Please let me know if you see her, thank you.
Please let me know if you see her, thank you
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how come autismal girls are qt
Cause they're not real.
I still remember her being Yea Forums‘s autismfu for a week.
she's still the face of autism at least in the mass effect universe and there's actually a character with autism in the fucking games
They are
incels dont believe that women can face any kind of hardship and that includes autism
No they dont.
They are, you just never see them cause they are ugly and/or fat, never leave the house or all three.
t. ugly fat autistic fujo
your shitty forums aren't exactly secret, retard incel. it's easy for anyone to see your stupid beliefs
stop eating animal nugs every day and eat a salad every once in a while sara
>Fetishizing autism
That’s a new one
That won't make me any less ugly nor autistic so what's the point?
first step is taking action to turning your life around, living in misery isn't fun and I can speak from experience
it's tough but it's not impossible
Why are you fighting windmills user?
go rope, incel
user, im just trying to calm you down, this obsession is unhealthy. I don't want you shooting up a church or birthing center.
There is no cure for autism and plastic surgery is unaffordable for me and will always be.
I'm trying to better myself but I'll never have a good life since ugly autists don't deserve it
You know it's true.
i'd shoot up an incel meetup but unfortunately (fortunately?) you never leave your homes
you havin fun larping, son?
stop replying to me now incel, shoo
unironically though the saturated fats and sodiums of nuggets fucks up your skin and makes you retain more water, making your face look more round and your cheeks chubbier, which can actually make some people uglier, depending on how their face is built up
It's okay, I don't eat nuggets or lots of junkfood in general. I just eat too much in general and have a soda addiction.
This some Hearts in Atlantis shtick?
It's really interesting how different autists are. I'm autistic myself and I fucking hate just having traces of peanut butter on my fingers. I'd probably throw up if someone rubbed it all over my body.
That would be something Sara would do
Forever tormented.
pick one or none
incel retard neck yourself
Uhm, no sweetie, don't you know? "People" with vaginas can never EVER experience any hardships in their life. Literally impossible. :^)
this but unironically
literally nothing i could post in reply could make you hate yourself any more than you do already
make sure you dont bother posting anything when you decide it's time to rope, no one will care anyway
Besides the possibility of actually being sexually abused? Even that I don't consider a hardship because they have the full force of law and order behind them on (legitimate) sexual assault.
I can't think of any hardship. Maybe the forgot to buy tampons? No, they don't really face hardship for free-bleeding.
No matter what mess women get themselves into, they always seem to have a train of guys that they string along to clean up after them.
Can you explain what hardships women face?
Stop roleplaying
user let me ask you a question
Have you ever known a woman that wasn't at least a 5/10?
name some hardships men face that women don't
Human beings don't have hardships you idiots have it so fucking good, but you're too stupid to see it. I hope you all fucking die
With respect, you have far more options as a femcel still.
This is why it's hard to take a woman serious on these topics.
>incels see themselves as just as subhuman as everyone else sees them
>t. Spider
Stop roleplaying
I've met plenty of fat chicks, yeah.
Men in general don't face hardships. Individuals sure, and men may be more radically predisposed to strife, including the inability to self-actualize. You refer to a lot of these men as incel, by the way.
But please, don't think too hard.
what role am i playing, do you think?
Name 3 options that a severely autistic female person who has been a jobless NEET for 10 years has that a male person in the same situation doesn't
Your options change from getting abused instead of getting ignored. Grass is always greener
fat != ugly
They may correlate but ugliness is defined by having a deformed face that losing weight won't fix.
pressure to have sex
pressure to have a gf
higher taxes and yet get less money from taxes
getting shafted in divorce
false rape accusations
pressure to have a good job
being ripped
being funny
being interesting
being above a 7/10
getting shafted due to diversity quotas
not being allowed to have male only spaces
getting convicted of crimes women just get a slap on the wrist for
the list is extremely long, too long to type here
so nothing real, ok
ability to have a bf, to have sex, to get money from thirsty orbiters on the internet, to camwhore, the list goes on. females can easily get by without a real job, men cannot.
You're pretending to being a person that actually cares about this shit and someone that has uncle stored in their vocabulary as an insult. You know full fucking well you're just trying to get a rise out of predictable and stupid people.
>10 years
It's too late champ, I've been solitary for 6 years now and cracking badly, 4 more years and I'd probably have killed myself.
But you had options prior to those 10 years, just as I did 6 years ago.
The difference is that I couldn't just go window shopping for suitors, you could.
>Self actualization is more likely with males
Why because there isn't currently a Tumblr page for ugly fat guys you can refer to? Body positivity and all that garbage is for the entirety of the """gender spectrum""".
