It's up.
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God I hope CumGuzzler is free this time
idk I feel kind of hesitant now
>10 USD
Holy fuck can consolecucks sink any lower?
>The first change is free, and changes after that will cost $9.99 USD / CAD. For PlayStation Plus members, it will cost $4.99 USD/ CAD for each change after the first one.
absolutely jewish
I'm good with my name
Finally, the 12 year old reign of MCHOMO is over.
Fuck this company
For what do you cunts need to change your names? Pick a good one and stay with it for the rest of your life, I still have one from 1998 or so going on.
Nah, I'm skipping next gen and buying 20xx series instead
Don't suppose any of you faggots beta tested it and have any experiences you want to share?
>Free from the name I made in 2009
I don't know how to feel about this
pricing is exactly the same as Microsoft's but on Yea ForumstendoGAF it's only bad when Sony does it
btw the first change is free
This. I was going to change my name but I heard it can permanently fuck up shit on the older systems associated with the old name.
>First charge is free to allow adults to get rid of their edgelord name they made in 07/08
Why would anyone change it a third time?
Maybe the fact I called you a consolecuck should clue you in to what platform I own.
They could have a different store on their console that having as well as the first one makes no difference and still argue between them.
Not worth it, and i really would like to change that shit too.
Children, my nephew picked a stupid one with 10 and now with 12 he will pick something that will have to do with Fortnite, so when he is 18 and playing PS5 it's stupid again.
>compares it to Microsoft
>still somehow feel the need to bring up Nintendo
Why are you Sonyfags so obsessed?
is this only in the states? not seeing the option on my ps4
Steam is the only platform where you can freely change your name as much as you want.
Except this place has been Sonygaf for years, kid
Oh I pray to god it fucks up Fortnite/Epic accounts and kids while cry this weekend after loosing their skins.
that name is a blast from the past
>issues found with bloodborne, dark souls 1, 2, and 3
That's gonna be a no from me dawg.
Tomorrow for euros (src. German ps site)
>charging people to remove their progress, trophies, and paid content
Based Snoy does it again!
how can a company be this incompetent? this feature has been around FOR YEARS on xbox.
>User may lose in-game currency whether paid for or earned;
>Loss of game progress, including scores and progress toward trophy unlocking; and
>Loss of user-generated content or parts of the game may not function properly, both online and offline.
>Everybody's Golf (Critical issues**)
fucking kek, what a shitshow
Because the brainlets in charge never gave a unique identifier for account names.
what the fuck I don't see an option to change my ID
fuck sony
>Xniggies trying too hard yet again
>ACTUALLY paying $10 to change your fucking name
When can we deletes trophies?
Sony accounts are fucking old.
They spaghetti coded them onto the psp store.
They spaghetti coded them onto the trophys for ps3.
They spaghetti coded alltogether for vita and then ps4.
Bloodborne, dark souls 2 and 3, and warframe among others have issues with the change that aren't specified.
>play a game
>get one trophy after the first 5 mins
>the game is a steaming pile of shit and I never want to play again
>the trophy is always there and it will never go away
And yet you're twice as autistic. Fucking troglodyte moron
How could you fuck up something so simple?
>tfw you chose an original and unique name the first time and people still comment and sing out your name every time they see it
probably covenant leaderboards
I love the fag bois on pc claiming they're superior. Even though you have to have 70 different names in pc depending on game or client. Or an unchangeable name. Fucking hate faggot fan boys pc sucks ass for gaming anyway. Had my custom build since 2011 and I can't fucking stand it.
You can hide games now at least
What's the issue with Bloodborne? IDC about losing progress as long as the game/dlc still works
i sense that the "games with issues" thing is going to be blown way out of proportion. in 99% of cases it's probably going to be your name not displaying correctly in some online mode of an early ps4 game. the only game of value with "critical issues" seems to be everybody's golf, but that probably only means your save has a chance of not transferring over or some shit.
>Web browser
Cmon nigga
>The first change is free
That's all you need
have sex
If you look only a small count of games are among the critical issues, and they're games no one cares about
>finally get a name change
>has to be lgbt positive
>costs $10 dollerydoos
>tfw perfectly happy with the username i've chosen 15 years ago when i was a 10 yo exploring the world of mmos
Its also always available, feels good man
Anyone who uses this is fucking retarded.
