Nintendies keep begging for Persona 5

>Nintendies keep begging for Persona 5
>PChinks keep begging for Bloodborne GOTY Edition
>Xbots keep begging for God of War
Feels good being a Sonychad

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Bllodborne will come to Epic Store tho

You're no SonyChad. You're a fullblown Sonyfag, user.
A real SonyChad knows their games are good and want to share them with the world.


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Still no Ape Escape 4

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Sony will go full gacha next gen


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>Gaysona when SMT is leagues better
>Bloodborne when the Dark Souls series already exists
>>>God of Cinematic experience
>posts nu/v/s version of rage faces, dabs unironically and uses Facebook terms like a 10 year old

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The smashfag speaks out

based lmao

You know which side you should join, Yea Forums..

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>the only OC I did that ever became popular
Thanks satan

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Quit being a false flagging faggot you are just trying to start another shit posting console war thread.

kill yourself console waring faggot

you had to seach for 5 literal retards thinking that P5 was coming out on the 3DS, AGES ago. MEANWHILE the SMT V butthurt is recent and fresh.

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Meanwhile, Snoys keep begging for SMT5.

cringe corporate drone, neck yourself

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How is EPIC envolved in these images?

>trying to start another shit posting console war thread.
Looks like it worked though?

>not owning multiple platforms
What's poverty like?

See you at E3

Not once have I ever begged for overrated God of War

>the SMT V butthurt is recent and fresh.
I don't see PS4 owners begging for SMT V but I see a lot of Nincels begging for Persona 5 so it's opposite.

>>Gaysona when SMT is leagues better
It's not. Check scores.
>>Bloodborne when the Dark Souls series already exists
Sony has both.
>God of Cinematic experience
Which was GOTY
Sony won.


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Xbots dont give a shit about any Sony movies.

Why do consolewar?
Do you worship corporate?

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Could you show an example?

>Doesn't even know about the remasters of the older ones
Stay mad.

God of War is like the Oscar-whore of videogames. It won a lot of awards but it’s appreciated just by fartsniffers


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Why don't Microsoft and Steam team up to beat the Japanese companies (Nintendo/Sony) in the gaming business?

They are both American and running Windows based systems, right?


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>it’s appreciated just by fartsniffers
Sure Nincel. Keep seething.

But they are. Gaben let Phil implement shitty Gold subs for the Master Chief Collection on Steam.

>there is people that want a Nintendo containment board cuz smash treads
>When all day long we got snoy fags spamming the same .jpeg, the same text, the same replies, the same everything
Holy hell, at least in a smash threads there is a game being discussed, in this shit is just 12 olds consolewaring

the new god of war is stupid. no one wants it, i liked the order 1885 better.



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Sony fans are niggers. You notice how often they come up with stock prices and sales instead of games? They are corporate cock suckers, not gamers


They are.

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Lmao enjoy your 30 fps

my girlfriend likes playing Horizon Zero Dawn

>>there is people
Learn English, you literal toddler.

how does it feel not knowing how to spell avant-garde


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Xbox is so irrelevant that I sometimes forget it's fans still exist.

Can you provide proof it wasn't just sonyfags false flagging? We now they are capeble of this level of autism since botw metacritic score

western shit will never win against japanese kino.

Gonna need a couple of new nincel memes:
>nincel crawling through a desert, dying of thirst
>nincel moving a goalpost, with a labo forklift


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>>there is people
Typical Nintendo toddler

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PC can play bloodborne with the playstation now thing, tho.

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It's true though.

Literally proving his point, same images, same text, same edits
Stupid bot

>We now they are capeble
Do you have a stroke or you are third world illiterate subhuman?

Has anyone GTFO someone this hard before?
Fucking kek Sony fags the cancer killing this board

>same butthurt, same grammar
Stupid Nincel

Attached: new-icon.png (256x256, 20K)

>is butthurt by my post
>doesn't know when to correctly use "its" instead of "it's" so is probably underage

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God of War isn't that great. XBox owners should be begging for Bloodborne.

someone make a whirr edit of this

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Writing on the phone stupid dumb faggot
How bout you actually address anything in the post?

>1 instance of 1 ban evading shitposter flooding the board vs Nincels flooding the board at every Direct and any Smash related news

>We now they are capeble
Their new you is capeble to

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What's the point when Sekiro just came out? It looks like a significantly better game in every single way.


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>1 instance


>Writing on the phone stupid dumb faggot
>Writing on the phone makes you illiterate
>call anyone dumb
Learn English first Nintendo toddler than we talk.

