the story you mentioned is even remotely close to the Operator's, but still.

Avatarfagging is against the rules, but with those posts i couldn't expect much.

I don't believe it. DFO ranks pretty high on steam's free to play list

Thats the backstory, at least. The story in the game is 2.5 warring factions and their shit.

Are you from china or something?

Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure.

>Yeah no fuck off.
I will eventually. Have other things to do.
>So basically you just hate midgets.
Only if they come uninvited.
>A ninja being a puppet doesn't mean he's not a goddamn ninja.
True. But that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about DE inserting a microtransaction sponge though tearjeker storytelling. That wasn't necessary.
>Not that the story you mentioned is even remotely close to the Operator's
I didn't pay close attention to it. It was just unappealing to have this kid shoved in my face like a 9 months later horror movie scene.
>Are you from china or something?
Worse. Eastern europe.

The parts of the game that are not special needs spess babbies are pretty fun.
Also, said disabled spess babbies are rather easy to ignore.
What’s not so forgivable is nora nig constantly nattering on about it with no toggle on her.

>Considered by many to be the best free to play game around
Whatever you say, DE. I won't forget Warbros.

I want it now!

Attached: Berserk.webm (889x500, 2.25M)

>Also, said disabled spess babbies are rather easy to ignore.
Not for that user. As for me having Isaac Clarke 1.5 as an additional playstyle is fun enough. Too bad they can't actually even hold the mining laser for some dumb reason

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What's happened lately?

Stopped playing when Saryn got vaulted, still got like 50 sets and a bunch of rivens
No point coming back if I can't do shit

That design is sick but those wings would block the whole fucking screen.

>he can't handle not seeing anything

Attached: shoulder.jpg (1920x1080, 1.49M)

do you want everything that's happened since Saryn got vaulted, or just what's happening right now-ish?

It'd be less of a problem if DE knew how to fucking model human faces.

>alerts replaced with another rep grind, this time for a ripoff of the dj from The Warriors
>fortuna, which isn’t very good aside from eudico and the business
>ember and frost prime unvaulting
>mesa prime dropped with the best ass in the game
>i dunno, i dropped the game for the entire span between the second dream update and fortuna

>Playing free 2 play games
>Playing free 2 play games owned by the Chinese Communist Party
That's gonna be a whoa nelly from me

what f2p game isn't backed by chinks?

They do. The problem is that they only learned now and they will never retroactively add/modify existing faces, player included. Look at Cetus faces then look at Eudico or Little Duck. Worlds apart.

>Operators intruding so heavily on gameplay after that however
But outside story quests you are never forced to use your operator.

Second Dream was made to appeal to soulless chinks who couldn't live without self-inserting

Aggp is the most unforgivable waste of human resources I have ever met. Knowing DE let him on stage where he made dick jokes constantly in his whiney nasaly voice upsets me to no end. What a useless tool. His entire gimmick is "lol im gau, this gun? Looks like penis! I want it up my butt! Hah alright guys im gay see you next video."

Shy is the only good warframetuber, as little of a title that is

Sometimes I wonder why DE has a personal mo-cap studio when they rarely get to use it these days. For a F2P game, grindable content takes dev time/budget priority over storytelling, since the story shit is one-and-done content.


I thought it was more that Ostron folks were more tribal in nature/heritage, rather than typically pretty white-boy shit.

Remind me again why DE sold themselves out to the Chinese when they were already doing well on their own with Warframe?

Dopa 2

user look at Nakak's face without the mask. Maybe DE is just better at doing older people outside the Ostron. Frohd Bek is a pretty old character but he looks good.

>>Considered by many to be the best free to play game around
Stopped reading there

>I was just fine with the "Operator" being a meta-reference to the human player
I mean it still technically is, but the Operators are such shit children with little personal attachment for us to be believable. Mission quotes like "The corpus are just a cult, worshipping money" are so dumb and pathetic when we are fuck-mothering SPACE NINJAS. We have KILLED literally BILLIONS of enemies since we "woke up" at the start of the game.
Is it too much for me to want a relatable voice, and attitude befitting my personal take on things? Apparently it is, because they have quests that we are directly involved in, making it difficult to manage several hundred hypothetical voice lines, and then those differing attitudes have to all then conjoin for the quests when we all share the same input.
It's all stupid.

>as itnis now rhe corpus has
>Mass produced Jackals
>Mass produced Hynas
>All those spider
>The orb mothers.
How can the grinner even compete
Probably the ostron aren't as genrtically clean as a fucking corpus board member

Operator should be mute and only "talk" in chosen dialogue. At least you can make then shut up during regular missions.

>considered by many to be the best free to play game around



>casual friend hit Fortuna a month ago
>comments on "Oh, DE finally realized they're shit as faces and just went without them"
>he hasn't hit max rank yet nor has anyone told him...

