Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order - Teaser


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Other urls found in this thread:


Dead pre arrival

>3 months later
>it's cancelled

Fuck off shill.

It's gonna be shit

>modern star wars games
It was dead upon conception

Who cares about this crap

It will either be cancelled or be a microtransaction riddled piece of shit. EA is an even bigger joke than they use to be.

you can't spell DEAD without EA

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You're game is shit. The story will be shit. It's another greedy money grab souless AAA pile of crap.
Don't bother shilling this crap here even the retards on Yea Forums can only get fucked over twice before they realise how garbage everything you talentless faggots make

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Fuck off shill

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>Electronic Arts

Just kill the fuckers already, they're almost as worse as Disney, except Disney literally makes you eat your own shit.

Why is this game so antisemitic?

I’m not buying this game if its more than $5


There are still people who care about Star Wars? Also:

They can't be as bad as Disney. At least EA isn't as horrible as to give exclusive rights to Star Wars games to EA.

>EA Star Wars
>Don't stand out.

>its another star wars thread where NPCs are spamming ">EA"


Why do they put that fucking EA in their games logos? Are just that full of themselves?

>look kids, I'm cool too!


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>They can't be as bad as Disney.
can't they?

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knowing that EA is making this and Kathleen Kennedy is in-control of the IP, what would it take for this game to be good?

>he thinks he is special and different because he has hope that the thing coming out of an ass isnt shit.


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>Nu Wars

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Fuck off faggot, no one is buying your game

>kotor and the old lore era died for that shit
I will never not be mad

I don't get your reference. I give less than no shit about "this story takes place in that same universe except thousands of years earlier and literally nothing is different" and I've never played any of the games.

Are you retarded?

Why do you even bother looking at anything coming from EA?
Just ignore them. They've proven themselves time and time again that they're not to be trusted.


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It's coming out of Respawn who always made good games

For those 2 things you just said not to be true

>Chris Avellone as lead writer, not just a marketing tactic
>a director whose last project was a good game instead of a shitty Western action game
>a lead gameplay designer who worked on a good game, instead of the same shitty Western action game as the director
>full blown RPG instead of half-assed RPG elements

why respond, then?

Well Avellone wrote a chunk of it, so at least 1 quest/mission/arc will be competent-to-great on the write quality scale

Apex Legends is not a good game

No character creation? No buy.
No Force powers, must buy!

Can't wait for shitty oscarbait story of mentor betrayal, friend death and ride into sunset with love interest, full of shoehorned references to the new films with cameos from the new protagonists

It literally doesn't matter who develops it.
It doesn't even matter if the game itself turns out to be good.
If EA are publishing it, it'll be a hot mess of bullshit, filled to the brim with anti-consumer bullshit.


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Why couldn't Lucasarts just made Destiny?

>I dont like this type of games so its not a good game
>It doesn't even matter if the game itself turns out to be good.
Yeah I saw that the NPCs care more about spouting their ">EA" meme than enjoy the games

They already confirmed that the game will be another Uncharted like movie, the game is in Nu Wars canon so it's retarded by default for the Force Balance and it's EA.
>a lead gameplay designer who worked on a good game, instead of the same shitty Western action game as the director
Uncharted and the Last of Us is the mayor example of shitty western action game


>Yeah I saw that the NPCs care more about spouting their ">EA" meme than enjoy the games

You're missing the point.
What i'm saying is, even if the developers make a good game, ultimately the overall experience will not be good, because of EA.

It will be a shit experience overall. But whatever man, keep eating up EAs bullshit then make threads on Yea Forums complaining about your wasted 60 dollars a week after launch.

>modern Avellone
It'll be some random faggot who is just "Kreia but Ulysses tier dialogue". Avellone hasn't been good for a long time.

BR games are inherently not good games. It has nothing to do with personal preference, they're just shit at a basic level.

>People still expecting something good to come out of Star Wars
>Literally made by EA
You faggots deserve to be treated like shit.

Those fuckers literally stole from me after I bought this and one day it randomly disappeared from my library. They said they could do nothing about it.

>ultimately the overall experience will not be good, because of EA.
Sure tell yourself that while I'm enjoying Battlefront 2 and Titanfall 2

The user that said EA will ruin isn't wrong though. Even if battlefront 2 was a great gane at launch EA still would ruin any chance you had of enjoying with forcing you to buy luke, vader and other heroes and creating unnecessary grind to make you pay.
Also EA has a reputation and haven't put out a good game in years so burden is on them to prove us wrong

that's our EA!

I want to say that this game is going to be torn apart if it legitimately isnt some duke nukem forever except actually good scenario for the jedi knight franchise

there is zero enthusiasm for star wars in 2019, its primary audience in fact either hates it or sees it as completely dead. The "other" audience does not buy or play games and the only one left is the retarded kids depending on their parents to buy the latest shit for christmas but almost all of those are playing shitnite 24/7

Unless they're like
And it somehow actually looks fun I have no interest in this garbage.

Star Wars as a franchise is pretty much dead to me at this point, not just because the new movies suck but also the fact that LucasArts is all but dead and EA holds the reins and they've proved to be anything but a competent steward on what WAS perhaps the biggest tie-in franchise in gaming history.

Titanfall 2 was not made by EA
Battlefront 2, you're just a retard.

>Sure tell yourself that while I'm enjoying Battlefront 2 and Titanfall 2

lol ok

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Titanfall 2 was made by Respawn
Battlefront 2 by DICE

to be completely fair, it's not like Lucasarts was doing any better after 2006

>announcement of the announcement

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DICE is wholly owned by EA, it's a brand name EA uses to bait retards like you into thinking it isn't EA.

Who the fuck still pays money for anything Star Wars?

>Don't stand out

what is this orwellian bullshit
Just advertise your fuckin' game. Knock this deep social commentary shit off
goddamn I am so sick of multibillion dollar companies trying to make "statements"

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Get cancer, corporate tool.

>EA is giving them money so its made by them
low iq post

Total bullshit, I'd take 100 games like The Force Unleashed over anything EA has put out.

it's not just giving them money. EA controls them completely. There is no line between DICE and EA, they're the same company.


But Titanfall 2 was created before EA bought them? And Battlefront 2 was a shitshow at release until a combination of player outrage and lawmakers coming down on their ass fixed some of the problems with it.

just because TFU is slightly better dogshit than BattlEAfront doesn't mean it isn't dogshit

>no proof
even Bioware who made 2 shit games one after another said EA never tell them what to do

Orders work better on the vast majority of sheeple. You can easily see this on Yea Forums. You get more replies if you give orders/make statements/clickbait than if you ask a question/announce the game/show gameplay.