>Le reddit Boogeyman
Let me laugh even harder

>talk about Nintendo
>respond with Nintendo
>y-you are moving goalposts to Nintendo!
Imagine being this insecure and retarded as Nincels.

why are console war fags so fucking autistic? Do you faggots ever go outside? Do you shitpost all day to see who can suck a bigger corporare cock? Is it autism?

if you are over the age of 15 you should be able to afford all the consoles with your own money

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lmao you shitskins are so predictable

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>What's the point when Sekiro just came out?
Because I can play both games you, idiot?

>don't know basic grammar
>call anyone shitskin because I called him before
>no u

Why most sonyfags are niggers?

If you think I am gonna take more that a single minute to format and make sure the post is written correctly like this a collage essay in a shithread like you are beyond delusional or autistic.

I'm taking all of those games in due time, thank you

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they gotta play the latest FIFA

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Why do black men love playstation so much?

So if you have problems with basic English maybe you shouldn't post at all instead of making a laughhing stock of yourself and demanding anyone to take you seriously?

I bought a PS4 for weebshit

You gotta post a source on that.

Hi Eric

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Sony told them that PS4 is the best place to play NBA 2k and Fortnite

Who is begging for Bloodborne? Didn't that shit barely sell 2 million? HZD literally has at least 5x the sales.

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im an idort you stupid CUNT

Persona 5 is confirmed for Switch since like 3 months.

>Laughing stock
>For messing a letter up
Holy shit, may God forbid me.
Literal autism to pick up on something so minor, but then again, anyone that name calls is one.

>Who is begging for Bloodborne?
PC cucks.
>Didn't that shit barely sell 2 million?
It sold over 3 mln. Seems like you are butthurt.


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I wear this skeleton with pride

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it's just underage third worlders, let them have their fun.

>3 mln
Wow, so literally worse than indie garbage on steam.

>messing a letter up
You messed up whole words and whole sentence you illiterate Nintendo nigger, I could barely know what you tried to say.

>worse than indie garbage on steam
I said 3 mln, not 300k user. Not only you are butthurt but also dumb it seems.

>It sold over 3 mln

I used my sister's PS4 to play BloodBorne and it was fun for a couple hours, but then I got bored. Not sure how people thought it was better than DS3.


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Yeah 3 million for an EXCLUSIVE game is literal trash tier, especially when your install base is over 50 million. Making it seem like people are begging for BB when HZD has 5x the amount of sales is fucking retarded. Also pic related literal indie garbage survival game on steam with over 5 million sales.

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>I don't see PS4 owners begging for SMT V
If you ignore it sure

And yet Soulsborne threads are worse, absolute kek.

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Sony always wins baby

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>Yeah 3 million for an EXCLUSIVE game is literal trash tier
That's around Dark Souls 3 sales on PC which have 150 mln install base. You are seriously mentally challenged and butt destroyed.

>If you ignore it sure
So show them.

This is a good example of how you know it's one guy making this shit.

Did it not occur to you that
1) DS cost less to make
2) its a multiplat

no you're not lol

Yes how DARE people talk about video game news on a video game board the fucking AUDACITY

Nincels not only want PS4 games but also it's memes. Imagine someone being this jelly

>That's around Dark Souls 3 sales on PC which have 150 mln install base.
Its also a multiplat kiddo.

>DS cost less to make
Source? Also, what does it have to do with anything
>its a multiplat
Again what does it have to do with anything?

lmao seething and projecting poopskin


>It's not. Check scores
say what


>Its also a multiplat kiddo.
And grass is green and your mother is hamster. That's some really dumb counter-argument.

>buying a console for hundreds of dollars for literally one good game

lmao @ ur lyfe

>hello ladies, yes i own all three major gaming systems of this generation, plus a gaming PC
Yeah I bet the ladies love that one, LMAO.

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It's also worth noting that the smash spam was also done by those, or rather the same wojak poster.

in a post Captain Marvel world I don't really trust scores anymore

Are you trying to say you don't know the difference between an exclusive end multiplat?

Yeah, they only matter in Nintendo cease

Somebody please explain why people so desperately cling to companies like this?

No games

Are you even paying attention to your own argument?

I was talking about sales not if a game is multiplat or exclusive. Do you have clinical autism and don't even know who you responding? Are you lost somewhere?

retards used to cling to gods and other deities. now that religion is losing popularity they need a higher power to worship.

I did, do you?

Because console wars are created by shills in order to generate brand loyalty

Don’t fall for the meme

They don't. It's called banter.

It's sad that other inferior platforms get any games. Knowing cucks are playing substandard Destiny 2 versions on Xbox and PC is pretty funny though. Enjoy your shit ports faggots.

