I've never met a single person with good taste in video games

I've never met a single person with good taste in video games.

I refuse to waste my time on anyone who doesn't have good taste in video games. I have no friends. Have you ever met someone who didn't have absolute trash taste in games?

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Post your favorite games so I can laugh at you OP

Well it's not you, OP
You're just, as always, a cock gobbling faggot

I have good taste. Proof: Chinatsu best Yuru.

>I have no friends.
I'm not surprised.

My little sister is so attached she immediately inherited the same taste for vidya as myself, so we have fun playing the same games all the time, life is good

I love your favorite games and hate your least favorites
Do I have good taste?

>Vagrant Story
>Rogue Galaxy
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
>Gravity Rush
>Shinobido 2
>Hotel Dusk Room 215
>Mario Kart DS
>Animal Crosing Wild World
>Dragons Dogma
>Metal Gear Solid 3
>Resident Evil 4
>Zelda Wind Waker
>Fallout New Vegas

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kys, the newest game there came out like 7 years ago

Generic ironic weeaboo discord faggot. neck yourself, cuck

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I mean thats good and all but you haven't play anything new recently?

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I thought you said you had good taste

I've played plenty of new games and still do. None of them have impressed me much though. Even though my favourites are all 5+ years old, I only played some of them for the first time in the last year or two. So it's not nostalgia.

Excellent taste.

I do


>Abloo bloo muh western trash
Make better games and I'll put them on my list. The last time the west made good games was on the PS2.

new leaf is an improvement over wild world in every way. kys faggot

Thanks user. What're your favourites?

Below cum filled shit tier taste

>I do

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how pathetic is your life that you refuse to be friends with anyone who doesn't perfectly aline their tastes with yours?

Where's the good taste?

I played New Leaf and I didn't like it.

It's been a few years so I don't recall specifics but it just didn't have the same magic. I still pop into my Wild World town now and then.

Based but normie as fuck
How have you never met anyway that likes these? Do you live in a cave?

My time is important to me. I'd rather watch a good movie or anime or play a game than hang out with some guy I have barely anything in common with. I'd rather be alone than have a half assed connection with another person, and liking the same things is important to me.

I know plenty of people who like those games, you're just a faggot

>shadow of the colossus
>gravity rush
>fallout new vegas
>wind waker
>dragons dogma
Basic bitch, but apex basic bitch

>I have no friends
Yeah I can see why

Basic bitch taste

The closest I've ever gotten was someone liking ONE of those games. And then they go on about pleb shit like Pokemon Go or Asscreed.

It's important to me that someone not only likes similar games to me, but that they're not just surface level "haha I played that game for 3 hours it's like my favourite game ever haha".

That is extremely petty and narcissistic

I don't live where you live

Post your lists if you're gonna talk shit, otherwise keep walking

Literally every person I have ever met is trash at video games and mostly like FPS and sports titles

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Shadow of the colossus is my all time favorite.

Don't you have any other hobbies?


It's my business how I spend my time. If I'd rather be alone than waste it with someone I only "kind've like" then how is that petty or narcissistic? I'm not EXPECTING people to exist to entertain me or cater to my tastes, I'd just rather not associate with people I have barely anything in common with.

>Don't you have any other hobbies?

Anime, movies and posting on Yea Forums. I know I'm a boring person, I don't expect anyone to find me interesting.

It was the first game I got emotionally invested in, it's really a special game. You can tell the creator was really passionate about it.

Because your requirements for a friend is someone who aligns with your specific tastes and opinions.
It is silly. I have the feeling you are the type of guy who cries himself to sleep because he is lonely too.
>"kind've like"

i only play touhou is that good taste

>"Hey user you like video games right?"
>Yeah, I'm playing Monster Hunter currently
>"Oh yeah cool, I bought Tiger Woods PGA 07,08 and 09"
>.Y-Yeah? Cool.
>"Yeah, don't wanna miss out on the new content between the game y'know"

This is when I gave up trying to find common ground with normalfags where games are concerned. It's not their fault, they're just giant fucking casuals and never seem to move beyond what EA and Ubisoft shill to them.

