Have you ever pretended to be a girl in an online game Yea Forums? It's alright to admit it I won't judge you
Have you ever pretended to be a girl in an online game Yea Forums? It's alright to admit it I won't judge you
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I wouldn't say I pretended to be a girl, but people naturally assume I'm a girl and I don't bother to correct them.
No but my sister pretends to be a man so nobody annoys her
Sure tranny
this but unironically
No, but I told a lady I was 21 to "date" her when I was 11. She was in her late 20s.
to get free shit on phantasy star online me and a buddy would pretend to be girls shit was ez
I used to pretend to be a girl in MMOs and sites like shamchat to help guys masterbate. The idea of helping a man unburden himself like that, was highly erotic to me.
okay faggot
I'd help you if you want user
So, yes, you have pretended to be a girl in an online game.
This, but I don't hide it either if it's a game with voice chat. I'll talk on mic with my man voice
nope, despite being more of a SJW than you deluded idiots, I'm still comfortable with my cis heterosexuality.
okay faggot
i'm not gay
no but i fuck boys who pretend to be girls on the internet
RPing is bannable, not sure I will be able to actually.
>play both male and female characters, depending on what fits the aesthetics and story the best
>have never been mistaken for a woman ever
>start playing FFXIV
>play a hyur female because I like how they look in paladin gear
>third ever dungeon I do some guy assumes I'm a girl and starts trying to chat me
I mean I guess I can understand if the character was emote spamming healer or something but I was literally tanking what the hell
I do that too, but on /trash/
It's one of the few things that makes me feel like I have any value.
Hello user.
When I got in voice chat my raid members still couldn't tell.
not even once
Then leave an email or something
How are you doing today, user?
Made a female char to cosplay as best gem, and a few weeks in, some ESL fuck starts hitting on me. I swear he was Indian; I could smell it through my screen
A kindred spirit. You are doing the Lord's work I assure you.
I'm okay, I'm just eating breakfast! And you?
I always create a female character, so sometimes I do get more attention for it.
I've also been called a girl in regular conversation online, I write music and have a few mascots I use for album covers that are oc anime girls. Even though it states I'm male and my real name everywhere, fans sometimes refer to me as a girl.
this but more than not bothering I just can't bring myself to correct them because it's so humiliating so I just end up being refered to as a girl until I stop playing the game
I'm doing pretty good! I'm on my way home right now. What video games are you gonna play today?
Never, and I’ve never had people just assume I’m a girl irl either even when playing a female character.
I’m not sure what games you guys are playing where everyone is either a closet tranny or a desperately lonely beta orbiter.
Probably Sekiro and maybe Monster Hunter World since I've been dallying picking that up and I believe it was added to the Xbone game pass today. Possibly Risk of Rain 2.
Sounds like you'll have a busy day then. Have fun!
Thank you user, please have a nice day!
because when I'm so shy and bad even when I play a male character people assume I'm a teenage girl, also they say I type like a girl but I don't understand what that mean so I guess it's just a way for them to pretend having arguments ?
Hope you have a wonderful day aswell.
kill yourself
That's not very nice of you.
No, but if someone starts saying shit about me I will threaten to suck their dicks and call them gay. silences them everytime
Haha but that's gay haha.
>Left 4 Dead
>Play a Zoey
>Literally fooled a guy into thinking this
>Really became obsessive in a matter of minutes
Why do let ourselves become this way?
In my experience it's usually thirsty third worlders.
>train girl voice
>use girl voice
>people think I'm a girl
No. I always play as a male character and I have masculine mannerisms. I'm old enough that men were still raised to be men. Zoomers are lost.
vocaroo pls
>train girl voice
probably sucking lots of dick and semen
Post music
You are now reminded of "that" snowman
How do I stop wanting to fuck anons?
why are anons so fucking cute holy shit
You guys memed they'd all be fat but there's a lot of skellies and twinks
and the fat ones are only slightly chubby anyway
I used to in a few MMOs, easiest way to get free shit
fuck off closet tranny
Was this manga ever finished?
Raising pitch is very easy. Working on your intonation to sound more like a girl is the real work, but it becomes easier as you just use your voice.
Focus on not being monotone like all men usually speak.
Never pretended, but people have helped me / given me stuff assuming I was a girl because of my character. One of the first days on my priest in vanilla WoW I was getting annoyed with the Nelf furbolg dungeon quest, asked for someone to help, a higher level helped me clear it, gave me full bags and 40g and started asking me questions about myself, when he found out I was a guy he asked for the gold back.
But user
I want to fuck them in the ass as a man
What a whore.
Not intentionally. It wasn't until a new member to my guild asked if I really was a girl that I realized that everyone thought I was a girl, and that's why they kept giving me free shit. I just thought they were nice to new players.
Did you say yes?
when the phantasy star online demo became available on xbox 360 I used to create new human characters and lure other raid players to my apartment and e-sex them by spamming sit emotes /rping and sending breathing and moaning voice messages with my squirrely kid voice. I can't remember what I demanded in return from them but I might have just done it for fun and jerked off later
No, I told him I wasn't. I stopped playing the next week anyway.
>play any female willing or otherwise
>recieve this treatment from horny teammates
>every fucking time
and people wonder why I prefer male characters
I once was in a group in an MMO and someone joined us. Our part of the premade consisted of me, male, my best bud, also male, and a female we've known for a while. Because my character was the cutest, they assumed I was the female of the group. I use this to pick on her to this day.
>Choosing to not get preferential treatment and free shit
You do you I guess. If people are stupid enough to think I'm a girl because my character is I'll gladly take their shit.
I pretended to be a girl in Ragnarok but I had my girlfriend pose for her when they asked for proofs. I wasnt even trying to hustle people though, I just wanted to be a girl but I still got free stuff