*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
If they turn her into some kind of leftist in the new one, I'm boycotting the game
She already was one, the 00s version of one. Since vampires live forever, they're likely to change along the way. I wouldn't be surprised if she's into some Antifa shit
>Since vampires live forever, they're likely to change along the way.
Actually one challenge for older vampires is that they can't adapt as well after a while.
I want to impregnate Damsel with my holy seed, thus breaking gods curse and making her human again
I'm a Libertarian Socialist
*erects my dick*
I hope my commie mommy is in the new game.
>*blocks your path*
Cainites are pretty gay.
It's dumb you can't actually fuck the girls in this
any news on the sequel?
Vampires don't fug
You can though, if you save one of the Malkavian sisters you can visit her in the Asylum and shag her, you end up loosing blood but you still can.
>Most vampires don't fug*
Jeanette was definitely down for it
Oh yeah I forgot you can listen to the fledgling give her a hot dicking
>ywn get to play a fully realized Tzimisce and create qt ghouls
Did you expect a minigame instead?
Why not?
Hide Camarilla threads
Ignore Camarilla posts
Do not respond to Camarilla posters
This is an Anarch thread!
Because depicting one imaginary character pretend fucking another imaginary character in any measurable level of graphic detail was popularizes by Mass Effect. Note the difference in release dates.
But I wanna see Jeanette naked
>VtM2 is not gonna have the soundtrack written by a down on his luck LA musician who just got out of rehab
>VtM2 is not gonna have inspired voice acting with each actors putting in double effort
>VtM2 is gonna look grey and have a generic art style, with all characters trying to look realistic (and failing)
Feels bad
Allow me to introduce you to the concept of image search.
ey cracka
You're making a lot of assumptions based on nothing.
>implying /ourrik/ won't do us proud
>implying you can beat Mitsoda VA work (what he was really brought back for)
>implying snowy seattle won't be comfy as fuck
desu I'm just trying to get my hopes way down
I would be so happy if Obsidian boys prooved me wrong
>snowy seattle
There wasn't any snow in the concepts shown in the latest video (youtube.com
the vtmb 1 ost guy is literally doing the soundtrack though
Female Gangrel, Female Malkavian, Female Brujah
Female Tremere, Female Toreador
Female Ventrue, Female Nosferatu
I've seen this pic posted countless times in threads, but I haven't actually read it untill now. I don't get it. What's the big deal? It's just some faggot, who cares
>drinking human's blood instead of cainietes
I am proud to call you My Nigga
Fake outrage is fun
Damsel is really just a chubby dork that spouts commie bullshit and acts tough because she’s insecure, she’s the perfect Tsun.
You're not mentally equipped to understand what the issue is
Holy shit, that Brian Mitsoda dude is the voice actor for the TV news guy. I didn't know that, but his voice is so easy to recognize.
I want VtM2 to have that crazy Vampire Hunter that drinks the blood of vamps that he kills and thus has lived for centuries and is so strong that vampires have to just hide and pray to Cain when he comes to their town
>She probably got that squishy belly
I actually really like this description of Brujah from the Anarch book
- But his live is not shitty as hell now so his music won't be exactly the same as in the first game!
- But his music might still be great but different.
Sticks fingers in ears:
I need there to be more Christianity/Radically religion monster hunters, like Bach.
The PC Gamer interview said that the choosing of clans, as it will eventually happen in the game, will provide different styles of playing.
The guy said punching (Brujah) and wizards (Tremere) are covered. So what's left?
Who do you think will represent diplomat and sneaky types, and who do you think will provide a more jack of all trades/hybrid sort of build?
What the fuck was her problem?
Caiaphas literally hasn't been mentioned even once since Hunters Hunted 1.
It's pretty save to assume that he's burried with the rest of the horrible metaplot decisions that WW has always been trying to forget.
Now I personally hope we meet Sullivan Dane. An actually amazing hunter who's still mentioned and is on the shortlist to become Anathema
Please tell me we're getting a silent protagonist again, or at LEAST voice acting that reads out the entire option, not some Mass effect/fallout 4 bullshit
Wouldn't that just make him a powerful ghoul
I’m honestly sure of it, she doesn’t have implant balloon tits like everyone else in the game so the only way she’s got such huge milkers is if she was a bit chubby when she got sired.
She was a fucking poseur
Why not get the best WoD villain while you're at ti
>What is irony
As in, the literary term of irony. If that type of character existed, it'd be to highlight some kind of hypocrisy themes, like the monster Hunter becoming a monster to hunt monsters.
I think they said somewhere it is a silent protag. None of the articles from guys who saw the first 30 minutes gameplay demo mentioned anything about how the dialogue works, so I'd think it's traditional rpg dialogue as opposed to a wheel
But that's not even his final form
>shitskin and dead
well I'm sure that smells lovely
Even fucking humans can't keep up with trends and change as they age, and become out of touch. How in the fuck is a blood sucking parasite completely isolated from the daily struggles of a human, with different interests, and challenges, going to stay in touch? Only the highly social clans can achieve that, or young ones who's sense of self has been changed by the embrace too much yet.
see They can keep up for a while if they're trying.
When do you think they'll release more info?
post your favorite track
Once again, only certain clans can achieve that. Sabbat clans (Lasombra aside), Gangrels, Nosies, Malks, Giovanni, and Tremere just can't keep up the facade even if they try. Ventrue, Lasombra, Toreador, and Brujah can keep it up, because they share common interests with mortals. It's not merely a matter of blending in, they're genuinely interested in similar things (power/wealth/status/beauty/rebellion).
>tfw Toreador with Malk bf
There is literally nothing preventing a gangrel of being semi-caught up while they are still "fresh".
Of course they can't but that's a result of their curse
Again why would a Malkavian be unable to change along with human culture for a while?
Pretty bad example because they're fucked up since birth and raising.
See Malk and Gangrel.
Stop thinking Clan stereotypes are anything but stereotypes.
I reinstalled today, planning on playing a Tremere for the first time. Is a gunmage build viable or am I gonna get my shit wrecked?
>Vampires don't fug
only freaks like Nosferatus don't get laid, all they can do is watch porn on their computers.
