Why is Switch being ignored so hard?
Persona 5 not coming to Switch
>some literally who faggot post from resetera
why would you bother posting this garbage here. unironically kill yourself
The Switch is meant for Nintendo's games. It treats third-parties as secondary trash. Meanwhile PS4/Xbone are both designed with third-party support in mind.
Switch is going down the same mediocre mess Wii and 3DS became.
>verified on shitty forum
He's done a number of reliable leaks before. Just deal with Switch being left in the dust again.
>he once leaked that a direct would feature release dates and that mario would be included in the next mario sports game
Tell me honestly, do you think at this rate that Persona 5 will come out on Switch? Do you think that's plausible?
Let's be honest, even if the Switch got Persona 5 it would just be written down ass another port and mocked for it
considering third party support is relegated to shitty old ports Nintendo made the right decision
I like how the post you screencapped says it's still possible for a port yet your title says otherwise
name them
I can't believe they still don't support larger switch game catridges.
They said they would be using them starting 2019.
If it does get announced on the 26th, people will say it was "obviously" coming to Switch because Joker in Smash and P5S
We've heard insider info since last year that a port is coming, the S obviously hints towards it happening, and we have no idea what else it would be anyway. If it is not a Switch announcement I will personally be very surprised. (Of course, Atlus could be setting this up as a total 'fuck you' to Nintendo by getting their fans' hopes up, lol)
Switch isn't being ignored by Atlus. Altus takes their ass time moving to new systems, every, single, time, without fail.
>Persona 4 was released on the PS2 in 2008
>Persona 5 was announced for PS3 and to be released in 2014, it actually comes to both PS3 and PS4, in 2016, and 2017 rest of the world
>Atlus was still making 3DS games up until last year, now localizing the last one
Just because it supports them doesn't mean third parties will start using them
8 GB cards are the same as a regular blu ray disc i hear
>resetera leaker says things nintendo fans want to hear
>resetera leaker says things nintendo fans don't want to hear
literally who? he's not credible!
I don't own any of the current consoles. I'm just sick of resetera screenshots being posted. Yea Forums is shit enough as it is
>third party support is relegated to shitty old ports
so... just like the first party support, then?
Nintendo actually makes new games as well
wii u ports are not new games.
>as well
Too expensive.
>Atlus says SMTV is the first time they have developed for and worked on Switch
>Somehow people think Persona 5 is coming to Switch
What like Crafted world? Aka the same Yoshi game again but this time ripoing off LBP?
Joker being added to smash has already made it 100% confirmed, even clouds game made it onto the switch eventually.
>ripping off LBP
Nintendo + Exclusive games.
I want to kill myself every time somebody says "perfect for the Switch"
Gonna save the whole thread
Retards pretending to be butthurt Nintendo fan boys post retarded shit and retards pretending to be smug Sony faboys responding with retarded shit.
Do you fucks not get tired of doing this fucking retarded song and dance every fucking minute of every fucking day?
go back
>Do you fucks not get tired of doing this fucking retarded song and dance every fucking minute of every fucking day?
Why would I? Seeing tendies seething is fun as fuck.
I don't think this is an issue of Jason being credible or not.. it's more that there's still more evidence in the "for" camp (namely that Joker is in smash and that no one can think of anything more logical that P5S could stand for other than "Switch") than the against in this case (I.e. Jason going "I think it's something different).
His but feeling *could* be correct, but it's not much to go on in the face of other leaks and evidence floating around.
because you could be playing games instead
More fun than actual video games?
But that's the thing none of it is real. How can you fucks just play the same track on repeat whilst pretending to care.
But Nintendo already got their P5 game.
As long as it keeps the beggars seething, I'm all for it.
almost like all the nintendo posters here are insufferable underage cunts like you, WOW!
