Please nuke Nottingham.
Please nuke Nottingham
>via a direct action
Aka we can't do anything about it but we're mad so you have to know about it
>Having a bara furfag sheriff
>living in the EU
So this is the power of the wh*te race
oi do you have the F loicense
Why are people in the UK such faggots
They can't realistically take legal action or arrest or kill people for pressing F, so what exactly do they mean by "direct action"? Something more than just "I'll loudly complain when you do this" because it sounds like they are already managing that just fine.
Press F to pay respects for the EU
>not nuking the entire United Kikedom
Spoiler alert: student unions are cunts everywhere.
one down, 25 to go! freedom will only be achieved when all the letters are illegal!
>The NUS
Wow it's fucking nothing. They are just the Labour Party training grounds anyway.
>living in England
>They can't realistically arrest
do you want to bet money on this?
more like the NOOSE
It's just a way to get a lot of worldwide attention.
I hate living here. It's like everybody has a fucking fetish for banning the most inconsequential shit.
>They can't realistically take legal action or arrest or kill people for pressing F
Oh ho you have no idea what the string of procedure is for police in this shithole. You can literally be arrested under the grounds that the "victim" felt offended or disgusted by your comments. Intent is something that's hand waved away as an undefinable.
why not get attention for something not retarded
We live in a country full of authoritarians who think you can ban the problem to make it go away.
This entire submission looks like a meme
I legitimately don't understand anything that story is talking about.
Based Skullface
>For individuals (that live in a society)
There's no way this is unintentional
because this is easy, it works and nobody will care if they get found out
That formatting is offensive.
As someone who works in Newark, I support this action.
>living in bongistan
You get arrested in England for writing the wrong thing on twitter. Just "misgender" someone on it and you'll spend the next week in a jail. By now I do think that the UK is fucked beyond redemption.
I do not like this clown, user. Its smug aura mocks me.
>conference further believes
why not just continue the conference believes part
aye, but complaining that SOCIETY are lazy cretins, whilst being a lazy cretin only attracts scorn
>banning a letter
motherfucking BASED
wait until you need a loicense to use your F key.
To be fair every conference submission had the same format so ask whoever defined the template.
They worst part is when they go to ban something everyone uses and whilst they are putting it through the news suddenly starts talking about some crime from 20 years ago like McCann to distract the public. Its just so fucking dirty.
What ucking aggots
I am fully convinced that it is a meme.
>can't like a frog from a funny and wholesome comic series
>can't do the OK-sign
>can't laugh like an orc in WoW
>can now not press the F key
What is next on the list of innocent things turning horrible because of shitty politics?
You know what's funny, in the UK they will arrest you and process you over stuff like that easily, but you get caught doing actual crime (drug related, violence related) you get a slap on the wrist, a formal "warning" and at most a 12 hour stay in the holding cells. T. Mutt who lived there for 8 years and has been through it
I feel like every totalitarian higher up got a fucking high off banning the right to own handguns in 1996 and it's just never stopped since.
Guys what the fuck do we do are we really at the point that in the Uk I see shit about trans schools for toddlers on the news? Like fuck sake are you seriously telling me its okay to do that to a child, everything else that affects a child's life dramatically is against the law but parents sending their kids to a school to change their genders as soon as they are able to walk is allowed. If people think this is the mentally ill generation we ain't seen fucking nothing yet.
Saying "F" is no more lazy and disrespectful than saying "RIP."
Prove me wrong.
Nah this is just some old-school political banter. The proposal specifically says that its against free speech.
The entirety of UK is a nanny state. Pathetic really.
You forgot the part where social services will literally take away your biological child and never hand them back if they show signs of transgenderism and you try to protect them from that mental illness.
when is F even used? they are going to read every comment posted on every article/social media page and also stop people saying disrespectful things?
How did the UK become such an exaggerated dystopia? It's like that entire section of the world just sort of forgot what self-awareness is.
>muslims raping kids
>some presses F on their keyboard
> can't say F anymore
> replaced by "(X) was called to duty!"
Wait, but what are they actually going to DO about it?
Because that's just a bunch of vague "we don't like it so we're going to stop people from doing it via doing things that will stop people from doing it" shit.
Like, HOW are they planning to try and stop people from doing it?
Actual enforcement?
Or just a bunch of whining and trying to shame people into stopping or some shit like when they labelled Pepe as a hate symbol?
