
>*record scratch*
>Yup, thats my gun
>You're probably wondering how I can carry around all these massive discs as spare ammo
>You're probably also wondering how I can put my thumb in the little divot and carefuly rotate this shit during an intense firefight...
one most retarded gun designs in video games, looks like a fucking toy

Attached: Borderlands 2 - Retard reload.webm (762x564, 2.92M)

>looks like a fucking toy
user it's literally a dildo gun, the control even vibrates for the entire time you have the thing equipped

>here's your controller bro
>I think its broken man, its all sticky and the sticks make a crunching sound

>>You're probably wondering how I can carry around all these massive discs as spare ammo
No, because the player can carry thousands of bullets and like a hundred rockets

Yeah, a realism focused game like borderlands really needs to work on this kind of thing.
You're fucking autistic.

I just want the guns to be fun to use and to not have to filter through hundreds of whites and greens to find a blue I'll use for 20 levels because it's the only good thing I've found.

yeah fuck realism, fuck making things make sense its fantasy right? so lets make everyone gay black paraplegic non-conformist gener-fluid otherkin and have guns with no barrels (too phallic) and reload by listing correct pronouns and renouncing the patriarchy

They're not exactly going for realism.

Attached: bl2hc.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

This is possibly the most retarded "argument" I've seen in ages, and that's saying something on Yea Forums. If you want a realistic shooter go play arma. Not every game needs to be, or should be, realistic.

>>You're probably wondering how I can carry around all these massive discs as spare ammo
The same way you can carry forty guns around.
Digi-struct technology.

Attached: 1442419154172.jpg (720x479, 41K)

user this is not a joke or insult, I legitimately think you are on the spectrum. You are showing a lot of the telltale signs of it. You should go get tested, you could probably make some pretty decent NEETbux.

Then why not just digistruct ammo directly back into the gun

Yeah dude using disc shaped mags is completely unrealistic and retarded, what kind of retards would ever put something as stupid as non rectangular magazine in a fantasy game?

Attached: 0118950_romanian-ak-47-drum-mag-762x39-75rds_600.jpg (2021x1025, 289K)

From what I can tell, all digi-structed materials must come from a digistruct terminal(Catch-A-Ride ground plates, digi-struct holster on your hip, digi-struct terminals that build Loaders, etc.).

boomerbang *sip*

>Be a modeller at gearbox
>Told to make 80 variations of an assault rifle
>All care goes out the window

Im saying it should make sense. I can't figure out any way this retarded design would actually work.

Gearbox themselves even admitted they have retarded designs by fixing the valof spin barrel after everyone, including you i bet, made fun of it

Attached: valo.jpg (801x717, 217K)

>Borderlands 1
>semi-realistic weapon designs with logical working parts and functions
>Borderlands 2
>literal nerf gun designs by a 10 year old with lolrandumb gimmicks

What the F U C K happened?

Attached: 1323941280982.gif (640x360, 731K)

They don't even make a model for a weapon. They literally make interchangeable modules and the game mostly mixes and matches them randomly as it runs.

>You're probably wondering how I can carry around all these massive discs as spare ammo
Ammo is stored in the New U Network and teleported to your person as needed using a remote reloader that functions similarly to vendors.
>You're probably also wondering how I can put my thumb in the little divot and carefuly rotate this shit during an intense firefight...
The disc is held in place with an autobalancing magnetic field that provides friction free rotation for loading and unloading and which is turned on and off with a pressure plate.

I mean obviously. It's like you've never even played a borderlands game.

You have serious autism if you actually care about this shit friend

>What the F U C K happened?
We got bubble guns and zero recoil laser snipers. Shut the fuck up before you ruin a good thing.

>a good thing

What is even happening with that pistol?
How do you even hold it?
BL3s guns somehow look even worse than 2s. At least BL2 had the occasional weapon that looked cool. Usually by DAHL.

This. 100% this

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I think it's a double barrel pistol... So one magazine feeds one barrel, whilte the other feeds the other... Somehow there's a feeding mechanism that manages to transport everyting and somehow work.

whats the best element and why is it slag?