I hate name changes. I have never changed my steam name. If you have I'm better than you by default forever.
Wait what the fuck are they really making you PAY for this?
the first change is free. yes it's dumb that after that you have to pay but you must be retarded if you need to change your name twice.
But I'm uncut so I'm in fact way better than you by default.
I am too. I just can't stop winning.
Look at all this Son(y)gger rationalization for shitty business practices.
>10 dorra to update a column in a DB
That game was coded horribly, it has many issues to this day even after all the patches
Oh ok, Yeah if you're dumb enough to want a second change you deserve to give up 10 bucks
they probably tied account ids to names in some odd way otherwise it would never have taken this long nor would there be any issues
what name? spill the beans user!
I'd rather wait a while so there is more info about how it could affect other games
If it really only affects those i'm fine with it
I primarily play on pc. I would disable steam name changes too.
Oh excuse me brother, I assumed you were another one of the many failed trannies on this board. My apologies and God bless.
This shit is inexcusable and none one your faggy excuses can change that.
Because the operating system or its applications weren't originally programmed with this functionality in mind. I'm not defending Snoy, it's their bad decision long ago that has now come to bite them in the ass.
Only reason I want to change mine is because I included my surname. Saying that, part of me wants to leave it as is since it's not like I play online often to begin with.
Sumo Digital is such a shit tier studio. Sony should've given LBP3 to Tarsier, who did the actually good LBP Vita version
Changin the ID seems risky if the game doesnt support it. I dont usually play my older games but it would suck to be locked out my own DLC or lost my savegame
>Your save file has been corrupted. Delete?
>picking a bad name in the first place
I've had the same one for like 20 years. Don't need to change it.
>wanted this feature forever
>see the games with issues
>some I like to play
Dammit bros
They're only doing this, and paid online, because Microsoft got away with it
They made SASART and Outrun 2 so they're god tier in my book.
> shiteatingfrog1999
Can someone clarify if you lose your ps3 trophy progress (when checking trophies in the ps4) and cross play games (like hotline miami) if you change your id?
Help me pick one lads
I don't see UNIst mentioned in the games tested, but I imagine it's so niche that no one even tried it. I guess I will be tonight
You can change your name on the switch as much as you like
lmao console cucks are so fucking pathetic
I'm a few trophies away from the onrush plat so i have to keep my cringe username. Fuck sony
I seriously hope you arent over 14
Nintendo Switch
It's free on PC. Only shit platforms don't allow it nowadays.
more like uninstall
Keep seething s(n)oyfag
How fucking retarded are you?
Why would you say that user? That's really mean.
kek I fucking hope something goes massively wrong, like people losing all the digital purchases made. Sony needs to crash and burn.
Not retarded enough to pay twice for my fucking internet + to pay in order to be able to change my damn username
>playing on basedstation
Enjoy paying yearly fee cuck. All the players moved to steam and pc is the reason its at evo
You mean your mothers internet?
>getting excited over changing your username for $10
Sonyfags are a joke.
>You can change your username
Woah.. so this is the power of the Playstation.
nigger stop it's embarrassing, even if you're just pretending
That's just not true
>Pay £50 a year to use your internet
>Get less games than Xbone
>Have the 2nd to worst service only beaten by Nintendo
>Now pay £8 to change your name in a few supported games and lose all your stats and DLC
This is for the p(l)ayers.
Good luck moving that PC to locals
I really want to change mine, but seeing as I have a fuckton of bought content on PS3, Vita and PS4, and that I'm still playing and trophy hunting games on all three platforms... not gonna risk it. Maybe in a month or two when people have actually tested it thoroughly.
>leave your first psn name as primary key
>add column visible_name
WOW, it's hard as a fucking rocket physics!
Can someone explain pic related? Wouldn't your user name just be assigned to an account ID number and then systems and games just pulls whatever is in the name field from PSN?
Or did Sony do something complicated and unnecessary when launching PSN?
You can change it back for free if it messes up.
It probably still shows your old ID in PVP
>Get less games than Xbone
Sony was fucking retarded when they made PSN and accounts didn't have an account id number. Your username has been the identifying field for your account for the past decade.
Wait, people are still using a Playstation?
I have many games that aren't in any of those "tested games" lists... It's too incomplete.