>I was talking about sales not if a game is multiplat or exclusive
Yeah and being a multiplat ties into that because its available on multiple systems. Meaning that anyone can buy it on their system of choice making your point about its sales fucking moot.

Cool, your console has 3 good games.

I have no idea. It's definitely a sunny exclusive thing though, no other group idolises their company over the games they have.

Where does brand loyalty come from? These companies only care about your money.

>Yeah and being a multiplat ties into that because its available on multiple systems. Meaning that anyone can buy it on their system of choice making your point about its sales fucking moot.
But I was talking about PC only sales you idiot. Why would you buy it on console when you have cheaper version on PC?

Banter has wit.

And I'll gladly give them my money if they keep making exclusives

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Holy fucking shit have you ever heard of personal preference? >

well faggot you did it, you started another console war thread and it succeeded

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>I'm projecting
Bloodborne sold better than DaS3 on PC despite having less playerbase. No need to be asshurt user.

Attention whoring

What do you even mean projecting? That doesn't make a lick of sense in this context.
Do you just spew words you hear without knowing what they mean?

>can't even refute
Knew it.

The thing is, he never starts a console war thread. Most of the posts shitting on each other is just him.

>Haha never ever PCfags
>What? why isn't Cuphead on PS4? that's not fair

Sony fags are such hypocrites

I mean you are projecting. Do you have problems with simple english or something?

Every day the gamer community turns on itself. When are we going to realize that it's not ourselves that we're supposed to be fighting, but oppressers such as Epic Games and minorities? Quit this pointless fighting and rise up.

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>shitty halo not made by bungie
>gears of war
>a fucking racing game
>crackdown 3:disappointment of the century
>battle royale
Imagine being proud of any of this

>Haha never ever Pcfags, Nintendofags, xbots
>>What? why isn't Cuphead, SMTV and Bayo 2 on PS4? that's not fair
Just a small fix

>Check scores

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I don't see big petitions for them though.

Persona is better rated than SMT.

>now that religion is losing popularity
Only if you're a burger
Rest of the world is letting Muslims in, burgerland is next

>hello ladies, yes i spend my whole day arguing over which toy for children is better.

Only owning one platform. Imagine being this poor. HAHAAHA

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Imagine fighting about these trash consoles.

As a Stadia Chad, I'll just go ahead and wait until the revolution of gaming gets released and I don't have to download the games I want to play.

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>religion is losing popularity by dummies creating new religions

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Everyone was major butthurt about Bayonetta 2 being a Nintendo exclusive.

>he plays games on a service where it's considered revolutionary to allow players to change their usernames for only $10

>dumbed down smt is better than smt

>Bloodborne sold better than DaS3 on PC despite having less playerbase
Yeah no.
For one Bloodborne is exclusive, the only place you can get it is on ps4. Ds3 isn't, it's on three platforms at this moment in time.
Two, the PC playerbase isn't anywhere near consoles stop thinking that everyone with a PC still plays games.

lmao i remember that. people were literally threatening to kill themselves unironically.

the only master race is having ps4, switch and pc

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exept for nintendo having mario, pokemon, zelda, metriod, splatoon, smash, and kid icarus. and microsoft having halo, rare and fable.
and PC having better controls

Tell me in your own words what you think projection is.

>Yeah no.
Yeah, yes.
>For one Bloodborne is exclusive, the only place you can get it is on ps4.
Irrelevant. GTAV is multiplat and sold shitton on every system.
>Two, the PC playerbase isn't anywhere near consoles
150 mln accounts on steam alone proves otherwise. It's pathethic that Bloodborne outsold DaS3 on PC with 3 times smaller playerbase. Both From and Sony were pleased with Bloodborne sales and PC fags made petition to bring it to PC.

Post the real Sony avatar, fag.

Attached: sonylmao.jpg (1024x961, 128K)

>mario, pokemon
Are you 12?

PC + Switch are the only worthwhile platforms to play games on.

lol no


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For what?

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>150 mln accounts on steam alone proves otherwise
user, did you check to see how many were throwaway accounts? How about if they were active? How many were banned?

That's a completely arbitrary metric.
And as for GTA, that's because they sometimes give free shark cards with a purchase of the game and it comes out cheaper than buying the card themselves.

The only truly BASED post in this thread. Paying is for limp-wristed cucks.

Attached: splorch_Super_Mario_3D_World.png (640x360, 327K)

Get that Nintendofag away from those Sony games.

I said current active accounts. And that's not even mentioning people without steam account.
Give up.

Nintendo exclusives.
You must hate fun if you don't like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

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>casual pokemon fighter
Not everyone is 12 yr old. Play GG or Tekken.

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Neither of those are fun.