I'd argue the massive amount of social media influencers being largely female is evidence of the contrary.
2/10 you lost
you have a lot of unwarranted faith in me, retard
no, i genuinely hate them
Then no, I legitimately haven't ever met a woman I would consider less than a 5/10. This is purely based on physical attractiveness by the way. I wouldn't consider any of them above a 5/10 if we were basing it off of personality and character.
>he thinks that an terminally ugly, severaly autistic girl who is scared of any real social interaction with a human being could just fucking whore herself out on the internet for cash or "just get a bf"
You cannot be this retarded. I refuse to believe that, anons.
You are a miserable human bean desperately clinging on to a delusion. Save your mental state and leave the thread, you will deny everything and always retort with dismissiveness.
>Window shop for the first thirsty neck beard
>"Good guy"
>My eclectic personality and autistic quirks are difficult to live with
>Beta male orbiter has autistic fits and yells at me constantly
>Sex is painful and uncomfortable due to his weight and lack of hygiene
>Daily life is to serve him because I'm afraid of being alone
Shit that sounds stellar. You guys are right. Chicks got it easy
>>Self actualization is more likely with males
I never said this. Quite the contrary actually.
I also think women are too emotionally rampant to self-actualize. Such an achievement requires complex psychological development.
This thread went off-topic quickly.
bullshit. go look at the 400 lb camwhores you can find. metric tones of them.
Again, fat != ugly.
And autism and crippling social anxiety are still a thing even if you refuse to acknowlegde it
Also no way that they make just half as much cash as the non-fat ones, if they make any
Autism isn't sexy, if you'd have it, which I do, you'd see how debilitating autism can truly be.
I live together with a girl who also has autism, and our lives are exceptionally hard, we've lost several friends to suicide, and most of our autistic friends have poor relations with their family that they never see. You wouldn't date a real autistic girl because you wouldn't want to deal with how much of it would rule your relationship.
A few examples:
1. Closed blinders against sunlight that hurts.
2. Special diet due to fucked intestines due to autism.
3. Stick it notes on everything or the stove is left on all night.
4. Keychain around your neck, as well as a little book to write tasks in.
5. Using hand gestures to remember simply tasks like brushing your teeth.
6. Music or earplugs to drown out noise to avoid overload.
7. Anger usually translates to punching yourself in the head, sometimes I have to hold her down or vice versa which is traumatic.
8. Friendships are difficult and usually cut short when you turn out to be high maintenance.
9. Kissing and hugging is gross and uncomfortable.
10. Communicate using specific words, singing, or specific movements to convey feelings instead of only verbal language. Something your environment doesn't understand.
>autism and crippling social anxiety
just get a job you retard. or camwhore if you're actually a female (female). getting a real job will make anyone's autistic anxious ways go away.
>men may be more radically predisposed to strife, including the inability to self-actualize
Do I need to break down your own comment?
>Requires complex psychological development
Incredible. Please go into detail. Let's hear your dissertation on the psychological attributes women are incapable of obtaining.
>Off topic
New here?
Sex isn't absolute. Metric tons of fat guys getting pounded in the ass too. Gays call em bears
Stop roleplaying it's time to drop the facade
Autism is a neurological disorder retard, that means that there is no cure and nothing you can do to make it less apparent. Autistic brains are both overdeveloped and underdeveloped, which means they experience the world en extrema, but don't know how to respond to it normally. A job won't fix autism, and most autistic people work very simple jobs for the rest of their lives, such as taking care of farm animals, their brains simply can't handle things like crowded areas, noise, and other stimuli because it'll cause them to shut down.
>just go get a job and just get over your severe mental disorders that make it impossible to just be a somewhat functional human being lmao
Wow stellar fucking advice you absolute fucking moron.
>duuuude like my mind just doesn't work i need gibs ugh mental health right
Funny how this never cropped up until recently huh?
What are you even talking about retard
mental disorders aren't real like autism, ADHD, depression and things like that aren't real. Now people are finally starting to see past your bullshit.
>Never cropped up
what is preventing you from at least getting a mcdonalds job? you just stand in one place barely talking to anyone, doing the same repetitive tasks over and over, what could be so hard?
Yeah buddy and the earth is flat.
classic pistol
It sounds like you guys are the next step in human evolution, able to dish out logic plague to inferior beings, manipulating them into suicide. Everything you state sounds like it's perfect for a hyper-intelligent spacefaring civilization. Tell her to go wave her tushy around a pub or something. Gods must be strong.
>Do I need to break down your own comment?
No, I'd rather you continue to pretend to have the high ground, so you don't have to refute any point legitimately.