Fuck off shill, then he'd have to literally pay money to change it again
I don't have an Edit button in the web browser.
He means the """free""" monthly games
Name changes are bullshit. Own your shitty name.
>all the console war shitposting ITT
Damn you guys really hate Sony for some reason lmao
How is it not true? Unless you think Sony's exclusives are on PS+ like a sped.
Give me the fucking option to change my region, I can buy the base game but not dlc for many games, FUCK YOU!!
A lot. Do you really think Sony tested every single PS3/4/Vita game? Doubtful, especially with all the wank that floods PSN daily.
You'd think they'd ask all the devs to try it out.
Which I think is annoying. It means I need to tag everyone on my list.
Like limit it to every sixty days or something, sheesh.
just make an account in that region,buy dlc, download, and then switch back to your main account? isn't it shared between accounts if they are both on the same system?
That literally means child molester in prison, what an awful name lol
I already invested over 100 bucks I don't want to buy my shit again
>Fucks up your data and ruins everything
Classic Sony.
I'll wait until Resetera trannies have tested it first
so you lose progress if you change it? wtf
>being so much of a faggot that you have to change the cancerous cringeworthy username you put on high school
Im glad you fucking spergs have to pay for this shit
The first change is free, and I don't see why someone would want to change it a second time
Imagine being a company of absolute bug people and not making this possible from the beginning
>Sony: does literally anything
LMAO, holy shit.
Fucking finally bros.
I have games with online features but the only online orientated game I have is Overwatch and never plan on playing it again on PS4. Want to change because my ID is my first and last name, and although I don't have many digital purchases, losing save data is a huge blow and possible timed dlc I got for free and could lose.
Still no option to change it for me, the fuck
>kek I fucking hope something goes massively wrong, like people losing all the digital purchases made
Sony have been pulling that scam a while now
what can they ban you for?
i have bought games for like 200$ over the years (trying to buy the physical copy always, but its hard to resist when there is a -80% discount). I think i can sue them if they refuse the access to the games i bought.
Doesn't accepting that agreement mean you can't sue them?
Not at all. EULA’s, like prenups for example, are hardly magical documents of imperviousness for companies. But still, good luck suing Sony.
if you use steam, you're not better than anyone.
anyone do it? any problems?
>The first change is free
Yeeeeesss! How is Sony so based?
Meanwhile you can't do it with Nintendo at all
GAF still exists? I thought all the fags moved over to negroera.
It's not our till later today
Does nintendo even have a username system? Or are they still on friend codes (lol)
Yes you can, and for free.
Nintendo, steam, xbox thread: :^|
Sony thread: :^O
Friend codes, lmao
No. ToS legally can't override your consumer rights.
These results are from the beta testing back in October/November. Many games were tested and posted in their lists.
Is Sony trying to kill itself?
>LittleBigPlanet 3 is on the Critical Issues list
Further cements the fact that this series is dead, fuck Sony
>what can they ban you for?
Not being politically correct/brainwashed
how does this affects ps3 and vita games?
they are basically fucked
>first change is free
yeah and that's how they get you addicted to it nigga
You are free to change, try, and then revert if it doesn't work. The reverts and first change is free of charge.
revert to old ID is free
Well, it did hand over control of its network to a new head quarters in commiefornia
does this mean i lose all my digital games on vita and ps3?
You are just taking a gamble and your changed username may not even work on ps3 and vita
well since old ID is still link to your name i assumed it means that your vita and ps3 doenst change but who knows and they need to answer this
Lmao go to sleep you Sony cocksucker
I'll probably just wait a bit until a major fuck up happens which forces them to fix any bugs. Not giving up my gwent progression for this shit niggies.
Which faction do you play ? I'm Nilfgaard
I'm an autist who only plays with northern kingdoms. Haven't played since the month before homecoming but will probably try playing again soon.
is the update not live yet? I don't see the option to change it on the web browser. I want to get my name before someone fucking steals it again
$10 to change a name
Nah, origin/ea allows you to as well.
>takes Sony 14 years to fix their shit
>it's not even fixed properly
Does it matter when I only play single-player weebshit on my PS4? Who /FirstnameLastnameBirthyear/ here?
>You can change your name now
>But lol all of your shit may break and you might lose everything
Wow. Based Sony, fucking thanks for nothing.
On a completely different subject, should I get pizza for dinner tonight?