Reminder that Yea Forums never gets as hyped about anything as it does about a Nintendo Direct

If you are underage and they are too complex, yes, they aren't.

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>he doesn't like these games i like...
>he must be underage!

>I said current active accounts
No. No you didn't. In fact you only brought it up with this post.
>And that's not even mentioning people without steam account.
Which kind of defeats your argument in and of itself mind you.

DMC5, but you tendies were too busy fuming because it will never be on switch

>Another ConsoleWar thread

Attached: aMnun4I.jpg (625x626, 152K)

This is old. Post the new one with the E3 games.

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Not exactly. Remember State of Play?


Lmao. Keep paying little cuck! After all, I couldn't have all my free games if it weren't for you :^)

They don't need it on Switch, they can just play on PC or ps4. Plus it's not like they're running out of hack and slash games.

>Sony Shill

Attached: Oh.jpg (1002x715, 114K)

>No. No you didn't. In fact you only brought it up with this post.
I thought it was obvious because I said there are not there were. You are dumb.
>Which kind of defeats your argument in and of itself mind you.
What? That only proves number of people playing on PC is even bigger.

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Well technically Microsoft is whoring halo out but yea we can call it working together and taking over and whatnot

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Ive already played dark souls 1, 2 and 3. Why would i want to play Dark souls 4: Bloodborne?

>I thought it was obvious because I said there are not there were
In English next time.
>That only proves number of people playing on PC is even bigger.
Which means those sales numbers aren't representative of the amount of pc players. Are you starting to get it now?

I fucking hate people like this

Poor kid. Not even a literal child (The main demographic of a shitch) wants this console designed for retarded manchildren.

Attached: The sad truth about a switch.jpg (1210x1613, 134K)

That article is a month old. It's talking about Japanese players wanting it on PS4

Who's begging for God of War? The Blast of Puss Axe Edition looks like shit


But Bloodborne a shit.

Because it makes you appreciate how much better DeS and DaS is.

And it wasn’t worth it

>I thought it was obvious because I said there are not there were. You are dumb
You're going to call people dumb in the same post you spew this hot mess?

Reminder that there are retards using image filtering to try and hide our threads, so its always good to make new oc

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>Which means those sales numbers aren't representative of the amount of pc players
Yes, they are. Again, you are dumb.

RDR2 was GOTY though

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>MEANWHILE the SMT V butthurt is recent and fresh.

So what, are you denying that piracy is a thing now?

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Literally just sonyfags, it's been like that since they went back to Nintendo.

>There are people who actually PAY for a 30 FPS slideshow

Attached: pirate.jpg (1280x720, 288K)

many pc, xbox and switch players want all PS4 exclusives aswell.

Attached: ChadStation.png (501x567, 669K)


What now?
Nope, GoW.

Attached: playstation-london-pride-2017-4.jpg (784x489, 540K)

Just like many Switch players want Xbone exclusives and PC exclusives, and how Xbone players want Switch/PC exclusives, and how PS4 players want Switch/PC/Xbone exclusives.
It's almost like exclusives are meant to make you want them and thus buy their console.


Yeah, but people here were excited for it.

>critic scores

Attached: Quotsix+years+after+the+internet+began+bullying+jessi+who+_ca4c23cdc4c32af0488f6e02a46e827c.jpg (453x500, 54K)

>Just like many Switch players want Xbone exclusives and PC exclusives, and how Xbone players want Switch/PC exclusives
But they don't, they'll just go and buy the system. Sonyfags are the only ones who beg for games to come to their system.


Attached: Nintendofanbase.jpg (960x720, 144K)

>no half naked black dickgirl
that's some weak shit, nintendo.

Now post the actual nintendo pride march, the one where they just wore a bunch of red shirts

>What now?
Well I guess you have no argument anymore.

They won’t be anymore



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Reminder, Eric would have to have known about this personally to be able to post about it because it's an obscure college thing.

i miss the whirr memes

>150mln minimum
>less than 3mln
>more than 3 mln
>not argument
It's time to stop posting user.

Well duh.
The point was that directs aren't the only thing Yea Forums gets hyped for

Damn, always knew Nincels were fucking degenerates.

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When will you marry Eric, ericfag ?


>The hear of our lord 2019
>Still not owning both a ps4 and a switch

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PS4 and Xbone are both shit, don't flatter yourself.

>that poorly edited splatoon hat
Even nintendo memes are bad ports

>all them snoys itt

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snoys on suicide watch

no please nintendo-sama, give back my girlfriend before tyrone finds out I lent her to someone other than him!