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Fuck you, I came from /d/

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Lower right looks like a flak-cannon, with a missile launcher underneath.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

>eridium weapons
some good realism that

I think he was talking about how it would be literally impossible to hold the grip with the rear magazine being so close like that

Nobody gives a shit except for /k/ autists. It's not supposed to be realistic, it's a fucking videogame.

Yeah shotguns that shoot bullets that oscillate up and down, and revolvers that shoot zigzag bullets are realistic.

Choose "guns aren't realistic" as your gripe about borderlands is dumb as fuck. There are plenty of flaws about the game/series but that is not one of them.

gee bill...

Will it have memes?

I like it suck a dick OP. Gay boy.

you're a slag

Except one bullet goes below, and the other at the top, and they have to feed through the same thin space above the handle.

No, /k/ doesn't give a shit about tongue in cheek games where realism is often deliberately avoided. This is all Yea Forums autists who are roleplaying as /k/ but have never shot a weapon outside of videogames.

nice projecting
do you get pissed that they throw a gun just to reload too

>>Those new logos

Borderlands has never been realistic, in 1 or 2, you all just try to find stuff to be mad about and it's fucking sad
fuck off

Fuck off Randy, kill yourself.

check out top left, hope you dont get your fingers trapped in those tiny holes

Attached: mal.jpg (821x729, 229K)

The rifle looks kinda cool

Bottom left row gun looks like a Destiny gun

>looks like half a Destiny gun

/k/ here. We don't care about that shit in a game like borderlands. Only nogunz wannabes care to try and pretend they're /k/.

>you're probably wondering how I managed to enjoy video games my whole life without learning how to suspend my disbelief for them

redpill overdose

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Do you autists get mad at fallout because radiation mutates things instead of gives them cancer and/or kills them? Do you get mad at monster hunter because no one could swing a weapon that big more than a few times?

Main reason I hate boarderlands is its "ALL ABOUT LE GUNZZZ!!!" except not a single gun in those games has ever looked asthetically pleasing so whats the fucking point

They do though

No, its shock and don't even pretend like it isn't. Without shock you wouldn't even get stormfront. And stormfront is cool as hell for grenades.

there are two discs, one that is charging and one that is equipped, when one is depleted you switch them out

the best thing about this kind of scifi is its easily fixable for plot holes

the real question is why Handsome Jack didnt just use the New U stations he'd been letting you use the whole time

this guy thinking at least

I disagree.

BL3 guns are just too busy. I wish they'd have gone with simpler designs. Shame cause everything else about 3's visual design is a huge step up. I fucking love all the new Vault Hunter designs.

Then why are you here in a thread about a game where the main appeal is the guns?

but Maliwan smg look absolutly rad user
I miss their shotguns

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The revolvers looked pretty nice at times in 1 and 2 but it's hard to fuck up a revolver design

Fallout and MonHun are trash tier games.

why are all the guns in borderlands 3 suddenly all chunky and stupid looking. Did fisher price start designing them or something?

>the real question is why Handsome Jack didnt just use the New U stations he'd been letting you use the whole time
That's an easy one. New U isn't canon. Its just a game mechanic that lets you respawn. Writer said so himself.

Im talking about how some of the main appeal of the game is the guns except they all look like fucking shit so whats the point.

BL1 changed its artstyle late through development, the weapons models are from before the change

Burch is a hack and I hope his trash writing gets retconned once again.

but it's like slime AND purple

Attached: 1552385431269.jpg (260x194, 5K)

If people can't create complete bullshit in a fantasy setting, then where can they? The whole point of doing fantasy is letting your imagination run wild

>two shitty ravens in the same box

Attached: 20190410142109_1.jpg (1920x1080, 334K)

Oh but then any mission or statement in the game that revolves around the New U isnt canon, theres literally a mission where Jack wants you to kill yourself and use it to come back so he can do it again later

Dont give an in universe explanation for something if it doesnt actually exist story telling wise

I can keep going though

Where was Roland's shield?