Tremere works better with guns but can go melee too. They're actually pretty good since they can spam Blood Strike while shooting or swinging which lets you absolutely destroy bosses. Try to get Thaumaturgy level 3 relatively soon for Blood Shield too so it'll make you a little more durable. Dominate 3 is good too since it lets you immediately kill humans too.
There is honestly only 2 things worse than having an ST that thinks NPCs should be defined by their Clan.
>playing as a Brujah
It's fine as long as you get enough cash for the second half of the game when guns actually become great
Honestly any combat path is viable as long as you don't forget to get some defence points
I meant an in-game example, I understand your point of view, no need to use the Lord's name in vain.
Exceptions don't disprove the rule. The clans named have sire individuals from anti social stock. They won't have the drive or skills to keep up with the ever changing society they left behind on top of having to acclimate to their new society. This isn't even factoring in the kindred factor, and curses.
is this bait or genuine stupidity?
They need to keep up at a minimum level to
>have a job or investment
>not break the masquerade
>keep doing fulfilling their role in kindred society
Even elders know not to dress in Victorian dresses in public even though it's what they would wear by choice in Elysium
>Not playing an old school philosopher king brujah
based and justicepilled.
>not playing every clan at least once
booooring. New hotblooded Brujah > special snowflakes fags you like.
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
Doesn't Beckett manage to blend in well enough?
Doesn't he also stay in his wolf most of the time? Also, he's a Gangrel scholar so he's already eccentric.
He doesn't really try to blend in with any crowd.
He's just vaguely "modern" so he doesn't arouse suspicion.
>Doesn't he also stay in his wolf most of the time?
>He's just vaguely "modern" so he doesn't arouse suspicion.
Sounds like your typical nerd.
I like how the first game had all these cool abilities and shit that were almost entirely useless in the campaign... pnp to computer always is such a clunky let down in practice, even when it's relatively good
That's why I have no shame in using the console for this game to Max out the skills IDGAF about
There's only so many ways you can implement all that shit in a max 30 hour game.
Altghough, they do actually have time for the sequel, and it doesn't sound like they've changed production team about 9 teams this time around, so hopefully they'll be able to fully implement versatility of skills more.
I just hope the way the social playthrough will be designed around is not just persuasion solves all, but rather you have to use a combination of all social skills to advance through the game
You talking about bloodlines or the one before that?
first one, crusader vampire revenge with party for the first half and then solo for the second modern era part. bloodlines didn't have all that much cool stuff to do ability wise, I don't you got dick teased with potential in it with no opportunity to use them like the first one.
You still had stuff like Subterfuge which was a massive letdown from what it does in pnp or Finance
>TFW it hurt being mean to her
Sorry, Samantha, it be the only way.
>Not convincing her you are her pet turtle
Ventruebros where you at?
Not looking like that or wearing a beret.
We need Chads and virgins for every clan
>Be in Chinatown
>go through the motions of killing Yang Gangers
>You can actually go back and convince Wong Ho to flee the city after killing The Mandarin
I love that sometimes in my playthrough of this game I find new small things that I missed on my last playthrough as other clans.
Pretty sure it's a joke user
not fucking me
There will be a Blueblood villain modeled on Richard Spencer, he will have a fashy haircut and monologues about blood purity. Screenshot this because you know it will fucking happen.
Sounds like a Ventrue to me.
Now the real question is who does he claim to be descendant off?
>Alexander of Paris
>Mitsoda's voice
Finished it the other day, this game is really unfinished. From the sewers onwards the game is really linear with not that many alternative solutions to quests. The endings are all lackluster too. If the whole game was like Santa Monica, it would be a great game, but it's just an okay game. Don't have much faith in the sequel given it seems to have so much left politics in it.
>it's just an okay game
I would be disappointed if a vampire didn't value clan and bloodline purity.
imagine being a tr*mere nigger
>Don't have much faith in the sequel given it seems to have so much left politics in it.
We really haven't seen much of the sequel and it's not like VtMB wasn't liberal
>It's unfinished
No shit, everyone knows that
>It's an okay game
That is objectively wrong. Go stand in sunlight, thin-blood.
Try one of the community mods user, a lot of people have spent ten years worth of blood and tears polishing this broken dream.
It's the good thing the new game is mod supported from the beginning. I'll just wait ten years for the definitive version. Thanks for beta testing, losers.
For me, it's Brother Kanker
Bugchaser pls go
I really can't see this NOT being an unmitigated plot disaster for the writers. If they are smart they will give the player the freedom to ignore the inevitable socially conscious plotlines without breaking the game.
I know people are going to bring up screenshots of the communist Brujah lady from VM1, but this will only broaden my case: those elements only flavored the plot, they had no effect on the actual game, it is our concern that the studio will have no choice but to make a cookie cutter action RPG, lacking any depth.
>the communist Brujah lady
was a joke. even one of the other anarchs made fun of her.
I know there's not a chance in hell of it happening, but it'd be sweet if you can play as a hunter in the new one and it's basically a god difficulty mode with high risk, high reward
a VTMB mod like that would be cool too
she look like a tiddy milf kate
On another note, who's excited for the inevitable fan remake of the original in the new engine? Since the new game will support mods, so assumably they'll have a mod making kit
>Antediluvian met Final Death at the hands of parties unknown
Vampires ain't shit you know....
what kind of braindead kine thinks hollywood theme is superior to downtown
Why do you think that'll happen if VtMB isn't even on the latest version of the Source engine?
They can though and Jeanette supposedly even fucks humans.
You ARE going to happy daddy ventrue, right?
They can without the Blush of Life as a of V5. I don't like it either.
>They can without the Blush of Life as a of V5.
Only at Humanity 9.
And blush of life was completly free with humanity 8+ in v20/revised
Because all it would take is to make locations and character models, then script everything together. Voices and text are perfectly extractable from the original, even the textures and models are available for reference.
But that won't be an easy task by no means, it will take some years.
What clan is Brian?
That voice clearly is supernaturally enhanced
Toreador. They are basically the only clan that can interact with mortals on a daily basis and not give it away.
They seem to be using known TV celebrities as inspirations for their characters.
what did he mean by this
What I mean is that it's free to.
>That voice clearly is supernaturally enhanced
Toreador with Presence since he's a writer and voice actor IMO
>not give it away
this nigga looks like a vamp, look at him
I wonder if these memes are made by Nosferatu to keep the game going or are malk reality-projections that have pierced the 4th wall.
