How does it feel? You tried to "win" by reviewbombing and where did it get you? You opened the floodgates for them to straight up close reviews and say there's been a problem with trolls. This is the first game they've ever done this for. And now that they've crossed the threshold, they can do it for any game they want. You didn't get anything out of your little temper tantrum. You didn't change their opinions at all. You just made them more powerful. And it's only going to get worse.
How does it feel? You tried to "win" by reviewbombing and where did it get you...
>Steam drones effects have literally been reduced to an asterix
Solution is simple - just don't buy their games.
We don't really have any other way to communicate with devs other than our walets so let's make this count.
im just not going to buy their games. Censorship is disgusting.
Review bombing is a thing but to blame it for your failure is shameful
Yeah men, the games on the Epic Store will flop and that'll really teach them a lesson, that they can't get away with this because we won't buy their games!
>You opened the floodgates for them to straight up close reviews
That's not EGS, the devs can't just "close reviews". It's steam mods who remove the review bombs.
And the point of review bombing is obviously not to simply lower the game's rating, which does absolutely nothing.
See, you anons are reasonably smart. The problem is that most gamers have the memory spans of goldfish, and will rush out to buy Overhyped Shitshow X+1, despite spending so much time complaining about how bad Overhyped Shitshow X was.
dont care gross entitlement to muh money is sickening and i care about muhself
So what, should I buy their game? I'm sure that I'm not the only one that thinks like me but I can't do anything to stop fucking npcs to buy fifa games every year. I do what I can.
How come us gamers don't have rights? How come companies get away with literally forcing us to download a game launcher every single time I buy a game. They are literally forcing us to pirate. We need to protect our rights as gamers.
oh look a retard
yeah but normies that keep buying fifa will only mean they get more fifa and we can ignore the rest of ea.
That's the correct spelling though.
Sequel outsells original at launch week on Epic after using Steam for advertisement, what a shock, why no specific numbers? What's the sales comparison now after the honeymoon period? Dragon Age 2 nearly doubled Dragon Age Origins sales at launch, but sold barely half of what it did over the period of a year once everyone heard how shit it actually was for example.
>bad reviews
>muh epic has no reviews
>review sites still exist and become next stop
>review bomb metacritic
what's now?
Didn't think about that. Right, you have a point.
They don't force me to do anything. If I don't like what they do I can just ignore their game. What am I, a 7yo kid? I don't give a shit about them if they do the same with me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PC Gaming
Buy an Xbox. It's the same thing.
It's an issue to be honest. Steam reviews too often become so shit that they worthless. Way too many jokes and memes , so even if it's a positive review it's worthless. The Dark Souls review section is full of retarded jokes and memes.
Same with tags, tags are used as jokes to the point that they have become worthless as a filter.
I always find it hilarious seeing an entire shelf dedicated to pre-owned copies of last year's FIFA game whenever I walk into an EB Games.
>getting the attention of a multibillion dollar company, continue to show an effect with their "off topic" review message that will still tip off consumers that something is up
there is no failure here
Can anyone blame devs for wanting to escape the cancerous Steam userbase?
The majority of you here are far too stupid to do this. You zoomers were a huge mistake and you'll just use your parents money to buy it as if that's the work around to punish the devs.
Face it that is your userbase. If you fully replace steam with another service they will follow. Same shit like reddit infesting this board once Yea Forums got too popular.
Rage 2 is going to curbstomp this shitty cartoon game like a nigger that found a spider in his watermelon.
you can just turn the off-topic reviews back on brainlet
>try to send a message to the publisher that they are going to damage steam
>steam deletes it
Gabe definitely wants to commit seppuku
>based on your preferences, so you have to opt in to it
>the people who were too retarded to be able to read a FUCK EPIC review and tell if that's truly indicative of the quality of the game have something to shelter their peabrains
>the asterisk still tells you there's something going on in the reviews so people who check more than the ALL REVIEWS will still see them
What exactly is this thread
I actually really like this move
Don't shit up a game review score just because you don't like the practices 7 years later
Everyone should pre-order Rage 2 to show Epic and Gearbox how little we care about Borderlands 3.
Now THIS is shillposting
It wasn't about the score, I don't think. Those people just wanted to be heard, and they were, judging by all the shit written about them.
Just remember that epic shills will still call it an exploitative monopoly later
It is doe
Fuck off randy
Metacritic has been removing negative user reviews for years
And most of the faggot Redditors came from Digg. Fucking Digg going retard ruined a good site.
