Tfw nothing to play

>tfw nothing to play
Why live?
Also desktop thread.

Attached: R7lMiATY0S.png (1284x768, 1.44M)

>epic game launcher
fuck you

get better games

>free game every 2 weeks
>not taking advantage

If they gave you shit for free you would probably take it too.

stay mad incel while i play all these great games :)

Attached: EpicGamesLauncher_Fw9nQACcpX.png (1003x1168, 376K)

>keeping icons on your desktop

Attached: desktop.jpg (3200x900, 2.05M)

retarded vaIvedrone

Attached: desktop.jpg (1920x1080, 596K)

>being against anti-consumer practices makes you a pcbro

Attached: playnite.png (1920x987, 2.65M)


steam is anti-consumer
they took away your right to own games by luring you in with ""sales"" (which they can afford because you're not buying a game, only a license to play which can be revoked at any time) and forced exclusives like Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike

Attached: dt.jpg (1920x1080, 313K)


Get Fences you naggers


Just recently got this laptop, first PC i ever owned that can actually play somewhat recent games.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1920x1080, 750K)


gabeniggers are literally worse than toddlers


>hating epic games means being a gabenigger
upvote! Xd

I need to learn to sort my shit

Attached: desktop.png (1920x1080, 3.16M)

>saving reaction images on desktop
>not having dedicated shitpost folders for every board

oh boy

Can you share that Donald Duck wallpaper? Please.

Oh yeah youre right about that, I wouldnt play any of that garbage

Post desktop.
inb4 cringe VNs

>dumping images on the desktop
alright what the shit that's a step too far
>not just making a mega-folder, and tagging all your shit
better in literally every way

none your dopey cunts' desktops spark any fucking joy

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (2560x1440, 1.49M)

There's tags?

You're a bomb waiting to explode.

how are those hormones going tranny?

post it without the cursor faggot.good wallpaper btw

Lol my god, do MiA and Discord really have that many stereotypes attached to them?

i needed to show it was my desktop and not just a wallpaper, faggot.

yeah, any photo manager has them. Hell, it's even built into windows as "keywords", just not with a user-friendly implementation. actually really convenient never bothering to file shit and just tagging all the recently saved images once every week or two. Easy to find them, after, too.

Whats the point of a desktop if its just a wallpaper display?

Well what the fuck is the point of a desktop? I never use it. It's turned into just acting as a copypasta folder with a bunch of .txt files lying around. At least his looks nice.

I've got thousands of images. I think it's a bit late for that unless that.

stay mad incels

Attached: desktop.png (959x541, 893K)

>everyone who likes these things must be mentally unstable.
Think it's time to go out and get some air, user.

The point of a desktop is to have quick access to your frequently used files and programs, if you just wanna look at pretty pictures then why not print them out and hang them on your wall instead.

top and bottom of the desktop has docks that appear when my mouse goes to their respective edge on the desktop. all my shit is there but it isn't cluttering shit up when i don't use them

>this is the first post in this thread
idd, even worse than nintendies, go figure.

Attached: truth about steamcucks.jpg (1094x273, 131K)

Want to play factorio with me OP

Yeah, but I already got a start menu and taskbar. And it's not a good place to dump files. It's outdated.

>looking at 'coloured' star pictures

im not that user
you're fucking retarded

Attached: 1554906776829.jpg (2560x1440, 253K)

That's fine, might take you an afternoon. Didn't take me that long to tag ~2k images just mashing the right arrow and clicking a few custom made tag buttons like a madman. Batch edits help a ton, too.

>you're fucking retarded
it's a desktop thread, dipshit. if i posted the just the wallpaper like you just did, it'd only be a wallpaper and wouldn't contribute shit. nobody asked for the wallpaper anyway.

>Buy DMC5, TD2. KH3 Sekiro
>Beat Sekiro, first game in 2 years I managed to actually enjoy
>Try the other games and get bored within 2 hours
Why don't I enjoy vidya anymore?

Huh you weren't into DMC5 at all?
That's surprising to hear, i feel like if you're into any kind of action games at all, then it should probably appeal to you.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 3.18M)

that user asked for the wallpaper you're just mad because he called you a faggot. fag.

Attached: 1547144603520.jpg (1200x805, 118K)

it's like you've become one with the botnet

>desktop thread
>Yea Forums - Video Games
PC is for work not games you fucking retard

Enjoyed MGR, Nier Automata and the Bayonetta series but I just can't get into DMC5. Maybe it's because I haven't played any of the other games and don't care for the characters, or maybe it's that it feels like a PS2 game with current gen visuals, PS2 jank and all. MGR got me hooked the first time I heard Rules of Nature and Nier had a decent story.

>posted from Google Chrome on Windows, using an ISP that has backdoors for your government

Whoops, deleted one >

that botnet bar at the top

Attached: qlUjTxardb.png (1920x1080, 422K)

Mad as hell we'll never get older fallout 3 and NV titles remade on FO4's engine. They'd be so great.

Attached: desk03.jpg (1152x720, 89K)

When you throw FF XIV into the mix, yeah, the chances are roughly 50% or more

Why dont you just pirate if it is 'free' you want? Or is it too scawwy for the wittle baby-boo-boo?

That old pukegreen was kino asf. Zoomies will never know

furi is pretty good, altho didnt beat it cause i am bad a video games

Enjoy your botnet