It will be Game of the Generation

It will be Game of the Generation

Attached: cyberpunk_2077_wallpaper_1149406.jpg (640x360, 33K)

>Cyberpunk will be GoG exclusive
That will be fucking epic.

Attached: 63367373737.png (660x350, 106K)

But sun

Honestly it will probably be the Skyrim of the 2020s.

Will a 980 + 4690k be able to run it? I'm worried because my machine could barely run Deus Ex Mankind Divided

Attached: 1434719842432.jpg (557x595, 154K)

Pavel from CDPR here. Upgrade your computer poorfag lmao

In 2077 they voted my board the worst place to be on the Internet.
Main issues? Skyhigh rate of shitposting and more underage fags then anywhere else.
I can't deny it, it's all true. But everybody still wants to be here.
Yea Forums always has a promise to you, may be bait, a pasta, but it's there, in the next thread, and it keeps you posting.
It's a board of newfags, and I'm big faggot.

BASED Pavel from CDPR!

Dude Sex was horribly optimised. Even a 1080p couldn't maintain a stable 60fps max out, so don't use it as a benchmark.

Cyberpunk needs to run on a base PS4, your rig should be fine to run the game at decent settings

It's shit confirmed

Doubt it. CDPR's tech and talent is already 2 decades ahead of Bethesda.

It will definitely be an early PS5 title at this point.

>barely run
Da fuq? Were you playing 4k or something? Your rig should handle it no sweat. Don't chase after more than 1080p/60 fps, or if you do, settle for highres, OR high framerate(>=120). You're just going to be paying "early adopter" fees otherwise; midrange hardware just isn't there yet.

If nothing else, is your pc malware-free?

No first person game has ever been game of the gen.

>what is doom?

I mean in the sense that it will be standard of RPGs in the 2020s, like Skyrim was in the 2010s.

It's not a generic cinematic tpp cover shooter, fat chance

A great game, but not game of the gen.

I thought they confirmed it was for PS4 already. I doubt they got PS5 specs already

Nah it runs fine, but just not 60fps on ultra. It actually runs like shit on Ultra, I have to play on very High. Pic related

>what is Deus Ex
>what is System Shock 2
>what is Half Life 2

Confirmed on current gen consoles and apparently it's releasing in 2019.

Forgot pic

Attached: 222.png (702x860, 67K)

None of those are game of the gen or even close really.

What is your metric?

Deys Ex is horribly optimised

will it have Ciri cameo?

Probably, but only like a 2 second appearance from behind. Youtubers will still freak out over it and make plenty of clickbait videos.

but thats pic related

Attached: w3.jpg (600x250, 31K)

It will be a generic shooter with cyberpunk paint

t. never played witcher

He's just a console pleb who thinks Ocarina of Time was peak 90s gaming.

I expect it to get the same reaction Anthem got as it's just as much a wish fulfilment checklist as Anthem. Why other games pull up to the fanservice trough for their ideas?

Attached: ciri cyberpunk.png (1108x1483, 1.29M)

Nah, Baldur's gate blows the games he listed out of the water for example. Story driven FPS is a trash genre.
Whether I liked it or not.

why? why not just want to be a great game that you really enjoy?

>>Cyberpunk will be GoG exclusive
>Install GoG galaxy
>install games through them
>play the games I installed through it

Wow, that was so difficult, I mean I'm lucky I haven't been extradited to the UK as a dangerous computer security hacker by now!

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