>my subjective opinion has nothing to do with personal preference

The real joke is that the "hiding" is even a thing in the lore between EP3-4 for surviving jedi

They can literally sense their surroundings and have limited prescience, the second they ditch the obvious robes and either hide/ dont carry their lightsaber on their belt in an obvious way, literally nobody will ever be able to catch them unless they are being actively hunted by someone who can sense them

if old ben put on a leather coat instead and rode on a speederbike on nar shaddaa, it would have been a better way to look like a not jedi than meditating on tatooine in bath robes for 20 years with the reputation of a "wizard"

it is a matter of public record that EA owns DICE, you weirdo
>2 shit games
I think you mean 6 shit games. And that's being generous with ME2.

Man, only your opinions are total dogshit.

I mean, hiding out on a remote desert planet no ever goes to all but cut off from society is probably more effective than living in a massive city where thousands of people see your face every day.

and EA own Bioware too

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you cannot seriously defend the lightsaber-bat QTE-fest that was TFU

wrong and thats without the obvious connection tatooine has to vader (which again has been canonically "refuted" but still)

hiding in a massive crowd is exactly what a jedi should be doing instead of sitting in a remote desert where the second someone senses a disturbance the only possible source is the one living thing sitting in the cave

>a guy promoted to EA executive after his company was bought out doesn't shit-talk the guys signing the checks
wow who would've imagine it

on top of it all it still took about two years to put in proper clone wars reps which was the most requested content from before it was released in the first place


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lol keep embarassing yourself
now go back to your ">EA" spam

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>Bioware who made 2 shit games one after another
you mean 6?

Preorder now to get disappointed
EA's quality check ensures all costumers would be disappointed upon release.

Dont be left out when all your friends would be complaining about the game afterwards.

you're right, user, EA is completely blameless, it's all those darn studios' fault that EA hasn't released a decent game in more than a decade

I can since it was a thoroughly enjoyable if a little underwhelming Star Wars video game that didn't make me buy a season pass on the promise that in a year or two and after dropping an additional $100 I'd actually get a complete game, something which never actually materialized. Like I said I'd take 100 TFU like games over anything EA has put out because even competent mediocrity is better than that dreck.

>Star Wars

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Yeah or he could just stay on Tattooine and wear humble robes like all the farmers umm



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EA didn't own respawn when they made titanfall 2 and nubattlefront 2 is fucking garbage.

You can't hide your force powers if you need to use them everyday because you live in fucking Nar Shadda and everyone try to kills everyone so you need to defend yourself

Get fucked.

Gotta promote Disney Wars before caring about those old prequels the kids these days don't care about user!

Have they really put out that many games since Dragon Age II?

It really seems like something changed over there after Dragon Age Origins, I can't believe the same Bioware that made that game has somehow produced nothing but bad games since.

it's honestly kind of nice to see a good old EA shill thread instead of Epic's aggressive shitflinging style of shilling.

>Dragon Age 2
>Mass Effect 3
>Dragon Age Inquisition
>Mass Effect Andromeda
what's really crazy is realizing DA2 and SWTOR came out in the same fucking year, and then further realizing PEOPLE STILL BOUGHT BIOWARE GAMES AFTER THAT

they only did trash after Dragon Age Origins and maybe If I'm generous Mass effect 2 but Dragon Age 2, Mass effect 3, Anthem, Dragon Age 3 and Andromeda are pure trash

>Star Wars
I think you are 10 years late if you think people still care about those things, shill. A lot of us go even farther and would love to see both of them burn.

I'm honestly kinda surprised they're still a company at this point. Hell I totally forgot Inquisition even happened until just now. I guess people really want to hold on to the good times.

the best part is the retards that cry muh EA when is fucking obvious that Bioware is trash and if it wasn't for EA giving them free money they would be bankrupt after SWTOR

they're not really a company, they're just a brand EA gets to slap on whatever garbage they shit out to give it gamer cred

no steam no buy

NMH3 at E3!

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Fuck off shill, no one cares about EA games.

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no, the best part is retards who pretend EA and Bioware are different companies

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This moistens the Jason.

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this is one of these moment where you close the thread for never coming back after watching that what you posted and what I said was the same right?

Your example is pretty retarded considering no one ever found out that Ben was a fucking a jedi until he told someone

If you completely disregard the fact that EA was already bankrolling them to make SWTOR in the first place, sure.

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>EA Star Wars
Another scam. Don't buy.

yeah no thanks. Tell your boss the response on Yea Forums was great and move on.


The camera pans across a trashed Jedi temple, burn marks from imperial walkers lining the walls. The discarded robes from a dozen slain Jedi Padawans burning in the corner. The stormtroopers finish disposing of the bodies and turn to leave through the temple gates, but a lightsaber ignites, illuminating the man blocking their path.

"I'm Rosh, by the way."

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>diversity wars
no thanks

kill your masters faggot

>Nu Wars

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WHy are you guys so retarded?
It's fucking EA. IT is going to eb awful. YOu know it, i know it and everyone else knows it. Nobody likes these fucks and YOU are still going to buy it.

How retarded can you be?

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get ready for another poorly-coded Frostbite™ Engine™ masterpiece that launches unfinished and only gets worse with forced online and extra-forced multiplayer

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Please stop falling for it guys

Every. Fucking. Time

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nobody in this thread besides EA employees and paid shills are falling for it

holy shit theres tons of npcs in this thread EA bad is literally all they can say

Hey look! There's one now!

even in a thread mostly filled with >EA posts, yours is still the lowest effort

>Star Wars game
>by EA
>in the year of our Lord 2019
If you don't know what to expect, then you are lost.
But you do know what to expect, don't you, Mr. Viral Marketing Man?


I'm not going to buy a game again that has that plastered in the fucking logo.

>star wars

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supposedly it's on UE4

I'll believe that when I see it knowing EA's massive hardon for its garbage engine. It still fucks me up how they allowed Titanfall to be Source.