Attached: ArchwingSucks.jpg (1440x1185, 1.36M)

wait so it like No Man's Sky where everything's a sim, only in this everything's a dream?

the kid has fucking superpowers and is able to move normally

doc I don't think these pills are for me

>Wings could fold down when aiming so they don't get in the way

no, it's real. You're just actually a magic kid controlling the biobot ninja, instead of actually being the biobot ninja

>sits in a chair for 99.99% of the time and has the body of an emaciated african child
>not disabled.

super lame. anytime kids are randomly shoehorned in I go soft (think Mass Effect 3)

that's a shame since I was thinking about getting back into after seeing all the spaceship stuff (I played last like 5-6 years ago at least)

>can walk
>can run
>can do sick powerslides
>has full mental capacity, including language

God this game is so shit and DE is a lazy shit company. I can't believe people still eat this garbage up. The game has been out for years and still reuses content in an attempt to pad runtime because if they didn't reuse the same three missions you'd have 20 minutes of things to do.

Tenno use the keys, but they are mere tresspassers

You're right user the best free to play game is certainly fortnite.

I know you're memeing but that is unironically true.
>competitive multiplayer pvp game
>"""multiplayer""" grindfest pay to win game

Considering all the things it can do no, it's not disabled at all.

but they wont and dont. Just like all other wing Syandanas

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Did they fix the daily logins?

Was pretty fucking dumb to have some fags with 1k hours at day 700 or something and I was at 4k hours on day 150 because I took a break when they introduced it

Sorta, but not really? Rather than just giving you the set item at a given reward tier, you can now choose from one of three things, typically in a gun-mod-booster layout.

I'd have more preferred a points system where instead to let you pick whatever you want once you accrue enough of them.


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Am I too late to get into the game now?

Where's Lanka and Akstiletto users?

so you hate every strong weapon then

>tfw Stug user

Not really. Any time is good to start.

what do the multiple helicopters and barbeque imply


>mfw hek user
I just like blasting things across the room and never having to shoot a mob twice
also it's absurdly effective at my low level for really little investment and nothing I've tried can quite clear shit as easily as it can

>using guns in Warframe at all

I remember when The Second Dream came around, all of the internet was on fire about how the players were just ten year olds. Except Yea Forums. Sometimes there's a benefit to not playing games, you just won't get the emotional investment that other people put in.

Have YOU ever said the t-word?

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>using weapons
Do frames now.

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>trap is spam
That part is true. There isn't an MMO where trapfags don't shit up the entire room if they're allowed to take root.

why did they replace Alerts with Nigwave?

because they finally stumbled on a way to make the game grindier

Fucking Arc Traps are bullshit.

How do they hit you while invisible? If they're just a constant powered arc looking for something to arc too, then how do they do IFF? If there is IFF, how does it detect you if your invisible? They either should be hazardous to everyone, including the Grineer, or not be able to hit you while invisible.

Because missing out on something you need because it popped up at 3AM was fucking retarded

I remember when this was
>Using meele weapons

>n-word baiting
AUS shitpoasters unmatched

I want to fuck Saryn so bad bros

who cares about lore, its a shitty grindan
alos from what I recall many didnt like that shitty child twist, but again - who cares, back to grind

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Now if only they made every level (or every individual objective) reward wolf marks so new players aren't fucked out of needing precious nitain until after a few weekly resets.

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what for? Epic killed the last one becasue nobody gave a shit


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I'm still a bit mad that he's Founder exclusive. I'd understand having a "Founder Version" but without limiting the other players to get the "regular" Prime version.

Why would DE want to bring back someone elses' IP that they abandoned in favor of BR money?

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Umbra is objectively better and looks way less retarded. Excal Prime legitimately looks like he has down syndrome.

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>"regular" Prime version
but that's Umbra which arguably looks much better than the original Prime

They should have had Umbra Excal occupy the same MR points slot as Excal Prime.

Umbra is just Excal Prime with a cape

>the "but Umbra is better than Excalibur Prime!"
I don't give a fuck if it's better. They are two different things.

My (ironic) OCD won't let me get rid of non-primed Excalibur just because of that fact.

>sits in a chair for 99.99% of the time
are you saying you're disabled?

>ironic OCD

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they're the same thing, even the stats are the same
the only difference is Umbra's passive which gives him an invincible spectre AI (which is a superior addition to Prime too)

Does this mean it's a good weapon? Maybe I'll build it then :^).

>they're the same thing, even the stats are the same
Umbra comes with 3 umbra polarity slots, which is not attainable for Prime. Umbra is the objectively superior version.

Umbra slots without needing Formas also make him superior

>which is not attainable for Prime
will be in a few months thanks to umbral forma

>wasting Umbra forma on Excalibur Prime

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I'm saying it's possible, not that you have to do it
but if you want your Prime to be like Umbra then go ahead

Don't want to drag this a lot but no, they aren't. Umbra is made to be more effective against sentients and his abilities + Umbra mods show you that. Prime is a better Excalibur. Different uses, different looks. They might have the same stats but it's not the same.

