Looking a bit too much like Automata, but seems interesting nonetheless
Looking a bit too much like Automata, but seems interesting nonetheless
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Project: Cheeks.
>worst korea
it's shit.
Nice ass.
Automata appealed to the lowest form of consumer, so they're smart for doing that with new (and better) waifu you retard.
>nier invented androids and post apocalyptic setting
Oh right, of course
name ONE(1) good game made by korea
>this game that pandered to waifufags was shit because it pandered to waifufags
>this other game that panders to waifufags is amazing because it panders to my kind of waifu
Degenerate weebs should be gassed
I absolute hate mobiletrash and mobileshit companies, but everything is forgiven if they use the money to make actual single player focused videogames. Especially if they feature anime girls.
Degenrates who post on website they shouldn't be in should be gassed.
>South Korea
>Makes SINGLE PLAYER games
Does not compute
I liked Blade and Soul.
stopped reading there, trash guaranteed
The game so good that everybody ripped it off
and did it better.
The synopsis in the description is literally what Automata had though, almost word for word
Dungeon Fighter Online
All the actual gameplay decisions and design were made by an American though, he just hired an army of Korean codemonkeys to do the boring shit
>pubg was made by korea
are you just pretending to be retarded?
shit game either way
>Bluehole, Inc.[a] (known as Bluehole Studio, Inc.[b] until 22 April 2015) is a South Korean video game developer
>PUBG Corporation, formerly Ginno Games, is an internal studio of Bluehole's that developed PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG).
Seems liuke you're the retard, retard
>hair physics flipping out in a curated cutscene
Confirmed shit
Mobile game?
>All the actual gameplay decisions and design were made by an American though
By watching a Japanese movie.
Then, when he realised in efforts to keep it less blatant, he fucked something up, he had to rewatch it again and add the shrinking deadzone as well.
>seems interesting nonetheless
that's where you're wrong
Nah, just mobile game devs.
That water looks like shit
That skull structure is fucking abysmal
pubg was entirely developed by brendan as an arma mod, just after it became popular he sold out and gave the rights to the koreans to make all the other crappy standalone versions
Kek, I love how I can tell its from Korea just from OP screenshot alone.
>gooks read on wikipedia that wide eyes are a sign of beauty
Eye Width Slider ----------------------------------|
aren't koreans basically already androids since they're soulless plastic husks that don't eat normal people food
Didn't say it was a good game retart, but at least the waifu is better
any truers in chat
Has Korea made any single player games?
They always use the same platic faces with alien proportions. They take the cute japanese anime style and just exagerate over it.
I should pick this game up again. I haven't played since the steam release.
It looks on the same level of quality of a studiofow video, which is to say, none at all.
Why do Koreans only make MMOs?
insect hivemind mentality
It's on unreal so that's expected. Not to say you can't make a nice looking game on it though.
>mobile game devs
That's all i need to know *put away wallet*
2b and a2 are way prettier, wtf korea
I can't speak about the proportions, but your second part is spot on.
It's like their art lesson was done by copying the japanese anime style instead of those cliche sketching statue of david, and then their renaissance is composed by overdesigning / exaggerating what they learned.
damn it unreal engine, they make it too easy to just slap effects on a scene so all the graphics bait dev just add way too much specular everywhere and other lighting effects and it just always looks like that 'indie dev who thinks his graphics are good' unreal game
see this fine example that i attached is completely dull in comparison but so much better
better game by shift up by the way, more PLOT and BACKSTORY
miss me with this mobile game looking shit
Ragnarok Online.
Check and fucking mate.
Your favorite game doesn't look as good.
>when even Mexico makes better games than you
kys gooks
Which game?
you saying you prefer this?
>ree why is an artist having his own style
Why is Yea Forums always like this. And then the same brainlets complain about samefaces or worse, that "anime all rook the same"
Same for UE4 getting so much trash and everytimes some of you utter fags can't name a better 3rd party engine, can't show better looking games, and proven wrong every single times someone use the "but it's an FPS engine!!" argument
Kill yourselves
Oh and I'm not saying that I think the character design is better than Nier Automatic, I don't think it is, but that's besides the fucking point.
why are you getting so angry
i personally love the unreal engine and have always preferred over other shit like unity or crytek
so we are talking specifically about the graphics then? because your previous post was talking about art style and anime or some shit
im saying indie devs who use the unreal engine usually overdo the lighting effects and end up making things look super flashy, lens flares, too much specular and fake hdr effects look horrible to me
What's the point of making a Nier clone if you don't have the autist emperor Yoko Taro himself on board?
Now you metion Unreal, this game probably come to Switch later if sales going well
Because Korea, despite always claiming Japan stole their culture, can't help to steal their ideas since they are creatively bankrupt.
>ass physics
please stop being a fuckwit, k thanks
I'm all for Automata copycats, do I'm okay with it.
great butt physics.
good to know some developers still know what is the most important aspect of a gameplay