Blush of Life always requires a rouse check
Old Source games can be ported to the newer versions Valve has put out. There's the original HL2 version, 2007 Orange Box, and the 2013 version. VtMB is still on the beta version.
We're asking the wrong questions. Forget about clans, what made this?
>VTMB mod
pretty sure there was one, but shit gets scrapped all the time. Maybe someone will make a mod when 2 comes out.
how moddable do you think they're gonna make this game? I hope we get some Skyrim tier freaky shit instead of just some crappy recolor and retexture mods. I want to make a nosferatu freaky sex gremlin dungeon
>not wanting to aggressively FUCK a stern faced antifafu
>not wanting to see her icy exterior melt before your eyes as you plunge balls deep into her
>not wanting to instill right wing ideals into her while sharing a post coital cig
You have zero ambition and the world is all the better for your lack of procreation.
That's just a jew's golem, sure he's better made than the average, but they stll have long ways to go if they want to make one that can integrate into human society without standing out.
Why is Cain such a faggot? You'd think the guy who invented fucking murder wouldn't be so butthurt that his progeny followed in his footsteps. Not like he's even remotely apologetic or regretful either, since he literally spat in the face of a chance god gave him to repent.
Because like most of these literally first humans/angels they have MASSIVE daddy (God) issues.
Caine needs only accept what he did was wrong so God would forgive him but he can't stop acting like a manchild angry because big D daddy didn't do his whims
Hey, i helped solve that plague problem the other vamps were blaming you guys for, may I pass?
Also, why doesn't Cain just stop the antediluvians? He should be able to deal with them easily. Don't they fear him turning on them on a whim? Yeah, he's a depressed apathetic hobo, but what if he decided on a whim that it's time to reap them? Sects like the Sabbat already have preparations to fight antediluvians, but the antediluvians and their pawns made no such preparations when their own sire turns on them.
>Also, why doesn't Cain just stop the antediluvians? He should be able to deal with them easily.
Because he's a shitty dad
>Also, why doesn't Cain just stop the antediluvians? He should be able to deal with them easily.
Because he doesn't want to be to them like what he believes God was to him.
>Yeah, he's a depressed apathetic hobo
He isn't. He is literally eternally butthurt.
who the fuck gave the unofficial patch faggot right to change how disciplines work
my malk can't even damage vamp bosses with dementation
what is this BULLSHIT
He's basically so many negative shits that he is the origin of not giving a damn, even if he wasn't apathetic he still wouldn't really do anything about them.
Did he outright change them or are you using patch+
Jeanette >>>> all, especially that little cunt
Imagine being God, a being of untold powerful who can literally undo all of Creation with one snap and actually having to listen to retards like Cain thinking you owe them anything.
No wonder He fucked off to better creation projects
Wesp got full of himself and claimed he was continuing the devs "true vision", so now he thinks anything he does is what the original devs wanted to do. That's why people criticize it for being a mod and not just a restoration patch anymore, because he inserts too much of his own shit for no reason.
Does this ending mean god purged all vampires?
>wears a beret and looks like a college socialist, all that's missing is a che shirt
>is a member of the anarchs and hates the camarilla
>No wonder He fucked off to better creation projects
tfw he made space aliens but they just started worshipping L Ron Hubbard instead
>parties unknown
It was the fucking Technocracy with a magic nuke.
Gommy gommunism.
step 1: kill all the rich people
step 2: have the leaders of the gummonist barty steal the rich people's things
step 3: gommunist barty micromanages every faucet of life
step 4: Utopia state where everyone praises our new g*d Garl Margs and nobody starves to death
Free will was a mistake.
default install I don't know
but even if it's patch+, who the fuck he thinks he is, it's literally le crazy WATERED. DOWN. domination now, because final dementation pip is the same as dominate EXCEPT IT'S NOT EVEN FUCKING AOE NOW.
>claimed he was continuing the devs "true vision"
just who the fuck this guy think he is?
And how the fuck is Joe Vampire supposed to know that?
>god had been generous, but the time for generosity is now over
I'm not a christfag by any definition of the word but that seems pretty unlike ol' capital G since forgiveness and redemption is kind of his whole thing. Is god in VtM more old testament or did Caine really just try the old man's patience that much?
That scenario still gives every Vampire a chance to repent.
It's more that Caine is hillariously petty
Are neonates the dumbest fucking sentient creatures walking the earth?
>Gets turned into a vampire
>"Nah man, no way Caine/antediluvian/magic/god is real!"
>runs into werewolves, ghosts, mummies, and other mythological creatures
>"Nope still not buying it"
>default install I don't know
If you have the Blood Heal Discipline on your character page then it's plus patch, that's the easiest way to check.
>Is god in VtM more old testament or did Caine really just try the old man's patience that much?
It's like two manchildren stuck in a staring contest and neither would give in even though their surroundings are on fire
that's a "plus"(more like minus) patch then.
fuck this guy
Didn't he also change the location of the raptor at the museum?
I swear it was more outside the field of vision and I remember being spooked by it
Blood, not even once
Lucifer's rebellion was happening around the time Caine invented murder and off'ed Abel. It was a very aggravating time for God.
Stick with the True Patch Gold if you care that much about it being as close to vanilla as possible.
It's in the same location but he made you start outside in a different area so when you come across it, you see it down the hallway instead of right to your side. A lot of people don't even see it anymore since you don't have to run past it with the new starting location he made.
his own shit? please elaborate
But why change the location?
>bitchy attitude
>enormous jugs
>naive "gommunism works if only X" beliefs
God, I want to rail her so hard. Has anyone ripped her model yet?
>It's in the same location but he made you start outside in a different area
What a damn shame, that dinosaur is one of the best things in the game
>just who the fuck this guy think he is?
He's been working on UP for about 14 years. I don't agree with what he does in the Plus version so I stopped when v7 came out (I actually had to roll back to some 6.x) but at least his autistic levels of commitment are understandable.
Alternate quest solutions that vary in quality, the ability to kill the werewolf in direct combat even though the devs never wanted you to do that, lets you keep Heather without the Sabbat killing her which removes the moral dilemma from that, a different starting location for the museum which makes people miss the dinosaur, an extra very low quality voiced NPC during the tutorial. Most of that stuff had no references in the game files, I think the only things that are actually "restored" are unused items/weapons and the library level. He might just add all this shit because his group of followers asks for it or creates the content for him to add.