>Because your requirements for a friend is someone who aligns with your specific tastes and opinions.
If we have nothing in common, we have nothing to talk about. If we have nothing to talk about, there's no bond to form. If there's no bond to form, it's not a real friendship.

If my friend wouldn't treat me like we're family, then I'd rather be alone. You can keep your acquantances and fair weather friends, I've got no time for that fakeness.

You get a pass because there's some good Patchouli hentai

>If we have nothing in common, we have nothing to talk about.
Just because he doesn't have your specific tastes does not mean you have nothing in common.
>If we have nothing to talk about, there's no bond to form.
Guess you hated your parents and siblings then.
>If my friend wouldn't treat me like we're family
I doubt anyone treats you like family if you require a review process before they are allowed to hang out with you.

>Just because he doesn't have your specific tastes does not mean you have nothing in common.
If he like FPS games and Fifa, I have nothing to say to him.

>Guess you hated your parents and siblings then.
I didn't hate them, I just didn't bond with them. I haven't spoken to any of them since I left home 6 years ago. It's not edginess, I just have 0 desire to spend time with people I don't connect with.

>I doubt anyone treats you like family if you require a review process before they are allowed to hang out with you.
I don't tell everyone I meet "YOU HAVE FAILED TO IMPRESS ME, WE ARE NEVER GOING TO BE FRIENDS". I talk to them with an open mind, remain polite, and when they reveal their power level I make a mental note to not bother talking to them anymore unless I have to. I don't get why this is upsetting to you.

Sometimes I forget just how autistic the people browsing this board are.
Thanks for reminding me, op.

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>If he like FPS games and Fifa, I have nothing to say to him.
Which is extremely petty and narcissistic
>It's not edginess, I just hate my parents and they dont deserve my time
Oh yeah wow.
>I make a mental note to not bother talking to them anymore unless I have to.
Exactly, he failed your requirements and is thus barred from hanging out with your highness.
Call your mom and apologize for being such a faggot

I don't play video games.

>Which is extremely petty and narcissistic
No it's not. If some guy starts talking to you about stamps, you're not gonna give a fuck. You're not gonna sit there and listen to him longer than you have to.

>It's not edginess, I just hate my parents and they dont deserve my time
Nice reading comprehension you overly emotional baby

>Exactly, he failed your requirements and is thus barred from hanging out with your highness.
Yes, so what? Do you hang out with the retard who serves you in McDonalds? Why not?

jesus this list is sh
>Hotel dusk room 215
absolutely based and hydepilled, have you played the sequel last window?

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>absolutely based and hydepilled, have you played the sequel last window?
I'm playing through it right now, I'm at Chapter 2. So far it seems just as charming as the first game.

post pics of her feet

>No it's not. If some guy starts talking to you about stamps, you're not gonna give a fuck.
But I would. Especially if I like him as a person because I am not bound by some petty contract that states that anyone who differs from me is a waste of my time.
>Nice reading comprehension you overly emotional baby
No, I read it just fine. Your mother and father are not worth your precious time and so you ignore them. How mature of you.
>Do you hang out with the retard who serves you in McDonalds? Why not?
Why not? Because I do not know him. He just give me food, but if I sat down and talked to him he might turn out to be a pretty cool guy. He doesn't need to have my exact tastes for me to think that.

Even boring people have friends.
The secret is to not be overly judgmental of what they like or don't like.

>But I would.

>How mature of you.
Nothing annoys me more than when I'm watching a movie and someone says "BUT YOU'RE FAMILY, FAMILY STICKS TOGETHER". I don't owe them shit, I'm free to ignore them all I like.

>but if I sat down and talked to him he might turn out to be a pretty cool guy
More likely than not he's someone you have nothing in common with and the depth of your conversations would be "see the footy last night m8?".

No, I'm keeping those to myself

Maybe I am just a rational person that doesnt expect people to be clones of myself
>I don't owe them shit, I'm free to ignore them all I like.
wow, you really do have the mentality of an edgy teen. I guess you reneged on the whole "friends should treat me like family" thing
>More likely than not he's someone you have nothing in common with and the depth of your conversations would be "see the footy last night m8?".
I don't know what a footy is, but I am pretty sure I would be interested in his thoughts on it.
Now there is a limit. I dont expect you to be friends with a literal mouthbreather, but there is no reason to write people off for something as petty as not having the same vidya tastes.

