Do you donate to girl streamers?

Do you donate to girl streamers?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't donate to any streamers.
I don't watch any streamers at all actually.

I dont even donate to charity

Why would I, since im not a z*omie faggot who watches them in the first place

I only donate to you're mum in exchange for sex.

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You pay taxes, which goes to NEET's. So yes you are.

based and redpilled

Any "man" who does should be shot

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Not really a donation then is it you dumb nigger.

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I only donate to chad streamers

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i wish this girl would be brutally raped and tortured to death but i wish even worse on the "people" who give this ugly whore money

I used to donate to Amouranth until I found out she was married

I wish I was the one doing the raping.

>154 000$/mo

>tfw you donate $50 and girl streamer says your name on stream and you feel so good, but then someone else donates $200 a minute later and she's screaming about him instead

>mfw I tried streaming a couple months ago
>Literally 90% of the people that came into my chat were just trying to hit on me
>There are people that are literally trying to use twitch as a dating site
>They don't even donate money after trying to hit on me the fucking cheapskates
>Still haven't found a single whale that'll keep donating occasionally but have a steady stream of orbiters with no money

Am I doing this wrong? I unironically just want money.

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Exploiting the system and the weak isn't any reason for death, user.
Those who donate do deserve it though.

Ah yes. The 'I dont care xD' streamers like Forsen and such, right? I can't honestly believe something more pathetic than donating to those retards. At least some streamers put up shows and girl streamers show a little skin or cleavage. Fucking retarded cu(c)kold idiot.

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It would help if you had a vagina

>I am angry people are more successful than me

Would an artificial tranny cunny suffice?

can i be your bf

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No, only chad allowed.


i dont blame her and the ones who support her are far worse but i just cant stand her face and would unironically love to bludgeon her to death and see the fear in her eyes smack after smack realising what was happening, thinking she made it and realising i was sending her to the void.
nah, thats not it. i just hate her face.


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if your doing it just for the money fuck off, last thing twitch needs is another e whore

user I have funny news for you about taxes

Money laundering.
Twitch is a notorious money laundering hub.
The SJW / thot stuff is a distraction (and fuck me is it an effective one).

>Consider streaming just for shits and giggles
>None of the games I'd wanna stream would gather views
>It'd be hard to gauge if I'm interesting to listen to without having any feedback due to said low views
The lack of views isn't the problem per se. I just don't wanna be "that streamer" who gets 1 or 2 randos each session.

Why are you proving him right? You don't even pass, bro.

>donating to someone with thousands of viewers who is probably richer than you are
kill yourself cuckold

You are so beta that can't even imagine free chad sex

>donating money to people who refuse to get a real job




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the only time i'd ever watch someone else play games would be if i was planning to buy that particular game, and it would have to be a walkthrough without commentary on youtube

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Why is absolutely everyone laundering money nowadays?
Should I do it too?

Have Twitch staff contacted you yet?
If not, keep streaming, and subscribe to their free dosh for female streamers project.
They will contact you, and ask for you to be complicit in some prostitution in exchange for funneling views to you.
Presumably you want the prostitution more than the views; don't tell them that of course.

She only has to do it for a little while longer but think about how that is literally the only educated thing "she" is good at. No actual skills in life except the obvious one that men like good looking girl make Pepe expand dong which is what women do for much cheaper. Maybe this is when want to be """"""women"""""" and get money. Every cheats everything.

would you donate to me?

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he said chad

I can't stand the voice of women in media, their high-pitched voices and how some drag out the "S" like a cartoon snake is just like nails on a chalkboard to me, it hurts my ears and makes me angry, I hate it.
I also suffer from Misophonia so that could be the problem but I have no trouble talking and listening to them IRL.

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What is a real job?

>here is some money for sitting in a chair

how fucking dumb do you have to be to do this.

Thanks for the advice
Hopefully I can get some front page action at some point

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I'm genuinely curious what it's like to have orbiters. Any stories?

i work at sawmill and thats my job though

and he posted neckbeard.

There are two ways to go about this.

Either establish yourself playing niche titles and gain a niche following, or follow the crowd and play a popular game, and gain views that way.

Albeit you can always change direction of you do the latter, but you'll lose some people

I mean donating to some titty streamer bitch.

and you posted 5/10

First, why would you watch them?

Second, why would you willingly give them money?

>Why is absolutely everyone
? Very few people are laundering money, at least that I know of. But the names that I do know of tend to be Oil companies in bed with unstable governments, Big banks for whom money laundering is their -primary business-, and various smaller charities and donation hubs that tend to center around Patreon and Twitch.

Fair enough. I guess I'll start streaming God Hand, Ace Combat, and Tenchu soon. Thanks for the advice.

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The virgin "I need to conform to society,baby face"
The Chad " I don't care about anyone what people think, neck beard"

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>their free dosh for female streamers project.
please be a joke

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What are some games to play to take advantage of this donation scheme assuminf a girl is atractive enough and at least average at video games?

yikes. expect a visit from the fbi

>Buying products from a company that makes thousands of dollars.
See how fucking stupid that sounds, if I enjoy the entertainment why would I not want to support the person

not vidya

A younger me would feel enraged, but who cares anymore. That's the life of any young beautiful woman like that, she just has her privilege outed as a public number. Also once you date a girl like this, and you see how childish stupid and emotionally unbalanced they are, it's hard to feel any envy.

The social dysfunction is specific to our time, celebrating young woman being cam whores and twitch thots, but in any time, she is on easy mode.

>They will contact you, and ask for you to be complicit in some prostitution in exchange for funneling views to you.
Is this a real scandal or are you making stuff up? I'd believe it desu.

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not that person but i cant even join a game vc or discord vc without getting orbiters for my voice. men are so fucking thirsty

>video game streamers
>not vidya
okay redditor nigger. Time to go back

Video Games and their culture.

>A younger me would feel enraged, but who cares anymore
I see you too have taken the clownpill

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its gonna be really funny when she gets old and dried up and the money vanishes, and she gets so far in debt because of her shitty lifestyle decisions shes gonna have no choice but to suck shitskin dick on the street

disgusting, for your sake I hope you're not an actual girl looking like that

>It'd be hard to gauge if I'm interesting to listen to without having any feedback due to said low views
It's impossible to do this if you DO have a lot of views.
Have you seen the cocksuckers that make up the semi-popular channels? Full of admins that will ban you for disrespecting them, or for "trolling" aka saying stuff that they'd prefer not be true. If the streamer in question had an open mind before, they inevitably end up with a bunch of Yes-men close to them, and that'll poison their minds.

Look at the Speedrunning community.
Count how many fucking streams have an audio level that's 10 or even 20 decibels too low.
Tell them of this.
You are straight guaranteed to be told that you are just shit-stirring, baiting, and trolling. Literally 100% of the goddamn time. For something as objectively measurable as audio volume. Which you can measure in literally two fucking clicks on a Youtube video (stats for nerds shows average volume) and four in Audacity.
These are people who are so immune to deflecting criticism with cocksucking that they've managed to DISBELIEVE THE CONCEPT OF AIR PRESSURE.
You won't get honest feedback while streaming.
Honesty is disrespectful.

You need big boobs

can someone explain this

>154k a month

>not even attractive, just some generic cunt with makeup


dont be jelly


thirsty betas, literally the ruin of all western civilisation

people who donate to streamers have serious mental issues.

men, men ruin everything and i mean literally. if you take a look at the world today and see how spoiled and catered to women are you only have your own gender to blame. Because they do this shit ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

Men completely ruined women.


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im not remotely jelly my man, if thats you im miles above you in looks and even if i gained 40kg id still be more handsome.

That's also true. Maybe I should stick to streaming games just to make shitty cut-up compilations on YouTube.

