‘Anthem’ Voice Actor on Unionization

>"“Anthem’s” years-long development cycle was filled with constant upheavals, according to the Kotaku report. Many features weren’t finalized or implemented until the final months. There were big narrative reboots, design overhauls, team shakeups, and intense “crunch” periods. Plus, limitations with “Anthem’s” Frostbite engine reportedly caused numerous headaches."

>"Many of the developers who spoke to Kotaku said they suffered from depression and anxiety. Co-workers had to take doctor-ordered “stress leave” that lasted weeks or months. In its statement on Tuesday, BioWare said it takes the health and well-being of its team members very seriously and that it knows that “there is always room to improve.”"

>"“This is a moment for change,” said AFL-CIO secretary-treasurer Liz Shuler. “It won’t come from CEOs. It won’t come from corporate boards. And, it won’t come from any one person. Change will happen when you gain leverage by joining together in a strong union. And, it will happen when you use your collective voice to bargain for a fair share of the wealth you create every day.”"

ITS TIME TO UNIONIZE! Kind of how we as gamers work better as a group. What do you think, Yea Forums?


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Resist Capitalism

i just wish that Bioware dies already and the bluehairs in there loose their jobs.

I think voice acting should be removed from all videogames

unions dont work the way a lot of these people think they do because these people are in "acting" professions where standards are lax depending on who you've sucked and fucked.
Nothing but bad shit will come from divisions of game dev having unions to shit up everything. Unless the standard is exceptional workers get in and stay in(It wont be btw) and not the amount of membership, expect the costs to go up and the terrible quality to drop to shovelware tier.

If they unionize prices will go up, quality will go straight down and in one swoop Vidya will be dead.

I think it's funny that a soulless sell out company like Bioware is getting targeted like this. Ultimately videogames are passion works and no amount of marketing, standardization or suits trying will have a company that just shits out successful reboots yearly. Shit like AC will crumble at some point and then the studios won't have even a spark of creativity left to get a new series rolling. Therefore it is basically impossible to force these kinds of social standards upon videogame companies and will only hasten their demise. Good riddance!

Having to go do work for a company in order to get paid.
They should pay for every employees' therapy sessions.

Clearly they need to hire more narrative designers.

Unions are based desu

SJW Cunt: Mu h MUh mUh muh UNION!!!

Me: Shut the fuck up. If you were in a union you ruin great games such as Anthem

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look at the neck on that one

-Posted from my iPhone

Unions are just a way for people to get a check without earning their keep and shutting out competition

>no more burger games
that's alright


lel EA will kill bioware for sure now. Unionize affect the bottom line and EA cant have that

Gonna summarise the thread before it happens.
People will suck corporate cock and go on about how workers should be shat on.
Others will ask why it's bad for them to want rights.
Eventually revealed all people posting don't have a job and just power fantasy about being some rich cunt who owns a big business.

Lol stupid cunt is a voice actor. The developers do all the hard work (for a shit game no less) just to have some dumb bitch complain. Life is funny sometimes.

Voice actor is among the least important jobs in the entire industry.
I'd tell them to go cry to someone who gives a shit, but they already went straight to Kotaku.
>Linking to variety
Pastebin you mongoloid.

Is that a boy? tranny? i can't even tell anymore

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Fuck voice actors, just go without them.

>Plus, limitations with “Anthem’s” Frostbite engine reportedly caused numerous headaches."
Couldn't they just ask DICE for help?

This. EA's Anthem is an amazing game but if the unions got their way it would just be a dull soulless experience due to the union Gestapo strangling all the creativity out of the game development process

its almost like the average IQ of Yea Forums is in the double digits

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Why don't you just make an union if you want one?

And if we have to give people weekends off, prices will skyrocket from the lost production time.

These fucking commie bastards. Unions came about because the cops used to bash unskilled laborers over the head with batons if they refused to work for 50c a day, not because you got a little stressed from your college education requiring $100,000 office job and had to take a holiday to unwind. I've got no fucking sympathy for them.

I don't think you actually understand what a union is.

She literally has the meme bone structure all you fags say "real women" are supposed to have. High cheeks, sharp pointy jawline.

Her haircut is that of an 11 yo boys though.

That's what she's trying to do.

I'd have an easier time believing this if it wasn't being pushed by a VA. A fucking voice actor doesn't have to eat all that stress (if there is any).

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>We sold the engine as is. Did you read the contract?
>We could fix this bug/implement feature, but that will be $99.999,99+tip, please.

Corporations has a way to shut down such attempts

>unionizing art
Wow. It's not like they can't find some intern to do the same fucking thing for pennies on the dollar.
Same thing unionizing game devs, for every 1 game dev that actually has a job there are another 50 looking to fill it back up. Unionizing isn't going to fix shit. If they wanted to make more money then they could work on non-game shit and practically double their wages in a second. They want their cake and to eat it too.

>EA's Anthem is an amazing game

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Wow she's cute! CUTE!

Minimum wage and unions and that liberal shit is just sjw communism.
Game devs don’t need more government, if the job is bad they should move it’s just supply and demand, simple.

That's a man baby!

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I don't think that's how it works, especially how they are both owned by EA.

Nice thumbnail


Why is it only the voice actors who are throwing a tantrum about unions? The article is mostly saying the developers are the ones suffering but none of them seem to care enough to do this.

They are friends with the journos, so they get their drivel published.

>there's like one game every three years with english voice acting worth a damn
all recent decently voice acted games from the west are from these two studios

Unions usually achieve a few good things when they get started because to start a union you need most of the workers to be in really shitty conditions. So it's easy to point out what is to be done.
But after that phase they either become useless because they do nothing or a burden on the industry as they seek to self perpetuate by pushing the limits of how much they can racketeer.
The good that can come from the initial mobilization could be done through state regulations, which avoids the ugly reality of parallel power structures, which is what unions are.
Game developers have the problem that in their field there is a horde of young and free on time 20 somethings looking to take their place at any cost so they're incredibly replaceable. Nothing will solve that.

Quite the opposite. It would be illegal.

No, she isn't. She's saying there's nothing she or they will do, because she leaves it up to the game devs.

Unions are a business unto themselves. You're not fighting the power at all, you are merely displacing where it is(In a disastrously bad way as history has proven with entertainment-based unions). The metaphorical ball is not in your court in this example btw

Voice actors have standards. Game developers don't wanna rock the boat because they all signed terrible contracts and can be fired whenever.

>Quite the opposite. It would be illegal.
So why has Musk shut down such attempts several times?

From software likes english voices and they're good. Why do the japanese do a better job at english voice acting than the west?

>bioware fucks around for years
>Daddy EA tells them they're releasing Anthem next year
>everyone at bioware shits themselves because they had done nothing for 5 years
Bioware is metaphorically that guy who procrastinated doing a major assignment until the last minute, his entire grade for the course for the semester depended entirely on it so he desperately tries to slap it together in the final week and it's really really obvious.

My ball is in your court fag.

because voice actors typically work per contract and dont really risk much by speaking up
she could literally be a puppet for the actual devs, basically avoiding showing who the core devs at the company are, that are conspiring behind the scenes to unionize
basically this

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Imagine being this brainwashed by American education.

I wonder if you have any proof of that happening, or if you're just talking straight out your ass.

And no, "look it up" isn't going to be an acceptable answer. That's dumb, and the burden of proof is on you. Besides, that's just a lazy copout.

I'm convinced they put way more effort into the story for the Trailer than they did for the Game.

>These Devs are just shit. Don't feel sorry for them. They're just untalented hacks.

Fuck off commie.

Unions are good, but i don't trust canucks or burgers of all people to keep their eyes in the real issues (Work times/Work load/fair pay/Work related health issues). They'll turn it into "give ist nap time, a prayer room and pay for my Bad mood!".

that's a woman

Except all of them were a violation of the NLRB and were handled in court. Are you retarded or something? Just because they will attempt to stop it, doesn't mean it's legal, you dumb amerilard.