>Please go into detail
Women have higher emotional intelligence than men. This tends to result in conflict resolution through illogical means. On the other hand, if men are emotional, there is logical reason and aspiration behind it.
As a man, I resolve my emotional problems through action and discourse. I cannot simply switch away from an issue of feelings.
>New here?
Yea Forums is my guilty pleasure from time to time. I'm a /pol/lack and /sci/fag by heart. I hear this place is like a death camp though, and I'm prepared to be banned any minute now.
I have physical impairments due to autism, which 1/3th of all autistic people have, my legs don't work.
I do a little bit of coding and desk help for computer repairs on the side.
user you sure don't understand what severe autism is, do you? See Even if they WOULD hire me (which I doubt because I would already start crying during the interview, if I would even manage to get there) I would literally rather fucking kill myself then work in a fucking McDonalds kitchen where it's loud and crowded and where I have to serve hundreds of strangers a day. I'd seriously rather just be dead.
Great Mass Effect thread
Post citadel gangs.
So you're just lazy, okay.
This, I find going to the supermarket difficult without getting an anxiety attack because of how people just walk wherever they want without any reasoning, I still go but I need to stim to avoid overload such as soft surfaces to rub between my fingers or music.
I hope you find your autistic hapyness user, perhaps a passion of some sorts that could be turned into valuable skill. Im trying to get out of my own pit myself.
Pretty sure it was meant to be an autism fetish thread
Just thinking about working a job requiring social interaction throughout the day and dealing with people makes me anxious. Fuck that.
I am utterly useless. All my autistic obsessions have no use in a work environment and I can't talk to people.
I've accepted I'll be a NEET for life
>Scratch on the outside of a handheld
>Have to sit down and breathe not to flip out
And you want me to have a job?
>mental disorders aren't real like autism, ADHD, depression and things like that aren't real.
He says as he posts on Yea Forums
It's okay. I know most people can't understand and will forever be unable to. Because they can't understand that some people's brains are different than theirs and think people with ADHD or autism are just "lazy" and fake their suffering for pity points.
People like you make our miserable lifes only worse but there is nothing that can be done.
Women and men have trouble facing self actualization. It's non-unique to gender. People are typically in a hamster wheel of self improvement.
>High emotional intelligence results in illogical conclusions
Pray tell, what does emotional intelligence mean in the context of this conversation? And how does ones ability to control their emotions lead to irrational thinking? Wouldn't being emotionally unstable lead to irrational, foolhardy choices?
>/pol/ and the obligatory /sci/ reference for ethos
Every. Time.
Are Kaiden and Williams missing because they're dead? Or did you ghost kaiden like I do after he breaks the no-homo friend rule?
they're in the picture, thane is in the picture as well
>I am utterly useless. All my autistic obsessions have no use in a work environment and I can't talk to people.
And what about remote work? Some kind of freelance is always a possibility.
I guess that's possible, but I'd need to organize my own work time and I'm awful at that because I'm addicted to the internet. How do you even get a job like that anyway?
I miss Mass Effect.
Surely you're into drawing sonic fanart or something like that? Into computer stuff perhaps? There's opportunities abound, though the biggest crutch may be selling yourself, the social aspects of it. Step by step you may get partially comfortable with some of it. I know it's easy to say that you miss every shot you don't take, but it's kind of true. Taking the first step is the hardest part. At least for me. I'm a neat loser but i've challenged my anxieties in the past and had positive results, so everytime i get another assault by my own brainbox (which is daily) i remind myself that most of it is untrue and imaginary. I don't have autism though (havent checked), so obviously your fight is different, but just lean on family if you've got them and remind yourself of your strengths during times of weakness. You have to know that there were people just like you that managed to dig themselves out of it. Start with small victories and build on them.
me too
>It's non-unique to gender.
Absolutely, but it's disingenuous to believe that the disparity of sexual value and social status between the genders has no effect on the general ability for people to achieve self-actualization.
>what does emotional intelligence mean in the context of this conversation?
>We define EI or EQ as the ability to:
>Recognize, understand and manage our own emotions
>Recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others
>how does ones ability to control their emotions lead to irrational thinking? Wouldn't being emotionally unstable lead to irrational, foolhardy choices?
Higher emotional intelligence means more control over emotional state, meaning less reliance on logical resolution. Emotions are guided by state of being, and the inability to control emotions means the state of being must be logically fixed to achieve emotional resolution.
>/pol/ and the obligatory /sci/ reference for ethos
>Every. Time.
Well, if I want to persuade based on an authority, I'd say I also browse /hr/ (I hide the celeb worship crap though). That should give me some extra points.
I must be going blind then.
they're ghosts
Some kind of freelance jobs boards. Or more or less stable employee that hires you as some kind of remote contractor.