She really has it though. That sexy cute smug face. Ughh

>Is this a real scandal or are you making stuff up?
Oh jesus if I were making stuff up I'd suggest there was a subtle bias in their algorithms or that they could generate fake views for you without your knowledge if you had politics they approved of.

No, they will literally ask you for your compliance in sluttery in exchange for front page or top 10 promotion.

There will always be a doormat man dumb enough to wife her. She can be gross in her 40s and she will still get dating profile flooded with offers. Outside of the psychological toll of hedonism, it's very hard for attractive women to experience consequences like you're describing.

Purpose: 1DF created a grant specifically to support female broadcasters on Twitch. The 1,000 Dreams Fund Twitch BroadcastHER Grant provides financial assistance to eligible women to help with expenses such as travel to gaming conventions, educational conferences, hardware upgrades, and instructional programs related to creative or artistic pursuits

Criteria: To be eligible for this grant you must be female and a Twitch Affiliated or Partnered Broadcaster.

Amount: Two or more grants of a minimum of $500 to a maximum of $2,000 will be awarded each semester. Grants are not renewable, however, non-selected applicants may re-apply.

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men like you are why we cant have nice things. that face is not attractive, that attitude is not attractive, and the fact you think it is is why women today are so shit. Stop being attracted to and rewarding thot behaviour.

Don't need no real lfie skills when you're a millionaire. And education is always available for you.

>Also once you date a girl like this, and you see how childish stupid and emotionally unbalanced they are, it's hard to feel any envy.
I'll give you that envy back in less than 40 words.
They can get away with this and still be adored.
You have to have a decent personality. They don't have to.

female streamers deserve respect

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being a girl seems like it would be nice, except you literally become worthless once you hit 23 or so.

still, life must be super easy till that point.

hey if you kept the dick

Tits or gtfo

Are you saying you wouldn't pay for high quality content like this?

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sure thing, post pics with timestamp.

nice wrists faggot, I hope they don't break next time you try to lift a 5lbs dumbbell

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Give some stories, no matter how mundane.

I avoid VCs and don't involve myself in communities where this kind of thing happens so I have zero exposure. The concept fascinates me.

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That just seems like a huge scandal that should be known everywhere if there was a whistleblower.

You're going to need this, bro.

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>500 to 2000
Holy shit I need a twitch affiliation

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/our animals/

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pretty sad TBQHWU

>paying for dumb useless content that has no sex appeal
>meanwhile there are cosplaying girls with loli bodies that take huge dildos up their asses and moan like crazy
You people are just too dumb to use google or any form of search engine so you resort what's fed to you through social media and think it's the big thing.

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its really not
>deal with unwanted male attention pretty much everywhere you go
>high risk of being raped by subhumans if you ever go alone anywhere
>cant really defend yourself from subhumans because so week
>extreme cramping and pain for a week every month for 40 something years
>feel pressured by society and other women to slather on makeup or feel like shit
>be constantly bombarded with shitty comments anytime you try to play a game of any kind just for being female

honestly i just pretend to be a guy online and dont wear makeup irl anymore to try to get men to stop making creepy comments. too bad it doesnt work because men are fucking creeps.

im not a cuck so no.


I hope you understand I was being sarcastic

most charites are scams anyway.

you have no idea that being a guy means you have to work/earn literally everything

you get NOTHING for free.

You mean like the Mueller case, or the mail "bomber" who supported Trump but who had mysterious teleporting totally-not-the-FBI-running-a-false-flag vans delivering the bombs for him, or the time Mugabe called for the deaths of white farmers, or when the Washington Post published literal fake news about an agriculture deal?
It was blown, senpai.
The media didn't report it.

>never subbed
>never donated
>stolen laptop

do you think there would be market for cute crossdressing twink boys?
asking for a friend


i have to work at everything too though. and much harder than my brother simply because i have been plagued with ilnesses and medical problems since I was 8.

You have no idea what hard work even is you beta cuck. come back to me when you suffer through 30+ kidney stones because your kidneys are fucked.

Haha based warriors(come out and playyy) poster

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girls get showered with attention and money just for existing.

guys don't get any of that.

only if they sound feminine. twink/femboys literally lose all appeal if they open their mouth and sound like a man.

>stolen laptop
so it was you

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this really confuses me, I've had several cats in my lifetime - mostly feral ones too, that I took in. Yet nothing like this has ever happened. I wonder how much time this bitch spent actually teaching the cat to behave.

>Doesn't give majority of income to streamers
I feel bad for you

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Why are the top streamers male then?

>I'll give you that envy back in less than 40 words.
>They can get away with this and still be adored.
>You have to have a decent personality. >They don't have to.
Nah I think you miss my point. I know that's how it is. I'm saying, I've hooked up with and dated women like her before. After you've spent enough time with someone who has a rotten personality, it's hard to envy them, or want to be with another one.

A decent personality isn't just some inconvenient rules society dumps on you. It's an expression of sanity to think beyond oneself and not be easily upset/made super aggressive.

You mean glorified camwhores who don't even take their clothes off and masturbate? No, because I can get porn for free.

this one gets me every time

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unwanted attention is not a good thing, it fucking sucks, its annoying and it spoils you and ruins your personality. As for the money part? A little bit not really, not like you think. you're just a salty, bitter and sad person.

I guarantee i have worked harder than you in my life. Hell i used to work for an oil and gas company.

cats are based

Why are girls so obsessed with putting little pillows all over their beds?

show me a single male streamer that can be successful sitting in a chair, not playing games, by just wearing a bra.

The streamers I donate to I do so because they live my dream of paying their bills by playing vidya

No I am not an incel nor would i ever want to watch them

so what you're saying is that thirsty beta males have ruined streaming by catering to women who do that. and instead of blaming said men, you blame the women smart enough to take advantage of this.

The $ sign goes before the number, not after, you idiot.

you have to agree that girls live life on easy mode relative to guys in terms of getting things for free.

I don't get free shit for having a penis, girls however...

im only 2 months in qym, kek.

Thats a man, user

Based friend

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they aren't smart, they are willingly whoring themselves out to the scum of society.

both are bad.

I don't even watch streamers, I only watch either Jerma's stream highlights on his channel or some of the recordings of his streams that I'm interested in

>high risk of being raped
not really if you take a look at the stats and live in the developed world

>>cant really defend yourself
get a gun

>>feel pressured by society
grow a spine

im curious, what things do you think im getting for free just because im female. sometimes i have people buy things from my steam wishlist but other than that nothing really.

Your perception of reality seems warped by the fact that you get all of your information from Yea Forums and dont leave your house enough.

Believe it or not that now gets you banned on Twitch for hate speech.
>against who, poorfags?
People post that copypasta with TriHex's face, therefore it's racist in implying that niggas be thieves.
Even if you post the copypasta without TriHex's face, for example using forsenW instead for the sheer goddamn irony of bragging about not paying for shit while advertising that you are subbed to 0-4sen, you'll still be pegged for hate speech against black people.
Despite basednig TriHex himself being the goddamn king of chilling the fuck out while spending absolutely no money, an act he himself refers to as "Nigging".

>nigga u joking that's clearly bullshit
I agree that it's clearly bullshit and it's too unrealistic to be true but I ain't joking.

She looks like a fucking plastic mannequin on the left.
How do "people" find her attractive?

lmao you're objectively inferior to men and you're going to die alone

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bros before hoes m8

>sometimes i have people buy things from my steam wishlist
not him but I can't even imagine something like this happening to me. Jelly as fuck 2bh

guys don't have a vagina so they don't get free things for merely existing.

im just saying, the way social dynamics work, girls get lots of free things for no work.

>not really if you take a look at the stats and live in the developed world
almost every girl i know has either been raped or assaulted at one point in her life but most repress/dissociate it for years and by the time they get therapy for it, its way too late to go to the police for it, so they dont report it.
>get a gun
not allowed in canada
>grow a spine
its easy to say as a guy who has never been pressured by every single piece of media he consumes and every single friend/acquaintance to do a certain thing. men are relatively left alone.