>we should drastically change our lives in order to appease the top beneficiaries of capitalism

Fuck those kikes. Womyn had to join the workforce and fuck everything up because no one can afford to feed a family on 1 salary anymore

>if I'm not fucking something up for everyone it means you're denying me my rights!
I know who you voted for

>#performancematters was over 2 years ago
Nothing came of it

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Unions only work when you can't just outsource the whole studio to Bulgaria

Unionization is the perfect recipe for leading us to another video gaming crash in the west. I'm all for it.

I want to see his pussy

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I'm curious to know then, who did I vote for?

There are other aspects that make unions in gaming pointless such as much of the hardship stemming from unfixable problems such as crunch time before release or job insecurity. What are employers supposed to do? Give you a job guarantee for at least 10 games or constantly postpone release so nobody has to work overtime, although it might just be one pipeline that's delayed so everybody else is basically idling time and money away? Both automatically lead to the demise of any company since you'd lose all flexibility when it comes to project size, unrealistic expectations for your releases, complete dependents on all games being absolutely successful and much more.

Now I don't mean to sound like a pervert, but I really want to see what she looks like without a shirt out. Those square shoulders don't match up with how tiny the arms are and the angle they're sticking out at. She's built like a shitty old battlemech

Unions in North America have always been about establishing political control over production by inserting a third party that controls labor rather than actually fighting for privileges. This is the case in software development, where unpaid overtime ("crunch") is applauded by the pink-haired scum who rant about the need for unions, but the idea of a piece of software being made by people whose total melanin content is below a certain level is absolutely heinous.

Euros simply don't understand that our idea of what a union is "supposed" to be is vastly different from theirs. To put it another way, let me ask you this Europoors: Should unions be private corporations lead by lawyers with six digit salaries? If you answer "No", congratulations, because what you're thinking of is not what "union" means in America.

The best comedy was the ones who bowed out are some of the worst performers of them all in their respective tiers. It was extremely obvious why they hoped their garbage union would carry their lazy asses to more money.

Blue collar as Well? I agree, this isn't addressing any of the real Problems Game devs might face, but pampered babys acting Up and burying the underpayed workhorses in programming under them

Downtime is the result of poor management. I don't think it's inherent to game development.
I don't think it's something you need to solve through unions or regulation either.

Like a hockey stick!

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So it's basically workers throwing together a Font from which to Finance a house/trade lawyer? I'm actually learning Here.

Was it buzzfeed that told its employees that unionisation went against the buzzfeed style and then almost immediately fired most of its employees?


fucking faggots dont know what hardship is. The west deserves to fail if we've raised pussies like this.

Unions are racketeers, fuck them

Don't have to suck corp cock to know how shitty unions are, by fucking looking at existing unions you commie retard.
They don't do duck for the employee most times , just siphon money and then demand more money so they can't get even more while doing jack shit. This is why the fucking mafia gets into unions because it's easy lunch money.
Basically anyone pro Union is a mafia cock sucking commie that can't wait for a dumbed down workforce.

If the West coast and East coast were to be nuked, the country would improve overnight

Nah, I'm Australian and this is what Unions have become here too.

Because they hire theater actors and not some anime voice actors

As a best case scenario, yeah, it's a group of workers hiring a team of lawyers and managers to direct them. The problem is that's an absolute best case scenario. Most of the time, however, how it usually works is a group of lawyers and managers setup what is in practice a private corporation that effectively "rents out" labor. If you want to use, say, unionized wood cutters (for simplicity) you have to "pay" the private corporation. It works like this: Unions have union dues, which are often quite hefty; the union "fights" to give you a pay raise, and they then take the entirety of that pay raise as a union due. Thus, your employer is effectively paying the union for your labor. Unionization is enforced at the threat of violence, or sometimes is simply legally required.

It's not unusual for a union to be lead by people who have literally never done the job done by the workers the union is supposed to be fighting for. To put it another way, if the idea of a steelworkers union being lead by people who have never stepped foot in a steelmill before sounds odd to you, you're misunderstanding what an American union is.

Not all of them are this bad, of course, but they're a far cry from Euro unions, and a VERY far cry from cooperatives.

How about developers simply stop wasting money on awful voice acting that I'm going to skip almost all the time because I've read the subtitles before the character has said more than a word? Not to mention the file size bloat

Quality > Quantity, 60% of voice acting is actively detrimental to the game.

An employee is free to work for someone else, no one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to work where they don't want to be. Fuck liberals and fuck unions, all socialists deserve a bullet

Imagine being American and cucked by everybody.

>listening to the liberals

Nice to know if you overly simplify everything to lmao just get a job it solves all problems in an entire industry.

>Bro just like die if you don't lick the boot.

Mate I'm a fucking shop steward, I know exactly how dodgy the unions are. The fact of the matter is though employers will not take you seriously in certain industries if you're not a union member because the employers and the unions work hand in glove.

This shit is retarded. They're not permanent hires. They have no reason to be allowed unions. They'll just easily be replaced by scrubs.

Why do you think they even want to unionize you fucking dipshit? To improve their working conditions, which either means a) more money or b) more time off while getting the same amount of money. a) will directly increase the dev costs while b) will increase them indirectly (VA cost stays same, but recording the lines will take longer, and I'm sure you heard the phrase "Time is money"). And who do you think will carry those extra costs?

You obviously don't have an ounce of economic knowledge, yet you question the authencity of others and you are even too fucking lazy to research shit yourself. Fucking disgrace.

>unpaid overtime ("crunch") is applauded by the pink-haired scum who rant about the need for unions

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>work part time at woollies
Yeah I'm sure you learned a whole bunch about industrial relations stacking those shelves.

>a bunch of talentless diversity hires are asked to do a white man's job
>they all get PTSD and fail completely

Every time

Its almost like the large majority of them have serious ego problems and want to pretend they're shit equal to the likes of JPN VAs who double/triple as idols, models, actors, and all sorts of other shit ontop of voicing your favorite chinese video cartoon.

I never joined the Union for my current workplace, always thought they were sketchy as fuck.
A few months ago they got done because it turned out they were using a shell corporation to purchase a lot of shares in the company whose workers they were supposed to be representing, and they had been doing it for years. I had a big old laugh.

We must take advantage of the things around us otherwise we would be cavemen with no way of communicating

I don't need to explain anything to you. Plus I'm not going to do it on Yea Forums of all places.

>a fair share of the wealth you create every day

>voice actors
>create anything

>vidya VAs all unionize into one big stagnant talent pool that hasn't progressed beyond passionless droning or 90s anime-tier shouting
>studios respond by hiring on seasoned TV/theatre scabs who can actually act behind a mic
Mite b cool

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>paid leave for anxiety

Lmao fucking east coast.

I'm currently in EBA negotiations for my shop. Shits fucked.

Because they (for the most part) hire based on actual talent rather than the fame tied to a name.
Look at Bloodborne for example. All the English VAs are literal who theatre actors and every single one of them are better than the big name faggots like Troy Baker and Laura Bailey

When you have no passion for your work its no surprise the little things start to fuck you up because you only care about that paycheck and whats in your pipeline

would smash

Yeah sure pal how about you explain deez nuts while you are at it

Unions are the worst thing to happen in capitalism

Same thing with legally defining corporations as a human entity.

Don't worry babe, I like it when the boy features show.

-posted from a phone built in a commie country

yeah, seems like gobbunism truly is superior, thanks for pointing that out

globalism=/=global trade you retarded leftist

I honestly at every retard who calls anyone not for more government control a "bootlicker". It's as if the irony is completely lost on them

This is you

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>all the 14-16 year old itt being contrarian and sucking cooperate dick

Why? Do you really think your boss loves you? Why do you even defend shit that goes against your own self-interest.

What headache and stress would a fucking VA face because of game engine constrains? Like just speak on the mic nigga, just read your lines!

Iphones are not vital

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Why not just leave the big publisher and form your own company through crowdfunding?
That way you aren't held to any deadlines or design changes passed down by a corporate suit, or held to a 3rd party enforced regulation for anything else.
You'd never have to actually produce a game either.
Why would you want to work for a company you had to force at threat of a union to give you slightly better conditions anyway?

