What games do the 25+ people of Yea Forums play? How has your taste change with years? How nitpicky about shit are you now?
What games do the 25+ people of Yea Forums play? How has your taste change with years...
I don't play video games
>What games do the 25+ people of Yea Forums play?
The good ones.
>How has your taste change with years?
For the better.
>How nitpicky about shit are you now?
A lot.
Been playing a lot of DMCV, Resident evil 2 Remake, Rocket League and mobile rhythm games
I mostly play retro games or japanese games in these days,the only western games i can stomach are old modded ones or Grand Strategy/Roguelikes.
I don't play games. However, I do enjoy shit posting in video game forums.
I've always played the mainstream jap shit like MGS, RE, DMC, FF, etc. Tried to dabble in jrpgs but holy fuck I don't have that kind of time. Nowadays I mostly play Siege with friends, so in a way, the thing that's changed the most is that I play more socially now than before. A bit of advice? Don't have kids. Don't get married. It took me over a month to find the time to beat DMCV on normal.
I play the Game of Thrones CK2 mod, Open Xcom, Sim City 2000, and heavily modded versions of Fallout 3, Oblivion, and Skyrim
I'm considering purchasing X-Wing vs TIE Fighter
>What games do the 25+ people of Yea Forums play?
90% RPGs
>How has your taste change with years?
It’s mostly stayed the same
>How nitpicky about shit are you now?
Im actually less picky now since I’ve been trying to play more highly recommended games I think I’d like
Only roleplaying games, and almost only those that have romance options. Sex is optional.
>What games do the 25+ people of Yea Forums play?
The same games I played 20 years ago, plus whatever modern games interest me.
I've recently been playing Sega CD games and Sekiro for example.
>How has your taste change with years?
It hasn't really. I still like what I like, which is most genres.
>How nitpicky about shit are you now?
Kind of nitpicky, but I dont always let it ruin a game for me. Small flaws dont bother me.
>How has your taste change with years?
Not substantially, I think. I am a lot more picky and I won't settle for mediocrity nearly as easily though. Back when games like Oblivion or Fo3 or Far Cry 3 came out, I knew they weren't good, but I still poured tens of hours into them. Nowdays, I can't usually be even bothered.
I also used to be extremely interested in games that experimented with new forms of narrative, and was willing to put up with a lot of bad just to see how far can the medium be taken - I'd play walking sims and shit, but nowdays, I can see the novelty wear off, and can't be arsed most of the time.
I also discovered draw of a few genres I would not be interested in in the past. Factorio, I think, was a bit of a breaking point for me - since that, I discovered I have a lot of patience and love for management and sim games, that I thought I wasn't nearly patient enough.
But other than that, it's not a drastic change. I still like mostly the same genres, still look for mostly the same kinds of experiences:
Complex and interesting stories and roleplaying in RPG's, old-school shooters for winding off, every now and then those few narrative-focused games that actually are worth it.
I've been playing a lot of Marble Nest and Pathologic Alpha in anticipation for the first part of Pathologic 2.
A lot of Skylines, Factorio, trying out Factory Town, but also Dusk and Amid Evil.
In the more recent memory, my favorite major releases were Prey, TW3, Alien Isolation and Rimworld, I guess.
>What games do the 25+ people of Yea Forums play?
I grew up with hand me downs (am 23) so close enough I guess:
I don't play much new stuff, honestly. I usually replay games I'm familiar with and once in a blue moon buy a new release. Unfortunately I usually only play for a few hours before I drop it. Last game I completed shortly after release was Metal Gear Solid V. Currently in the middle of my 2nd runs of RE2 but I haven't played it in about a month. Also I love fighting games but haven't played them as often as I used to. Very excited for VtMB2
>How has your taste change with years? How nitpicky about shit are you now?
Yes, incredibly nitpicky but my taste is somewhat the same. I guess nowadays I'm constantly chasing the high of being young and finishing a game. I hold every game to the standards of a starry eyes kid/teenager so as an adult, I can't replicate the same feeling - so every game feels like a mediocre run despite the game having critical acclaim (example: I didn't enjoy TLOU).