To expand on this:
Sony, unlike every other company with an id system on the planet, decided to make your actual entered username what is registered in the servers and recognized as the code.
Most places make it a unique number or something like that, with the username just being a cosmetic disguise of it. That's why your steam ID isn't "a gay faggot", it's "11245344.." etc.
With PSN, you really are coded as a gay faggot. This decision was made almost 2 decades ago and it can't be changed unless they completely rewrite the PSN.
So instead of building upon the useless "real first name" system they have and have that act as a mask that people publiclly see over your ID, they decided to try to force the ID change to work, knowing they'd have to go game by game and make everyone game's code work around identifying this new ID and not the old one. That's why it only works with "popular" games as stated in their blog post about it. Thats also why you might lose save or DLC, as some of those purchases won't recognize the new ID.
So lets go over what Sony did this gen
>launched with no games other than Knack
>started charging for online, which they purposefully announced in a video where they made fun of Xbox's dying horse
>increased the price of PS+, which they announced by editing an old blog posts so no one could leave negative comments
>PS+ games started getting shit because they had people by the balls for online access
>took away free PS3 games
>Made their handheld system a peripheral for the PS4 because it failed due to their refusal to support it and ludicrous memory card pricing
>After bloodborne just stopped advertising Japanese games, even exclusive ones that they published (GR2 never got a shot at E3).
>Timed exclusives just like Xbox last gen
>Started censoring japanese games with japanese titty to the point the creator of Senran left
>This also make all Japanese studios give reports in English. Despite them being a Japanese company
Who gives a shit, I already have the perfect name since November 2006
What a fucking joke
It's afraid
Post it.
>Refused cross play while pretending it was "for the children"
>Only to cave in the most half assed way possible
>Some games still don't have it if not popular enough
>This is the online you're paying for btw
>Refund system changed recently due to Japan being sick of their shit, only to reveal how horrifically bad it was in the first place. It's still the worst
>PSNow was their answer to BC
>20 bucks a month please
>on top of PS+
>The games look and feel like shit no matter what you're connection is.
>Then came PS2 on PS4
>a service that was slowly abandoned after only like 30 games
>All exclusives now follow the Last of Us formula
>Anything else is VR
>Please buy VR
>Have had to change president like 3 times and now the guy in charge is the guy who said all old games are shit.
For the players? For the shit
the answer is always pizza
the PS2 is my favorite system ever. I hate the PS4 because I loved Sony, you mouth breathing brainlet.
You're using their servers.
You're using Yea Forums's servers. Pay up faggot.
Agree with most of what you said other than crossplay, nobody ever gave a shit about crossplay and still dont
No I'm a data usage pirate.
>you can revert back to any of your old IDs on a whim
so this doesn't free up the names at all and just makes it worse lol
hold the fuck up. do i need that shit ps plus membership to change my name?? or is it free for all the first time?
It's just a generic trademarked character with no wierd spaces, symbols or numbers, back when PS3 first came out you could snatch almost any iconic name, some like Batman were alsways "unavailable" but any thing under Batman was
People who tested the beta already said there was no problem whatsoever with trophies even on PS3 and Vita.
What games did they try?
I am very confused personally how every account's first and now previous ID names are saved to the account and no one else can use them, but there are still issues in regards to tying your username to your purchases and online play
First is free. Second is $10 the rest are $5
I believe they spaghetti coded it different per fuckin' region aswell. Some regions have really good systems (Japan) because they already had a public tag that was changeable for a while but then they had to remove that because they needed to move everything onto a common source.
Free for everyone
Not really incompetence, just stupidity/naivety. They never expected to ever implement this feature, their network wasn't originally built with it in mind.
That is bad design
>$10 to edit a string of text
Capitalism, everybody
That's terrifying
Then he's still wrong.
Tested games so far
>having friends that change their username constantly
The option isn't even there to change my name. I've updated to the latest firmware too. This fucking sucks do I need to sub to ps plus? Is anyone else having this shit problem?
Later today for US, tomorrow for EU
>PAY to change username
>lose data
>been poking around with armored core verdict day with my unac on pstriple
>psn id name change now viable
>my psn id is terrible security wise
>acvd is not even counted on basedny list
>dont want to lose all my ac schematics, unacs, etc. etc.
What do?