>Am I doing this wrong? I unironically just want money.
You're a whore, but at least you're an honest whore.

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>The average pledge is $65
Fuck do why do people not just watch camwhores at that point. Who the hell pays that much just to watch a semendemon suck at video games

>A decent personality isn't just some inconvenient rules society dumps on you. It's an expression of sanity to think beyond oneself and not be easily upset/made super aggressive.
Someone's unrealistically naive.
No, a decent personality is a burden you have to bear, and a fortress you have to build and maintain around yourself. It is an effort that you make because you have to.
Once people no longer have to carry their burdens and maintain their fortresses, they revert to their default state.

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its really nothing desu. creepy beta men are just easy to get to buy things.

I really want this to be true, but it's just too surreal to not be fake

What he's saying is that female streamers have it easier? The reason for this is irrelevant and also you couldn't tell we hate both e-girls and the simps alike.

I haven't even gone on Twitch in months. I think I'm over it.

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That's not as bad as people who put the percent sign in front of the number.


Is this real?

this mental world
doesnt even make sense, with that kind of money he could get someone in real life


>Girl does the best hentai meme-face and thirsty weebs love it
There you have it


Don't you DARE insult mannequins like that. I've had the same mannequin for 8 years and she has not ONCE worn something I didn't give her, or streamed herself on the internet making a stupid face.

but she isn't even a 10 or close

she's objectively ugly without makeup, it makes no sense.

>I unironically just want money
Most people will give you shit about this but really who doesnt want to become a big streamer and play games for a living?
Being a women just makes it easier

Is this the shit she puts on her Patreon? She's fucking with people right this is some lowkey method actor shit. I can she hotter girls doing wilder and crazy shit for free. The other day I watched what you could describe as a literal 10/10 shit her pants in public for nothing other than the sexual thrill of it and that was just because I wanted to see a cute girl do something crazy. There's instragram girls with big tits and fat asses who work out every day and post pictures for free just for those 15 seconds of fame and people pay for this shit

>tfw you realise mildly attractive women get paid thousands of dollars every month for playing video games while i unironically dig holes for a living

Women sure have it hard, huh?

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>almost every girl i know has either been raped
unlikely also that's anecdotal evidence, maybe the people you know just got unlucky
>or assaulted
that's believable. I'm sure women are sexually assaulted a lot, especially at clubs, bars, music festivals etc. It's bad but it's not rape

>not allowed in canada
Women overwhealmingly vote for gun and self-defense restrictions. Campaing against that.

>as a guy who has never been pressured
oh come on, guys get pressured all the time by media and society. We are more able to see ourselves as individuals though. There'¨s a reason women feel bad when thye see hot women in media whilst guys feel inspired when we see hot guys. It's a weakness of character you girls have to work on

I would love if creepy beta women bought me stuff.

>accepting gifts from what you deem as creepy beta men

you're as pathetic as them

>be russian girl
>work like a slave for 200 buckaroos a month in a worthless currency
>decide to try streaming
>make 100k USD in a few months

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>almost every girl i know has either been raped or assaulted at one point in her life but most repress/dissociate it for years and by the time they get therapy for it, its way too late to go to the police for it, so they dont report it.
The actual statistics for rape from the DOJ is 25.2 per 100,000 females. The "1 in 4" or "1 in 6" is literally fake statistic that includes "has a man ever looked at you mean from the other side of the street." So you're either black and in the ghetto, or you or some of your friends are exaggerating something unpleasant to a serious crime. I've been physically attacked- I don't tell people I was murdered.

I am so sick of stupid cunts like you who live in the safest society on earth pretending like it's fucking South Africa. If you make simple lifestyle choices you have powerball odds of being a victim of violence in America.

Dont worry user, I'll put your name on my sub board if you donate. It'll make you feel better I promise

wait until they hit 30. most of them are dumb so they wont save any of the cash they made. when they 30, they will either become legit whores or crazy cat ladys.

Happens more often than you think.
There are enough guys that get donations from delusional girls as is the other way around.

zoomers got dabbed on

>the entertainment
>some guy playing video games
that's pathetic

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How do I get a job digging holes?

It hurt watching her just chew on egg shells
Otherthan that yeah i guess thats kinda sexy. But unless she uploads vids of her getting rammed I dont care for softcore from a girl I dont know. Damn well wouldnt pay for it

Girls have life on easy mode but i'd rather be a guy. At least I am valued for more than just being walking tits.

Can't blame 'em desu.
Beats having yet another thread about Apex Doritos of the Wild Stadia where you'll get the same discord tranny replies of schizo, seethe, idiot, /pol/, SJW, and shill being used as downvotes.
I can respect an honest cashgrab.
Speaking of which, have any of you heard about the latest project from Croteam, some open-world early access survival crafting battle royale shit?
Yeah I know it's shit. Adrian hasn't even shoved VR into it yet.
Buy it because you were just going to waste that money on something stupid anyway.

I did donate $5 once to valkyrae a few years ago.
I was sick and she made my day by playing bloodborne.

that's the beauty of it, user. i am the neets

Holy jesus, this can't be real, can it? My Test levels just dropped by 99% just from reading that

also she's ugly as fuck with a tranny voice, idk how she got so big. Betas a pathetic

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I wont deny that women do get pressured by media and such which makes lose confidence and what not but so do men, we are told for childhood that we have to be successful, rich, good looking fit and tall and have amazing hair, and if we don't alot of us are shamed. And no one is here to defend us. Most men hate feminsm because women expect them to listen to their problems but think ours is stupid and nothing compared to theirs

>The actual statistics for rape from the DOJ is 25.2 per 100,000 females.
that is rapes that were reported. once again, the vast majorty goes unreported

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>There are enough guys that get donations from delusional girls as is the other way around.
do you have any source to back that statement up? I highly doubt that

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>while i unironically dig holes for a living
You just gotta expand your profession bro, maybe you will be digging some expensive holes for special people soon. There is always a good for someone who can dig a good hole nobody will bother opening up again.

Did she ever confirm that?

>do you donate?
No, I'm not encouraging people to be NEETs, if you want money go out there and fucking earn it for yourself

I suddenly feel a lot better about my career path.

Have sex incel

I don't watch people play video games because that's stupid and boring.

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>the vast majorty goes unreported
how do they know? Honest question, do they just guess?

>Paying money to watch someone play a game instead of just buying the game and playing yourself
On a scale of 1 to an Epic Store chink how much of a drone does this make you?

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>i literally didnt click on the citation: the post


I'd suggest you look into a philosophy like Buddhism if what I'm saying is so anathema to you.

Im also not speaking from naivety. I've know several girls like this very well. They all have fucked up brains and are a drag to spend any time. The sex isn't worth it.

You used a donation for what it's for. Nothing wrong with that. The cringe is when losers donate to titty streamers for female attention.

>There is always a good for someone who can dig a good hole

Made me think of this

you don't have to donate to him if you don't want to

forsen is basically a cancer sponge that manages to endure 8 hours a day of people insulting him, people streamsniping him and playing loud ass fucking micspam in his ear and deal with whatever other bullshit his chat gets him into. i know you probably think his life is easy, but i honestly doubt that many people could actually handle 8 hours of that shit 6 days a week and 51 weeks a year. people are more frail than you think, and judging from the way you write, you are too


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holy shit guys, we should rape more.

Playing actual vidya on screen 1, streams with the lads on screen 2.

Hell, I'd do her / him. I have horrifyingly low standards so, i guess, what do i know?

Can confirm. I raped this one girl 5 times and not once got in trouble for it.
She raped me like 9 times though which is total bullshit.
Should not have agreed to see which one of us could rape the other the most.

Ouch. That hits close to home

can't you get this if you just say you identify as a woman? i mean it would be transphobia if not

yep, you're an incel if you think prostitution/whoring on a GAMING WEBSITE is wrong.