Let's go through this again
>150mln minimum
That's the maximum possible user count on Steam. And it doesn't take into account banned, dead or duplicate accounts.
>>less than 3mln
It sold over 3m. More than it did on ps4 in fact. Then there's still pirates that increase that number
Yeah no, Bloodborne didn't reach that much when the ps4 was at 50m. More around, 70m ish
>>more than 3 mln
Barely almost as much as DaS3 on PC.
>>not argument
Yep, you haven't presented a single real informed argument.

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>he thinks there's an Ericfag

I like this one

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Of course you would, you made it and most of the other console war Wojaks.

did you wish on a monkey's paw?

I don't.

I like it to because it's accurate.

I didn't make that one.
I made this one but I wasn't the one who posted it here

There's an air of desperation and overkill every time they rip off a meme
Bingtendies can't meme

i like this one

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>poopskin projecting this hard

Uh oh, what now?

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>It sold over 3m. More than it did on ps4 in fact.
Provide source.

>That's the maximum possible user count on Steam.
It's minimum PC players numbers which in fact is more when we count non steam PC players.
>more than it did on ps4 in fact.
Not really
>there's still pirates that increase that number
Excuse me? Since when pirates increase the sales numbers? Are you retarded?
If we count people who own Bloodborne it's over 11 mln because it was given away on PSN.
>Barely almost as much as DaS3 on PC.
Similar while having much smaller playerbase and bigger price.
How long are you willing to get btfo user?

What the hell is this cancer? Who spends their free time making shitty Wojak edits that are so low in quality they're indiscernable?

I love watching you retards and your shit flinging

fucking based sonychads, best oc

>stealing an original Sonyfag meme
>making poor low-quality paint edit
>lying about games scores
Why Nincels are so bad at memes?

imagine seething this badly

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>original sonyfag meme
wojak edits aren't original and will never be original.
All he did was edit an already edited wojak edit.


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I honestly still can't believe the made a second one.

based, even the wiiu was better than the snoy4

>that scores
Imagine being this butthurt Nincel


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bloodborne is a 61 on metacritic and horizon a 56 so I don't get your point.

>Horizon: Zero Awards
love seeing you sharts grasp for straws this hard

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Based xbro

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They are actually well done. Your own sucks though.

>actually well done

Attached: 1554235503658.jpg (1024x1017, 96K)

Horizon got awards and Bloodborne is best game this gen Nincel. Stay fucking jelly

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Look, I hate Sonyfags as much as you do, but even I know to disregard whatever you say when you start mentioning trannies.

>be xbro
>have no games
>FH4 comes out
>best game
>nintenbros and sonyfriends keep making fun of me for having no game
>just enjoy FH4 and have the time of my life
Sometimes life isn't that bad.

Holy fuck Ninggers are getting more and more desperate

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i never understand console exclusivity
with the amount of ps4 that got sold its stupid to not tap that market too

>a literal cardboard box has more gameplay than the latest AAA sony exclusive "games"

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Don't Sony players have games to play on their $500 consoles with monthly online subscription?

>Nintendo just makes the same thing over and o-

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why the (You) to the xbro just happy to play a fun game though?

>Nincels play on literal carboard box


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As an Xbox guy, why the flying fuck would I want that pile of shit on my console, I want video games not movies, you can keep that God of War shit, I go Xbox and Nintendo because they don't make cinematic garbage like Sony.



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leave xbro alone, he's just having a good time.


Good day to all Sonychads and no one else.

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Pokemon games are some of the most consistent console sellers out there. Most Nintendo handheld systems would have 25% lower units sold or more if there were no Pokemon games on them. Whenever a new Pokemon game is announced/released, those systems do some of their biggest numbers.

No, we don't. You can keep your shit.

Why are Xbros and Nintenbros such bros?
They just enjoy video games...

Attached: nintenbox.jpg (368x362, 39K)

>twitter trannies

>another game about raising your wife's son
why can't they come up with something else over there in sony HQ?

>bew games different gens
>same games since 80s
Nintendo is king of rehashes.

how hard is this place going to seethe if PS5 swoops the next gen again
the PS4 being this popular almost broke the place

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>your wife's son
Stop projecting your life choices on everything.

None of us nintendies want Persona that shit looks corny as fuck lol

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Any so-called Xbox fan that begs for a movie on the console isn't part of the Xbox community and should just fuck off to the PlayStation community where they belong.

This. Clearly Skyward Sword is the same thing as Windwaker which is the same as Link to the Past.
Same with Mario Galaxy, Sunshine and Super Mario World.

Literally the same games.
Based Sony keeping it fresh in here with innovative new games never before done

get off my dick, toddler.


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why is this so hot


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>Zelda, Mario, Mario, Zelda, Mario, Mario

I can't wait to see you at E3...oh wait...