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>Western games
Who gives a shit?

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Isn't this is why jobs are outsourced overseas?

>Dist. by universal UKEK

Can't make this shit up

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Anyone else thinks all of these fit too perfectly? Like (((they're))) out to ruin the one industry they haven't fully taken over yet?

I wish we were back in 2008 or even 2012. Yea Forums was good at looking through the rabbit hole.

What is wrong with western voice actors and why are they so obnoxiously entitled?

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this looks like the kind of person who sees a normal hard working environment and takes the whinging of the weakest people and projects that onto everyone for the purpose of virtual signalling.

Voice actors would have the tiniest insight into the development of a game. Present for what? the equivalent of 1 week out of the entire process to record lines

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Holy fuck you're a delusional retard. Self interest shilling leads to dumb shit like communism and socialism that destroy countries over night. LIFE IS NOT FAIR ITS NOT FUCKING EASY! Learn to deal with that shit you can leave your job any time. "hurrr ill die on the street" then build more skills and fuck off to something better.

Good god calling people contrarians well being a NEET retard who thinks life should be handed to you. This is why religion and American parents are fucking dogshit. You grow up thinking you are inherently special. No nigger you can die on the street right fucking now no one will care the world is a manual place you do not fucking matter it will continue when you disappear improve or die you pitiful piece of filth.

whats anthem?
Like national anthem? I didnt even know you needed a voice actor for it, where i live anyone and everyone can sing it, maybe for special ocasions?

Anyways i fail to see how the national anthem is video games

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>And who do you think will carry those extra costs?
In an ideal world the CEOs would just take a $20+ million pay cut.
But personally I have no problem with this. If it mean less western trash then I'm all for it.

Get a job

Participation does not imply reliance

ah america, the place where every industry group have more than one lobby group but if workers try to create one is communism

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>implying general American political science / history education is that robust
We learn about Christopher Columbus aka The Single Man who Found America and George Washington chopping down a tree. Oh and that WW1 and WW2 happened.

>voice actor
who cares
they contributed minimal towards a good game
in fact their voices only bloats out the game's size

It's funny, I never see the good ones complain ever that I can think of off the top of my head. It's the terrible ones who need 150 takes per sentence to get it right because they don't care about the role at all who cry about their hard conditions

Good, then stop buying chinese slave built iphones if you hate capitalism so much
You don't rely on them after all

Shoulda had romances BioWare

Here in Brazil until just recently, you would be by default in whatever union your work sector is, and it was a big pain in the head to opt out of it. Most people would just pay thinking it was some kind of goverment tax, so the fuckers are the union had no reason to even work.

>the worst
financial sector
debt economy
marketing lies
t. brainlet capitalcuck
you're literally getting fucked by the big capital holders while blaming it all on gobbunism while thinking like a facist.
you know what stopping delocalization and regulating global trade means? state intervention, aint libertarian globacucks against that state intervention?

>CEOs would take a $20million pay cut

>he's seriously implying lobbying groups aren't actually organized crime, and the ones who aren't support democrats that import illegals to take jobs

Well, it indirectly affected predatory corporations pushing for globalism and outsourcing to china and india where they have slaves that work for 12 hours a day for pennies, though. Until you fix that go ahead and unionize, you'll see how much good it does to you.

What exactly is expected to be accomplished by marching for the gays? There has never been an instance of gays not being able to purchase a video game due to sexuality

And you don't know what a "private corporation" is.

They constantly kill each other and have phantom workers that just exists in name and receive paycheks, in every construction job, they are like a mob in my country.

anthem would have been a better game without the voice acting

why do richfags like to pretend they wage slave?

virtue signaling, its considered "good pr" these days, especially in liberal shitholes like commiefornia, jew york and londonistan

>Go to work for a company that has laughably less demand for labor than supply
>Strong arm them into treating you better than the replaceable peg that you are
I'm all for them unionizing but jesus christ go work for a smaller studio if video games is what you want to do. Bioware should be begging people to work for them at this point, not the other way around.

Anthem would have been a better game without the beta male virgin protagonist

Something that should be abolished.

Try to not endorse or patronize any business that has even a whiff of unionization of you can help it.

Why don't game devs make a guild like the tv show writers do and then go on strike? Or are they just a bunch of pussies?

What the fuck happened to working for 8 hours a day?

the tl;dr is: marketing to sell crap to idiots

I hope you work every single day of the year and support child slavery.

They can be outsourced in a heartbeat and it scares the shit out of them to get blacklisted

Brand association helps support a cause. Imagine some faggot out in the street waving his dick around for gay pride, then imagine the same thing with a Nike float next to him. Nikes going to look a bit gayer and the fag is going to a look a bit less insane.

Not sure if Bioware is the support they're looking for though.

To get you to work more and that people defend them. (see this thread)

Antehm would have been a better game if it didn't exist in the first place.

Reminds me of the Game Developer's Conference this year where they called all gamers racist white supremacists and that they should unionize

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I literally cannot fathom how people are so afraid of not being known as openly accepting towards gays that they have to go out of their way to do it. Just because they hold a facetious 30 minute walk down a couple streets isn’t making their games worth playing

>in an industry that's already bloated with dead weight employees and can't seem to go three days without mismanaging something into radioactive cancer patient shit
What could possibly go wrong?

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So you’re just a daydreaming idealist

The world has enough of those people.

I don't think you realize you're just side stepping the issue to talk about something else while completely ignoring the validity of wanting better working conditions and practices for labor

If BioWare adds romances I'll buy their shit game

They unionize and EA will just close the studio instantly.

Walmart style.

It's just advertising m8. It isn't a matter of fear.

Looks like a golden opportunity for new talent.

Obama happened.

>What could possibly go wrong?
The gaming industry turns into the comic industry where every issue is REEEing about white supremacy.

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I'm not sidestepping anything, if you dislike slave labor then boycott iPhones
But we both know you can't live without iphones and avocado toasts

If Game Developers unionize, more work would just be outsourced to independent studios.

Exact same thing happened when the Voice Actors tried to unionize, non-union VA got a lot of work.

No you won't. If you are like me you won't even pirate it because that would be dead weight in your hard drive. It says something about the state of the industry when people don't even want to play your game for free.

t. wagecuck

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people are stupid, especially those with a constant need to feel like they are in "a resistance" or "fighting the good fight"
Have you ever noticed how literally in every piece of liberal fiction the "good guys" are always "the resistance"? even when theres nothing to be resisting, or they themselves are the status quo?

These people NEED to "be" "revolutionaries", they cant simply be normal people, they have to be the underdog, and they have to "fight" for whats right

Meanwhile, the people on top, the bosses, just see them for what they are, useful idiots for easy shekels from other idiots

no one’s holding a gun against the employer with a union either

Psh Reddit has comments with a thousand upvotes saying “all conservatives are white supremacists”

Fuck absolutes.

Isn't that already the case?

Could’ve fooled me, as being so much as slightly anti-whatever essentially creates waves about people circlejerking about how awful someone or something is because they don’t 100% support whatever the fuck the vocal minority is pushing for.

Oh yea industries in usa crashed when unions were at their peak...

voice actors like that are entitled little shits. They only got their job because some sjw at the HR department got them in.

They need to get on Troy Baker status before being able to actually get a union.

No it's much worse in the comic book industry. Imagine games where every quip and quest title is something Trump said 3 years ago

>Minimum wage and unions and that liberal shit is just sjw communism.
>Minimum wage and unions

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That's fine we just won't hire union people on our payroll it's more paperwork anyways

That was before or after globalism happened? I keep forgetting that tiny, insignificant detail.

I bought every BioWare game with romance they tossed majority of fan base not adding romances to Anthem

That just means that any unionization efforts has to extend to as much people as possible

I mean, that's just the reality of it. In what way would improved conditions, mandatory time off, etc make games cheaper?
Though I'm of the opinion 95% of games these days are way over bloated and could use some deflation.
Whenever social programs like this are proposes, especially in entertainment,I say fucking do it so you can fail on your ass and be replaced.
Seriously, this isn't trucking, or power, or nursing, it is not a necessary component of society AT ALL. unionizing will do fucking shit except pushing actual fans of Vidya away.