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>male anons are already trying to game the system
lmao, jealous much? Go move some sandbags or something for $5 per hour

If I wanted to fuck myself over and lose money I'd buy dildos and lube or outright pay a stud to rail me.
Fuck these nerds paying money to women that aren't even near their proximity.

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>t. ass blasted Twitch roastie

based and pinkpilled

I reject Buddhism because it supposes that samsara should be escaped.
Samsara is a just punishment for a world that has created such works as Fallout 4.
Sometimes you just have to accept that were Hell to be real, we wouldn't deserve it, because it'd be too good for us.
Hell may duct-tape your eyes open and force you to watch someone play DOOM with a controller.
But only on Earth would we do so willingly.

>t. triggered beta male zoomer who donated all his good boy point money to his favorite streamer only to find out she has a bf

I did read, also these are "Sexual Assaults" nor just rapes.
We were talking about rape

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-10 The Criminal Justice System Statistics RAINN.png (1047x327, 1K)

>there are a whole lot of other streamers that deserve my money
why would you give your hard earned money to someone sitting at home with her tits out? You can pay a chick to come to your house and suck your dick? I'm so stingy with my money I wouldn't even give these people a single penny.

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damn, tranny. Could you be any more obvious?

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half the time there isnt enough proof to classify it as rape so it gets called sexual assault. proving actual penetration is hard

looks like that hit close to home

scrrenshot messed up

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-10 The Criminal Justice System Statistics RAINN(1).png (1920x1079, 142K)

Goddamn Sarina is so fucking hot

>not wanting to be a raging lesbian with a whole harem of tittystreamer gfs who rake in cash for you

That is total and complete bullshit. The NCVS is not just calculating reported crime. The actual numbers, from a non-bullshit government organization:
>According to a March 2013 report from the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Statistics, from 1995 to 2010, the estimated annual rate of female rape or sexual assault declined 58%, from 5.0 victimizations per 1,000 females age 12 or older to 2.1 per 1,000. Assaults on young women aged 12–17 declined from 11.3 per 1,000 in 1994-1998 to 4.1 per 1,000 in 2005-2010; assaults on women aged 18–34 also declined over the same period, from 7.0 per 1,000 to 3.7."

But you are too dumb to know what any of this means, and a political lobby will tell you the dumbest scary lies and you'll believe it all.

>half the time
again where are those stats from?

you look like me friend
he's a chill dude
ill go tell him to start crossdressing

>steams with the lads
Unless you are actually playing with the person streaming you're a pathetic faggot. If "the lads" are just other orbiters in a chat room with some nigger or niggete playing Fortnite or whatever FOTM game it is, and you gleefully hit your emoji memes with the 200 other faggots spamming the same emoji meme then you are human trash.

Attached: you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.jpg (1920x1080, 85K)

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Fake and gay

how big?

this is what I assumed. That website was clearly being disingenuous.
Too bad a lot of women fall for that bullshit and go around in developed nations thinking they're gonna be raped


>good goy, trust the governement full of rapists
i would say when you have a daughter you will understand but, thats not going to happen

you're not wrong

all the findom stuff is fake lad.

The police rarely catches rapists unless they were already known or act within a small area that can be narrowed down so their fears of the police being useless is justified.

at the end of the day I can say I am a man who doesn't whore myself out for money, so I can live with myself.

these "streamers" will be literally worthless in a few years, when the new batch of thots replace them.

I actually feel bad for that guy, even though I shouldn't

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This. Twitch chat rooms are not a substitute for healthy social interactions

Nice incel post
Have sex

Hol up. This gets deleted but the Incelpost doesn't?
I'm smellin bias.
The whole fuckin thread is off topic bullshit and you're nuking two posts that are basically "u mad?"

That has nothing to do with being a girl, though, it can happen to anyone

>t. triggered permavirgin

I wish! If I still had my v-card I wouldn't feel like such a dumbass for falling for the 3d meme.

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big enough that it needs 2 hands and still has some left over. maybe its just because my hands are small tho idk.

Do you ask coal companies to tell you about global warming? Actually, you probably would if they flattered your bogus feminist assumption.

My daughter isn't going to have fake propaganda confuse her from the real threat she'll face. Also, I can tell I'm debating a woman because you cannot respond to facts, you just get emotional and try to attack me.

>when virgins think they have the right to talk
have sex

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/cgl/ here. You guys are gross.

How am I meant to get a daughter without rape, genius?

Attached: Amouranth - I´m a mod btw haHAA.webm (1280x720, 2.03M)

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amouranth has said many times on stream "i wish i had a boyfriend" both before and since the reveal too which is pretty fucking funny.
she has completely tricked her audience and is probably earning 100k+ a month from beta orbiters it's disgusting.

i think these e-girls are just as bad because they are enabling and taking advantage of the destructive behaviors of people. They are just like drug dealers

I did, it was overrated and I regretted falling for the meme.

you were already provided with peer reviewed citation and sources and instead of being able to actually say why its wrong you threw a temper tantrum and cried for the guberment to save you. Like how much of a cuck can one person be?

C*ck dad

>My daughter isn't going to have fake propaganda confuse her from the real threat she'll face
based dad

redpilled Clown

no since I can use that money on a date to fuck a qt girl.

what's wrong with being an incel?
i don't like women and i don't care what people think of it.

Yea Forums here. Your weight is gross.

>Things are looking up for me (and down for you)

every time lol

>I don't get free shit for having a penis
Holy shit you're pathetic.. I get free shit all the time and that's because I'm not an anti social fucking idiot.

I genuinely don't understand why you guys get mad about stuff like this. It's pathetic, sure, but why be angry? It doesn't directly affect you, it's just supply and demand.

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she is a 6 user.

>tfw regularly pick up chicks at the bar without ever even buying them a drink
What compels betas to just throw their money at women and think it will mean anything to them?

envy and jealousy, paired with generalization and fragile male ego

This. All zoomers should gas themselves

Nah, drug dealers give you drugs.
They're more like ... selling you the -potential chance- of obtaining drugs, or selling the -future possibility- of drugs, instead of actual drugs.
So they're more like bankers.

>i have people buy things from my steam wishlist
I'm a guy and people do this for me too, life is easy when you have people around you that like your company.

Stupid sluts getting money for doing absolutely nothing. That doesn’t make you angry? I guess if you’re a neet who never worked a day in your life you’d be okay with it.

Calling an incel an incel is like calling hitler a nazi. You are going to have to do better if you want to hurt their feelings user.


how can someone be this based

I don’t watch streamers anymore
I don’t play video games anymore
I have not come back to this website since I have been banned. It feels good to be a normie. I want to thank the retarded jannies for getting me off this chunk infested communist website.

The "in" part stands for involuntary. It means you want sex and are incapable of creating it.
Think the people who go into yet another "webm of an asian woman" thread and post Keanu Reeves yelling on a staircase, or a cat with photoshopped eyes.

I just wish I could make money by doing nothing

I'd pay her 2k a month to be my obedient fuckslave. I'd be willing to go higher if I had more money to spend.


Am I upvoting right?

Uh.. what about salmonella?

you can classify touching someone's ass in public as sexual assault

Man is his brother's keeper. You must look out for your brother.
If your brother is getting hit with some injustice in his time of weakness, you don't say "fuck you got mine". You try to protect him and shepherd him away from evil, so that he may in time shepherd you in your moment of weakness.
That is what it means to be your brother's keeper.

I’m so glad I don’t come to this shit website anymore. Sucks to be all of you losers KEK, enjoy that 2D cartoon and porn losers, I’m out.

