*teleports behind you*
*unsheathes katana*
Aren't you the foolish boy who's calling me "mutt" online?
*teleports behind you*
El goblino...
Nobody called you a mutt Dan. Now leak the next DLC already.
what are you gonna do about it faggot
>wears european medieval full armor
What are you going to do with your inferior weebshit?
I wouldn't fuck with dan
>insulting based quantum ranger
Yea Forums really is the worst board
Goddamn, greek god physique
>slices through ur tin can with a simple vertical slice
Heh nuthin personnel gaijin
How do I become this lads? Low body fat and some other bullshit?
good diet and a bit of exercise
>5.5% bodyfat
>still no 6 pack
How old is Dan in this image?
No I called you a cunt.
>5.5% body fat.
no I called you a nigger. fuck you gonna do about it nigger-chan?
*licks your sweaty body clean*
Battle Drone was 2018 so this is either 2017 or 2018.
Dan was born in 74 so that makes him 43-44 in that photo.
Something about the angle and size of his right arm is really weirding my brain out
Lads, I'm 10% just a bit more then people will use pictures of me to shitpost, it'll be great.
>six packs
So how's highschool treatin' ya, champ?
You just need to diet to have a low body fat, and do a few pushups and pullups. His physique looks weak
that's pretty discouraging
Yare, yare...you youngsters look like you need to be taught a lesson.
mirin this guys gains
Honestly, his body is so undeveloped muscle wise that all you gotta do is diet hard and do calisthenics shit
>Battle Drone
That movie worth watching?
>Why yes I do use judgement cut end how did you know?
Only almost 3k likes?
How did Dan get Gigachad jawline?
wtf he looks like an asian chad
>I wouldn't fuck with dan
But I would.
Hello user I'll be your loving bf if you'll have me
What's your ethnicity? -Naveed Ghannad and Katharine Hobbs
Dear Katherine and Naveed,
I am a mixture of ethnicities. My father is a mixture of English and Irish, hence the surname Southworth. He was a sergeant, first class, during the Vietnam War where he and my mother met. He stayed extra tours of duty, sending officers home in his place, to ensure that my mother and her immediate family had the proper paperwork to legally reside in the United States, where I was eventually born. My father then turned down a battlefield commission and retired after 20 plus years in the army. My mother is a mixture of French, Chinese, Vietnamese, and possibly Indian ethnicities. So you put it all together and you swish it all round… That’s what I’m all about!
tldr: top mutt