Do you have autism?

I never got tested but one of my siblings has assburgers.

Doesnt surprise me

>but there is no reason to write people off for something as petty as not having the same vidya tastes.
And yet I do it every day and will keep doing it because I can. I refuse to be guilted into wasting my life on people I don't care about.

>And yet I do it every day and will keep doing it because I can.
And you will die alone
>I refuse to be guilted into wasting my life on people I don't care about.
If you don't care about your own family then I doubt you care about anyone

>And you will die alone
Everyone does. Look around you, look at how many abandoned elderly people there are shuffling about. Even your own kids, if you have any, will abandon you.

Peak autism

>ITT: OP is Shadow the Hedgehog.

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>Even your own kids, if you have any, will abandon you.
This assumption just proves your are a sad and pathetic person. I really hope you come out of this childish attitude and open yourself up more.

The sooner you stop being naive the better off you'll be.

The sooner you stop being an edgy teen the better off you will be.
How the fuck is not shutting people out because they have different tastes "naive"?

>The sooner you stop being an edgy teen the better off you will be.
I'm 26. If I don't want to talk to someone, I won't talk to them. That's all there is to it. Since when is it edgy to do what you want, instead of what other people want you to?

>How the fuck is not shutting people out because they have different tastes "naive"?
I was talking about the kids thing.

I'm not sure what you wanted from this thread, but I hope you got it, OP.
Maybe you'll realize one day that there's more to a person than his taste in video games
I doubt you will though.

There is just no point talking to you. I hope you have fun living a shallow and lonely life until you inevitable suicide at 34.
Remember, don't aim the gun at you frontal lobe. There is a good chance of survival if you do that.

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Op would you want a clone of yourself to be friends with?

You overvalue your importance and personality

>Op would you want a clone of yourself to be friends with?
No. I enjoy disagreeing on things and discussing different interpretations. I don't want someone who just repeats all my opinions, but we have to have SOME things in common.

If you have the same taste in games, how can you disagree over them?

Beause you can both like a game but for different reasons, and you can even dislike parts of a game you both like that the other one doesn't dislike.

And if we have a common ground of a large number of games we both like, and then he likes a few other games I don't like and vice versa then that's fine too.

It sounds like video games are your only hobby. How do you not get bored/burnt out?

>Vagrant Story
>Rogue Galaxy
>Shadow of the Colossus
Basic bitch but good
>Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
>Gravity Rush
>Shinobido 2
>Hotel Dusk Room 215
You're not as quirky as you think
>Mario Kart DS
Lol get real
>Animal Crosing Wild World
Mentally 12 years old
>Dragons Dogma
>Metal Gear Solid 3
Good but not even the best MGS
>Resident Evil 4
Fine but not even a top 3 Resident Evil game
>Zelda Wind Waker
Whatever tier
>Fallout New Vegas

You don't even pass your own test. Time to find a new hobby to base your identity on.

Honestly I have few qualms about peoples shit tastes, as that just leads to converstaion and debate.
The problem I have is with people who irrationally hate or give 2 shit ls about a series or genre for little to no reason. I'll admit im a fucking weeb but ill play just about everything given the right pitch. Ive recomended rpgs or VNs to friends to talk about em and they claim its too anime for them, despite claiming Fire emblem and Neptunia are great.
Flexibility is key. People can have shit taste, but a flexible friend can at least try to understand you.

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I watch anime, movies or tv when I get bored of games.

wow op you've really opened my eyes, a lot of your opinions and mannerisms remind me of myself. Although now that ive seen them in third person has made me realise how much of an asshole I really am. I think im going to not try and be such a close minded individual now, thanks.

Maybe you have the trash tastes?

Then you can talk with that friend about these topics instead of just videogames.

>Then you can talk with that friend about these topics instead of just videogames.
Most people have never even watched anime, let alone have good taste in it. And I'm only surface level myself when it comes to movies/tv shows.

You got pretty good taste bb