>women like amouranth & pinksparkles show 80% skin on stream dancing to just dancing games and putting ass on camera clearly baiting beta cucks to fap over them and donate money and recieve no warnings or bans because they are seemingly immune

>guy on twitch shows a youtube video with a women in a bikini at the beach and gets warned/temp banned from twitch
>another guy takes his top off to get changed and gets banned for it

this is all despite the twitch TOS in 2018 changing to no longer allow "titty streamers" and give fair punishment to all.


Dude she's like 21-22.
Cmon man you can't be THIS bad at telling peoples ages.

see you tommorow

The point is to radicalize them into violence through consistent negative reinforcement, silly.
Read the memo for fuck's sake.

Except you can legally watch aris videos for free. You don't need to give your money away for nothing to a fat neckbeard on the internet just to watch him play a video game.

those male streamers should've been sending more of their nudes to the mods, it's their fault really

What a fucking loser.

Once a month I browse Twitch looking for a girl dressed like a cheap slut flirting with people in her chat and I give her my prime subscription.

It's not much but I feel I need to encourage ladies to use their bodies and sexuality to make money and get ahead in life. I think it's a vital life lesson for young women.

Being a surgeon's assistant I don't understand why a woman gets money for doing nothing.
She doesn't even spread her legs but makes thousands. She doesn't save lifes, she has no knowledge and the entertainment value is low.
Sports entertainment has people chasing a ball or punching each other after years of training.

These women just do nothing and get rewarded due to a good majority of males being too uneducated in regards of using their money properly. Also it's quite ignorant to let this continue to happen because the money could be used otherwise and on themselves.
If someone says "donating to this female streamer improved my life" then there was something wrong with them to begin with.

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I really need a sex tape of her.

The guy is the mod in this text

>That doesn’t make you angry?
Why would it? If the fact that some people have it easier than others made me mad I would be shitting myself in rage until mankind goes extinct.

>being so much of a jealous loser that you get mad about other people's success
Fucking pathetic tbqh

People pay for Japanese idols and gatcha shit

I'm at work right now. These girls are meeting a market demand and exploiting horny idiots to get ahead. Where's the issue?

Being a bucket crab is the exact opposite of being your brother's keeper.

Twitch has a problem with authoritarian rules that are applied unevenly. That's not the fault of the streamers.

Incels being violent?
That's a laugh. Are we also going to encourage the negroes to be quiet in movie theatres? If they were willing to be violent they wouldn't be incels. They'd be rapists.
I can see it working as a demoralisation tactic, but you can't make a man angry if he doesn't even consider use of force to be one of his options.

i enjoyed watching Bee playing Mario Kart, but then I realized all female sreamers are thots and stopped

>Being a bucket crab is the exact opposite of being your brother's keeper.
Wait I'm confused. Are we talking about trying to stop people from donating to twitch thots?

I've just realized, i follow about 50 people on twitch and not a single one is a woman.
i guess they are just not good content creators for me.

> ruski
> mgs V
kys, fag

The only streamer I've donated to was a depressed Finish spyro 2 speedrunner in need of more alcohol

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They're way ahead of you already.

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Don't worry! We've looked through your subscriptions list, and two of those 50 have started on hormone replacement therapy already. They're going to be women soon :)

I thought we were talking about streamers using their attractiveness to get ahead, that seems to be what people are upset about.

If she puts even a chunk of that money into the safest passive investment instrument she'll be set for life and beyond.

So a horse walks into a bar, and the barman says "Why the long face?"

Eh? People are mad about that side of the coin? I thought people were mad about the dumbass beta male orbiters. Or maybe they were mad about the society we live in which would allow such dumbass beta male orbiters.
If you don't give a shit about men getting hurt, why would you give a single flying fuck about thot streamers?

First of all, that girl isn't ugly. She may not be your type but she would have no problem getting a BF anywhere. Secondly, she genuinely enjoys her work and tries her best to give the audience what they want while staying legal with Twitch, her pushing the envelope helps inspire other girls to be more outgoing and have confidence in themselves.

Why do you care what other people spend their money on? Stop being a jelly hater and just ignore it if you don't like it.

only thing im subbed to on twitch is the bob ross stream.

>All these anons pretending they wouldn't be doing the same thing if the roles were reversed

You all would sellout at the drop of a hat

why do kids in third world countries have to die of malnutrition despite their moral innocence?

perhaps your mistake is expecting justice in a world that is ruled by countless indifferent variables. and perhaps you shouldn't dwell on how lucky you perceive other people to be when you still are most likely luckier than roughly 90-95% of people living on earth, judging from the fact that you have had the opportunity to become a surgeon's assistant and even post on a shitty image board in your free time

The reason they end up like that is because not only do they grow up never getting any real consequences from their behaviour but they also now have everyone telling them that they have it way harder than any man because they're a woman.
So despite coasting by on easy street they also think they've had a tough life and have earned everything they have through hardship that never actually happened.

People are mad at women for existing.

ты ypoд

This video is ten times better with audio.

after seeing GDQ trannies and pics like this, i'm starting to think it's all one big out of the loop underground joke and in a few years time they will come out and reveal it how they tricked everyone

You discuss this every day for 400+ posts, and then you wonder DUHHHDURRRR HOW COME SHE FAMOUS MAN

>Samsara is a just punishment for a world that has created such works as Fallout 4.

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I think it's sad that many people who are on the bottom bottom rung of the ladder be it with looks, charisma or ability to socialize use donating to twitch women to fill the void of female of female companionship. It's the worst way to go about these things. There's even a fucking hierarchy with it far more reaching than anything else. You have the guy making 60k throwing thousands of dollars of year away to their e-streamer they fantasizes about being with her completely BTFO by the sheik who throws 80k to her in an obvious ploy to have her fly out and fuck her for a week. All this money being thrown around reduces socialization taking place on these streaming platforms to some bastardized parasitic form where cash is the sum of all parts.

Having a good job doesn't make me less opinionated, it won't make me stop shitposting on here or make me stop jerking off to the degenerate porn I already did when I was younger.
I think if you re-read your own post you can realize how biased someone can be about something just because he seems to be better/worse in your own eyes.

As long as no one is forcing people to donate, there is genuinely nothing wrong with this. What do you care if the money goes to some thot or instead to some dumb hobby like toy collecting?

>Why do you care what other people spend their money on?
Because despite years on Yea Forums and despite my best attempts to become a sociopath I am still wracked with a misguided empathy towards my fellow man and I still wince when I see people grabbing live power lines.

I see people spending their money on thots.
I see people unironically enjoying Fallout 4.
I see people advocating for more kindness, tolerance and acceptance.
I see people grabbing live power lines.
I see people hurting themselves.
I don't like it.
I wish I could just stop giving a shit, but I've tried and I can't.

She probably thinks that she can talk to the cat. I would never put my whole face close like that with my cat, accidents happen and claws are sharp as fuck.

For $150,000 a month I would do almost anything short of felonies. Seriously, if I had a guarantee of $150,000 a month for a year, there is very little I wouldn't do to keep that gravy train rolling. It's easy to claim you have "standards" when no one is lining up to throw money at you.

>First of all, that girl isn't ugly. She may not be your type but she would have no problem getting a BF anywhere. Secondly, she genuinely enjoys her work and tries her best to give the audience what they want while staying legal with Twitch, her pushing the envelope helps inspire other girls to be more outgoing and have confidence in themselves.

Attached: nu-male.png (644x800, 15K)

He's calling your mum a whore

Don't worry, you may care slightly. But since it's not enough to do anything your ego will have your back and cover your tracks.


>I see people unironically enjoying Fallout 4.

Samsara is the cycle of death and rebirth that Buddhists believe we are trapped in. They believe that this cycle is suffering, and that trying to escape the cycle of suffering is something we should do.
Fallout 4 is self-explanatory.

Some cats are literally assholes. I have two, one that will not under any circumstance claw or bite you, and just goes limp if you try to scare him. And another who will jump on your lap and attack your hands if you aren't petting her the right way.