>think this is a Jedi Knight series continuation
>then remember that Kyle Katarn is non-canon
Nope. No thank you

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they didn't own Respawn when they made the Titanfalls

There was a leak on Resetera.
Whatcha guys think
Basic story is already leaked in the wild (no idea where to find), better and more impressive than BF2 one.
Backpack companion droid.
Gameplay will be compared to Dark Souls, being good at parry like in Sekiro will help, you will feel like a Jedi.
You go from planet to planet, not completely linear but not open world either, you get to an area and explore trying to continue the narrative. (My note: he hinted in a way of upgrading your itens and finding new ones on each planet)
Wallrunning/parkour was hinted at.
It will aesthetically resemble Rogue One and Solo while also having some of the Prequels flair (My note: EPIII is the best SW movie :) ).
Made in UE4, singleplayer only.
Its no action game a la Devil May Cry or God of War (My note: i think he meant old GoWs).
Much longer than 5 hours.
This will be an expansion of SW lore, tho going back to known planets was teased.
Pre made male protag.
Big opening, Inquisitors were teased.
It resembles Jedi Knight and Force Unleashed with a bit of a Uncharted (My note: no Force spam tho and from what i understand the comparison to FU goes only to being a 3rd person action game).
Cool enemies confirmed
This is a weird one: he posted a gif of a dude saying "Hi gorgeous, im Jerome" (i think its from Gotham?) then he later posted another gif of the same character with the text "you wanna be a hero?", i really dont know dafuq that means (My note: probably hinting as to who is playing the protag)
The game may or may not have MTX, tho he said it wouldnt hinder your enjoyment if it had.

I expect nothing and I'll still be disappointed

Oh no, not that legit mary sue super jedi. Whatever will the franchise do without another one of those

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>disney star wars
why would I care ?

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>Star Wars

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I thought it was a bit pre-emptive to call shill based on the OP but this pretty much proves that they're in here

Given the dev team and Avellone's involvement, I'm moderately interested. I guess I'll pirate it if it gets good reviews

Instead of EA/Disney doomsaying I'm gonna pray hard that this is good. I'm desperate for a SW game that isn't shit.

>EA starwars

>EA Starwars under Disney

You can eat a DICK!

Does anyone remember when EA was voted worst company in america two times? Why does anyone trust these fucks?

Name a better BR

there is no such thing as a good BR

don't get particularly hyped about Avellone, he's just doing what he's been doing since he left Obsidian, writing one quest or character so the company gets to use his name in the marketing.

Rosh Penin?

This is basically KotOR 3, it's apparently even got Chris Avellone writing for it. It's set just after the 3rd movie, there won't be any SJW bullshit from the sequel movies. This game will be good, have faith.

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>there won't be any SJW bullshit from the sequel movies. This game will be good, have faith.
you clearly are out of touch as to what official SW writers are putting into stories set in this time period, then.

which 3rd movie? episode 3=

it's already confirmed to be an action-adventure, not an RPG, and Avellone isn't the lead writer. But you're just a shill so you'll ignore this.

Yikes, that's a good fact you got there

>preset protagonist
it's shit

>onions wars

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you are retarded? the game is in disney canon so all the retarded shit like Forces balancing and fuels are in, Chris Avellone only did 1 quest in the game and this game it's only coming because Disney demands EA for the 2019 celebration that will come with the Clone Wars new temp and the Mandalorian, there's 0 fucking reasons to believe this shit will be not good but passable

preset lets them have the connection to existing characters you know they are going to force into it.

Fuck off before I break your legs and beat you to death with a vase

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there's no reason why a custom protag couldn't have those connections

Chris Avellone

Stop with that hack, name ONE GOOD game in which he had done something from when he went freelancing. ONE

Original Sin 2

No thanks

Pay for
>Colour change of your lightsaber
>Lightsaber hilt
>Dual wield
>Double lightsaber
>Different robes
>Different skin colour besides brown

>game will be good


EA is the best games company.

Original Sin 2

any time the story group wants to reference the player character or anyone they are connected to either by blood or whatever, they have to have a solid, single depiction ready for it. You can't just say it's a human male in one thing, then go saying it's some fourteenth-gender ugly alien bullshit in another.
especially if they go the blood route and go for something more like Dooku (retaining knowledge of his family pre-Jedi and going back to them), you can't just suddenly have a black chick or a Rodian pop up to a human couple and say it's their blood child if the child is described as a son.

Even if it is good I'm pirating it

>EA Star Wars
Even if the people working on this do the absolute best they can do, EA will find a way to undermine their efforts.

star wars battle royale
can't wait

who gives a shit about story group it's a fucking game don't look past the fucking game

or they could just do what they did for Jaden Korr and Revan and the Exile before the reboot and give them a "canon" appearance if/when they show up again

Look mom a redittor

>story group
there's no story group for Disney Wars just a bunch of quota hires that don't even know who is Owen Lars

>he doesn't know
the story group is what runs SW 90% of the time. they tell the writers that their ideas are shit and don't fit into canon, thus can't be used, and force everything to be one singular, cohesive setting.
EABF2 production was filled with times that the devs had to ask the story group for permission when they wanted to add stuff, and they were even told no a few times. that's why you don't have alternate costumes for any character.

>Enjoy Star Wars Fallen [Pre] Order, where it will take place in the time gap between episodes 3 and 4, because no other era's exist.

>Have loads of fun playing through Original the Character's Story, his/her will be your own creatable character, going along side other Jedi you may have seen or remembered from the movies and a few books/TV shows if your lucky. Be Compleltey let down, as Original the Jedi Knight watches other Main Brand Star Wars© Characters do most of the plot and even control them for major chunks as all that time you spent customizing your Player Character with loads of gear and weapons you got from our Loot Box Store becomes nothing more than Eye Candy, but hey it looked cool when you bought it!

>Be in Amazement as the Story ends and the Multiplayer Mode is where they put most effort in, where you can look at your piers and all wallow in your filth and decisnese as you realize how much time and or money you both had to spend in order to look as """""Cool""""" as you both do now. Do it Together!

>Watch in Amazment and as your Jaw hits the floor when the game becomes compleltly changed in the next 8 to 9 months (If You still Play) and finall upgrades itself from a 5/10 Piece of Shit, to a Semi-Playable 6. If your Lucky, maybe even a 7!

>And finally, sit back and relax, as your favorite Youtube Stars will shit on the game at launch for all its flaws, and demonizes EA. Then go back and say "Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order....Is a Completely Different Game from when it came out...Its....Fixed!" As if they're surprised a the immediate stampeded of updates, DLC, and changes ment to appeal to its bizarrely Loyal Plaerbase finally created a scene for some fun to actually happen, as we get praised for a game that should've been good at launch.

>Buy the Season Pass. See the Sequal Come Out 3 years later, realize you wasted your time. Do it all over again!

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>nu wars


>mfw starwars is the same flavor as harry potter and marvel movies
>they're all half baked and undetailed as shit

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star wars really is fucking dead

He hides on Tattooine because Vader hates sand

I can't remember if it was pre- or post-Disney where Vader made regular trips to Tatooine to slaughter Tusken Raiders, but either way holy shit what a blunder

It sucks, ever since Disney got SW they've had it in a vice grip and want to dominate every single thing pertaining to the IP. I fear Disney fucking over FO more than EA desu.