I think when you're talking to LaCroix about the quest, he offers to give you keys for the museum, although you decline and say you'll find your own way or something. He might justify it with that, and usually when he makes changes even if they're bad he doesn't go back on it unless enough people complain.
Nop. I am going to make mommy Toreador happy instead.
>diablerize both so (you) can be one big happy family in your head
>Stick with the True Patch Gold if you care that much about it being as close to vanilla as possible.
I'm going to delet the game whatsoever
this fucking faggot spoiled my fond memories of playing this game ten years ago
which I intended to honour through replaying with malk
fucking FAGGOT ruined it to me
>wasting those tits and ara-aras
Have you forgotten that vampirism is all about tastelessness? Just cut off her tits and pin it to your wall so you can admire it forever
Since when camarilla became an right-wingers of vampire soceity?
>vampirism is all about tastelessness
Sorry user. I've gone through with the Unofficial Patch and sent requests to Wesp to remove all the unnecessary shit I found because it ruins the game for me too. But he said I have to tell him everything that doesn't belong because he won't be bothered to remove the shit on his own.
Just take a bit of time setting up the True Patch next time you play, it needs a little tweaking the first time, and then never uninstall the game.
>I really can't see this NOT being an unmitigated plot disaster for the writers.
I will do that in 2029.
then my seething hate will be quenched
as for the faggot, I hope at that point he will be dead
based Technocrats dabbing on reality deviant scum, not even other game lines are safe
ok, thanks user.
didn't try to kill the werewolf,don't remember a dinosaur in the museum nor any npc's during the tutorial.
also saved heather if she's that one chick in santa monica hospital
>it seems to have so much left politics in it
You can create a trap, that's literally everything we know so far.
>tfw people will still claim this is fake
>acting like this version of God is somehow more valid than all the others
>did Caine really just try the old man's patience that much?
Big G waited for like 20 000 years for him to grow up. That's hell of a lot more time than he gives to other humans
I wish Redemption got something new too. I really did enjoy playing the game and the cast of characters.
>also saved heather if she's that one chick in santa monica hospital
You can save her in the hospital but if you don't let her go later in the game the Sabbat kidnaps and kills her. You're given multiple chances to let her go before then, when she starts acting like a desperate junkie, when she says she's going to stop going to school for you, and when she says she's being followed. It's supposed to make you realize you're a monster and you put her in a bad situation so the best thing to do is let her go, but the patch makes it so you can just tell her to stay inside and keep her with nothing bad happening.
Nobody ever claimed it was fake. But it's obviously satire. That's why she's made to be so abrasive and Skelter says she's annoying.
Wraith is a fuckin dreadful setting
How do people even play that shit
Because murder literally didn't exist until Caine killed his brother.
He had no fucking clue what would happen and got cosmically bitch slapped for it.
It would be like having a child burn their hand on the stove without you ever explaining that such a thing is possible, then turning around and cursing said child to a horrible fate until they groveled before you over an act that was completely inconceivable to occur.
Its not my fault in the first place, so no apologies.
1. About your appearance ... Change it.
This may be the best Hunter origin story I've ever read.
>Its not my fault in the first place
Didn't know they had internet in Kaymakli
Just say you are sorry, c'mon don't be a bitch
Ventrue reporting.
Fuck the anarchs and fuck Brujah. Disgusting animals that we should have wiped out at Carthage.
It's great though.
Just say sorry already faggot
Fuck off God, Abel was a loser, my sire did nothing wrong.
I'm going to open it
Of course Yea Forums of all places would be full of disgusting vampire faggots
>all these people bitching about how a mod ruined the game for them
for fucks sake stop modding everything and just play the vanilla game you retards. I just did my second run on vanilla and plan on doing a third after a while. I dont know why so many people feel the need to mod every game they can nowadays.
It's more a like a toddler hitting his brother and the parents making him to apologize
DO it you retard clown
>my sire
Didn't Caine ate all of you fucks or something? Or was it your childer?
What you think you're better than us huh? I'll suck you off so hard, you'll be completely dry!
being a part of victorias pack is pretty cool
I always liked reading through some of the potential end-game scenarios for the different settings.
Like that one where a bunch of vamps have to hide in a crumbling church with a retarded strong gargoyle guarding it for a while. If they step outside they will die, and any vamp not inside the church before the bell strikes will wither away. Thin bloods are spared and returned to humans. So you could potentially have some old ass vamps and higher generation vamps being forced to not bap each other. Any clan, any faction, and any big named character was game to appear there. If you made it through the time limit your character would revert to their true mortal age and become human; if you were way too old then you faded to dust but still redeemed.
Or the one where Lilith shows up and gathers a gang of Lilim to bap the shit outta Cain since he fucked her over a long time ago.
Werewolf had some nice ones too, usually involving unfucking the Wyrm or freeing the Weaver. Or even replacing Weaver.
damn baby
All the best art is created from a dark place because that's all you have, your art so it matters more
People with happy and fulfilling lives a typically less obsessed, take speedrunners like cosmo, you think if he had a good life he'd end up the same?
Well, our childer got kinda temperamental and wanted to kill us and mostly succeeded, but they got cursed by Caine for that, so I win in the end, haha.
>tfw no marauder waifu to pull you into her own universe with no escape
>You can actually go back and convince Wong Ho to flee the city after killing The Mandarin
Nice. I find something new every playthrough as well. Las time ir was picking the lock on the gate leading to Bertram's hideout. You can view emails regarding Asylum and the Kuei Jin he sends Knox after
>caine kills animals as sacrifice
>huuurrrrr me no know wha murder uhhz
nice point
Slaughter of animals in WoD is not the equivalent of murder.
Yes, depending on which Gehenna scenario a small handful god deemed worthy might be allowed to live but 99.9% are wiped out.
>All the best art is created from a dark place because that's all you have
Go listen to Hasse's Requiem.
your argument has no merit, sorry
depends. If Tremere get their qt pagan witches like the anarchs do in v5 I'll be all over that and use Ventrue for my pro-Camarilla run
I want to fuck a commie vampire
So the Tremere were mages right
And Mages are OP as fuck
So why are the Tremere weak bitches?
