Gamer Laptop

Gamer Laptop
>comes prebuilt with optimized specs for playing the latest games
>portable; can take it anywhere
>don't have to deal with a shit ton of other accessories and cables(speakers, keyboard, mouse etc)
>perfectly silent

Gamer Pc
>if pre-built then it WILL have shit specs because most people don't know any better and retailers can get away with slapping together a bunch of mediocre parts and ripping people off
>if you decide to build your own, then good luck if you're a poorfag
>have to buy mouse, keyboard, monitor, speakers and all the other components of the computer itself
>can't carry it anywhere;gayming on the go is impossible
>makes loud noises

Convice me WHY exactly why I should toss my gamer laptop when it is superior in every way...?
Its not 2005 anymore, so you can't use the excuse its technologically inferior. Laptops are as strong as desktops now.

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A deal's a deal, user.

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>if you decide to build your own, then good luck if you're a poorfag
Gamer laptops cost much more money than building a desktop.
You haven't thought this through, have you?

>Gamer Laptop
>perfectly silent

>Laptops are as strong as desktops now.

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This has to be bait.

A decent desktop will net you around 800-1k$.

Now add on the price of a set of speakers, mouse, keyboard and a monitor thats roughly 1200 dollary doos even if you try to skimp out and buy cheapo accessories.

If cost is an issue, you shouldn't be buying anything.

>unironically using a ""gaymur"" laptop
Fucking yikes and cringepilled user

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Thinkpads are for autistic manchildren who want to be different from everyone else.

They're closer than ever since the mobile 10 series are no longer severely gimped versions of desktop GPUs like older generations.

Think long term, youcan exchange single parts over the next 10 years and save a shitton of money. How often do you need a new monitor or speakers?

Right, and macbooks are for responsible adults?

What dyou want to be told exactly? Shit, move to a place theyre cheaper or something. Good PCs dont cost anywhere near that much in the UK.

Thinkpad makes gaming laptops now.

>electronics are expenisve
>lol just move!
You're a genius.

Got an X220 for $200 4 years ago and I still use it daily. It just werks.
SSD + 8gb RAM + dock and the only thing keeping it from being on par with my desktop as far as work shit is concerned is a dated CPU, but it does the job.

>>don't have to deal with a shit ton of other accessories and cables(speakers, keyboard, mouse etc)
Yeah, good luck playing games with the laptop touchpad.

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It's only worth it if youve got a huge excess of money to spend on the highest tier laptops.

I think 1060 laptops are alright. Provided it doesn't come with a 4K screen or something.

>Gamer Laptop
>Gamer Pc
>Gamer anything
Enjoy your inflated price tag, useless LEDs and an utter eyesore of a case design. To add onto that, laptops cost even more so you end up paying at least twice the price of a desktop equivalent.
"Gaming on the go" is a meme and only really applies to anyone that takes excessively long trips, usually for business. Seeing as you have the time to post on here you probably don't fit that niche.

Real talk, where would I want to take a gaming laptop?

One of the biggest issues with PC gaming is heat management, since heat is the enemy of the longevity of all of your hardware. The problem with laptops is that heat is always going to be an issue due to space inside the laptop case. Less space for ventilation (intake and exhaust), less space for more powerful fans, and simply less space for the heat to dissipate to before it is vented. Second issue is replacing parts. Laptops are a bitch and a half to try and upgrade hardware on. It is much easier and cheaper to replace a desktop on part at a time to keep it current, whereas you'd really have to just buy a new gaming laptop when you need to upgrade.

You don't understand. The only good thing about gaymen laptop are the specs, which don't really matter that much if the laptop can't keep with cooling.
Keyboards have huge latency and ghosting.
The screen also has huge latency.
Never trust the advertisement, maybe they have a good cpu/gpu, but everything else is dogshit.

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>bought a big ass case a decade ago
>just been replacing parts since then
>lots of room for parts, 2 intake fans, and 2 exhaust fans

i do want to upgrade it sometime this year though, still using an i5 and 1070. its starting to get into the mid 70's celsius range when playing more recent games, so its time to upgrade everything.

To the library so you can use their free highspeed wifi when your internet goes out.

I used to, but now that I have a different job, I don't travel as much.

They usually don't have good components though.
A "GTX 1080m" is more likely to be a gimped 1070 GPU that's been underclocked to reduce heat generation and has worse performance than a 1060.
Let's not forget that the atrocious cooling ability of laptops (unfortunately a necessity because of the restricted space reducing airflow) means huge and noisy fans that drain even more power trying to shift the air required to keep things from melting.