I think it's disney

>if old ben put on a leather coat instead and rode on a speederbike on nar shaddaa, it would have been a better way to look like a not jedi than meditating on tatooine in bath robes for 20 years with the reputation of a "wizard"
imagine missing the point of what obi-wan did this much.
his life goal after order 66 was to make sure Luke survived and grew up to be the person that could kill the Emperor and stop/corrupt Vader back to the light side. He watched over Luke every chance he got to make sure nothing happened to him. that's not something he could have done on Nar Shaddaa

Can I play as the spacemagic granny or the sith incel?
If yes I'm gonna preorder the game, the collectors edition(game not included) and the season pass.

it's not even regular trips. It's a side trip when he's on planet to deal with Jabba and only shown to happen once.

That sounds like a disney thing for sure. Which amazes me if Vader did that how did he never find Obi-Wan?

>We lived in an era with X-Wing/Tie Fighter/X-wing Alliance, Dark Forces, Jedi Knight 1/2/Academy, Empire at War, Rebellion, Bounty Hunter, Battlefront 1 & 2, Rogue Squadron/Rogue Leader, and countless other games.
>Now we get to settle for this, for the foreseeable future.

End me.

This. Uncle Owen calls him a wizard because he already knows he's a Jedi. He's met the guy before.

>Which amazes me if Vader did that how did he never find Obi-Wan?
because the force works in mysterious ways :^)
real answer is that Vader never thought to wonder if Obi-wan would be on every single planet he goes to while working on the Emperor's commands. If he doesn't reach out with the force with the full intent of trying to sense Obi-wan, it won't just magically happen on it's own without Vader intending for it. Obi-wan would also have to make some kind of wave in the force at the same moment Vader is on-planet for Vader to feel it.

I mean the new battlefront doesn’t have a season pass, at least get that right :/

Dont EA DO?

of course Vader immediately senses Obi-Wan when he shows up on the Death Star even though he has zero reason to actively reach out for him.

>less 5$
the cheapest micro transaction item will be higher than that bro

Can't wait to play another Assassin's Screed clone

The Death Star is significantly smaller than a fucking planet

I don't think you really get it. You can still interest normies on facebook frens, but you're completely pozzed here.

feeling someone's presence in the force seems to only work when either the person being felt uses the force to reach out to another force sensitive, or if the two people are very close by.
Maul doesn't feel Sidious on Mandalore until he's right outside the door to the throne room and uses the force to choke the two Mandalorian guards in front of Maul.
Vader never feels Obi-wan until they are on the same smaller-than-a-moon battle station, where Obi-wan intentionally tries to draw Vader's attention away from Luke so he doesn't get saber'd immediately.
Sidious doesn't react or even seem to notice Yoda approaching his room under the Senate building until Yoda is literally within eye sight a few feet away.

the golden turd is at it again
at least its with a franchise they physically can't kill

>getting excited for EA cancer in 2019
either a $hill or a zoomer



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Almost worked for Zez-Kai Ell.

>Sidious doesn't react or even seem to notice Yoda approaching his room under the Senate building until Yoda is literally within eye sight a few feet away.
I doubt about this and thinks it's more like Sheev wanted to laugh at Yoda's face after he basically won the entire war and destroyed the jedis

it'll be a nice change of pace from Epic threads, at least. A throwback to a happier time, when EA just wanted you to buy their game instead of sell your soul to the Chinese.

Dude there are a lot people that knew that a jedi was hiding in Nar Shada and then you have the Force of Nar shada that kreia told you about

>two months ago
>a happier time

that's the world we live in

Yes, let the hate flow through you.

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>a director whose last project was a good game instead of a shitty Western action game
>a lead gameplay designer who worked on a good game, instead of the same shitty Western action game as the director

>God of War 3
>not a shitty western action game

It's the very definition of a shitty western action game, unlike say Jedi Academy, which this game won't have any hopes of coming even close to.

>full blown RPG instead of half-assed RPG elements

Attached: Jedi Academy.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

Why are PSpals still keeping EA in business?

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That's not a teaser. That's not a game. That is concept art. Nothing more. There is no game here, only promises for EA to break.

user that's what I'm saying
>what would it take for this game to be good?
>completely different people making it

More like Europoors and Mexicunts.

>defending EA

Attached: 1494193216815.jpg (960x737, 40K)

it's an announcement for the announcement on Saturday

Woops, I completely misunderstood your post.

In that case, yeah, I agree with you.

>Another thread
Holy shit. Now I'm sure that EA paid some faggots to shill this shit here

>Disney Star Wars

Attached: 1527021097917.jpg (500x565, 16K)

So Mark Hamill voices Chucky now, huh.

Just spam the names of the victims.


>Star Wars

Attached: 1524529558004.gif (187x155, 1.87M)

>Hey guys play as the Empire
>lol jk enjoy your Rebels

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will never not be upset about this shit

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>Imperial Commando never ever
>TCW retconned Order 66 into a mind control chip instead of conditioned absolute loyalty to the Chancellor and the Republic over the Jedi
>we won't ever get any moral ambiguity over clones killing Jedi

Attached: pencil snap.jpg (166x220, 13K)

Can't say I'm hyped even to pirate it.

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>All the bullshit EA has pulled with Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Battlefield and Star Wars
>Every new game they release will still sell like hot cakes because casuals rather have shit games than none

Attached: Ben Affleck 1.jpg (468x528, 45K)

Isn't Brad Dourif still alive? I fucking love that guy and wonder why he isn't reprising ol Chuck


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>All this >EA posting
It's always the same tune. People will shit on it and when it comes they will buy it in a heart beat and EA makes a lot of dosh and the cycle repeats

yeah, just like Andromeda and Anthem!

>they will buy it in a heart beat

Attached: legolas about to puke.jpg (256x352, 17K)

>when it comes they will buy it in a heart beat

Nigga I haven't given money to EA since ME3.

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Doesn't matter, EA is unkillable as long as people keep buying their yearly handegg and divegrass instalments.

>still getting hyped for an EA game
You dumbfucks deserve the worst.

>Civilization that conquered hyperspeed travel across the galaxy
>literally nothing is different
What do you expect when there's no technology to progress on?

Not interested

Imma buy it.


This desu. I dunno how it works in the disney canon but in the previous one things are typically just incremental changes like droids getting more efficient or speeders getting faster, etc. technological upgrades didn't tend to be dramatic very often.

EA = bad

I hope I can play as a Nautolan

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Yea Forums has been hating EA for years. We got them voted worst company in America. TWICE!