>it took sony cucks this long to be able to change thier ID
Question: Let's say I changed my psn name. If I buy a game that's not in my account yet that came out pre-april 2018, will that game show my brand new name or my old one?
It's not that bad. They posted a FAQ explaining how LBP handles the name change
Who the fuck knows at this point. I'm going to wait a couple of weeks just incase something happens.
I don't know what I was thinking back in the ps3 days. Hurry and let me change it already. ID:B00gerbr34th54
Basically this. It's like they implemented the user database to have the username as a primary key, which is a really bad idea
Topkek. (((sony))) jews its retarded fanbois
It was 10 USD on Xbox over a year ago too.
Zoomers get out and shut the fuck up. Stop looking for shit to be mad about.
What should I get an idea for a new PSN name from?
It's free the first time you stupid nigger, if you have to do it more than once you're retarded
>>if you use steam, you're not better than anyone.
Same thing with someone using PSN
>Xcucks scraping through their outdated maymays folder out of sheer frustration
Fucking lol
>paying for access to internet you already own
>paying to change your fictional online name
Absolute cuckoldry
I'd rather have a console and use 1 store rather than have 100 different fucking stores on my pc
I still don't know how LBP Vita was basically a full fledged LBP2 in your pocket.
>haha microsoft makes ppl pay to change their name what cucks xD
It's pretty fucking impressive, story levels were fun too. I hope Tarsier gets to make more of their own IPs since Little Nightmares was pretty good
>TFW Still use the same name used for my PSN Id for all my accounts
How were so many people bad at making names when they were 12/13?
This is in the license of every piece of software you have ever purchased, and in the ToS of every digital service you have ever subscribed to.
The $10 stops children from thinking they're being funny and changing their name every few minutes to call someone a fag in their user name.
really? i can revert back ?
They can't let people start using already used names because that would cause a whole clusterfuck.
my name is tanooki_joe . tanooki, from mario. i dont know why i did this
It rolls off the tongue pretty well at least. I wouldn't see any reason to change that other than people thinking you're a furry.
and then you lose everything the moment that store suffers a meltdown
driveclub already will stop being sold on the psn store by august
can this really fuck up psn purchases on legacy platforms? I still want to use my ps3 and vita
They only licensed the car names for 5 years.
>A basic online feature that other sites usually have at launch
>available after 6 fucking years
>please praise us
Too little too late, I don't even fucking play online anymore
>free id change because you have to make a brand new account every generation and lose all your previous purchases
wow based
nice fake news, Nincel
enjoy your friend codes lolol
Will l lose my ps3 trophies if I change my username?
good to know, thanks
I've updated and still not seeing it, Burger btw.
they said later today
i was talking about nintendo accounts you retard. they never migrate accounts or purchases
>doesn't free up old names
>isn't supported by some games
>breaks game saves
Literally why
oops guess I'm a retard too
meant for
>change name
>lose all ps3 era dlc purchases and trophy data
fuck off
If there is something that prevents IDs from being changed in ways that don't fuck with games/purchases/whatever, why don't they just let people move their info onto another account? I'm technologically inept, but how is this impossible considering that companies constantly track user data?
Fucking hell. I really wanted to change it too. I still have a couple of games I’m in the middle of trying to Platinum.
>It costs $10 to do this thing that nearly every single kind of PC-based gaming account lets you do for free
it officially goes live tommorow mongoloid_12_Xxx
I don't know what Sony has been thinking this gen. Yet for whatever reason not many people are discussing these issues seriously and usually just deflect to console warring
>have to pay to use your own internet
>have to pay to access P2P networks
>have to pay to change names
>have to rebuy all of your games every generation
>have to suffer with sub 20 frames
>have to pay to get """""free"""" games
whats it like being a ps4 nigger? it must be suffering
I can finally change my generic name John2112. I'm always bad with names though. How do you come up with a good name?
There's no option for me.
Bait threads
Sony said it'll be up "later today".
They're always slow with shit unlike Microsoft
How do you fuck up this badly
Because they're too poor and stupid to realize how bad it is. It's like the niggers taking out payday loans to buy a TV or something, they are not capable of recognizing their bad decisions
Be aware there’s a chance you can lose your save data and progress in some games. Best to wait for other people to start doing it, and hopefully a list of issues can be compiled so we know what’s affected and what’s not.
so your ps vita and ps3 will use your old ID and you will still have your digital content?