The game was kinda tongue in cheek about death the whole time, it kind of acknowledges at several points that it doesnt make sense that you can permanently kill people when the new U system exists

They dropped the ball with it a few times, like when roland dies in BL2 and you go around telling everyone about it and it's all sad and you're supposed to care for some reason?
Because the game establishes really early on that death means nothing but you still kill people anyways it teaches you not to take the plot too seriously; then it tried to cause emotional response through a character's death and it felt like a waste of time because it stopped being a joke but it was still just as stupid as when it was a joke

Holy fucking shit kek

is this the "outrage" of the day for borderlands, realism? you faggots are done whining about the epic games launcher?

your grievances are getting worse and worse

t.Has no idea what digi-struct technology is capable of.

>Western game

>Japanese game
>hehe these designs are so quirky wow the absolute camp just the absolute camp how the heck do they think this stuff up so creative

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Fuck you. Blue zappy lightning is better than purple goo.

Based and shockpilled



Attached: HsoGN.jpg (682x600, 138K)

Fuck yeah fellow shockbro!
*falls on the floor, convulsing*

Who are you quoting?

>they fixed the retarded spiniguns

Attached: 1500248927444.jpg (430x540, 59K)

I hope they fix the retarded manufacturere stuff from BL2, some of those combinations like Hyperion Sniper or Jakobs Rifle were garbage

>Jakobs still has that retarded wheel mag

Attached: borderlands-3-jakobs-900x506.jpg (900x506, 64K)

Fix Dahl

Attached: 1554867384985.jpg (1587x2052, 2.07M)

Iirc it was Jack saw you as such of a non threat he was more interested in making cash off the newu stations. Roland he wanted gone so he removed him from the system. Honestly they should havr just made the newu run by anshin or something.

If you mean design wise, atlas looks way worse, if you mean abilities I see what you mean, fire selection is lame compared to gun shield

bottom right

Attached: (500x666, 75K)

Incels are really sperging over Borderlands 3, and it's only the release trailer shown so far.

As glad as I am that were getting a bunch of new guns, I'm going to miss Hyperion shotguns, Maliwan SMGs, Torgue shotguns, and Torgue ARs.

Retarded wheel magazine? I hope you're aware that drum (not sure if this is the correct term, not a gun specialist) magazines aren't filled with bullets, they just go around the outer edge. The inner areas in the drum are practically useless, so there's no real reason to not build it shaped like a wheel if you want to prioritize lightweight build over manufacturing costs.

And you have trash tier tastes, so i guess we're even

I'll miss plasma casters and PBFG's.

That's more or less Tediore's gimmick, except they do it one better by making the gun a grenade and just giving you a new gun

But the ar still has the minigun barrel. Or do you mean the placement of it? Either way I liked the vladof pistol minigun

From the looks of it, they already did fix Dahl. Burst fire only when zoomed was fucking retarded.

this is your brain on /pol/, kids

Did they say those won’t be in or are you basing that off of the picture?

>Atlas guns look like Mass effect spaceships
>You put your arm through one of those blood pressure cuffs
>We won't be getting a modern Ogre variant.

Why did Atlas have to be ruined? Keep the beautiful white theme, and make all of their weapons in the BL1 style, just to a modern degree. And boom, unique.

Attached: atlas.png (798x708, 764K)

>Retard reload
Is the gun called OP lmao

Honestly those are my favorite SMG's in the game alongside the Bitch. It's funny how the disc spins around and you have to put it again to reload.

I mean the specific design and feel of those guns from Borderlands 2. Looks like they're just going to make new guns same as they did for Borderlands 2 from Borderlands.

Nice throw

they need to bring back the shotgun style revolvers that 1 had

>a double barreled bullpup (what the fuck is that thing behind the grip if not the mag???) pistol with a knife on it's side
Shitposting: The Gun

Attached: laff.webm (1440x810, 2.84M)

>two elements

I like the ridiculous space toy guns

Attached: 01.jpg (611x482, 44K)

Legitimately kek'd in public

mashers were the tits
there is a legendary pistol in 2 that functioned the same way

>Mfw shock+fire laser beam

Attached: erection fully progressed.gif (500x281, 937K)

whoopdeedoo user, I like putting warmed thin sliced ham on my boob molds when I squeeze them becuase it feels more real but I don't go around telling everyone

Attached: 1552362206998.jpg (449x405, 43K)

yeah but it was just the one, and it was a weaker version iirc

no, it's good


>mfw slag+slag so the slag enables more slag dmg exponentially

Attached: 1550247922424.jpg (623x289, 163K)

>doesn't do anything

Attached: 1478796476086.jpg (599x563, 74K)

>so lets make everyone gay black paraplegic non-conformist gener-fluid otherkin and have guns with no barrels (too phallic) and reload by listing correct pronouns and renouncing the patriarchy
I would unironically play the shit out of that

>it's just a water gun

This thread was about video game guns. Are you okay?