>ember has been absolute trash for 6 years

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>Considered by many to be the best free to play game around
>have to wait days for anything to finish or buy plat

I never understand this meme inb4 lol just trade le plat.

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It gives you something to look forward to, if anything.

>buying plat

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it's still the best version of Excalibur


it really isn't hard to get plat. Veiled Rivens are easy as piss to get and sell for a fair bit.

although you're better off spending plat on gear slots than rushing builds

>Profile page only lists regular weapons
If something is actively obtainable (even when vaulted), it should be listed.

not him but it is annoying how you can't build multiple of the same thing at a time. like fucking forma.

How many frames are there where you regularly use all four abilities? I can think of Nidus and that's it. A lot of frames have a throw-away 1 skill.

Vauban but that means you're using Vauban and really what are you doing with your life at that point


Nonsense, take fifteen more

Excal uses all 4 until you start fighting higher level enemies, then you stop using his 3. Nova uses all 4 but her 3 is niche. Nezha uses all 4. Rhino. Ash. Equinox. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Vauban is only used for his 3 and 4

It wasn't an accident the tauniggers (sentients) did it

Mirage, Octavia and Trinity

Trinity, but only if you're playing as hyper tank, literally just spamming all 4 moves with barely any time to do anything else

>Mirage's loot bait shit
just because you can press the button doesn't mean you should.

No one uses well of life, mainly because it's easier to just hit blessing rather than expect retards to shoot the green glowing guy to regen health. Hell, blessing's existence at all makes well of life pointless.

>The Zariman Ten-Zero got lost in the Void by "accident" and only some made it out alive like our Operator protagonist.


but WoL takes too much energy

You mean blessing. I was gonna mention that even with it's higher cost, it doesn't matter since energy vamp gives you an unlimited energy pool for all intents and purposes.

They should just change her 1 into a vampire leech that chains onto other nearby targets. Least it'd give her a damn AoE skill to work with.

Attached: Most Useless Focus.jpg (505x369, 28K)

>too much energy
I don't understand

Or just make it like EV but with health.

>stopped playing years ago, when my entire to-do checklist was collect all frames and guns and max out Serration
>come back
>the game has been so reinvented and built on that I have no idea what the fuck I'm looking at
>a gorillion frames and guns and mod slot modifiers and mods with RNG stats and reworks and batdogs and faction alliances and plot and rotating prime weapons and flight missions and the game is open world now?
>becomes clear as I read wikis that even with all the hours I put in before, I may as well be a new player now, I am hundreds if not thousands of hours behind max progression
Has DE ever just considered wiping the slate clean? Do obscene complexity and idle game mechanics really make the game better?

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using WoL can make you significantly tankier though

Just wait until Railjack comes out and B T F Os Star Shitizen


How so? I thought WoL only regens health when you shoot a target? If I want to be tanky, I use link and blessing def buff.

>Implying Railjack will do anything
How delusional are you?

Haven't played since baruuk
Whats nightwave and whos nora?
Is she our new mommy?

Literally nobody likes the Operators. Some people just got used to it.

Nothing's really that complex.

did someone say operators?

Attached: autismopotat.png (684x735, 941K)

Nora Nigwave

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Unless you don´t want to use the umbra mods, then it´s too bad for you

>what's nightwave?
Weekly challenges with persistent score that unlocks rewards.
>whos nora?
The hip DJ of color all the kids are listening too.

you're quite right

Attached: Australian Lanka Prime.png (512x312, 61K)

Nezha, Harrow, Garuda, Saryn, Octiva sometimes

>n-word baiting
reb is just mad she fell for it

>Comparing one of De's future updates as copying fortnite
This was enough to earn him the ire of the mod team?

The game is orders of magnitude more complex than it was in its earliest incarnations

why wouldn't you want to use the umbra mods?

If you use WoL then link, it prioritizes linking to the WoL and then all enemy damage that hits you, in effect hits the WoL target for you, which means another % of enemy damage is healing you, on top of the 75% or so reduction from link and the 65% reduction of blessing (or whatever the numbers are)

Railjack will be the buggiest fucking thing to date, putting launch Cetus to shame. I'm anticipating a ton of host-client sync mismatches.

Attached: Ah Yes, Pluto.jpg (1440x900, 846K)

>it prioritizes linking to the WoL
News to me. Is this like that thing where for years no one knew about nova's null star proving a def buff based on the number of balls in orbit? Fucking sheldon.

Quick thinking + flow + hunter´s adrenalline are better to keep exca alive. Bloodrush + transient fortitude give him more power. Add primed continuity and you´ll enjoy a stronger excalibur that´s harder to be killed and never has to worry about energy

> tenno are void monsters locked inside humanoid constructs
> void monsters made by exposing children to the void and forcing them to survive, then filtering their power through two levels of continuous hallucination and making them inhabit metal puppets remotely, and locking them up on the moon

Attached: buzlokbeast.webm (1366x768, 1.61M)

>using the buzzlok for eidolons
That's actually pretty neat.