>If they unionize prices will go up, quality will go straight down and in one swoop Vidya will be dead.


AAA, big industry AMERICAN tasteless games will be dead.
indie devs, based eastern european developers and eastern developers will grow and deliver even better games.

Before. Unions was crushed by Reagan and Thatcher before they dragged them kicking and screaming to globalization.

That’s when the unions use political lobbying to pass laws to make it illegal to work outside of unions without paying a non-union tax/fee. The construction industry is the perfect example.

From the few clips I've seen on youtube the female MC in Anthem sounds absolutely atrocious
every line was the same faux-confident ironic bullshit

It's the opposite you retard. Big companies have enough money to work with unions, small ones don't. That's why big companies lobby for regulations they know small companies can't afford to comply with. Eat shit pinko

Pretty sure Indian and Chinese studios will not unionize.

You're right, I can't. So instead of boycotting the product I can pursue different avenues like encouraging the workers/government to limit how much apple is allowed to exploit it's labor

>Womyn had to join the workforce and fuck everything up because no one can afford to feed a family on 1 salary anymore
You got your cause and effect mixed there, buddy.

They don't make most of the games you will play anyway

To be fair in my area Union means white, non-union means some shitskin from mexico's asshole

>implying quality won't go down
>implying small indie teams would give a fuck about employee rights for their first self publsihed games
>implying other countries will give a fuck about your law.

>Yea Forums is now so paranoid they just assume every woman is actually a man
Discord tranny council won, you fags got ruined.

>quality will go straight down
lol in this particular example we're talking about Bioware and EA, what quality?

Then you have your answer. You need to plug the hole on the sinking ship before you start bucketing away or it would be utterly pointless.

Please let gaming crash.

>Big companies have enough money to work with unions, small ones don't.
yea most unionized workers will be in the big companies...

Not even close. Comic industry top dogs are closer to what Yea Forums imagines Anthony Burch as than even Anthony Burch himself. Full on cuckery.

Aight, i'm glad you're able to rationalize supporting chink slavers just because plastic iShit is as vital as water to your hipster söy ass

>according to kotaku
>the source is a fired employee full of bitter grudge
>nobody like the game so it's not ok to disagree with the bad things that are said
this is going to be the next #metoo witch hunt, right?

You can do both nigga. Hell you need stronger unions locally and globally to stop globalization

Hell the silver bullet to globalization is forming one big international union

I don't need journals or studies.
Stay with me because I can tell you're slow.
>If quality stays the same
>If production stays the same
>If profit margin demanded stays the same
>If marketing stays the same
>Worker hours go down
>Employment cost goes up
>Dev time will increase
>Cost of final product will increase

Argue my points, bitch.

Capitalism? More like capitalism lmao get dabbed on americucks go work 90 hours to afford a single burger. Don't forget to tip.

Why would you work for Jap industry or a small studio when you can work for EA?
The spirit of my post agrees with you, however, but it won't be instantaneous. If a union happens it will kill ALL games for at least 5 years until a competent company builds a business model to counter unionizing.

Threads like this make me glad I live in Massachusetts instead of some shitty cucked Republican state.
Can't imagine not getting at least 3 weeks PTO, state subsidized health insurance for anyone who makes less than $70k, mandatory sick days, at least 2 mandatory 15 minute breaks, an hour for lunch, and mandatory maternity/paternity.
I couldn't imagine being such a corporate cuck that you'll shill for them to be able to take a giant shit on you.

A union could improve working conditions, but at the same time it might cause game studios to use more and more contract workers who wouldn't be subject to union regulations. Game quality won't improve though; that has more to do with leadership than the quality of life of ordinary developers.

dont forget that if you dont follow their trends, they go above and beyond to try to get you blacklisted and shit

Very low iq post

Unions often cause a massive inflation on what every individual worker is worth which shits on operating costs of the business, and even goes further into devaluing similar positions at other jobs despite competing positions possibly being more complicated or mentally/physically involved.

London Underground train staff are paid an obscene amount amount of money, over $70,000 annually for driving a glorified bus because of constant strikes via union demands. This is significantly more than people in the truck hauling industry, train drivers on the main rail lines that net across the country, and is competing with the wages of airline pilots.

>at least 2 mandatory 15 minute breaks, an hour for lunch, and mandatory maternity

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Do you work six day a week and take Labour Day off?

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They can eat shit. All unions do is gatekeep the industry by forcing you to pay dues to even be allowed to be considered to be able audition for a part.

I had to simplify the language for you Americans to understand.

>being this naive
Hey, I got an even better idea: how about politicians stop being corrupt and simply make laws preventing abuse of the consumer instead of depriving them of rights and conniving with corps? How come nobody ever thought of that?!??!
Are you 12 per chance?

The male is just as bad, always a "I'm a badass so I'll always be sarcastic and deliver early Marvel tier dialogue that's nothing but quips and snark".

Muh gatekeeping
Shouldn't you be posting on twitter about how Sekiro is ableist?

And that's exactly the problem. They'll do all this shit and tank competition outright. Unions are the big guys plans to squash the little guys, then screw over everyone in said union that did the dirty work. Unions in fields like this play themselves and are too stupid to realize it.

I agree, that's the bare fucking minimum (not even).
Now imagine that most states don't even have that.
Most Euro countries get mandatory 2 hour lunch breaks, you could literally leave work, go get a quick buzz going at a local bar, take a nap, and go back to work sobered up.
It's insane how poor our working standards are here in the US because so many cucks and boomers shill for corporations.

you can count the average IQ of Yea Forums on your fingers, user

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profit margin and bonuses will go down genius. Also better working hours and conditions will increase quality

this is what happens when you bring in actor's guild faggots to do some of your voice acting, they give the dedicated voice actors ideas of unionization

Can't do that with unions my nigga. But I do agree that a consumer watchdog group is important too. After all both ideas came from the same labour movement.

Are you a cuck?

Americans make more money than every country on Earth on average and we pay lower prices on goods than most countries as well because we don't have ass loads of taxes so the parasites can get more welfare

Please don't post this comic in response to someone shitting on something like Apple.
You don't NEED a smartphone, and you DAMN sure don't NEED an iPhone, there are literally near-endless alternatives, while participating in society is generally kind of mandatory.

Considering about 50% of blue board traffic are shitskins that can't handle the bants on /pol/ it really explains the general lack of intelligence and paranoia of big bad USA

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Squash the little guys by collectively bargaining for everyone?

Then how come most of your population are barely above poverty at best?

Good. Oppose the power of money through the power of numbers, or the rich will take you to the cleaners every day. You want a fair market, you gotta level the field.

>glad I live in Massachusetts
What the fuck is wrong with you

It's well known that the biggest shills for AAA americans companies are europoors.

whats wrong with unions

How would profit margins go down? Where did I mention bonuses?
MAYBE quality would improve, but cost would definitely skyrocket.

You also pay insane prices for healthcare, and unless you live in the middle of nowhere you also pay insane prices for rent. That purchasing power doesn't translate into a better lifestyle, it translates into shoddy houses and being one missed paycheck away from bankruptcy.

Nothing, it's humans that are corrupt.

I'm not retarded?

Americans don't like them because they hurt the poor corporations feelings.

All unions were meant to do were guarantee benefits. Now we have employer insurance so it's useless. All they do now is sell out to retarded Democrats and try to tell their union workers to vote left even they know it fucks them over, and make it harder to fire dumb niggers who are lazy and don't do any work

t. Had inside experience

(((Americans))) don't like them because they don't hire illegal mexicans.

Unions do not do what you think they are supposed to do, user

Union members
Comical levels of corruption

>get fired en masse
>hire even more pajeets and recent-grads
>pajeets and recent-grads get slightly higher pay and benefits to dissuade them from joining the union
>while the now unemployed union workers effectively lock themselves out of the market
Congratulations, you've improved the lives of the workers that have replaced all you faggots, you played yourself.