A company being profitable and being a monopoly are two different things
>For all gamers
Oh yeah? Do I get any cost savings thanks to all the money they gain for moving to Epic? No? Fuck off then. I use both platforms but don't bullshit that this is good for gamers. This is good for the company heads.
One problem most casuals have this thing where they need to be first in everything so they will buy it day one the real gamers are gonna wait
We’ll give you a free indie game each month. What more do you want, shitlord?
Imagine reposting a thread for attention
I didnt review bomb it because i didnt buy it and i dont care
What I want is for them to just be honest and say they want more money.
Funny how we have yet to a single concrete sales statistic.
Its almost like they have to resort to these roundabout ways of conveying the numbers because the sales figure itself is unimpressive.
Nah, couldnt be.
where are the numbers, Sergey
Having a AAA dev come out and say they need more money.. What are crazy that will never happen. They rather release broken game and collect funds
I have no problem with this practice because those reviews are off-topic. I am glad that they didn't remove those off-topic reviews. No censorship at all. Valve didn't cross the line.
God I hate the "platform hands out free games every month" shit. I buy the games I'm interested in playing as soon as I can, and literally every single one of my friends that clings to this "PLATFORM IS GOOD BECAUSE OF FREE GAMES" shit don't actually play any of the free games because they're too busy playing Fornite Overwatch or whatever flavor of the month they're clinging to
Funny thing is epic is not releasing sales numbers because they are not that worth bragging about its obvious. instead they use word play to bring everyone to their side
Can't imagine willingly signing up to be a pawn in a video game client civil war; for free no less.
>scores thrown out
They are still there, Steam only gave power to the user to decide if it's just noise or valid complaints. But then again, trannies and journalists are allergic to actual facts, so it's no wonder they don't tell the whole story.
Steam drones are mentally ill man
Good. Fuck review bombers.
bordershits 3 is not on steam
that's all i wanted
man, that place looks comfy as hell to live
Of course they made more money than their last games though, the gaming industry grows exponentially every month. They could of made a lot more. The only way to actually see is when it releases on steam, if there's anybody left that hasn't pirated it yet.
will steam nuthuggers wake up after this realitycheck - when the platform they worship treats them like dirt and quickly flushes their opinion
Need and want isn't the same user.
they would if Steam didnt have anti-competitive clause that prohibits them from pricing the games higher than in other stores, or everyone would sell cheaper elsewhere to compensate for Steams 30% cut
many even prefer to abandon Steam alltogether when other stores offer a better deal - its Steam who has to change to mend this situation
>if Steam didnt have anti-competitive clause that prohibits them from pricing the games higher than in other stores
Prove it
Steam takes 30% for the first initial sales, Then proceeds to drastically lower it's take as the game continues to sale until it eventually doesn't have a take anymore.
Epic sits as 12% until the end of time.
Now lets move on to other platforms.
Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, take 30% of revenue from all games on their platform. This never changes.
Tell me how Steam is a monopoly again?
Holy shit, it’s almost like they have no competition!
Good games for one.
A launcher with features for two.
And my information not stolen and sold to China for three.
And a forth being the removal of your exclusivity bullshit.
The real reviewbombing will happen on metacritic
As long as you keep it to the PC user score.
The console version has literally nothing to do with this shit.
Valve requires price parity (same with retail stores - thats why digital copies arent cheaper despite lower expenses) and only temp sales are allowed
If Borderlands was called Jak & Daxter 5 I'd be into it. Literally everything would make more sense long ears and magic.
Good idea. Let's ruin metacritic too
Im not sure if STeam's take change is that drastic, but very true.
Also good to remember Steam lets devs get a bunch of keys to sell elsewhere. Keys that Valve doesn't see a cent of from the sales of them, but they still have to provide all the services and features of Steam for the person who bought them anyways.
It's already ruined
>doesnt even know EGS has a storefront
>they buy game exclusivity
>everyone throws a tantrum
>hear about new storefront to spend money on
>all these new games that arent on steam
>be a casual day-one buyer
this is the era of 200IQ chinkchad marketing
You actually have to opt out, it's on by default.
>Counter argument: People review bomb because they feel like thats the only way devs will acknowledge their opinion
>Randy: fuck off lul
>Also randy: Steam please take the review bombing out
These reviewbombing retards don't actually realize that they're not helping the situation because they only incentivize more companies to not put their game on Steam in favor of say EpicStore.