Really, I only enjoy Old School RuneScape, Platinum games, Capcom games, old RPGs (ME2 and older), and the occasional multiplayer shooter (like Overwatch). Other than that, I've focused my attention to other hobbies IRL. I don't play Vidya as much, but I really enjoy raving and socializing with normies.
My taste hasn't changed too much over time, but I know pretty quickly if a game is worth my time. Lately I've been having better luck with indie games than AAA ones. Just finished Axiom Verge, and now I'm getting into Dead Cells. Also, despite how large my game backlog is, I keep replaying old favorites. I suppose it's because with the limited amount of time I have for gaming, I'd rather jump into something I know will be entertaining, rather than risk wasting an evening with something mediocre.
>what games do you play?
Almost anything that catches my eye. I try to keep an rpg on my “currently playing” list at all times, but I find myself seeking out more couch multiplayer titles. I’ve found playing games with my gf or kid brother to be a lot more fun.
>how has your taste changed?
I want to say that it really hasn’t, though I know my habits have. I was a hardcore completionist, I generally wouldn’t choose to play a game that didn’t feature some competitive element. I’m now more content to kick back and let video games be the fun thing I do in my free time, as opposed to the way of life it was through my teens and earlier 20s
>how nitpicky are you?
Not very. I’m more open to new experiences, and generally make purchases without consulting reviews or any other outside influence. If it looks interesting, I’ll play it. If the story isn’t as strong as I would have liked, sure I’m let down, but it doesn’t get my panties twisted. Same with all other elements of a game; if they’re imperfect, so be it. It’s just a game.
I think my taste has gotten worse as I've gotten older. I have almost exclusively played anime jrpg's for the last 2 years. When I was younger I played mostly the AAA releases that were hugely popular, I still check out the occasional Assassin's Creed or some open world game but usually don't feel engaged enough to finish the story.
I don't have time to play much games anymore even though I'm single and see my friends only 1-2 times a week
>not enough time for vidya
>still sees friends a few times per week
You know what must be done.
I'm 32 and still play weeb garbage like Tokyo Xanadu and Cold Steel. I'm convinced my brain has been progressively rotting.
>What games do the 25+ people of Yea Forums play?
weeb shit. No western games.
Currently playing DMC 5, then Sekiro and then hopefully a remaster of Onimusha 2, 3, and 4 get's announced at E3.
go back to living with my mom? Nah, I'm happy I can fap with the door opened now
I used to be a whore for grafix and consoles growing up, but now I've been going back and playing games that I missed as a tween/teen (VtMB, Dude Sex, various emulator games) and really enjoying them. Recently grabbed Objects in Space cuz it hits all my newfound vidya sweet spots, it's great. Not super nitpicky either, try to approach games with an attitude of "I'm going to enjoy this for what it is, no expectations" and it pays off.
t. 29 year old
I play 10% newer games 90% older games. My favorite systems are the Saturn, Original Xbox, PS2, Genesis, SNES, and PCE.
For the past few years I've been playing more less mainstream japanese games and standard western shit. My taste has slowly become more japanese due to the increased quality i've seen, but once I clear my backlog I plan to start digging into more western games. I've never been nitpicky, but I'm a lot more forgiving of faults in the game if I like specific parts about it a lot
A mixture of old PC games I never played, indie games, and occasionally a triple A title.
Sad to say, I've just been replaying GBA games from my childhood (Battle Network, Golden Sun, etc). Don't really have the time or energy to really get into flashy AAA titles anymore
Got nitpicky as shit.
>too long intro videos, uninstall
>too long loading times, uninstall
>needless menu transitional animations, uninstall
>not in-game 60 seconds from starting the game and going into new game mode, uninstall
>unskippable intros, uninstall
>need to quit to main menu to edit settings, unisntall
Sad but true
*My taste hasn't really changed, I'm still mostly into platform, RPG, horror, and some action. I'm not nitpicky I just have less time.
I'll turn 27 next month and I'm only playing nes/snes/genesis games now.
I think they're part of the ultimate era of the vg industry, no bullshit like bad framerate, dlc, cinematic snoyfest, casual difficulty. Only pure unfiltered video game kino at his highest peak.
I'm 25 and I have been playing a lot of Persona and Devil May Cry recently. Been thinking about playing Morrowind again.
Risk of Rain 2
Elite Dangerous
All of these in the past few weeks. 31 years old btw