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It's bullshit, look at his buffs right before he fires. He's being carried.

>look at the buffs
No shit. That just means I'll either take or play with a rhino.

it's just rhino roar, on the other hand the buzlok looks unrivened

>taking Rhino to Eidolons

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For the roar. Yeah.
>but it's not META
Don't even @ me

You spelled Chroma wrong

exactly, imagine using that bad boy with a 300 str Chroma instead

something like that, I play trinity a bunch and didnt know for years, not that trinity is worth using at all...

Or I could take a Lanka and one-shot the limbs. :)

I thought the implication was that this isn't Hunhow at all, just a memory of him run rampant. Hence why he doesn't just destroy every cephalon he comes into contact with.

>Shy is the only good warframetuber, as little of a title that is
Tranny orbiters please go


Nezha, Saryn, Nidus and Garuda for me. Which is why I play them, I hate playing frames that only have 1 usable ability.

Thanks for this unsolicited opinion on a homosexual no one but you cares about.

is this some fucking bait or what

Attached: dakadakadakadakkadakka.jpg (1068x851, 334K)

>I hate playing frames that only have 1 usable ability.
Unless that frame is valkyr
>tfw when eternal war build in infested maps

Attached: 1469657047465.jpg (465x511, 31K)

NINJAS PLAY FOR FREE (literally in all their game slogans)


My tater can run around just fine, unless you have insider knowledge and know DE is implementing tenno wheelchairs for 30p a pop.

After playing Sekiro a lot I think there should be a Shinobi frame.

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You mean Ash?

The Edlion Meta is: Rhino, Trin, Chroma, Harrow, Volt and that’s it

That would be ash.

Attached: heh too easy.webm (1200x676, 2.93M)

Wfg are being spergs, who has that thick Rebecca to post?

RED TEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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just make a loli


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Who the hell uses his 1?

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>eternal war
My nigga
>pop eternal war
>hits 2 teamates but not the third
>15 second insane buff
>25 minutes later its still up and the 4th guy still doesn't have the buff
I kek everytime, and holy shit the build is tanky, valkyr with armor mods and 300% armor ability that lasts forever she just sits above 6k armor and you can use her 4 to heal at any point, such a fun build

Who the fuck cares you special retarded snowflake.
Your a special kid controlling your war robot big woop

It's a good cc, and can be cast while reloading.

the quest that introduced them made it acceptable, also having watched EVA helped

Nobody uses a Lanka to oneshot limbs anymore, fag. Everybody uses a Catchmoon or a Rubico.

>Nobody uses a Lanka to oneshot limbs anymore
Why do you lie

I started liking them after the Focus tree rework and eventual not-shit Operator arcanes allowed them to actually be useful and add to the gameplay flow.

>Not wanting to be a beautiful white child.
Kill yourself not even memeing.

Oberon the Broberon.
>1 knockdowns and interrupts niggers, also a fancy way to kill low level shit in earth extraction, HP%-based damage is nice too
>2 clears status effects and gives amor buff
>3 gives immortality to everyone, can give double immortality with phoenix renewal mod
>4 rapes armor when combined with 2, applies blind to surviving niggers

Attached: warframe_oberon_by_lotushim554-d9a5de1.jpg (967x827, 112K)

>Nobody uses a Lanka to oneshot limbs anymore

Attached: EE207DD5-16F6-47F5-9B1F-E65445B10459.png (440x440, 197K)

I miss vazarin having unlimited instant revives, went well with being a trinity main, but then they killed that, even though nobody then or now uses vazarin except me

I don't think I've ever been in a party with less than 2
I'm one of them

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Operators are only good for Zenurik and Void Strike and Unari Wisps

>Nobody uses Lanka
That’s a load of horse shit even after the Riven Nerfs on Lanka and Rubico, a Unrivened Lanka can still wreck shit and makes Rubico Prime eat shit

I stick around just to see how bad things can get after they introduced ordis. /vg/ general died 4 years ago as expected. Their discord save anyone with half a brain cell and as expected anyone with half a braincell stopped playing the game. Most smaller communities slowly invaded by whales and reddit. De still cant code for shit. Updates are last minute and rushed. Abortionrators still dont have a purpose other than to drive their garbage story and for tumblr trannys to erp. more decoration for your ship and shit and stickers and emotes and skins. nothing new has been added to this game since 2017.


I wish his prime helmet was as good as his regular helmet


New update literally just dropped

Attached: imageproxy.php.jpg (1920x1080, 311K)

>roars and howls marking his arrival as you board your landing craft leaving the mission

Attached: wolf.png (670x794, 664K)

all his prime visuals are shit, luckily he has great cosmetics

>Becomes Salads Bitch
Wow so much build up


His prime is garbage to be honest, both helmet, body and shoulder armor (and you can't fucking use the non-prime armor). At least the deluxe skin looks nice and works well with any helmet.

fuck that skin is dope

>alad V turns him and his friends into drug addicts
This episode of nightwave brought to you in partnership with D.A.R.E.