>roland dies all the time in the first game
>roland dies once in the second game
>doesnt respawn
Bet you 5 dollars he fucked off because of how lame his crew got

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The worst part is he didn't have a shield or any armor for some reason. He led the resistance and then showed up to fight Jack in a fucking sweater.

I don't care if they're unrealistic, the guns in borderlands have always looked like dog shit. How can I enjoy the game if my entire arsenal looks fucking STUPID

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New-U stations aren't canon.

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The writers flip and flop around on the canon nature of New-U stations, but it really is inexcusable how it only took one shot to take him out given how much he went through in BL1

Is Torgue going to be like the Needler from Halo? If so that’d make them an top 3 in my book

Attached: 50F7CEE6-29A3-4595-8271-0588B07D28D8.png (1320x960, 1.27M)

>have lore reason for bandits respawning on a planet that should of destroyed its population to the point that being a bandit isnt viable
>have lore reason for making income off pandora with its vault hunting rumors summoning hungry rich and insured hunters who will die again and again
>shitty writer comes in
>lol not canon because i want "tragedy" in my game
shit you could of just made the final mission to kill handsome jack a mission to bankrupt him so he has to fucking leave.

Attached: 1445098931113.jpg (550x412, 66K)

Anons that shit on Tediore are retarded

Attached: tediore.webm (480x270, 1.42M)

eh they're alright, except for Jakobs and "Hyperian"

Do you cry about this shit when japanese games or anime is unrealistic, too? I bet you don't.

>open chest
into the trash it goes!

Attached: 1443294870778.jpg (710x423, 122K)

its okay when japan does it :^)

that's somehow worse

Give them to me, I love Hyperion shottys, and I won't turn down an Invader.

>it's a shotgun

Attached: stranger.jpg (2000x1125, 1.47M)

you seem obsessed

you two will be my trashcans

user, please take the medicine the doctor gave you.

>not incendiary

Attached: 1523941824042.jpg (1920x1080, 1.72M)

>he doesn't love Hyperion SMG's and shotguns
Fix your shit taste.

Take the bottom one. At least it isn't being handicapped by a x1 element.

another trash can. Open your mouth here comes the hyperion choo choo train!

looks like they're coming back according to

And you will be Trash Santa.

Attached: bl1 logo.gif (227x292, 3.16M)

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Get rid of the shitty Camo that has been in every game. It looks tacky and uncreative.

but user nobody replies to the normal conversation threads

can you even remember the last time you went 24 hours without sending yourself into a spastic fit by thinking about THE LIBS?

You can't deny that it fits the theme of Dahl targeting mercenaries with their products.

>You're probably wondering how I can carry around all these massive discs as spare ammo
Literally digistruct, that's how all your equipment is stored, this lore exists in the background of the game. Ammo capacity upgrades are storage space upgrades

>How 2 divot in firefight
Yeah it's a shit design but it's sci fantasy and Maliwan is the ricer shit of manufacturer

How about we complain about matters of substance, like them stealing Borderlands art, or Randy EMBEZZLING money from Sega to use on BL2 and bait and switch in aliens: colonial Marines, or his squirting teenager porn at medieval times, or how all his close friends turn out to be scumbag thieves he has to litigate?

The man and his company are sleeze personified but no let's talk about dumb fantasy gun designs.

Why not just digistruct a fucking life and get over it?

Yeah. Everyone knows only bait threads and ironic threads get replies.

They coulda had an out if they wrote in that Wilhelm's core also hijacked and erased the old vault hunters' data from the new-u in sanctuary.
Too bad it didn't happen.

>not "digistruct a bridge"

Attached: 20190404152259_1.png (298x363, 186K)

This. Dahl should select fire between ss, bf, and full auto. It's the operator operating operationally of manufacturers

>Why not just digistruct a fucking life
user I have some News for U

One-Up is exclusively a game mechanic. Them and quests that mention them are not canon.