Always trim their nails if you have them, it helps their demeanor towards people so much.

Imagine being so beta you have to give money to women online just for them to quickly acknowledge your existence then forget about you.

>I wish I could just stop giving a shit, but I've tried and I can't.
Join the military and go out of your comfort zone, you'll realise how stupid the world is and how little it matters that you care about anybody else than yourself and maybe some friend.

Have sex with your best friend (male)

Yeah, but only a few.

In order of how much I've donated:

1 - HelenaLive
2 - Pokimane
3 - DingleDerper
4 - Amouranth (also donate to her Patreon)

There have been others but it was either a one-off thing or an insignificant amount.

However, since ClaraBabyLegs became a legit camwhore I've probably donated in excess of $5000 to her and bought several of her JOI vids.

Get over it. The fact is you're shitposting on Yea Forums when you should be working. She's sleeping in and planning her next stream which will net her more revenue in a day than you see in a month.

I gots no problem with a woman getting ahead in life using any means necessary. Try raising other people up instead of dragging them down, you might make more friends that way.

I could've earned €50k a month if i went to afganistan but i didn't, many of my friends did.
Most of them are now fucked in the head and in crazy debt or can't hold a job long enough before they hit the bottle again.

There's some things you do for money, but not everything.

>Fake eyebrows, dyed hair and too much makeup
Definitely an e-thot.

Half the art of being a twitch thot involves conveying the image that you're her "friend" and that shes "different" from all these other women. A decade ago, these women would just have a ton of beta orbiters.

>titcams on twitch
>tfw no bulge cams for guys

>I gots no problem with a woman getting ahead in life using any means necessary. Try raising other people up instead of dragging them down, you might make more friends that way.

Attached: Nu-male Sony.jpg (1446x1356, 273K)

Nigga do I look like I give a single flying fuck about the "friend" meme? I'm also not attracted to dicks.

You know sociopathy is a mental illness, right? It destroys your ability to fit in with society, to make friends and connections. It isn't a good thing. Caring about your fellow man is a good thing. You just need to accept that different people like different things and your tastes don't need to be universally shared.

I had this actress that I was going to tell to become a streamer back when hardly any one was doing it but instead she got two small imdb credits and moved back to her mother's house. So. No. I don't donate to credits scores.

Remeber when these thread were instantly deleted? Good times.


>You just need to accept that different people like different things and your tastes don't need to be universally shared.
I will give up my sense of right and wrong when you pry it from my cold, dead body.
Personal preference and taste exists. It does not go so far as to enjoy poisoning yourself with the garbage that is Fallout 4.
Some people DO electrocute themslves for giggles or sexual pleasure and I'm okay with that. Electrocution isn't all that bad.
But Fallout 4?
You'd have to sink really fucking low if you can look at a person doing that to themselves and think "This is OK".

>It destroys your ability to fit in with society, to make friends and connections.
I already cannot do that. Nor would I want to.

>broke fag still seething.

i don't understand what you are trying to say in response to my statements. i'm not saying you aren't allowed to have an opinion being well-off, i'm saying that whining about people being innately more fortunate than you is a waste of time because the world is simply not fair, and it's a waste of time to cry about it. it becomes even more stupid to complain about individuals being luckier than you when you yourself are among the luckiest people on earth.

furthermore, the only true thing of value we can attain is our own self-realization through some form of creative or productive expression, and you don't need much fortune to attain that. on the contrary, having excess wealth and fortune tends to lead to personality flaws and unbridled hedonism, which ultimately serve to weaken your resolve. ultimately, how does having an expensive car or large house make your life better? those things are just meaningless toys. you imply it is unjust, but i think it is truly just that the people who wish to derive their meaning from this useless material are deprived of it.

jannie is not up yet.
don't tell anyone or else we will all get banned.
there is some times where there is no jannies for Yea Forums

I feel you, I wish I could just ignore people. Helping others is horrible for me 9 times out of 10, but some part of me keeps doing it. It’s probably primitive hardwiring so that the species didn’t die out, but I wish it would stop.

The only girl I give any money to is my little sister when she's a good girl

Aye, I have my suicide encouragement copypasta ready to go for all the sissy ERPers.
I need to make one for the faggots in denial with their mutual masturbation / JOI / ftt threads though.

Imagine being such a loser that people enjoying a sub-par RPG genuinely upsets you and shakes your faith in humanity.

Spend a few weeks volunteering at a methadone clinic if you want some reality.

Have sex with your “friend” (Silicone)

Yes, I donate at least 500$ a month to my favorite streamer girls and have been streamer daddy/bf several times. How did you know?

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

Is Incel and Tranny the new buzzwords?

Anyone who donates to e-thots/streamers should be shot on sight

Kek well said. Fuck streaming. Some nu-age zoomer shit right there. Vidya is a degenerate enough hobby as it is let alone watching someone else fucking play

I have already accepted, and you should also accept, that the best thing you can do to help people is to encourage a swift death for them so that they no longer need to endure experiencing 20tickrate hero shooters.

>Spend a few weeks volunteering at a methadone clinic if you want some reality.
I WAS PART OF A FUCKING ADDICT CLINIC AS A PATIENT. I HAVE SEEN IT. FALLOUT 4 IS WORSE. Fuck you for comparing the minor issue of methamphetamine addiction to the abhorrence that is boring buggy broken AI.

Women or ROASTIES as I call them live life on easy mode and are all stupid whores


you're pathetic.

Is there any reason any half-decent looking sex worker to not become a twitch thot? Seems like less dangerous work for more money.

I mean shit. Meth addicts DIE.
That's a problem with a solution.
Ubisoft STILL EXISTS. And will continue to produce games. And will continue to get clueless motherfuckers such as yourself defending and supporting it.
You can't honestly tell me that people overdosing and dying are more of a problem than people who're going to spend 10, 20, or possibly 30 years or more on goddamn always-online DLCfests.

>spent 50 on my twitch bf this month
stay seething

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>getting butthurt about a girl having a honest living.

Why cant everyone be a skilless souless box lifting drone like me?!

This. Y’all are just salty no one likes you

I don't use Twitch or anything like that.
t. Zoomer

You piece of goddamn shit, talking to me about joining the military or working at an addict clinic.
Blind to the greater evil right under your fucking noses.
Are you part of the problem? Do you fucking pre-order games? Were you okay with a 20 Gigabyte install? Do you turn on mouse acceleration? For a WIRELESS MOUSE?
Because goddamn have I seen some bullshit.
Most of it I would class as "meh".
But not videogames.

Being a whore is not an honest living cannot wait until Islam takes over the west and you are killed desu


user poisons himself by getting upset at the fact that casuals will play casual games. Caring this much about your own opinions is a result of insecurity. Self-confident people are comfortable saying "live and let live" and moving on.

But hey, at least you're right about Fallout 4. I genuinely don't understand people who defend that product. It's a travesty.

>honest living

Attached: Tik Tok smug.jpg (518x795, 28K)

>bring pretty is a sin

Abdul keep your talons away from my west!!!

Based. Fuck streamers

>can't setup my Twitch Prime because I already have Amazon Prime and for some reason the system doesn't like that unless you remove your info from the Amazon account and then try again
No one is worth that much effort.

fuck you zoomer niggers I'm glad boomers destroyed the earth

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This thread filled with eager to post on the topic of campsites should be eager to postulate on the burn felt by any ex of a gamer from 2005-2011 because that was the pre-live-stream era. Think about it. How many boys were playing video games between 2005 and 2011 that suggested that their girlfriends in the art schools actin b schools music schools whatever should start playing games online as YouTube Personalities.
We had YouTube money before we had GAMERS EN MASSE getting YouTube money.

I don’t like what gaming has become, and I believe the idiots who gobble up whatever companies shit out are the problem. I also think you can’t fix that problem unless you wipe them out. But I think you’ve gone too far for me to follow. Sorry.