I gave on this shit because of the stupid fortuna rep cap.

the leafy boi skin? I don't like that either. OGberon is still the best

You should see his ass
>mfw ever since mesa prime, the devstreams always have some mention of ass

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I'm not a homo, happy for you though.
You can thank liger for the special ass-treatment.

>a butched skin concept
>augment mods that are useless and bad on purpose
>lel fashion frame fixes
>buffed tusk because people were killing it to fast and didnt increase the drop rate for the shit mastery fodder fist weapon, the only reason to farm the fucking reused defense console

>people here will call this content

Yeah his default stuff is great too. Bizarre how a mutant cow druid/paladin hybrid ended up looking pretty good.

See you in /wfg/ fag


Anything DE makes is shit at launch, so don't get hyped for it.

>nightwave messages still can't be turned off

That was patched in weeks ago. You can shut Nora Nig up for good now.

>Literally nothing but a skin ,Fixs, and Augments that’ll get Nerfed if it’s to OP Greedy Pull style

did they just find a way of making hydroid's only niche completely obsolete?

I thought the twist itself was nice, problem is that Tenno as characters are fucking insufferable.

I stopped using wfg because its full of retards now. its only worth lurking because someone fag dumps datamines there. Otherwise its full of trannies erping with each other 24/7 under the protection of a jannitor

Nope, Pilferoid is 100% chance, that shit augment isn't.

why are you so mad about cute operators being posted

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I've stopped visiting for the same reason, don't know why they won't fuck off to discord

>Discount Pilfering Swarm that can’t even compete
>A Shit CC stun
>A Situational Mod that can be better used as a inate ability

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did they change up his kit or is this some kind of prime/whatever fuckery? I used him a bit when I was new because he was easy to get and it was basically "does everything a bunch of other frames do but worse": the frame.

he got PRIMED and buffed and is now great

I haven't played the game in a long time. Looked it up now and I see there is a frame that uses shields instead of energy. How fun is she? I love unorthodox frames like Octavia or Nidus.

Oberon is great for Eidolons and Arbitrations

>UMBRA is the only warframe that requires Kuva to build
Garuda, Harrow, Octavia and Nidus need Kuve to be built

that's a fucking potato

*Buffed Multiple Times

>Discount Pilfering Swarm that can’t even compete
except for the fact that, you know, Khora is actually a strong frame and not useless and obstructing like a certain other frame

Fetish bait and useless like all mynkiframes

t. meta tranny

>Khora is actually a strong frame

Attached: 1508179057159.jpg (645x729, 49K)

good enough for anything that isn't DEAC. and even then she's still more useful than hydroid

Its literally an HRT rhino. Enjoy eating mynki's shit.

How come? Has like 450 shields at level 1 and one of her abilities cause enemies to become energy pinatas. EV trin is definitely better in this regard but she has other abilities as well.

>useless and obstructing like a certain other frame
Well it’s sure as hell not Hydriod so no,

You would know all about hrt, wouldn't you tranny.

Khoras 1 is her only saving grace with her 2 and that’s it,

nigga don't start this, hydroid is exclusively used for pilfering and by people who have just seen pirates of the caribbean for the first time
and me but don't tell anyone

*grabs you by the throat*


yes, and it's cute

Attached: Warframe0077.jpg (1600x900, 506K)

>Just for Pilfering
And Interception clearing, and CC, and Armor Stripping, so again no

I'll give you armor stripping, the rest is non issues

Niggawave messages are considered hint transmissions (tutorial shit like Lotus explaining over and over again how to crack a relic), you can turn it off on the options menu.
Also, Creator Mode brings non-glitch Lotus back and hides the Fortuna NPCs' dumb belly faces.

go back to your discord you sid lookin

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>Non Issue
Not really


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t. mad as fuck memelands consumer

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Depends how new to the game you are, having trouble with interception is not a thing unless you're rocking weak gear.
I don't know about CC, it's more clunky for me to use than anything.

>New to the game
Again no

Where are you having trouble with interception then?

jealous he can't make a good looking operator :)

Attached: Warframe0433.jpg (1920x1080, 777K)

>like wukong
>told he is shit
>like oberon
>told he is shit
>like ash
>told he is shit
>like tytania
>told she is shit
>like ember
>told she is shit
>like nyx
>told she is shit

Why does this game bother having frames besides valk eq saryn nidus and inaros

>zairmen ten zero
>ten zero
>10 0
haha, I get it that's funny, user what's the ship actually called?

They're not shit, just outclassed.
Also Oberon is not shit at all

Oberon and Titania are NOT shit.

It doesn't hide Lua in the skybox oddly enough.