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>too stupid to even realize the reason why he is being called stupid
Keep believing in magic, you'll go far in life.
Unless you are yourself a little piggy magic peddler valiantly defending the "interests" of the other farm animals. Then you'll definitely go far in life since suckers like the one you are trying to impersonate are really abundant

You need a smartphone to operate these days and IPhones, I would argee with you if you are talking about top self expensive smart phones but iphones are the plebian choice by design and marketing.

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>All unions were meant to do were guarantee benefits.
Wrong. Unions aren't about a specific thing. Unions are about getting the workers the best deal you can, because otherwise the boss is getting the best deal he can.

It's a solution to a problem that creates more problems than not having the solution.

I have a flip phone and my social life is healthy, why do I need a smartphone?

>getting devs to unionize
next you'll be telling waiters to unionize too lmao

>stress leave

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>You need a smartphone to operate these days

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>Keep believing in magic, you'll go far in life
All I have to do is look at history and the present cucks.

rich coming from someone who whiteknighting for people that will not care about him anyway. Worse that twitch thots' betas

What is cheaper, paying fair wages and respecting work conditions for every single employee or bribing the boss of the union?

Does America have credit unions?

She clearly has some degree of vertical facial growth and most likely a malocclusion.
Notice she's pointing her forehead upwards, she's basically looking up at the sky, yet her face grew downwards
Classic mouthbreather look

It's not devs, it's writers mostly. Writers are the only people that will hire talentless bluehairs and now that they're in the system they're going to lock everybody else out.

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>not using messaging services like whatsapp and quick access to emails in work
Okay NEETs

Yeah, look at history retard. By the way, communism always fails, sweetie :)

The only reason /pol/ is against unionization because it's filled with fat retarded Americans.

I hope the entire game industry organizes because maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to put the (((people)))) at the top back where they belong.

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All these listed problems do not concern voice actors, so why she is there?

>needing to read your email 24/7

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Stop posting man. You are so fucking retarded it hurts to see.

Unfortunately the days of Unions actually being for the worker are long gone in America. Currently dealing with having been fucked over by our rep over a potential closure which lead to a Sadie Hawkins canvas, despite another Union at the same company being informed of negotiations going on for roughly two weeks, we got five days and told to vote with no chance to organize between the two shops it affected. Only people who don't believe the rep got handies and money under the table to fuck us are old hats who like the guy and think there's no way the Union leadership could be corrupt.

The only magic here is the amount of cocks you can manage to fit into all your orifices and still manage to not asphyxiate or rupture something

keep rationalizing one of your many addictions, mate

Can't you read your email on a walmart burner phone?

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So sounds like unions are for retards that can't manage their own career. Maybe they deserve to be at the bottom

So kick him out. What's stopping you? Why do you let him keep doing that?

>not needing to read emails outside of home

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Thrust your fists in the air!

Shit man, sounds scummy. I can See how americans are against unions now. Thanks Bro, really informative post.

It would be the writers, I'm not surprised.
>lock everybody else out
exactly the problem with unions

Bioware, specially Mass Effect, had gold quality VAs

>Fair wages

You don't deserve $15 for flipping burgers

Literally not how it works.

They're for the large majority of people whose skill isn't so rare that they can set the terms of their contract. That's not a question of managing your career, that's a question of combining power to make up with numbers what the other side has in money.

Newsflash: That will always be the majority. Any given worker can get that rare skill, but not all of them, and the rest of them will be better off teaming up.

iPhones are made by labor, capitalism only dictates how the profits are divided.

In communism you have to work hard. NEETs are shamed and forced to work.
Everyone promoting communism on the internet is from western countries.
I'm an east europoor and communism was all about work.
You simply had to work hard, it was your entire life. Work was fetishized.

All I see are pathetic non-arguments from white knights. Hope you aren't stopping work on Saturdays and Labour Day like a hypocrite...

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The bulk of our poor are minorities leeching on welfare and purposely stay at the poverty level so they can collect welfare

>exactly the problem with unions
Unions are fine when you're competing with fuckers that don't even know english that'll do the bare minimum amount of work for the bare minimum amount of pay.
>It would be the writers
Why do you think the technical aspect of AAA games aren't terrible yet the writing reads like twitter fanfiction?

Fair wages stimulate the economy and provide growth. If people don't have enough money to spend they'll go into debt, eventually causing a crash like we saw in 2008. It's not about paying people $15 to flip burgers; it's about paying people $15 so that they have money to spend

>In communism you have to work hard
Only if you're a farmer, else you get a bullet in your head.

>when you're competing with fuckers that don't even know english that'll do the bare minimum amount of work for the bare minimum amount of pay
The point is that you unionize them too retard.

>Why do you think the technical aspect of AAA games aren't terrible
But they are, most AAA games are horrid bugfests on release?

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>laboUr day
way to out yourself as a euro who doesn't understand the way things work in america

How do you unionize somebody who doesn't even have a driver's licence?

Because he has to be voted out and the current majority just recently voted him back in for another two years.

I dont think people who let their workers go to unplanned 3 months vacation due to stress is the correct choice to be the voice of the union

I thought it was pretty obvious the cavities have eaten into his brain by this point

I pay less in insurance than I would in taxes for a singer payer option and high housing prices only apply if you live in a densely populated area which I don't. Foreigners think the US is nothing but California, New York and Texas apparently

The origins of Labour Day came from America dumbass. And you still have labour day too, just not the original one.

Attached: MayDay.jpg (600x424, 77K)

>most AAA games are horrid bugfests on release?
That's because of poor management. The code monkeys are still the same, but the top and bottom of the industry has been corrupted.

Just ask him?

That's because they're the only states that matter fly over cuck.

American and Euro ideas of labor and its management are extremely different in the context they are applied in. I wouldn't expect a commie to know that difference though.

We had a crash in 2008 because retards bought houses they couldn't afford and because the .com bubble crashed, not because Jamal at Burger King was making minimum wage

Hacks and propagandists are usually preferred during the hiring process with companies as they're capable of shitting out a higher quantity of work in less time. Talented and considered individuals take a decent amount of time to write anything as they agonize over even the smallest of details.
The value of written work is difficult to quantify even before you introduce the business aspect into the mix. For companies, more work in less time = more money made or saved, and that makes pencil pushers, suits, and investors happy.

Trying to be a decent writer is suffering.

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>Voice actor
Literally worthless

But the whole point of a union is they wont hire illegals. That's why there's locals, you can't just start a new local full of illegal mexicans, you'll be nuked from orbit.

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Then they'll come to your office mate

You are the only cuck here retard. Keep voting no borders and 50% taxes policies. But hey, the package has unions as a bandaid :^)
lmao fucking retard.

>retards bought houses they couldn't afford
Actually it was because banks were investing our money into a bubble (housing) and it burst and the banks defaulted and many people lost their homes.

I'd so much fucking rather to work 14 hours 3 days in a row and have rest of the week off than this 8 hour eternal wagiecycle.

Fuck commies in the ass with chainsaws and hang them on lamp postst & kill their entire families.

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Yep I love my flyover so stay in your shithole and never come here. You fags have already ruined the West coast

That doesn't undermine my point that the major gains from the labour movement, origins of Labour Day and push for 40hr came from America. Whining about the differences between Euro and America (which even illustrating what it is) is not even addressing the point.

Just another non-argument from a corporate white knight

Why would anyone care what the fucking voice actor thinks? No joke the janitors that sweep up and clean the toilets contribute more to a game.

I find it unbeliaveable that people are so frail as needing to take 3 month long leaves due to stress when there are jobs out there with a much MUCH higher stress exposition than game development that dont have this kind of shit

I guess those were diversity hires, the same kind of people that get offended by simpsons characters or cultural appropriation whatever

The banks gave out loans to people they knew couldn't afford them along with , what the fuck did you think happened? They just made up all the information and banks didn't bother checking?

Freindly reminder that instead of letting the banks that doomed us in 2008 go out of business and let better ones rise from the ashed O'bummer bailed all of them out with taxpayer money

spot on.

Why would illegals work in the gaming industry?