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Yeah, about that...
I'm Done Waiting on Xbox | PlayStation has Proven More to me in 6 ...

hello snoy falseflagger
Actual Xchad here. Nintendo guys are cool and can hang with us.

nuSony: jettisoned most of their good devs and focuses on shitty moviegames.
nuTendo: makes generic kiddieshit rehashes
nuXbox: doesn't even have an occasional decent exclusive, simply stopped trying
nuPC: all third party shit like Xbox unless you're a VN autist

Let's be honest, they all fucking suck now but I primarily play on PS4 and sometimes PC because those are the only worthwhile platforms. Still it's almost entirely third party stuff.

9 years of port begging says otherwise

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>wanting Bungie's tranny asses touching Halo
Kill yourself

nice falseflagging attempt
nintenbros and xbros have been allies since the start.

3 words that absolutely kill any Snoy in any thread
Just post it and you win. The most embarrassing event in video game history.

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Misery enjoys company.

I miss being a 360 fan desu

God bless PlayStation and none else.

(You)’re cute user :)

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They have protagonists Sony will never have.

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>we live in a society where Xbox and Nintendies are teaming up to try and take down Snoy, only to fail


based piratebro

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>falseflagging this hard
Seeth more

Hahahaha, no wonder Nincels are so butthurt towards Sony.

Someone should make a wojak pic where Nintenbro, Xbro and PCbro are in a room having fun together while a seething shouting snoylet is crying in the corner insulting everyone

Why are Xbot and Nintendies frens but Snoyboys aren't?

Why did you put garbage on your Xbone?

>When SMT is leagues better
Maybe in 2001. These days they can't justify a budget higher than a handheld title, which is probably why it's on the Switch anyhow.

its the only option the have
can you believe that the Wii and Xbone havnt even sold half of the PS4 units
its basicly a repeat of gen 6

Attached: atv.gif (650x366, 2.58M)

If you are weak and bullied you have to look for other beta friends to think you are stronger together.

>sonyfags realizing they're the only ones who actually care about the "console war" and spent 90% of their day posting on Yea Forums while nintenbros and xchads were actually playing games
I know it's a hard to swallow pill, but everyone has to do it at one point in their life.

>why yes I do rely on onions drinks for daily nutrition, how did you know?

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Those arent the real scores nigga.

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Huuuh why is it looking like xbox was in the text box?? Is it what a shill looks like?


I have everything except an Xbox, do I go for it or stick with Ninty and Snoy?

They only talk about Sony and beg for their games.


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This... you're lying, right?
Do other people actually have fun? No..

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Xbox is a parasite though. Once they fall again, they'll bring Nintendo down with them.


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try harder snoy fag, ill think about this meme while i watch huge fckn anime tiddies on my switch, sure you can do the same on your ps4 :^)

I'm not even a Snoyfag though. It's just funny to me, as a ninties player

>counts the Wiiu and Switch as one generation
are you serious here?

lol you sharts are so predictable

Nice job not counting handhelds

Crackdown 3 bombed even with Gamepass. Xtards don't buy games.

Me play VR and cinematic game, so much fun!

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>i watch huge fckn anime tiddies on my switch
Nope, you can't even see a nipple on it. While I can on my PS4, Nincel :^)

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>Based cardboard lover

>I'm not even a Snoyfag though
that's exactly what a snoyfag would say.

cant wait to play prey and mhw for literally $1 a month

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Xbox as a brand was relevant for a collective total of 4 years.
20 years of Xbox consoles and they may very well have a simgle digit number of notable games.
They have battered wife syndrome

>It's okay to make shitpost spam threads if they're related to video games
The absolute delusion and retardation of Nincels

Nintendo always wins

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You called me a snoyfag, and I responded.

>bring in a different system for a different market
Sony still wins

Attached: Eerste-Walkman-1.jpg?ssl=1.jpg (800x1270, 143K)

Nintenlosers are so retarded

>Literally buys the game twice at 80 usd
>Never leave their homes


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>comparing mobiles to home consoles
I can add Sony Xperia or Vaio laptops. Holy shit, that would be 4 to 0

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You know, the PlayStation was technically originally a Nintendo console so really sonyboys are just nintendofags


>i watch nipples over a shirt to get my small dick hard

If we're counting garbage handheld games we might as well count Walkmans.
Or maybe Emoji movie ticket sales

Attached: SdOKr.png (320x320, 271K)

PS5 will be even bigger than PS4

>source: my ass

This is so fucking gay, why did I bother reading any of this.