>breaks old games
So why don't they just retire the 'old' ID system but keep it tied to existing accounts, while all games running the modern API use the new system? If they already know which PS4 games are busted by it they can whitelist them to continue using the old name setup.
I hate it.
>Play a ton of online games with friends around the country because we just need the game and an internet connection
>Play every weekend for hours holding tournaments, goofing around, even betting money
>Paid online comes in and I don't want to do it nor do most of my friends
>Friends don't own anything but toasters
>None of us play games with each other anymore
>tfw emopaleboy16
>can finally change my name
thank god
It's only for these shit games no one will ever play again
They've been beta testing this for a while
yeah but the list of "potential" issues has bloodborne, souls, and other big title stuff
Don't forget
Dark souls 2
Dark souls 3
Those are under the non-critical issues list with only these minor issues identified
Actual retards.
I am sooooo fucking glad i can finally change my name but. Why the fuck wasn't this feature here eons ago? They can't even have a stable UI, that shit is laggy as fuck and stutters like a bitch, It also took them decades to fix the awful fucking store search feature.
I’m in the middle of trying to Platinum Dead Rising 1 on PS4, and it’s not even on the list of games they tested out. So now I have to finish getting all the trophies before changing the PSN name I made when I was 13, or I risk losing my save data. What a pain.
so what about ps3 and vita how are they affeced by this?
>giving a fuck about trophies/achievements
Jesus christ, nu/v/
I think playstation is the best console platform but this is just fucking pathetic, they must have gone full retard when psn IDs were implemented
>10 bucks to change after the first change
>may lose save data
>may lose paid content
>may cause issues both in online and offline games
>after all this the old ID might still show to other players
wow they're about 10 years late on this one.
>try to find a friend on steam
>can't find them as usual
>spend more time than I should looking them up to find they changed their retarded name again to something even more retarded
>go play ps4 instead
>friends all have OG names and easily hit them up
>wasn't a retarded nigger back in 02 when I created my sn with ps underground and still to this day use that sn with everything I do
Should've created a good sn you're proud of to begin with. Being able to change your name is retarded and annoying.
>people complain about having to pay for a name change
never understood this.
just make a new account if you care so fucking much. its free to do.
>b-but my digital games!
then just use the gameshare feature with your old account
problem fucking solved, faggots
It's the same reason why steam is popular you fucking boomer. How else are you going to prove you beat the game
you can make notes by your friends name to avoid that issue
Consider the following options:
>don't have retarded RP faggots as steam friends
>give your steam friends nicknames
there, fix'd
>save game data's tied to your account
I hate the PS4 for this.
>You can't take a previously used ID even if that person changed it
>tfw I made a second account years ago to use as my sign in ID and I bought my games on my old ID
>Now I can't change the account that has purchases on it to the name I want
Gee, thanks Sony
Why would i have to prove to some mouthbreathing autists like you that i beat a game?
I am all ears to hear why I shouldn’t use and enjoy a feature that’s been implemented by Sony, and now might be fucked up by Sony because they don’t have any foresight when creating an online service.
>you can make notes by your friends name to avoid that issue
>first one free, pay for the next change
>only works for games released on or after 2018 (remasters don't count)
>PS3/PSP/Vita doesn't count
>by doing this you also might lose some trophies and saves
>and you'll lose purchases like games, DLC or cosmetic shit
lmao good shit Sony
it is.
>Paying $10 for what amounts to a completely brand new PSN account that you could've made for free
Only Sony could get away with charging people for this shit.
>Let I beat ninja gaiden on hardest difficulty without getting hit!
>Uhhhhhhh fuck!
You don’t have to do anything you moron. At best it adds some replayability to a game. If developers give a shit they can even make fun or interesting ones.
Why doesn't Sony allow this? I remember being able to do it for MGS4. Was it trophies? Did trophies ruin everything?
DR1 had some pretty fun achievements though, minus the one where you had to grind a ton of zombie kills.
Do you want a free game as compensation? No? Then shut the fuck up
go to friends list, hit the drop down arrow by a person's name, go to manage, add a nickname.
So when will the name change be up? Is there a specific time?
My ass it's here.
>i-i-its your job to keep track!