How does becoming a Vampire making them weaker mages?
they lost their ability tap into the maelstrom or something. Turns out their cure for immortality sucks. Then again they can;t create paradoxes and will themselves out of every reality conceivable so I guess its a fair trade off
>Pisha will never plunder your flesh
why unlive Yea Forumsros
Embrace kills the human in question, thus their Avatar is destroyed.
they lose part of their soul, their "avatar" or whatever when they become damned and undead, so they lose access to that higher plane that allows them to do real mind bending type magic
some guy in another thread said something like that
Vampiric taint destroys their Avatar, the center of Mage reality warping stuff.
Vamps don't have to worry about paradox though, since they are overt supernaturals and thus don't get paradox buildup since any magic shit they do is "built in" to the understanding of vamps as non-human, so no cosmic backlash.
>not wanting to instill right wing ideals into her while sharing a post coital cig
ruined desu senpai baka
Your dick cant magically brainwash people.
lel nice troll
I think people do not care about these leftist commie retards in games
people just hate feminist and sjw
>Nobody ever claimed it was fake.
You should have seen the threads immediately after the Bloodlines 2 announcement.
ah, the good old days
My time
> drop rent, we can't pay 1400 a month. make it 500-800$ so we can live.
> no gentrification. stop pushing us out especially old people
>drop taxes/no new taxes
> union Now!
>safer community!
>stop lieing,putting religion into politics(unless jesus)
>stop putting criminals in areas full of kids. they are not equal to innocent people and it will hurt everyone around us if they revert.
>raise my payment by 13$ an hour so i can pay for my 9000 a month bills
>Fuck old people and the white man they both racist
>no new taxes unless the rich gets it and only them. give me that money too
> What do you mean i wasn't supposed to attack my customer. Union sucks
>my feel feels got hurt so you need to leave and do what i say
>what do you mean Detroit was our fault. What do you mean putting single mothers next to gangbangers and child rapes was a bad idea. thats racist.
yeah i was pleasantly surprised at the quality of cqm
technocrats keep disgusting supernatural creatures like that out of our lives
truly the good guys of the WoD setting...
what the fuck are you talking about you stupid boomer
I kinda wish she became the main character once you return to andrei and go after the giovanni. you're supposed to be part of her pact, not the other way around. I really enjoyed light RPing that I had become her bloodhound after being initiated. not in a sex way, it was just cool. I came to the sabbat being cocky as fuck and then found a place.
still the little bits of story about arturos thirst for vampire blood are pretty cool
>tfw tell him he needs to stop diablerizing
>meanwhile I got 6 disciplines
The only characters I want from the old game in the new game would be
>Beckett : would make sense because he is the mascot for white wolf, a traveler and a historian
>Grout: would be cool as a cameo and that he faked his own death in the previous game as many fans suspect
>maybe one of the thinbloods from the beach like stutter guy
>The cab driver/Caine
any other characters would be too out of place or unnecessary.
i'm talking about how things changed. maybe it was just my community but before antifa and other stupid shit would have been laughed at and seen as an excuse to avoid the truth than now where its shit-flinging left and right. VTM is most likely being controlled by these kinds of people and the game will be shit. one page of vtm talks about antifa as good guys
is the sequel's villain going to be Drumpf?
Couldn't PC be the same a'la baldur's gate ?
>stutter guy
Wait, fuck, that's Lily's boyfriend, isn't it? I hate not having the game in working condition.
yeah I think you are confused, stutter guy is the one who VV tells you to take care of because he was the screenwriters source. If you let him live he leaves LA forever so it wouldnt be out of the question if he fled to washington
>just got to the museum
>turn to my left and there's a raptor model sitting against the wall
>remember people talking about a raptor
is this what i think i'm getting into?
probably not
>stutter guy in VTMB2
>has gone unhinged after part one
>makes a movement of thin blood that kills any vampires they see
>real plan was to diablerie someone strong
>has done diablerie hundreds of time to lower gen
>you can either fight him as a thin blood while he is a walking super god 4th gen or a clan vamp who has done diablerie as well
>final boss
>good ending depends on if you did diablerie and stayed a thin blood(good ending) or if you are a clan vamp(bad ending)
Any idea when we will get a new update from the VTMB2 devs? Im excited to hear more about the game
this kindred knows his shit
No idea. Journos have already been shown a 30 minute demo so it could be soon
Yeah fuck those cammy bastards, Brujah for lyfe YUH
did you guys know the same woman that voices damsel voices heather? that's a 180 if i ever saw one
I wanna see Chunk
I think chunk having a cameo would be ok. but not as much face time as he did in the first game. he is a fan favorite though
Thank goodness this isn't happening
>The Camarilla arranges to have Chunk join the Seattle Police force and become Chief of Police
>His incompetence leads to wide spread corruption and an ineffective response time, so any evidence of vampire is either never recorded or mysteriously disapears
>But his honest nature and well meaning demeanor makes people think he's not the issue so he stays in his office
I'd dig it.
Now this I hope happens
>animal's life ceases to exist after critically wounding its body
Fuck off, Caine.
Their Avakang gets destroyed n' sheeit.
I think Caine's reasoning was that he was just offering the best sacrifice he could, and not committing murder.
Brujah are fucking brainlets, who are you trying to fool Damsel?
Then you were a fucking retard, Cainey.
can't wait for /pol/ to raid Yea Forums when bloodlines 2 inevitably has left-wing characters, and they're just fucking oblivious to the first game
Best clan in Bloodlines?
Can't wait for critics to praise this game like it's Baby Jesus reborn because it's "progressive", whatever the fuck that means nowadays.
You want to say that to my face, or do you just want sit behind that screen like those gross looking Nosferatu sewer dwellers and talk shit, you cammy fuck, I'll beat you up nerd!
There's a difference between having left wing characters, and being blatant intersectional leftie propaganda.
What makes the first game so praised around here?
Downtown theme gets fucking obnoxious after awhile. It sounds like chase music when your just trying to go report to daddy Lacroix.
Hollywood is max atmosphere
you're wrong, first I give them syphilis and then make sure they don't treat it
ten years later, bam, another MAGApede walks the earth thanks to my dick's persuasive abilities
Don't mind him, he's suffering from dementia caused by autism
I'm gonna miss Lacroix
>VtM2 will not have the same lively facial animations and body language from source in dialogues
This is the only thing I fear.