Yes, but only a responsible amount. Here is my line of thinking: Streamers have provided me enough content to get rid of my cable. So that saves me money. I tip streamers, mostly pretty females admittedly, about half of what a cable TV bill would be. In many ways, streamers have passed the savings onto us and deserve to be compensated for their efforts.

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>Being an assassim is not an honest proffession
>Being a sharpshooter is a sin HURR DURR DURR DOIII

See I can be a stupid retard too user

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>Le wrong generation XD
You're a fucking zoomer whether you do zoomers things or not, you'll regret not embracing your zoomer years later fucking retard.


user, i say this with with a broken heart, youve been retarded all this time.

>Self-confident people are comfortable saying "live and let live" and moving on.
Then I wish I had your bloody self-confidence.
Is live and let live the solution when some guy stabs another guy over $50? ... maybe. Maybe it is. It really is none of my business I suppose.
Is the child sex trafficking of 1400 children just a case of live and let live? ... shit, maybe that is too. Ultimately I can't fault people for their fetishes and those kids were going to live shit lives anyway.
Is it a case of live and let live that some dumbass can sign a $100k debt contract with an e-thot? ... eh, I suppose. But that's getting a bit borderline.

But people unironically supporting and defending League of Legends?
Over the fuckin line.


heres my favourite streamer

Based user.

>user poisons himself by getting upset at the fact that casuals will play casual games.
My stance on the matter is that death is preferable to being casual.
Obviously the better option to both is to just stop enjoying trash and start enjoying Quake 3 Arena, (not QL, fuck QL), but given the choice between a person who's going to die once and stop contributing to a problem, and person who's going to survive for years and make the problem spread, I'm going to take death as the lesser evil.

You're right though in that my fucking empathy is poisoning me which is why I would very much like to get rid of it.

yes, around 500-1000 a month
she's not popoular and I'm not telling you who it is, she's mine

Hope I can live to see the day modern medicine can put gayhomo brains into female bodies. The pussy is going to flow like wine and value of whores will drop beyond anything in history. Finally true equality.

True patrician

>You're a retard
>No U
Lol kek xd nice one user

>I believe the idiots who gobble up whatever companies shit out are the problem. I also think you can’t fix that problem unless you wipe them out.
Technically false; you could change them in ways other than killing them. Killing them is just the quick and dirty option.
Personally I'd look into selective breeding, AI development, genetic engineering, or nootropics, in order to try to replace Humanity 1.0 with Humanity, a slight upgrade which fixes the problem of people tolerating and accepting personal taste as an acceptable excuse for shoddy netcode.
But your solution would work and it'd be better than nothing.

I'll find her, user. I'll donate 2k a month, easily. I can even find another job to help pay for her.

Some girls get shit for having a penis, user..

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>getting butthurt about a person making their own way in life, by taking photographs.

It aint fair user. I complain about this on forums too but nothing changes, im still unemployed and hate myself. Wheres my private business, we deserve it more than her, it aint fair!!!!

A private business is not secured by the concept of fairness, or a document, or the deeds of your ancestors.
A private business is secured by the knowledge that, were people to deny your their patronage, you will FIGHT BACK. with WEAPONS.


Men get to be human, all that is a small price to pay to have an intellective soul and not be an automon of the vegetative soul.

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no you won't user, she's doesn't speak english you wouldn't understand anything in the first place

My spirit horse is AFK. Does anyone know where it went?

I'm not butthurt about the e-thots, I just hate the cucks that are so invested in defending them. At the end of the day the thot couldn't care less whether or not her money is clean or not.

No and if you do you should be castrated

Im just defending capitalism user. She has a clean non pornographic business of selling beauty. Its her skill and its way better than skilless brain dead noncreative physical labour jobs. Its an american dream.

If a horse slackens the charioteer whips it into action.

Well, I can learn her native language. I have no issues with donating my excess income to her, I make quite a bit. After awhile of bits and subs, I can start sending her pictures of me. I'm tall and have a good face, maybe she'll like me. She'll be my cute twitch girlfriend and eventual wife!

They don't deserve to be paid anything if the base service is free. Keep your money and spend it on substantial stuff

They aren't selling beauty, they're selling a simulacrum of a girlfriend experience.

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no you can't and you won't her

I rarely watch streams in the first place and I never donate.

What kind of loser would?

Why don't people fund actual porn? E-thots are trash.

Would you defend tax consultants and Corporate lawyers who's sole purpose is to help big corporations exploit tax loopholes, just because they had to work real hard at school to get the qualifications to get the job in the first place? Or better yet any billionaire who pays shit all to charity? Mind you all these people are talented and actually have to work hard, unlike the thot you are defending.
If yes then you aren't like the cucks I'm talking about who hate capitalism in every way except for when it works in thots favour.

I'll find her, user. Don't be surprised when a good looking guy starts donating large sums of money each month, and she gets more and more excited to see me stop by :) I'll be mod in no time

Patronage for the entertainers and arts are a mark of an inteligent and successful individual user. If not for prople like the user we wouldnt have such greats as da vinci, rembrandt and moonmoon.

good luck faggot

No i only support good clean businesses like patreon beauties creating highest form of western art.

Jealous, user? I'm tall, good looking, and I have abs. Maybe you should get /fit/ so you have a chance against me? I'm browsing twitch right now in search of her. Any hints?

hey I remember you from the discord server jake
hope you had fun this april's fool I know I did

> I'm tall, good looking, and I have abs
no you don't

I donate to femanons

dude women don't like men that are betas who give them money for nothing. at least real men have sex before wasting 100 usd. you are wasting thousands on someone who most likely won't fuck you for that very reason. It is illogical.

>tfw you pick up one of these sluts at a bar and have them buy you shit and treat you like a king whilst swallowing your load, all courtesy of hundreds of perma-virgin chumps

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Which one is you, jealous user? I'm going to out-donate you, and out-man you. She'll be my cute non-native english speaker wife, and it'll all be for the low cost of out-donating some ugly incel :D

>>meanwhile there are cosplaying girls with loli bodies that take huge dildos up their asses and moan like crazy
Ah yes, im a tweetney fan myself, as well

whatever you say faggot

Stop that. It's $500. The $ goes before the number you fucking moron.

I don't but some orbiter gifted me a sub so im sticking around cause shes playing my fav game

It's apparent you're a bit worried, orbiter-kun. Did you think your money would help her set aside your bad looks? I have more money, and I'm not a neckbeard like you :^) I'm still looking, by the way.

this, but through snapchat and not a bar
we live 5 minutes away from each other, she has her room decked out with computer shit and generic pink pastel "look at me I'm innocent colon three" kind of shit, it's pretty nice, she took me to applebees and I got some beer cheese pretzels

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she wont
women are all the same, shells burn through that money and beg for more online

dude I have seen others do the same fucking thing and then getting fucked over after spending thousands on some e-thot.
If you want a real girl then find someone near some hobby locations you go to, go to a bar with money, or online dating. They are much cheaper and you get more from it.

no I'm not
there is now way you'll find her
post link if you found her user

Are women that get prosecuted for crimes magicians?

bigger facecam
bigger tits
dance with jiggly tits
post tits

Looks tremendously fake

I ain't rich enough to donate money. Even if I was rich enough, I won't donate to girl streamers because I know the value of a dollar. Those streamers should get a real job.

no, it only works for the highly indoctrinated basedbois and after a while you will just end up dead so its counter productive for earning money

Do girl streamers donate to me?

Why would they?

exhibit A: there's no wage gap
exhibit B: my mom works at Twitch and she told me
exhibit C: of course he's speaking out of his mind

>Those streamers should get a real job.
that would be retarded considering how much money they make doing nothing

imagine actually believing this

by the feminist brainwashing the women, you can have a consensual sex today and be called a rapist tomorrow for the same act, because your girlfriend changed her mind afterwards.