I can't wait to play as the black female Jedi warior fighting the evil white sith lord!

vader has a black voice actor that means it doesn’t count right

>TCW retconned Order 66 into a mind control chip instead of conditioned absolute loyalty to the Chancellor and the Republic over the Jedi
I don't want to believe

Vader's race doesn't define his character; it's about who he is, not what, unlike any Star Wars character made by Disney.

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It says don't stand out because the story takes place after order 66 you fucking retard

Wasteland 2


Are you gonna keep a low-profile or swing around your big Jedi dick like a madman?

Imagine still liking Star Wars in 2019.

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You forgot Star Wars Galaxies. Though, if we're being honest, it died in 2005, and SWTOR was just pulling the plug on something that'd been brain dead for years.

I still do but it's like with videogames at this point. I like what they were before becoming a shitfest of walking sims, extra jewish money vaccuming practises and pandering to a bunch of internet activists. I barely gave my attention to any AAA released in the last 4 or even 5 years, in that time I think I have only ever bought a couple AAA games and only one of them at launch.
With SW is the same, I just like a the few non shit things of the nusaga while appreciating what the franchise was before the dark times.

Is Disney buying out SW the Dark Times of the franchise?

Last time I gave money to EA was for a gift to a relative, so you are fucking wrong.

I am so angry they opted out of KOTOR 3 for this garbage. I hate everything about it

Except the Dark Times of the Galaxy brought a strong military with Star Destroyers, AT-ATs and fucking Darth Vader while the Dark Times of the franchise brought us aliens with pronouns, fat chinks and a Mary Sue zigzagging herkily jerkily on the Millenium Falcon.

I wonder how many of you would stay smart and resist an EA KoToR3 or would break even though it would never be nearly as good as two games released a decade ago

Just make fucking kotor 3 why is this so difficult

So it's the extra dark times

not canon anymore

kit fisto has screen time in AOTC and ROTS, user.

I'd pirate it

also KotOR turns 16 this year

Jesus christ, what a retarded drone. Keep sucking that cock, nothing of value is lost.

>wanting KOTOR 3 from modern Bioware


Because Kotor 2 and TOR fucking butchered everything good about Kotor. If anything, they should make a reboot of it instead of another sequel.

>I give my money to greedy corporations who take advantage of the average consumer because I'm willing to spread my asscheeks to get a few minutes of escapism


2 was better than 1

>tfw going to SWC and gonna see the reveal this weekend

Attached: 1553485094373.png (370x370, 16K)

Braindead opinion.

show me some of these in the new canon I will wait the only aliens are brown with pudgy frog faces

>kotor 2 butchered everything good about Kotor
Kotor 2 is the only good kotor game, kotor 1 was another A New Hope rehash with a literal mary sue you brainlet retard


Attached: IMG_20190409_125937.jpg (1079x1420, 154K)

aotc and rots are in the new canon dipshit

guess it's time to upgrade

Are Celebrations still good? I wish I could go to one but thanks to Disney I don't even know if they are worth it anymore
>ywn hook up with a qt cosplaying as Aayla

no it's
>3 months later
>game will be an open world battle royal lootbox live service
>3 month after that announcement

It won’t be as good as Jedi Knight and we all know it. I bet the saber combat will just be beating people with sticks.

Let bioware make it hahaha

Not sure it's my first one since they only have them once every couple years or so. Gonna see if it's worth the hype and maybe I'll find a cutie to touch my lightsaber

Kit Fisto is still canon you stupid fuck.

Fuck EA. It only took them almost 3 years to get Bf2 into a playable state and it's going to be shut down by mid summer anyways.
Sadly I actully like a handful of the EAfront levels
>jabba's palace
Level is whatever but it's got 10/10 asthetic
Is closest to the original as going to get out of it. The rebels always start out as winning but always lose at the last minute becuse the last imperial check point funnels the whole team down 2 small hallways and always ends in a clusterfuck

>Don't stand out
I have a bad feeling about this.

TCW is canon, and he's in that

why do they keep trusting EA to make starwars games when every single modern one was a travesty?

> to touch my lightsaber
>Not to bust a SPHA-T nut inside her
Weak analogy, have fun regardless

because they don't want to buy out the contract so they'll just let it expire

by contract they are forced to

>they can't into subtlety
YOU WON'T SEE ANY OLD ALIEN IN STAR WARS jesus you guys must bee 12 years old

Celebration is almost certainly going to be paid shills and other Disney sockpuppets. Especially with Queen Kathleen and Rian being there.
What we need is a new hope in the crowd...

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EA trying to steal money from little kids again?


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This kinda reminds me of what Disney is doing with their "live action" remakes. Star Wars is so dead they're just pumping out as much shit as they can before everyone loses interest

Imagine being so contrarian you defend EA lmao

> $oywars

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Why would the Subversive Man be there? It's more likely that JJ is there as he directed the last episode.

>NUstar wars

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Ahsoka is an old alien and she was in Rebels
Thrawn is an old alien and he was in Rebels
Hera is an old alien and she was in Rebels

>ctrl f >EA
>54 results

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>Shilling EA and Disney cancer
You are better than this

too bad he got spaced, tho

Attached: TARP.jpg (491x363, 31K)

Maul is an old alien and he was in Rebels AND Solo

I feel your pain. LucasArts was godlike back in the day, made a GOAT SW game for basically every genre.

Braindead opinion.

Disney is arrogant and doesn't want to show weakness, Kathleen and her leashed gimp Rian will take the stage. Chances are they will also hurl smug insults at everyone who disliked TLJ.

It honestly really worries me how people can still buy into EA trash y'know? The masses just keep buying this shit and they keep making it. How do you control the masses unless you forcefully do it?
People never damn learn and still buy this, why? Why don't people learn?
Why is allowed to keep on happening?

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will it have batman combat?

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'Don't stand out.'

if we get a game where its post jedi-order and you have to go around like being a stealthy jedi nigga and training and growing powers planet hopping and shit. getting party members to join your side and remake the order and all that cool shit while hiding from the empire and dusting niggas who find out --- and fucking EA makes it

i will cry for what we have lost as a civilization

when's Disney going to let another dev make some games?

Pretty sure they have an exclusivity contract with EA. So until that runs out.

Since when hating EA became a reddit thing? Those fuckers have buried so many good studios and IPs that it is borderline criminal.
Bad bait, I'd sage and report you if I could.

gonna buy it and there's nothing you can do about it

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>Not even in TOR
You're not getting your rasta aliens, user


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With the whole battlefront 2 debacle from what I gather. First there was the ME3 ending shitfit + 2 times in a row worst company in america when the general gamer population realized EA was shit. Then with BF2, reddit finally woke up and noticed EA were complete jews. Though obviously, zoomers wouldn't know we hated EA long before that.