>Therese or Jeanette, pick one
Novelty I imagine. There's no other RPG that I can think of that allows you to play as amoral vampire who is in no way a hero or trying to save the world.
just nocliped through the boat mission and grout's mansion.
I love the game but they're just maps full of ennemies, I'll pass
Tremere are tremendous backstabbing faggots. I will punch every tremere player I see for what they did to saint Saulot
>female anything
Now you see, that's where you fucked up
cry more Triclops
Good luck, I'm behind 20 layers of Blood Shield
Tremere is the Camarilla's greatest ally Neonate, be sure to support your local Chantry.
Salubri are the best clan bar none
I seriously love the idea of Caine shitposting on Yea Forums and making excuses for himself and killing people who beat him in arguments
Not only that, the elohims didn't even know the concept until after. So Cain the cunt not only made vampires, he also made fucking demons and lucifer
>ugh, cammy...
the /pol/ boogeyman must keep you up at night
>she looks like she fucks Ventrue men
Who is going to diablerize every single diableriezable npc until you become an unhinged abomination of flesh with tons of minds screaming inside your brain
Can a sufficiently powerful torchlight kill a vampy prick? I mean, both the sunlight and light bulbs use lumens
>t. Tzimisce.
Everyone with obfuscate can maintain facade dumbo
I think bright lights weaken Followers of Set, but it has to be actual sunlight to kill a vampire.
The sun being able to scorch vampires is most likely a joke from big Dad
Most of the Anarchs are morons, user
>He picked Brujah
The Germany there's a vampire Fourth Reich that are technically Anarchs. It's also lead by Himmler.
I always self insert, so only toreadors or ventrues fit the bill.
>lets you keep Heather without the Sabbat killing her which removes the moral dilemma from that
Pretty sure the moral dilemma is still there, with her being basically your magical slave.
>blood tsunami comes in
>E. is shown surfing it
what do
>Pretty sure the moral dilemma is still there, with her being basically your magical slave.
Where's the moral dilemma in that?
I guess, but it just removes the culmination to really drive the point home if you keep her and she doesn't get killed. It's anticlimactic.
If i recall correctly even Schaffer likes Hollywood theme the most.
Well, i always thought of the yout regular 4channer as a good Nos candidate, so yeah...
>best hub gets best theme
every vampire needs a qt redhead ghoul that adores them
>Nosferatu - Yea Forums
>Toreador - Instagram
>Brujah - Twitter
>Ventrue - LinkedIn
>Gangrel - deviantart
>Tremere - Reddit
only if its bright/focused enough to ignite flesh
God, please let the Kuei-jin btfo the filthy worthless cainites. everything went to shit when they came along
If boards were the clans, which one would the big ones be?
fuck off back to china you demon whore
>Nosferatu - /r9k/
>Tremere - /x/
>Ventrue - /biz/
>Toreador - /fa/
>Malkavian - Yea Forums
>Gangrel - /out/
>Brujah - /pol/
>Tzimisce - /d/
Yea Forums- nosferatu
Yea Forums- malk
Yea Forums- sneed
an/- gangrel
/pol/- ventrue
/gif/- toreador
stream it faggot
>I mean, both the sunlight and light bulbs use lumens
I don't think it works like that.
Well I really like the different clans and that you can play multiple play throughs and still find new things.
The lore of the game is also really deep and fleshed out so that really keeps my interests.
/pol/ doesn't see the difference
Silent > reading everything out loud
It's just less repetitive, you just read the damn thing, no need to hear it again.
Also, fuck "Sarcastic" as a choice, should be called "smartass douchbag".
Before the changes on UP you would get the raptor straight to your face as you turn right giving you the spook, hence the note next to it.
>He doesn't know
>Imagine unironically liking Toreador the most
How old are we talking though, the likes of LaCroix or Jack not getting how to use a smartphone?
Or the player himself
What new things will you think the game will have? So far we know we will have some new powers to help traverse levels (telekinesis, blood mist and bat wings) and different types of blood gives off certain benefits.
What other powers or abilities do you think the clans will get?
>No vamps on Yea Forums, /vg/, /vr/ or /tg/
I take it they're other kinds of paranormal then?
LaCroix acts like a spoiled teenager despite being in the Napoleonic Wars, I doubt age matters much for vamps unless you're an elder or some shit.
I want Tremere to get shit like weather control or some other thaumaturgy lines. Also since Assamite blood magic is mixed with Tremere now some of their stuff would be dope
Yea Forums is baali. Always sneaking into other boards where nobody wants them
Since they're going for the "every clan has a very different route/this game is made for replays", the possibility of playing Kuei-jin would be cool
>tolerating undead, even sentinent ones
LMAO nice fanfic
Now don't make me purge you, foul evil scum.
Kuejin will not be a player thing. They aren’t vampires and they can’t embrace. They are made randomly when a chink dies.
kuei jin are a different species
That said, I want Lasombra/Tzimisce
I could see lasombra being added in with shadow step. But how would tzimisce even work?
Dunno, but Vicissitude would be broken as all hell
I think the new versions of Vampire got rid of Kuei-jin
I wonder how customizable havens will be. It seems like you get furniture in the pre order content
>chinatown that low
I'm disappointed in you guys
>tfw 0:50 hits
Well, it's not like you choose how you get embraced in the original Bloodlines either. Them being other species only makes it more interesting, but they would require a different game in that regard.
>play Tzimisce
>make furniture out of your beaten enemies
would be comfy
I'm not worried about furniture so much as the locations
Why is Brian a fat Dante?
Chinatown theme is my favorite, listened to it a lot after playing VtMB my first couple times. The others are still good too though.
you're fucking blind
Nigga I took the Masq violation.
why are there so many people in these threads who haven't played the first bloodlines or just makes wild assumptions with no basis in reality?
Imagine trying to fit into your old human circle of friends as a fucking vamp.
>>VtM2 is gonna look grey and have a generic art style
user, most of VTMB1 was fucking dreary and depressing looking/not colorful at all except for the lights and signs on buildings. The atmosphere was always supposed to look dark and depressing, what the fuck are you expecting, fucking colorful happy vibrant funland? I'm not saying VTMB looked bad at all but still. And the artstyle in the original wasn't that unique either, it was mainly due to them not having a huge budget and it being an older game. Seriously that part sounds like blatant nostalgiafagging on your part. I can maybe understand being worried about how some of the faces/characters will look though.