Alright kids i'm about to play through all the borderlands games having not played any of them in the past; what character should i play in each game and why?
I want the games to be challenging; not a fan of shit that makes everything overtly easy.

Plot twist Roland is still alive and with lilith are the main villains of 3

Borderlands 2 is skybox kino sometimes

i always assumed maliwan are meant to be the sort of gay impractical scifi bullshit

I got the impression from 2 that they are high society snooty tech corp with an artsy streak.

Looks like a pain in the ass to load.

Yikes man you sound like you're a bit OBSESSED

They're decent enough, but the ammo cost of reloading them early fucks it for me.

I think I'm finally gonna get over my Torgue loyalty if I can maximize dakka with Vladof
>gun with high magazine size and fire rate
>underslung extra barrels
>character that can gunzerk/ dual wield

I doubt we’re getting another Gunzerker, at best I can imagine the Vladof lady named Moze having magazine and fire rate increasing skills

The only character you have to avoid is Salvador, 1 and Pre Sequel are easy regardless of who you play.

the earlier you reload the more damage it does when you throw it

Vladof should have a chance to not consume ammo on every gun.

I get they want to make Atlas stand out more, but they look so fucked. I just wanted nice chromed out guns.

This is nothing new.

Attached: Machine_gun_DP_MON.jpg (641x262, 69K)

yeah, what retard designed such an unrealistic reality? Clearly this would never ever exist.

If you don't want to play the strongest characters, then avoid Maya for BL1, Salvador for BL2 and Nisha for pre-sequel.

Lilith in BL1 user

>smart bullets

Attached: thefifthelement-zf-006.png (1920x800, 333K)

Shit, yeah. Brainfart. When i think of siren i just instantly think of maya for some reason.

>Maliwan is the only company whose guns have a consistent theme now
>They added a gimmick to Jakobs when they were the most basic and reliable weapons in 2
>No racing flags on the Torgue weapons
>Those bandit guns in general

Attached: 1551747347007.png (720x540, 309K)

hahahahahahaha ahahahehea h...he...h...he said pffftahaha aha aaaaahaaha he said heheh he said...fart!!! Bwahahahaha ahahahha a aheeee

Attached: 1410493896174.gif (320x362, 1.99M)

>chromed out guns.

I like the new Atlas, the older one looked boring as fuck for a weapon that's supposed to be peak tech.

Just avoid salvador
He's easy mode
The "good" characters in other games are good because they scale better but you still have to actually put thought into your build/gear

Half my ass. It IS a Destiny gun. Fusion Rifle TBP

God I love Tediore and I love how it does base explosion damage + all the damage from the remaining bullets combined. Makes throwing large magazine full SMGs very powerful.

If Borderlands was called Jak & Daxter 5 I'd been into it from the start and crazy to tell everyone about it. I'm telling you
Long ears and magic
Instead of the Roid Flood-wannabes we would have Ogres and Ice Giants.


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I'm saying it now: these could be some unique or legendaries. Because of how much details they have, I don't see them spawning with any other manufacturers parts, save maybe for the scope.

Dude, the firerate and accuracy on a fucking shotgung garantee so many critical hits just firing from the hip. Have you ever got the Heartbreaker?

I hope BL3 isn't as grindy as BL2. It was so frustrating having all these amazing weapons, and no way to get them except for grinding. I'm not asking for legendaries and such to be given freely after every fight, just a little more often.

I know why Lilith and Roland were doing some fuck shit
but why do people say Moxxi was also evil in soem form? can I get a rundown on all 3 if possible?

mods fix this in BL2 but I also hope they go back to something more similar to BL1 drop rates for BL3

Fuck I want to play as a nomad.

niggers fuck my anus raw

Name a way his skill would work without just ripping on Athena's shield

good for you user

ok burch

>should of
>could of


>aesthetically pleasing
If I wanted to look at art I'd do that instead of playing a video game

i killed bosses in one hit because i threw a full magazine at it
fun as fuck

Does Tediore reloading scale with grenade bonus damage from skills and ranks?