So where does this Tengu guy disappears after you come back to Ashina castle...

So where does this Tengu guy disappears after you come back to Ashina castle? I finished the game and never seen him again, did I miss something? Who the fuck was he?

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You skipped the dialogues, right?

I did. The story was a snoozefest

Tengu is Isshin, he came back to the castle, then went out on hunt and then died and got ressed. That's it.

Who is Isshin?

Last boss in any non-shura ending.

he's the rat killer aka the spear saint

>even while dying of old age and some disease, he still finds time to sneak out and hunt some degenerates and even recruit some shinobi to kill for him
Guy was a fucking badass until his last breath. AND THEN he comes back to duel you from beyond the grave.
True chad.

I'm pretty sure his name is Gunslinger Saint Isshin.

Even if you skip the dialogues there is still this in the back of Isshin's room.

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he's the last boss in shura too you dumb dumb

>finished game
>who is Isshin

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Ah shit, right, I don't know why I thought Emma was the last boss for some reason.

He's Vaan Ratsbane all grown up

That's the cheesiest fucking joke I've heard all day. You'll be a great dad someday.

First emma, then this kino

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Why does Isshin care so much if someone becomes Shura?

Cause underneath all the love for fighting and murder he is still a good guy that cares about people and his country

Yeah, he was cool but honestly, I wish I didn't fight his SS version first for few hours because he mostly used the same moves and it was just like fighting Genichiro again and not a proper boss fight.

>I finished the game
>Who is Isshin?

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The first phase is somewhat similar to SS's first phase, with a few new moves. But the second phase is completely different. I don't think comparing him to the 3 fights against Genichiro is fair.

Actual spoiler shit lore question
So the Sculptor turned into his Shura form once before??? I'm confused on his whole timeline. He lost his arm when he was a young shinobi, made the prosthetic, and went Shura at some point but they brought him back??

It isn't that much different, like two extra moves and modified others. It just felt like Genichiro for me, it's obviously not the same case since he appears only once in a plathrough but I just fought him so many times it was way less exciting on subsequent playthrough.

He was a young rogue shinobi, turned into a shura and at some point pissed off Isshin. Isshin cut his arm off and forced him to become the sculptor.

The Demon of Hatred looks for a 'host' and the sculptor was a prime candidate due to his past. The sculptor knew it was after him, so he kept carving buddha's to atone for his shura past.

Eventually all the death and the ministry invading turned him into the Demon of Hatred

He was about to turn into shura but got his arm cut off and that woke him up. But he still had it in him and tried to suppress it by carving buddhas and when the battle broke out all the emotions caused him to go mad and turn into a monster.

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Shura is not a literal demon (just do the shura ending to see it). Shura is just a person that loves killing, that lost all reasons to live, so they go full psychopath murder cause it's the only thing they care about.
The demon is born from a person absorbing the hatred of the world. like said