EA = bad
CDPR = good
Upgeraldos to the left

>Make a WWD-like movie but with African savannah animals
>call it a live action remake
They could as well reuse the dialogue from the old movie and people would be happy while not having to pay a gorillion dollars to fucking Beyonce.

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>doesn't want to show weakness
Even then it doesn't make sense when it has been a year and a half since his movie aired.

Jesus fuck I can't remember the last time a game like this had such a lukewarm reaction on Yea Forums.
The shills can't even generate fake hype at this point.

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2 is far superior to 1 and especially TOR

they've got barely anything to show, just wait until the announcement, that's when the shills will kick into full gear until November

this is 4channel, honey bunny

If the pic is the teaser and nothing else, then this is pretty weak. If it's a teaser for a teaser for a teaser for an announcement, then this is unnecessary.

There's nothing to show and Yea Forums hates video games even more

Probably wouldn't have worked if he wasn't human or something that looks human at a glance

Note how there were multiple threads about it yesterday and zero got to 500 posts

this. EA a shit.

There's nothing to discuss but a single new piece of promo art. I don't know what you expected.

Wonder how they'll shove micro transactions in

you have to build your lightsaber in order to even attack in the game, and each lightsaber component costs $60

This is a board where games can have multiple threads about them every day for a year with zero information to go off of, there's no excuse for this.

>eee ayy

Attached: 1550804107705.jpg (749x780, 114K)

$60 per roll and each $60 roll has a chance for an uncommon. Pay $100 and you can roll for q chance to get rare or legendary hilts. Crystals cost $70 per roll starting.

>This whole thread

EA aren't the ones making it, Respawn is- the guys who made Titanfall and Titanfall 2. It is extremely unlikely EA is going to screw around with them after how disastrous Battlefront 2 was and how successful Respawn has been thus far. It also has Avellone writing it so it is safe to assume that the game will be a spiritual successor to the KotOR series. Just stop instantly assuming the worst in a game, it gets really old and tedious.

Attached: LukeWrong.jpg (620x349, 59K)

get fucked idiot

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2 mouse shekels have been deposited into your account

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>starwars in this very age
>owned by EA and disney
The perfect match for a failure.

>It is extremely unlikely EA is going to screw around with them

Attached: Sidious Laugh.webm (640x360, 116K)

1. 10-year exclusivity contract
2. So far, both Battlefront games have sold enough copies to satisfy the mouse

Disney is incompetent and so are EA. They'd fire Kathleen if anyone actually wanted her job though.

>EA shit
No thanks.

More like to soothe the pain of Ep8 plus the lootbox fiasco. And even then I doubt they were not even slightly dissapointed by their results

>They'd fire Kathleen if anyone actually wanted her job though.

Attached: 1549323388930.png (359x330, 121K)

Respawn and EA are the same company, you donut.
>It also has Avellone writing it so it is safe to assume that the game will be a spiritual successor to the KotOR series.
that is not safe to assume, since he's not the lead writer. He's just doing what he does on everything he's worked on since leaving Obsidian, writing one quest/mission so the company gets to use his name in the advertising.

Star Wars is a shit IP.

Is there any chance IX will be good? VII and VIII weren't, but maybe IX?

>Directed by JJ Abrahams

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

>made by Respawn
There's still a lot of shit that can go wrong with this game. But at least the gameplay will be fun.

>every other movie has been terrible so far
>maybe THIS one will be good

I wouldn't hold your breath, it's directed and gameplay designed by the guys who did God of War 3

ea don't make make games anymore
they produce shitty live services now

But I like God of War 3.

Attached: 1554673034109.gif (320x240, 3.95M)

that's on you and your taste, then

>Disney/EA Era Star Wars

Attached: 1505156958530.gif (540x540, 1.18M)


KotOR 2 was what The Last Jedi wishes it was. A clever, subversive, and well thought out deconstruction of Star Wars by someone who in his own words absolutely hated it. Chris Avellone has Rian Johnson by his hairless hipster balls.

Good post.

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EA aren't the ones making Mass Effect so Andromeda is going to be good

Yeah and for someone who hates Star Wars he showed more care and attention to it then Disney ever has, and they got a clean slate too.

Better than Nu-GoW, not that I have any hopes for this shitshow

lel Avellone hated moralfags to up until Obsidian hurt his fee fees and he started to portray himself as a moral crusader fighting evil in his own words. Who really won between him and Kenshiro?

Avellone likes the setting, actually. It's the Jedi and the black and white morality that absolutely pushed him off though.

Respawn are making it

There's a difference between right and wrong and corruption. Obsidian was corrupt as fuck under that guy.

Whatever helps you reconcile it buddy lmao

Probably, unfortunally. But unlike Batman games, you can't ignore the shitty combat by going full stealth whenever possible.

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It's like you're actually retarded. In case you're not joking Respawn was bought by EA 2 years ago.

So you admit Avellone is a sociopath with literally no sense of right and wrong? We all knew it but I want to hear you admit it clearly.

Yeah, and then Apex Legends happened, Respawn is fucking dead, so is Titanfall and I now have no reasons to ever give a fuck about this shit company ever again

>KotOR 2 is the perfect equivalent of what The Last Jedi was. A ridiculous and misguided deconstruction attempt worthy of a teenage rebel who wants to stick it to the man but clearly lacks the ability to do it in even a semi-intelligent way. Something only a mouthbreathing retard could possibly like.

More beyond good and evil than anything.

Attached: 1374712061976.gif (360x203, 793K)

Hell no. 5 movies later you should have already realised Disney Wars have only two modes:

>I will rip off the Original Trilogy!
>I will deconstruct the Original Trilogy!
They can't do something new, and this lack of imagination and creativity isn't exclusive to LucasArts: Just look at Disney current releases, motherfuckers are so lazy they are remaking old movies in live action versions without even change the costumes and music.

I have given up, and so should you.

Attached: seriously.png (297x256, 14K)

Writing morally grey characters doesn't make someone a sociopath

He's clearly a sociopath in his own life based on various statements he's made in the past and the fact that he suddenly went extremely out of character to specifically accuse Obsidian of being literally 'evil' in his own words.

>EA star wars

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>we will never get Lucas's live action Star Wars show
Kill me now.

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>Bioware were making a single player Dragon Age 4 with smaller world and more emphasis on player choices, where cutscenes were not pre-made, but generated from the choices you make
>it was in production since 2014
>EA told them to stop that shit and make the new Dragon Age 4 from scratch and make it a live service
if you think this game will be good in any way, you are retarded

So we can be prepared for a heavily pre scripted gameplay on e3 then a downgraded 2019 q4 release.