Voice actors already have a union though but you have to actually be talented to join the voice actor's guild

Yeah, and that dumb faggot's idea to "improve society" would be the allegorical equivalent of burning the local witch down the road.

Not an argument

People were working way more than 42 hours per week before retard.

I'm talking about real life unions, not meme unions

Crunch is inherent. The medium will die with Unionization.

Daily reminder that Unions in countries like Argentina literally STOP the production of all the country (yes, literally every company in the country save for emergency shit has to close) because they are built from the ground up to use force and not the market to get those "workers rights". You've got to travel to the capital for a surgery? too bad! there are no transport companies to get you there, and even if you manage to do that, the gas stations are closed so you doctor can't get to the hospital either. Unions are made composed by the lowest and most violent scum of society, those that in a free competing environment would get sweeped under the carpet, but they get a pass because they "are gaining those workers rights". Every one of the leaders of every union are millionaires, even if they barely know how to read, but they get a pass because they "are gaining those workers rights". And it's not like you can simply choose to not be a part of them, because if you do so and do the legal part to not paying them a monthly fee(nobody asks you if you want to be part of the union, by default you are), be prepared to be shunned and an outcast in your own field even if you are one of the best out there.
Unions are literally the opposite of the market. Unions do everything through force, and the force is used to empower those who control the union, not the "workers" in the bottom.

Nah cuck you're not even worth ruining.

What's even funnier is if you dig into the example being used and realize Anthem was such a shitshow behind the scenes and the whole situation is 100% the people at Bioware's fault.

>wanting a Great Depression 2:Worldwide Edition

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>The management's actual directive was to make the game "Unmemeable"
>make it completely forgettable and not worth even making memes about
A+ job, well done.

You're not even making a point in the first place you clown. You're just acting like an edgy 12-year old who got into his sisters SOC101 textbook and doesn't understand shit about what he's talking about.

How about you talk about somewhere real instead of made up shit.

>unions only work in white majority western nations
Who would have thunk that apes and baboons that just crawled out of the primordial goop couldn't comprehend worker rights?

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>People were working way more than 42 hours per week before retard.
I don't care what people were working before, I'd rather to work hard in short bursts than do this retarded wagie cycle of being eternally tired and having no free time at all.

Kill all commies & their children.

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yea capitalists often use and bring illegals in to break unions. The unions have to unionize them too to break this vicious cycle.

Death and rebirth is just another part of Nature's cycles.

>banks should be allowed to do whatever they want with our savings and taxes and we have to pay for it when they fuck up

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>he is too retarded to even understand the point
You don't even see that most people here want you to actually unionize and get fired? Go ahead, by all means. We wish you the best on your reality-defying endeavours.

The only right that really exists is might, everything else is a privilege granted to you by men more violent and manly than you.

Unions don't unionize illegals, maybe in commiefornia, but not the rest of the US.

Said the one who never made a point and just throw insults like a cuck and hypocrite. Either work in Saturdays and Labour Day or be a fucking hypocrite.

I bet it won't come to you as surprise if I tell you that majority of bankers are jewish.

Said bubble existed because of the dumbfuck Democrat presidents Carter and Clinton and their housing loan law

> I pay less in insurance than I would in taxes for a singer payer option
Then you're the exception. Overall, US healthcare costs far, far more than the tax-funded singlepayer systems.
>high housing prices only apply if you live in a densely populated area which I don't.
So you live in the middle of nowhere enjoy your nothing.

Also the case for Final Fantasy 12, arguably the best voice acting of any video game at the time and for the remainder of the '00s.

as much as i dont like it they literally are too big to fail at this point. pretty much everybody has their money tied to these banks and if they fail, it's not like they keep all your money in a big vault, imagine losing everything youve worked for over 40 years, thats the kind of shit that starts revolutions

>I am willing to risk the implosion of the global financial industry coz of my fee-fees

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>made up shit
literally a link to the history of those general strikes.

I worked a schedule where I did 12 hour shifts Mon,Tue, Fri,Sat,Sun with Wed,Thurs off, then flip next week, and I hated life. I would easily take 8 hours 5 days a week over that insane schedule.

Nice default to ignorance
You cucked yourself and only for (you)s
How absolutely pathetic

as far as im aware the banks have already paid back the bail, with interest to boot

Sure pal. Next link some shit about Narnia.

The point is that a union has to get as much as people as possible so that possibility would not happen since actions like a strike can happen or legal action.

And no more EA, Activision etc games.

Maybe if you're fighting over the tribe's waterhole with a wooden club and a bone through your cock. Fucking primitive.

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B-b-but hiring based on merit is racist and sexist!

But you never linked about the excesses of union chiefs that you were bitching about?

Do you have credit unions in the US?

I didn't get a check in the mail, did you?
>I wouldn't be able to survive innawods
Cry me a river

I hope they push for it so game development can be exported to China and India.

A new world war, new technological advances and a potential to repair the crumbling society of today, all in return for poor people dying off because they have no marketable skills to offer? Sounds good familia

Here comes the insults again after pretending to not understand my argument failed spectacularly. Imagine being a corporate shill but doing it for free and so poorly at it.


And so you have 6 gorillions of pajeets and fresh grads dying to work on videogames. Good luck with that, retard.

>I didn't get a check in the mail
You did, it's your tax return, made up of the taxes you didn't have to pay because the banks paid them back.

I mean it is cool if you want a global financial meltdown, but other people don't so bailing them out was the only choice they had. I do agree that the bankers should have been punished and prevented from repeating the mistake again though

Sounds good because you operate under the premise of "we've been fine twice, let's go at it again". Not gonna work anymore in the age of nukes.

Yea thats what strikes are for genius. To reduce productivity to a standstill even if the company can find replacements

Shut the fuck up lmao.
For a start, voice actors already have a union, and it's filled with insufferable twats who want absurd and outrageous shit from devs in return for their garbage subpar work that adds little to the game, and certainly not more than less big names who aren't in the union.
Second of all, do you notice it's always the same faggots suggesting this shit? It's not the people who actually make the games possible like programmers or animators or systems designers - the people who actually deserve more of a salary and better working conditions because what they do is integral to the product, it's superfluous cunts like voice actors who work for a couple of days total and have the easiest fucking job even whe nthey're shit at it, every fucking time.
Third, anthem is a dogshit game, made by a dogshit company, full of dogshit hires, and is owned by a dogshit corp. Better games have been thrown together by single man teams in the time it took anthems dev cycle, so there's no fucking excuses for shakeups and crunch and retards taking stress leave lol

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Yeah, but if you use them, you don't get working games. You get a pile of shit.

So Anthem?

yeah but the amount of people that use them over one of the big banks is rather insignificant, i agree more ppl need to switch over to credit unions though

Pretty much, yeah.

Here, pal. The history of corruption from the public sector and unions in Argentina is long and hard, but here i got you a literal communist paper to give you insight about the dangers of the unions so you won't get tainted by capitalist propaganda.

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Afghanistan (1984)
ALL of the middle east since

There will be no nukes. Nobody could be the one who ended thousands of years of human history just because they lost a war

>a link with all the times the unions used force to literally stop the country from doing anything
>not excesses
kys nigger

An empire shitting on a small country and then derping around in their nation for a few years doesn't make a world war you dipshit

fromsoft always has good voice acting.
larian studios have good voice acting at a fraction of the cost of retard big names.
decent voice acting isn't hard to get, it's only hard when you're a complete retard who can't run a company or manage your money and think paying some big name nobody will make any difference at all to your games quality or sales

>verticalist, Peronist, subordinated to the State, where the leaders decide everything behind us, and let the attacks on the workers pass.
Oh so a yellow union? Found your problem right there


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>you can throw a tantrum before they fire you even if the company can find replacements
lol I hope the memory of going with a bang is worth something when you find yourself jobless

Punish the bankers by killing them. Hold those hook nosed kikes responsible

Still can't show non imaginary places.

how do i help speed it up

So pretty much what we already have in AAA?

>general strike is using excessive force
How is withdrawing labour using excessive force?