Who is best vampgirl and why is it Therese
She's so ugly.
It's either Pisha or that thinblood Malkavian who hangs out on the beach for me.
Gay sand nigger or something
>No option to disclipine her into keeping her life somewhat intact while serving me in secret.
[/spoiler] No option to spend blood to dick these lessons into her and make her a sex addict
Its like seeing a game on the cusp of greatness and falling like Icarus.
No contest
You know the Rules
What are your favorite WoD (new or old) P&P games?
wasn't she already a commie?
Anyone got a link to some of schaffer's latest stuff?
Here this faggot!?
Fuck you! You faggot!
WoD TT is for edgy teens and emos
...where do you get that from?
idk it seemed plausible and I stuck with it
I might be wrong on this but I was under the impression most kindred didn't give a fuck about kine shit and you cut ties with your past life, while this nigga fights for equality for both kine and kindred against "misogynistic elders" and hangs out with his friends from before his embrace. Also thought they didn't care much about fucking since drinking blood is so much better.
It is seen as dirty to hang out with humans and fuck.
She needed shit done but because she's a Toreador she's a pissy faggot and had to sweet talk some naive fledgling to do it for her.
they will
I don't think anyone bought her shit about "oh I love you so much bby you're not like all the other men"
and there is more
Fuck marry kill?
good goy!
Perfect for a seedy strip joint. A lot of the unused tracks are god tier though. My favorite of them would be this:
It's all so tiresome.
Don't you have anything better to shit up every single thread?
Fuck Velvet
Marry Therese and Jeanette
Kill the rest
I've yet to meet someone who unironically likes the Brujah.
Tell her to fuck off and kill her otherwise, the person you were may as well be dead.
>Tremere over Toreacucks
If you don't see how this might fuck up the story in this then you're a fucking retard
>Jeanette fucks up your marriage
>Therese blames and castrates you over it
m8 I'm hopeful but I'm not a fucking retard, those are redflags weather you like it or not.
>Tell her to fuck off and kill her otherwise, the person you were may as well be dead.
>not maintaining your humanity so you can achieve Golconda
Any news on how many hubs there will be?
>caring about humanity
>not playing as a sadist Toreador
>t. Sabbat
lmao all these retards falling for the bait
Did Salurbi get 100% wiped out or are there still a few around?
Its honestly a unique game.
Its unfinished, even broken in some parts before fan patches (after killing the hunter for example, you couldnt escape the cave, making the game uncompletable).
But as you play it, you can see how much love and attention to detail went into the game. Also an rpg that plays like one (multiple ways of completing quests, most skills except intimidation have their time and place).
Before the swears, its honestly one of the best (if not THE best) game Ive ever played.
is that a kiryu cosplay?
Theres a handful running around trying to find inner peace or whatever the fuck it is they do with that third eye
being married to the twins would be a goddamn nightmare
would be interesting tho
*unzips fly *
how? it's predictable
Kill Jeanette
Marry Therese
I want kukie or whatever her name is in the next game but she’d have to be older for that to happen :(
I think most people are aware of the potential issues but just spamming the same images in every thread doesn't do much more than start to annoy people who want to talk about something else
If there's no mention of crabnipples then Mitsoda can eat a fucking dick. Surely we'll get gameplay at E3 right?
>Its unfinished, even broken in some parts before fan patches (after killing the hunter for example, you couldnt escape the cave, making the game uncompletable).
The last patch the actual devs put out fixed that. The game still had some parts where it might lock up because an NPC got stuck, and it randomly crashed kind of often, but it was beatable.
Jack would probably learn, lacroix would be a bit dicey though
*uses bloodbuff*
Therese would be a terrible wife, what with her being a megalomaniac and all
need a dril edit of caine
If they turn her into some kind of leftist in the new one, I'm boycotting the game
>LaCroix calls in the Fledging demanding they show him how to use a smartphone
I could see it
that's the fire asshole right
Does Paradox even go to E3? Otherwise, yes. I'm pretty sure we'll get gameplay, maybe even earlier. They supposedly have a playable demo.
Nippon Buffy, no contest.
Damsel also is close up there (tsundere commie became kind of fetish to me after playing the game).
>The reason people are talking about a sequel to a cult classic Yea Forums has been talking about for years now is because lefties are shilling it
He'd probably just hire an assistant to use it for him. I think that's basically what most older vamps do, is get an assistant or sire someone younger who can do all the things they can't.
At this point I just want to know what clans are playable.
No, she just plainly hate you
what game is that?
>tfw you will never fuck the Anarch out of her with your Big Ventrue Cock
i thought they were working on a werewolf apocalypse game
reminder that the garou did everything wrong
Apologize you fucking loser.
I've seen enough waifufags to doubt that who insist she wasn't lying about liking you.
wish they'd port some of the nwod hunter stuff
playing as a jason voorhees type would be neat
Whatever happened to that? Has it been quietly shit canned or is it in development limbo?
To be fair a large amount of grown men act like entitled teenagers so it's not that out of place
This, she doesn't like cucks who bow down to the man.
That's Cyanide. Next year as well.
Also it changed publishers and is now under BigBen.
That game is being made too. They just haven't shown anything yet.
Might be in development hell.
They're blinded by their desire for a qt Toreador qt vampess
Setites are ancient Egyptian Toddposters.
Ventrue don't bow down to the man, they are the man.
god imagine one of the boss fights in 2 being a HITmark or something
I would have gladly, the punk rockers are my go to, and I think they're one of the strongest clans when it comes to Human/Vamp relations, even if they do fall apart when it comes to Vampire/Vampire relationships, particularly those orderly and elusive ones like the Camarilla.
Bloodlines simply didn't really provide a good incentive to pick them. The Male Brujah model is easily the worst. Not just bland like Ventrue or Tremere, just straight up bad with his neutral stance and animations, while the Female model is only passable. Melee combat was by far the weakest aspect of the game mechanically and brawling quickly came up short and intimidation was worthless and even detrimental to use at times. So that's pretty much everything the Brujah excel at just being lackluster
Part of why I'm really excited for the next game is a combat system that shows off how God tier Potence + Celerity is for just tearing apart everyone.