Like holy shit, these people are legit fucking retarded.
It took a suicidal fro b meme to make me aware that Epic Games Store shortens to EGS.
Worth I say again IF THIS WAS CALLED I AM AND DAXTER 5 I'd be all about it long ears and magic would make more sense.
Am i the only one that finds review bombing over something that's not about that particular game petty and small
They could have signed a petition which would have atleast shown buying power
>TimWiener twitter as a source
That's your proof? Sweeney? The man most invested in making sure steam looks bad?
Meanwhile, the very first game I decided to check is cheaper on GOG then it is on steam. Why isn't Valve enforcing their price parity on Original Sin 2?
Are these threads made by shills or autistic shit posters at this point?
Modern consumers have absolutely 0 self control. Companies can do whatever because people will buy things anyway. Capitalism doesn't work correctly when people have no sense of standards
I understand review bombing only if something is related to the game itself. Like a shit patch that introduces new bugs. If you are nagging about the developer you are just an autistic moron.
What's the difference? Other than one is getting, hopefully, paid for it.
>Showing a ten year old picture.
I can respect the shill more as they aren't doing it for free.
Im almost positive they only require price parity for Steam keys. SO you can't take a key for a $60 game and sell it somewhere else for only $30.
ask any dev or publisher
>try to be good influence on industry
>realize 95% of population are brainlets that just want to play vidya
But that's exactly what keysellers do.
Keysellers aren't the original company taking the keys, so they probably aren't held to the same restrictions.
My best guess anyways, I don't actually know much about how that works.
It is modern, they're playing Modern Warfare 2.
>instead they use word play to bring everyone to their side
Why would anyone decide to use a platform based on the sales figures of one exclusive game? Who actually thinks "Oh, a game sold really well on this platform that I otherwise have no reason to use, I'm going to use it now."
>just ask a dev that has signed an exclusivity contract with epic
Yeah ok
5% of the users they claimed having downloaded subnautica and slime rancher for FREE
I can't imagine the paid side of things is looking good at the moment, though borderlands will probably sell alright on PC because people are impulsive idiots and can't wait six months
why do you think even Ubi has to match the price on their own store with Steam?
>Every retailer has a 30% markup
>But for us it's bad.
no matter what you say you can't make me mad. yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me.
it's like trying to shit on a nigger in the NBA when he's paid millions to throw a ball into the hoop. he can never be mad.
>You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't learn, you didn't improve. You took a short cut and gained nothing.
This "former employee" was a web dev for one whole year.
Couldn't tell you! But I've found multiple games on GOG that are cheaper than they are on steam, so I'm just going to keep on assuming it's more complicated than valve just having a flat price parity clause
So he knows Steam
>Work as a janitor for EA for a year
theres the saying that no publicity is bad publicity
all this does is shine more light on how cancerous console and now platform/launcher wars are
You're argument is predicated on the idea that if BL2 wasn't review bombed then this wouldn't have happened. Granted this is bait but let's roll with it.
The games industry has been progressively getting shittier for years and it has done everything they could to marginalize their consumer base. Unfinished games with DLC, pre order bonuses, intrusive DRM, coordination with gaming media to hype games and hide negativity. Gamers rightly feel they have no voice and this is an alternative method of communication.
The reason it's dumb isn't because they did something they were gonna do anyway. It's because gamers will never do the one thing that counts, which is not to buy the game. They have no willpower, they're compulsive buyers. It isn't entirely their fault. They've been trained to be compulsive, to fear missing out on the,hot new product. But they always have the,choice,to simply not,spend,their money, but they will and the cycle continues.
>The games industry has been progressively getting shittier for years
Whose fault is that?
It also shows what toxic cunts (((consumers))) are. Epic is right in ignoring the shit out of them, and I'll be more than happy to pout my game up there over S*eam.
there are people that dont undertand the difference between 90% of the people liking a movie in rottentomatoes and a 90 score, let that sink in.
Everyone involved. It's not a zero sum game where it's 100% one group's fault. Publishers and devs who initiate the shitty thing, the media who covers for them and shouts down opposition and gamers who buy games anyway.
Gaming isn't a need, it's a want, gamers have been trained to treat it like a need but they can just not engage. BL3, for example, is not exclusive to the epic games store, it's a timed exclusive. You just have to wait 6 months to prove your point and buy it on steam at bare minimum. And it's not like it's the only game put there. Go play something else. Just have a little discipline.
Video games turn people into the most pity fucking autist doesn't it?