Yes, i forgot about that too.
My laptop has a i7-4700 which even after fresh paste replacement hits thermal throttling, there's nothing you can do about it, you can never use its full potential. I had to change paste every year also. My 760m didn't overheat at least (weird because its still the same one cooling metal element as with cpu).
When i got a pc, the difference was huge, the latency on laptop kb and monitor really is horrible.

it's nice to be able to play the game everywhere albeit you need to have it always plugged somewhere.
there is this cafe near my place, it never full of people and always has empty seats so I can just order some coffee and play video games all I want.
some chick noticed some obscure game I played and since then we've been together ever since.
I bet deskop gamers who refuse to leave their nest ever gonna understand this feeling

Bros, please rate my build. This is my first one ever. I don't got a case because I'm still looking

>heat management problems due to cramped formfactor
>huge, bulky, and heavy
>shit battery life
>bitch and a half to maintain
>more expensive than a custom built tower with similar specs
don't fool yourself, you're not going to be bringing that laptop anywhere other than your desk or your bed
>Now add on the price of a set of speakers, mouse
you have to buy those for a gayming laptop too, unless if you're ok with playing games with a trackpad and listening to music through shitty little built in speakers

Correct. Glad you figured it out.

looks nice
i'd recommend a little 240gb ssd for operating system and small games

>those prices
God, i wish i lived in America.
The build seems cool, i have Ryzen 1600, Seasonic PSU, Corsair Vengeance RAM and never had any issues with them.
You might want a SSD tho, windows is a slow motherfucker on HHD (looking at you, my "gaming" laptop).
For a case I have NZXT one, that black one with a window. 2 stock fans keep it really cool, you can mount 2 more, and the case looks wonderful.

>It's only worth it if youve got a huge excess of money to spend on the highest tier laptops.

Where did anyone say that user? Are you projecting that you would feel like a man if you had a MacBook? This thread is about gaming laptops.

I don't give a shit about any of those other points, but I bought a Lenovo Legion laptop because I want to bring it with me to places. It works, it runs all the games I need perfectly. I don't like the idea of having to huddle down at a desk just to play a PC game.

>I don't like the idea of having to huddle down at a desk just to play a PC game.
i legitimately do not comprehend this mindset
where the fuck else do you people play PC games? your bed? your couch?

I play games on my t420. I was even able to remove the dvd drive for a hard drive bay and replaced the original drive with a ssd. Threw a i7 in there because lol this thing is socketed and it has some shitty nvidia nvs 4200 video card that lets me play swgemu at 60fps and source games at 60 aswell. best 120 I've ever spent.

>Gaming PC
>makes loud noises
There's been a couple of times when I thought my PC was turned off when it actually wasn't (left it running for big downloads during work). Practically dead silent.

>A decent desktop will net you around 800-1k$.
Better than paying 2-3k for a decent gaming laptop.

The GPUs are more or less the same now. Still the inferior heat management of laptops means it'll boost for less and shorter.

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Yeah, my bed. I play games on the TV sometimes in my living room. I don't like the idea of being in a dark room staring at a computer screen for hours. I like to play games with my little brother, so we connect the laptop to the TV and play on that.
Plus we have shit internet and I often have to bring the laptop to a friend's house to download most games.

>Yeah, my bed.
so instead of hunching over a desk you're hunching over your laptop
>I don't like the idea of being in a dark room
turn on the lights
>staring at a computer screen for hours.
why are you playing videogames if you dont like staring at a screen for hours?
>so we connect the laptop to the TV and play on that.
desktops are pretty easy to move around

Yes, but monitors that are big enough to comfortably look at while playing together aren't worth finding when I can just move the laptop to a big laptop.
Having my PC games available where I want them instead of having to go to a desk to play them is much more convenient. Plus, I still need a computer to do my work and schooling on. Should I just buy a gaming PC and a laptop for personal shit? Why wouldn't I just knock out two birds with one stone, for way less money? I got this laptop for $650 and it runs everything I want perfectly.

I love my desktop, but I'm on a situation where I'll have to move between homes that makes me wish I had gotten a laptop, now I'll be able to PC gayme just 2 days a week.

>whips out dick
Okay, you wanna do this now?

>Gamer Laptop
>comes prebuilt with optimized specs for playing the latest games
Plenty of shitty laptops with epic specs to bait retards, just to fuck them over with horrible cooling that overheats and throttles.

>but monitors that are big enough to comfortably look at while playing together aren't worth finding when I can just move the laptop to a big laptop.
this is one of the most retarded sentences i've ever read
i'm telling you that occasionally moving your desktop to the living room for the purpose of playing pc games on a tv is a preferable alternative to spending over a thousand dollars on an underpowered meme machine

>have gaming laptop
>keep it home anyways because fuck risking it being stolen
>all the parts are built in so you can't modify it or just replace old parts
>expensive as hell unless you buy a mediocre 4GB one that can't even run TF2 properly
>much harder to find someone who knows how to fix it if it breaks.
Fuck that noise.

They're as strong as casual desktops
Any gaming laptop will run the latest games in 60fps HD
They're not as strong as desktops because higher end desktops are now playing things at 90+fps and at resolutions over HD

I didn't though. Read the fucking post. I spent $650 on this, because I'm not a retard and I can find deals online.

>much harder to find someone who knows how to fix it if it breaks.
laptops aren't that difficult to repair

Let me end this debate.

>I spent $650 on this, because I'm not a retard and I can find deals online.
out of curiosity, what are your specs?

>perfectly silent

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Sure, but everything being cramped inside makes it easy to fuck something up. At least with desktops you have plenty of room to mess around.

im using a gtx 1070 laptop rn. Its really not silent. Though it runs everything perfectly so far. But it was way more expensive than a desktop with the same specs would be

8 GB ram, Intel i7-8750H CPU, GTX 1060.
It's not the best when compared to high-end PCs but I can run every game I have on Ultra settings, so it's more than enough for me.