If you give me 200$.

>"debt contract" with no consideration
Sure thing, sweetie

That's an elaborate shitpost, he's just really good at trolling ^^,

I never said I was in the wrong generation dumbass. Just that I don't do 1 particular thing. Also
>zoomers are bad for using twitch
>zoomers who don't use twitch are bad
Can you boomers pick one?

absolutely based

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Seethe harder roastie

Anyone know what happened afterwards? Jesus that's horrible. I would have kicked that cat out.

I wish something this simple could make a difference in getting me a production team.


I would put up with a lot of shit for big bucks too
that's just a lifestyle you would adapt to if the money was worth it to you

I hate women

Make your stream workout themed and say you’ll do squats in front of the camera In exchange for monies

>start gamergate because journalists are WRONG to say gamers hate women!
>also have women hate generals 24/7 and if anyone doesn't hate women they are considered an outsider who doesn't belong here or in this hobby

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Who! ?

>man larping a girl pretends woman have it rough when his entire list is either petty shit or shit that can easily be avoided if they aren't being stupid or have a gun
yeah being a girl is on easy mode

I donated once (like 10 years ago) to a supposedly poor streamer, he is probably a millionaire now and is famous in pro scene

everytime you get an urge to donate - just remember that these people are much richer than you are and get money thrown at them for nothing

man streams a game
>video game window is the main focus
>guy has no video or has small little square in the corner
>pure skill, shows his prowess how to play a game

girl streams a game
>main window with her face and clevage
>game is secondary, usually sucks at it and is barely doing ok at best
>constant chatter about bullshit, talking with streamers is the most important and the game serves just as a background


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I was like the rest of you guys really confused as to why men donate to these streamers for seemingly little actual reward (actual nudes or shit). But about a year ago I had an IRL experience that showed me the mentality needed to donate to thot streamers looked like:

Me and friend decided to take another mate of ours to London for the first time. He's a scrawny, dead eyed,, virgin (but a good lad) and fairly awkward around most people. We take around the city and do various stuff et cetera et cetera. After all that at the near end of the day we are walking on the South Bank and we pass a female street performer (musician) as we pass by our mate keeps looking back and staring at her, he turns to us and says "she's really nice sounding", we say "Yeah, sure" and as we keep walking away he says "I think I'm gonna give her some change" he fiddles with his pockets as we keep walking onward then darts back jogging to get to her and throws some money to her. She responds with "Oh, thank you so much." a generic response, but to be expected. Mate comes back to us beaming about it, we ask why he is so happy "that was really nice to hear". After talking a bit he says it was the best part of his trip even though we had done a bunch of other things that day.

It was with this that I understood the mentality of a twitch thot donator, they legitimately get a real ego boost from hearing a women compliment them, even if it is because they are legitimately paid to do so.

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maybe it's time to get yourself a man if you're so unsecure?xD

It's never a good idea to put your face that close to a cat. I've done it in the past and nothing happened to me, but in hindsight it wasn't a good idea.

You still have to die if you dislike women.

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imagine smashing her fface with a rock
oh fuck YOU

I dislike how dumb you are. I don't hate women, I hate twitch thots, I still think there's a difference you know.

This was a depressing read but cucks still get the bullet though.

Been telling you about this girl!

well in hindsight your worth even less, why else do you think societies always sent men into meat grinders

And yet MEN pay women thousands of dollars to do this

Nope. That doesn't do what you said it was going to do or what you said it was going to do.

sex sells, figures. Also I'd be holding back by calling them "MEN", beta males more often. Also what are these people do? They watch others playing a game instead of playing a game. They're casuals, cancer killing video games and should get a bullet too.

If you were a guy, no one'd care if you were homeless or abused. A streamer I watch stopped donating to a men's shelter cos some chick complained it was "too political". At least you have a fallback of being a titstreamer if you need it

No, the only online people I donate to are a few youtube peoples patreons ($5 a pop) and a cosplayer I liked ($10) and she sends me nudes a lot in turn (she's got a small follower base so its not much)
I don't mind $30 a month to support people I enjoy, i'm not poor/can use it as tax donation notes anyways

God I hope so. Stupid whore deserves it.

post pictures

if i could make retarded amounts of money doing what i already do for free i'd do it no hesitation. i don't blame or hate women for taking advantage of it, i blame retarded men for allowing it and enabling them.
what's worse is people donating to dudes who already make $500k a month. why the fuck would you DONATE to someone who makes more in 2 years than you will make in your entire lifetime? people act like they're "supporting" hardworking people who can barely afford food on the table, it's so fucking backwards i can't even try to begin to understand what goes through their minds when they do this.

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By your own admission they aren't watching these streamers to see the videogames being played. They are not "killing games" and you are an autistic faggot.
How about you go play some games yourself instead of crying about this irrelevant shit. The only thing it "hurts" are the pockets of absolutely pathetic chumps. This has no impact whatsoever on the industry and the only reason these threads exist are for unironic SOCIETYposters to fume about nothing.

Who is the one on the right?

>cos some chick complained it was "too political"
based and redpilled
she must use Yea Forums a lot
remember: caring about anyone else, and doing anything to help them is just virtue signalling

Never will donate to a chick streamer. I've donated to a dude but I'm actually on a friendly basis with this streamer.

Twitch is primarily a game streaming service that is used by people not playing games and being watched by people not interested in watching games. Fucking beautiful man, I rest my case.
>ad himinem
Yeah, you go champ.
>go play some games
I'm trying to get some training course and monitor this thread in the background, thanks for care though.

Oh, I should note, it wasn't a set donation. It was like 10% of the month's sub money a couple months in a row. A decent gesture and she was cycling thru charities each couple months. But nah, helping dudes for 2 months is too political. Fuck Twitch viewers. They deserve all the shit they get, considering how they treat anything not vapid and inane

VIDEO [spoiler if chubbies/fatties aren't for you then i apologize, no shame here though[/spoiler] GAMES

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HOLY SHIT user, you sick bastard, I'm sorry I asked

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stawp, my dick can only get so hard

FML I don't know why spoiler text is being weird

I could understand giving $5 a month to someone that provides you with entertainment but you pathetic fucks are lower than niggers with how you donate to useless whores and retards who you think are your friend. God I hate you people.

If it doesnt affects my expenses, yes i do

I have absolutely no contempt for this woman, she had an opportunity and she took it, good on her.

I feel nothing but pity and disgust for the """men""" who pay her monthly. She will never fuck them, she probably laughs at them while she fucks her boyfriend, and you can get literally all of her content on mega for free. I cannot imagine a more pathetic existence.

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So how much did you spend on her channel?

Nice anecdote. Have anything about blondes?

To each our own brother
Thornechan is her UN

What was it?

MC Front-a-lot are you a meme now?

No it fucking doesn't get you banned shut up. I see that copypasta all the goddamn time.


Whois worse thirst meisters paying her with their disposable imcome or salty incels hating her because men spend their disposable income on her?

reddit and cringe

>I have absolutely no contempt for this woman
I would agree except I can almost guarantee she is a massive cunt and probably pretty stupid.

Because you forgot to close the first spoiler tag, brainlet-kun.

I'm a white Male and have had jobs and promotions given to me despite the fact I didn't have the merit for them. I am in charge of women who unironically do a better job than me. They do all the work and I get all the credit.

sometimes I give a streamer a twitch prime sub if they have any emotes I think would be funny to spam in discord

I have amazon prime for other shit, might as well reap the benefits elsewhere if they're gonna keep doing service linking promotions with it.

Fucking moron can't even dab correctly.

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I mean both sides are fucking sad in their own ways. The guys mad that she makes all this money are literally just salty that they aren't some 10/10 that can cruise through life on easy mode, but the sad faggots that actually pay her are physically unable to unJUST themselves at this point. It's a fucking sad state of affairs, really.