Fuck, Marry, Fuck, Fuck then Marry, Marry, Kill
I'd believe that Caine spends his nights shitposting on Yea Forums
>they are the man.
That would be even worse. You aren't the bitchboy who bows down to the cunt she doesn't, you ARE the cunt she doesn't like.
I'll show you whose the man, Vencuck
*unzips dick*
Except the Ventrue and Gangrel can be just as good at physical combat as the Brujah, and they both have the added bonus of Dominate and furry shit respectively. Brujah are just a bunch of radical brainlets LARPing while the other clans do all the important shit.
I just hope that Tzimisce are eventually playable in 2
>instead of telling people to kill themselves you can flesh shape them into the demented little goblins from 1
>can then mulch the goblins to turn them into one big thing
women love men with power, user.
She's a brujah nigger. She'll think no one man can have all that power.
>be malk
>mfw siring a guy with downs syndrome
>his delusion is being overly logical
>tzimisce buddy sires a guy with severe parkinson's
it writes itself
>Brujah: fuck the MAN, we're radical free thinkers bro
>Also Brujah: You better do whatever the fuck Nines tells you to
Me too, but they still aren't on the PnP. We might get Lasombra though.
brujah kind of shit on the other clans in p&p in direct combat
Swiftly followed by becoming a Kuei-jin thread.
and then dabbed on by ravnos/the technocracy and retconned out of existence
I really hope you have to worry about the masquerade more often, felt like in the first one it was far too easy to not get one, plus with people constantly taking pictures and videos with their phones and posting them online it feels like it would be much more of a concern. Also hope there's a fair bit of thought put into the background stuff, like how if you use to be a cop and end up at a station a coworker might recognise you.
Ventrue antitribu
Fuck off Brujah 56% mutt.
>VV, Heather and Jeanette
Kill Marry Fuck
>Damsel, Yukie and Venus
Fuck Marry Kill
Ventrue are capable of taking hits thanks to Fortitude, as well as Dominate and Presence maybe convincing their enemies to not to hit their pretty face as hard as they deserve, but it's silly to say they're as physical a clan as Gangrel or Brujah. Their strongest suit is their social ability. Conversely the Gangrel deny that major aspect of their being, choosing to be loners, and focusing on being able to survive a life away from Jyhad. Meanwhile Brujah embrace that aspect of Vampire life via counter culture.
Marry Yukie
Fuck Jeanette
Murder everyone expect Heather
Tell Heather to fuck off and get her ugly ass out of my apartment
Protean and Animalism honestly don't really manifest as show stopping physical abilities until you're dealing with Elders with access to the advance abilities. The Gangrel and Venture are tough but neither can hold a candle to the brutality of the Celerity + Potence combo the Brujah claim in physical combat.
>oy vey yes goyim, listen to Nines, not LaCroix
Fuck off nigger, I go my own path like a true Alpha.
there's some things you can do I guess
>activate fortitude and light yourself on fire
>ALL the Russian brujahs together got btfo by Baba Yaga, and elderly sweet lady
>>VtM2 is not gonna have inspired voice acting with each actors putting in double effort
This is something that I noticed immediately when playing the game for the very first time this month. The voice acting is fucking phenomenal, man.
>elderly 4th motherfucking gen vampire
There is very few things that wouldn't gt btfo'd by that
She really did know me, didn't she?
i wouldnt
how do i do the zombie mission at the cemetery in hollywood
i'm ranged if it helps at all
The only thing that we really know is your first point, mainly because Rik isn't in the same place he was then, which iirc was just out of rehab and living on a friends couch.
>t. hunter who shot one ghoul
Ah, the famous delusion of an malk
get headshots
alternatively use the knife
only kill shit at each gate, dont worry about the fuckers in the middle
You don't, just go find my dude some pussy, man. Help a guy out.
baba yaga (more like baba homo) got owned by a little girl
I beat up little girls on the daily
Just run back and forth between the gates to clear them, don't try to kill every zombie in the area, just the ones on the gates. And get a high capacity gun to use since zombies die in one headshot, so the glock or an SMG would be good.
Alright lorefags why would the 3rd gens want to kill all their kids if they made them in the first place?
Just because your penis is small and feminine doesn't mean it's a girl user
>t. hunter doesn't even have True Faith
4 inches is average fuck off
my right and my left, are true and faith
Older vampires don't get any sustenance from humans or animals anymore, they need blood from other vampires. Some Antes just hate their offspring too, like Absimiliard.
Does that mean Caine has drain other kindred too?
>t. armless ex-hunter
So was she actually a friend or a hunter in disguise, like the stripper in the sex shop nearby? I wish there was more with her, if you let her call she just tells them she found you and you were okay, and just follows you reasurring you everything will be fine and then vanishes as soon as you exit a shop? Plus iirc the dialogue makes it sound like you don't know her.
I don't think so, Caine is different because he has complete control over the blood and can pretty much make it do anything he wants.
>measly 4
You must be a tremere
Brujah live with their revolutions for a long time though. Damsel will be wearing Che Guevara shirts in the year 2100
Is there a single truly unlikeable character in Bloodlines? Besides Vandal. Fuck that guy.
>implying it's not the Toreador with small dicks and attempting to over compensate
Why was Pisha's face so good looking compared to everyone else?
The tattoos and eyes, maybe
I never really liked Nines, but that's just me
Susan. That bitter as fuck nosferatu who wants you to ruin some porn stars life because she's butt hurt. Ming, LaCroix.
an atmosphere that is uniquely a product of its time, an environment that only existed on the West Coast in 2004, more than anything that's what makes people love it
also the music and writing are great and a speech build is mostly viable
Don't @ me
I really really really wanted to bang Velvet, fuck.
Man, get's the blood flowing.
I barely remember anything about him to have any strong feelings on him, you don't get to talk to him much before he vanishes, and depending on your later choices shows up once or twice after around the end, when you go to meet him and if you go Anarch/Independent ending.
I thought City Gangrel were the min-max 1v1 me faget melee specialists
Those are all still good characters, because they make you dislike them in exactly the way the writers intended.
Super minor character, but Kiki.
If there was an option to rip her throat out then and there, I would have.
Would a Venture Anarch make any sense?
The question was who were unlikeable characters, not shit characters. You don't have to be likeable to be a good character.
ming xiao and basically all the kuei jin and their allies