Yes, the problem was setting up the union in the first place. All the commies that now complain about Peron were rallied behind him when he was alive until the seventies. They helped create the monster they now complain about.

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Strike is just a one of the strategy that the union can use. And it works despite your pathetic attempts to downplay it.

>want to be a VA
>but I’m not a commie sympathizer
Any chance I have to make it big fellas?

I liked the part where people such as Troy Baker were fucking over the original voice cast from Silent Hill 2 regarding the attrocious re-release, only to cry and moan about muh unfairness in VA work years on later.

Please, please do unionize. A nice dose of reality will really do you a lot of good.

Don't see what communism has to do with any of it.

I listed off the largest conflicts since countries that aren’t America obtained nukes, and no nukes have been used in an offensive capacity because the entire world would shit on the aggressor

>Yes, the problem was setting up the union in the first place
Clearly not since other countries with non-yellow unions do not have the same problems you have.

>All the commies that now complain about Peron were rallied behind him when he was alive until the seventies.
Meh he was a lesser evil.

>Don't see what communism has to do with any of it.
>I want to be hired not on merit or qualifications, just that my job title

Not an argument retard.

Again don't see what communism has to do with it.

>I listed off the largest conflicts since countries that aren’t America obtained nukes
Yes, and none of them were world wars. None were even close to the scale of world wars.
> and no nukes have been used in an offensive capacity because the entire world would shit on the aggressor
That works until someone's desperate and cornered. When you're fucked anyways, why not go for it?

>we're just withdrawing labor man, no force involved :^)

Attached: pica.jpg (303x166, 8K)

>How did/do people select their jobs in Communist countries?
>the government decides that the economy (composed of state owned companies) will need about 1000 mechanical engineers in a few years to follow. The universities (which are state owned and free to attend) offer only 1000 spots for mechanical engineering students.
Oh too bad, all the writing positions in the union are filled, better luck next year white man.

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My nigga not even the article that picture was scoured from recalled any wounded or damages.

If every single thing that proves that you are a naive retard is not an argument you are going to have a lot of problems dealing with reality. But that is exactly what I expected from you. I just want you to remember how I laughed at you when you go back to cocksucking after your little "fight da power" stut falls apart.

>do not have the same problems you have.

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Good. AAA crumbles, Indy becomes new AAA, cycle resets for the next 20 years.

The “take em down with us” is romanticized extremely by media. There is no way the leaders of a country would essentially doom their country and prevent their future by forcing their country to be disbanded

But you said you only cared about merit which is all there is in a communist state when looking for jobs doesn't that make you a communist then?

Interesting to see this from one of the unionized aspects of the entertainment industry, given that they didn't help or let VFX workers unionize due to cost and as a result, they have worse crunch and pay than game devs.


> There is no way the leaders of a country would essentially doom their country and prevent their future by forcing their country to be disbanded
Literally germany in ww2, and that was without the faint shot at winning that a nuke barrage gives you.

>AAA devs are well paid
>dev cycles have always been stressful
>voice actors know jack-shit about any of the above
>voice actors are in fact overpaid and deserve to be replaced by non-union stage actors like in Souls games

>Other real life examples that counters mine shouldn't count
Of fucking course you linked mises

Is it just me or theres something strange with her hands?

Keep seething with no arguements. Whatever happens to me, at least I know I can live rent free in your head.

>Yea Forums suddenly likes commies
what happened?

It's funny how bugged the working world is.

Unionization is still making a concession for huge commercial releases and corporate interests.

The true solution is cutting ties with all publicly traded companies and the aggressive expansion of boutique publishers

Unionization doesn't mean communism. In fact, they preclude each other.

>the only thing that exists in a communist state is merit
>first come first serve jobs
>free houses paid for by somebody
>most highschools didn't even allow you to apply for college
>CEO and Manager positions of major companies reserved fro communist party members

Nazi Germany’s leadership was in a “all or nothing for the fatherland” type deal, no country today is in a situation that would give rise to that type of leadership

>you real life example doesn't count because i say so.
I posted the case of Argentina, which is far ahead in the commie ladder, and then i linked rothbard for problems with the unions in the US, which go hand in hand with what other anons said about unions in the US. Which is far more than you did tranny. Next time try to use some counter-argument instead of moving the goalpost.

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Yeah that's merit. Being better is merit.


being a serf sounds comfy compared to wagecuckoldry

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I find it funny that what i say is hard to believe for some here, i'ts like they live in a very confortable bubble

who are the 'they' you are speaking of?

also iirc, movie industry is filled with unions and protections for ''key roles'' (if not unions, then similar same shit under a different name), but not VFX, which is a branch that is continued to get assfucked as we speak.

>Voice Actor's opinion

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>Being better is merit
>being told as an elementary student what you're going to be is merit
>being locked out of a job because there's union keeping political adversaries out is merit

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I literally pointed out that your real life example, a Peronist union is a yellow union that is compromised. Comparing your unions with American unions which for all its flaws isn't a yellow union is not an argument. Providing examples are good and all, but they actually have to link to something else it is not an argument.

None except China, India, Pakistan, Israel or North Korea, I guess.

you want to know why there arent any unions in any tech industry you stupid faggot? because when you left wing retards decided to support globalism and its unlimited immigration, you completely threw away your ability to collectively come together to gain leverage. The reason your game is shit, why there is crunch, and all that shit is because half your team is filled with h1 visa hires who dont know what they fuck they are doing but know enough to fake it to get hired so actually competent people never get hired. You are fucked. Get out of the industry and try not to screw yourself over by being a left wing useful idiot next time around.

I feel like you are just jealous that you are worthless and aren't a merit chad.

Thanks corporation

Thank god

>People always blame the leadership of failed countries.
>Rarely ever do they actually blame the citizens of that country for its failings.

Individuals can damage a country, but it takes a people to truly fuck one up.

because they are white niggers

Is this a protest or a general strike? Looks like the former instead of the latter? I find it funny that what peoplesay is hard to believe for some here, i'ts like they are retarded enough to conflate different things together

What's up with shitkins throwing rocks?

Half the time when you're in a union, all it amounts to is an extra deduction off your paycheck. Unions are only good if you're in some trade position for 20+ years already, or if you work for the union itself. Most of what makes jobs marginally tolerable are a result of government regulation.

Sounds like your union sucks.

We're talking about communism and their similarities to unions you dumb shit, not your feelings.

>a result of government regulation.
Who do you think pushes for those? Sure as fuck isn't your empolyer

And you're the one upset who thinks unions which protect workers are the same as the communist society you want that only wants meritful workers.

I feel like vidya still makes way too much money for unions to gain any real traction. It's an inevitable, and would definitely benefit earlier than later.

Nah, video game workers, particularly modern ones, are scum of the earth. I'm content them having it worse, you think I'll support their garbage gibs at the cost of my games getting worse and more expensive? Maybe if they stopped supporting everything ruining my hobby every fucking time on twatter, or they stopping pushing their far left agenda in all their work, they'd be worth supporting.

Those countries are too busy with becoming a developed nation to set themselves back to zero by throwing it all away. Conceding in a war is preferable to being completely btfo and losing your country

See 1945 Japan when they realized that getting DP’d by USA and Russia would end their country

>Vidya will be dead
holy fuck, they should unionize then, this garbage hobby should die

Far more talentless people have become industry staples by sheer virtue of being the only game in town for decades, user. If any washed-up TV actor can put the out of a job , then you probably can too.

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>unions which protect worker
Which unions are those? Surely not the ones for white collar workers who get paid to write political discharge in videogames.

>Our strike failed horribly, more companies are picking non-union voice actors, give me and my organization money


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You don't get it yet, it's the same people. When Unions rise in political power, they want to keep that power, so they start maneuvering in areas that may seem alien to them, but are not. As they deem to "defend" ther "workers rights" they will use force not only for things directly related to them but also for "protesting" against the national budget like in the video. All the banners you see behind the people destroying everything are either from literal commies or from Unions. This can be extended to laws, to drugs, to police and any set of things that let them get things "their way".
Don't take my work from this, if you like you can investigate the unions in argentina and the things that sorround them and you'll get it.