>like oberon
>told he is shit
>like tytania
>told she is shit
whoever told you this was lying

>start playing wf
>game's decently fun, story is whatever but not terrible, music is fucking ass but I can just mute it
>get to uranus and need to do stupid story shit
>whatever, just one quest
>not long after need to do another
>makes story awful with some mary sue kids
>game's still fun so I deal with and go further
>another retarded story quest about the stupid kids
>required to use the retard now
>warframe quests require it
>they talk in regular quests after with stupid quips
>best way to get energy so I can't just ignore them
>there's gonna be more shit involving them

I fucking hate operators.

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Never said I did

>Operators intruding so heavily on gameplay after that however, yeah... wish DE would rethink it.

And what the fuck were hey thinking. Hacking consoles, reviving, stealth, etc, all that made trivial by the void mode of the operators. They nuked half of the gameplay mechanics and it never recovered, some of those still receive (now completely useless) mods.

Even if DE were to rework the abilities the operators can abuse they would also need to remake the campaign which we know it wouldn't happen.

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warframe strrooooooonnnnnnnnggggggg

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"Shit" usually means "not part of the meta memes", they still can kill shit just fine.
And sometimes people are just trying protect their favorite toys from DE's nerf hammer (especially when they are talking about weapons and their rivens).

The only thing that could rescue the operator would be to give us the option to let them grow up, but sadly that won't happen for various reasons.



I don't understand the timing here
Tenno were around for a good while as orokin superheroes
They had a council and schools and shit
Why didn't they grow up? I don't see any mention of MORE tenno being made, so they're all the original children, right?

gineer..uuh builders, only war naw

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turn off operator talking in the options

Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one who gave a shit about this.

I am glad I was not alone with it.

The only truly shit things in the game are the mk-1 weapons, everything else can get through the star chart up to sedna with no problems if you slap decent mod loadouts onto them
If you don’t have any mods for a half-decent setup though, build a hek and use that until you do.

Void bullshit, don't worry about it

You’re legitimately not the only one the only reason that it isn’t big as it was because DE was heavily damage controller during this time

>best way to get energy so I can't just ignore them
Go farm some polymers in UrAnus, my dude. Or play as a tanky frame with Rage/Adrenaline mod.
Madurai is the best school anyway.

>love atlas
>told he's shit
>play him anyway because he's the most fun of all frames I've played
>still do decently in most modes

Play who you want, nigga. Also Oberon is good, he used to be complete ass and I guess people aren't used to him being decent so they keep spouting that bullshit.

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>like wukong
>told he is shit
He is. He and booben are on the rework list but as he exists, he's bottom-of-the-barrel trash tier. Zero redeeming qualities.
>like oberon
>told he is shit
He's not, in fact he's meta for Eidos. Problem with Oberon is he's a jack-of-all-trades type frame, which means he underperforms at any given specific task, but as a general main he's not a bad choice, he can buff, heal and nuke.
>like ash
>told he is shit
If you actually want to play Warframe stealth (lol) he's ridiculous with a Covert Lethality build because his teleport is literally an instant kill attack against any non-boss enemy no matter the level.
>like tytania
>told she is shit
She's not shit, she's just not great.
>like ember
>told she is shit
Best low-level nuker in the game, but a major downgrade since her rework. World on Fire is still an instant zero-effort room clear on anything that's low level, she's great for speed-grinding shit like Lith fissures.
>like nyx
>told she is shit
I'm not even sure what her viability is post-rework.

Reminder that if you play Warframe you are no better than the retarded shills that bought Anthem.

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>You can't muster the strength to move

umm........they're not children sweetie, they're 500 years old, they just look like lolis xD

My tater can jump higher and slide further than any actual human being I've ever seen.

Yes, they're the originals and didn't grow up because DE needed a reason to cater to manchildren who like to play dress up.

I still can’t play oberon good, but that’s just because i’m too deeply in love with saryn.
rip ember, she used to be great but then they nerfed her into the ground and right before i got her in prime too

>if you play this good game you're no better than the people who played this OTHER amazing game

>if you play this free to play game you are the same as the people who bought another game

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Tenno are just void ghosts. They can't die, they can't grow up, they can't do shit other than vomit void and control infested meat puppets.

now this is next level bait

>Amazing Game
DE shills are out in full force i see.

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I have a ton of pizzas, I'm just saying you don't need anything but zen energy for most missions and it's stupid. Like I'd rather not have to go into retard mode just to get energy, just make base energy regen better or something.

>>they talk in regular quests after with stupid quips
Then turn them off, retard.

>ooooh nooo i have to use them once in this 10 minute quest aaaaaaaah

ignoring the fact that she casts from shields, and casting from your health pool is generally a recipe for disaster (since the time you most need your best abilities is when you're half-dead), shields are shit.

No scaling off armor, bypassed by two of the most common enemy-triggered procs in the game (slash from Grineer, toxin from Infested). That 5000+ shields doesn't mean diddly shit when you're getting procfucked by every single Lancer on the field to your unarmored 400 health pool.