Based, fuck millennials.
Next time please, ban all people who type "yikes" and "oof".
>obese piece of shit
>Actual enforcement?
Most probably.
You can be jailed here for calling someone a nigger.
I just read the full article and I'm still not sure if it along with the whole website is supposed to be satire
I really hope this dies so we can press F to shit on it for an entire 2000 posts.
otherwise we'll have a thread for the right to press F dying and the death of UK rights furthermore instead. we can't lose.
ironically when they joined the EU.
Nottingham is bullshit.
t. proud heterosexual Leicester man
The UK and especially UK media is notoriously transphobic, what are you on about?
>Speech Against: Free
Holy shit that is fucking hilarious.
You can't make this shit up!
UKucks at it again!
i cannot, pressing "F" is in the CoD video game, one step removed from an actual funeral, and secondly removed from an actual funeral just casually using it outside of Call Duty
"RIP" is directly related to latin "requiescat in pace" very much related to an actual funeral/death/passing
"F" twice removed from a funeral/death/passing
"RIP" not even one step removed
you being white and/or male, cis scum
Lmao, what? The UK is the most fucked country in the world.
I know America isn’t all great but what’s the fucking limit in the EU? Porn, tv, memes, fucking BUTTER KNIVES is nothing sacred over there?
>For individuals (that live in a society)
This is a shitpost, why is Yea Forums so autistic? Learn to take cues.
Drinking milk and liking clowns.
Milk is toxic male entitlement and is extremely problematic.
> F gets banned
> SOCIETY has REBOUND KEY: F to G becomes a meme
> G spammed on posts instead
Wow, that's A-ok with me! * ok symbol with hands*
Come to the states man. I know we look like fuckheads online but in reality we love Europeans
>Speech against: Free
>Daily Fail
That "poor innocent woman" was using various sockpuppet accounts to run a smear campaign, and of course the Daily Hail reports it as "MOTHER arrested JUST for using wrong PRONOUN!"
This is exactly what I'm talking about, the UK media are transphobic.
Eventually the UK will enact a law requiring all Males to wear tracking and recording devices to reduce crime and violence against women.
In the name of equality and non-discrimination, males in minority groups such as Muslims and Blacks will be exempt from this law.
About 5 years later, this law will be amended to make the devices into human shock collars that can be activated by a woman or minority male if they feel that they are offended or in danger without consequence.
My timeframes are 2026 for the first law and 2031 for the amendment. Then finally the UK will have reached it's final form, with all White men properly tracked and in shock collars that can be activated whenever they misbehave or disobey their masters.
Yes, Nuke Games Workshop too.
>Innocent things turning horrible because of shitty politics
The UK is full on faggot, but don't act like niggers here use any of that shit with completely wholesome intentions.
That's still not worth actually arresting anyone for dumb libtard
and bluepilled
To be fair everyone knows that the NUS is a complete joke.
The UK doesn't have protections for freedom of expression.
The US also has anti-defamation laws
>all white males
fixed for you. the part and parcels have special laws for them.
As funny as it sounds it refers to counter argument attendance but I'm sure you guys knew that
PS I'm not a liberal, obviously
Read the rest of the post next time user. I already covered that.
Is there gonna be a mass exodus from Britain? They can’t govern if no ones there
dont these fucking retards realise that this will only cause it to be done even more? what are they going to do? whine at you obnoxiously for posting “PRESS F TO PAE RESPEX :PPPP”
Get in the helicopter comrade
>living in the UK
Good god
I know, that's what makes it so funny and ironic.
If it was on purpose that they said they were opposing free speech that wouldn't be anywhere near as incredible as the reality of what they want just happening to be on the form.
Why did you respond to me?
NUS? More like ANUS
But you mention punching Nazis once and everybody clutches their pearls...
You know these guys literally have no power right?
They do shit like this all the time, made national news in my university a while back for running "consent workshops" that came under criticism from "closet rapist manchildren".
Thing is, no one at the university cared and most people in the NUS didn't even know about it. They just make a big fuss out of something really autistic, and big news networks think "holy fuck this is autistic, but it's gonna get us a load of clicks".
Now and then some actual jewish trickery comes along like with the nazi dog dude, but the country as a whole understands how fucking retarded liberal students are, even the other liberal students.