Fuck off you idiots. You shouldn't have made up some retarded name in the first place. The only reason you want to change your name is because you're trying to hide from people you've pissed off.
Need a merge option maybe in 15 years. I also have an account with a bunch of shit on it.
>actually flexing to other human beings that you have beaten a videogame
lmao @ ur life
Because maybe you want to have some bragging rights to your friends? Shit, if someone platinums a game, that tells me right there that they probably really enjoyed it. Sure, some people might be autistic about it, but that’s their prerogative.
Microsoft has been doing the same for years.
Why are you so desperate to hate Sony? Is it because they're absolutely dominating this gen?
Or you could just want a name change cause you dont want your name anymore? You seem pretty buttmad that it's free on PC lmao
who the fuck cares whether someone believes you or not? it's a video game
Reading isn't your forte is it? Read my OP before replying.
They said MIGHT lose that stuff. Not will.
I'm sure a long phonecall with PSN support would fix the issues.
I did read your OP retard and you were given a solution to fix it. But no, instead you got buttmad, probably because the solution is pretty easy. Seems to me that's why you're mad.
>get a console as a kid
>make up username with a bunch of XxXxX shit in it
>grow up and build a PC as an adult
>make a username that’s not childish
>still play consoles for the occasional exclusive or play with friends
>want to consolidate my online handles under one name, but can’t do that because Sony still hasn’t fucking figured out their online service
It’s first-world problems for sure, but I would appreciate being able to do it.
It's not up yet you retards. Mods delete the thread.
that shouldn't even be a fucking problem in the first place you stupid nigger
how the fuck can you change your name on PSN and possibly lose your own games
even Nintendo found a way to change your username on Switch, how the fuck can't Sony do it
>they won't be free'ing old inactive accounts?
then what's the point?
you're still stuck with xXX's and 56124573403740 on every name because every good name was taken
>Try to cancel my PSN account
>Sony sends me a mail with a fucking phone number demanding that I call them in order to delete my account
Isn't this illegal? Can I sue them?
>hurr you're just mad its free on steam but not psn
Nigger I use steam and I said I stick with the same sn through everything I use despite being able to change it at anytime if I ever desired. Why must you be a fucking retard?
nice twitter meme, faggot
A name change you retard. That's the point
ok DickSuck999. have fun with your new name
Tits too big. Areolas too huge and black. Skin too pale.
goldeneye definitely needed more boris scenes. it's too bad the character died in the movie. he deserves to be in more bond movies. r.i.p boris. invincible forever
100 million units sold. This makes you seethe. Every day you wake up in a world where Sony is still fucking winning, and you CANNOT accept this.
$10 a name change.
First one's free, Nin10dicklicker. Enjoy your friend codes
I hate my name, but I've never settled on another. Guess I'll start thinking of a name I won't regret.
>name changes on switch are free and unlimited
post pics. b.venti makes me diamonds
I seriously hope you guys are not praising Sony for implementing a feature that should've been implemented a decade ago, especially when the said feature might just straight up break games and costs 10 bucks
>"Only Sony could get away with..."
Actually that's not true, MS has been doing it for yea-
holy fuck mon it's 10$ a month
How much money have the Sony kikes made off of this today?
You moron, it's to prevent 133t haxxors from deleting other people's shit
>find out that you were the retards all along
>Start damage controlling hard
Ima need proof
I just don't get who at Sony thought it would be a good idea all those years ago to use your account name as your account ID. And now I'm realizing that's most likely why account names also can't use spaces
Fucking based. PClets and Nintenlards seething that Sony is taking their own features away from them. They have nothing left.
>making stuff up to feel like you aren't such a cuck that you have to do all the work yourself when it shouldn't be your job in the first place
Lmaoing at your life right now.
If there’s one thing Sony has been consistent at, it’s screwing up online services.
Oh yes, it truly is based. Now that would be $9.99 USD / CAD + tip. Don't forget we already mentioned that you might lose your paid content so it's not our fault if it happens!
When does it go live
>change name
>friends delete me because they don't recognize me
They didn't think or have any ideas, they just hired some retarded code monkeys and gave them loose directions on what they wanted PSN to do, and let 'er rip.
They say that name change isn't supported on PS3/Vita. What exactly do they mean? Will your old name still appear on PS3/Vita online or will you get the changed name, but you're fucked if anything goes wrong?