>a port of a 20 year old game after an inclusion of a character a console gen ago that is also coming to xbox
Means nothing.
a literal who faggot tranny from retardera go back there you fucking faggot and NEVER come back
Wait until Fatlus puts out new info in 2.5 weeks. It would be really stupid of them to not port it over, when Joker is in smash and SMT5 is a switch game.
retailer leaks are so hit and miss. I don't know why they would port this game to the switch before porting it to PC first anyway. hell the textures and character models could be downscaled so that it runs on 3ds and yet we get PQ2 for the 3ds and SMTV for the switch. face it anons, Atlus hates releasing the same game on multiple platforms
>gets confirmed
sony fans are mentally ill
Just like when metal gear solid came to Nintendo when Snake was introduced
Nintendo fags everyone
I don't actually understand why people think P5S means switch. It doesn't make any logical sense to have a separate version be made for the Switch instead of just releasing the Royal across multiple platforms. Not only that but P5S is being promoted alongside the Persona concert series. Then there's the whole thing when people thought P4U meant Persona 4 Wii U, but look how that turned out.
Nintenyeearolds have been begging for the same game for almost 7 years lmao
Says the Nintendo fag who does the same thing when Nintendo is involved. Gloating about ports, seething about exclusives
What will you do if P5 gets ported to the Switch? Will you cry? Shit yourself? Cut your wrists? Shitpost pretending you don't care?
Atlus has been stubborn motherfuckers for decades when it comes to their releases
ALL THEY MAKE, is exclusives. If a game comes out for a system, its probably never going to leave that system. SMT Nine is still stuck on Xbox. Atlus fucking made Catherine Full Body a Vita game for fuck's sake, that should tell you they care more about brand recognition than actual sales
This entire post is pure delusion
>no u
>instant deflection
holy shot you're actually retarded
To be fair, Persona is pretty heavily tied up in Aniplex, which is a Sony record label. Regular megaten has a tendency to go through King Records in Japan.
>it might not
>but it also might
Wow thanks you fucking faggot bitch.
This one at least has some self-awareness, still a seething bingtendie tho
Reminder that it's not just another Sm*sh autismo, it's the kotaku guy. As much as everyone shits on Kotaku, they've been reliable when it comes to leaks.
Reminder that they leaked Fallout 4 location and intro script years before the game even got announced. They also leaked a bunch of Assassin's Creed games and the fact that FO76 won't be single player game.
this, jason knows what he's talking about. he has good connections in the industry
good point. luckily the Persona 5 OST is published by Mastard records which isn't affiliated with Sony.
Answer the question
You fags are predictable, gloating about a port, seething when you don't get one. Make up your minds, you're so anxious to feel superior that it's funny to see you fags totally seethe
How about you answer mine: why are you so upset that you aren't getting a port?
Answer my question and I'll answer yours.
Now kiss
And I thought Level-5 was slow as hell when it comes to releasing their games.
Need a couple of new nincel memes:
>nincel crawling through a desert, dying of thirst
>nincel moving a goalpost, with a labo forklift
Ha ha, console wars!
>it's more that there's still more evidence in the "for" camp
there is literally no evidence for the "for" camp - just blurry image "leaks" (remember the grinch leak?), twitter "leaks," and ignoring the existence of persona q2 while seething at anyone who brings it up.
>namely that Joker is in smash
smash has never guaranteed jack shit in terms of third-party support and never will. the industry does not revolve around the smash roster. at this point, you guys are even worse than the people who think smash is going to revive their favorite dead franchise.
>no one can think of anything more logical that P5S could stand for other than "Switch"
remember when people thought the "r" in p5r stood for "rouge," "rebellion," or "vr"? s could stand for plenty of things other than switch.
>oy gevalt bros our own (((jason shreier))) has confirmed our hopes!!
sonyboys really are a peculiar bunch
>posting game journalist shit from resetera
Your question is pure projection, I don't need to answer it. You seem the one who's salty though
>asking for wojak edits
>smash has never guaranteed jack shit in terms of third-party support and never will
What's weird about this is Atlus is giving the Switch its very own exclusive RPG but won't give them an incredibly popular JRPG as well
Its just their fucking stubbornness about recognition
You don't need to, but that doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't. So do you have a reason not to answer?
>accuses me of projecting, then projects
sony niggers confirmed underage
>kotaku "journalist" telling people to not turn random posts into a news article
biggest bullshit in that image desu
you could say the same exact thing in reverse with smtv and the ps4.
Honestly a fairly comfy set up. Having a fridge in your bedroom.
>would be stupid to not put P5 on Switch
Okay it would be stupid to not pht SMTV on PS4 then. I wonder how many tendies would beokay with that though?
I think console exclusives are dumb and hate every single person who desperately clings to them as if they make their life important.