Remember to lift with your legs user, not your back

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>gets btfo 4 times and removed from core home console gaming to mobile
>winning anything

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>Falseflagging Xcucks are still at it
Get a game to play, bud.

>when the entire nintendo crowd got this triggered by a drawing

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>the sony fanbase

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But if it's any bigger, where am I going to put it?
The PS4 is already taking up so much space, I wish I had bought a switch instead.
Switch also makes less noise apparently and doesn't have overheating issues like the PS4.
Maybe I'll just buy whatever next console nintendo comes up with instead of the PS5.

looooooooooooooooool nothing but cope every time.

so(n)yggers are officially the most retarded fanbase of all time.

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>so mad that lost every single fucking gen
Don't worry, you win next time joking of course

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how am i moving goalposts? if anything you are moving goalposts by including handhelds

lol pathetic poorfags lack money to by all consoles + pc

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>if we count video games that don’t fit my narrative why don’t we count non-video games

brackets like this are biased as fuck though. Playstation never went against Nintendo because of how you purposefully gerrymandered the bracket.

Nintendo would beat Playstation any day for worst fanbase.

Am I supposed to be impressed with a bunch of movies? My one x can play movies in 4k too.

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its coming

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They never did, everyone just thought Xbox looked cool and said PC guy looks like Ed Edd n Eddy

>5 out of 9 games are movie games
Why would you even put those in there?

what did he mean by this?

>can't even refute
Hahaha, even Nincels know they lost
>But if it's any bigger, where am I going to put it?
The PS4 is already taking up so much space
I know Nintendo fanboys love cardboxes but living in one?

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have you ever bullied someone so bad they changed their gender?


Amazing how in single gen, PlayStation made two of their competitors bow out of the market. Last time this happened was PSOne. I suspect the next system to do PS2 levels of domination now that there's no one left.

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>PS4 games looks so good that Nincels think they are movies
Holy shit

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you know why don't you dumbasses ever just enjoy the videogames we get instead of console warring? I own both a PS4 and a Switch and I have fun being able to look forward to the games coming on both.

What the fuck happened that caused videogames to seperate us?

>they never did
>spent several threads creating even shittier edits for several weeks

the fact that everytime you bring up the best game of the generation nincels and pcfags lose their shit every time
it's so funny

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>Playstation worse than Xbox
>Xbox worse than Valve
>Valve worse than Nintendo
I don't see how you think this. If Nintendo was worse than Playstation, it wouldn't have dropped off the bracket in the first round.

Poor niggers and Mexicans can only afford one console and they get really angry when someone chooses a different one because it makes them feel insecure in their purchase

>get BTFO
>tries to bring in non-video games in order to save face
You shitskins are brainless. It's hilarious destroying you 24/7.

Attached: laughing at you.jpg (480x360, 22K)

>can't pirate Left Alive, the only 2019 game actually worth pirating because it looks hysterically weird but not weird enough to give shitty devs $60 for a shitty game
What's the fucking pooooooooooooooint?

>Snoys keep begging for free online
Feels good not falling for goy traps

>Hates VR

What are you anti fun?

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Everyone is enjoying video games. There's a reason you see Nintendo fans for example make threads to talk about their games.

There is an exception though. Sony fans. When Sony fans make threads, they don't make them to talk about their games, they make them to instantly lash out against the competition in the very OP already.

That's the difference. And that's why everyone hates the Sony fanbase.


I own both systems, primarily on Xbox, and I have never had any interest in any Sony games beyond Uncharted and Heavy Rain, much less God of Soi

I only remember PSfags trying to turn it into the next “Sony is epic win the rest are gay” and trying to turn it into another Wojak or replacing it with Wojak while everyone else talked about how sensitive sonyfags are


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After playing the new god of war at my uncles place Im really tempted to get a PS4.
Game is so fucking cool.

>buys a ps4
>plays unsharted and some autstic shit like heavy rain
garbage taste
I bet you don't even play Halo on your xbox

then you have very selective memory

>non video games
>smartphones and Windows laptops
You are losing fucking time Nincels, even when you trying to combine home consoles with handhelds out of your asshurt hahahahaha

>expensive shit hardware
>biggest price of games
>downgrades and lying customers
>selling carboard
>consumer friendly

Attached: 1547919330032.jpg (1920x2066, 984K)

>get polished exclusives

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>this amount of insecure desperation after getting continuously BTFO

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>complain about Uncharted
>play Halo

Attached: catherine-full-body-will-not-allow-ps4-owners-to-use-the-share-button-during-the-story8217s-latter-h (1920x1080, 125K)

>not being an idort
What's it like being poor?

Attached: 1553090606832.jpg (900x1200, 111K)

>still can't refute
>no u as response
I won't give you Persona 5 but you might like something different from my PS4.