NUS are very nearly financially bankrupt, who gives a shit what those retards say
Why? Am I not worthy?
its a dumb meme. go cry about it. its not like there are droves of people going “F” at a real funeral
oi you got a loicense for that thoughtcrime?
i assume that if this gets too flagrant, people will start leaving in large enough quantities that the government throws a fit and "restricts" emigration in fear of brain drain. if that ever happens, we're gonna see some serious shit
Two key words about this article indicate i dont have to give a fuck about it:
>indenting after the number and then just letting the following text loop to that point
Holy shit that's disgusting.
Are they going to vote with a show of jazz hands?
Yes. Student unions don't clap anymore, because it discriminates against the deaf. This is not a joke post.
Your post has nothing to do with mine. Someone said
>Nah this is just some old-school political banter. The proposal specifically says that its against free speech.
and I mentioned that protection for free speech is not implicit in the UK. Then you responded to my post saying you're not a liberal. I don't understand the connection.
>roit mate you ready to get wiff the baddest motahbike gang dis end of bristol?
>alright mate, heres the gang initiation innit, go inta that pub, and order a fookin cheese toasty
As retarded as this is, they're not wrong about internet memes and "meme culture" effectively lobotomizing large portions of the younger generation. I've seen kids in real life who are literally incapable of expressing themselves without resorting to idiotic canned phrases like "mood" or "yikes." It's not like banning words will solve anything, but the destructive effect of the internet on actual human culture is a real problem. Probably unsolvable. People are so used to the high-context environment of the internet that they can't even act like individuals anymore, and the people who wrote up this declaration are most likely just as guilty.
Yes. Delude yourself all you like, but that's what it is. Stupid faggot.
NUS represents almost every college and uni in the UK. It's not just Nottingham. It's dying anyway, they're haemorrhaging money and have had to cut the trans/disabled/black/LGBT representatives and sell their headquarters. NUS is a total joke. It's full of virtue signalling faggots. They banned clapping at their conferences the other year as it's too triggering, so people had to do silent jazz hands instead.
sure you didnt just walk into a special ed class?
Teacher here, can confirm kids these days are fucking donkey-brained.
1:ban grilled cheese
2:stop white supremacists/gang leaders/thugs/terrorists from eating them
What would be worse? Being british, or being randy pritchford?
I pretty sure that all kids are loud retards repeating after slightly older kids, no matter the year.
British Randy Pritchford.
weird flex but okay
In all seriousness though I work at an upper secondary school (15-18 year olds) and this is 100% accurate.
please don't, its a major train swap point and without it i can't visit my online girlfriend next week
>not nuking the entire nanny state that is the UK
I genuinely feel sorry for the anons that have to deal with the UK's bullshit.
im surprised dairy products are still not banned in bongistan since shitskins are lactose intolerant
what makes you think kids spoke any more intelligently 20 years ago
i was young before the age of irl memery and we just called things "gay" 9 out of 10 times
Surely such a cucked being would cause some kind of cuck-ularity, right?
>hearing kids unironically say shit like normie and zoomer
Plebbit memes were a mistake
This isn't to fight pressing F, this is so that there is a legal precedent set for when they want to attack other forms of speech later.
>This pressing F thing seems to be white supremacy, I will ban it.
SJW's: For our next case, we wish to ban criticism of this part of our ideology here, as you can see in the past, this judge set a precedent on this date that banning speech was allowable and the reasons behind banning this are the same as in the last case so this should pass also
Yeah, Yea Forums is a lot like walking into a special ed class, but it's everywhere now.
god he's so fucking sexy. Especially at the end of the movie where he's bursting out of those pyjamas. Unf.
Hopefully some shit kicks off about Parliament blatantly ignoring the brexit vote. I know multiple people both remain and leave who agree that Parliament no longer acts for the people.
Right, yeah, it's definitely SJWs always going on about the "debasement of society"
You're a fucking retard, this is the NUS, essentially a uni debating society with pretentions of being Hamas.
Fuck off trannies
>legal precedent
It's the National Union of Students, they have no power.
This isn't going to be enshrined in law. It's just the NUS. Nobody has taken them seriously for over a decade. They're literally just SJW virtue signallers who think they're important because they ostensibly represent millions of students who only give a shit about NUS because of discounts. But now there are multiple providers of student discounts so NUS is even more irrelevant. The only people I've met who give a shit about the NUS are feminists, trannies and non-whites.