That pic is pure autism

Pls indulge me and explain how to use combos like I'm a fucking retard

I try to use staff and no matter what I input I end up in this stupid leap spam that sends me flying across the map for zero useful dps.

I didn't know about that option. I still stand by all my other points though.

you niggers need to go back to your containment general.
we all know Warframe is a terrible, shitty game, you trannies don't need to remind us.

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Your other points being "i'm forced to use operators for a 10 minute quest once"?

I"m so happy you all exist. I felt like kind of an asshole for leaving the game over that change for the longest time.

Warframe combos are absolute shit. I mean they are just the fucking worst. They tried to ape Devil May Cry / Ninja Gaiden without understanding how the fuck it works, and what they came up with involved a lot of elaborate inputs to achieve special effects that are only useful as command moves.

There's no reason to gap close 3 swings into a combo. It's shit. The most popular stances are shit like Tempo Royale because the base combo is just a bunch of fast radial swings, and half the time a stance is just a capacity-increaser for the mods you put on your Spin Attack Device.

That said, they're partway into the melee 3.0 rework and what they've shown (if Steve hasn't fucking killed it all in the name of "streamlining inputs" like a fucking cunt) demonstrates a recognition of the faults of the system. The combo strings are going to be revamped from the ground up, with gap-closers given a dedicated input command (aim+swing), air attacks will now give a full combo string with presumed aim-glide-float, gunshots will now juggle enemies in-midair, etc.

This is all Coming Soon (TM).

Also when farming kuva to disarm the evil onion knights.
Wish they added a less annoying option

>Tempo Royale
good job, you've been memed by the jew

I love his damned walls, the AI is so dumb

Only if you solo, though. Same with eidolons, profit taker, etc.

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They need to drop all those combos that involve forward movement when it's not necessary, or at least do some form of magnetized targeting once you hit something, just so you don't fly through them on the next attack.

I was thinking that maybe I am overreacting, but no matter how I rationalized, the fact of the matter was that I just didn't feel the same way any time I played after that.

Psychic psycho kids playing with fleshpuppet ninjas in their lucid dreams across dimensions is cool as shit, you guys are weird.

Tempo Royale is a great stance for greatswords because the first swing is effectively a slide attack, so if you spam slide attacks and drop the input you end up with "slide attack that doesn't get memeing bonus"

Granted, it was a better stance before the 2.9999 rework because part of the appeal was that it replaced your Quick Melee with its first two strikes.

Anyone ever hand their scroll stop working? the game detects my mouse wheel but I can't scroll in chat or any other menus and its really annoying

Yeah, a passive effect would be a lot nicer than this dumb swap-dash-swap thing.
Honestly I prefer to rely on orbs and pizzas. Even at max rank energizing dash isn't fast enough, and it sucks for frames with channeled abilities (meanwhile energize and rage/adrenaline workes just fine for them). I only rely on it when I'm doing solo interceptions with Ivara (lots of AFK time so it doesn't matter how slow it is).

I almost exclusively play solo unless for stuff like index, relics, vault etc.
Online is no fun unless you like running through empty levels.

What's the go-to place for Condition Overload farmin?

Also when will DE give K-Drives a downward slam move to convert into forward momentum upon landing, to allow bunny hopping for speed increase?

in theory, yes
the writing, voice lines and gameplay demonstrates otherwise
if they were written well, I wouldn't mind

Correct. Adding a gap-close lunge mid-combo is stupid, which I said. That's why they're killing it. The new stances will include that lunge as an on-demand attack for block+melee (now, I guess, aim+melee). So it's like your DMC Stinger, without having to press forward.

Much better design.

Whoever Steve and Geoff put in charge of the melee rework at least seem to be action game fans (as is Rebb), it's just Steve ruining it with his insistence that melee be a one-button affair because he's too old to keep track of whether he's in gun or melee state since 2.99999. Fuck Steve for killing block, I will not forgive him that trespass. Bring back block goddamn it

go to place is index to farm gold mods and credits, then you trasmute 4 gold mods and pray you get a CO

I used to play this way, but now the only things I do solo are new content, at least a few times until I decide I don't have a sporting chance (I caved on Profit Taker eventually, fuck that fight with only 3 weapons), or when I feel like fucking around, or when it's a Tyl Regor Assassinate Sortie.

Maybe if you execute it well and don't just implement it for the sole reason to sell more cosmetics.

Part of the problem with having gun and melee be interchangeable is Warframe uses all of the fucking buttons on controller already. A non-issue for keyboard users though.

Also I see Yea Forums forgot to pay Google again, because reCAPTCHA throwing 8+ fucking things at me now per post.

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I like how it works for Wise Razor, you only dash forward with the block combo if enemies are out of your weapon's range.