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You mean the people who would be killed in your precious communist society?

She's cute as fuck.

wait, they are complaining about the engine still? how fucking incompetent are they, I know it's made in weird Swedish runes but fuck me, they should have someone that can code in that.

Also suffering from anxiety and depression after a gigantic workload? don't fuck around with amphetamines or ritaline that is kinda why it's a fisherman's trick to abuse alcohol when on the downturn.

I hope this game did not sell any good so we don't need to hear more of their excuses onto why they are not making a good game.

The AFL-CIO's own workers were threatening unionization last october. It's pretty funny when the union of unions doesn't even want what they preach for their own staff.

Actually people who couldn't perform in their selected job would be imprisoned. But I don't get how I'm a communist for knowing what I'm talking about.

It sold 100% on preorder hype. When that bugfest piece of shit launched they already had all the money.

I asked a very simple fucking question of how is general strike violent, answer me instead of pivoting everything back to your fucking country so you can stand on your soapbox to whine about it.

I never denied that protests doesn't come with an element of violence and is effective in getting what they want, but simply asking how are strikes violent?

>these work conditions are unacceptable
>instead of finding a less shit job let's make a union!
>*entire department gets laid off*

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Seems like you've researched it a lot, comrade.

>Oh no. My toys get more expensive at the price of basic human rights.
Suck it up corporate drone.

Haha just get another job. W-what do you mean it's the exact same condition? Just try again!

when will the industry btfo VAs and start hiring people like how from software does???
every souls game has godly voice acting but all of them are literal whos

These threads are always underages trying to explain to other underages how the world works.
That's the whole reason I lurk them.

They are already part of OPEIU, but yea the leadership of AFL-CIO are pretty fucked up and the union federation is weak and poor in general

Leave it to somebody who supports illegals to think education is damnable

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Some of the easiest threads to bait in.

the more hours you work in a row the more breaks you need and you become less productive

Interesting projection seeing as I never mentioned anything about illegal immigrants.


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Then why are you replying to me if you don't even know the context. You couldn't be a braindead shitposter, could you?

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If you can fire your entire department at moments notice with little in ill effects you suck at management.

Unions don't work anymore because it you ask people to join you to prevent all of you from being worked to death they'll look at you like you're an idiot or a crazy person like they all showed up to work and get a shot at maybe possibly dying.

Makes about as much sense as unions championing the cause of immigrant labor.

>Toy get's expensive
>don't buy it anymore
>company has to close
>Suck it up, company drone

This entire thread is shitposting. Don't tell me you were posting sincerely, that's kinda sad.
Anyway it's been fun dude.

You just make less profit from each sales. What company will choose to close down rather than make less profits?

>video game union stops working on a game to get better rights
>Publisher closes down the studio and moves it to a third world shithole where there are no unions and lower wages

A video game union won't work

>Posting unironically is bad
Did the hourly porn thread archive or something?

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>studio now consits of third world workers delivering third world product
>people stop buying
>studio shuts down

You kind of missed my point. Disastrous policies by incompetent, greedy, or megalomaniacal individuals in positions of power are almost always a result of an apathetic or delusional people.

Thanks user :)

I dunno, been mainly just posting as multiple people in this one.

I had misquoted you instead of the user that said the countries. I totally agree that the people could put a stop to their government, and are somewhat responsible for letting it get to the point that another nation is kicking down their front door

Seems to be working so far:

For something physical like consumer goods or what have you, making them in the 3rd world can pose challenges due to poorer standards and ways of work, as well as the need to transport your shit all the way to the target market, paying tarrifs along the way. For something you can make anywhere and sell everywhere like a video game, there's much less incentive to keep the studio in an expensive location. This is why studios like the one above keep popping up, the publishers are taking the first world IP and then making cheaper studios work on it. I'll agree Thrones of Brittania wasn't as good as a mainline TW game but it wasn't a total flop, and probably cost way less to make.

Because the self made ones worked themselves to the fucking bone to get where they are. The inherited/lucky assholes just latch on.

>this kills the big budget AAA gaming
>Midbudget games for niche audiences return
Why don't we want this?

You have linked an expansion of a company with acquiring an already existing company and conflating with third world outsourcing? Also it is second world.

If they unionize it will take decades to burn them from the industry.

So when will the comics industry realize this has backfired on themselves and change course?

>latin america is second world

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If they're gone they're gone, again, why do we not want this?

Yeah, the longer time goes on the more apparent it is that people don't know what the fuck they're talking about. It's easy to just spout shit. I lurk them for the same reason.

>they didn't build it from the ground up so it doesn't count
>arguing semantics about lesser and greater shitholes
Alright then, I guess we'll wait and see who's right

Bulgaria isn't in Lain America retard. And that isn't my main point

She should do voice over work for jav. And also star in her own porn

>when will the comics industry realize this has backfired
AHAHAHAHAHA! They're barely selling 5-10k copies of brand new #1's. They're going straight to hell screaming "DRUUUUUUMMMMMMPPPPFFFF" the whole way down.

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You fucking nigger, stop enabling slavery

It is not outsourcing if you take over an already existing company. If you don't understand corporate terms at least stop using it to prop your shitty argument.

Four tens Mon-Thur is the best. I've never been happier. Even overtime on Fridays feels just fine when I can clock out whenever I feel like it.

Unions have definitely crumbled over time. I think part of it is what they offered just becoming mandated by the government anyway, but a much larger part is simply that people don't want to go on strike anymore. More and more people live paycheck to paycheck, and if they weren't willing to quit their job to find better conditions then they damn sure aren't enthusiastic about striking and getting no pay for months on end and then potentially just losing their job anyway. Without the strike unions have no leverage, and since their absolute first priority is the existence of the union itself above all else they'll always take a bad deal for workers over no deal.

>it's not outsourcing if you buy an existing company then make them work on things which were previously worked on in a 1st world country
Please point to the post I made where I used the world outsourcing

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You won't need voice actors in the future

With AI, you can just make infinite amount of voices

/pol/ is a fucking joke holy shit

Oh wow so you actually can't read to begin with anyway. It was what and was talking. Shutting down operations in developed world to shift it to developing countries.


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Yea AFL-CIO's conservative approach is not working out for them. IWW is picking up the slack and scraps for them desu.

Unions *can* also attract quality workers since it helps ensure they'll have better work conditions, but they'll have to be worth the pay.
However to contradict myself quality can also decline as developers can still opt to maintain the status quo by hiring Scabs.
My point is that unions are not necessarily a good or a bad thing for the industry but I think they'll shake things up in a good way for my interests. To play nice by the union they'll have to cut/change something drastic and I'm willing to bet they'll cut the (literal) fat by firing the non-essential workers which is your lefty low-skill retards. A price increase on select AAA titles will seriously cut into sales numbers.
Source: IBEW

>they haven't shut down the original studio yet so it doesn't count
What part of Creative Assembly Sofia are you failing to understand? They are investing in cheaper countries to make Total War games, which were previously exclusively made in the UK. This is done to reduce the cost of expensive 1st world studios. This is why a video game union won't work: the publishers will just move production to another country

>they haven't shut down the original studio yet so it doesn't count
Yes that is what the reply chain is talking about. Whether or not publishers can just outsource production to another country remains to be proven because talking an already existing subsidiary bought over when its main company was broke is not an example of outsourcing. If anything CA is just expanding rather than outsourcing to increase production scale or quality of their games.

>mfw Commiefornians are trying to kill industries because they want to make fun of drumpf and keep their jobs

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this conveniently leaves out facts like 1) Jews spearheaded right wing movements like objectivism and 2) Republicans supported the bank bailouts and a Republican president signed off on them

many game studios have already left for Canada

I guess I should have brought stronger proof. Cya around user

No one likes (((neocons)))

Or maybe the owners of said companies will appropriate less free money from the workers. Fucking dumbass read some Marx and stop spreading bourgeois propaganda.

>He thinks weekends and the 40 hour work week were the result of unions
that's cute user. Now go be retarded elsewhere.

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You're a complete moron, aren't you?