The clown thing is the worst forced meme
>Point out how NUS is a group sniffing its own farts and should be laughed at
>Even call them terrorist sympathizers
>"No tranny"
You're a special kind of stupid
We need to stop pressing F and move onto A and G. Or U/C/K
Imagine them making laws against F A G. FUCK
>this motion blur
also can you actually just press 's' to not pay respect? And wasn't Kevin Spacey the bad guy there?
I agree. I hate drones who spam F when someone I admire passes away.
based and redpilled
Why has REEE not been banned and when will
>Picking the Britbong Flag (or any Europeon) is now illegal
>Watching porn that is not interacial
>Killing anyone but white cis males in games
>Sports banned because toxic masculinity.
>Dogs banned for being mans best friend (little shit dogs fine because women can have dogs)
>Cats banned too for being a symbol of Independence and not being a total slave
ONE of these WILL happen.
Kids are just retards. Do you not remember being in Elementary/High school and everyone above the age of 22 having no idea what the fuck you and your friends just said? Memes popular among the younger generations, I mean the dictionary definition and not le funny images, have been around forever.
I agree on the basis of this document, that people don't pay respects by pressing F, they do it ironically, mockingly and to not pay respect in general. It looks like it's just a joke training to teach students how to write conference documents and just one dude thought of a retarded topic on the spot to train on. Why anybody would take this training excercise as an actual action is beyond me, but press will write anything today to make somebody upset.
shitpost elevated to a seroius issue by press
Here's and F for our UK brethren. I'm sorry you guys have to put up with this shit.
Literally none of those will ever happen
All the fighting men died in the wars, leaving the weakest men left to propagate their biological cuckoldry
Depends on where you are. The area I live associates euros with ban happy retards who get citizenship despite hating the country and try to limit what are considered inherent rights.
She did nothing wrong.
When did the UK loose the Plot so heavily? Atm it's like the entire island turned crazy. I mean, sweden are Just cucks, you can explain that.... But wtf is up with the bongs!?
>implying that "press f" is ever anything other than sarcasm
I'm assuming this is a university class? Presumably these people use the internet, you think that if they know this meme they wouldn't be so out of touch.
Racism is a fair crime imo
Don't press F
>calls people douchebags.
These people have a serious issue with having control over people
Responding to a death with sarcasm isn't very respectful, user
>Sports banned because toxic masculinity.
Only if they actually want a civil war and London torn to the ground. Football is this country's biggest religion.
Are people offended by this? How n
>Waitrose pulls chocolate ducklings from sale after complaints of racism
>The complaints centered around the the dark brown one being described as the "ugly" one, with some implying it was racist.
UK is a shithole.
They always were the most liberal country in the world and also one where socialism had the most influence.
This can’t be real, I refuse to believe this is real.
but the ugly ducking was grey
>F is bad
>Unironic resurgence of ":(" is okay
I dont understand why two of the ducks are labelled with their texture but one's ugly.
Ugly doesn't tell me anything about the texture
It’s the ugly duck story.
press f to pay respect is pretty cringe desuwa
>stop douchebags from participating in the annoying as hell practice
lmao, who writes like that.
It's like some teenage-girl using speech-to-text input.
if they ban F i'll start using G
i dont remember there being a crispy duck in that story
That's because these people usually are teenage girls, or fags who have the mind of a teenage girl.
>can't laugh like an orc in WoW
What’s the story on this one?
Socialism and liberalism are at odds, user. And the 80s really did a number on any socialist influence there may have been. I don't think American Anons realise that it's the Tories who are the moral busybodies of the UK, all in the name of decency.
Even if they could pass anything you would just start to press G instead. Then the next letter, etc.
haha leftists are nice people xd
how many times have you masturbated while writing this post you freak
Typing lol as the Horde in-game would appear as Kek to the Alliance. I'm guessing you know all about kek and what it's associated with these days.
He can't masturbate because his genitals were mutilated.
Imagine being the kind of person who writes speculative fanfiction about how the SJWs are gonna turn all men into slaves
It reads more like a cuckold fetish post.
Press S to spit on the NUS
In America, the phrase "direct action", means going out and shooting the fuckers, or going out and rioting or something like that. Is that what they mean here? I'm not talking about what will actually happen, just if it's a difference in english.