Yes, in fact
Probably the former
Real talk here:
why do you care so much to change your name?
are you really that embarrassed about the name you originally took?
La creatura...
Possible reasons:
>name was made when they were a child
>want to consolidate online handles to a single name
>just feel like changing it
People pronouce it wrong because it's an acronym/shortened version of what I wanted.
how about charge $5 to change avatar or something like that
People always assume I'm bad because I have a generic name Joe498. I wanna change it but I don't trust Sony.
Gaming nowadays is all about building an ecosystem. The Playstation ecosystem, the Xbox ecosystem, the Steam ecosystem, whatever
If there's something aboiut that ecosystem that doesn't feel right, your username for example, you will feel bad you engaging into that spectific place
People who turn up their PS4 and see their dumb name they choose un a hurry 12 years ago will be pleased to have a little more agency over the way they engage into this ecosystem
>not going with CumGuzzler69
im embarressed to have a kony2012 related name
People may not like or agree with things they did a decade ago. Naming your PSN account CloudSephiroth4829 is probably not something you'll like when you're 5-10 years older
I'm no longer a weeb. That's enough reason.
>or choose from one of the suggestions
What could that be?
But they had such a nice lead over the others how could they fuck up this bad
>people should only cater to my needs because I'm a gay NEETboy. They should only make changes to their lives under my permission!
rofl. you NEETs are hilarious
>people actually defending having to pay to change your name
>tfw I made a new account months with a name I like, but I can't use it on my old one now
I fucked up.
>its my need when its the platforms/persons fault for not adequately making it known a name was changed
Jesus fuck you're an idiot.
Please give me terrible name ideas thank u
>Breaks Everybody's Golf
Fuck me. Someone tell me what actually happens instead of just "Critical issues lol our system is literally that bad"
I created a username that included sissy trap boo and keep getting hit on by faggots. Try something like that it's hilarious
Some years back I made this name generator that uses blacklisted Dark Souls 2 words.
>halo mcc coming up soon
>xbox live required
>remember my old microsoft account has some cringy edgy name from when i activated GTA IV on Games For Windows Live
>10 bucks for changing it
Fuck that
>"h-hehe it's hilarious g-guys im not g-gay at all! W-what? No! I don't get off to th-the attention im getting from all these horny d-dudes h-haha I do it c-cuz its funny...n-not because I like hearing them t-talk about using me as their own p-personal cockslave g-guys haha"
I'm too self-conscious to change my name. People will notice.
11 minutes bros
I think I'll just wait until the iron out all the issues.
>All those seething whales with Fortnite accounts
Wow nice finally I can have the name I want to while watching movies
i thought it was trannyera
Can you do this right now? I don't see any edit button anywhere.
2 minutes
Anyone else can't change their online id? I live the u.s.
Haha yeah...
No it's not, faggot.
>he didn't get the update
I see nothing. I'm trying to do it via web browser.
you have to have ps+
You're the one blowing a gasket over name changes where you can literally look at a person's name history over Steam.
only for burgers
>must contain letters, numbers, hyphens (-) and underscores (_)
This is so fucking stupid.
im a burger with PS Plus and its not up for me
It's not out yet.
Just changed my name and went back to my vita and ps3 to see if anything fucked up. It's all good
>check friends list to see who to play with
>don't see anyone I frequent with
>couple weeks go by buddy messages me why I don't hit him up anymore
>realize he changed his name and tell him why didn't he say anything
>lmao i don't cater to your needs its all your fault lmaooolmao
feel like I made my point clearly and you're trying to defend that you made some shitty nigger gay boi name back in 2005 you're embarrassed about or you want to hide yourself from people you've pissed off.
Right on.
keep in mind your old psn name still shows up
It is your fault considering you can just look at a person's name history, like I just said int he previous post.
>you're trying to defend that you made some shitty nigger gay boi name back in 2005 you're embarrassed about or you want to hide yourself from people you've pissed off.
Nice projection you stupid NEET
What do you do about this then?
>console kiddies have to pay for online AND name changes
holy shit the absolute state of play inside xbox
kek btfo'd hard.
right now idiot
It's not there on the website
>after 5pm Pacific time
wtf is wrong with Sony's dumbass going by pacific time instead of eastern like everyone else
They're in California. Which is still odd considering that's generally closing time for most workplaces.