Attached: cardboard box.jpg (700x700, 36K)

stop replying your own post snoy nigger, assborn wasnt even the best game in 2015, holy shit you shitheads are fucking lame

Sony games aren’t fun
And if it isn’t fun, why bother

They don't fit my narrative in the sense that they don't factor into the console war in any significant way
Western people aren't excited by the concept of playing games that are essentially running on console hardware from 10 years ago
And we're not forced into doing it by the fact our only freetime is on the subway
So why bother counting it?
Hell you're lucky we're all counting Switch sales, the same shit applies. Literally any Switch game could run and play better remade for modern hardware. Maybe give it a 3/5 compromise since they're basically Ps360 games

Why are there all these dumb reddit niggers who revile any sense of competition

based and redpilled

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No I feel like it's shitters on all sides, or hell some shitters on no sides at all. People that just want to stir up drama and shitposting because they like to sit back and watch. That basically sums up a big chunk of Yea Forums.

Looks like average Nintendo fan, is that you user?

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I've seen zero threads about this, so I'm hijacking this one.



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Still seething at Breath of the Wild

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>N-n-no you didnt r-refute me! I didn't get btfo!!! JANNY HELP MEEEEE

Attached: 1544209481014.png (850x850, 88K)

>DeS with it's shitty gimmick bosses
>DaS with an unfinished 2nd half

>support downgrades and lies
Still being Nincel

Insomniac really needs to reboot R&C to its PS2 atmosphere

Attached: ps2-saga-ratchet-and-clank-para-playstation-2-5-juegos-D_NQ_NP_688424-MLA26582676208_122017-F.jpg (945x890, 266K)

Attached: 97.jpg (86x85, 4K)

t. Xer

I have my Switch and it's fine but..

>Browsing online shop for something to play while the girl Netflixes
>Super old games finally ported
>Vaporware games
>Fucking Smite

Pathetic. You really don't see how bad no third party support looks until you look in on the online shop..

absolutely based

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And no mods were found

Stay put snoys

Attached: sony always loses.jpg (874x615, 220K)

>Snoy talking about downgrades
Say hi to Red Dead 2 for me

you know the answer.

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I did my part. How about you, fellow Sony bros?

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>u butthurt
I already gave you something, go back and have fun Ningger

Attached: 1510303015164.jpg (2448x2448, 787K)

That wasnt my post you assblasted tard

nincel flooding thread with trash because somebody insulted botw
imagine thinking botw is anywhere close to being the best 3d zelda

No one is begging for any of that shit

Attached: worst-fanbase.png (683x672, 53K)

>Red Dead
>Sony game
>downgraded like Zelda

>3 hours
>it's still up
did the mods get 404'd?

Attached: 1550777666728.gif (815x815, 803K)

I've heard it might go back to the old continuity. That, or it's a sequel to the reboot. I hope it's not the latter. Then again, they're not tied down by a movie, plus the studio has expanded and I'm sure the budget has increased so who knows. Just give me back the OST.

>no u
Nice rebuttal

Imagine supporting a company that says things like this

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No anal vore this time, OP? This seems to always happen with these types of threads.


Attached: dammit v.png (1600x824, 270K)

damn it did work

>literally "no u"
every time. sonysharts are intellectually bankrupt.

Attached: sony fanboy.webm (720x1280, 1.15M)

>this thread

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Pick one.

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Can't believe we got to bump limit. Was fun guys, haven't posted so many wojaks in a while
But seriously, Sony is shit

>no u, heh!
>takes hrt*

>God of ONIONS
No thanks, you have got good games to give me right Sonybro?

just for the sake of this bait i decided to stand on exactly the same spot as the bottom picture

looks nothing like it even in handheld you dumb nigger. Nice cherrypicked picture

Only worthwhile exclusive there is STILL BLOODBORNE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Feels good being a PlayStation owner and knowing everywhere you go a horde of seething, beta, manlets will never stop being angry at your purchase.

>gets past the bump limit

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Forgot to mention I own a Switch.

Yeah, RDR2 has 97 and it's not downgraded like Zelda.

>games only count when I say they do

There’s a word for someone who thinks everyone is looking at them when no one really gives a shit. I think it’s called a narcissist?

I think moto moto likes you

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literally the opposite is true but okay

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>cherrypicking removed trees and vegetation
Ninteniggers should be aborted.

So what you’re saying is a good (non-exclusive) PS4 game is only as good as a downgraded exclusive Nintendo game

That's because it's not a sony exclusive

Now compare it to Nincels. Holy shit.

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>Talks about abortion
Have you seen state of play?