>Auto blocking
I swear to good that was the dumbest fucking thing they’ve did and I’m surprised people ate that shit up with no word to toggle it off

I nust hated space kids because it did juat about the worst thing that can be done with a game about mystical space ninjas slaughtering legions of corporate/imperial goons with their mystical space ninja powers, taking out a chunk of the mystique

What the fuck did melee 2.9 even do for us except for ruining ground slam, weapon switch and melee glide?
The new slam doesn't actually hit the spot you're aiming for, it's where you land and you ragdoll enemies wich is fucking annoying.

The thing is, instant swap recontextualizes you into melee mode, but from there you only need one button to get back to gun mode (shoot), and all the rest can be melee buttons.

You don't NEED to be able to reload in melee mode. You don't NEED to be able to swap weapons in melee mode. You don't NEED to be able to aim in melee mode.

I can sorta-kinda see the argument that you might want to be able to re-equip your gun without actually shooting it (say you have a sniper rifle, or your gun is one you use almost exclusively for its secondary fire mode), but from there it's still a trivial affair to give back blocking, and to make block+shoot "equip the gun into aim mode" without firing until you press shoot again, and/or make block+reload "equip the gun into a reload animation".

But Steve's got it in his head that "input flow" is so goddamned paramount that he nerfed blocking into this retarded "when-melee-is-out" passive auto-deflect thing, and it totally sucks hairy dick.

They didn't eat it up. Of all the parts of melee 2.9999 that people talked about, the two most universally common bitching points were
>bring back blocking Steve you useless bald bitch
>all of these stances are shittier than my quick attack chain, I want my quick attacks back you fuck

That last especially for polearm users.

What secondary and melee should I use for my cowboy Mesa with a sybaris?

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Akjagara or Akbolto or some other dual single shot peestol

Fast switch is great in practice and even better in theory.

The problem with melee 2.0 as a system was
>melee kit is underwhelming
>melee kit is way too hard to get into and out of, especially for how underwhelming it is

First they dreamt up a whole bunch of ways to make the melee kit more useful, then they developed a way to make switching extremely un-clunky. Then, making it un-clunky became so important to Steve that he started killing all the things that made it useful, slowly raping it backwards into "melee 1.0, but with more swing animations", which is what it currently is.

>playing a SJW developed giant grindfest with no endgame after 6 years of development

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>be grandmaster founder
>sink thousands of hours into the game
>be one of the first streamers
>even did YouTube guides back in the day of coptering
>live in London and have met with DE on a few occasions unofficially
>heard about the child operator rumors a while before it became canon but hoped it wasn't true
>play TSD and get to the character creator
>quit shortly after and sell account for almost $700 CAD because of "muh never ever lato/skana/excal prime"

The game is just cosmetic and feature bloat now. There hasn't been any substantial content for years. Open world was a mistake and so were arcanes

Just found out this was on switch, downloading now, any beginner tips?

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What's wrong with their gameplay?

Get a rhino, use the wiki, remember that you have to go to the market to buy a lot of blueprints with credits (it's not just a premium currency shop, not articulating this is a major failure of its early-game design), don't expect to clear the open world content before you clear the star chart.

Not him but they're far too stiff to control and underpowered relative to Warframes themselves. They have utility as invulnerable revive and hacking pods, and Zenurik can break the energy economy, but they have no other function.

I miss chest laser nuking.

download it on pc

I miss using the Tonker.

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Well, start with by not playing it on Switch.

Seriously considering selling my acc as well. I just need a new addiction to replace the old one first

Ash is still pretty OP in spy and rescue missions

based switch bro

You shouldn't be playing it on switch but if you have no choice then it's better than nothing

unless you have founder stuff it's worthless

I'm pretty sure that was the cripple mustering up all the strength they could to control their frame without transference

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I can play it on PC, for some reason it didn't even occur to me to check and see if it was on PC. I just prefer my Switch to play vidya is all.

ye I know, I'm only hunter but it's still better than nothing

Play Excalibur and grind for Rhino. Then finish the star map and grind for prime frames

>slow as fuck outside of the limited dash (bullet jumps are more reliable)
>hot garbage weapons
>weak as shit defenses
>void dash just breaks and /unstucks a fucking lot for no reason in most tilesets (sometimes it sends you back to the beginning of the damn mission)
>only useful as a energy battery when you run out of pizza
Potatos' gameplay would be better if it was just an occasional void beam for gimmick enemies.

Remember that PC gets the newest updates first while consoles have to wait around 2 weeks before it drops


Ash and Tits are actually bretty gud. You can get about 50% damage reduction + evasion with tits now.

Ash is very efficient killer in solo and stealth missions. all of his moves are great. Bladestorm is fun.

Switch runs sub-30fps, long load times, and input lag on-top of the 30fps, and is handled by a third-party. PC/PS4/Xbone are all handled by DE, with the latter two platforms generally delayed a month on large content updates.

That and you can run Warframe at 144hz on PC.

Attached: Running in the 90s.webm (720x405, 2.99M)