My wife is doing 2d art for a few years like that.
If you're into coding/2d/3d it's probably not that hard.
I can't into drawing.
I'm ok with computers, but not good enough to make use of it I think. I can't program. I may have enough skills to do some kind of support job but I can't deal with the social aspect of it, especially if it's angry customers.
My family is literally full of normies, they resent me for my behaviour. My mom is a conspiracy nut and doesn't believe in autism or other mental disorders. Says it's all just about "the big pharma" getting people addicted to their drugs and shit like that. I avoid contact with her because it makes me feel like shit. My dad is hella poor himself and has two loud little kids whom I can't stand. All other family members life far away and don't really know me well because of this. Some of them probably don't even remember me cause I've only saw them when I was a kid.
Who knows, maybe I'll manage to find some kind of niche and get out of this. I'm not counting on it, though.
Thanks for your advice, I appreciate it
Anyone have the pic of Sara talking about car crash statistics or something? I wish I saved it.
I don't get the attraction to girls with autism
good luck doing anything about it, autism means they don't connect well with people, i.e. unless it's rape you're gonna have a horrible time
this is Yea Forums though everyone here's a wannabe rapist
I fucked an autistic girl consensually. Sounds like you just need to git gud.
It's called a spectrum for a reason, anons. Some autists will never find body contact pleasant, others just need to find a person they trust to like it.
>Social status and sexual value disparities great enough to cause a divide in self-actualization
Is a pervasive problem for both genders. Are we still speaking generally or towards "incels"? Even generally, that's an auspicious assumption.
And are you implying emotional intelligence is mutually exclusive to logic?
I browse zerochan and im the zodiac killer.
>pervasive problem for both genders
Let's not be dishonest. There's inequality due to biological imperative and the social structure that manifested because of it. In general, men must achieve more physically, socially, and economically to woo women. There's more competition, and it becomes more competitive as the gender imbalance grows. Economically speaking, the more supply, the less demand.
>And are you implying emotional intelligence is mutually exclusive to logic?
No, just that women and men have statistically significant differences in IQ and EQ distributions.
>I browse zerochan and im the zodiac killer.
You will not receive my delegates!
I hope you do. I went to a job interview a few months ago (forced myself to do it because my family spent their time looking for job offers for me, because they knew i wouldn't do it myself, my brother wrote my CV, because he knew i won't do it), it sounds like i'm a lazy shithead asshole, but my brain system gets panic attacks just thinking about shaking up my stable neet life. They didn't pick me, even though i had good skills, and i was relieved because i was back in the safety of my own room that guarantees stability, no phone calls, no knocks on the door. Last week though i got an email from the same company asking to come and work for a few days to see how i'd hold up and i panicked again, thought about not replying and not mentioning it to anyone hope it goes away, but forced myself to think positively about the outcomes and subdue all the unpleasant "what if" thoughts that assault me immediately. I hope it's a turning point for me, even though it does not look exactly like a dream job yet, it's an experience i feel i can use as a stepping stone out of my manchild cave.
It's tough you don't have other people to nudge you forward, so you pretty much have to pull your own weight, i know i could've gotten to where i am if i took the steps my family did, as i had done so in the past, i just grew complacent and accepted defeat, grew into depression and wished i'd die in my sleep. I think it's important to remind myself/yourself that as long as you take action things will keep changing until they line up into a some positive outcome you can settle in, and inaction is pretty dangerous as it starts poisoning perception of the situation you may be in, making it seem that its all over, or all doors are shut. Sorry if it sounds stupid or cheesy, but its a rule i've experienced multiple times, but i'm just prone to letting my anxiety take over as it's mentally exhausting fighting everyday.
To add to that, my biggest self achievement as a wimpy skinny artfag anxiety kid was after college i got a phone call from a friend asking to go work in construction in England. I didn't need the money that badly and rubbing shoulders with builder chads terrified me so much that i agreed immediately right there and then as i knew that would prove myself that under my anxiety is a capable human being. ( i was practicing "whats the worst that can happen" philosophy to combat my fears at that point, as i became self aware i'm not functioning 'normaly' at the age of 18) And so i lived as a construction worker in england for a while sharing a room with 6 other strangers at one point. I believe everyone is capable to change things the same way, as long as they act on it. It's tough mental work for sure.
Let's settle this
The muslim
reminder they tried to make their games after this "un meme-able" on purpose because they were so ass blasted about their retarded "finished product" being put through the lolcow meat grinder.
>tfw making christian human nationalist children with Ashley to clear the galaxy of alien filth
i never finished 2 but i love the elizabeth hurley thing miranda has going on. def the best mass effect character design by far.
Morinth, because I want to die.
You got this user