Can’t have moral ambiguity in our products!

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Yeah it was pretty lame, but seeing as how it was only adopted by Disney Wars it's whatever.

Divos2 is a great game and I like playing it but the writing is fucking awful. Just a disjointed cringefest where the player is pulled along from one "joke" to the next. Like the authors were only writing the game ironically and didn't think any of it was for real. Divos in general is an example of how an RPG can have bad writing and still be 4/5 or better

Did that guy claiming he worked on the game end up posting again?

So that goes to show what to expect from the writing on Fallen Order

TCW was canon to Legends too, it's just that Legends died before TCW was over so Disney was kind of forced to make it canon to Disney Wars as well.

I know, that's why I shrug it off because it didn't have time to affect anything

Yes, that was my point. Their example of Divos2 as proving Chris Avellone will singlehandedly save Star Wars is a little bit presumptuous

My anger has turned to sadness. The KOTOR 3 that KOTOR 1 & 2 deserve will never come to pass and I will never again experience the bliss.


You know somebody posed the question in another thread while back how Disney can unfuck the egregious damage they've done, and I thought the simple answer would be to simply make Legends 'canon' again as a sign of good will to the old fans, meaing, it would start getting new material set in the old EU, but then the terrible realization befell me that even if they did do that the current writers they have are absolute trash, the creativity is bankrupt, and the SJW agenda would be forced just as hard if not harder most likely out of sheer maliciousness to the old fans. As such, I don't think there's any way out save sweet oblivion.

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>people interested in EA games are drones
>people who immediatly declare every single product with EA on it as absolute garbage shit are not drones tho


I honestly never liked Stackpole

Any man who spends literal decades of his life screaming in impotent rage at more righteous men, often completely faceless strangers, is clearly either mentally ill or an insecure degenerate lashing out of insecurity for having no principles and portraying it as a virtue. Most likely the latter because now he pretends to be Mr Righteous and claims the Legion were bad guys because they were sexist.

>Yes, that was my point. Their example of Divos2 as proving Chris Avellone will singlehandedly save Star Wars is a little bit presumptuous
Chris Avellone didn't do any actual writing on Divos2, he contributed the background for a single character, who was then fleshed out by another writer.

when EA releases a game that isn't shit, maybe we'll start giving them the benefit of the doubt

we've been waiting a while, though


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replace him with a real mary sue

>Revan and The Exile's stories will never get the glorious closure they deserve
>We will be forever stuck with the shitty books and TOR
No, I won't accept this

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When will the healing process begin?

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The only SW books I've ever read were the Darth Bane ones, and they were fucking rad.

OP is an EA intern that’d suck a million more cock to get his name written somewhere

and he's likely doing something similar in Fallen Order


Even if it read HL3, I wouldn't care.

Once people start complaining endlessly again about 9, no matter about how it is, Galaxy's Edge flops, and Disney decides to finally acknowledge they did wrong and make public apologies and start openly figuring out how to move forward in a better way.
so, realistically never.

what the fuck is this gif

>and he's likely doing something similar in Fallen Order
Well, Fallen order is a triple-A game on top of being an EA game. Even if he were to actually write something, it would likely be focus-tested to death and edited. until it was recognizable.



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>made by EA
>written by, or supervised by, the Disney story group
Anyone retarded enough to buy this deserves everything they get. This is quite possibly the worst combination I've ever seen.

Attached: george.jpg (350x322, 74K)

Don't kid yourself, if Ep IX flops hard SW is going into the Disney vault for 30 years, and Lucasfilm/Disney will blame toxic white fans.

This is only because Lego youtube culture is in its infancy. In five years, there will be dozens of XD wacky nerd girls reviewing lego sets and the autism-rich lego fanbase will be slowly eroded away with casual shit like everything else has been.

>Buy one of the biggest IP of all time
>"lol, just going to reset the franchise bro"

I will never understand

They did it because they believed Star Wars nerds will buy and accept fucking anything with the brand on it. We've yet to see fully if they were right. EP IX will be the real test.

When Disney stop launching only crap.

So, never.

I can't imagine Galaxy's Edge flopping, Disney park enthusiasts are fucking freaks

They couldn't even spin a fucking Han Solo movie. At this point the Nu Trilogy is propped up by agenda-driven articles and shill youtubers.

Legends coming back would be great in theory, but even if it went back to exactly as it was minus Traviss I doubt it'd get the push it needs and would be limited to small comics and oneshots because they'll push canon at the same time, but I would like Legacy III starring my main man Cade and Ania as well. Also I do want the Sword of the Jedi trilogy which we never got and I wanted to get the Mortis Dagger hunt resolved and a bunch of other shit. I'd also want Lucas back in some form but that's not going to happen on any level.

Attached: cade death sticks.jpg (1400x1092, 491K)

Lucas is supposedly involved with Episode IX

That's bullshit

we'll find out this weekend

Given they've already tried to throw him under the bus and blamed his storyboards for Rian going full retard, I seriously doubt that.
He has absolutely no obligation and would gain nothing from painting a target on his back.

Nuwars and better than oldwars and prewars

lmao, not gonna happen. Lucas is having the time of his life just watching the whole thing burn


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>Sequelfag can't even type
Checks out

If they get him he'll go out of his way to ruin the film I think.

Yeah but who was in the wrong here?

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4chink is swallowing and changing words

>H..hey Lucas, could you give us a hand with the new movie p..please?
>Of course, that'd be 4 billion dollars plus tip
I can see the fucker pulling that out in the future

EA shit? surely u fucking are shitting

at least the prequals had a shit ton of dope vidya
lucas knew how to milk the franchise and we got Chris Avelone taking a massive shit on every last piece of the lore
now disreal won't give the IP to anybody but EA

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The one who didn't cause the first star wars bomb in history

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what does Ron Howard have to do with this

>tfw no hot girl Jabba to make you her slave and lick your face

Attached: everything sucks.jpg (587x404, 28K)

based Cunningham doesn't give a fuck

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Ron knew he wouldn't take any of the blame and could do whatever the fuck he wanted.
Everyone knows it's Rian's fault for fucking up the IP, and Kennedy's fault for horrifically mismanaging Solo to the point where he needed to be brought in.

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Oh fuck me
I remember that hentai game
That was pretty good
I can't remember it's name though

Fuck me
This feels like a renaissance painting

>shit ton of dope vidya
A shit ton of shovelware you mean.

He's in.

Attached: gm_boba_costume1_revised_05_final.jpg (750x1159, 511K)

Whos that?

