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unironically more hype for re5

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To think Games With Gold gets more and more shit to prop up this bargain bin trash.


xcucks everyone


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I've been wanting to try out Monster Hunter World. Seems pretty based of Microsoft to me.

To be fair, game pass is a good investment. You can just buy a console and subscription at this point and be good to go

guys just found out a sick way to get a car for free!!
you just need to give money to that guy and he'll give you a car for free!!!!

Yeah man, I bought a one x in November and have just been playing game pass games with the time I have.

Gamepass is tight

The absolute state of communist millennials

RE5 is the best game in the series and no-one will be able to change my mind on the matter.

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Fucking commies expecting free things to be free. Don't they know what free means

History revisionists....

Capcom seems to be friends with Microsoft again.
Heres hoping they bring the next SF game to Xbtwone

gamepass is like 1 or 2 dollars a month, what's the problem?

Yeah I mean just because you have to pay 1 or 2 bucks a month doesn't mean it's not free

>There are people that pay for Gold and gamepass and don't just abuse the fuck out of Bing rewards to get them for basically free

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the only thing that makes it better than 4 is the co op

>xbox one games
>xbox360 games (some in 4k)
>xbox originals (all in 4k)
It really isn't bad

I'm not revising shit. It's a stupid game and a terrible resident evil but it's so much god damn fun co-op.

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To those going
it's $1 a month dumbass

i'm not saying that its free, but having access to a buttload of old and new games for that price sounds pretty good to me

>costs 1 dollar per month
>microsoft reward points is just free money

its free

>All these butthurt shills


>change search engine from google to bing
>free points doing shit you were already doing on a worse search engine
You no-fun trolls are fucking gay.

It's crazy how easy it was to make a lot of people think that paying for something equals having it for free

Xbox just keeps winning.

Buy a console.
Spend like what £8 a month and get like 200+ games.


>None of them work with W10

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>get a ton of games you didn't want to play for a 100 bucks a year
Or buy 3 just THREE games you actually want for 33 bucks each that year.

Soon they will. Windows 10 is going to get updated to be able to play Xbox One native games. That arent on PC. Aka Red Dead Redemption games, NHL 19 etc.

I don't like game subscription services. I can see how they're valuable to some but I often spend less just buying the game for less by the time it comes to that service anyway.

My biggest complaint with Game Pass. 95% of the library aren't Play Anywhere titles so it's essentially just for the console kiddies. At least I got Forza Horizon 4 for $1.

I'm calling bullshit.

>Phil went to Japan some weeks ago
>now Capcom brings MH to gamepass

Ok lads how many games did Phil buy during his trip

Oh hell yeah, MHW is perfect for a casual like me.


Already was tested and working.

How do you abuse bing rewards?

What’s up with you shabbos? Don’t you enjoy actually owning things?

And all so they can flop on Xbone.

>"When you download State of Decay, the oddities begin immediately. Instead of downloading from the Microsoft Store server, serverdl.microsoft.com, where all content comes from including PlayAnywhere titles, the game downloads from assets1.xboxlive.com."
>"What it looks like Microsoft is doing, instead of porting each Xbox feature back to the PC one by one, they are simply dumping the entire Xbox one installation/servicing plumbing and making it the primary installation for Windows."
>"When you extract the installer from the Store after downloading, you will discover that it is using the .xvc file format. While that may not sound familiar, Microsoft introduced this format around 2013 specifically for Xbox One games. Further, you can now install this file format using PowerShell in 19H1; I never thought I would write the words “PowerShell can now install Xbox One games” but here we are."

>inb4 "muh windows 10"

Well fuck me that's neat. It'd actually make game pass useful for PC.

That and by doing so PC could in theory get Original Xbox games and 360 games.

Fuck off shill, nobody cares about xbone.

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Kill yourself.

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>To be fair

Anyone saying this has no actual argument.

>paying $20 a month to play games you don't own

Nice. I hate swapping the disc just to play a different game. Digital download will be welcoming.

Now if only they put Dark Souls 3 in there as well

I'm good, bro. Already pirated it months ago and played it long enough to realize it's an endless grind for crafting materials.

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>1 or 2 dollars a month
Your math is off by $14 or $13 dollars a month.

so you only need two subscriptions to get free games?
pcbro here, why is this game worth playing?

I own the game already. I just want the digital version.

Game pass is €1 atm

They're 5€ on Amazon.

with the current gen consoles you don't actually own anything. Once the servers are off your games become worthless


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Are there any mods to make the characters less fat and more feminine?

Stupid hornyanon.

A worse RE4 but I won't say it's a bad game overall. It's frustrating at times though.

Only because it sold shit on Xbox, xbox players only care about fps, racing and sport. So for them this is actually a terrible game to get.

Just use it to search your preferred search engine with your gamertag linked and by the end of the month you will pretty much be guaranteed to have enough points built up to pay for your gold and gamepass sub.

>so little Xniggies bought MHW they actually have to give it away in Lame Pass
Not surprising in the least.

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It was literally #1 on paid games for multiple months. Same with Nier Automata. Xbros just don't buy shitty weebgarbage with waifubait.

Great news, i actually started playing RE5 like a week ago but the multiplayer was fairly dead.

>#1 on a console absolutely starved for games

This means nothing, units wise it sold like trash compared to on PC and PS4


Spotted the retard.

And yet more people will now play it. You seem pretty mad that more people are playing a game for a price cheaper than buying the game. It seems like you're nothing but a corporate shill.

Why do you care? You don't have a xbone.

Game pass isnt permanent. Games get removed after 6-9 months unless renewed by the publisher. It also doesnt include DLC and you cant purchase DLC without buying the base game.
Game pass does however give a bigger discount the longer its been on game pass, up to 20%.

Why are you mad faggots insinutating that I'm mad because I know facts you don't like?

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>smug anime fag just baiting for replies
Ok, have a last one from me.

>pay $0
>get games

Sounds like free to me.

sum the price of all the games and compare tot he car price retard

Git gud.

>Says something wrong
>Is told he is wrong

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>Says a fact stating that the game was #1 in sales on a platform
Go back to watching Kirino Shitzaich faggot.

I love how 2 years later Yea Forums still hasn't come up with a way to effectively shit on game pass.

>Eric pounding his keyboard in anger from the Cuckshed again

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Because they can't shit on it. Its literally the best shit going.

Pay £8 a month for access to tonnes of games without the streaming bullshit.