>no strike plates
the fuck is the point?

It's funny because I don't think any of those games damaged the franchise as much as the recent movies

Why was this cancelled? It would have sold fuck loads


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>damaged the franchise
Each movie except Solo made over a billion dollars. lmao delusional cuckolds cant cope

because it was a moneypit that kept getting rebooted and restarted, and then Disney bought the company

TLJ damaged the franchise to the point that a STAR WARS MOVIE ABOUT HAN SOLO flopped

Made several times more than Clone Wars.

Mr. Feet, a " Mr. Bob A. Feet "

>front loaded movie about the return of Luke skywalker misses target by 500m, has the worst drop off in history and caused the following movie to bomb
It's been a year. It's time to heal.

Attached: 1549565020473.jpg (2694x5544, 1.94M)

And it's not the 1920s anymore, gramps, no one gives a fuck about old man solo and hit pet ewok

it was a star wars movie about han solo without harrison ford or billy dee, the only versions of the characters anyone cares about

and still didn't break even, while TCW made eight times its budget

and Episode IX will be a Star Wars movie without Han, Luke, or Leia, the only characters anyone cares about.

>and still didn't break even
It most certainly did break even, and made profit.
And whats that on the tippity toppity of the scale? Oh is that? Hmmm let me take a wee gander a bit closer. Oh my GAaaaaaoaoooooaoaoaowwd. It's the BELOVED STAR WARS EPISODE 7

point taken
>shitty Western action game
God of War 3 fucking rules and, despite not being as good as DMC, is still excellent
>full blown RPG
fuck off nigger. Good action games and roleplaying cannot coexist. I'd rather have a Jedi Knight game than Kotor meets Witcher

we already know luke is in it though. leia too by virtue of unused footage from tfa and tlj

>EA star wars

>enjoying Battlefront 2

Attached: sunn.gif (250x233, 1.5M)

>dissing the lego sets
fuck off nigger

>I'd rather have a Jedi Knight game than Kotor meets Witcher
you will get neither

So what is it going to be?

Ea already prefers "games as a service" So im imagining it will be some type of online play

Its probably not going to be very good but i am interested

>East AR Wars


fine, I'm perfectly satisfied with God of War 3 meets Star Wars meets TItanfall 2.

Please Mr. Mouse dont take away licence the game

>here's this source that basically guesses at the production budget and directly contradicts Disney itself considering it a flop and shelving the spinoff movies as a result

Are you just hoping nobody bothers following your link, or are you one of those brainlets that thinks studios get the entirety of the gross?
>And whats that on the tippity toppity of the scale? Oh is that? Hmmm let me take a wee gander a bit closer. Oh my GAaaaaaoaoooooaoaoaowwd.
Ah, I see it's the pretend to be reddit epic trole

>heres my greentext instead of a source
wow u sure convinced me that youre a faggot

you're not getting that, either. You'll get a sanded down Bamham cinematic experience.

It's fucking EA dude. What's the last good single player game EA made in the past 5 years? They fucked up Need for Speed, Battlefield, Mass Effect, Mirror's Edge, and Anthem. Knowing EA, they'll find a way to make this game online, fill it with loot boxes and repetitiveness to cash crop normies. They don't give a shit whether you like it or not - only if it sells.

Sod off

>It is extremely unlikely EA is going to screw around with them
nuBattlefront 1 was a mega disaster and people say they wouldn't fuck up after that
And they already screwed over Respawn with Titanfall 2
If it weren't for Apex Legends Respawn will be the next on the chopping block

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even Howard himself admitted it underperformed

Imagine being excited for an EA game.
It's time to go back fags.
>redditor shill doesn't like being called out and calls out EA hatred, a constant for the past decade on Yea Forums, a reddit thing

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how is this dog shit shill thread still in the top of the catalogue

I'm not clicking on every garbage link. It's juist opinion articles, I gave cold numbers. First:
>The numbers don’t lie. “Solo” earned a disappointing $103 million in North America over its opening weekend and stalled out with $68.2 million overseas. At this rate, it will fall short of the $1 billion mark that each Disney-released “Star Wars” adventure has
>At this rate
Meaning they are projecting and not using real numbers.
>Howard himself admitted it underperformed
No shit, it's like game publishers saying this game only sold 10 million copies and we expected 11 million, it underperformed.

In 5-10 years everyone will be jerking off about how good Solo was. Mark my words.

>EA shills or metatrolls

No one cares about shitty EA. You ruined every single franchise you've ever owned. Go back to making sport games and leave everything else alone.

No one but shills who come out of the woodwork years later around the time a major blu-ray collection comes out will jerk off Disney Wars. The franchise is dead in the water.

>I'm not going to look at your articles that give much more meticulous data than my shitty site, so I'll just say you're wrong

1. Who cares about star wars after Disney shat all over it?
2. Who cares about modern EA games?
3. Sinds when is a stupid image a teaser? Who the fuck gets exited over nothing?

>Dead in the water
New movie coming out, new tv shows, new games, updates for old games
>Dead in the water
Keep coping.

>Tfw Lego's complete disdain for Bionicle could actually help it avoid such terrible fate
Feels great man

>meticulous data
!!!!!!!!! lmao
Yes such riveting info from the hollywoodreporter. Wow look at all those charts and graphs on display in that article. Oh wait...

>new movie
one new movie that will be terrible
>new tv shows
one new tv show
>new games
one new game that will be terrible
>updates for old games
that won't make them any less garbage

>new movie
With no hype behind it
>new tv shows
With no hype behind them
>new games
No hype behind them
>updates for old games
That were made prior to the buyout

Dead in the water

Why didn't anyone want him?

>only 1
>no hype
lmao, kope

ok kiddo

guaranteed dead on arrival

ok, bucko

>yfw it's filled with SJW shit and dies

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Rogue is not bad.

yes it is, one lightsaber scene straight out of the prequels doesn't make up for the rest of the movie

Maybe if they gave it to their subsidiary who has experience with star wars and story-heavy games, in conjunction. Instead of... was it the Titanfall guys? WTF

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It's painfully boring so yes it is bad

>one lightsaber scene straight out of the prequels
What the fuck are you talking about?

do you REALLY want Bioware to make another Star Wars game after their last attempt? And all their other games for the past 8-9 years?

>let's just have Darth Vader style all over a bunch of faceless mooks like a sick badass, because that's what Star Wars is about!
>pointless displays of lightsaber combat!

Lmao, why the fuck did Han have a training blaster droid on shit ship and a helmet with a visor that makes you blind? What a dumb fucking scene, was made to pander to retards that wanted to see a glowy stick.